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Despite their high abundance and wide distribution, little is known about the historical or current growth and age structure of coastal bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Between 1986 and 2003, teeth were collected from bottlenose dolphins stranded on the mainland coast of Mississippi and the adjacent barrier islands. Bottlenose dolphin strandings occurred year round, peaking in March and April. Neonate strandings also peaked during these 2 mo. Age estimates were obtained from 111 animals by reading the growth layer groups in the dentine layer of the teeth. The ages ranged from <1 yr to 30 yr of age. The two-stage Laird–Gompertz growth model was fitted to the total length and age data. On the basis of this model, the asymptotic lengths were estimated at 250 cm for females and 255 cm for males. The length at birth estimates were 98–103 cm for females and 100–107 cm for males. These lengths are similar to those of bottlenose dolphin populations from other Gulf of Mexico areas and from the North Atlantic Ocean along the southeastern United States.  相似文献   

1. The chief objectives were to analyse and model experimental data for maximum growth and food consumption of Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar) collected from a cold glacier fed river in western Norway. The growth and feeding models were also applied to groups of Atlantic salmon growing and feeding at rates below the maximum. The growth models were validated by comparing their predictions with observed growth in the river supplying the experimental fish.
2. Two different models were fitted, one originally developed for British salmon and the other based on a model for bacterial growth. Both gave estimates for optimum temperature for growth at 18–19 °C, somewhat higher than for Atlantic salmon from Britain. Higher optimal temperature for growth in salmon from a cold Norwegian river than from British rivers does not concur with predictions from the thermal adaptation hypothesis.
3. Model parameter estimates differed among growth groups in that the lower critical temperature for growth increased from fast to slow growing individuals. In contrast to findings for brown trout (Salmo trutta), the optimum temperature for growth did not decrease with decreasing levels of food consumption.
4. A new and simple model showed that food consumption (expressed in energy terms) peaked at 19.5–19.8 °C, which is similar to the optimal temperature for growth. Feeding began at a temperature 1.5 °C below the lower temperature for growth and ended about 1 °C above the maximum temperature for growth. Model parameter estimates for consumption differed among growth groups in a manner similar to the growth models. Maximum consumption was lower for Atlantic salmon than for brown trout, except at temperatures above 18 °C.
5. By combining the growth and food consumption models, growth efficiency was estimated and reached a maximum at about 14 °C for fast growing individuals, increasing to nearly 17 °C for slow growing ones, although it was lower overall for the latter group. Efficiency also declined with increasing fish size. Growth efficiency was generally higher for Atlantic salmon than for brown trout, particularly at high temperature.  相似文献   

The smooth hammerhead Sphyrna zygaena (Sphyrnidae) is a pelagic shark occasionally caught as bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries, but is one of the least studied of all pelagic sharks. Age and growth of S. zygaena was studied along a wide Atlantic region covering both the northern and southern hemispheres. Data from 304 specimens, caught between October 2009 and September 2014, ranging in size from 126 to 253?cm fork length (FL), were analysed. Growth models were fitted using the three-parameter von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) re-parameterized to calculate L0 (size at birth). Growth models were fitted to the sample data and data from several back-calculation models. The model fit to the quadratic modified Dahl-Lea back-calculated data seems to be the most appropriate to describe growth in this species, with resulting growth parameters of Linf?=?285?cm FL, k?=?0.09 year?1 for males and Linf?=?293?cm FL, k?=?0.09 year?1 for females. Compared with other species of the same genus, estimated growth coefficients for S. zygaena seem to fall in the low to middle range. Although further work is still needed, this study adds to knowledge of the vital life-history parameters of smooth hammerheads in the Atlantic Ocean, which can be used in the management and conservation of this species.  相似文献   

The ability to accurately estimate the age of fishes is critical for conducting stock assessments and developing fishery management policies. Scales were collected from albacore, Thunnus alalunga, caught in the Mediterranean Sea during the years 1989–1995 to estimate their age and growth. Ages, which ranged from 1+ to 6+ years, were estimated from the interpretation of the concentric rings on the scales of 473 individuals that ranged in fork length from 55.5 to 89 cm. Males reached a greater size and age than females. The relatively close agreement in the mean lengths at ages estimated by scales and other techniques constituted a preliminary verification of the method. The von Bertalanffy growth model was fitted to mean lengths at estimated ages, resulting in the following growth parameters for the combined sexes: L = 86 cm, K = 0.4, to = ?0.8 years. Parameter estimates were in agreement with what is known about life history of the species in the Mediterranean. Moreover, the growth rates were consistent with length increment observations from five tag returns, which lend support to our working hypothesis that the scale‐rings are annual structures. When the Mediterranean albacore growth parameters were compared with those of Atlantic Ocean albacore using scale age estimates, there were significant differences between the two populations, and Mediterranean albacore remain significantly smaller than Atlantic Ocean albacore.  相似文献   

Strandings of previously identified individuals, while rare, provide an opportunity to examine age-length relationships in humpback whales (Megaptera novacangliae) from the North Atlantic. Ages and lengths of 23 individuals are presented: 11 females and 12 males, 9 of known age and 14 with estimated minimum ages. Lengths ranged from 853 to 1, 430 cm, ages 0.5–17 yr. These individuals were generally smaller and more variable in size at age than reported from commercial catches. Fifteen of the stranded individuals were four years of age or younger, while few of the animals taken by whalers were this young, and these probably represented the larger individuals in these age categories. Thus the data presented herein help to give more definition to the early growth curve for the humpback whale than has previously been available. Growth equations illustrate a difference of about one meter in asymptotic length through age five between stranding and catch data. The close fit of growth models to data from younger and older animals separately and the difficulty of fitting a single growth model to animals of all ages, could indicate that a dynamic or staged growth pattern exists in this species.  相似文献   

This study provides the first published age estimates for the roughtail skate, Bathyraja trachura. Age and growth characteristics of B. trachura, a poorly-known deepwater species, were determined from samples collected along the continental slope of the contiguous western United States. A new maximum size was established at 91.0 cm TL. Age was determined using a traditional structure (vertebral thin sections) with widespread application on multiple skate species and a non-lethal structure (caudal thorns) recently used for age analysis on skate species. Caudal thorns were determined not to be a useful ageing structure for this species based on poor precision and significantly lower age estimates when compared to age estimates from vertebral thin sections. The best model for describing growth of B. trachura was the two parameter VBGF, assuming annual vertebral band deposition and using length-at-age data. Although females grew slower and reached a larger maximum size than males, their growth was not statistically different (ARSS; P = 0.90); therefore, data were pooled (L = 99.38, k = 0.09). Annual band deposition was found to be a reasonable assumption for this species, but has yet to be validated. The maximum age estimated for B. trachura was 20 years for males and 17 years for females using vertebral thin sections.  相似文献   

To date, a disparate array of concepts and methods have been used to study the growth of jellyfish, with the result that few generalities have emerged which could help, e.g., in predicting growth patterns in unstudied species. It is shown that this situation can be overcome by length-frequency analysis (LFA), applied to jellyfish bell diameter (i.e., “length”) frequency data. A selection of LFA methods (ELEFAN, Wetherall plots and length-converted catch curves, all implemented in the FiSAT software) is applied here to 34 sets of bell diameter frequency data of jellyfish. This led to the estimates of parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF), which, especially in its seasonal form, was found to fit the available size-frequency data reasonably well. We also obtained numerous estimates of mortality, useful for modeling the life history of jellyfish. Finally, by scaling their asymptotic weight (W , a parameter of the VBGF) to the weight they would have if they had the same water content as fish, we show that most jellyfish grow at the same rate as small fishes (guppies and anchovies). As in fish, the VBGF parameters K and W , when plotted in a double logarithmic (“auximetric”) plot, tend to cluster into ellipsoid shapes, which increase in area when shifting from species to genera, families, etc. If validated by subsequent studies, auximetric plots for jellyfish would provide a powerful tool for testing comparative hypotheses on jellyfish life history. Guest editors: K. A. Pitt & J. E. Purcell Jellyfish Blooms: Causes, Consequences, and Recent Advances  相似文献   

Age and growth of Mediterranean albacore   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Estimated ages of 1136 individual albacore Thunnus alalunga (57–92 cm L F) from the Aegean and Ionian Sea ranged from 1+ to 9 years. Males grew faster and reached a greater size and age than females. No significant differences were found in the mean lengths at estimated ages between the two sampling areas. The von Bertalanffy growth model was fitted to mean lengths of estimated ages of individual fish and estimated growth parameters for the combined sexes were: L =94·7 cm, K =0·258, to=–1·354 years. Significant differences were found when the Mediterranean albacore growth parameters were compared with those determined for Atlantic Ocean albacore. It is not possible to determine if the differences in growth rates for the two populations are phenotypic or genotypic at the present time.  相似文献   

For the 6 years for which detailed data are readily available, estimates of the survival of emergent fry of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., to the first and second autumns at a site on the Shelligan Burn are consistent with the dome-shaped Ricker model with about 11 emergent fry m−2 maximizing recruitment. The data are not satisfactorily fitted by the asymptotic Beverton and Holt model. A possible mechanism, which results from the observed inversely density-dependent growth, is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

The Gompertz function is the most commonly used growth function for cetacean studies. However, this function cannot represent multiple phases of growth. In this study, we present a Bayesian framework fitting parameters of a triple-logistic growth function to describe multiple phases of growth for bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ), simultaneously fitting and comparing all growth parameters between South Carolina (SC), Mississippi Sound (MSS), and Indian River Lagoon (IRL) cohorts. The fitted functions indicated a preliminary early, rapid growth phase, followed by a second phase of slower growth, and then a moderate growth spurt later in life. Growth parameters between geographic cohorts did not show obvious differences, although asymptotic length for SC dolphins was lower than MSS and IRL dolphins and significantly lower between females from SC and the IRL. Growth rate velocities between the sexes showed females exceed males initially (<1 yr), followed by males gaining an advantage around the ages of 3–4 yr until the age of around 15 yr when growth rates for both sexes approached zero (asymptotic length). This study demonstrates age-related changes in growth rates between bottlenose dolphin sexes and evidence of at least some differences ( i.e. , asymptotic length) across geographic cohorts.  相似文献   

This study assesses spatiotemporal and sex-specific growth of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in Icelandic waters. We use a Bayesian approach which lends itself to fitting and comparing nested models such as these. We then compare fitted parameters of these models to potential explanatory variables using a redundancy analysis (RDA) to look for drivers of growth in G. morhua. Results indicate that models that incorporate differences in growth among time, space and sex are the best-fitting models according to deviance information criterion (DIC). Results from RDA indicate that capelin Mallotus villosus recruitment and biomass is highly correlated with deviations in the von Bertalannfy growth parameter k and that L is correlated with G. morhua landings in the model that uses year to account for time-varying growth and estimated G. morhua recruitment in the model that uses cohort to account for time-varying growth.  相似文献   

Modeling plant growth using functional traits is important for understanding the mechanisms that underpin growth and for predicting new situations. We use three data sets on plant height over time and two validation methods—in‐sample model fit and leave‐one‐species‐out cross‐validation—to evaluate non‐linear growth model predictive performance based on functional traits. In‐sample measures of model fit differed substantially from out‐of‐sample model predictive performance; the best fitting models were rarely the best predictive models. Careful selection of predictor variables reduced the bias in parameter estimates, and there was no single best model across our three data sets. Testing and comparing multiple model forms is important. We developed an R package with a formula interface for straightforward fitting and validation of hierarchical, non‐linear growth models. Our intent is to encourage thorough testing of multiple growth model forms and an increased emphasis on assessing model fit relative to a model's purpose.  相似文献   

A high growth rate for Arcto-Norwegian cod, Gadus morhua, in the Barents Sea and adjacent areas from the larva period to the 0-group enhances survival and ultimately recruitment to the fishery. However, it appeared that high growth rates for a cohort through the 0-group were not continued as the cohort ages. Based on survey data, there was a significant negative correlation between the average length at the 0-group and its average length at ages 2 through 8. We provided evidence suggesting that this phenomenon was caused by the inter-annual variability in inflow of warm, prey-rich Atlantic water into the Barents Sea from the Norwegian Sea. Enhanced inflow provided favorable conditions for cod growth during the larva and juvenile pelagic intervals. However, this same strong inflow carried a proportion of the cohort farther to the east in the Barents Sea, where the bottom water is colder than in the west. The colder conditions experienced by such cohorts, as compared to cohorts that have a more westerly settlement, led to slower growth prior to age 2. Slow growth during this interval appeared to be the reason for these cohorts' relatively smaller mean length at older ages.  相似文献   

Atlantic brant (Branta bernicla hrota) are important game birds in the Atlantic Flyway and several long-term monitoring data sets could assist with harvest management, including a count-based survey and demographic data. Considering their relative strengths and weaknesses, integrated analysis to these data would likely improve harvest management, but tools for integration have not yet been developed. Managers currently use an aerial count survey on the wintering grounds, the mid-winter survey, to set harvest regulations. We developed an integrated population model (IPM) for Atlantic brant that uses multiple data sources to simultaneously estimate population abundance, survival, and productivity. The IPM abundance estimates for data from 1975–2018 were less variable than annual mid-winter survey counts or Lincoln estimates, presumably reflecting better accounting for observer error and incorporation of demographic estimates by the IPM. Posterior estimates of adult survival were high (0.77–0.87), and harvest rates of adults and juveniles were positively correlated with more liberal hunting regulations (i.e., hunting days and the daily bag limit). Productivity was variable, with the percent of juveniles in the winter population ranging from 1% to >40%. We found no evidence for environmental relationships with productivity. Using IPM-predicted population abundances rather than mid-winter survey counts alone would have meant fewer annual changes to hunting regulations since 2004. Use of the IPM could improve harvest management for Atlantic brant by providing the ability to predict abundance before annual hunting regulations are set, and by providing more stable hunting regulations, with fewer annual changes. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Predicting leatherjacket population frequencies in Northern Ireland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Annual surveys of leatherjacket (Tipula spp. larvae) were made in Northern Ireland to provide warning of the likelihood of damage to spring sown cereals after grass. A climate-based multiple regression model was developed to estimate mean annual populations. Ades distributions were fitted to the annual data of leatherjacket counts to provide common estimates of parameters r and r. These values were then held constant to provide yearly estimates of A, the third parameter. The relationship between A and the sample mean was established so that a frequency distribution could be generated for any estimated mean population density. The ability of these models to predict leatherjacket frequency distributions was validated by using weather data for 1985–1988 to predict the number of fields with populations in excess of thresholds of 0.5,0.75 and 1 times 105ha-1. It is concluded that the predictions were of sufficient accuracy to substitute for the annual leatherjacket survey.  相似文献   

Cheng YW  Kuk AY 《Biometrics》2002,58(2):459-462
We propose a method for fitting growth curves to multiple recapture data of lobsters when the age at first capture is unknown. The von Bertalanffy growth curve is used to model the growth. To account for individual variability, the unknown age in logarithmic scale of a lobster at first capture, the individual asymptotic size, and the individual growth coefficient of its carapace length are modeled as random effects with a trivariate normal distribution. Unlike previously suggested models, the present model permits correlation between the growth coefficient and the age at first capture and can be fitted readily using existing software. The error structures between consecutive recaptures of a lobster are assumed to be a first-order autoregressive process with unequally spaced time points. A comparison between this model and the Fabens growth equation is given. The proposed method is a flexible method and can be applied to fit different growth equations when the age at first capture is unknown.  相似文献   

Two sets of von Bertalanffy growth parameter (VBGP) estimates are provided for several Mediterranean fish stocks. All estimates are based on the non‐linear least square regression and accompanied by uncertainty measures (i.e. standard errors). The first set consists of growth parameters estimated from 73 published length‐at‐age data with no previous VBGP estimations; in this case, fitting was possible for 30 length‐at‐age sets, corresponding to 22 species, two estimates of which (Mycteroperca rubra and Myctophum punctatum) are the first for the Mediterranean. The second set refers to the re‐estimation of VBGPs from 69 published length‐at‐age data with available original VBGP estimates derived from linear methods (i.e. Ford‐Walford, von Bertalanffy and Gulland‐Holt plots); in this case, fitting was possible for 50 sets. Overall VBGP estimation was not possible for 43 and 19 cases for the first and second sets, respectively. This was because either (a) <4 mean length‐at‐age data were available, or (b) fitting was not possible because of an exponential or a very slow linear increase of length with age, or (c) estimates were unrealistic (i.e. Lmax/L∞ < 0.7) mainly because of unrealistic length‐at‐ages and/or insufficient sampling of older individuals. These estimations and re‐estimations enrich the available data on growth parameters of Mediterranean fishes, both in terms of quantity and quality of information.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic factors that negatively impact reef fishes can include changes in life-history patterns of fisheries-targeted species. Understanding these impacts on growth and population age structure is essential in the management of exploited populations of fishes. This is the first study to directly compare age and growth for a major fisheries species between east and west populations of a transatlantic reef fish. The main goal of this study was to document age and growth in grey triggerfish Balistes capriscus from coastal waters of Ghana in the Gulf of Guinea (GOG) and compare those with the previous growth studies from that region and with the western Atlantic population. A secondary objective of this study was to evaluate the use of otoliths to age triggerfish and to provide a preliminary comparison with spine-derived age estimates. The results obtained from this study provided an updated understanding of the growth and age structure of the eastern B. capriscus population in GOG. The authors documented that shifts in population attributes occurred for B. capriscus after its major decline in abundance. The differences in physical and biotic characteristics of the East and West Atlantic regions and the differences in collection methods of samples make direct comparisons of growth parameters difficult. Nonetheless, overall differences in maximum sizes and ages were apparent; the western Atlantic population had a larger maximum size and older maximum age. The authors also documented that sagittal otoliths can be used to provide age estimates for triggerfish species, and otoliths as an ageing structure had better between-reader precision compared to dorsal spines.  相似文献   

A combination of a dynamic energy budget (DEB) model, field data on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta and laboratory data on Atlantic salmon was used to assess the underlying assumptions of three different metrics of growth including specific growth rate (G), standardized mass‐specific growth rate (GS) and absolute growth rate in length (GL) in salmonids. Close agreement was found between predictions of the DEB model and the assumptions of linear growth in length and parabolic growth in mass. Field data comparing spring growth rates of age 1+ year and 2+ year Atlantic salmon demonstrated that in all years the larger age 2+ year fish exhibited a significantly lower G, but differences in growth in terms of GS and GL depended on the year examined. For brown trout, larger age 2+ year fish also consistently exhibited slower growth rates in terms of G but grew at similar rates as age 1+ year fish in terms of GS and GL. Laboratory results revealed that during the age 0+ year (autumn) the divergence in growth between future Atlantic salmon smolts and non‐smolts was similar in terms of all three metrics with smolts displaying higher growth than non‐smolts, however, both GS and GL indicated that smolts maintain relatively fast growth into the late autumn where G suggested that both smolts and non‐smolts exhibit a sharp decrease in growth from October to November. During the spring, patterns of growth in length were significantly decoupled from patterns in growth in mass. Smolts maintained relatively fast growth though April in length but not in mass. These results suggest GS can be a useful alternative to G as a size‐independent measure of growth rate in immature salmonids. In addition, during certain growth stanzas, GS may be highly correlated with GL. The decoupling of growth in mass from growth in length over ontogeny, however, may necessitate a combination of metrics to adequately describe variation in growth depending on ontogenetic stage particularly if life histories differ.  相似文献   

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