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群落构建机制研究是生态学研究的热点。长白山自然保护区拥有完整的原始阔叶红松林生态系统, 近年来随着物种多样性丧失愈发严重, 对该地区开展群落构建机制研究显得尤为重要。该研究以长白山不同演替阶段的3块5.2 hm 2固定监测样地(次生杨桦林、次生针阔混交林、原始椴树红松林)为研究对象, 通过采集样地内主要树种的6个关键功能性状(叶面积、比叶面积、叶片厚度、叶氮含量、叶磷含量、最大树高), 分析不同空间尺度下(5 m × 5 m, 10 m × 10 m, 20 m × 20 m, 30 m × 30 m, 40 m × 40 m, 50 m × 50 m和60 m × 60 m)及不同演替阶段群落性状空间值的变化, 结合零模型的模拟结果对长白山温带森林演替过程中的群落构建机制进行讨论。结果表明: 种库大小对于研究结果具有重要影响。在较大的种库下, 环境过滤作用影响显著。而在样地水平进行研究时, 演替早期和中期, 群落性状空间值与零模型模拟值无显著差异, 在演替的晚期, 群落性状空间值显著高于零模型模拟值。结合多个群落功能多样性指数分析发现, 环境过滤和竞争作用共同决定该地区顶级群落的物种组成。在演替早期大量物种迁入, 群落内物种间存在强烈的资源竞争, 而随着演替进行, 部分物种逐渐被竞争排除出群落, 群落中的物种呈现明显的生态位分化, 竞争作用是维持物种共存的主要机制。  相似文献   

针对目前关于植物群落功能性状构建模式及其驱动因素存在的争议, 研究了33个物种10个功能性状的构建模式。研究结果显示: (1)在刈割-施肥复合梯度上, 这些功能性状主要表现为随机构建模式, 发生随机性和确定性构建的样方比例分别为82.7%和17.3%; (2)在10个功能性状中, 生长型、生活周期、单株地上干质量、叶面积和叶干质量5个功能性状为随机构建模式, 不受试验处理和群落特征(地上净初级生产力、刈割生物量损失、群落高度)变化的影响。植物倾斜度、繁殖方式、固氮性、株高和比叶面积5个功能性状的构建模式与试验处理或群落特征变化有关, 表现出趋同或趋异构建响应。其中, 植物倾斜度和比叶面积的构建模式仅受群落特征影响, 而固氮性、繁殖方式和株高3个性状的构建模式同时还受刈割或施肥处理的影响, 其构建模式因功能性状而异; (3)群落的生物量损失和地上净初级生产力是解释植物功能性状构建模式变化较理想的群落特征; (4)刈割和施肥处理对株高的构建模式具有相反效应, 而刈割和施肥的交互作用对其无显著影响。上述结果说明该研究群落植物功能性状的构建存在不同模式, 以随机构建模式为主, 确定性构建模式居次要地位。确定性构建模式与试验处理和群落特征变化有关, 而且是性状依赖的。相反选择力对趋同和趋异构建模式的平衡效应能引起功能性状发生随机构建。  相似文献   

Integrating multiple facets of biodiversity to describe spatial and temporal distribution patterns is one way of revealing the mechanisms driving community assembly. We assessed the species, functional, and phylogenetic composition and structure of passerine bird communities along an elevational gradient both in wintering and breeding seasons in the Ailao Mountains, southwest China, in order to identify the dominant ecological processes structuring the communities and how these processes change with elevation and season. Our research confirms that the highest taxonomic diversity, and distinct community composition, was found in the moist evergreen broadleaf forest at high elevation in both seasons. Environmental filtering was the dominant force at high elevations with relatively cold and wet climatic conditions, while the observed value of mean pairwise functional and phylogenetic distances of low elevation was constantly higher than expectation in two seasons, suggested interspecific competition could play the key role at low elevations, perhaps because of relative rich resource result from complex vegetation structure and human‐induced disturbance. Across all elevations, there was a trend of decreasing intensity of environmental filtering whereas increasing interspecific competition from wintering season to breeding season. This was likely due to the increased resource availability but reproduction‐associated competition in the summer months. In general, there is a clear justification for conservation efforts to protect entire elevational gradients in the Ailao Mountains, given the distinct taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic compositions and also elevational migration pattern in passerine bird communities.  相似文献   

森林群落的构建过程及其内在机制是生态学研究的热点问题。植物功能性状是指能够代表植物的生活史策略,反映植物对环境变化响应的一系列植物属性。通过植物功能性状的分布格局及其对环境因素的响应有助于推测群落的构建过程及其内在作用机制。以吉林蛟河21.12hm2温带针阔混交林样地为研究对象,采集并测量了样地内34种木本植物的6种不同的功能性状。以20m×20m的样方为研究单元,通过计算平均成对性状距离指数(mean pairwise trait distance;PW)和平均最近邻体性状距离指数(mean nearest neighbor trait distance;NN)来探讨群落中单个性状和综合性状的分布格局。同时结合地形因子采用回归分析探讨功能性状的分布格局对局域生境变化的响应。基于PW的结果显示:单个性状中除叶面积外,其余性状的分布格局均为聚集分布多于离散分布;基于NN的结果显示:除叶面积和最大树高外,其余性状的分布格局为聚集分布多于离散分布。此外,由6种单个性状组成的综合性状的分布格局同样为聚集分布多于离散分布。基于回归分析的结果显示:森林群落中功能性状的分布格局受到海拔、坡度和坡向等因素的显著影响,而凹凸度的影响则不显著。研究结果表明包括环境过滤和生物相互作用的非随机过程能够影响温带针阔混交林的群落构建过程,中性过程对该区域群落构建过程的影响不显著。  相似文献   

侯嫚嫚  李晓宇  王均伟  刘帅  赵秀海 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7503-7513
群落构建一直是生态学研究的热点,基于系统发育和功能性状量化生境过滤、竞争排斥以及随机过程在群落构建中的作用,能够深入理解群落构建机制。本研究以长白山针阔混交林不同演替阶段的3个5.2 hm~2样地(次生杨桦林、次生针阔混交林、原始椴树红松林)为平台,基于被子植物分类系统Ⅲ(Angiosperm Classification System,APGⅢ)构建的系统发育树和7个关键功能性状(叶面积、比叶面积、叶片厚度、叶片氮含量、叶片磷含量、氮磷比、最大树高),结合环境数据,分析不同演替阶段群落系统发育和功能性状结构。研究表明:(1)各演替阶段7个植物功能性状都表现出显著的系统发育信号,表明植物功能性状受系统发育历史影响;(2)系统发育和功能性状结构在不同演替阶段和不同径级均为非随机状态。随着演替的推进群落系统发育和功能性状结构由聚集走向发散;随着径级的增加,系统发育和功能性状结构的聚集程度减小,表明随着演替阶段的进行和径级增大,竞争性排斥的作用逐渐明显;(3)各演替阶段系统发育和功能性状的周转都为非随机且不同因子对两者的解释力度存在差异。演替早期空间距离的解释力度小于环境距离,说明生境过滤在群落构建中的重要性,而在演替后期空间距离的解释力度大于环境距离,验证了扩散限制在群落构建中的重要性。  相似文献   

为揭示森林群落系统发育结构在海拔梯度上的变化及其驱动因素, 本研究以云南哀牢山西坡的亚热带森林群落为研究对象, 以APG III系统为基础框架, 结合DNA条形码序列信息解决末端分类单元亲缘关系的方法, 构建了哀牢山森林群落系统发育进化树, 采用净亲缘指数(net relatedness index, NRI)和最近亲缘指数(nearest taxon index, NTI), 探讨了不同植被类型的森林群落系统发育结构和沿海拔梯度的变化规律。结果表明, 从整体的海拔变化趋势上来看, 哀牢山森林群落系统发育结构随海拔上升由系统发育聚集(phylogenetic clustering)走向发散(phylogenetic overdispersion)或聚集程度降低。在低海拔地区, 群落表现为系统发育聚集, 表明生态位理论中的生境过滤作用在群落构建和生物多样性的维持中起着主导作用; 在中海拔地区, 出现了聚集与发散两种群落系统发育结构并存的现象, 推测可能是生境过滤和竞争排斥两种生态过程共同作用的结果; 在高海拔地区, 群落的系统发育结构因选择的指数不同而出现相反的结果, NRI表现出系统发育聚集, 而NTI却表现为随机或发散, 考虑到高海拔地区的环境胁迫可能促使植物发生趋同进化, 推测其群落构建的生态学过程需要更为综合的研究。本研究揭示群落系统发育结构沿海拔梯度确实存在显著的变化, 证明在生态群落的构建过程中非随机过程起到促进乃至关键作用。  相似文献   

  1. Water level and submerged macrophytes are critical players for the functioning of shallow lake ecosystems; understanding how waterbird communities respond to changes in both can have important implications for conservation and management. Here, we evaluated the effects of changes in water level and submerged macrophyte status on wintering waterbird community size, functional group abundances, functional diversity (FD), and community assembly by using a dataset compiled over 50 years.
  2. We built generalised linear models to evaluate the effects of water level and submerged macrophyte status on the above-listed attributes of the waterbird communities by using mid-winter waterbird censuses, water level measurements, and submerged macrophyte surveys, along with submerged macrophyte macrofossil records from two shallow lakes in Turkey. Using a relevant set of functional traits, we defined functional groups, calculated four FD measures, and simulated null distributions of the FD measures for assessing assembly rules.
  3. We found that macrophyte-dominated years had significantly higher abundances of waterbirds in one of the study lakes, and had more diving herbivores and omnivores in both lakes, while diving/scooping fish-eating waterbird abundance was lower in macrophyte-dominated years. Community size in Lake Beyşehir exhibited a negative association with water level; surprisingly, however, none of the functional group abundances and FD indices were significantly related to water level.
  4. In our study communities, standardised effect sizes of functional richness and functional dispersion—two indices that are particularly sensitive to community assembly processes—were mostly lower than those of randomly assembled communities, which implies functional clustering. Shifts to a scarce-macrophyte state were associated with increases in these two indices, possibly due to either changes in the relative strength of environmental filtering and limiting similarity in community assembly or sampling of transitional communities. Further studies covering a wider range of the trophic/macrophyte status spectrum are needed to be certain.
  5. The results of this study indicate that shifts between abundant and scarce-macrophyte states can have significant effects on wintering waterbird abundances, FD and community assembly. The results also suggest that shallow lakes in macrophyte-dominated states can support more wintering waterbirds, especially diving omnivores, some of which are globally threatened.

AimsThe evolutionary history and functional traits of species can illuminate ecological processes supporting coexistence in diverse forest communities. However, little has been done in decoupling the relative importance of these mechanisms on the turnover of phylogenetic and functional characteristics across life stages and spatial scales. Therefore, this study aims to estimate the contribution of environment and dispersal on the turnover of phylogenetic and functional diversity across life stages and spatial scales, in order to build a coherent picture of the processes responsible for species coexistence.  相似文献   

胡耀升  么旭阳  刘艳红 《生态学报》2014,34(20):5915-5924
植物功能性状是近年来生态学研究的热点。不同种群功能性状的差异决定竞争优势,导致群落结构和性质发生改变,进而演替。以长白山森林演替过程中4个阶段的典型群落为研究对象,分析了长白山地区森林不同层次优势种的茎叶功能性状之间的关系、功能性状与地形因子的关系,并对不同演替阶段群落功能性状进行了比较。结果发现,比叶面积(SLA)与叶氮浓度(LNC)和茎磷浓度(SPC)正相关,与叶干物质质量(LDMC)负相关;叶厚度(LT)与LDMC负相关;LNC与LPC、SNC和LDMC呈正相关;茎氮浓度(SNC)与茎磷浓度(SPC)正相关;茎组织密度(STD)与LNC、SNC正相关。通过灰色关联度分析发现,海拔对SLA、LNC、LPC、STD、SPC影响最大;坡向对于LT、LDMC影响最大;坡位对SNC影响最大。各演替群落间的乔木层功能性状均有显著差异,灌木层的功能性状无显著差异,而草本层除了LDMC、LPC、SNC有显著差异外,其它指标均无显著差异;SLA、STD、LNC随演替的进行呈现明显增加趋势,LDMC、LPC随演替呈减少的趋势。LDMC和SLA是能体现群落演替差异的主要功能性状。  相似文献   

Elevational patterns of trait occurrence and functional diversity provide an important perspective for understanding biodiversity. However, previous studies have mostly examined functional diversity at the community scale. Here, we examined large-scale patterns of trait occurrence and functional diversity in Delphinium along an elevational gradient from 1000 to 5700 m in the Hengduan Mountains, SW China. Elevational distribution and trait data of 102 Delphinium species were compiled to evaluate the patterns of interspecific traits, species richness, and functional diversity. We found that the distribution of species richness showed a unimodal curve that peaked between 3500 and 4000 m; functional diversity and traits showed different patterns along an elevational gradient. The functional diversity increased at a lower rate along an elevation gradient, whereas species richness continued to increase. Species with large ranges and non-endemic species were most affected by geometric constraints. Richness of species endemic to the Hengduan Mountains peaked at higher elevations, likely due to increased speciation and restricted dispersion under alpine conditions. We conclude that the middle elevation region is not only the functionally richest but also the most functionally stable region for Delphinium, which could be insurance against environmental change. Extreme conditions and strong environmental filters in an alpine environment may cause the convergence of species traits, which could relate to reducing nutrient trait investment and increasing reproductive trait investment. We conclude that large-scale studies are consistent with previous studies at the community scale. This may indicate that the relationship between functional diversity and species richness across different scales is the same.  相似文献   

The response of communities to environmental change is expected to vary among feeding guilds. To evaluate the response of guilds to environmental factors without considering the taxonomic specificities, it is useful to examine Aculeata bees and wasps, which consist of closely related taxa including different guilds, pollinators, predators, and parasitoids. In this study, we evaluated changes in species diversity (SD) and functional traits of each feeding guild along an elevational gradient in a boreal forest in northern Japan. We used yellow pan traps to collect Aculeata bees and wasps at 200–1600 m above sea level. We investigated six functional traits (trophic level, seasonal duration, body size, elevational range, nesting position, and soil dependency) and the horizontal distribution of the species. The SD of all Aculeata, predators, and parasitoids decreased with an increase in elevation; however, the SD of pollinators did not show any specific trend. Although the functional trait composition of all Aculeata species did not show any trend, that of each feeding guild responded to elevation in different ways. Pollinators increased in body size and showed a decrease in seasonal duration with increasing elevation, suggesting that tolerance and seasonal escape from physical stress at high elevations are important for shaping pollinator communities. Predators increased their elevational range and the proportion of above‐ground nesting species increased with increasing elevation, suggesting that the ability to live in a wider range of environments and avoid unsuitable soil environments at high elevations might be important. Parasitoids changed their hosts and displayed variable traits with increasing elevation, suggesting that brood parasitoids have difficulty in surviving at high elevation. The traits for each guild responded in different ways, even if they were dominated by the same environmental factors. Our findings imply that differences in the responses of functional traits would produce different community assembly patterns in different guilds during further climate change.  相似文献   

坡向因子对黄土高原草地群落功能多样性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱云云  王孝安  王贤  邓美皎 《生态学报》2016,36(21):6823-6833
研究群落水平上的植物功能性状特征及功能多样性随坡向的变化规律,对认识不同坡向上的植物群落形成过程具有重要意义。以黄土高原不同坡向上的自然草地群落为研究对象,比较研究了植物功能性状(株高和比叶面积)和功能多样性测度指标(功能丰富度、功能均匀度和功能离散度)随坡向的变化规律。研究结果显示:(1)阴坡的株高和比叶面积显著高于其他坡向;(2)一元性状的功能丰富度在不同坡向间均无显著差异;阴坡和半阴坡的多元性状功能丰富度显著高于阳坡;(3)阴坡的株高功能均匀度显著高于半阳坡,而比叶面积功能均匀度在各坡向的差异并不显著;多元性状功能均匀度在不同坡向差异显著,阴坡最高,半阳坡最低;(4)阴坡和半阴坡的株高功能离散度显著高于阳坡和半阳坡,而半阴坡的比叶面积功能离散度显著高于阳坡;半阴坡的多元性状功能离散度Rao指数显著高于阳坡。研究结果暗示了,在阴坡和半阴坡上,植物对群落内的生态位空间和资源利用更充分,种间竞争强度较低,不同物种之间生态位高度分化;而在阳坡和半阳坡上,由于水分等条件的限制植物可占据的生态位空间有限,导致其对占据的生态位空间使用不足,物种间资源竞争较强烈。在群落水平上,研究地区的植物功能性状及功能多样性随坡向的规律性变化,反映了黄土高原植被群落构建过程中坡向因子对功能性状的筛选效应。该研究结果对该区的植被恢复重建的物种选择及植被布局规划具有重要实践意义。  相似文献   

Testing how local environmental conditions influence plant community assembly is important to understand the underlying mechanisms that promote and/or maintain biodiversity. Functional traits are used to find the broad spectrum of resource use strategies that plants use to respond to environmental variation. The patterns and drivers of plant community assembly through the lens of traits and phylogeny; however, remain to be studied in a uniquely biodiversity rich but poorly known fragmented dry Afromontane forest of Ethiopia. Here, we combined trait and community phylogenetic data from thirty sampling plots of 20 × 20 m size to determine the functional and phylogenetic structures and their drivers in a fragmented, human-dominated dry evergreen Afromontane forest. We found phylogenetic and functional clustering of plants in which the effect of environment was found to be trait specific. A weak phylogenetic signal for traits was detected suggesting that species resource use strategies may not be inferred using species phylogenetic distance. Additionally, we found functional traits to be weak in predicting species abundance distribution. Overall, while this study shows a non-random community assembly pattern, it also highlights the importance of deterministic processes being trait specific.  相似文献   

Background: Treeline ecotones represent environmental boundaries that fluctuate in space and time and thus induce changes in plant taxonomic and functional diversity.

Aims: To study changes through time in taxonomic and functional plant diversity patterns along the treeline ecotone.

Methods: In 2002, vegetation was sampled along a gradient from upper montane forest to the treeline–alpine transition in the South Ural Mountains, Russia. In 2014, vegetation was resampled and plant functional traits were collected. We studied spatial and temporal changes in plant species composition, functional composition and functional diversity.

Results: Species composition and diversity changed along the elevational gradient. The functional composition in height, leaf area, specific leaf area and leaf nitrogen content decreased with elevation, whereas functional composition of leaf carbon content increased. We found a temporal shift towards shorter plants with smaller leaves in treeline sites. Functional richness varied in several traits along the elevational gradient, while functional dispersion showed a trend towards increased functional dispersion in height, specific leaf area and leaf nitrogen in the treeline–tundra transition.

Conclusions: Tree encroachment across the treeline ecotone has resulted in a shift in plant species relative abundances and functional diversity, possibly affecting plant community assembly patterns.  相似文献   

Functional diversity is intimately linked with community assembly processes, but its large‐scale patterns of variation are often not well understood. Here, we investigated the spatiotemporal changes in multiple trait dimensions (“trait space”) along vertical intertidal environmental stress gradients and across a landscape scale. We predicted that the range of the trait space covered by local assemblages (i.e., functional richness) and the dispersion in trait abundances (i.e., functional dispersion) should increase from high‐ to low‐intertidal elevations, due to the decreasing influence of environmental filtering. The abundance of macrobenthic algae and invertebrates was estimated at four rocky shores spanning ca. 200 km of the coast over a 36‐month period. Functional richness and dispersion were contrasted against matrix‐swap models to remove any confounding effect of species richness on functional diversity. Random‐slope models showed that functional richness and dispersion significantly increased from high‐ to low‐intertidal heights, demonstrating that under harsh environmental conditions, the assemblages comprised similar abundances of functionally similar species (i.e., trait convergence), while that under milder conditions, the assemblages encompassed differing abundances of functionally dissimilar species (i.e., trait divergence). According to the Akaike information criteria, the relationship between local environmental stress and functional richness was persistent across sites and sampling times, while functional dispersion varied significantly. Environmental filtering therefore has persistent effects on the range of trait space covered by these assemblages, but context‐dependent effects on the abundances of trait combinations within such range. Our results further suggest that natural and/or anthropogenic factors might have significant effects on the relative abundance of functional traits, despite that no trait addition or extinction is detected.  相似文献   

Aims The community assembly has been a prominent issue in community ecology. This work was intended to explore the mechanisms of the species coexistence and biodiversity in communities. Our objective was to explore the mechanisms of community assembly in subalpine meadow plant communities along slope gradients in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, Northwest China.Methods We selected five slope-oriented plots to construct a super-tree representing the species pool. We surveyed the leaf functional traits and soil environmental factors in different slopes. Then we tested the phylogenetic signal of leaf dry matter content (LDMC), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf nitrogen content (LNC) and leaf phosphorus content (LPC).Important findings The changes of slope aspect had significant influence on soil water content (SWC) and soil nutrient content. Most of the plants leaf functional traits had significant difference along different slope aspects. The LDMC was higher in south and southwest slope than north slope, while SLA, LNC and LPC were relatively high in north and northwest slope. The LPC showed feeble phylogenetic signal, while LDMC, SLA, LNC did not have a significant phylogenetic signal. With changes in the slope aspect from south to north, community phylogenetic structure shifted from over-dispersion to clustered dispersion. In south and southwest slope, habitat filtering was the driving force for community assembly. Interspecific competition was the main driving factor for community assembly in north and northwest slope aspects. But in west slope, two indices showed contrary consequence. This means the process of community assembly in west slope was more complicated and its phylogenetic index may be the result of several mechanisms working together.  相似文献   

Trait and functional trait approaches have revolutionized ecology improving our understanding of community assembly, species coexistence, and biodiversity loss. Focusing on traits promotes comparability across spatial and organizational scales, but terms must be used consistently. While several papers have offered definitions, it remains unclear how ecologists operationalize “trait” and “functional trait” terms. Here, we evaluate how researchers and the published literatures use these terms and explore differences among subdisciplines and study systems (taxa and biome). By conducting both a survey and a literature review, we test the hypothesis that ecologists’ working definition of “trait” is adapted or altered when confronting the realities of collecting, analyzing and presenting data. From 486 survey responses and 712 reviewed papers, we identified inconsistencies in the understanding and use of terminology among researchers, but also limited inclusion of definitions within the published literature. Discrepancies were not explained by subdiscipline, system of study, or respondent characteristics, suggesting there could be an inconsistent understanding even among those working in related topics. Consistencies among survey responses included the use of morphological, phonological, and physiological traits. Previous studies have called for unification of terminology; yet, our study shows that proposed definitions are not consistently used or accepted. Sources of disagreement include trait heritability, defining and interpreting function, and dealing with organisms in which individuals are not clearly recognizable. We discuss and offer guidelines for overcoming these disagreements. The diversity of life on Earth means traits can represent different features that can be measured and reported in different ways, and thus, narrow definitions that work for one system will fail in others. We recommend ecologists embrace the breadth of biodiversity using a simplified definition of “trait” more consistent with its common use. Trait‐based approaches will be most powerful if we accept that traits are at least as diverse as trait ecologists.  相似文献   

高程  郭良栋 《生物多样性》2022,30(10):22429-23168
微生物主要包括细菌、真菌、古菌、病毒等类群, 是地球上出现时间最早、分布最广泛、个体数量最多, 以及物种和基因多样性十分丰富的生物类群。为了适应各种生境, 微生物衍生出腐生、寄生、共生等多样的生存策略, 在生物地球化学循环、生态系统演替与稳定性、环境修复以及人类健康等方面发挥着重要作用。传统的微生物监测方法限制了我们对微生物多样性的认知; 但是, 近年来高通量测序技术和生物信息学的发展极大推动了微生物多样性的研究进展。本文概述了近年来在微生物多样性分布格局与维持、群落构建以及功能属性多样性的最新进展; 总结分析了细菌、古菌、真菌的多样性纬度分布格局及其驱动因子, 选择、扩散、成种、漂变等过程对细菌、古菌、真菌的群落构建的贡献, 以及细菌和真菌的形态、生理生化、生长繁殖、扩散、基因组等功能性状的多样性; 提出了未来微生物多样性研究的重要领域: 环境宏真菌组研究, 微生物多样性与生态系统多功能性的关系研究, 以及微生物互作网络的生态功能研究。  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that evaluating functional trait distinctiveness, the average trait distance of a species to other species in a community offers promising insights into biodiversity dynamics and ecosystem functioning. However, the ecological mechanisms underlying the emergence and persistence of functionally distinct species are poorly understood. Here, we address the issue by considering a heterogeneous fitness landscape whereby functional dimensions encompass peaks representing trait combinations yielding positive population growth rates in a community. We identify four ecological cases contributing to the emergence and persistence of functionally distinct species. First, environmental heterogeneity or alternative phenotypic designs can drive positive population growth of functionally distinct species. Second, sink populations with negative population growth can deviate from local fitness peaks and be functionally distinct. Third, species found at the margin of the fitness landscape can persist but be functionally distinct. Fourth, biotic interactions (positive or negative) can dynamically alter the fitness landscape. We offer examples of these four cases and guidelines to distinguish between them. In addition to these deterministic processes, we explore how stochastic dispersal limitation can yield functional distinctiveness. Our framework offers a novel perspective on the relationship between fitness landscape heterogeneity and the functional composition of ecological assemblages.  相似文献   

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