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Understanding the processes that enable species coexistence has important implications for assessing how ecological systems will respond to global change. Morphology and functional similarity increase the potential for competition, and therefore, co‐occurring morphologically similar but genetically unique species are a good model system for testing coexistence mechanisms. We used DNA metabarcoding and high‐throughput sequencing to characterize for the first time the trophic ecology of two recently described cryptic bat species with parapatric ranges, Myotis escalerai and Myotis crypticus. We collected fecal samples from allopatric and sympatric regions and from syntopic and allotopic locations within the sympatric region to describe the diets both taxonomically and functionally and compare prey consumption with prey availability. The two bat species had highly similar diets characterized by high arthropod diversity, particularly Lepidoptera, Diptera and Araneae, and a high proportion of prey that is not volant at night, which points to extensive use of gleaning. Diet overlap at the prey item level was lower in syntopic populations, supporting trophic shift under fine‐scale co‐occurrence. Furthermore, the diet of M. escalerai had a marginally lower proportion of not nocturnally volant prey in syntopic populations, suggesting that the shift in diet may be driven by a change in foraging mode. Our findings suggest that fine‐scale coexistence mechanisms can have implications for maintaining broad‐scale diversity patterns. This study highlights the importance of including both allopatric and sympatric populations and choosing meaningful spatial scales for detecting ecological patterns. We conclude that a combination of high taxonomic resolution with a functional approach helps identify patterns of niche shift.  相似文献   

A key to understanding life's great diversity is discerning how competing organisms divide limiting resources to coexist in diverse communities. While temporal resource partitioning has long been hypothesized to reduce the negative effects of interspecific competition, empirical evidence suggests that time may not often be an axis along which animal species routinely subdivide resources. Here, we present evidence to the contrary in the world's most biodiverse group of animals: insect parasites (parasitoids). Specifically, we conducted a meta-analysis of 64 studies from 41 publications to determine if temporal resource partitioning via variation in the timing of a key life-history trait, egg deposition (oviposition), mitigates interspecific competition between species pairs sharing the same insect host. When competing species were manipulated to oviposit at (or near) the same time in or on a single host in the laboratory, competition was common, and one species was typically inherently superior (i.e. survived to adulthood a greater proportion of the time). In most cases, however, the inferior competitor could gain a survivorship advantage by ovipositing earlier (or in a smaller number of cases later) into shared hosts. Moreover, this positive (or in a few cases negative) priority advantage gained by the inferior competitor increased as the interval between oviposition times became greater. The results from manipulative experiments were also correlated with patterns of life-history timing and demography in nature: the more inherently competitively inferior a species was in the laboratory, the greater the interval between oviposition times of taxa in co-occurring populations. Additionally, the larger the interval between oviposition times of competing taxa, the more abundant the inferior species was in populations where competitors were known to coexist. Overall, our findings suggest that temporal resource partitioning via variation in oviposition timing may help to facilitate species coexistence and structures diverse insect communities by altering demographic measures of species success. We argue that the lack of evidence for a more prominent role of temporal resource partitioning in promoting species coexistence may reflect taxonomic differences, with a bias towards larger-sized animals. For smaller species like parasitic insects that are specialized to attack one or a group of closely related hosts, have short adult lifespans and discrete generation times, compete directly for limited resources in small, closed arenas and have life histories constrained by host phenology, temporal resource subdivision via variation in life history may play a critical role in allowing species to coexist by alleviating the negative effects of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Sex differences in foraging behavior have been widely reported in the ornithological literature, but few examples are available from tropical avifaunas. Differences between males and females in foraging behavior have been hypothesized to be a byproduct of sexual size dimorphism or a result of niche partitioning to reduce intersexual competition for food or different reproductive roles. From 2010 to 2013, I used foraging data and mist‐net capture rates from multiple study sites to examine possible sex differences in the foraging behavior of two New Guinean Pachycephala whistlers. I found that male Regent (Pachycephala schlegelii) and Sclater's (Pachycephala soror) whistlers consistently foraged in higher strata than females. It is unlikely that these differences are due to sexual dimorphism because these species exhibit little sexual dimorphism. Sex differences in foraging behavior were consistent across years and study sites and did not appear linked to breeding behavior, supporting the food‐competition hypothesis, but not the reproductive‐roles hypothesis. Male territorial defense often occurs in relatively high strata in Pachycephala whistlers, possibly influencing male foraging strata. However, male territorial behavior cannot explain why females predominately forage in lower strata. Instead, intersexual competition for food resources is likely the primary driver of differences in the foraging behavior of male and female Regent and Sclater's whistlers.  相似文献   

Biological communities are shaped by competition between and within species. Competition is often reduced by inter‐ and intraspecific specialization on resources, such as differencet foraging areas or time, allowing similar species to coexist and potentially contributing to reproductive isolation. Here, we examine the simultaneous role of temporal and spatial foraging segregation within and between two sympatric sister species of seabirds, Northern Macronectes halli and Southern Macronectes giganteus Giant Petrels. These species show marked sexual size dimorphism and allochrony (with earlier breeding by Northern Giant Petrels) but this is the first study to test for differences in foraging behaviours and areas across the entire breeding season both between the two species and between the sexes. We tracked males and females of both species in all breeding stages at Bird Island, South Georgia, to test how foraging distribution, behaviour and habitat use vary between and within species in biological time (incubation, brood‐guard or post‐brood stages) and in absolute time (calendar date). Within each breeding stage, both species took trips of comparable duration to similar areas, but due to breeding allochrony they segregated temporally. Northern Giant Petrels had a somewhat smaller foraging range than Southern Giant Petrels, reflecting their greater exploitation of local carrion and probably contributing to their recent higher population growth. Within species, segregation was spatial, with females generally taking longer, more pelagic trips than males, although both sexes of both species showed unexpectedly plastic foraging behaviour. There was little evidence of interspecific differences in habitat use. Thus, in giant petrels, temporal segregation reduces interspecific competition and sexual segregation reduces intraspecific competition. These results demonstrate how both specialization and dynamic changes in foraging strategies at different scales underpin resource division within a community.  相似文献   

Theories involving niche diversification to explain high levels of tropical diversity propose that species are more likely to co‐occur if they partition at least one dimension of their ecological niche space. Yet, numerous species appear to have widely overlapping niches based upon broad categorizations of resource use or functional traits. In particular, the extent to which food partitioning contributes to species coexistence in hyperdiverse tropical ecosystems remains unresolved. Here, we use a molecular approach to investigate inter‐ and intraspecific dietary partitioning between two species of damselfish (Dascyllus flavicaudus, Chromis viridis) that commonly co‐occur in branching corals. Species‐level identification of their diverse zooplankton prey revealed significant differences in diet composition between species despite their seemingly similar feeding strategies. Dascyllus exhibited a more diverse diet than Chromis, whereas Chromis tended to select larger prey items. A large calanoid copepod, Labidocera sp., found in low density and higher in the water column during the day, explained more than 19% of the variation in dietary composition between Dascyllus and Chromis. Dascyllus did not significantly shift its diet in the presence of Chromis, which suggests intrinsic differences in feeding behaviour. Finally, prey composition significantly shifted during the ontogeny of both fish species. Our findings show that levels of dietary specialization among coral reef associated species have likely been underestimated, and they underscore the importance of characterizing trophic webs in tropical ecosystems at higher levels of taxonomic resolution. They also suggest that niche redundancy may not be as common as previously thought.  相似文献   



Colonization by non-native ants represents one of the gravest potential threats to island ecosystems. It is necessary to identify general mechanisms by which non-native species are able to colonize and persist in order to inform future prevention and management. We studied a model-island assemblage of 17 non-native ant species with aim of identifying the spatial source of introductions and assessing how such a diversity of species are able to coexist.


Data were collected on Ascension Island: an ideal study system for its intermediate area, compact shape, spatial heterogeneity, lack of native ant species, and availability of non-native ant records dating back to the 1800s.


We collected over 47,000 individual ants from 73 sites using a range of baited traps and survey techniques. We combined this novel data with past occurrence records in order to determine whether human settlements have historically been the source of ant introductions and to quantify the mean rate at which species have dispersed across the island. Analysis of standardized field data revealed the extent to which ants were partitioning ecological niche space via (1) habitat separation, (2) fine-scale resource partitioning and (3) climatic heterogeneity.


Ants were radiating at a linear rate of approximately 0.5 km2 per year from human settlements on this island, with the most widespread species having been introduced earliest. After accounting for incomplete colonization, we found no evidence to suggest habitat separation between species. Instead, we found significant niche separation through resource partitioning and weather-dependent activity patterns.

Main Conclusions

Our results indicate that non-native ants can coexist in very close proximity and are therefore capable of existing at great diversity on even small islands. It is inevitable that ant colonization will continue without increased biosecurity measures, habitat restoration around settlements and conservation of native species populations.  相似文献   

Adaptive radiation can be strongly influenced by interspecific competition for resources, which can lead to diverse outcomes ranging from competitive exclusion to character displacement. In each case, sympatric species are expected to evolve into distinct ecological niches, such as different food types, yet this expectation is not always met when such species are examined in nature. The most common hypotheses to account for the coexistence of species with substantial diet overlap rest on temporal variation in niches (often diets). Yet spatial variation in niche overlap might also be important, pointing to the need for spatiotemporal analyses of diet and diet overlap between closely related species persisting in sympatry. We here perform such an analysis by characterizing the diets of, and diet overlap among, four sympatric Darwin's ground finch species at three sites and over 5 years on a single Galápagos island (Santa Cruz). We find that the different species have broadly similar and overlapping diets – they are to some extent generalists and opportunists – yet we also find that each species retains some ‘private’ resources for which their morphologies are best suited. Importantly, use of these private resources increased considerably, and diet overlap decreased accordingly, when the availability of preferred shared foods, such as arthropods, was reduced during drought conditions. Spatial variation in food resources was also important. These results together suggest that the ground finches are ‘imperfect generalists’ that use overlapping resources under benign conditions (in space or time), but then retreat to resources for which they are best adapted during periods of food limitation. These conditions likely promote local and regional coexistence.  相似文献   

Interspecific resource competition is expected to select for divergence in resource use, weakening interspecific relative to intraspecific competition, thus promoting stable coexistence. More broadly, because interspecific competition reduces fitness, any mechanism of interspecific competition should generate selection favoring traits that weaken interspecific competition. However, species also can adapt to competition by increasing their competitive ability, potentially destabilizing coexistence. We reared two species of bean beetles, the specialist Callosobruchus maculatus and the generalist C. chinensis, in allopatry and sympatry on a mixture of adzuki beans and lentils, and assayed mutual invasibility after four, eight, and twelve generations of evolution. Contrary to the expectation that coevolution of competitors will weaken interspecific competition, the rate of mutual invasibility did not differ between sympatry and allopatry. Rather, the invasion rate of C. chinensis, but not C. maculatus, increased with duration of evolution, as C. chinensis adapted to lentils without experiencing reduced adaptation to adzuki beans, and regardless of the presence or absence of C. maculatus. Our results highlight that evolutionary responses to interspecific competition promote stable coexistence only under specific conditions that can be difficult to produce in practice.  相似文献   

1. We conducted a new single‐site study and a meta‐analysis of pre‐existing studies from multiple streams to assess whether intraspecific aggregation among leaf packs promotes coexistence among leaf‐eating invertebrates (shredders) in Swedish streams. 2. In the single‐site study, 48 standardised leaf bags were exposed for 1 month for shredder colonisation in a homogeneous glide of a forested stream. Current velocity, water depth and substratum composition were additionally assessed to investigate how these factors affected shredder distributions. 3. The meta‐analysis included information on shredder colonisation of leaf packs from seven other studies of detritus decomposition to assess patterns of aggregation. Intra‐ and interspecific aggregation and their relative strength were assessed using indices (J, C and A respectively) originally developed for terrestrial insects also dependent on patchy and ephemeral resources. 4. In both parts of the study, intraspecific aggregation was much stronger than interspecific aggregation, which was weak overall, indicating that the conditions under which aggregation is expected to facilitate coexistence were fulfilled in our shredder assemblages. 5. In the single‐site study, shredder abundances were weakly associated with environmental variables suggesting that habitat heterogeneity only partly explains aggregation patterns. 6. Our results strongly suggest that shredder diversity in streams, particularly during periods of leaf limitation (such as might occur in spring), is promoted by the aggregation of individual species among patches of resource.  相似文献   

李云凯  徐敏  贡艺 《生态学报》2022,42(13):5295-5302
物种对食物资源利用方式的差异,即营养生态位分化是物种共存的先决条件之一,对种间营养生态位的比较研究有助于了解同域分布物种的共存机制。脂肪酸组成可反映生物较长时间尺度的摄食信息,对探讨物种间营养生态位分化具有重要指示作用。热带东太平洋主要栖息有8种大型中上层鲨鱼,大青鲨(Prionace glauca)、大眼长尾鲨(Alopias superciliosus)、镰状真鲨(Carcharhinus falciformis)、长鳍真鲨(Carcharhinus longimanus)、浅海长尾鲨(Alopias pelagicus)、尖吻鲭鲨(Isurus oxyrinchus)、路氏双髻鲨(Sphyrna lewini)和锤头双髻鲨(Sphyrna zygaena),通过比较其肌肉脂肪酸组成,分析种间食性差异,营养关系及营养生态位分化。结果表明,尖吻鲭鲨营养级相对较高,大青鲨相对较低。3种鼠鲨与5种真鲨存在食性差异或栖息地隔离。浅海长尾鲨与大眼长尾鲨营养生态位重叠程度较高,存在激烈的资源竞争。大青鲨与镰状真鲨生态位宽度较大,表征其对环境的可塑性较强;尖吻鲭鲨和路氏双髻鲨生态位宽度较小,表现为其食性的特化。本研究解释了脂肪酸组成分析在鲨鱼摄食研究中的潜在应用,对分析大洋性鲨鱼的营养生态位分化,资源分配方式及同域共存机制有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

Assemblage structure and acquisition of high-value resources will usually be affected by changes in resource availability and differential competitive abilities of assemblage members. In fragmented habitats where carrying capacity limits are exceeded due to high population densities and biomass, interspecific interactions can be expected to occur at a high frequency, potentially turning into an important cost for coexistence. We studied assemblage- and guild-level patterns of interspecific interactions in two highly diverse isolated primate assemblages in southern Amazonia. Specifically, we assessed the effects of temporal variation in fruit availability on the rates of interspecific interactions between gray woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha cana), one of the largest tree-dwelling mammals of the Amazon forests, and nine syntopic primate species. We found that fruit availability positively predicted rate of intraguild interactions in contrast to overall assemblage interaction rate. We did not find statistical evidence for the effect of fruit availability on the assemblage rates of type-dependent (i.e., agonistic or non-agonistic) and context-dependent (i.e., feeding or non-feeding) interactions. However, there was a clear trend toward increased feeding-related and agonistic-related interactions as fruit availability increased, with agonistic interactions mostly occurring at guild-level. These results provide support for a significant role of fruit availability in structuring spatial–temporal intraguild interactions at our study sites. Costly interspecific interactions and spatial habitat overlap can be expected to occur at a high frequency in highly diverse assemblages living in human-modified landscapes, which in turn, can have potentially negative impacts to the species involved.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Laboratory experiments and field studies were conducted to explain the coexistence of an endoparasitoid, Encarsia perniciosi Tower, and an ectoparasitoid, Aphytis melinus DeBach, both of which were introduced into California to control the California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Mask.).
2. Encarsia parasitized all scale stages but it preferred first and second instar scales. This is in contrast to Aphytis melinus , in which previous studies have shown that it parasitizes second and third instar females and second instar males but prefers third instar female scales. Encarsia developed most rapidly when it parasitized an early second instar and slowest when it parasitized the mature female scale. However, on early second instar scales it was about 80% as fecund as a wasp that emerged from a mature female scale.
3. Second instar scales parasitized by Encarsia were accepted by Aphytis as readily as unparasitized scales.
4. Encarsia did not distinguish between unparasitized hosts and those previously parasitized by Aphytis.
5. Encarsia always outcompeted by Aphytis when both species parasitize the same host.
6. Encarsia prefers scale on stems whereas Aphytis prefers those on leaves and fruits. This, too, may be a result of interspecific competition with Aphytis.
7. The partitioning of the scale resource by the two species explains why they coexist in coastal southern California but it does not explain why Encarsia disappeared from citrus groves in the inland valleys coincident with the introduction of Aphytis melinus into southern California.  相似文献   

Radiotelemetry was used to assess the distribution and diving behaviour of Rock Shags Phalacrocorax magellanicus and Red-legged Cormorants Phalacrocorax gaimardi breeding in sympatry, and Rock Shags breeding in isolation. When breeding in sympatry there was little overlap in the foraging locations of the two species, with the highest densities of each species separated by 10 km. Red-legged Cormorants fed significantly closer to the breeding colony than did Rock Shags and undertook shorter foraging trips, making almost twice as many foraging trips per day as Rock Shags. Rock Shags breeding in isolation had a shorter foraging range than the birds breeding in sympatry with Red-legged Cormorants and foraging trip duration was significantly shorter. However, the number of feeding trips per day was similar between areas of sympatry and allopatry. Differences in the foraging ecology of Rock Shags in areas of sympatry and allopatry may be due to interspecific competition, which forces niche differentiation. The distance between foraging sites, the speed of movement of the prey, a species tendency to move into prey-depleted areas and the length of the breeding season (during which the birds are constrained to be in the same area) may play critical roles in determining the extent to which differential area use by competitors is a strategy that benefits both parties.  相似文献   

Resource partitioning in a tropical stream fish assemblage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An assemblage of freshwater fishes inhabiting a medium-sized stream in tropical central Vietnam was investigated with respect to spatial and trophic distribution. Point-abundance sampling, gut content analysis and relative intestine length yielded interspecific differences in niche expression. Conspecific juvenile and adult habitat and feeding niches were also distinct. Niche differences arose mainly from differences in current velocity, substrata and foraging preferences. Extreme specializations, such as selective feeding on hard incustrations of cyanobacteria by adult Annamia normani , were present. The low niche overlap suggests that this tropical fish assemblage is structured by competitive interactions.  相似文献   

In a competitive sympatric association, coexisting species may try to reduce interspecific interactions as well as competition for similar resources by several ecological and behavioral practices. We studied resource utilization of three sympatric primate species namely, lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus), bonnet macaques (M. radiata) and Hanuman langurs (Semnopithecus entellus) in a tropical rainforest of the central Western Ghats, south India. We studied resource use, tree-height use, foraging height, substrate use when consuming animal prey and interspecific interactions. The results revealed that across the year, there was very limited niche overlap in diet between each species-pair. Each primate species largely depended on different plant species or different plant parts and phenophases from shared plant species. Primate species used different heights for foraging, and the two macaque species searched different substrates when foraging on animal prey. We also recorded season-wise resource abundance for the resources shared by these three primate species. While there was low dietary overlap during the dry season (a period of relatively low resource abundance), there was high dietary overlap between the two macaque species during the wet season (a period of high resource abundance for the shared resources). We observed only a few interspecific interactions. None of these were agonistic, even during the period of high niche overlap. This suggests that the sympatric primate species in this region are characterized by little or no contest competition. Unlike in some other regions of the Western Ghats, the lack of interspecific feeding competition appears to allow these primates, especially the macaques, to remain sympatric year-round.  相似文献   

Resource partitioning in a community of diurnal arboreal mammalsconsisting of the lion-tailed macaque Macaca silenus, bonnetmacaque (BM) Macaca radiata, Nilgiri langur Semnopithecus johnii,and the Indian giant squirrel Ratufa indica of the Western Ghats,southern India, was studied. Differences in their diet, verticalstratification, food resource niche breadth, niche overlap,and behavioral interactions were examined. Resource partitioningwas through differential habitat use, resource use, and verticalstratification. Of the four species, the BM was not a residentspecies and made frequent forays into evergreen forest fromthe adjacent deciduous forest during the flowering season ofCullenia exarillata and fruiting season of Ficus microcarpa.The macaques had narrower niches, and the langur and the squirrelhad wider niches. Niche overlap was highest between the twomacaques. Overlap among the study species was particularly pronouncedduring the flowering of C. exarillata. There was significantcorrelation between niche overlap and intolerance among thestudy species. Certain species pairs showed little or no mutualintolerance despite high overlap. Cooperative interactions suchas alarm calls occurred more frequently among the resident species.Interaction matrices revealed an underlying pattern of interspecificdominance hierarchy, with the BM dominating over the other threespecies. Our study suggests that the BM do not coexist withthe other three because of high overlap with its congener andlow occurrence of cooperative interactions.  相似文献   

Resource control by territorial male cichlid fish in Lake Malawi   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. The rocky habitat communities of Lake Malawi contain a high diversity of ecologically similar, predominantly herbivorous, cichlid fish species. How so many species can coexist is still unknown.
2. Adult males of the majority of these species hold permanent territories which form dense multispecies mosaics across the shores.
3. The study examined six coexisting species of cichlids from the rocky habitat where males are known to control access to the algal food resources within their territorial space. These included four sibling species of the Pseudotropheus ( Tropheops ) species complex, which are specialized epilithic algal herbivores, and two sibling species of the trophically more generalist P . ( Maylandia ) species complex which feed upon both epilithic algae and plankton.
4. The hypotheses that both intraspecific and interspecific territoriality occur in these communities and that interspecific aggression initiated by territorial males is preferentially directed at species with the most similar diets to their own were tested.
5. It was found that males preferred to exclude conspecific intruders, while they tolerated intruders with different diets to their own. Also, male P . ( Tropheops ) preferentially excluded similar heterospecific dietary specialists, while male P. ( Maylandia ) tolerated similar heterospecific dietary generalists.
6. Based on this study, it is proposed that interspecific territoriality may be reducing competition between species with different diets and promoting their coexistence, while it may be enhancing competition between species with the same diet. Furthermore, it suggests that ecological generalism may be reducing the intensity of interspecific competition, while specializations for the same resources may be increasing competition.  相似文献   

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