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《Biotechnology advances》2019,37(8):107446
Protein degradation is an effective native mechanism used in modulating intracellular information, and thus it plays an essential role in maintaining cellular homeostasis. Repurposing native protein degradation in a synthetic context is gaining attention as a new strategy to manipulate cellular behavior rapidly for a wide range of applications including disease detection and therapy. This review examines the native mechanisms and machineries by which mammalian cells degrade their own proteins including the sequence of events from identifying a candidate for degradation to the protein's destruction. Next, it explores engineering efforts to degrade both exogenous and native proteins with high specificity and control by targeting proteins into the degradation cascade. A complete understanding of design rules with an ability to use cellular information as signals will allow control over the cellular behavior in a well-defined manner.  相似文献   

Coronatine (COR) represents a phytotoxin produced by several pathovars of Pseudomonas syringae. It mediates multiple virulence activities by mimicking the plant stress hormone jasmonoyl-l-isoleucine. Structurally, COR consists of a bicyclic polyketide moiety, coronafacic acid (CFA), which is linked via an amide bond to an unusual ethylcyclopropyl amino acid moiety, coronamic acid (CMA). In our studies, we aimed at establishing and engineering of heterologous COR and CFA production platforms using P. putida KT2440 as host. Based on genetic information of the native producer P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 a COR biosynthetic gene cluster was designed and reconstituted from synthetic DNA fragments. The applied constructional design facilitated versatile pathway modifications and the generation of various expression constructs, which were evaluated for the production of CFA, COR and its derivatives. By modifications of the gene cluster composition production profiles were directed towards target compounds and valuable information about the function and impact of selected pathway proteins on COR biosynthesis were obtained. Additional engineering of expression vector features, including the use of the constitutive PrpsH promoter and a p15Aori-based transposon backbone, led to the development of an expression strain with promising CFA production yields of > 90 mg/l.  相似文献   

采用传统分离培养筛选微生物新活性物质的方法受到很大制约,自然界99%以上的微生物不能培养,其资源开发受到很大限制。环境微生物宏基因组技术应用避开了微生物分离纯培养问题,极大拓展了微生物资源的利用空间,增加获得新活性物质的机会和途径。本文着重介绍宏基因组的概念、研究策略包括DNA提取、文库构建与筛选等及在微生物活性物质筛选中的应用,并对宏基因组研究中存在的问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Esterases represent a large family of hydrolases with broad substrate specificity and functional sequence space. Although many attempts to screen new esterases have been conducted, there have been few reports conducted to discriminate unique enzymes from typical ones based on novel structure and function. In this study, we discovered an esterase and a novel family through a successive assay of whole cells and crude lysates (oxidative open condition). The screened putative esterases from the metagenomic DNA of salted shrimp consisted of 753 bp encoding 27 kDa of polypeptide, namely PE esterase. Sequence analyses revealed that an identical gene was reported from whole genome sequencing of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia K279a. However, its biochemical and phylogenetic characteristics have not yet been evaluated. PE esterase was overexpressed only by the MBP fusion state in E. coli and was easily purified using an affinity column. This enzyme showed a typical spectrum of substrate specificity and possessed the consensus motifs, Ser-Asp-His and GXSXG, which are essential for most esterase/lipase superfamilies. Interestingly, the entire organization of the ORF and consensus sequence around the active site were distinct from the related enzymes, and its structure could be affected by a reducing agent, DTT.  相似文献   

A metagenomic approach was taken to retrieve catabolic operons for aromatic compounds from activated sludge used to treat coke plant wastewater. Metagenomic DNA extracted from the sludge was cloned into fosmids and the resulting Escherichia coli library was screened for extradiol dioxygenases (EDOs) using catechol as a substrate, yielding 91 EDO-positive clones. Based on their substrate specificity for various catecholic compounds, 38 clones were subjected to sequence analysis. Each insert contained at least one EDO gene, and a total of 43 EDO genes were identified. More than half of these belonged to new EDO subfamilies: I.1.C (2 clones), I.2.G (20 clones), I.3.M (2 clones) and I.3.N (1 clone). The fact that novel I.2.G family genes were over-represented in these clones suggested that these genes play a specific role in environmental aromatic degradation. The I.2.G clones were further classified into six groups based on single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Based on the combination of the SNPs, the evolutionary lineage of the genes was reconstructed; further, taking the activities of the clones into account, potential adaptive mutations were identified. The metagenomic approach was thus used to retrieve novel EDO genes as well as to gain insights into the gene evolution of EDOs.  相似文献   

元基因组文库分析技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李武  赵勇  王玉炯 《生态学报》2007,27(5):2070-2076
随着新的分析技术的不断出现和成熟,促进了微生物分子生态学及相关学科的诞生和迅速发展。其中,元基因组文库分析技术即是近年来微生物分子生态学研究领域兴起的一种新的分析技术。就元基因组分析技术诞生的背景及该技术的原理进行了讨论,着重阐述了元基因组文库分析技术在寻找新基因、开发新的生物活性物质、研究群落中微生物多样性、人类元基因组测序等方面的应用。另外,归纳总结了目前国际上常用的诸如PCR为基础的筛选、荧光原位杂交(fluorescent in situ hybridization,FISH)、底物诱导的基因表达筛选(substrate induced gene expression screening,SIGEX)、基因芯片等元基因组文库筛选方法,并就不同方法的优缺点进行了分析和讨论,指出了目前元基因组文库分析技术存在的主要问题并对今后该技术的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   



The recent development of improved enzymes and pentose-using yeast for cellulosic ethanol processes calls for new attention to the lignocellulose pretreatment step. This study assessed the influence of pretreatment pH, temperature, and time, and their interactions on the enzymatic glucose and xylose yields from mildly pretreated wheat straw in multivariate experimental designs of acid and alkaline pretreatments.


The pretreatment pH was the most significant factor affecting both the enzymatic glucose and xylose yields after mild thermal pretreatments at maximum 140°C for 10 min. The maximal enzymatic glucose and xylose yields from the solid, pretreated wheat straw fraction were obtained after pretreatments at the most extreme pH values (pH 1 or pH 13) at the maximum pretreatment temperature of 140°C. Surface response models revealed significantly correlating interactions of the pretreatment pH and temperature on the enzymatic liberation of both glucose and xylose from pretreated, solid wheat straw. The influence of temperature was most pronounced with the acidic pretreatments, but the highest enzymatic monosaccharide yields were obtained after alkaline pretreatments. Alkaline pretreatments also solubilized most of the lignin.


Pretreatment pH exerted significant effects and factor interactions on the enzymatic glucose and xylose releases. Quite extreme pH values were necessary with mild thermal pretreatment strategies (T ≤ 140°C, time ≤ 10 min). Alkaline pretreatments generally induced higher enzymatic glucose and xylose release and did so at lower pretreatment temperatures than required with acidic pretreatments.  相似文献   

Reactions are described that lead to an immediate, chemical precursor of kasugamine the amino-sugar component of the aminocyclitol antibiotic kasugamycin. The key reaction involved the introduction of a bromine atom by a stereoselective ring-opening of a benzylidene acetal.  相似文献   

Most genes for antibiotic resistance present in soil microbes remain unexplored because most environmental microbes cannot be cultured. Only recently has the identification of these genes become feasible through the use of culture-independent methods. We screened a soil metagenomic DNA library in an Escherichia coli host for genes that can confer resistance to kanamycin, gentamicin, rifampin, trimethoprim, chloramphenicol, or tetracycline. The screen revealed 41 genes that encode novel protein variants of eight protein families, including aminoglycoside acetyltransferases, rifampin ADP-ribosyltransferases, dihydrofolate reductases, and transporters. Several proteins of the same protein family deviate considerably from each other yet confer comparable resistance. For example, five dihydrofolate reductases sharing at most 44% amino acid sequence identity in pairwise comparisons were equivalent in conferring trimethoprim resistance. We identified variants of aminoglycoside acetyltransferases and transporters that differ in the specificity of the drugs for which they confer resistance. We also found wide variation in protein structure. Two forms of rifampin ADP-ribosyltransferases, one twice the size of the other, were similarly effective at conferring rifampin resistance, although the short form was expressed at a much lower level. Functional metagenomic screening provides insight into the large variability in antibiotic resistance protein sequences, revealing divergent variants that preserve protein function.  相似文献   

Fuelled by the drive to complete the Human Genome Project, many laboratories have developed new methods of screening clone libraries. From PCR-based strategies to pooling schemes and increased automation, the tedious task of library screening has become less labour-intensive and more cost-efficient. Currently, two main screening methods dominate: hybridization and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In the following article, we present a brief overview of hybridization and PCR-based screening of yeast and bacterial libraries. Multi-faceted approaches combining different techniques, as well as less frequently employed methods such as fingerprinting are also described.  相似文献   

Metagenomics provides access to the uncultured majority of the microbial world. The approaches employed in this field have, however, had limited success in linking functional genes to the taxonomic or phylogenetic origin of the organism they belong to. Here we present an efficient strategy to recover environmental DNA fragments that contain phylogenetic marker genes from metagenomic libraries. Our method involves the cleavage of 23S ribsosmal RNA (rRNA) genes within pooled library clones by the homing endonuclease I-CeuI followed by the insertion and selection of an antibiotic resistance cassette. This approach was applied to screen a library of 6500 fosmid clones derived from the microbial community associated with the sponge Cymbastela concentrica. Several fosmid clones were recovered after the screen and detailed phylogenetic and taxonomic assignment based on the rRNA gene showed that they belong to previously unknown organisms. In addition, compositional features of these fosmid clones were used to classify and taxonomically assign a dataset of environmental shotgun sequences. Our approach represents a valuable tool for the analysis of rapidly increasing, environmental DNA sequencing information.  相似文献   



Traditional gene annotation methods rely on characteristics that may not be available in short reads generated from next generation technology, resulting in suboptimal performance for metagenomic (environmental) samples. Therefore, in recent years, new programs have been developed that optimize performance on short reads. In this work, we benchmark three metagenomic gene prediction programs and combine their predictions to improve metagenomic read gene annotation.  相似文献   

Transgenic animal models have played a major role in advancing our understanding of tumorigenesis. The most important recent advance has been the production of animals bearing targeted mutations generated by homologous recombination. For the first time, we can ask questions about loss of gene function and the consequences of gene alterations in situ. Perhaps most significantly, this approach has been applied to two of the tumour suppressor genes, Rb and p53. Homologous recombination has helped to clarify not only the normal roles of these genes, but also the mechanisms by which their dysfunction may lead to tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Systems biology approaches to bioremediation   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

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