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The crystal structure of troponin C from turkey skeletal muscle has been refined at 2.0 A resolution (1 A = 0.1 nm). The resulting crystallographic R factor (R = sigma[[Fo[-[Fc[[/sigma[Fo[, where [Fo[ and [Fc[ are the observed and calculated structure factor amplitudes) is 0.155 for the 8054 reflections with intensities I greater than or equal to 2 sigma(I) within the 10 A to 2.0 A resolution range. With 66% of the residues in helical conformation, troponin C provides a good sample for helix analysis. The mean alpha-helix dihedral angles (phi, psi = -62 degrees, -42 degrees) agree with values observed for helical regions in other proteins. The helices are all curved and/or kinked. In particular, the 31 amino acid long inter-domain helix is smoothly curved, with a rather large radius of curvature of 137 A. Helix packing is different in the Ca2+-free domain (N-terminal) and the Ca2+-bound domain (C-terminal). The inter-helix angles for the two helix-loop-helix motifs in the regulatory domain are 133 degrees and 151 degrees, whereas the value for the two motifs in the C-terminal domain is 110 degrees, as observed in the EF-hands of parvalbumin. These differences affect the packing of the respective hydrophobic cores of each domain, in particular the disposition of aromatic rings. Pairwise arrangement of Ca2+-binding loops is common to both states, but the conformation is markedly different. Conversion of one to the other can be achieved by small cumulative changes of main-chain dihedral angles. The integrity of loop structure is maintained by numerous electrostatic interactions. Both salt bridges and carboxyl-carboxylate interactions are observed in TnC. There are more intramolecular (9) than intermolecular (1) salt bridges. Carboxyl-carboxylate interactions occur because the pH of the crystals is 5.0 and there is a multitude of aspartate and glutamate residues. One is intramolecular and four are intermolecular. Polar side-chain interactions occur more commonly with main-chain carbonyls and amides than with other polar side-chains. These interactions are mostly short range, and are similar to those observed in other proteins with one exception: negatively charged side-chains interact more frequently with main-chain carbonyl oxygen atoms. However, out of 19 such interactions, 10 involve oxygen atoms of the Ca2+ ligands. These unfavorable interactions are compensated by the favorable interactions with the Ca2+ ions and with main-chain amides. They are a trivial consequence of the tight fold of the Ca2+-binding loops.  相似文献   

Fast and slow/cardiac troponin C (TnC) are the two different isoforms of TnC. Expression of these isoforms is developmentally regulated in vertebrate skeletal muscle. Therefore, in our studies, the pattern of their expression was analyzed by determining the steady-state levels of both TnC mRNAs. It was also examined if mRNAs for both isoforms of TnC were efficiently translated during chicken skeletal muscle development. We have used different methods to determine the steady-state levels of TnC mRNAs. First, probes specific for the fast and slow TnC mRNAs were developed using a 390 base pair (bp) and a 255 bp long fragment, of the full-length chicken fast and slow TnC cDNA clones, respectively. Our analyses using RNA-blot technique showed that fast TnC mRNA was the predominant isoform in embryonic chicken skeletal muscle. Following hatching, a significant amount of slow TnC mRNA began to accumulate in the skeletal (pectoralis) muscle. At 43 weeks posthatching, the slow TnC mRNA was nearly as abundant as the fast isoform. Furthermore, a majority of both slow and fast TnC mRNAs was found to be translationally active. A second method allowed a more reliable measure of the relative abundance of slow and fast TnC mRNAs in chicken skeletal muscle. We used a common highly conserved 18-nucleotide-long sequence towards the 5'-end of these mRNAs to perform primer extension analysis of both mRNAs in a single reaction. The result of these analyses confirmed the predominance of fast TnC mRNA in the embryonic skeletal muscle, while significant accumulation of slow TnC mRNA was observed in chicken breast (pectoralis) muscle following hatching. In addition to primer extension analysis, polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify the fast and slow TnC mRNAs from cardiac and skeletal muscle. Analysis of the amplified products demonstrated the presence of significant amounts of slow TnC mRNA in the adult skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase from pig heart has been refined by alternating rounds of restrained least-squares methods and model readjustment on an interactive graphics system. The resulting structure contains 333 amino acids in each of the two subunits, 2 NAD molecules, 471 solvent molecules, and 2 large noncovalently bound molecules that are assumed to be sulfate ions. The crystallographic study was done on one entire dimer without symmetry restraints. Analysis of the relative position of the two subunits shows that the dimer does not obey exact 2-fold rotational symmetry; instead, the subunits are related by a 173 degrees rotation. The structure results in a R factor of 16.7% for diffraction data between 6.0 and 2.5 A, and the rms deviations from ideal bond lengths and angles are 0.017 A and 2.57 degrees, respectively. The bound coenzyme in addition to hydrophobic interactions makes numerous hydrogen bonds that either are directly between NAD and the enzyme or are with solvent molecules, some of which in turn are hydrogen bonded to the enzyme. The carboxamide group of NAD is hydrogen bonded to the side chain of Asn-130 and via a water molecule to the backbone nitrogens of Leu-157 and Asp-158 and to the carbonyl oxygen of Leu-154. Asn-130 is one of the corner residues in a beta-turn that contains the lone cis peptide bond in cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase, situated between Asn-130 and Pro-131. The active site histidine, His-186, is hydrogen bonded from nitrogen ND1 to the carboxylate of Asp-158 and from its nitrogen NE2 to the sulfate ion bound in the putative substrate binding site. In addition to interacting with the active site histidine, this sulfate ion is also hydrogen bonded to the guanidinium group of Arg-161, to the carboxamide group of Asn-140, and to the hydroxyl group of Ser-241. It is speculated that the substrate, malate or oxaloacetate, is bound in the sulfate binding site with the substrate 1-carboxyl hydrogen bonded to the guanidinium group of Arg-161.  相似文献   

V D Kumar  L Lee  B F Edwards 《Biochemistry》1990,29(6):1404-1412
The crystal structure of carp parvalbumin (pI = 4.25) has been refined by restrained least-squares analysis employing X-ray diffractometer data to 1.5-A resolution. The final residual for 12,653 reflections between 10 and 1.5 A with I(hkl) greater than 2 sigma(I) is 0.215. A total of 74 solvent molecules were included in the least-squares analysis. The root mean square deviation from ideality of bond lengths is 0.024 A. The model has a root mean square difference of 0.59 A from the positions of the main-chain atoms in a previously reported structure [Moews, P. C., & Kretsinger, R. H. (1975) J. Mol. Biol. 91, 201-228], which was refined by difference Fourier syntheses using data collected by film to 1.9 A. Although the overall features of the two models are very similar, there are significant differences in the amino-terminal region, which was extensively refit, and in the number of oxygen atoms liganding calcium in the CD and EF sites, which increased from six to seven in the CD site and decreased from eight to seven in the EF site.  相似文献   

Troponin is a Ca2+-sensitive switch that regulates the contraction of vertebrate striated muscle by participating in a series of conformational events within the actin-based thin filament. Troponin is a heterotrimeric complex consisting of a Ca2+-binding subunit (TnC), an inhibitory subunit (TnI), and a tropomyosin-binding subunit (TnT). Ternary troponin complexes have been produced by assembling recombinant chicken skeletal muscle TnC, TnI and the C-terminal portion of TnT known as TnT2. A full set of small-angle neutron scattering data has been collected from TnC-TnI-TnT2 ternary complexes, in which all possible combinations of the subunits have been deuterated, in both the +Ca2+ and -Ca2+ states. Small-angle X-ray scattering data were also collected from the same troponin TnC-TnI-TnT2 complex. Guinier analysis shows that the complex is monomeric in solution and that there is a large change in the radius of gyration of TnI when it goes from the +Ca2+ to the -Ca2+ state. Starting with a model based on the human cardiac troponin crystal structure, a rigid-body Monte Carlo optimization procedure was used to yield models of chicken skeletal muscle troponin, in solution, in the presence and in the absence of regulatory calcium. The optimization was carried out simultaneously against all of the scattering data sets. The optimized models show significant differences when compared to the cardiac troponin crystal structure in the +Ca2+ state and provide a structural model for the switch between +Ca2+ and -Ca2+ states. A key feature is that TnC adopts a dumbbell conformation in both the +Ca2+ and -Ca2+ states. More importantly, the data for the -Ca2+ state suggest a long extension of the troponin IT arm, consisting mainly of TnI. Thus, the troponin complex undergoes a large structural change triggered by Ca2+ binding.  相似文献   

Refined x-ray structure of papain.E-64-c complex at 2.1-A resolution.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
E-64-c, a synthetic cysteine protease inhibitor designed from E-64, binds to papain through a thioether covalent bond. The x-ray diffraction data for 2.1-A resolution were used to determine the three-dimensional structure of this complex and refined it to R = 0.159. 0.159. In the complex structure, the configurational conversion from S to R took place on the epoxy carbon of E-64-c, implying that the nucleophilic attack of the Cys-25 thiol group occurs at the opposite side of the epoxy oxygen atom. The leucyl and isoamylamide groups of E-64-c were strongly fixed to papain S subsites by specific interactions, including hydrogen bonding to the Gly-66 residue. The carboxyl-terminal anion of E-64-c formed an electrostatic interaction with the protonated His-159 imidazole ring (O-...HN+ = 3.76 A) and consequently prevented the participation of this residue in the hydrolytic charge-relay system. No significant distortion caused by the binding of E-64-c was shown in the secondary structure of papain. It is important to note that inhibitor and substrate have opposite binding modes for the peptide groups. The possible relationship between the binding mode and inhibitory activity is discussed on the basis of the crystal structure of this complex.  相似文献   

Changes in troponin components during development of chicken skeletal muscles have been investigated by using electrophoretic, immunoelectrophoretic, and immunoelectron microscopic methods. Previous reports (S. V. Perry and H. A. Cole, 1974, Biochem. J.141, 733–743; J. M. Wilkinson, 1978, Biochem. J.169, 229–238) pointed out that breast and leg muscles of adult chicken contain different types of troponin-T (TN-T), i.e., breast- and leg-type TN-T, respectively. However, the present paper indicates that the embryonic breast muscle contains leg-type TN-T. As development progresses two types of TN-T, i.e., breast- and leg-type TN-T, are found, and finally breast-type TN-T becomes the only species of TN-T present in the breast muscle. This change is well coordinated with the change of tropomyosin in the breast muscle. In contrast, the leg muscle contains leg-type TN-T through all the developmental stages. Leg-type TN-T is present in myogenic cells in vitro, irrespective of their origin, whether from the breast or leg muscle. The types of troponin-I and troponin-C in both breast and leg muscles do not change during development. The significance of the changes in the types of TN-T is discussed in terms of differential gene expression during development of chicken breast and leg muscles.  相似文献   

Ca2+ binding to skeletal muscle troponin C in skeletal or cardiac myofibrils was measured by the centrifugation method using 45Ca. The specific Ca2+ binding to troponin C was obtained by subtracting the amount of Ca2+ bound to the CDTA-treated myofibrils (troponin C-depleted myofibrils) from that to the myofibrils reconstituted with troponin C. Results of Ca2+ binding measurement at various Ca2+ concentrations showed that skeletal troponin C had two classes of binding sites with different affinity for Ca2+. The Ca2+ binding of low-affinity sites in cardiac myofibrils was about eight times lower than that in skeletal myofibrils, while the high-affinity sites of troponin C in skeletal or cardiac myofibrils showed almost the same affinity for Ca2+. The Ca2+ sensitivity of the ATPase activity of skeletal troponin C-reconstituted cardiac myofibrils was also about eight times lower than that of skeletal myofibrils reconstituted with troponin C. These findings indicated that the difference in the sensitivity to Ca2+ of the ATPase activity between skeletal and cardiac CDTA-treated myofibrils reconstituted with skeletal troponin C was mostly due to the change in the affinity for Ca2+ of the low-affinity sites on the troponin C molecule.  相似文献   

Refined structure of spinach glycolate oxidase at 2 A resolution   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The amino acid sequence of glycolate oxidase from spinach has been fitted to an electron density map of 2.0 A nominal resolution and the structure has been refined using the restrained parameter least-squares refinement of Hendrickson and Konnert. A final crystallographic R-factor of 18.9% was obtained for 32,888 independent reflections from 5.5 to 2 A resolution. The geometry of the model, consisting of 350 amino acid residues, the cofactor flavin mononucleotide and 298 solvent molecules, is close to ideal with root-mean-square deviations of 0.015 A in bond lengths and 2.6 degrees in bond angles. The expected trimodal distribution with preference for staggered conformation is obtained for the side-chain chi 1-angles. The core of the subunit is built up from the eight beta-strands in the beta/alpha-barrel. This core consists of two hydrophobic layers. One in the center is made up of residues pointing in from the beta-strands towards the barrel axis and the second, consisting of two segments of residues, pointing out from the beta-strands towards the eight alpha-helices of the barrel and pointing from the helices towards the strands. The hydrogen bond pattern for the beta-strands in the beta/alpha-barrel is described. There are a number of residues with 3(10)-helix conformation, in particular there is one left-handed helix. The ordered solvent molecules are organized mainly in clusters. The average isotropic temperature factor is quite high, 27.1 A2, perhaps a reflection of the high solvent content in the crystal. The octameric glycolate oxidase molecule, which has 422 symmetry, makes strong interactions around the 4-fold axis forming a tight tetramer, but only weak interactions between the two tetramers forming the octamer.  相似文献   

The level of functional mRNA coding for myofibrillar proteins was studied during development of the chicken skeletal muscle. RNA isolated from the developing chicken muscle directed protein synthesis in a wheat germ cell-free system. By means of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunological analysis, tropomyosin subunits and troponin components were identified among the cell-free translation products. The mRNA activities for alpha- and beta-subunit of tropomyosin were prominent in the embryonic breast muscle as well as in the embryonic leg muscle. At the early post-embryonic stage, the mRNA activity for beta-subunit disappeared from the breast muscle, while those for alpha- and beta-subunit were detectable in the leg muscle. Troponin-C and troponin-I synthesized in vitro in response to the muscle RNA formed a binary complex in the presence of calcium ion. Despite the observed difference in molecular weight between troponin-Ts in the breast and leg muscle, RNA preparations from the two muscles encoded identical troponin-Ts whose molecular weights were indistinguishable from that of troponin-T present in the breast muscle of adult chicken. It is suggested from these results that the biosynthesis of tropomyosin is regulated at the pre-translational level during the development of the chicken skeletal muscle, whereas post-translational (or co-translational) events may produce the tissue-specific form of troponin-T.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of deoxyhemoglobin S has been refined at 3.0-A resolution using the Hendrickson-Konnert restrained least-squares method. Comparison with the structure of deoxyhemoglobin A reveals a hingelike movement of the beta-chain A helices, which are involved in molecular contacts, toward the EF corners of their respective subunits. This movement brings the amino termini of the beta-chains closer to the molecular dyad. The A helices remain alpha-helical throughout their entire lengths. No other major structural difference is found between deoxyhemoglobin A and deoxyhemoglobin S.  相似文献   

Recent structural studies of the troponin (Tn) core complex have shown that the regulatory head containing the N-lobe of TnC is connected to the IT arm by a flexible linker of TnC. The IT arm is a long coiled-coil formed by alpha-helices of TnI and TnT, plus the C-lobe of TnC. The TnT is thought to play a pivotal role in the linking of Ca(2+) -triggered conformational changes in thin filament regulatory proteins to the activation of cross-bridge cycling. However, a functional domain at the C-terminus of TnT is missing from the Tn core complex. In this study, we intended to determine the proximity relationship between the central helix of TnC and the TnT C-terminus in the binary and the ternary complex with and without Ca2+ by using pyrene excimer fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Chicken fast skeletal TnC contains a Cys102 at the E helix, while TnT has a Cys264 at its C-terminus. These two cysteines were specifically labeled with sulfhydryl-reactive fluorescence probes. The measured distance in the binary complex was about 19 Angstroms and slightly increased when they formed the ternary complex with TnI (20 Angstroms). Upon Ca2+ binding the distance was not affected in the binary complex but increased by approximately 4 Angstroms in the ternary complex. These results suggest that TnI plays an essential role in the Ca(2+) -mediated change in the spatial relationship between the C-lobe of TnC and the C-terminus of TnT.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the human histocompatibility antigen HLA-A2 was determined at 3.5 A resolution by a combination of isomorphous replacement and iterative real-space averaging of two crystal forms. The monoclinic crystal form has now been refined by least-squares methods to an R-factor of 0.169 for data from 6 to 2.6 A resolution. A superposition of the structurally similar domains found in the heterodimer, alpha 1 onto alpha 2 and alpha 3 onto beta 2m, as well as the latter pair onto the ancestrally related immunoglobulin constant domain, reveals that differences are mainly in the turn regions. Structural features of the alpha 1 and alpha 2 domains, such as conserved salt-bridges that contribute to stability, specific loops that form contacts with other domains, and the antigen-binding groove formed from two adjacent helical regions on top of an eight-stranded beta-sheet, are analyzed. The interfaces between the domains, especially those between beta 2m and the HLA heavy chain presumably involved in beta 2m exchange and heterodimer assembly, are described in detail. A detailed examination of the binding groove confirms that the solvent-accessible amino acid side-chains that are most polymorphic in mouse and human alleles fill up the central and widest portion of the binding groove, while conserved side-chains are clustered at the narrower ends of the groove. Six pockets or sub-sites in the antigen-binding groove, of diverse shape and composition, appear suited for binding side-chains from antigenic peptides. Three pockets contain predominantly non-polar atoms; but others, especially those at the extreme ends of the groove, have clusters of polar atoms in close proximity to the "extra" electron density in the binding site. A possible role for beta 2m in stabilizing permissible peptide complexes during folding and assembly is presented.  相似文献   

The X-ray structure of a new crystal form of chicken heart muscle citrate synthase, grown from solutions containing citrate and coenzyme A or L-malate and acetyl coenzyme A, has been determined by molecular replacement at 2.8-A resolution. The space group is P4(3) with a = 58.9 A and c = 259.2 A and contains an entire dimer of molecular weight 100,000 in the asymmetric unit. Both "closed" conformation chicken heart and "open" conformation pig heart citrate synthase models (Brookhaven Protein Data Bank designations 3CTS and 1CTS) were used in the molecular replacement solution, with crystallographic refinement being initiated with the latter. The conventional crystallographic R factor of the final refined model is 19.6% for the data between 6- and 2.8-A resolution. The model has an rms deviation from ideal values of 0.034 A for bond lengths and of 3.6 degrees for bond angles. The conformation of the enzyme is essentially identical with that of a previously determined "open" form of pig heart muscle citrate synthase which crystallizes in a different space group, with one monomer in the asymmetric unit, from either phosphate or citrate solution. The crystalline environment of each subunit of the chicken enzyme is different, yet the conformation is the same in each. The open conformation is therefore not an artifact of crystal packing or crystallization conditions and is not species dependent. Both "open" and "closed" crystal forms of the chicken heart enzyme grow from the same drop, showing that both conformations of the enzyme are present at equilibrium in solution containing reaction products or substrate analogues.  相似文献   

Crystals of troponin C from turkey skeletal muscle suitable for high resolution X-ray studies have been grown from a Ca2+-containing solution. These crystals diffract to at least 2.5 A resolution, and have space group P3(1)21 or P3(2)21 and the following cell dimensions: a = b = 66.6 A, c = 61.0 A, alpha = beta = 90 degrees, gamma = 120 degrees.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the homodimeric serine carboxypeptidase II from wheat (CPDW-II, M(r) 120K) has been determined and fully refined at 2.2-A resolution to a standard crystallographic R factor of 16.9% using synchrotron data collected at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. The model has an rms deviation from ideal bond lengths of 0.018 A and from bond angles of 2.8 degrees. The model supports the general conclusions of an earlier study at 3.5-A resolution and will form the basis for investigation into substrate binding and mechanistic studies. The enzyme has an alpha + beta fold, consisting of a central 11-stranded beta-sheet with a total of 15 helices on either side. The enzyme, like other serine proteinases, contains a "catalytic triad" Ser146-His397-Asp338 and a presumed "oxyanion hole" consisting of the backbone amides of Tyr147 and Gly53. The carboxylate of Asp338 and imidazole of His397 are not coplanar in contrast to the other serine proteinases. A comparison of the active site features of the three families of serine proteinases suggests that the "catalytic triad" should actually be regarded as two diads, a His-Asp diad and a His-Ser diad, and that the relative orientation of one diad with respect to the other is not particularly important. Four active site residues (52, 53, 65, and 146) have unfavorable backbone conformations but have well-defined electron density, suggesting that there is some strain in the active site region. The binding of the free amino acid arginine has been analyzed by difference Fourier methods, locating the binding site for the C-terminal carboxylate of the leaving group. The carboxylate makes hydrogen bonds to Glu145, Asn51, and the amide of Gly52. The carboxylate of Glu145 also makes a hydrogen bond with that of Glu65, suggesting that one or both may be protonated. Thus, the loss of peptidase activity at pH > 7 may in part be due to deprotonation of Glu145. The active site does not reveal exposed peptide amides and carbonyl oxygen atoms that could interact with substrate in an extended beta-sheet fashion. The fold of the polypeptide backbone is completely different than that of trypsin or subtilisin, suggesting that this is a third example of convergent molecular evolution to a common enzymatic activity. Furthermore, it is suggested that the active site sequence motif "G-X-S-X-G/A", often considered the hallmark of serine peptidase or esterase activity, is fortuitous and not the result of divergent evolution.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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