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The Icelandic folk model of fishing success emphasizes the importance of the skipper. The validity of this folk model has recently been hotly debated in the social science literature. In this study an attempt is made to estimate the role of the skipper in fishing success. First, we document by a national survey the composition of the folk model of fishing success held by the Icelandic public. Second, drawing on extensive interview data we outline the model of fishing success proposed by skippers themselves. Third, we test this folk science of the skipper by means of visual and statistical analysis against a social science model that emphasizes the role of material factors. The results show that fishing success is not determined by technological and material factors, leaving plenty of room for human factors, such as the skills and knowledge of the skipper. These results are consistent with folk notions of the skipper effect, but contradictory to earlier results of social science. Finally, the results are discussed in a theoretical context with reference to resource management and the nature of folk models.  相似文献   

Researchers have analysed whether school and local knowledge complement or substitute each other, but have paid less attention to whether those two learning models use different cognitive strategies. In this study, we use data collected among three contemporary hunter-gatherer societies with relatively low levels of exposure to schooling yet with high levels of local ecological knowledge to test the association between i) schooling and ii) local ecological knowledge and verbal working memory. Participants include 94 people (24 Baka, 25 Punan, and 45 Tsimane’) from whom we collected information on 1) schooling and school related skills (i.e., literacy and numeracy), 2) local knowledge and skills related to hunting and medicinal plants, and 3) working memory. To assess working memory, we applied a multi-trial free recall using words relevant to each cultural setting. People with and without schooling have similar levels of accurate and inaccurate recall, although they differ in their strategies to organize recall: people with schooling have higher results for serial clustering, suggesting better learning with repetition, whereas people without schooling have higher results for semantic clustering, suggesting they organize recall around semantically meaningful categories. Individual levels of local ecological knowledge are not related to accurate recall or organization recall, arguably due to overall high levels of local ecological knowledge. While schooling seems to favour some organization strategies this might come at the expense of some other organization strategies.  相似文献   

The effect of school size on the feeding success of individual three-spined sticklebacks was studied. We found that the proportion of fish feeding on benthic prey increased with school size and that fish in large schools tended to start feeding sooner than fish in small schools. The total number of strikes also increased in larger schools. Despite this evidence for a foraging benefit associated with school membership we propose that improved feeding returns do not alone explain stickleback schooling.  相似文献   

Identifying the proximate and ultimate mechanisms of social behavior remains a major goal of behavioral biology. In particular, the complex social interactions mediating schooling behavior have long fascinated biologists, leading to theoretical and empirical investigations that have focused on schooling as a group-level phenomenon. However, methods to examine the behavior of individual fish within a school are needed in order to investigate the mechanisms that underlie both the performance and the evolution of schooling behavior. We have developed a technique to quantify the schooling behavior of an individual in standardized but easily manipulated social circumstances. Using our model school assay, we show that threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from alternative habitats differ in behavior when tested in identical social circumstances. Not only do marine sticklebacks show increased association with the model school relative to freshwater benthic sticklebacks, they also display a greater degree of parallel swimming with the models. Taken together, these data indicate that marine sticklebacks exhibit a stronger tendency to school than benthic sticklebacks. We demonstrate that these population-level differences in schooling tendency are heritable and are shared by individuals within a population even when they have experienced mixed-population housing conditions. Finally, we begin to explore the stimuli that elicit schooling behavior in these populations. Our data suggest that the difference in schooling tendency between marine and benthic sticklebacks is accompanied by differential preferences for social vs. non-social and moving vs. stationary shelter options. Our study thus provides novel insights into the evolution of schooling behavior, as well as a new experimental approach to investigate the genetic and neural mechanisms that underlie this complex social behavior.  相似文献   

By the late 1980's, humans were removing 76 million metric tons (MMT) of marine fishes annually. The potential sustainable catch is somewhere between 69 and 96 MMT. As a result, major fisheries have collapsed or are in danger of collapsing. Many of these species school. Schooling is effective against gape-limited predators because of dilution and confusion. However, larger predators may exploit schooling behavior to sequester and consume a non-trivial fraction of the group. This is the strategy of fishers. Both gear and fisher behavior have evolved to take advantage of the seemingly canalized response of schooling species. This paper examines the ways artisanal and western fishers have exploited knowledge of the behavior and ecology of schooling species to aid in fish capture. Topics include object association; use of light, sound, and chemicals; perceived barriers; predator-prey and other trophic interactions; inherent cyclical rhythms such as diel migration, lunar spawning, and seasonality; and correlations with the physical environment. Exploiting schooling allows fishers to increase efficiency through knowledge of when and where fish aggregate, or by extending the conditions under which aggregation occurs. However, knowledge of behavioral ecology can also be used to conserve schooling stocks. Gear selectivity, group size and population dynamics, and fisher efficiency are all potential areas of integration between behavioral ecology and fishery management. However, no amount of integration of behavioral ecology into fishery management will have the intended conservation effects if fishing effort is not limited to at least numerical if not behaviorally-sustainable levels.  相似文献   

Mate choice matters for inclusive fitness, household economic efficiency, assimilation, stratification, and economic inequalities in society. In positive assortative mating, people pair with someone who resembles them along a trait, whereas in negative assortative mating, people pair with someone who differs from them along a trait. In industrial nations, people tend to follow positive assortative mating for fundamental demographic dimensions (e.g., age, schooling) and might practice negative assortative mating for economic outcomes (e.g., earnings). Research on assortative mating has focused on industrial nations, generally compared only one trait between couples, and paid scant attention to the effects of assortative mating for offspring well-being. If assortative mating enhances inclusive fitness, it might also enhance offspring well-being. Drawing on data from a farming–foraging society in the Bolivian Amazon (Tsimane') that practices preferential cross-cousin marriage, we (a) identify six parental traits (age, knowledge, wealth, schooling, height, and smiles) for which Tsimane' might practice assortative mating and (b) test the hypothesis that assortative mating enhances offspring well-being. Proxies for offspring well-being include height and school attainment. Tsimane' resemble people of industrial nations in practicing mostly positive assortative mating. Pairwise, mother–father and Pearson correlations of age, schooling, and earnings among Tsimane' resemble correlations of industrial nations. Correlation coefficients for the six parental traits were far higher than correlations that might happened just by chance. We found weak support for the hypothesis that assortative mating improves offspring well-being.  相似文献   

The basic economic problem of commercial fisheries can be seen as the absence of property rights to the fish stocks. There are, however, both practical and principal obstacles to applying that solution. Instead, the preferable arrangement appears to be stock control by public agencies, combined with exclusive use rights granted, leased or sold to the fishing industry in order to achieve economic efficiency. Incentives to establish such rights can be found both in government circles and in the industry. Both have a vital role to play; plans to establish use rights such as ITQs have run aground on more than one occasion because of opposition from the industry. Use rights can be seen as a tool for government agencies to achieve economic efficiency in the industry. If desired, these gains can be distributed over a wider public through user fees of some kind. There are few examples, however, of substantial user fees, and the industry has been successful in getting such schemes abolished when they have been put into effect. The experience of Russia and, in particular, Estonia is discussed. The absence of user fees can be explained by the need to obtain support for use right schemes from the industry, and the windfall gains from gratis use rights are vehicles for this. Norway and Iceland are two countries which have put in place use rights, but they have done so in different ways. Iceland has an ITQ system while Norway has fishing concessions combined with individual vessel quotas. Some success appears to have been achieved in both countries with these systems.  相似文献   

Although the phenomenon of termite fishing by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) has historical and theoretical importance for primatology, we still have a limited understanding of how chimpanzees accomplish this activity, and in particular, about details of skilled actions and the nature of individual variation in fishing techniques. We examined movements, hand positions, grips, and other details from remote video footage of seven adult and subadult female chimpanzees using plant probes to extract Macrotermes muelleri termites from epigeal nests. Six chimpanzees used exclusively one hand (left or right) to grip the probe during termite fishing. All chimpanzees used the same repertoire of actions to insert, adjust, and withdraw the probe but differed in the frequency of use of particular actions. Chimpanzees have been described as eating termites in two ways—directly from the probe or by sweeping them from the probe with one hand. We describe a third technique: sliding the probe between the digits of one stationary hand as the probe is extracted from the nest. The sliding technique requires complementary bimanual coordination (extracting with one hand and grasping lightly with the other, at the same time). We highlight the importance of actions with two hands—one gripping, one assisting—in termite fishing and discuss how probing techniques are correlated with performance. Additional research on digital function and on environmental, organismic, and task constraints will further reveal manual dexterity in termite fishing.  相似文献   

School attainment is an important aspect of human capital, and a key determinant of long-term health and well-being. Early life deprivation and poor nutritional status are well known predictors of school entry and progression. We examine the persistence of early life influences and subsequent socioeconomic disadvantage (SED) across the multiple school continuation decisions that lead to final school attainment. Using data from a Philippine birth cohort followed for 35 years, we model 6 continuation decisions: Did not complete elementary school, elementary graduate only (completed grade 6), some secondary schooling, high school graduate, some postsecondary schooling, and college graduate, as well as total years of schooling. We estimate the association of school attainment with early life length for age Z-score (LAZ at 2 years of age) and cognitive development (IQ) as well as underlying indicators of SED and other family influences through early adulthood. The analysis sample includes >1900 participants in the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey. Females completed, on average, one year more schooling than males, and twice as many females as males were college graduates (29.1 vs 15.0 %). LAZ and one standard deviation of IQ were each independently associated with 0.4 more years of attained schooling. A path model demonstrated strong direct associations of SED with years of schooling as well as indirect associations through LAZ and IQ. Sequential logits used to estimate continuing education decisions show persistent associations of early life LAZ and IQ and schooling even after accounting for changing SED of households over the schooling life course. Filipino parents had high but often unmet educational aspirations for their children because of the child’s loss of interest in school and perceived financial barriers. Results further emphasize the importance of early life SED as a key risk factor for suboptimal school attainment.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of childhood malnutrition on schooling performance in rural Bangladesh. The results reveal that malnourished children are less likely to enrol in school on time and achieve an age-appropriate grade by 26 percentage points and 31 percentage points, respectively. Other important determinants of schooling outcomes include infrastructure and education level of parents. One major contribution of this paper is the control for the endogeneity of malnutrition status, which otherwise might lead to bias estimates.  相似文献   

Research suggests that behavioral self-regulation skills are critical for early school success, but few studies have explored such links among young children in Europe. This study examined the contribution of early self-regulation to academic achievement gains among children in France, Germany, and Iceland. Gender differences in behavioral self-regulation skills were also explored. A total of 260 children were followed longitudinally over one to two years (average age at Wave 1 was 74.5 months). Behavioral self-regulation was assessed using a structured direct observation (Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders task) and assessment. Multilevel analyses revealed that higher levels on both ratings of self-regulation predicted higher academic skills after controlling for gender, age, maternal education, and previous achievement, but the relations depended on the cultural context. Teacher ratings were more consistently related to achievement gains than directly assessed behavioral self-regulation. Girls outperformed boys only in Iceland. We discuss universal and culture-specific findings and implications for educational practices.  相似文献   

Although schooling behaviour is an important antipredator response of guppies ( Poecilia reticulata ) in Trinidad it is not known whether fish elect to school with particular individuals. Familiarity is a simple mechanism that could lead to non-random associations within schools. In this paper we test the idea that prior experience of particular individuals influences the choice of partners during schooling. We show (in a laboratory study) that female guppies prefer to associate with familiar individuals. However, we are unable to detect any schooling preference for unfamiliar females from the same population.  相似文献   

Hypoxia and the antipredator behaviours of fishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hypoxia is a phenomenon occurring in marine coastal areas with increasing frequency. While hypoxia has been documented to affect fish activity and metabolism, recent evidence shows that hypoxia can also have a detrimental effect on various antipredator behaviours. Here, we review such evidence with a focus on the effect of hypoxia on fish escape responses, its modulation by aquatic surface respiration (ASR) and schooling behaviour. The main effect of hypoxia on escape behaviour was found in responsiveness and directionality. Locomotor performance in escapes was expected to be relatively independent of hypoxia, since escape responses are fuelled anaerobically. However, hypoxia decreased locomotor performance in some species (Mugilidae) although only in the absence of ASR in severe hypoxia. ASR allows fish to show higher escape performance than fish staying in the water column where hypoxia occurs. This situation provides a trade-off whereby fish may perform ASR in order to avoid the detrimental effects of hypoxia, although they would be subjected to higher exposure to aerial predation. As a result of this trade-off, fishes appear to minimize surfacing behaviour in the presence of aerial predators and to surface near shelters, where possible. For many fish species, schooling can be an effective antipredator behaviour. Severe hypoxia may lead to the disruption of the school unit. At moderate levels, hypoxia can increase school volume and can change the shuffling behaviour of individuals. By altering school structure and dynamics, hypoxia may affect the well functioning of schooling in terms of synchronization and execution of antipredator manoeuvres. School structure and volume appear to be the results of numerous trade-offs, where school shape may be dictated by the presence of predators, the need for energy saving via hydrodynamic advantages and oxygen level. The effects of hypoxia on aquatic organisms can be taxon specific. While hypoxia may not necessarily increase the vulnerability of fish subject to predation by other fish (since feeding in fish also decreases in hypoxia), predators from other taxa such as birds, jellyfish or aquatic mammals may take advantage of the detrimental effects of hypoxia on fish escape ability. Therefore, the effect of hypoxia on fish antipredator behaviours may have major consequences for the composition of aquatic communities.  相似文献   

Animal groups such as fish schools, bird flocks and insect swarms appear to move so synchronously that they have long been considered egalitarian, leaderless units. In schooling fish, video observations of their spatial-temporal organization have, however, shown that anti-predator manoeuvres are not perfectly synchronous and that individuals have spatial preferences within the school. Nonetheless, when facing life-or-death situations, it is not known whether schooling fish react to a threat following a random or a hierarchically-based order. Using high-speed video analysis, here we show that schooling fish (Golden grey mullet, Liza aurata) evade a threat in a non-random order, therefore individuals that are first or last to react tend to do so repeatedly over sequential stimulations. Furthermore, startle order is strongly correlated with individual positional preferences. Because school members are known to follow individuals that initiate a manoeuvre, early responders are likely to exert the strongest influence on the escape strategy of the whole school. Our results present new evidence of the intrinsic heterogeneity among school members and provide new rules governing the collective motion of gregarious animals under predator attack.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Die marinen Schwarmfische kommen ausschließlich als echter Schwarmverband vor, solange sie sich im pelagischen Raum aufhalten. Bei der Nahrungsaufnahme und in der Nacht wird der Schwarmverband aufgelöst.2. Die Reaktionen innerhalb eines Schwarmes breiten sich nach bestimmten Gesetzmäßigkeiten aus und sind zeitlich meßbar.3. Eine Reaktion innerhalb eines Schwarmes kann von verschiedenen Stellen aus ausgelöst werden.4. Leitfische im Schwarm existieren nicht.5. Die echten Schwarmfische des Süßwassers entsprechen in ihren Reaktionen den Schwarmfischen des Meerwassers. Im Süßwasser treten außerdem noch andere Sozietätsformen auf.6. Die SüßwasserartAlburnus alburnus eignet sich als Modellfisch für Untersuchungen der Reaktionen von Schwärmen auf Fanggeräte und für die weitere Erforschung der Schwarmgesetzmäßigkeiten.
Methods and results of studies on the schooling behaviour of fishes using the diving method
Knowledge of schooling behaviour is becoming increasingly important in deep-sea fishery. Observations and experiments were conducted to elucidate standard responses of some schooling fishes in situ and in net aquaria using diving apparatus, cine and photocameras. The 5 species of sea-water schooling fishes studied show mainly uniform behaviour. Using 4 measurable criteria it was possible to examine and time the pattern of behaviour within the school. The way a response spreads within a school differs, and 3 basic types can be differentiated. Of 6 freshwater fish species studied,Alburnus alburnus is the only obligatory school fish; it is the only one which shows values within the range recorded for the sea-water school fishes studied. The other freshwater fishes examined are obligatory school fishes only in their juvenile phases. With increasing age they conform with the other 4 types of social behaviour differentiated in the study. The recorded reaction times of schools and the responses to nets of varying mesh size (meshes up to 1 m length were avoided by schools) are important for fishery. Qualitative intensification gains in importance by the frequently observed unification of different schools. The freshwater-livingAlburnus alburnus is a suitable model fish for studies on the conformity of school behaviour, as well as for experiments with new fishing gear and methods.

Movement, site fidelity and connectivity have important consequences for the evolution of population structure and therefore the conservation and management of a species. In this study photographs of naturally marked killer whales collected from sites across the Northeast Atlantic are used to estimate fidelity to sampling locations and movement between locations, expressed as transition probabilities, pt, using maximum likelihood methods. High transition probabilities suggest there is high inter-annual site fidelity to all locations, and large-scale movement between the spawning and wintering grounds of both Norwegian and Iceland stocks of Atlantic herring. There was no evidence of movement between the Norwegian herring grounds and Icelandic herring grounds, or between the mackerel fishing grounds and the herring fishing grounds. Thus the movement of predictable and abundant prey resources can lead to intrinsic isolation in this species We also find movement between the Northern Isles, Scotland and East Iceland. An association network indicates that killer whales predating seals around the Northern Isles, Scotland are linked to the community of killer whales that follow the Icelandic summer-spawning herring. This adds support to existing evidence of a broad niche width in some populations.  相似文献   

As part of a Basic Education for All campaign, Unesco is exploring ways to improve health and nutrition in school-age children in order to help them take advantage of the only schooling they may ever receive. At the first international Unesco working meeting on health, nutrition and school performance, intestinal helminths were identified as more appropriate immediate targets than malaria and other infectious diseases. Prevalence and intensity of infection in school-age children, the schools as vehicles of intervention, and the availability of interventions contributed to this choice. However, there are still many gaps in our knowledge of the effects of infectious diseases in schoolchildren. Through the improvement of understanding in this area, the parasitology community may be able to contribute to the Unesco project.  相似文献   

Most studies on childhood health and human capital in developing countries examine how early childhood linear growth relates to later human productivity as reflected in schooling success. Work status is another important human capital outcome related to early child health. This study examines the relationship of linear growth restriction at 2 years of age to work status in young adults who have, for the most part completed their schooling and further explores whether this relationship differs by gender. The analysis sample of 1795 was drawn from participants in the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey, which followed individuals from birth to age 20-22 years. Work status in 2005 was represented by three categories: not working, working in an informal job, and working in a formal job. Formal work in the Philippines, as in most countries, is associated with regular hours, higher wages and benefits. Analyses were stratified by gender and current school enrolment, and adjusted for socioeconomic status and attained years of schooling. Among males no longer in school, higher length-for-age Z-score (LAZ) at age 2 was associated with a 40% increase in likelihood of formal work compared to not working. In females, each 1 unit increase in LAZ was associated with 0.2 higher likelihood of formal vs. informal work. No significant associations were observed in the small sample of young adults still in school. To improve job prospects of young adults, it is important to provide proper nutrition in early childhood and adequate educational opportunities during schooling years.  相似文献   

A method for quantifying consistent individual differences in schooling behaviour is presented. This method, which utilizes a school of models, improves on previous methods by removing the unwanted variation that is introduced by live stimulus fish while still providing the physiological experience of schooling to the focal fish. Three‐spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus observed in the model school assay exhibited consistent individual differences in schooling behaviour.  相似文献   

Situating parental involvement in education within a sociohistorical context, this case study of a Nicaraguan immigrant household in California contrasts the perspectives of two sisters-inlaw who shared a home and whose daughters attended the same urban elementary school. Although the two women were involved in their daughters' schooling in different ways, the article illustrates how both women drew on a variety of personal, family, and community resources to support the girls' academic success.  相似文献   

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