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Qualitative histochemical G6PDH distribution patterns obtained in the liver acinus of adult male and female rats with an improved method (Rieder et al., 1978) served as a basis for the isolation by microdissection of tissue samples of defined zonal affiliation. G6PDH activity was assayed quantitatively in tissue samples of zones 1 and 3 by a microfluorometric method, using the oil well technique and enzymatic cycling (Burch et al., 1963; Lowry and Passonneau, 1972). With the use of a correlation system further evidence could be presented for the validity of the recently described qualitative distribution patterns. From a total of 50 analyzed tissue samples the following G6PDH activities were calculated: 4.25 +/- 1.56 U/g dry weight in zone 1 and 2.08 +/- 0.46 U/g dry weight in zone 3 of male and 7.21 +/- 1.03 U/g dry weight in zone 1 and 11.10 +/- 2.56 U/g dry weight in zone 3 of female rats. These data were corrected for interference from the G6PDH activity of the Kupffer cells within zone 1 samples (approximately 80 U/g dry weight), so that the actual relative values for the parenchymal activity could be estimated for the first time: 2 U/g dry weight in zones 1 and 3 of male animals, 5 U/g dry weight in zone 1 and 11 U/g dry weight in zone 3 of female animals. In female livers G6PDH activity in zone 1 is therefore 2.5 times higher, and in zone 3 5 times higher than in the male. These zonal as well as sex-differences are clearly indicative of a heterogeneous functional organization of the liver acinus in terms of capacity for NADPH production, mainly in connection with reductive reactions in fatty acid synthesis. 相似文献
H. F. Teutsch 《Histochemistry and cell biology》1978,58(4):281-288
Summary Qualitative histochemical G6Pase distribution patterns obtained with an improved method (Teutsch, 1978) served as the basis for a zonal microdissection of the liver acinus. G6Pase activity was determined quantitatively in tissue samples of zones 1 and 3 by a microfluorometric method (Burch et al., 1978). Using a correlation system it could be demonstrated that the histochemical distribution pattern obtained with the improved method was in better agreement with quantitatively estimated zonal differences of G6Pase activity, both in fed and starved female rats, than with the Wachstein and Meisel medium (1956). From a total of 50 tissue samples analyzed the following average G6Pase activities were calculated: in fed animals 15.36±3.48 U/g dry weight in zone 1, and 9.28±2.15 U/g dry weight in zone 3; in starved female rats 42.50±8.20 U/g dry weight in zone 1, and 29.25±5.68 U/g dry weight in zone 3. The qualitative histochemical as well as quantitative zonal differences of G6Pase activities are taken as further support for the hypothesis of metabolic zonation of liver parencyma.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 相似文献
H F Teutsch 《Histochemistry》1978,58(4):281-288
Qualitative histochemical G6Pase distribution patterns obtained with an improved method (Teutsch, 1978) served as the basis for a zonal microdissection of the liver acinus. G6Pase activity was determined quantitatively in tissue samples of zones 1 and 3 by a microfluorometric method (Burch et al., 1978). Using a correlation system it could be demonstrated that the histochemical distribution pattern obtained with the improved method was in better agreement with quantitatively estimated zonal differences of G6Pase activity, both in fed and starved female rats, than with the Wachstein and Meisel medium (1956). From a total of 50 tissue samples analyzed the following average G6Pase activities were calculated: in fed animals 15.36 +/- 3.48 U/g dry weight in zone 1, and 9.28 +/- 2.15 U/g dry weight in zone 3; in starved female rats 42.50 +/- 8.20 U/g dry weight in zone 1, and 29.25 +/- 5.68 U/g dry weight in zone 3. The qualitative histochemical as well as quantitative zonal differences of G6Pase activities are taken as further support for the hypothesis of metabolic zonation of liver parenchyma. 相似文献
S Waguri M Kohmura S Kanamori T Watanabe Y Ohsawa M Koike Y Tomiyama M Wakasugi E Kominami Y Uchiyama 《The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry》2001,49(11):1397-1405
Two mannose 6-phosphate receptors, cation-dependent and -independent receptors (CDMPR and CIMPR), play an important role in the intracellular transport of lysosomal enzymes. To investigate functional differences between the two in vivo, their distribution was examined in the rat liver using immunohistochemical techniques. Positive signals corresponding to CIMPR were detected intensely in hepatocytes and weakly in sinusoidal Kupffer cells and interstitial cells in Glisson's capsule. In the liver acinus, hepatocytes in the perivenous region showed a more intense immunoreactivity than those in the periportal region. On the other hand, positive staining of CDMPR was detected at a high level in Kupffer cells, epithelial cells of interlobular bile ducts, and fibroblast-like cells, but the corresponding signal was rather weak in hepatocytes. In situ hybridization analysis also revealed a high level of expression of CIMPR mRNAs in hepatocytes and of CDMPR mRNA in Kupffer cells. By double immunostaining, OX6-positive antigen-presenting cells in Glisson's capsule were co-labeled with the CDMPR signal but were only faintly stained with anti-CIMPR. These different distribution patterns of the two MPRs suggest distinct functional properties of each receptor in liver tissue. 相似文献
Kazuo Kanai Jun Watanabe Youko Asaka Satoshi Fujimoto Shinsuke Kanamura 《The Histochemical journal》1992,24(12):957-963
Summary Immunohistochemical distribution of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase (NADPH-ferrihaemoprotein reductase; EC in the liver lobule was examined during development of the rat. From the 19th day of gestation to 4 days after birth, the enzyme was distributed uniformly throughout the lobule. The immunostaining for the enzyme was weak before birth, and became slightly stronger after birth. A slightly uneven distribution of immunoreactivity, stronger in perivenular zones, appeared at 5 days after birth. Then, the staining intensity in perivenular zones became progressively stronger with age, except for a slight increase between 10 and 20 days of age. The intensity in periportal zones also increased gradually, although it remained weaker than that in perivenular zones. Around 30 days of age, the distribution of the immunostaining, stronger in perivenular than in periportal zones, was similar to that seen in the lobules of adult animals. thus, heterogeneity among hepatocytes with respect to the enzyme content is not present in fetal and newborn rats but develops gradually during postnatal development; the postnatal growth of the liver is accompanied by a change in the pattern of the distribution of this enzyme within the lobule. 相似文献
Zemanová E Jirků M Mauricio IL Horák A Miles MA Lukes J 《International journal for parasitology》2007,37(2):149-160
Flagellates of the Leishmania donovani complex are causative agents of human cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. The complex is comprised of L. donovani, Leishmania infantum and Leishmania archibaldi, although the latter is not now considered to be a valid species. Morphological distinction of Leishmania species is impractical, so biochemical, immunological and DNA-based criteria were introduced. Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) is the present gold standard. We have sequenced the genes encoding five metabolic enzymes used for MLEE, both to resolve the DNA diversity underlying isoenzyme mobility differences and to explore the potential of these targets for higher resolution PCR-based multilocus sequence typing. The genes sequenced were isocitrate dehydrogenase, malic enzyme, mannose phosphate isomerase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and fumarate hydratase, for 17 strains of L. infantum, seven strains of L. donovani, and three strains of L. archibaldi. Protein mobilities predicted from amino acid sequences did not always accord precisely with reported MLEE profiles. A high number of heterozygous sites was detected. Heterozygosity was particularly frequent in some strains and indirectly supported the presence of genetic exchange in Leishmania. Phylogenetic analysis of a concatenated alignment based on a total of 263 kb protein-coding sequences showed strong correlation of genotype with geographical origin. Europe and Africa appear to represent independent evolutionary centres. 相似文献
Judith G. E. M. Zuurveld Dr. Ir. Peter Wirtz Helene M. Th. Loermans Jacques H. Veerkamp 《Cell and tissue research》1985,241(1):183-192
Summary The postnatal development, between 0 and 90 days, of three hindlimb muscles and diaphragm of the rat was investigated with respect to fiber types and diameter (histochemistry) and substrate oxidation rates and enzyme activities (biochemistry). The process of muscle fiber differentiation into mature patterns was evaluated by visual classification into 3 or 4 groups having different staining intensities for 3 enzyme-histochemical reactions, enabling 26 fiber types to be distinguished. These exhibited specific sizes and growth rates that varied among the muscles. One of the hindleg muscles (flexor digitorum brevis) remained much more immature than soleus and extensor digitorum longus.The histochemical and biochemical findings correlated well. The capacity for pyruvate and palmitate oxidation, and the activities of cytochrome c oxidase and citrate synthase, increased markedly between 9 and 37 days in soleus and extensor digitorum longus (except citrate synthase in the latter) but not in flexor digitorum brevis. Creatine kinase activity increased in all hindlimb muscles. Both the capacity and the activity of pyruvate oxidation (determined in homogenates and intact isolated muscles, respectively), were in accordance with the fiber type composition. In contrast to oxidation capacity, the activity of pyruvate oxidation decreased after birth until the mature stage, when a value of 18–42% of that of early postnatal muscles was recorded. 相似文献
Summary Microquantitative measurements of ADH-activity were carried out on the livers of male and female rats, guinea-pigs and horses (two geldings and a mare). Lyophilized cryostat sections of liver parenchyma were microdissected the whole way along the sinusoidal length from the terminal afferent vessels to the terminal efferent venule. ADH activity in samples of about 50–150 ng was measured in a microbiochemical assay using the oil-well technique without enzymatic cycling, by direct luminometric determination of NADH. On the basis of the single measurements, mean values of total hepatic ADH activity could be calculated and the specific distribution patterns graphically demonstrated.Total activity of ADH in the liver of the female rat is 1.6 times higher than in the male; the male distribution pattern exhibits a relative maximum in the intermediary zone of the acinus while the activity in the liver of female rats increases towards a perivenous maximum. Mean values for total ADH activity in the livers of male and female guinea-pigs are almost equal and there is, moreover, no clear intra-acinar gradient. Mare and castrated male horses show high hepatic ADH activity which is evenly distributed in the liver acinus.Supported by grants from the Schweizerische Stiftung für Alkoholforschung and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sa 127/8-4)Dedicated to Prof. Dr. W. Graumann on the occasion of his 70th birthday 相似文献
S Bandiera 《Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology》1990,68(6):762-768
Research interest in the study of cytochromes P450 has recently been shifting to the characterization of "constitutively" expressed isozymes from that of the inducible forms. Several "constitutive" cytochrome P450 isozymes have been purified from rat liver including five immunochemically related proteins designated cytochromes P450f, P450g, P450h, P450i, and P450k. These hemoproteins have been identified as distinct isozymes on the basis of spectral, electrophoretic, and catalytic properties and NH2-terminal sequence analysis. Purification and immunoquantitation studies have indicated that these isozymes are expressed in a developmental as well as sex-related manner, and are relatively refractory to induction by xenobiotics. Cytochromes P450h and P450g are male-specific proteins, cytochrome P450i is a female-specific isozyme, while cytochromes P450f and P450k are present in both male and female adult rats. In addition, the expression of cytochrome P450g was shown to segregate into two phenotypes in outbred rats. Genetic studies utilizing inbred strains have indicated that the gene responsible for inheritance of high levels of cytochrome P450g is autosomal. Although considerable progress has been made in understanding the role of gonadal hormones and growth hormone in the hepatic regulation of cytochromes P450g, P450h, and P450i in particular, the physiological significance of the "constitutive" isozymes in the liver remains largely unresolved. 相似文献
Evidence of repetitive patterns of chromatin distribution in cell nuclei of rat liver 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Samples of rat livers were fixed in glutaraldehyde, contrasted en bloc with phosphotungstic acid, embedded in an epoxy resin and serially sectioned. The study of three-dimensional models of 20 complete nuclei shows that all of them share some general features: they have more than one nucleolus (2-4), an irregular layer of compact chromatin adjacent to the nuclear membrane and well-delimited clumps of chromatin both in the nuclear sap and surrounding the nucleoli. A space of 8 sections containing the central nucleolus and a lateral one was studied in detail. In this space, 8 clumps of compact chromatin were found in 17 nuclei and 9 clumps in the other 3 nuclei. No other number of clumps was found in those zones. In all the nuclei studied the compact chromatin surrounding the central nucleolus contacts the nuclear envelope. This contact takes place in a region almost diametrically opposed to the lateral nucleolus in 13 nuclei. In 7 nuclei, these structures were at angles between 50 and 125 degrees. These results support the existence of nonrandom repetitive patterns of chromatin distribution in liver cells. 相似文献
Summary The aim of this study was to identify the G6PDH-active sinusoidal cells in the rat liver described by Rieder et al. (1978). Because of their number and distribution in the liver parenchyma, endothelial cells and pit cells could be excluded. Fat-storing cells were specifically marked by vital staining with vitamin A and identified by fluorescence microscopy. Kupffer cells could be detected after vital staining with carmine. Both staining methods allowed a subsequent incubation for the demonstration of G6PDH activity in the same unfixed cryostat section. Whereas more than 80% of the fluorescent particles were found outside the enzyme-positive cells, all G6PDH-active cells contained carmine particles. After counting the G6PDH-active cells, an estimation of 0.217 × 108 cells/g liver tissue was obtained. The results indicate that high G6PDH activity is common to all Kupffer cells, and is therefore a highly specific marker enzyme for this class of sinusoidal liver cells.The essential parts of this study will be presented as an Inaugural-Dissertation to the Medical Faculty of the University of Freiburg by W. HosemannSupported by a grant from the SFB 46 (Molgrudent) 相似文献
Subcellular organellles from livers of rats three days prenatal to 50 weeks postnatal were separated on sucrose gradients. The peroxisomes had a constant density of 1.243 g/ml throughout the life of the animal. The density of the mitochondria changed from about 1.236 g/ml at birth to a constant value of 1.200 g/ml after two weeks. The peroxisomal and mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation and the peroxisomal and supernatant activities of catalase and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase were measured at each age, as well as the peroxisomal core enzyme, urate oxidase, and the mitochondrial matrix enzyme, glutamate dehydrogenase. All of these activities were very low or undetectable before birth. Mitochondrial glutamate dehydrogenase and peroxisomal urate oxidase reached maximal activities per g of liver at two and five weeks of age, respectively. Fatty acid beta-oxidation in both peroxisomes and mitochondria and peroxisomal glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase exhibited maximum activities per g of liver between one and two weeks of age before weaning and then decreased to steady state levels in the adult. Peroxisomal beta-oxidation accounted for at least 10% of the total beta-oxidation activity in the young rat liver, but became 30% of the total in the liver of the adult female and 20% in the adult male due to a decrease in mitochondrial beta-oxidation after two weeks of age. The greatest change in beta-oxidation was in the mitochondrial fraction rather than in the peroxisomes. At two weeks of age, four times as much beta-oxidation activity was in the mitochondria as in the peroxisomal fraction. Peroxisomal glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity accounted for 5% to 7% of the total activity in animals younger than one week, but only 1% to 2% in animals older than one week. Up to three weeks of age, 85% to 90% of the liver catalase was recovered in the peroxisomes. The activity of peroxisomal catalase per g of rat liver remained constant after three weeks of age, but the total activity of catalase further increased 2.5- to 3-fold, and all of the increased activity was in the supernatant fraction. 相似文献
A Dionyssiou-Asteriou 《Cell biochemistry and function》1990,8(3):141-145
Total and specific activity of cathepsin D (EC. were measured in rat liver and brain from 1 to 98 days of age. The activity of cathepsin D in the liver of adult and newborn rats was the same while in the rat brain it was higher in adult than in newborn rats. In the liver maximum specific activity of cathepsin D occurred on the 10th postnatal day and minimum on the fourth day of age. In the brain maximum specific activity of the enzyme occurred on the 14th postnatal day. Total activity of cathepsin D increased after birth in rat liver and brain. These results are discussed in relation to the functional role of cathepsin D in the rat liver and the brain. 相似文献
Evidence for functional convergence of redox regulation in G6PDH isoforms of cyanobacteria and higher plants 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Wendt Urte K. Hauschild Rüdiger Lange Christian Pietersma Mario Wenderoth Irina von Schaewen Antje 《Plant molecular biology》1999,40(3):487-494
In a recent paper (Wenderoth et al., J Biol Chem 272: 26985–26990, 1997) we reported that the positions of the two redox regulatory cysteines identified in a plastidic G6PD isoform from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) differ substantially from those conserved in cyanobacterial G6PDH sequences. To investigate the origin of redox regulation in G6PDH enzymes from photoautotrophic organisms, we isolated and characterized several G6PD cDNA sequences from higher plants and from a green and a red alga. Alignments of the deduced amino acid sequences showed that the cysteine residues cluster in the coenzyme-binding domain of the plastidic isoforms and are conserved at three out of six positions. Comparison of the mature proteins and the signal peptides revealed that two different plastidic G6PDH classes (P1 and P2) evolved from a common ancestral gene. The two algal sequences branch off prior to this class separation in higher plants, sharing about similar amino acid identity with either of the two plastidic G6PDH classes. The genes for cytosolic plant isoforms clearly share a common ancestor with animal and fungal G6PDH homologues, whereas the cyanobacterial isoforms branch within the eubacterial G6PDH sequences. The data suggest that cysteine-mediated redox regulation arose independently in G6PDH isoenzymes of eubacterial and eukaryotic lineages. 相似文献