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Within populations of broadcast spawning marine invertebrates such as scallops, larger animals typically have larger gonads. Presumably, this means those larger males have more sperm to release than small males. However, there has never been a direct test of whether larger males actually release more sperm, at a higher rate, during spawning. To address this, we compared the allometry of induced sperm release with that of reproductive investment (gonad weight) in ripe males of 2 species of scallops, Chlamys bifrons and Chlamys asperrima. We did not find that larger scallops released more sperm or released it faster than small scallops, and were able to reject the hypothesis that instantaneous sperm release was related to body size in the same way as gonad weight. Consequently, we speculate that if larger broadcast spawning males do release more sperm, they may do so by spawning on more occasions within a reproductive season.  相似文献   

In marine invertebrates that spawn by simply releasing their gametes into the water (free-spawning), fertilization success likely is often limited by low sperm concentrations, due to dispersion of mates and dispersal of gametes by water movements. Production of large, low density eggs might be advantageous when sperm concentrations consistently are low, because large target size might increase egg/sperm encounters, and more low than high density eggs could be produced per clutch. Although average fertilization success in the labrid Thalassoma bifasciatum is 95% in both group spawns (in which multiple males compete for fertilizations by producing large quantities of sperm) and pair (mono-male) spawns, it is slightly lower in pair spawns, due to low level sperm limitation that arises because pair-spawning males release near the minimum number of sperm necessary for maximum fertilization. I examined whether variation in egg size and content in T. bifasciatum and other free-spawning fishes is related to variation in spawning mode, to assess whether compensatory production of large, low-density eggs might be contributing to high fertilization success in pair spawns. I found no difference between the volume or density of eggs of (1) pair- and group-spawning females of T. bifasciatum, or (2) pair-and group-spawning congeneric species of labrids, scarids, and serranids, or (3) labrids and scarids with vigorous, rapid spawning movements (which could turbulently diffuse gamete clouds) and those with slow movements. Further, egg density does not decline with increasing egg volume among those fishes. Assuming that egg size can affect fertilization success, then sperm limitation seems unlikely to represent a significant problem for pair-spawning T. bifasciatum, probably because mates place their vents close together during gamete release. The situation regarding sperm limitation in other fishes, and effects of environmentally generated water turbulence on it, are less clear. Interspecific variation in the size and content of these fishes' eggs may relate to provisioning of offspring for different larval life-histories.  相似文献   

Sperm limitation is widespread across many animal species. Several mechanisms of sperm allocation have been proposed, including optimal allocation according to clutch size and equal allocation across females. However, considerably less effort has been directed at investigating the behavioural signals associated with sperm limitation in males, which may include mating rate and the intensity of courtship. We investigated whether multiple successive spawnings affect individual male fertilization success, mating rates and courtship rates in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Across an average of 17 spawning events per male, fertilization success decreased from 83.7 per cent for the first spawning to 40 per cent for the last spawning while courtship rate decreased from 3.4 to 1.5 min−1. Females appeared to respond to male sperm depletion by reducing clutch size. Our results suggest that male Japanese medaka are sperm-limited, and that courtship rate may be an honest indication of fertilization ability.  相似文献   

Adreani MS 《Oecologia》2012,170(2):355-361
In the simultaneously hermaphroditic marine fish, Serranus subligarius, male role individuals are known to pair spawn, group spawn and streak spawn. While the effects of these common mating tactics on mating success in the male role have been well studied, their consequences for the reproductive success of the individuals taking the female role have received little attention. To investigate those consequences, I observed mating behaviors and quantified fertilization success in natural and experimental settings during the summers of 2005-2008 at three sites with different local population densities. I observed focal individuals in 15-min increments and recorded the total number of spawns, number of streak spawns, size of participating spawners, and fertilization rate. The occurrence of small-sized individuals in the local population is associated with higher frequencies of streaking behavior; these small fish are most often first-year individuals reaching sexual maturity late in the spawning season (August/September). Spawns that included one or more streak spawners had a significantly lower average fertilization rate (89?%) than pair spawns without a streak spawner (97?%). This pattern was confirmed with a field manipulation experiment in which spawning events that included streakers again showed lower fertilization rates (93?%) than spawning events that did not include streakers (98?%). These lower fertilization rates occurred despite the fact that spawns that included multiple males produced, on average, 20?% more sperm than produced in spawns with only a single male. These results indicate that females incur a significant fitness cost when streakers invade a spawning event, a cost not attributable to sperm limitation or any direct effects on the female.  相似文献   

The optimal trade-off between offspring size and number can depend on details of the mode of reproduction or development. In marine organisms, broadcast spawning is widespread, and external coats are a common feature of spawned eggs. Egg jelly coats are thought to influence several aspects of fertilization and early development, including the size of the target for sperm, fertilization efficiency, egg suspension time, polyspermy, embryo survival, and fecundity. These costs and benefits of investment in jelly result in trade-offs that can influence optimal reproductive allocation and the evolution of egg size. I develop an optimization model that sequentially incorporates assumptions about the function of egg coats in fertilization. The model predicts large variation in coat size and limited variation in ovum size under a broad range of conditions. Heterogeneity among spawning events further limits the range of ovum sizes predicted to evolve under sperm limitation. In contrast, variation in larval mortality predicts a broad range of optimal ovum sizes that more closely reflects natural variation among broadcast-spawning invertebrates. By decoupling physical and energetic size, egg coats can enhance fertilization, maintain high fecundity, and buffer the evolution of ovum size from variation in spawning conditions.  相似文献   

Sperm competition and female choice are fundamentally driven by gender differences in investment per offspring and are often manifested as differences in variance in reproductive success: males compete and have high variance; most females are mated and have low variance. In marine organisms that broadcast spawn, however, females may encounter either sperm limitation or sperm competition. I measured the fertilization success of male and female Strongylocentrotus franciscanus over a range of population densities using microsatellite markers. Female fertilization success first increased and then decreased with mate density, limited at low density by sperm limitation and at high density by polyspermy. Mate density affected variance in fertilization success in both males and females. In males, the variance in fertilization success increased with mate density. In females, the pattern was more complex. The variance in female success increased similarly to males with increased mate density but then decreased to low levels at intermediate densities, where almost all eggs were fertilized. As density increased further, the female variances again increased as polyspermy lowered average fertilization success. Male and female variances differed only at intermediate densities. At low densities, both sexes may be under selection to increase fertilization success; at intermediate densities, males may compete; and at high densities, both sexes may be under selection to increase success by increasing (males) or decreasing (females) likelihood of fertilization during sexual conflict. Only within a narrow range of densities do patterns of sexual selection mirror those typically noted in internally fertilizing taxa.  相似文献   

Within populations of broadcast spawning marine invertebrates such as scallops, larger animals typically have larger gonads. Presumably, this means those larger males have more sperm to release than small males. However, there has never been a direct test of whether larger males actually release more sperm, at a higher rate, during spawning. To address this, we compared the allometry of induced sperm release with that of reproductive investment (gonad weight) in ripe males of 2 species of scallops, Chlamys bifrons and Chlamys asperrima. We did not find that larger scallops released more sperm or released it faster than small scallops, and were able to reject the hypothesis that instantaneous sperm release was related to body size in the same way as gonad weight. Consequently, we speculate that if larger broadcast spawning males do release more sperm, they may do so by spawning on more occasions within a reproductive season.  相似文献   

We show that inclusion of population characteristics in coupled advection-diffusion and fertilization-kinetics models results in higher fertilization rates than those previously reported in theoretical studies. We incorporate parameters related to both individuals and populations by running simulations over a large spatial scale and incorporating sperm contribution from multiple males. We compare predictions for three subpopulations of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (those occupying kelp beds, barrens, and grazing fronts) to observations from small-scale experiments, and estimate effects of population size and current velocity in each subpopulation. Model outputs suggest that fertilization rates are low in kelp beds, intermediate in barrens, and high in grazing fronts. In all populations, increasing current velocity has a negative effect on the relationship between fertilization rate and downstream distance of gametes after release, but no effect on the relationship between fertilization rate and elapsed time since gamete release. Our model output was most sensitive to changes in the number of spawning males and the sperm release rate, suggesting that spawning synchrony and high gonadic index could greatly increase the fertilization success in sea urchins.  相似文献   

Successful fertilization in marine organisms that release sperm into seawater is potentially limited by the rapid dilution of gametes; cases of severe sperm limitation have been demonstrated in nature. However, recent surveys of naturally spawning populations indicate fairly high fertilization levels in many taxa. The extreme selection exerted by sperm limitation has resulted in numerous adaptations to reduce sperm limitation and enhance fertilization. Thus, most taxa show indications of the evolutionary consequences of sperm limitation even when population level, ecological effects are minimal.  相似文献   

Plant population size and density can influence the interactions between plants and pollinators, and affect plant reproductive success. We investigated the effects of local conspecific density on insect visitation and fertilization success in the rare, cliff-dwelling, self-incompatible Centaurea corymbosa , in which fecundity plays a key role in variation in population growth rate among years and among the six extant populations. Plant size, capitulum size, the abundance of co-flowering species, and the weather conditions were added as covariates in the analyses. Over three populations and two years (1995 and 2002), fertilization rate was positively related to the number of flowering conspecifics within 10 m. Fertilization rate varied among populations, but this variation over all six populations in 2002 could not be attributed to differences in population size. Observations in one population in 2003 showed that there was no difference in insect visitation per capitulum between plants in sparse vs dense patches whilst plants from sparse patches suffered reduced fertilization rate. Visitation and fertilization rates were not affected by plant size and the abundance of co-flowering species, but weather conditions at the time of flowering had a strong effect on both variables. Capitulum size had a positive effect on visitation rate, but an effect on fertilization rate only in 1995 and 2002 and not in 2003. Our results suggest that pollen limitation affects fertilization rate in C. corymbosa due to limited compatible mate availability rather than pollinator limitation. They agree with previous genetic results derived from paternity analysis. Whether or not the benefits of local spatial agregation to reproductive success result in increased individual fitness will depend on the relative reduction in survival of vegetative stages due to intra-specific competition.  相似文献   

Few data are available on the effectiveness of reproductive isolating mechanisms in externally fertilizing taxa. I investigated patterns of conspecific and heterospecific fertilization among three coexisting sea urchin species, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, S.franciscanus, and S. purpuratus. In the laboratory, both among and within species, eggs from individual females whose eggs are more easily fertilized by conspecific sperm are also most susceptible to heterospecific fertilization. At one extreme, S. droebachiensis requires an order of magnitude fewer conspecific sperm to fertilize eggs than do the other two species and shows very little distinction between conspecific and heterospecific sperm in no choice experiments. Strongylocentrotus franciscanus has an intermediate susceptibility to fertilization by heterospecific sperm. At the other extreme, S. purpuratus rarely cross-fertilizes. Field observations indicate that S. droebachiensis is often surrounded by heterospecific sea urchins. Genetic analysis of larvae produced during heterospecific spawning events indicate that hybrids are generally produced if male conspecifics are more than 1 m from a spawning female S. droebachiensis. Laboratory cultures indicate that these hybrids suffer high mortality relative to conspecific larvae. Comparisons of reproductive success of S. droebachiensis during single-species and multispecies spawning events indicate that the benefits of producing easily fertilized eggs under conditions of sperm limitation may outweigh the costs of losing some offspring to hybrid fertilization. Patterns of variability in heterospecific fertilization are considered in light of three hypotheses: phylogenetic relatedness, reinforcement selection, and sexual selection.  相似文献   

The possibility that free-spawning marine organisms may be subject to fertilization failure at low population density (due to the effects of sperm dilution) has sparked much interest, but these effects have been demonstrated only in a few species that broadcast their eggs. Some egg-brooding species may overcome dilution effects by filtering low concentrations of sperm from seawater and fertilizing eggs throughout an extended period of time. We examined the effects of population density and size on fertilization in Botryllus schlosseri, a hermaphroditic colonial ascidian that free-spawns sperm, but broods eggs. We experimentally manipulated the size and density of mating groups and surveyed fertilization levels in natural populations that varied in density. Fertilization was not affected by variation in population size or density in either the experimental or natural populations. Near the end of the reproductive season, some eggs may have been fertilized too late to complete development, suggesting a temporal form of sperm limitation that has not been considered in other systems. We also detected greater variability in fertilization levels at lower population density. Nevertheless, these results suggest that caution must be used in extrapolating reported density effects on fertilization to all taxa of free-spawners; density effects may be reduced in brooders that have efficient sperm collection mechanisms.  相似文献   

Prolonged copulation as a response to sex ratio and population density has been demonstrated for a number of species but the functions behind it remain controversial. It is difficult to determine the function of prolonged copulations without examining the mechanisms of sperm transfer and storage, and fertilization success–copulation duration relationships. Here, we report our work on a polygamous seed bug, Nysius huttoni White (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae), where we manipulated the population density and sex ratio for a series of mating trials, quantified the relationship between copulation duration and ejaculate amount as well as reproductive outputs, and examined the sperm transfer and storage mechanisms. Our results suggest that males prolong copulations to increase their fertilization success relative to their rivals in response to high sperm competition intensity under male-biased sex ratio and high population density. The mechanism behind the positive correlation between copulation duration and fertilization success may be attributed to the characteristic structures of aedeagus and spermatheca in this insect, which allow direct transfer of sperm to a storage site of fixed size during copulation.  相似文献   

Marine habitats are naturally patchy and anthropogenic disturbance can further fragment them. Many marine animals are sessile as adults or obligate inhabitants of particular habitats, so populations living in isolated patches of habitat are linked largely by dispersal of planktonic larvae. Theoretically, larvae are more likely to find and settle into large patches of habitat than small patches, thus small habitat patches may experience a more discontinuous supply of recruits resulting in small populations with unusual size- or age-structures or odd sex ratios — conditions where Allee effects on reproductive success are likely. We tested this hypothesis for the Caribbean spotted spiny lobster (Panulirus guttatus), an obligate inhabitant of coral patch reefs whose mating dynamics are size-dependent. We found that P. guttatus were less abundant on small reefs where their size structure and per capita reproductive success were significantly more variable, particularly among large females that are susceptible to sperm limitation that diminishes fertilization rates. These results are indicative of Allee effects and provide a mechanistic understanding of how size-dependent mating dynamics influence reproductive success in ways that alter population dynamics in patchy habitats.  相似文献   

When the availability of sperm limits female reproductive success, competition for sperm, may be an important broker of sexual selection. This is because sperm limitation can increase the variance in female reproductive success, resulting in strong selection on females to compete for limited fertilization opportunities. Sperm limitation is probably common in broadcast-spawning marine invertebrates, making these excellent candidates for investigating scramble competition between broods of eggs and its consequences for female reproductive success. Here, we report our findings from a series of experiments that investigate egg competition in the sessile, broadcast-spawning polychaete Galeolaria caespitosa. We initially tested whether the order in which eggs encounter sperm affects their fertilization success at two ecologically relevant current regimes. We used a split-clutch-split--ejaculate technique to compare the fertilization success of eggs from individual females that had either first access (competition-free treatment) or second access (egg competition treatment) to a batch of sperm. We found that fertilization success depended on the order in which eggs accessed sperm; eggs that were assigned to the competition-free treatment exhibited significantly higher fertilization rates than those assigned to the egg competition treatment at both current speeds. In subsequent experiments we found that prior exposure of sperm to eggs significantly reduced both the quantity and quality of sperm available to fertilize a second clutch of eggs, resulting in reductions in fertilization success at high and low sperm concentrations. These findings suggest that female traits that increase the likelihood of sperm-egg interactions (e.g. egg size) will respond to selection imposed by egg competition.  相似文献   

Reproductive competition may lead to a large skew in reproductive success among individuals. Very few studies have analysed the paternity contribution of individual males in spawning aggregations of fish species with huge census population sizes. We quantified the variance in male reproductive success in spawning aggregations of cod under experimental conditions over an entire spawning season. Male reproductive success was estimated by microsatellite-based parentage analysis of offspring produced in six separate groups of spawning cod. In total, 1340 offspring and 102 spawnings distributed across a spawning season were analysed. Our results show that multiple males contributed sperm to most spawnings but that paternity frequencies were highly skewed among males, with larger males on average siring higher proportions of offspring. It was further indicated that male reproductive success was dependent on the magnitude of the size difference between a female and a male. We discuss our results in relation to the cod mating system. Finally, we suggest that the highly skewed distribution of paternity success observed in cod may be a factor contributing to the low effective population size/census population size ratios observed in many marine organisms.  相似文献   

Sea-urchin species differ in susceptibility to sperm limitation and polyspermy, but the influences of gamete traits on reproductive variance, sexual selection, and sexual conflict are unknown. I compared male and female reproductive success of two congeners at natural densities in the sea. The eggs of the species occurring at higher densities, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, require higher sperm concentrations for fertilization but are more resistant to polyspermy compared to S. franciscanus. Both species show high variance in male fertilization success at all densities and high variance in female success at low densities, but they differ in female variance at high densities, where only S. franciscanus shows high female variance. The intensity of sexual selection based on Bateman gradients is high in males of both species, variable in S. franciscanus females, and low in S. purpuratus females. Strongylocentrotus franciscanus females experience sexual selection at low densities and sexual conflict at high densities. Strongylocentrotus purpuratus may rarely experience sperm limitation and may have evolved to ameliorate sexual conflict. This reduces the variance in female fertilization, providing females with more control over fertilization. Sperm availability influences sexual selection directly by determining sperm-egg encounter probabilities and indirectly through selection on gamete traits that alter reproductive variances.  相似文献   

Pickup M  Young AG 《Heredity》2008,100(3):268-274
Self-incompatibility systems function to prevent inbreeding, and work effectively in large, genetically diverse populations. However, a decrease in population size can reduce genetic diversity at the self-incompatibility locus, which leads to a reduction in mate availability and has important demographic implications for small populations. Currently, little is known about the response of self-incompatible polyploid species to a reduction in population size. In Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides there was a significant decrease in the within-population probability of fertilization with a decline in population size for diploid populations and a marginally significant relationship for tetraploid populations, suggesting that in small populations of both chromosome races fertilization success is reduced due to a decrease in self-incompatibility allele (S-allele) diversity. There was no significant difference between the slopes of the fertility-population size relationship for diploid and tetraploid populations which indicates a similar rate of decline in fertilization success with population size for both chromosome races. Fertilization success increased when crosses were undertaken between populations and this was significantly related to population size for diploid and tetraploid populations, indicating that small populations gain the greatest benefit to fertilization success from crossing between populations. For tetraploid populations the benefits of crossing between populations tended to decline more rapidly with increasing population size. These results suggest that for small populations that have reduced fertilization success, genetic rescue by introducing new genetic material from other populations is an important means of ameliorating mate limitation issues associated with reduced S-allele diversity in both diploid and tetraploid races.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is proposed to explain energy resource allocation between sperm production and territoriality in male reef fishes (Labridae species) from the point of view of optimization. Labridae species are typically characterized by both TP (terminal phase) and IP (initial phase) males. The former are considered to release a lower amount of sperm but show aggressive territoriality. In the model, TP male reproductive success is considered as depending upon both fertilization probability (depending on sperm density) and the individual's own territorial activities. Between these factors, a trade-off exists by which the fertilization probability can be enhanced only by reducing territoriality. Therefore, the male has to decide how much of the total available energy resource should be allocated to each. The model showed that under high fertilization efficiency the male can achieve high success by spending less of the resource on sperm production and correspondingly more for territoriality. The TP male reproductive success increases with decreasing male density in the habitat. Nevertheless, when intruding males cannot be excluded completely by territorial behavior of the TP male, females prefer high male density. If females can control the number of intruding males to some degree, conflict may arise between the sexes. Received: December 8, 1999 / Accepted: May 24, 2000  相似文献   

Postcopulatory sexual selection occurs when sperm from multiple males occupy a female’s reproductive tract at the same time and is expected to generate strong selection pressures on traits related to competitive fertilization success. However, knowledge of competitive fertilization success mechanisms and characters targeted by resulting selection is limited, partially due to the difficulty of discriminating among sperm from different males within the female reproductive tract. Here, we resolved mechanisms of competitive fertilization success in the promiscuous flour beetle Tribolium castaneum. Through creation of transgenic lines with fluorescent-tagged sperm heads, we followed the fate of focal male sperm in female reproductive tracts while tracking paternity across numerous rematings. Our results indicate that a given male’s sperm persist and fertilize eggs through at least seven rematings. Additionally, the proportion of a male’s sperm in the bursa (the site of spermatophore deposition), which is influenced by both timing of female’s ejecting excess sperm and male size, significantly predicted paternity share in the 24 h following a mating. Contrary to expectation, proportional representation of sperm within the female’s specialized sperm-storage organ did not significantly predict paternity, though spermathecal sperm may play a role in fertilization when females do not have access to mates for longer time periods. We address the adaptive significance of the identified reproductive mechanisms in the context of T. castaneum’s unique mating system and ecology.  相似文献   

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