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The morphological and molecular studies provide greater taxonomic resolution for the scleractinian coral identification. The Euphylliidae corals are among the scleractinian family for which their corallite and polyp morphologies have been examined for species identification. However, knowledge on the molecular study for coral identification in Malaysia is very limited. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the morphological structures and phylogenetic analyses for six Euphylliidae coral species using the mitochondrial gene of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI). The results showed that the Euphylliidae corals are present under both “complex” and “robust” coral clades as supported by many researchers. The result also revealed that the species phylogeny of Euphylliidae corals is in concordances with its morphological structures of corallites. It can be concluded the combination between morphological structures and phylogenetic analyses provide more accurate identification than relying on morphological study alone. Hence, it provides a future direction for the scleractinian research progress in species identification.  相似文献   

猫科动物的演化关系传统上一直是富有争议的,这很大程度上造成了猫科在属一级的分类众说纷纭。新兴的分子生物学技术为我们理解猫科动物的系统发育提供了新的视角,本文回顾了近些年来的猫科分子系统学研究,以Johnson等(2006)和李钢等(2016)的研究结果为核心,同时结合确切的化石记录进行佐证,推断了猫科的演化历史。我们发现,分子系统学提出的现代猫科动物于晚中新世开始适应辐射、先后分化出了8个支系等观点,与化石证据基本吻合;但是分子系统学对部分支系起源的推断与化石证据存在差异。结合化石记录的分析,我们认为现代猫科8个支系中除狞猫支系和虎猫支系以外,其余均最有可能起源于亚洲,现代猫科动物在演化过程中至少经历了30次洲际迁徙。结合演化历史和形态学研究,我们遵循邱占祥等(2004)的观点,将现存的猫科动物全部归于猫亚科(Felinae),并将现代猫亚科动物划分为15个属40个物种。  相似文献   

Understanding genetic variability and gene flow between populations of scleractinian corals separated by one to several hundred kilometers is crucially important as we head into a century of climate change in which an understanding of the connectivity of populations is a critically important question in management. Genetic methods that directly use molecular variance in the DNA should offer greater precision in detecting differences among individuals and populations than the more traditional allozyme electrophoresis. However, this paper highlights the point that the limited number of DNA markers that have been identified for scleractinian coral genetic studies do not necessarily offer greater precision than that offered by allozymes. In fact, at present allozyme electrophoresis yields greater information than the eight different DNA markers used in this study. Given the relative ease of use of allozymes and the wealth of comparable data sets from numerous previously published studies, allozyme electrophoresis should not be dismissed for population structure and connectivity studies on coral reefs. While continued effort should be placed into searching for new DNA markers, until a more sensitive DNA marker becomes available for scleractinian corals, allozyme electrophoresis remains a powerful and relevant technique for understanding the connectivity of coral population studies.  相似文献   

The woodcreepers is a highly specialized lineage within the New World suboscine radiation. Most systematic studies of higher level relationships of this group rely on morphological characters, and few studies utilizing molecular data exist. In this paper, we present a molecular phylogeny of the major lineages of woodcreepers (Aves: Dendrocolaptinae), based on nucleotide sequence data from a nuclear non-coding gene region (myoglobin intron II) and a protein-coding mitochondrial gene (cytochrome b ). A good topological agreement between the individual gene trees suggests that the resulting phylogeny reflects the true evolutionary history of woodcreepers well. However, the DNA-based phylogeny conflicts with the results of a parsimony analysis of morphological characters. The topological differences mainly concern the basal branches of the trees. The morphological data places the genus Drymornis in a basal position (mainly supported by characters in the hindlimb), while our data suggests it to be derived among woodcreepers. Unlike most other woodcreepers, Drymornis is ground-adapted, as are the ovenbirds. The observed morphological similarities between Drymornis and the ovenbird outgroup may thus be explained with convergence or with reversal to an ancestral state. This observation raises the question of the use of characters associated with locomotion and feeding in phylogenetic reconstruction based on parsimony.  相似文献   

Hierarchically structured scleractinian coral biocrystals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Microscopic (AFM and FESEM) observations show that scleractinian coral biomineral fibers in extant Desmophyllum and Favia, and fossil Jurassic Isastrea are composed of nanocrystalline grains of about 30-100 nm in size. In contrast to these findings, SR diffraction data on the same coral materials exhibit narrow Bragg peaks suggesting much larger crystallite size. These seemingly contradicting results of microscopic and diffraction studies are reconciled within a new, minute-scale model of scleractinian biomineral fibers. In this model, nanocrystalline aragonite units are interconnected by mineral bridges and form aggregates usually larger than 200 nm. Most likely, the size of the aggregates is resulting from physiological biomineralization cycles that control cellular secretion of ions and biopolymeric species. Intercalation of biopolymers into crystal lattice may influence consistently several structural parameters of the scleractinian coral bio-aragonite in all studied samples: (i) the lattice parameters and internal strains of the bio-aragonite are larger than in mineral aragonite, (ii) lattice parameter elongations and internal strains reveal directional anisotropy with respect to crystallographic axes.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the Synurophyceae was investigated by parsimony analysis of scale case characters and small-sub unit (18S) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequence data. Analysis of 1 eustigmatophycean (outgroup), 3 chrysophycean, and 10 synurophycean 18S rRNA sequences corroborated the inference from ultrastructural information that the Synurophyceae is a monophyletic assemblage . Tessellaria vol-vocina, which had been tentatively proposed as a member of the Synurophyceae, was confirmed as the earliest lineage within the Synurophyceae by both the molecular analysis and an evaluation of published ultrastructural data. A second set of analyses investigated the relationships among Tessellaria volvocina, 6 Synura species, and 10 Mallomonas species/varieties, with particular reference to the validity of current classifications of the Synurophyceae and the characters upon which they are based. The molecular and scale case phylogenies were not totally resolved but were largely congruent. The data sets were combined to produce another phylogeny, which showed greater resolution. The combined phylogeny weakly supported our representatives of Synura and Mallomonas as monophyletic groupings and also upheld several of the sections within these genera that are recognized by current classifications. However, some changes to the classification and delineation of these genera are recommended and predicted. Both our 18S rRNA sequence and scale case data sets were more appropriate for examining the branching order among the more closely related text rather than resolving the deeper branching points of the synurophycean phylogeny .  相似文献   

The supertree algorithm matrix representation with parsimony was used to combine existing hypotheses of coral relationships and provide the most comprehensive species-level estimate of scleractinian phylogeny, comprised of 353 species (27% of extant species), 141 genera (63%) and 23 families (92%) from all seven suborders. The resulting supertree offers a guide for future studies in coral systematics by highlighting regions of concordance and conflict in existing source phylogenies. It should also prove useful in formal comparative studies of character evolution. Phylogenetic effort within Scleractinia has been taxonomically uneven, with a third of studies focussing on the Acroporidae or its most diverse genera. Sampling has also been geographically non-uniform, as tropical, reef-forming taxa have been considered twice as often as non-reef species. The supertree indicated that source trees concur on numerous aspects of coral relationships, such as the division between robust versus complex corals and the distant relationship between families in Archaeocoeniina. The supertree also supported the existence of a large, taxonomically diverse and monophyletic group of corals with many Atlantic representatives having exsert corallites. Another large, unanticipated clade consisted entirely of solitary deep-water species from three families. Important areas of ambiguity include the relationship of Astrocoeniidae to Pocilloporidae and the relative positions of several, mostly deep-water genera of Caryophylliidae. Conservative grafting of species at the base of congeneric groups with uncontroversial monophyletic status resulted in a more comprehensive, though less resolved tree of 1016 taxa.  相似文献   

Scleractinian corals have long been assumed to be a monophyletic group characterized by the possession of an aragonite skeleton. Analyses of skeletal morphology and molecular data have shown conflicting patterns of suborder and family relationships of scleractinian corals, because molecular data suggest that the scleractinian skeleton could have evolved as many as four times. Here we describe patterns of molecular evolution in a segment of the mitochondrial (mt) 12S ribosomal RNA gene from 28 species of scleractinian corals and use this gene to infer the evolutionary history of scleractinians. We show that the sequences obtained fall into two distinct clades, defined by PCR product length. Base composition among taxa did not differ significantly when the two clades were considered separately or as a single group. Overall, transition substitutions accumulated more quickly relative to transversion substitutions within both clades. Spatial patterns of substitutions along the 12S rRNA gene and likelihood ratio tests of divergence rates both indicate that the 12S rRNA gene of each clade evolved under different constraints. Phylogenetic analyses using mt 12S rRNA gene data do not support the current view of scleractinian phylogeny based upon skeletal morphology and fossil records. Rather, the two-clade hypothesis derived from the mt 16S ribosomal gene is supported.  相似文献   

Understanding historical patterns of diversity dynamics is of paramount importance for many evolutionary questions. The fossil record has long been the only source of information on patterns of diversification, but the molecular record, derived from time-calibrated phylogenies, is becoming an important additional resource. Both fossil and molecular approaches have shortcomings and biases. These have been well studied for fossil data but much less so for molecular data and empirical comparisons between approaches are lacking. Here, we compare the patterns of diversification derived from fossil and molecular data in scleractinian reef coral species. We also assess the robustness of molecular diversification rates to poor taxon sampling. We find that the temporal pattern of molecular diversification rates is robust to incomplete sampling when rates are calculated per interval. The major obstacle of molecular methods is that rate estimates are distorted because diversification rates can never be negative, whereas the fossil record suffers from incomplete preservation and inconsistent taxonomy. Nevertheless, the molecular pattern of diversification is comparable to the pattern we observe in the fossil record, with the timing of major diversification pulses coinciding in each dataset. For example, both agree that the end-Triassic coral extinction was a catastrophic bottleneck in scleractinian evolution.  相似文献   

Despite the ecological and economic significance of stony corals (Scleractinia), a robust understanding of their phylogeny remains elusive due to patchy taxonomic and genetic sampling, as well as the limited availability of informative markers. To increase the number of genetic loci available for phylogenomic analyses in Scleractinia, we designed 15,919 DNA enrichment baits targeting 605 orthogroups (mean 565 ± SD 366 bp) over 1,139 exon regions. A further 236 and 62 barcoding baits were designed for COI and histone H3 genes respectively for quality and contamination checks. Hybrid capture using these baits was performed on 18 coral species spanning the presently understood scleractinian phylogeny, with two corallimorpharians as outgroup. On average, 74% of all loci targeted were successfully captured for each species. Barcoding baits were matched unambiguously to their respective samples and revealed low levels of cross‐contamination in accordance with expectation. We put the data through a series of stringent filtering steps to ensure only scleractinian and phylogenetically informative loci were retained, and the final probe set comprised 13,479 baits, targeting 452 loci (mean 531 ± SD 307 bp) across 865 exon regions. Maximum likelihood, Bayesian and species tree analyses recovered maximally supported, topologically congruent trees consistent with previous phylogenomic reconstructions. The phylogenomic method presented here allows for consistent capture of orthologous loci among divergent coral taxa, facilitating the pooling of data from different studies and increasing the phylogenetic sampling of scleractinians in the future.  相似文献   

Using in situ (12 h) pulse-labeling of scleractinian coral aragonitic skeleton with stable 86Sr isotope, the diel pattern of skeletal extension was investigated in the massive Porites lobata species, grown at 5 m depth in the Gulf of Eilat. Several microstructural aspects of coral biomineralization were elucidated, among which the most significant is simultaneous extension of the two basic microstructural components Rapid Accretion Deposits (RAD; also called Centers of Calcification) and Thickening Deposits (TD; also called fibers), both at night and during daytime. Increased thickness of the 86Sr-labeled growth-front in the RADs compared to the adjacent TDs revealed that in this species RADs extend on average twice as fast as TDs. At the level of the individual corallite, skeletal extension is spatially highly heterogeneous, with sporadic slowing or cessation depending on growth directions and skeletal structure morphology. Daytime photosynthesis by symbiotic dinoflagellates is widely acknowledged to substantially increase calcification rates at the colony and the corallite level in reef-building corals. However, in our study, the average night-time extension rate (visualized in three successive 12 h pulses) was similar to the average daytime extension (visualized in the initial 12 h pulse), in all growth directions and skeletal structures. This research provides a platform for further investigations into the temporal calibration of coral skeletal extension via cyclic growth increment deposition, which is a hallmark of coral biomineralization.  相似文献   

Scleractinian systematics have undergone rapid changes due to increased use of molecular phylogenetics and new perspectives on skeletal morphology from micromorphology and microstructure. Despite this increase in characters there are still unresolved clades in the phylogeny, indicating that more characters are needed. This study investigates a new source of morphological data within the soft tissue of Indo‐Pacific scleractinian corals. Features of tissue layers, especially cnidocytes, are described in hematoxylin and eosin stained thin sections. Based on this new histological data source, a combined analysis with mitochondrial DNA and skeletal data is performed using parsimony and Bayesian analysis. Parsimony analysis yields three most‐parsimonious trees similar to trees based on Bayesian analysis. Character maps are also produced that show origination of histomorphological traits at deep nodes within the phylogeny. In general, both analyses retain the previously designated families Lobophylliidae and Merulinidae, but some genera are found to be paraphyletic. Nonetheless, the combined analysis produces a highly resolved and well‐supported phylogeny, which could lead to more effective use of biological conservation metrics based on evolutionary distinctiveness. These results show for the first time that inclusion of histomorphological characters improves the resolution of phylogenetic analyses of reef corals. J. Morphol. 277:494–511, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrases (CA) play an important role in biomineralization from invertebrates to vertebrates. Previous experiments have investigated the role of CA in coral calcification, mainly by pharmacological approaches. This study reports the molecular cloning, sequencing, and immunolocalization of a CA isolated from the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata, named STPCA. Results show that STPCA is a secreted form of alpha-CA, which possesses a CA catalytic function, similar to the secreted human CAVI. We localized this enzyme at the calicoblastic ectoderm level, which is responsible for the precipitation of the skeleton. This localization supports the role of STPCA in the calcification process. In symbiotic scleractinian corals, calcification is stimulated by light, a phenomenon called "light-enhanced calcification" (LEC). The mechanism by which symbiont photosynthesis stimulates calcification is still enigmatic. We tested the hypothesis that coral genes are differentially expressed under light and dark conditions. By real-time PCR, we investigated the differential expression of STPCA to determine its role in the LEC phenomenon. Results show that the STPCA gene is expressed 2-fold more during the dark than the light. We suggest that in the dark, up-regulation of the STPCA gene represents a mechanism to cope with night acidosis.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Nolana (Solanaceae), a genus primarily distributed in the coastal Atacama and Peruvian deserts with a few species in the Andes and one species endemic to the Galápagos Islands, was reconstructed using sequences of four plastid regions (ndhF, psbA-trnH, rps16-trnK and trnC-psbM) and the nuclear LEAFY second intron. The monophyly of Nolana was strongly supported by all molecular data. The LEAFY data suggested that the Chilean species, including Nolana sessiliflora, the N. acuminata group and at least some members of the Alona group, are basally diverged, supporting the Chilean origin of the genus. Three well-supported clades in the LEAFY tree were corroborated by the SINE (short interspersed elements) or SINE-like insertions. Taxa from Peru are grouped roughly into two clades. Nolana galapagensis from the Galápagos Island is most likely to have derived from a Peruvian ancestor. The monophyly of the morphologically well-diagnosed Nolana acuminata group (N. acuminata, N. baccata, N. paradoxa, N. parviflora, N. pterocarpa, N. rupicola and N. elegans) was supported by both plastid and LEAFY data. Incongruence between the plastid and the LEAFY data was detected concerning primarily the positions of N. sessiliflora, N. galapagensis, taxa of the Alona group and the two Peruvian clades. Such incongruence may be due to reticulate evolution or in some cases lineage sorting of plastid DNA. Incongruence between our previous GBSSI trees and the plastid-LEAFY trees was also detected concerning two well-supported major clades in the GBSSI tree. Duplication of the GBSSI gene may have contributed to this incongruence.  相似文献   

Species complexes undergoing rapid radiation present a challenge in molecular systematics because of the possibility that ancestral polymorphism is retained in component gene trees. Coalescent theory has demonstrated that gene trees often fail to match lineage trees when taxon divergence times are less than the ancestral effective population sizes. Suggestions to increase the number of loci and the number of individuals per taxon have been proposed; however, phylogenetic methods to adequately analyze these data in a coalescent framework are scarce. We compare two approaches to estimating lineage (species) trees using multiple individuals and multiple loci: the commonly used partitioned Bayesian analysis of concatenated sequences and a modification of a newly developed hierarchical Bayesian method (BEST) that simultaneously estimates gene trees and species trees from multilocus data. We test these approaches on a phylogeny of rapidly radiating species wherein divergence times are likely to be smaller than effective population sizes, and incomplete lineage sorting is known, in the rodent genus, Thomomys. We use seven independent noncoding nuclear sequence loci (total approximately 4300 bp) and between 1 and 12 individuals per taxon to construct a phylogenetic hypothesis for eight Thomomys species. The majority-rule consensus tree from the partitioned concatenated analysis included 14 strongly supported bipartitions, corroborating monophyletic species status of five of the eight named species. The BEST tree strongly supported only the split between the two subgenera and showed very low support for any other clade. Comparison of both lineage trees to individual gene trees revealed that the concatenation method appears to ignore conflicting signals among gene trees, whereas the BEST tree considers conflicting signals and downweights support for those nodes. Bayes factor analysis of posterior tree distributions from both analyses strongly favor the model underlying the BEST analysis. This comparison underscores the risks of overreliance on results from concatenation, and ignoring the properties of coalescence, especially in cases of recent, rapid radiations.  相似文献   

Although some recent morphological and molecular studies agree that Cetacea is closely related to Hippopotamidae, there is little consensus on the phylogeny within Cetartiodactyla. We addressed this problem by conducting two analyses: (1) a simultaneous cladistic analysis of intrinsic data (morphology and molecules) and (2) a stratocladistic analysis, which included morphological, molecular, and stratigraphic data. Unlike previous simultaneous analyses, we had the opportunity to include data from the recently described hindlimbs of protocetid and pakicetid cetaceans. Our intrinsic dataset includes 73 taxa scored for 8,229 informative characters, of which 208 are morphological and 8,021 molecular. Both analyses supported the exclusion of Mesonychia from Cetartiodactyla and a close phylogenetic relationship between Hippopotamidae and Cetacea. Many polytomies in the strict consensus of the most parsimonious trees for the intrinsic dataset can be attributed to differing positions for Raoellidae, which in some trees is the sister-group to Cetacea. Pruning Raoellidae and 18 other taxa from all most parsimonious produced a fully resolved agreement subtree, which indicates that the Old World taxa Cebochoerus and Mixtotherium are successive stem taxa to Whippomorpha (i.e., Cetacea + Hippopotamidae). The main result of adding stratigraphic information to the intrinsic dataset was that we found fewer most parsimonious trees, which in most respects were congruent with a subset of the shortest trees for the intrinsic dataset. Our stratocladistic analysis supports species of Diacodexis as the most basal cetartiodactyls, a clade of suiform cetartiodactyls, a monophyletic Tylopoda that includes Protoceratidae, and a monophyletic Carnivora. We were unable to identify any pre-Miocene stem taxa to Hippopotamidae, thus its ghost lineage is still 39 million years long. The relatively low Bremer support for many nodes in our trees indicates that our phylogenetic hypotheses should be subjected to further testing.  相似文献   

Short divergence times and processes such as incomplete lineage sorting and species hybridization are known to hinder the inference of species-level phylogenies due to the lack of sufficient informative genetic variation or the presence of shared but incongruent polymorphism among taxa. Extant equids (horses, zebras, and asses) are an example of a recently evolved group of mammals with an unresolved phylogeny, despite a large number of molecular studies. Previous surveys have proposed trees with rather poorly supported nodes, and the bias caused by genetic introgression or ancestral polymorphism has not been assessed. Here we studied the phylogenetic relationships of all extant species of Equidae by analyzing 22 partial mitochondrial and nuclear genes using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inferences that account for heterogeneous gene histories. We also examined genetic signatures of lineage sorting and/or genetic introgression in zebras by evaluating patterns of intraspecific genetic variation. Our study improved the resolution and support of the Equus phylogeny and in particular the controversial positions of the African wild ass (E. asinus) and mountain zebra (E. zebra): the African wild ass is placed as a sister species of the Asiatic asses and the mountain zebra as the sister taxon of Grevy's and Burchell's zebras. A shared polymorphism (indel) detected among zebra species in the Estrogen receptor 1 gene was likely due to incomplete lineage sorting and not genetic introgression as also indicated by other mitochondrial (Cytochrome b) and nuclear (Y chromosome and microsatellites) markers. Ancestral polymorphism in equids might have contributed to the long-standing lack of clarity in the phylogeny of this highly threatened group of mammals.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are among the most biologically diverse and economically important ecosystems on the planet. The deposition of massive calcium carbonate skeletons (biomineralization or calcification) by scleractinian corals forms the coral reef framework/architecture that serves as habitat for a large diversity of organisms. This process would not be possible without the intimate symbiosis between corals and photosynthetic dinoflagellates, commonly called zooxanthellae. Carbonic anhydrases play major roles in those two essential processes of coral’s physiology: they are involved in the carbon supply for calcium carbonate precipitation as well as in carbon-concentrating mechanisms for symbiont photosynthesis. Here, we review the current understanding of diversity and function of carbonic anhydrases in corals and discuss the perspective of theses enzymes as a key to understanding impacts of environmental changes on coral reefs.  相似文献   

Scleractinian corals, which include the architects of coral reefs, are found throughout the world's oceans and have left a rich fossil record over their 240 million year history. Their classification has been marked by confusion but recently developed molecular and morphological tools are now leading to a better understanding of the evolutionary history of this important group. Although morphological characters have been the basis of traditional classification in the group, they are relatively few in number. In addition, our current understanding of skeletal growth and homology is limited, and homoplasy is rampant, limiting the usefulness of morphological phylogenetics. Molecular phylogenetic hypotheses for the order, which have been primarily focused on reef-building corals, differ significantly from traditional classification. They suggest that the group is represented by two major lineages and do not support the monophyly of traditional suborders and most traditional families. It appears that once a substantial number of azooxanthellate taxa are included in molecular phylogenetic analyses, basal relationships within the group will be clearly defined. Understanding of relationships at lower taxonomic levels will be best clarified by combined analyses of morphological and molecular characters. Molecular phylogenies are being used to inform our understanding of the evolution of morphological characters in the Scleractinia. Better understanding of the evolution of these characters will help to integrate the systematics of fossil and extant taxa. We demonstrate how the combined use of morphological and molecular tools holds great promise for ending confusion in scleractinian systematics.  相似文献   

Hypotrichia, one of the most complex and highly differentiated groups in Ciliophora, has been the object of extensive studies, especially in recent years. Nevertheless, methodological difficulties and insufficient faunistic studies have limited our understanding of their biodiversity and phylogeny. In this study, one novel urostylid ciliate, Pseudoholosticha zhaoi nov. gen., nov. spec. and two populations of Anteholosticha monilata (Kahl, 1928) Berger, 2003, type species of the latter genus, are studied using an integrative approach (live observation, protargol impregnation, scanning electron microscopy, and phylogenetic analysis) to provide further insights into the diversity, classification, and phylogeny of this group of ciliates. Pseudoholosticha nov. gen. can be separated from other morphologically similar genera mainly by the absence of buccal and caudal cirri. A key to 12 morphologically similar genera and illustrations of their cirral patterns are provided. The validation of the new genus and new species is supported by both morphological and phylogenetic analyses. The first 18S rRNA gene sequence of A. monilata, with detailed morphological data, provided a reliable clarification of A. monilata populations and corroborated the phylogenetic position of the type species of the polyphyletic genus Anteholosticha.  相似文献   

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