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目的报道1例银屑病患者出现红色毛癣菌和枝孢样枝孢霉混合感染导致的甲真菌病。方法报告病例,对甲标本进行真菌镜检和培养,对病原菌进行形态学及分子生物学鉴定。结果该病例经临床、真菌镜检和真菌培养鉴定,确诊为红色毛癣菌和枝孢样枝孢霉导致的甲真菌病。病原菌通过菌落和显微镜下形态特征结合rRNA内转录间隔区序列分析证实。结论通过形态学及分子生物学鉴定,证实为真菌红色毛癣菌和枝孢样枝孢霉混合感染导致的甲真菌病。  相似文献   

Jiang  Y.  Luo  W.  Verweij  P. E.  Song  Y.  Zhang  B.  Shang  Z.  Al-Hatmi  A. M. S.  Ahmed  S. A.  Wan  Z.  Li  R.  de Hoog  G. S. 《Mycopathologia》2021,186(1):53-70
Mycopathologia - In vitro susceptibility testing for Trichophyton rubrum has shown resistance to terbinafine, azoles and amorolfine, locally, but epidemiological cutoffs are not available. In order...  相似文献   

Mycopathologia - Dermatophytosis is a fungal infection of skin, hair and nails, and the most frequently found causative agent is Trichophyton rubrum. The disease is very common and often recurring,...  相似文献   

油桐是我国重要的木本油料植物,其生产的桐油作为天然的优良干性油在工业上具有广泛用途。但由油桐专化型尖孢镰孢菌Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fordiisFof-1)侵染引起的枯萎病给油桐产业造成了毁灭性灾害,目前尚无有效防治手段。众多实践证明,利用生防菌可以有效防治土传枯萎病。本研究发现,在抗病油桐根围土壤中木霉菌的相对丰度较高,并从中分离获得了16株木霉菌;通过形态学鉴定和ITS-TEF1双基因联合构建系统进化树,鉴定出4种木霉菌:拟康宁木霉Trichoderma koningiopsis(TkonT1)、螺旋木霉T. spirale(TspiT2)、深绿木霉T. atroviride(TatrT3)和哈茨木霉T. harzianum(TharT4);通过对峙培养试验,发现木霉菌株TkonT1、TharT4和TspiT2具有较好的抑菌效果;进一步显微观察发现菌株TkonT1和TatrT3可缠绕在尖孢镰孢菌菌丝体上或穿入菌丝体内营寄生生长,吸收病菌菌丝体养分进而导致病菌菌丝体破裂和细胞原生质消解。结果表明,从抗病油桐根围土壤中获得的拮抗木霉菌株可用于油桐枯萎病的生物防治。  相似文献   

Onychomycosis, a fungal infection of the finger or toenails, is predominantly caused by Trichophyton rubrum. Treatment is difficult due to high recurrence rates and problems with treatment compliance. For these reasons, alternative therapies are needed. Here we describe the photoactivation of Rose Bengal (RB) using a green laser (λ = 532 nm) at fluences of 68, 133 and 228 J/cm2, and assess its fungicidal activity on T. rubrum spore suspensions. A 140 µM RB solution was able to induce a fungicidal effect on T. rubrum when photosensitized with the fluence of 228 J/cm2. RB photosensitization using a green laser provides a potential novel treatment for T. rubrum infections. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Tinea capitis due to Trichophyton tonsurans is currently epidemic among Japanese Judo practitioners. T. tonsurans has seven genotypes in a variable internal repeat (VIR) region of the rRNA gene. All 101 isolates obtained from Japanese Judo practitioners had the identical genotype. This suggests that a specific genotype strain occurs throughout Japan.  相似文献   

Microcycle conidiation in Trichoderma hamatum and T. harzianum has been achieved in complete darkness for the first time. The time required for mass conidiation without intervening vegetative growth was decreased to 24 h instead of 6 to 7 days. The conidia produced by microcycle conidiation were viable and had pigmentation and antagonistic behaviour similar to those of the parental stock cultures.N. Khurana, R.K. Saxena, R. Gupta and R.C. Kuhad are with the Department of Microbiology, University of Delhi South Campus, Benito Juarez Road, New Delhi-110021, India.  相似文献   

The serological reactivities of polysaccharides isolated from five species of dermatophytes, Microsporum quinckeanum, Trichophyton granulosum, T. interdigitale, T. rubrum, and T. schoenleinii, with rabbit antisera to these species were studied qualitatively by precipitation in gel and quantitatively by complement-fixation analyses. Significant differences in the serological reactivities of the galactomannans I were detected with antisera to T. schoenleinii and T. interdigitale. The differences appeared to be related to the specificity of these antisera for the galactofuranose residues in the polysaccharides. Antisera to M. quinckeanum, T. granulosum, or T. rubrum did not detect differences between the galactomannans I. The serological reactivities of the galactomannans II were different with each of the five antisera. The reactivities of the glucans could be correlated with the amount of alpha 1 --> 6 linked glucopyranose residues when antisera to T. schoenleinii and M. quinckeanum were used.  相似文献   

Antifungal susceptibility tests are influenced by a number of technical variables, including inoculum size, temperature, medium formulation and duration of incubation. In this study, we have compared the in vitro susceptibility of 20 strains de Trichophyton rubrum against clotrimazole and terbinafine, and studied the influence of incubation time on MICs of both drugs. The assay was performed by agar dilution, the medium used was Saboraud glucose agar without an antibiotic. The MIC was evaluated at 15, 30 and 45 days' incubation. The MICs ranges of terbinafine were 0.002 to 0.0975 microg/ml, 0.0975 to 0.39 microg/ml and 0.195 to 0.39 microg/ml at 15, 30 and 45 days' incubation, respectively. The MICs ranges of clotrimazole at 15, 30 and 45 days' incubation were 3.125 to 50 microg/ml. T. rubrum was markedly more susceptible to terbinafine than to clotrimazole (p<0.001). In addition, we observed that an increase of incubation time causing an increase in the MIC value of terbinafine (p<0.001), but MIC values for clotrimazole remained constant with time (p=0.464). In conclusion, the MIC is dependent on reading time and the antifungal compound.  相似文献   

目的用PCR技术比较分离自同一家庭红色毛癣菌病患者的菌株差异性,分析家庭内多发的红色毛癣菌病的致病菌株是家内相互感染,还是家外感染。方法以家庭内多发的皮肤癣菌病患者为研究对象,分离致病菌株并以传统方法鉴定菌种。再分别用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)和巢式PCR特异扩增红色毛癣菌的串联重复亚元件(TRSS:TRS-1/TRS-2)产生的指纹图谱分析种内株间有无差异性。结果纳入实验的16株菌分离自8个家庭,用形态学等方法及种特异引物均鉴定为红色毛癣菌。RAPD显示4个家庭内的菌株间有差异性,TRS-1区PCR指纹图谱显示5个家庭内菌株有株间差异,TRS-2区能鉴定出2个家庭内菌株间有差异。综合各方法共区分出6个家庭内的菌株间有带型差异。结论该研究提示家庭内多发红色毛癣菌病从家外途径感染率高于家内感染。TRS-1区PCR指纹图谱对红色毛癣菌的菌株区分度高于RAPD,更适于红色毛癣菌株间分型。结合多种分子分型方法可最大限度发现不同菌株间的差异。  相似文献   

Even thoughTrichophyton rubrum is permeable to exogenous shikimic acid, neither shikimic nor quinic acids stimulate the growth of this fungus in a minimal medium deficient in phenylalanine or tyrosine, nor do they serve as substrates for pigmentogenesis in media lacking these amino acids. The respiration of the dermatophyte is unaffected by shikimic or quinic acids and the fungus does not have the capacity to utilize either compound when it is added to the culture medium. Isotope dilution studies with shikimic acid-U-C14 show that de novo shikimic acid synthesis does not occur. This information supports previous findings that the shikimic acid pathway of aromatic biosynthesis is not involved in the biosynthesis of phenylalanine byTrichophyton rubrum.
Zusammenfassung ObwohlT. rubrum fur exogene shikimicsäure durchlässig ist, fördern weder Shikimicsäure noch Quinicsäure das Wachstum dieses Pilzes im Falle eines Mangels von Phenykalanine oder Tyrosine, noch dienen sie als Substanzen für Pigmentgenese in Medien ohne diese Aminosäuren. Die Atmung des Pilzes ist durch Shikimicoder Quinicsäure unbeeinflußt und der Pilz ist unfähig, beide Substanzen zu benützen, wenn sie zum Kulturmedium hinzugefügt werden. Isotope Verdünnungen mit Shikimicsäure-U-C14 zeigten, daß de novo Shikimicsäure-Synthese nicht erfolgt. Diese Erkenntnis unterstüzt vorherige Befunde, daß Shikimicsäure Richtung der aromatischen Biosynthese in der Biosynthese von Phenylalanine durchT. rubrum nicht begangen wird.

University of Illinois at the Medical Center Department of Microbiology, Chicago, Illinois 60612  相似文献   

Bacillus spp. has emerged as the most effective alternative to synthetic chemical fungicides. To get a better insight in the antagonistic potential of Bacillus strains, rhizospheric soil samples of healthy tomato plants from Indo-gangetic plain regions of India were analysed. A total of 108 Bacillus strains were obtained from preliminary screening. Potent strains identified on the basis of in vitro antagonistic and biochemical assays were subjected to diversity analysis using 16S-rDNA, BOX and ERIC-PCR. Furthermore, the four best performing antagonistic Bacillus strains under in vitro plant growth promotion and antagonistic assay were selected for pot experiment. In field study, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MB101 and Bacillus subtilis MB14 showed drastic reduction in disease index by 55.7 and 41.74% with significant elevation in fruit yield up to 220 and 184 qha–1, respectively. The present study was successful in selecting effective Bacillus strains by performing phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of Bacillus strains that can be used as an integral component of integrated disease management of tomato root rot and damping-off.  相似文献   

酪酸菌对动物肠道致病菌体外拮抗作用的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
探讨了酪酸菌对三种畜禽肠道致病菌的体外拮抗作用。将酪酸菌分别和猪大肠杆菌、鸡大肠杆菌、鸡白痢沙门氏菌三种畜禽肠道致病菌按不同的比例混合接种于CL液体培养基中进行厌氧培养,培养过程中三种致病菌的活菌数急剧下降,30h后的菌落数都逐渐降为零。说明酪酸菌在体外实验中对上述三种畜禽肠道致病菌都有较强的拮抗作用,其中酪酸菌对猪大肠杆菌、鸡大肠杆菌和鸡白痢沙门氏菌的最佳接种比例分别为:10:1~100:1、10:1~100:1和5:1~10:1。  相似文献   

植物病害的生物防治是降低化学农药用量、减少环境污染的一种有效方式,木霉是现在普遍应用且生防潜力巨大的灰霉病防治真菌。目前,已经对防治灰霉的木霉菌株的筛选、应用及生防机制进行了大量而深入的研究。木霉的生防机制分为直接生防机制和间接生防机制,前者主要指木霉与灰霉病菌直接作用过程中所涉及的重寄生、抗生和营养竞争,后者是木霉通过诱导植物产生系统抗性来防治灰霉。本文对木霉直接防治灰霉病以及诱导植物产生系统抗性防治灰霉病所涉及的互作模式、信号传导途径以及所引起的防御反应进行综述,旨在通过机制的深入研究能够找到进一步提高木霉生防效果的技术方案。  相似文献   

目的探讨红色毛癣菌蛋白酶MEP和SUB的表达及临床意义。方法抽提红色毛癣菌总RNA,采用半定量RTPCR法检测红色毛癣菌金属蛋白酶(Metalloproteinases,MEP)、枯草菌素蛋白酶(subtilisins,SUB)基因表达量的变化。结果不同病例的红色毛癣菌SUB的表达水平与临床症状的严重程度密切相关,而与患者的年龄、性别、病程等无明显相关性;MEP的表达水平在不同年龄、性别、病程和临床分型等方面存在一定差异,但无显著意义。结论红色毛癣菌致病力的大小可能与SUB的不同表达有关。  相似文献   

木霉属真菌(Trichoderma spp.)种类众多、分布广泛,在农业、工业和环境修复领域应用广泛。因此,木霉属真菌的分离培养具有重要的研究价值。本文通过详尽的文献查找和分析对木霉属真菌的分离培养研究进展予以综述,从生存环境、不同分离基质和分离方法的样品前处理方法等总结了木霉属真菌的分离基质及预处理方法;详细回顾了木霉属真菌分离培养基研究的发展历程和主要原理;简要介绍了目前木霉属真菌的纯化与保存方法;并从开展多种抗菌物质和表面活性剂探索角度对未来木霉属真菌分离培养进行了展望,以期为木霉属真菌资源开发提供参考。  相似文献   

人过敏毒素C5a反义cDNA的克隆、表达和拮抗作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用引物二聚体配对搭桥法成功扩增了人过敏毒素C5a全长的反义cNDA ,将扩增的反义cNDA克隆到原核表达载体pPROEXTM HTc上 ,与 6×His头形成融合基因 ,转化E .coliDH5α ,30℃下经IPTG诱导 ,该融合蛋白在大肠杆菌中以可溶性形式表达 ,表达量达 10 % ;利用金属螯合亲和层析一步法纯化 ,得到纯度 80 %的融合蛋白 ;烟草蚀刻病毒蛋白酶酶切超滤浓缩后 ,得到高浓度高纯度人过敏毒素C5a反义肽 ,经N端蛋白测序鉴定 ,其氨基酸序列正确 .髓过氧化物酶 (myeloperoxi dase ,MPO)为单核细胞PMN所特有 ,其活性可以间接反映C5a趋化白细胞的能力 ,C5a刺激血管内皮细胞表达胞间粘附分子 (ICAM 1)、血管间粘附分子 (PCAM 1)等 ,后者能增加对PMN的粘附 ,检测MPO活性可间接反映出C5a的功能 .还观察了纯化的C5a反义肽对C5a刺激内皮细胞胞浆[Ca2 + ]浓度变化的影响 .高浓度高纯度的C5a反义肽对C5a过敏毒素存在拮抗作用 ,说明反义肽在补体系统C5a分子中是存在的 .这为深入研究C5a反义肽的结构与功能关系提供了物质保证  相似文献   

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