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广西野生花卉资源的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
记述了广西野生花卉资源的概况 ,5个基本特点和 6个主要类群。同时也对产地的自然环境作了简介 ,并对广西野生花卉的保护和开发提出了建议。广西野生花卉的 5个主要特点是 :花卉种类的丰富性、种质资源的珍贵性、生长基质的特殊性、草本性状的显著性和资源分布的不均性。其 6个主要类群是 :山茶科、杜鹃科、兰科、木兰科、百合科和苦苣苔科。  相似文献   

目的:为探究特金罕山国家自然保护区野生球根花卉资源,筛选出适合当地城市绿化的野生球根花卉种类。方法:采用野外实地调查和文献检索的方法,调查特金罕山国家自然保护区野生球根花卉资源,并运用层次分析法从观赏价值、适应性、开发价值3个方面对其进行综合评价。结果:特金罕山国家自然保护区共有野生球根花卉37种,隶属12科,28属,其中,百合科种类最多,14种。根据综合评价结果,37种野生球根花卉分为4个等级:综合价值高的Ⅰ级(R> 4.0)5种;综合价值较高的Ⅱ级(3.7 相似文献   

北京山区野生花卉资源及开发利用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文论述了北京山区的野生花卉资源及其利用现状 ,分析了北京山区开发野生花卉的前景 ,指出北京山区在野生花卉的开发利用中应重点加强五个方面 (野生花卉的引种驯化、确定野生花卉的发展方向、保护性的开发利用野生花卉、加强野生花卉的生化毒性研究、加强野生花卉的育种 )工作 ,使之成为北京地区的主要产业之一。  相似文献   

黑龙江省野生宿根花卉资源及在园林中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑龙江省地处寒温带,地形复杂,野生宿根花卉资源非常丰富。在对这些野生宿根花卉研究资料进行归纳、整理的基础上,结合野外实地调查,筛选出了观赏价值较高的野生宿根花卉236种。从观赏特性、园林用途等方面进行了分析,并对野生宿根花卉资源在城市园林绿化、美化中的合理利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

木兰围场的野生花卉资源及开发利用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
国家级风景名胜区木兰围场有丰富的野生花卉资源,本文介绍了木兰围场野生花卉的特点、开发潜力及保护,从经济角度和资源的永续利用方面出发,对木兰围场野生花卉的合理开发利用作了初步探讨  相似文献   

百花山野生花卉资源及园林应用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
百花山野生花分资源丰富,有华北“天然植物园”之称。分析了百花山的植被状况,野生花卉的特点及园林应用,重点介绍了浅裂剪秋罗、金莲花、瞿麦、高乌头、翠雀、华北楼斗莱等20种观赏价值高的野生花卉资源特征、分布及其在园林中的应用,井介绍了4种野生花卉的繁育技术。以期引起园林工作者对野生花卉的重视,用野生花丰富园林植物的种类。  相似文献   

云南丽江的野生花卉资源及开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了云南丽江的野生花卉资源的特点,简要介绍了丽江分布的一些著名的野生花卉,分析了丽江野生花卉的开发利用的现状、前景,并提出了开发利用的建议.  相似文献   

百花山景区野生花卉资源及其园林应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国拥有丰富的野生花卉资源,具有很大的园林应用潜能。通过对野生资源进行引种驯化栽培,培育出观赏价值高和适应性强的花卉新品种,从而达到丰富园林植物资源,更好地为城市园林建设服务的目标,这将成为人们未来研究的重点。通过对北京百花山景区野生花卉资源的实地调查和资料整理,报道了多种具有较高观赏水平和引种驯化潜力的野生花卉,并阐述了其在园林中的应用价值,同时提出了多种将我国野生花卉的资源优势转化为经济优势的有效途径。  相似文献   

青岛农业大学野生花卉资源利用与创新团队是一个以野生花卉资源利用与创新为基本目的的研发集体,同时也是一个高效的科研成果转化平台。该团体以野生花卉资源开发利用为基础,进行基础植物学、发育生物学研究,采用多种方  相似文献   

绵枣儿(Scilla scilloides),为百合科多年生草本植物,我国南北都有分布,江苏常见野生于山坡、林下、草丛中,是丘陵山区较优良的野生花卉资源。我们于1998年开始引种栽培绵枣儿,迄今在园林中表现良好。 绵枣儿鳞茎卵圆形,直径1—3厘米,有粘液。基生叶线形,具平行脉,叶长10—30厘米,通常宽3—6毫米。花茎高20—60厘米,总状花序多花,  相似文献   

花色是观赏植物的重要性状,创造新花色是花卉育种的主要目标之一。基因工程技术 在观赏植物花色育种上可弥补传统育种技术的缺陷,因此它在花色育种方面的研究和应用发 展迅速。本文从花的成色作用和花色素种类入手,介绍了花色苷的生物合成,并从花色基因 的种类和克隆、花色基因工程操作的策略和方法等角度综述了近年来观赏植物花色基因工程 的研究进展。同时对我国观赏植物花色基因工程的前景作一展望。  相似文献   

观赏植物花色基因工程研究进展   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
花色是观赏植物的重要性状,创造新花色是花卉育种的主要目标之一。基因工程技术在观赏植物花色育种上可弥补传统育种技术的缺陷,因此它在花色育种方面的研究和应用发展迅速。本文从花的成色作用和花色素种类人手,介绍了花色苷的生物合成,并从花色基因的种类和克隆、花色基因工程操作的策略和方法等角度综述了近年来观赏植物花色基因工程的研究进展。同时对我国观赏植物花色基因工程的前景作一展望。  相似文献   

简要介绍花境的形式和作用,通过对厦门地区调查分析,总结花境在厦门园林中的应用发展水平,并对如何改善花境植物品种、类型较为单调的问题提出可行性建议。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片法观察了黄连木雌花芽的分化过程,以揭示黄连木雌花芽分化规律,为合理调控雌花芽分化质量和数量提供依据.结果表明:黄连木雌花芽的分化时期为当年4月中旬至10月底和翌年3月中下旬至4月上旬,历时345 d左右.具有分化时间早、分化速度快但整个花序分化持续时间长的特点.黄连木雌花芽分化包括花序分化和小花分化2个过程,可划分为未分化期、花芽分化始期、苞片分化期、花序形成期、小花原基分化期、被片分化期、雌蕊原基分化期、雌蕊分化期等8个时期.  相似文献   

昆明野生草本干燥花资源及开发利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
调查了昆明野生干燥花植物的资源情况、适生环境、生活习性及采集时期,筛选出49种有开发潜力的干燥花植物,对其进行了使用器官、干燥方法和用途的分析研究。  相似文献   

The great diversity of flowers, their color, odor, taste, and shape, is mostly a result of the metabolic processes that occur in this reproductive organ when the flower and its tissues develop, grow, and finally die. Some of these metabolites serve to advertise flowers to animal pollinators, other confer protection towards abiotic stresses, and a large proportion of the molecules of the central metabolic pathways have bioenergetic and signaling functions that support growth and the transition to fruits and seeds. Although recent studies have advanced our general understanding of flower metabolism, several questions still await an answer. Here, we have compiled a list of open questions on flower metabolism encompassing molecular aspects, as well as topics of relevance for agriculture and the ecosystem. These questions include the study of flower metabolism through development, the biochemistry of nectar and its relevance to promoting plant‐pollinator interaction, recycling of metabolic resources after flowers whiter and die, as well as the manipulation of flower metabolism by pathogens. We hope with this review to stimulate discussion on the topic of flower metabolism and set a reference point to return to in the future when assessing progress in the field.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Flower colour varies within and among populations of the Rocky Mountain columbine, Aquilegia coerulea, in conjunction with the abundance of its two major pollinators, hawkmoths and bumble-bees. This study seeks to understand whether the choice of flower colour by these major pollinators can help explain the variation in flower colour observed in A. coerulea populations.Methods Dual choice assays and experimental arrays of blue and white flowers were used to determine the preference of hawkmoths and bumble-bees for flower colour. A test was made to determine whether a differential preference for flower colour, with bumble-bees preferring blue and hawkmoths white flowers, could explain the variation in flower colour. Whether a single pollinator could maintain a flower colour polymorphism was examined by testing to see if preference for a flower colour varied between day and dusk for hawkmoths and whether bumble-bees preferred novel or rare flower colour morphs.Key Results Hawkmoths preferred blue flowers under both day and dusk light conditions. Naïve bumble-bees preferred blue flowers but quickly learned to forage randomly on the two colour morphs when similar rewards were presented in the flowers. Bees quickly learned to associate a flower colour with a pollen reward. Prior experience affected the choice of flower colour by bees, but they did not preferentially visit novel flower colours or rare or common colour morphs.Conclusions Differences in flower colour preference between the two major pollinators could not explain the variation in flower colour observed in A. coerulea. The preference of hawkmoths for flower colour did not change between day and dusk, and bumble-bees did not prefer a novel or a rare flower colour morph. The data therefore suggest that factors other than pollinators may be more likely to affect the flower colour variation observed in A. coerulea.  相似文献   

植物花色形成及其调控机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了植物花色的表现、起源与进化、功能及其调控机制。植物花色主要表现为单色、变色和杂色,是长期进化的结果,主要功能是指示传粉者和保护花器官。花色素主要包括类黄酮、类胡萝卜素和生物碱。花色素的存在及其变化是植物花色表现的化学机制,色素在花瓣中的空间分布及其对光的作用是花色表现的解剖学和光学机制,细胞液pH值、花发育阶段和植物激素是花色表现的植物生理学机制。传粉者、真菌侵染、机械损伤、园艺措施、光、温度、水分、矿质营养和糖等是影响花色的外部因素。花瓣彩斑主要由基因突变或病毒入侵而形成。  相似文献   

观赏植物花芽分化研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
花芽分化是有花植物发育中最为关键的阶段,同时也是一个复杂的形态建成过程。简要综述了植物花芽分化过程中形态结构、外部因子与内部因子的影响,以及花芽分化中花转变的顺序和基因对成花的作用,并对观赏植物花芽分化的展望与问题做了概述和探讨。  相似文献   

The relationship between the change of calmodulin content and the ethylene hiosynthesis in cut carnation flower (Dianthus caryophyllus ‘sun besm’ ) during its senescence was studied. Ethylene releasing was detected at the forth day and reached its peak at the sixth day after the cut carnation flower was cultured under controlled conditions of 27 ℃ with a 14 h photoperiod of 15000 lx provided by fluorescent lamps. The change of calmodulin content positively correlated with the increased' content of ACC, the activity of ACC synthase and ethylene production. The calmodulin contents in petals of the detached flower treated with GA, silver thiosulfate (STS) and aminooxyacetic acid (AOA) were lower than those in control flower petals before they withered, ethylene releasing was reduced and their senescence was delayed too. Ca2+ stimulated ethylene releasing in carnation flower petals, but chlorobenzene (CPZ), an antagonist of calmodulin, inhibited its releasing. It seemed that calmodulin was involved in the regulation of senescence of carnation flower.  相似文献   

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