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Study of animal behavior reveals that the main concern of every living organism is gene transmission, whatever the society in which it lives. Different reproductive strategies exist according to species, type of gamete production, and also sex. In mammals, some kind of reproductive antagonism may exist between males and females. The differential expression of some genes according to their parental origin has led to the conflict theory of genomic imprinting.  相似文献   

Various herbicides are applied on seventeen-day-old cucumber seedlings growing in a nutrient solution. After 1 and 3 days, acid and alkaline pyrophosphatase activities are measured in the leaves and the roots of seedlings treated with lethale dosis of atrazine, chlortoluron, ioxynil, MCPA, dicamba, alachlor. The same enzymes are determined after 5 h in seedlings on which previously paraquat and DNOC were pulverised. In the leaves, acid pyrophosphatase activity is stimulated by almost all the herbicides, especially by ioxynil, paraquat and DNOC while alkaline pyrophosphatase remains similar to the controls. The alkaline and acid pyrophosphatase activity in the roots is either unchanged or stimulated or inhibited without any correlation with the various modes of action of the herbicides.  相似文献   

Résumé Le r?le des Entomophthorales dans la dynamique des populations de pucerons infestant la végétation spontanée est comparé d'une part en zone littorale (Basse-Normandie) et d'autre part en zone continentale (Vosges). En Basse-Normandie, le comportement anholocyclique de nombreuses espèces de pucerons contribue à la permanence des populations aphidiennes et, en conséquence, à la persistance de la mycose. Dans les Vosges, en raison des dures conditions hivernales, les pucerons ont un développement holocyclique et leurs colonies se développent pendant 6 ou 7 mois seulement; en 1974, la mycose appara?t au moment du maximum de la population aphidienne et une situation épizootique détermine le rapide déclin des populations. Dans les 2 régions,Erynia neoaphidis Remaud. & Henn.,Entomophthora planchoniana Cornu,Neozygites fresenii (Nowak.) Remaud. & Kell. etConidiobolus obscurus (Hall & Dunn) Remaud. & Kell sont les pathogènes les plus communs. La fréquence deZoophthora phalloides Batko sur le littoral normand contraste avec sa rareté dans les Vosges.Conidiobolus osmodes Drechsler, occasionnellement observé en Normandie, n'a jamais été rencontré dans les Vosges.E. neoaphidis etE. planchoniana sont présents toute l'année. La première espèce est plus abondante au printemps, la seconde en automne.C. obscurus etZ. phalloides semblent mieux adaptés aux conditions fra?ches du printemps et de l'automne et sont très rarement rencontrés pendant la période chaude de l'été. En revanche,N. fresenii est trouvé surtout en été etC. osmodes presque exclusivement en hiver.Z. phalloides montre une préférence marquée pour des h?tes tels queMyzus ascalonicus Donc. etTubaphis ranunculina Wlk.;E. planchoniana attaque préférentiellement les espèces du genreCavariella. Les profils dynamiques des différents pathogènes des pucerons les plus communs sont donnés et les particularités écologiques de chaque pathogène sont précisées; les situation épizootiques se manifestent exclusivement en présence de populations aphidiennes de haut niveau. Toutes les espèces agissent comme de bons facteurs de régulation et, saufN. fresenii, sont capables de se maintenir aux dépens de populations aphidiennes très basses et clairsemées.
Summary The role of entomophthorosis in the dynamics of aphid populations infesting natural vegetation in northern littoral France (Basse-Normandie) and in northeastern continental France (Vosges) is compared. In Basse-Normandie, anholocyclic behavior of numerous aphid species contributes to the permanent presence of aphid populations and consequently, the persistence of mycosis. In the Vosges, severe winter, conditions result in holocyclic development whereby aphid colonies are present for only 6 to 7 months; during 1974 diseased specimens appeared when aphid populations were maximum, subsequent epizootic development caused a rapid decline of populations. In the 2 regions,Erynia neoaphidis Remaud. & Henn.,Entomophthora planchoniana Cornu,Neozygites fresenii (Nowak). Remaud. & Kell. andConidiobolus obscurus (Hall & Dunn) Remaud. & Kell. are most common. The frequent occurrence ofZoophthora phalloides Batko in littoral Normandy contrasts with an apparent rarity in the Vosges.Conidiobolus osmodes Drechsler is occasionally encountered in Normandy, but is not found in the Vosges.E. neoaphidis andE. planchoniana are present throughout the year. The former is most abundant in the spring, the latter in the autumn.C. obscurus andZ. phalloides seem better adapted to cooler spring and fall conditions as their occurrence is exceedingly rare during the host summer period. In contrast,N. fresenii is found in the summer whileC. osmodes almost always occurs in the winter.Z. phalloides appears to prefer such asMyzus ascalonicus Donc. andTubaphis ranunculina Wlk.;E. planchoniana prefersCavariella spp. Dynamic profiles of the various pathogens of the most common aphids at different times of the year are given; ecological features of each pathogen are described; epizootics only occur in high aphid populations. All species act as good regulating factor and, with the exception ofN. fresenii, persist in very low aphid populations.

During two sampling periods (lowflow and highflow) epilithic diatoms were collected in two hydrographic sectors of Stratonikon mountain. In the study 162 taxa were identified from which 42 species, one sub-species and nine varieties are first records for the Greek flora. Running waters present a high species richness and most of the dominant species found in the study area are cosmopolitan, alkaliphilous, prefering well oxygenated waters. The species Achnanthes minutissima var. minutissima, Amphora pediculus, Cocconeis placentula, Rhoicosphenia abbreviata, and Nitzschia dissipata var. dissipata were dominant during both sampling periods. Under highflow conditions, the species Gomphonema olivaceum var. olivaceum and G. tergestinum became also dominant. The Shannon's index values varied from 0.6 to 5.0 and evenness from 0.15 to 0.86. Dendrograms and MDS plots showed the floristic particularities of sites due to human activities and environmental conditions.The values of IPS diatomic index showed that the biological quality of the water was very good during the study period.  相似文献   

Beltrania Penzig : B. magnoliae sp. nov., with a taxonomic key to species. Beltrania magnoliae sp. nov., from decaying leaves of Magnolia gradiflora L. (Magnoliaceae) from south-west of France, is described in vivo and in vitro. It can be distinguished by having one kind of setae, straight sparsely verrucose, conidiophores often branched from the base, separating cells not observed in vivo. A taxonomic key to species in the genus is proposed.  相似文献   

Résumé Le volume moyen des noyaux dans l'uf deScapsipedus marginatus passe de 3101 3 au stade 4 de la segmentation, à 40,71 3 dans l'embryon à l'éclosion, avec une diminution constante tout au long de l'embryogenèse.Le volume nucléaire des neuroblastes se caractérise par sa constance. Les pleuropodes présentent un accroissement de 190 à 561 3, puis une diminution brutale peu avant l'éclosion.Les noyaux de l'amnios dérivent des noyaux de la périphérie de l'écusson embryonnaire. Après une légère augmentation au cours de l'anatrepsis, leur volume diminue jusqu'à la disparition de cette annexe.La séreuse se caractérise par un fort accroissement du volume nucléaire au cours des trois premiers jours d'incubation, puis une diminution rapide pendant sa disparition.Les vitellophages subissent un important accroissement de leur volume nucléaire qui demeure considérable en fin de vie embryonnaire.L'évaluation de la teneur en ADN des différents noyaux au stade 96 heures montre que ceux qui accroissent leur volume sont polyploïdes. L'amnios demeure diploïde ainsi que les neuroblastes.Le rapport établi entre accroissement nucléaire, polyploïdie et activité physiologique montre que l'amnios ne semble pas être le siège d'une activité sécrétrice.L'estimation de la teneur en ADN des noyaux deGryllus domesticus et deLocusta migratoria au même stade de développement donne des résultats analogues. Alors que les degrés de ploïdie trouvés chezGryllus sont les mêmes que chezScapsipedus, ceux deLocusta sont plus importants. Les vitellophages dépassent 128 C.
Volume variations and DNA content of the nuclei ofScapsipedus marginatus Afz. and Br. (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) during embryogenesis
Summary The average volume of the nuclei in the egg ofScapsipedus marginatus varies from 3101 3 at the tetra-nucleate cleavage stage, to 40,7 3 in the hatching embryo, with a constant decrease throughout development. The nuclear volume of neuroblasts remains constant; in the pleuropodia, it increases from 190 to 561 3 and decreases rapidly before hatching.The nuclei of the amnion derive from peripheral nuclei of the germ disk. After a small increase during anatrepsis, their volume decreases until the degeneration of this membrane.The serosa shows a great nuclear volume increase during the first three days of incubation, then a rapid decrease during its disappearance. Yolk cells present an important increase of their nuclear volume which remains high.Estimation of DNA content of the different nuclei at about the 96 hour stage, shows that those whose volume increases are polyploid. Amnion nuclei remain diploid together with neuroblasts. The relation between nuclear increase, polyploidy and physiological functions shows that the amnion is not involved in a particular secretory activity.Estimation of DNA content of the nuclei ofGryllus domesticus andLocusta migratoria at the same developmental stage give comparable results. The degrees of polyploidy found inGryllus are the same as inScapsipedus. InLocusta they are higher, yolk cells attaining values up to 128 C.

The discovery of continental interstratified fossiliferous layers within the lower Miocene marine deposits of Bas Languedoc and the rather unexpected occurrence of rodents within the marine deposits of the same period enables us to refine the mammalian biochronological scale, but above all enables us to establish correlations between the latter and the marine stratigraphic scale. Thus the standard mammalian level of Paulhiac is correlated to the «formation bioclastique de Carry-le-Rouet. As for the standard level of Laugnac it might correspond to the marine Burdigalian whereas it is traditionally allocated to the Aquitanian.The abundance of rodents has allowed to complete our knowledge of still imperfectly known faunas and to formulate new data concerning some evolutive lineages of Cricetid, Eomyid and Glirid rodents.  相似文献   

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