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The ratio of male to female Reesimermis nielseni Tsai and Grundmann, a nematode parasite of mosquito larvae, increased as the number of parasites per host increased. Hosts with a single nematode produced 9% males compared with essentially 100% males in hosts with more than 7 parasites; hosts with 3 nematodes produced about equal numbers of males and females. Males of R. nielseni generally emerged before females because of the earlier death of multiple-infected mosquitoes. The species of the host mosquito influenced the sex ratio, but the size of a specific host at the time of invasion did not. Host diet also had a noticeable influence on the sex ratio of the nematode: singly infected hosts from a starved population produced 92% males compared with 13% in the normally fed group. The importance of these factors in the mass rearing of R. nielseni is discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Effects of egg availability on daily ovipositional activity were determined for Coccophagus atratus Compere (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). Females were observed for 6 h per day for their entire adult lives. Observed ovipositional activity was analysed in relation to egg maturation before and after emergence, egg depletion during oviposition and egg replenishment after oviposition. Ovipositional activity, including oviposition, inconsequential probes and searching for hosts, occurred predominantly in the first 30 min of exposure to hosts on the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th and 13th days after emergence. The remaining time was spent on non-ovipositional activities (preening, drinking honeydew and sitting on the glass of the experimental arena). Peaks of ovipositional activity were associated with high numbers of mature eggs in the ovaries. Eggs that remained in the ovaries after a bout of oviposition were apparently not mature even though they had attained their maximum size. Non-ovipositional activity continued until females had built up a reserve of about eighteen mature eggs. After each successive bout of oviposition, the rate of oogenesis slowed down. Consequently females took longer to accumulate a supply of eggs and periods of non-ovipositional activity increased.
We conclude that (1) the availability of eggs and the tendency of females to store mature eggs influences ovipositional activity, (2) full-sized eggs are not necessarily mature, (3) future experiments with C.atratus could be restricted to days of high ovipositional activity, and (4) the terms syn- and pro-ovigenic formulated by Flanders (1950) to describe apparent differences in oogenesis between various parasitic Hymenoptera do not apply to C. atratus and are therefore not universally applicable.  相似文献   

Octomyomermis muspratti, a mermithid parasite of mosquito larvae, molted to the adult stage in 4–16 days. When male-female ratios were relatively high (1:2), mating and oviposition began soon after maturation, and oviposition was completed in 21–40 days. The number of females developing eggs increased with a corresponding increase in the male-female ratio. About 60% of the females completed oviposition at male-female ratios of 1:20, and about 100% completed oviposition as the male-female ratios were increased to 1:2. No egg development was observed in the absence of males. Male O. muspratti were capable of mating with a number of females and remained reproductively active for at least 50 days after a maturation at 26–28°C.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory and field experiments to elucidate the life history of Ixodiphagus hookeri, a parasitoid of the ixodid tick Amblyomma variegatum in Western Kenya. Ixodiphagus hookeri females oviposited in unfed host nymphs as well as engorged nymphs, but rarely in engorged larvae. While I. hookeri developed to adults in engorged nymphs, the eggs laid in unfed nymphs disappeared within 2 days after oviposition. As temperature increased, development time of I. hookeri from oviposition to adult emergence in engorged nymphs decreased from 46 days at 23 °C to 35 days at 28 °C, and their immature survival in engorged nymphs decreased from 67% at 23 °C to 22% at 28 °C. No parasitoid adult emerged from hosts at 30 °C. Individual hosts parasitized by single females produced 42–53 adult wasps, 73% of which were females. As a typical pro-ovigenic species, I. hookeri females had an average of 84 mature eggs at emergence and lived only for a few days. When laboratory-reared, unfed nymphs of A. variegatum were attached to cattle for 4–9 days in subsistence farmers’ fields in Western Kenya, 25% of the engorged nymphs and 4% of the unfed nymphs on cattle were parasitized by I. hookeri, demonstrating that I. hookeri females search for and oviposit in A. variegatum nymphs on cattle. Unlike other strains of I. hookeri that overwinter as eggs in unfed nymphs, I. hookeri could continuously reproduce throughout the year in Western Kenya.  相似文献   

In house crickets [Acheta domesticus (L.)] a single mating early in adult life sufficed to induce egg laying for the duration of the life of a female. Female house crickets mated readily shortly after adult emergence but oviposition did not commence until about 12–14 days after emergence, even though females matured eggs by 7 days. The egg-laying factor associated with mating remained active during prolonged periods of substrate deprivation during which the female did not oviposit. If the spermatophore was removed prematurely shortly after a mating, the long-term, egg-laying response was truncated and was correlated with a dramatic decline in the fertility of eggs which were oviposited. The egg-laying stimulus appeared to act in the spermatheca, apparently through neural means, since denervation of the spermatheca abolished mating-induced oviposition. These results indicate that the oviposition factor found in the testes is able to act for long periods of time and has to be present continually in order to be effective. Furthermore, the long-term oviposition stimulus in the house cricket may be different from prostaglandin E2 which induces a prompt ovipositional response.  相似文献   

The role of diet supplements (honey, water or no supplements) on egg maturation, oviposition strategy and longevity of the parasitic wasp Diaeretiella rapae McIntosh (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) is investigated. Parasitoids feed as larvae on hosts to acquire nutrition for growth and development, and further gain additional resources during their adult stage by feeding on either host or nonhost resources. The additional resources acquired by adults can help them to increase their reproductive activity or life expectancy, or both. Diaeretiella rapae females emerge with some developed eggs and no additional resources are required for egg maturation or successful oviposition. Females are able to oviposit and produce viable offspring immediately after emergence, and the number of eggs left in the ovaries of females decreases with subsequent oviposition, suggesting that ovigeny index of D. rapae is inclined towards pro‐ovigenic status. When unmated males and females are offered honey solution, females are attracted to it, whereas males display courtship and make mating attempts but then feed on honey after mating. The oviposition efficiency of female D. rapae increases by 30% when they feed on honey compared with when starved. Honey‐fed D. rapae adults live significantly longer (almost twice as long) than starved adults. Honey‐fed females deprived of hosts live longer than those offered hosts regularly. The positive effects of honey‐feeding on longevity are greater in females than in males. Taken together, the results of the present study suggest that the provision of additional resources to adult D. rapae parasitoids could enhance their life expectancy and parasitism efficiency in biological control programmes.  相似文献   

Adult size, longevity, egg load dynamics and oviposition ofMicroplitis rufiventris Kok. which began their development in the first, second, third (preferred hosts) or fourth (non-preferred hosts) instar larvae of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) were studied. The parasitoid size was largely determined by the initial host size at parasitism. Non-ovipositing females derived from older hosts lived for longer periods than those derived from younger ones. However, the ovipositing females, irrespective of their size, lived for almost the same periods. At emergence, the oviducts of adult females contain a significant amount of mature eggs available for oviposition for a few hours on eclosion day. Egg load increases during the early phase of adult life. The amount of additional mature eggs and rate of egg maturation per hour was greater for wasps derived from preferred hosts compared with those in females derived from non-preferred hosts. The pattern of egg production in M. rufiventris females depended on the availability of hosts for parasitization. Host-deprived females depleted the egg complement with aging; the longer the host deprivation, the lower the oviduct egg load. Marked reduction in both realized or potential fecundity of host-deprived females was observed following host availability. Host privation for more than 3 days induced a marked deficit fecundity pattern through the female' s life. The realized fecundity was determined by the interaction among host availability, the number of eggs that are matured over the female' s life span, oviposition rate and host size from which the female was derived. These results suggest that: (i) M. rufiventris wasp is a weak synovigenic species; (ii) the maturation of additional eggs is inhibited once the maximum oviduct egg load is reached; (iii) the egg load of the newly emerged female is significantly less than the realized fecundity; and (iv) because M. rufiventris females oviposit fewer eggs when they begin depleting their egg supply at 3 days, augmentative releases will require release immediately following emergence to ensure the highest parasitization rate in the field.  相似文献   

Solitary parasitoids are limited to laying one egg per host because larvae compete within hosts. If host encounter rate is low, females should not increase the number of eggs/host in response. The tachinid fly, Chetogena edwardsii,was used to evaluate the effect of host deprivation on egg accumulation, oviposition behavior, and egg quality in a solitary parasitoid. Females deprived of hosts for 2– 7 days accumulate about 1 day's supply of eggs. Egg output of deprived females once hosts are restored does not differ from that of control females. Deprived females retain one egg in the uterus where it undergoes embryogenesis. Maggots emerging from retained eggs are more likely to survive in hosts molting in 40 h or less after receipt of an egg than are maggots emerging from eggs fertilized shortly before oviposition. Egg retention is a consequence of host deprivation that permits females to broaden the range of hosts they can exploit to include soon-to-molt hosts and possibly multiply parasitized hosts.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of 18 species of mosquitoes to the infective stage of the mermithid nematode Reesimermis nielseni was compared to that of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus. Thirteen species were more susceptible, with three Anopheles species and Culiseta inornata the most susceptible. Aedes triseriatus, Culex territans, and Psorophora ferox were highly resistant. Resistance to R. nielseni appeared to be behavioral, physical, or physiological, and some host species exhibited one or more types of defense mechanisms. No noticeable differences were apparent in the degree of susceptibility of a native-and a laboratory strain of C. p. quinquqfasciatus to R. nielseni.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments to determine aspects of the reproductive biology of Pseudaphycus maculipennis are described. All experiments were carried out at a constant temperature of 21 ± 2 °C, a 16-h photoperiod and ambient RH. Pseudaphycus maculipennis was shown to be an arrhenotokous, synovigenic, gregarious endoparasitoid of Pseudococcus viburni. Females and males lived for 16 and 11 days, respectively, when fed either honey-agar or mealybug honeydew. Relatively, large instars (third instar or adult females) were preferred for oviposition; mated females parasitized more mealybugs than unmated females, and the progeny sex ratio favored females by 3:1. Egg load increased with age from emergence to day 8, averaging 23 mature eggs/female. Mean realised daily fecundity never exceeded 5, with a mean lifetime fecundity of 46 eggs/female. Parasitised mealybugs remained alive for about 5 days and then mummified. Total development period was 20–21 days (larva 4–5 days, prepupa 3 days, pupa 8–9 days). Development periods of eggs and individual larval instars were not measured. A mean of 3.01 ± 0.1 parasitoids/mealybug were reared after individual parasitism events, increasing through super-parasitism (either self or conspecific) to 9 parasitoids/mealybug when hosts were exposed to competing females. Pseudaphycus maculipennis progeny emerged from the mummies in discrete cohorts over periods ranging from 3 min to 18 h (depending on the number of cohorts).  相似文献   

Histological observations were made of Aedes aegypti larvae parasitized for 2, 4, and 6 days by Reesimermis nielseni. Little difference was detected between the tissues of uninfected and nematode-parasitized larvae 4 days after infection, at which time most hosts were in the early fourth instar and their fat bodies were well developed containing abundant storage materials. Nematodes grew most rapidly between day 4 and day 6 of parasitism, depleting host metabolites, reducing the fat body and other host storage tissues while accumulating storage material in their trophosomes. Development of host imaginal discs was inhibited during this period. The severity of the nematodes upon host tissues depended upon intensity of infection. Dry weight measurements of nematode and host supported histological observations that the nematode developed most rapidly 4–6 days post-infection, thus causing most serious effects upon the host at that time.  相似文献   

The life history and demography of Amblyseius longispinosus Evans were studied under laboratory conditions 25–28°C and 65–85% RH using the red form of the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch complex as prey. The entire development from egg to adult averaged 102.5 h for both sexes with a survival rate of 90.0%. Immature females consumed more prey eggs than males, averaging 7.9 and 6.4 eggs/day, respectively. The embryonic development time for male eggs was longer (average 45.2 h) than for female eggs (average 42.6 h). The average duration of succeeding stages did not differ between the sexes: larva, 15.7; protonymph, 21.1; and deutonymph, 23.0 h. Larvae were not observed to feed. Statistically significant differences between sexes were noted with respect to consumption of the deutonymphs (female, average 4.0±0.2; male, average 2.9±0.3 eggs/day) but not of the protonymphs. Mating occurred on the same day as adult emergence and was repeated several times during the reproductive life. Egg laying started on the second day after emergence. Parameters relating to oviposition were: fecundity, gross (50.7) and net (43.3) eggs/female; hatchability, 99.6% (gross) and 99.5% (net); the oviposition lasted at most 28 days and showed a peak in the first week. Net reproductive rate (R0) was 36.7 female offspring/female/generation time (T) of 9.0 days. The sex ratio was biased toward the females (71.9%), while the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was 0.4 with a doubling time (DT) of 1.7 days. Males lived longer (36 days) than females (30 days) with a LT50 for males of 26 days and for females of 22 days.  相似文献   

Rodrigo Krugner 《BioControl》2014,59(2):167-174
Gonatocerus morrilli (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) is an egg parasitoid used in California, USA to control glassy-winged sharpshooter (GWSS), Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). Virgin GWSS females deposit non-fertilized eggs and mated females can exhaust sperm reserves for egg fertilization. However, nothing is known about Gonatocerus spp. performance when using non-fertilized GWSS eggs as hosts. Host age preference for oviposition and suitability of non-fertilized GWSS eggs as hosts for G. morrilli reproduction were investigated to determine whether non-fertilized eggs on sentinel plants could be used to monitor egg parasitoid populations. Gonatocerus morrilli parasitized all ages of GWSS eggs (1–8 days old) regardless if the host egg was fertilized or not. In choice tests (fertilized versus non-fertilized eggs), parasitoids failed to emerge as adults from non-fertilized eggs more often than from fertilized eggs. The results indicate that non-fertilized eggs were accepted by G. morrilli as suitable hosts for oviposition, but were less suitable for immature development compared to fertilized eggs.  相似文献   

Mermithid nematodes have been reported from at least 63 species of mosquitoes from all over the world, but until recently they have received little attention. Such nematodes are prime candidates as biological control agents because they have adapted to the life cycle of the host; are host specific; produce high levels of parasitism; kill the hosts; are easily handled; have a high reproductive potential; are free swimming and can be disseminated easily in the infective stage; and can be used in an inundative or inoculative manner to control mosquitoes. Nevertheless, with the exception of one mermithid species, little is known about factors that influence parasitism in mosquitoes. Also, only one species of mermithid has been successfully mass cultured to date. The exception is the mermithid Reesimermis nielseni. With this mermithid, high levels of parasitism can be obtained in natural populations of mosquitoes at reasonable dosages; preparasitic nematodes can be applied easily by using many of the standard techniques used to apply insecticides; and R. nielseni can establish itself in many of the sites in which it is released. The same potentials exist for mermithids of other aquatic insects.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2007,40(3):532-538
The mirid bug Macrolophus caliginosus is commercially reared on eggs of Ephestia kuehniella, constituting an effective but expensive factitious food. Artificial diets can decrease the rearing costs of this natural enemy, but developing and evaluating an artificial diet is a very time-consuming activity. In the current study, development and reproduction of M. caliginosus on two artificial diets based on egg yolk were investigated. The artificial diets resulted in longer development and lower adult weights, but survival was comparable with that of control insects fed E. kuehniella eggs. Reproductive potential of the predator reared on factitious and artificial foods was assessed using a dissection method. The influence of nymphal food on fecundity was less important than that of adult food. Adults fed E. kuehniella eggs had a preoviposition period of about 4 days, whereas adults offered only plant material started laying eggs about 7 days after emergence. Ovarian scores at day 7 were higher for females fed E. kuehniella eggs than for those given access only to a tobacco leaf. Ovarian scores were not significantly affected by mating status. In a final test, a parallel comparison of two methods for assessing reproductive response to diet was made. Here, adult couples were offered one of four diets: E. kuehniella eggs, one of two artificial diets or no food. Half of the females were dissected and the other half was held for determining lifetime oviposition. Females fed E. kuehniella eggs had superior ovarian scores and laid more eggs than those fed either artificial diet or those given no extra food. A good correlation (r = 0.97) was obtained between ovarian scores and oviposition data, indicating that dissecting females after 1 week provides a reliable estimate of fecundity as affected by diet quality. Rapid reproductive assessments as used in the current study will help to increase the rate of development of artificial diets and may contribute to more cost effective production methods for augmentative biological control agents.  相似文献   

Morphology, flight muscles, and reproductive development were compared between long‐winged (LW) and short‐winged (SW) morphs of the cricket Velarifictorus ornatus (Shiraki) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). There was no difference in body weight and pre‐oviposition between the two morphs, but LW individuals had better‐developed flight muscles than SW individuals during and after emergence of the adult. The flight muscles at adult emergence represented 11.9% of the total body weight in the LW female and 4.9% in the SW female. In addition, the weight of the flight muscle of LW females increased by 50% during the first 5 days, whereas the flight muscle of the SW variant increased only slightly after adult emergence. The process of oviposition in LW, SW, and de‐alated females varied: SW females produced more eggs at the early stage than LW females, but de‐alation could shorten the time until the peak of egg laying and caused histolysis of flight muscles of LW females. There was no significant difference in total egg production between the above three groups. In the male, unlike the female, the accessory glands of the two wing morphs enlarged continuously at the same rate. There was no difference between the two wing morphs in the mass of the testes during the first 7 days after adult emergence.  相似文献   

López  Patricia  Rosales  Daniel  Flores  Salvador  Montoya  Pablo 《BioControl》2021,66(5):649-658

Diachasmimorpha longicaudata is a solitary endoparasitoid produced in Mexico for the biological control of Anastrepha fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae). We studied the effect of mutual interference among conspecific foraging females to better understand the parasitoid-host dynamics established in the mass-rearing system of this species. We used a constant host availability of 60 third instar larvae of Anastrepha ludens (per oviposition unit type Petri dish) that were individually exposed for 3 h to 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 14, and 20 D. longicaudata females, seven days old without oviposition experience. The following parameters were evaluated: total number of attacked hosts (i.e., larvae with at least one oviposition scar), number of attacked hosts per female, adult emergence percentage, and female proportion. We also performed a second assay at mass-rearing level, contrasting the current proportion used in mass-rearing (~?two host larvae per female) with the alternative treatments (5 and 7.5 host larvae per female). Results showed that the density of females foraging on a patch exhibits an inverse relationship to the number of hosts attacked by one female. The highest values for adult emergence (73.4%), patch exploitation (94.6%), and female proportion (0.86) were obtained in the treatments with 7.5, 6, and 3 host larvae per female, respectively. Under mass-rearing conditions, we found that a lower density of females per cage (~?five larvae per female) reduced superparasitism levels without affecting adult emergence and the proportion of females. This suggests that the mass-rearing efficiency of D. longicaudata could be improved by reducing the density of foraging females.


M. S. Hunter 《BioControl》1989,34(2):265-273
Encarsia pergandiella Howard females develop as primary parasitoids of immature whiteflies, whereas ♀♀ develop as secondary parasitoids on ♂♂ of their own species or on other primary whitefly parasitoids. In this experiment, maleE. pergandiella development was examined in the laboratory at 24°C, using different stages of immatureE. pergandiella females [enclosed within the cuticle ofTrialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)] as hosts. Unmated adult femaleE. pergandiella were caged individually for 24 h on leaves of plants with either 5-day (early to late 3rd instar larval), 7-day (late 3rd instar to prepupal), or 9-day (pupal) hosts. In a control treatment, hosts were allowed to complete development without exposure to unmated adult females. Subsequent emergence of ♂♂ (hosts) and ♀♀ from all treatments was recorded daily. Pupal (9-day)E. pergandiella females were found to be the most suitable hosts for development of ♀♀. Nine- and 7-day hosts were attacked at a similar rate, as indicated by a similarly low proportion of host emergence, but ♀♀ emerged at a significantly higher rate in the 9-day treatment than in the 7-day treatment. Development time of ♀♀ was 15±1 days in the 9-day treatment, and 16±1 days in the 7-day treatment (p<0.005). The proportion of hosts emerging from the 5-day treatment was not significantly different from the control treatment. The data suggest that the colonizing ability ofE. pergandiella in greenhouses is likely to be limited by the delay of 7–9 days between oviposition of female eggs and the suitability of these ♂♂ for oviposition of male eggs. Since development time of the 2 sexes is similar this delay should cause a lack of synchrony in the emergence and mating of F1 ♂♂ and ♀♀.   相似文献   

The effect of temporary host deprivation on parasitization rates of Trichogramma cacoeciae Marchal and T. dendrolimi Matsumura was investigated. The study was conducted with females that we allowed to engage in 3 days of oviposition after various periods of host deprivation. It seems that the production and management of eggs by the two species is completely different. During the first day of oviposition, parasitization by T. cacoeciae was almost unaffected after 1 to 5 days of host deprivation. As deprivation time increased, however, the number of parasitized hosts decreased from an average of 28.6 ±2.0 hosts provided at emergence to an average of 12.5 ±2.3 hosts when the waiting time was 10 days. The number of hosts parasitized on the first day of parasitization by T. dendrolimi were not affected whatever the waiting test period. During the second or third days of oviposition, the lack of suitable hosts for T. cacoeciae did not depress egg-laying potentiality, whereas a strong reduction in parasitization rates by T. dendrolimi occurred in the next 2 days of oviposition whatever was the waiting period. This leads to ca. 50% reduction in total activity of 3 days of oviposition. Only in T. cacoeciae was it possible to distinguish between ageing and host deprivation. The data suggest that T. dendrolimi is a typical proovigenic species, while T. cacoeciae is neither definitely proovigenic nor synovigenic. A slight decrease in rate of emergence of offspring of T. cacoeciae females that had waited 8 to 10 days for their hosts was observed. As far as biological control is concerned, the efficiency of T. dendrolimi females may be more sensitive to host deprivation than T. cacoeciae.  相似文献   

Patasson lameerei DeBauche produced an average of 28.5 offspring under 2 temperature regimes usingSitona hispidulus (Fabricius) eggs as hosts. Although its fecundity was not affected by the temperature regimes,P. lameerei lived significantly longer at 6.7/18.3°C than at 21.1°C. When ample hosts were available,P. lameerei produced more offspring during the 1st few hours of its adult life than during any other comparable period. When the parasitoids were denied access to host eggs for 1,2, or 3 days after emergence, they still produced similar numbers of offspring during their 1st 24 h exposure to hosts.  相似文献   

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