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中国农业生态系统外来种入侵及其管理现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业生态系统极易遭受外来生物入侵。作者根据文献资料和多年工作观察统计出入侵我国农业生态系统的外来生物共计92科175属239种, 其中植物155种, 动物55种, 微生物29种, 植物多为有意引入后逸生, 而动物和微生物则主要是无意引入。外来入侵种发生数量呈现从南到北、从东到西逐渐减少的趋势。这些入侵种中, 来源于美洲的最多(占45.04%), 其次是欧洲(22.90%); 菜地(包括温室大棚)和果园入侵种最多, 分别达64.85%和66.53%, 而半年期的秋熟旱地和夏熟旱地分别占34.31%和23.85%。其中17种外来杂草、10种害虫、7种病原菌为恶性有害生物, 应作为防除的重点目标。目前农业生态系统外来入侵物种的控制以化学防治为主, 但由于长期施用化学农药, 在侵入我国农田的入侵种中, 已有51种在世界不同地区演化出抗药性生物型, 因而需重视生物防治、农业和生态防治以及检疫等的综合应用。今后外来种对农业生态系统的入侵格局、机制和趋势, 入侵途径以及生物入侵和抗药性生物型对农业生态系统中有害生物群落演替的影响、转基因作物导致的生物入侵等问题值得关注。  相似文献   

Invasive alien plant species in China: regional distribution patterns   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Plant invasions have been attracting increasing attention from ecologists because of their worldwide environmental impacts and huge economic costs. Research on the characteristics of the recipient regions is essential for understanding the process of plant invasion. However, few previous studies on invasibility of habitats include social factors, although human activities are critical in the process of plant invasion. China is a vast country with high plant species diversity and a long history of introduction of exotic plant species and is particularly vulnerable to invasive plant species. Alien plant species are widespread in the country. Therefore, the study of invasive plants in China is urgent in practice and theoretically important for developing invasion ecology. For the present study, 126 species were selected to represent the major invasive plant species in China. We then collected data on their species richness in 31 provincial administrative units of China and performed Spearman rank correlations between species richness and possible natural and socio‐economic factors. We found that socio‐economic factors, such as human density and GDP, correlated positively with the species richness of invasive plants in China. In conjunction with the natural and socio‐economic correlations in the study of regional distribution pattern of the major invasive plants, we discussed the factors influencing the regional distribution pattern of the major invasive plants in China. We suggest that native plant species richness was mainly determined by the natural conditions of the regions, while invasive species richness was influenced by natural conditions and human disturbance together.  相似文献   

Asan A 《Mycopathologia》2003,156(2):49; author reply 50

The aphid predator Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is an invasive alien species in Europe and North America with negative effects on non-target species (including a decline of native ladybird populations), as well as fruit production, and human health. It is, therefore, important to find out which natural enemies could be used to reduce their numbers. Knowledge of H. axyridis’ natural enemies is summarised and data collected from the Netherlands over the past ten years are presented. Beetles were sampled from winter aggregations and from spring through to autumn with illuminated screens at night. Natural enemies were not found in samples of H. axyridis from 2003–2007. From 2008 onward H. axyridis adults were infested by: Hesperomyces virescens Thaxt. fungi (summer and winter), Parasitylenchus bifurcatus Poinar and Steenberg nematodes (winter), Coccipolipus hippodamiae (McDaniel and Morrill) mites (winter), and Dinocampus coccinellae (Schrank) parasitoids (summer and winter). Our results indicate that these natural enemies are starting to use H. axyridis as a host, but are as yet not sufficiently abundant to control the population.  相似文献   

Currently, many species are facing the risk of extinction, as it one of the most serious conservation issues. Many conservation programs have evolved to prevent species extinction; however, developing these strategies may prove to be difficult for the species itself, which includes different cryptic species. In this paper, we document the invasion of non-native cryptic species of ancylin limpets, Ferrissia californica, with a molecular phylogenetic analysis. Three species (F. nipponica, F. japonica, Gundlachia japonica) have been described as native, whereas the present analysis shows that most of them are actually non-native F. californica, having been introduced from North America and spreading throughout Japan. In addition, we found a few subpopulations of the cryptic native species of the ancylin limpets, though the native limpet species is very rare, and has limited distribution. The conservation status assigned to ancylin limpets on the Japanese red list is problematic, because F. japonica is listed as an endangered species. All individuals identified as F. japonica are of F. californica, so the current red list treats invasive non-native species as endangered. Reassessment of the conservation status of native species and an estimation of the impact of non-native species is required to better delineate these limpet species by genetic markers.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need for comprehensive national databases on alien plant species, especially in developing countries. Despite the fact that plant invasions are considered a major threat to biodiversity, they have been poorly studied or not considered a conservation priority in South America. We aim to assess alien plant distribution in Chile, using the first comprehensive public alien plant database, and discuss the implications of using herbarium records to develop national databases of alien plants. We used herbarium records to assemble a comprehensive national database of alien plants. We calculated the number of alien and native species and specimens recorded in each 10 × 10 km cell. We evaluated sampling efforts and tested for relationships between alien and native species collections, as well as other spatial patterns along the latitudinal gradient. Alien and native species richness was positively correlated. Alien plants were mostly collected in central Chile, with few species collected in both the extreme north and south. However, native plants were strongly collected in central Chile, as well as in both extremes of the country. Alien and native plants followed the same pattern of accumulation along the latitudinal gradient, with native plants being relatively more collected than alien plants. Herbarium records provide valuable baseline information to evaluate plant species distribution. However, there are important gaps in this database, (e.g. variable sampling effort for alien and native plants, incomplete information on life-history traits). Given scientists and land managers increasing demand for baseline information and the high cost of collecting such data in developing countries, herbarium records should be used more frequently for research and management of plant invasions.  相似文献   

Biological Invasions - In addition to being a major threat to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, biological invasions also have profound impacts on economies and human wellbeing. However, the...  相似文献   

Question: Invasive alien plants can affect biomass production and rates of biogeochemical cycling. Do the direction and intensity of such effects depend upon the functional traits of native and alien species and upon the properties of the invaded habitat, with the same alien species having differing impacts in different habitats? Location: Lowlands of Switzerland. Methods: Fourteen grassland and wetland sites invaded by Solidago gigantea and widely differing in biomass production and soil P availability were surveyed. To determine whether the impact of the species was related to site fertility, we compared the invaded and native vegetation in terms of biomass, species composition, plant traits and soil properties. Results: S. gigantea generally increased the above‐ground biomass production of the vegetation and soil C content, while reducing nutrient concentrations in biomass and N availability in the soil. However, it had no significant effect on plant species richness, soil respiration, soil pH and P availability. Leaves of S. gigantea had a greater C content than those of native species; other leaf traits and root phosphatase activity did not differ significantly. Conclusions: Our results suggest that a conservative nutrient‐use strategy allows S. gigantea to invade a broad range of habitats. The observed effects of invasion did not vary according to biomass production of the invaded sites, but some effects did depend on soil P availability, being more pronounced at more P‐rich sites. Thus, the full range of invaded habitats should be considered in studying the potential impact of plant invasions on ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Aim To determine if the temporal and spatial pattern of alien plant invasion and native plant expansion can be observed using 100 years of herbarium data from Oklahoma, USA, and to eliminate herbarium collection biases in such analyses. Location Oklahoma, USA. Methods Using herbarium records from the Oklahoma Vascular Plants Database from 1903 to 2004, we reconstructed the spatial and temporal collection history of two alien invasive taxa (Lonicera japonica and Tamarix spp.) and three native expansive species (Ambrosia psilostachya, Amphiachyris dracunculoides and Juniperus virginiana). To compare the overall collecting trend, groups of native non‐expansive taxa were selected as counterparts. We recorded the year of the first collection in each township in Oklahoma for all taxa. The cumulative number of occupied townships was log‐transformed, plotted against time and modelled with linear regression. The slope of the linear regression represented collection trend over time for the non‐expansive counterpart group. However, for the invasive and expansive species, the regression slope represented the collection effort plus the invasion or expansion rate. We calculated the proportion of invasive and expansive species to non‐expansive species by dividing the cumulative number of townships for each invasive or expansive species by the cumulative number of townships occupied by the counterpart group (proportion curve). Results Maps of the collection records of invasive and expansive taxa illustrated no discernible spatial invasion or expansion pattern. The slopes of the linear regression for alien invasive taxa were significantly steeper than those of their associated native non‐expansive counterparts, indicating an increase in abundance. Juniperus virginiana, L. japonica and Tamarix spp. exhibited one or more periods during which they were collected at a disproportionately higher rate than their native non‐expansive counterparts. Main conclusions Patterns of species invasion and expansion in Oklahoma were detected using techniques developed for regions with longer collecting plant histories. The proportion curve analysis eliminated some biases inherent in herbarium data by reducing the effect of collecting effort. Both the regression model and proportion curve analyses illustrate the temporal invasion patterns of alien invasive species. The native species did not show a clear expansion pattern. The information found in recently established herbaria may not be sensitive enough to detect the increase in abundance of native species.  相似文献   

Up to 6,800 plant species endemic to oceanic islands are highly threatened with extinction. Although habitat destruction and fragmentation have greatly contributed to this, it is generally recognised that invasive alien species currently pose the single most important threat to island plants. Most studies exploring the role of novel interspecific interactions in driving declines of island plants, focus on threats mediated by animals, be it direct (e.g. browsing, seed predation, mutualism disruption) or indirect (e.g. extinction of seed dispersal or pollination mutualists). Relatively few studies have investigated the specific role of plant-plant interactions, particularly in-situ. We studied a threatened island endemic plant in rapid decline to evaluate the short (1–2 years) and medium-term (about 1–2 decades) influence of invasive alien plants (IAPs) on individuals and a variety of proxies of plant fitness. We compared mortality of traceable individuals that were recorded 12–20 years previously between habitats that are invaded with IAPs and habitats where IAPs are absent, or have been removed decades ago. We also carried out an in-situ manipulative experiment using 14 randomly chosen plants from around which IAPs were removed, paired with controls, at two sites. Canopy cover change before and after IAPs’ removal was quantified along with above ground biomass of IAPs removed for use as potential explanatory variables of change in proxies of plant fitness. Ten branches were randomly selected per plant and branch dynamics, leaves’ sizes and reproductive structure production were monitored quarterly for two years. Over the medium term, plant mortality was recorded only in presence of IAPs (X2 = 4.80, df = 1, p < 0.05). Over the short term, at the plant level, IAPs’ removal triggered overall weak to moderate improvements in the number of surviving and new branches as well as change in number of branches at one of the sites. At the leaf and branch levels, we found weak evidence for positive effects of IAPs removal on surviving leaves, flower buds produced and difference in leaf surface area per branch in one site. We therefore provide some experimental evidence of negative effects of alien plants on overall fitness of the threatened species in-situ presumably through competitive interactions. We posit that these effects were found to be weak to moderate due to the short experimental period over which they could develop (1–2 years). Overall, IAPs stand out as the most severe threat from among all documented threats to the species, for being the only one capable of causing mortality of adult plants. Results hence highlight island plants’ vulnerability to IAPs, and how their timely control would improve the survival and fitness of threatened plants, even at the scale of single individuals. Such a strategy could be more often employed. Our study stresses on prioritising IAPs’ control for rescuing long-lived threatened plants that grow in habitats invaded by alien plants (itself a very common situation on oceanic islands) before addressing other subtler, slower-acting threats, like disrupted pollination or seed dispersal mutualisms, florivory or seed predation.  相似文献   

To prioritize weed management at the catchment scale, information is required on the species present, their relatively frequency, abundance, and likely spread and impact. The objective of this study was to classify the invasiveness of alien species that have invaded the Upper Burdekin Catchment in Queensland, Australia, at three spatial scales. A combination of three published weed classification frameworks and multivariate techniques were employed to classify species based on their frequency and cover at a range of spatial scales. We surveyed the Upper Burdekin Catchment for alien species, and for each species determined the following distribution indices — site frequency, total cover, transect frequency per site frequency and quadrat frequency per site frequency, cover per quadrat when present, cover per transect when present, and cover per site when present. These indices capture the effect of species abundance and frequency between sites (site frequency and total cover), within sites (transect frequency per site and cover per transect when present), and within transects (quadrat frequency per site frequency and cover per site). They were used to classify the species into seven groups using a hierarchical cluster analysis. The relationship between the indices was explored to determine how effective the small scale, site‐specific indices were at predicting the broader, landscape‐scale patterns. Strong correlations were observed between transect frequency per site and frequency (r2 = 0.89) and cover per transect when present and total cover (r2 = 0.62). This suggests that if a weed is abundant at the site level, it has the potential to occupy large areas of the catchment. The species groupings derived from the application of the three published weed classification frameworks were compared graphically to the groupings derived from the cluster analysis. One of the frameworks classified species into three groups. The other two frameworks classified species into four groups. There was a high degree of subjectivity in applying the frameworks to the survey data. Some of the data were of no relevance to the classification frameworks and were therefore ignored. We suggest that the weed classification frameworks should be used in conjunction with existing multivariate techniques to ensure that classifications capture important natural variations in observed data that may reflect invasion processes. The combined use of the frameworks and multivariate techniques enabled us to aggregate species into categories appropriate for management.  相似文献   

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