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It would be natural to suppose that potassium enters Valonia as KCl since it appears in this form in the sap. We find, however, that on this basis we cannot predict the behavior of potassium in any respect. But we can readily do so if we assume that it penetrates chiefly as KOH. We may then say that under normal conditions potassium enters the cell because the ionic activity product (K) (OH) is greater outside than inside. This hypothesis.leads to the following predictions: 1. When the product (K) (OH) becomes greater inside (because the inside concentration of OH- rises, or the outside concentration of K+ or of OH- falls) potassium should leave the cell, though sodium continues to enter. Previous experiments, and those in this paper, indicate that this is the case. 2. Increasing the pH value of the sea water should increase the rate of entrance of potassium, and vice versa. This appears to be shown by the results described in the present paper. It appears that photosynthesis increases the rate of entrance of potassium by increasing the pH value just outside the protoplasm. In darkness there is little or no growth or absorption of electrolytes. The entrance of potassium by ionic exchange (K+ exchanged for H+ produced in the cell), the ions passing as such through the protoplasmic surface, does not seem to be important.  相似文献   

A model is described which throws light on the mechanism of accumulation. In the model used an external aqueous phase A is separated by a non-aqueous phase B (representing the protoplasm) from the artificial sap in C. A contains KOH and C contains HCl: they tend to mix by passing through the non-aqueous layer but much more KOH moves so that most of the KCl is formed in C, where the concentration of potassium becomes much greater than in A. This accumulation is only temporary for as the system approaches equilibrium the composition of A approaches identity with that of C, since all the substances present can pass through the non-aqueous layer. Such an approach to equilibrium may be compared to the death of the cell as the result of which accumulation disappears. During the earlier stages of the experiment potassium tends to go in as KOH and at the same time to go out as KCl. These opposing tendencies do not balance until the concentration of potassium inside becomes much greater than outside (hence potassium accumulates). The reason is that KCl, although its driving force be great, moves very slowly in B because its partition coefficient is low and in consequence its concentration gradient in B is small. This illustrates the importance of partition coefficients for penetration in models and in living cells. It also indicates that accumulation depends on the fact that permeability is greater for the ingoing compound of the accumulating substance than for the outgoing compound. Other things being equal, accumulation is increased by maintaining a low pH in C. Hence we may infer that anything which checks the production of acid in the living cell may be expected to check accumulation and growth. This model recalls the situation in Valonia and in most living cells where potassium accumulates as KCl, perhaps because it enters as KOH and forms KA in the sap (where A is an organic anion). In some plants potassium accumulates as KA but when HCl exists in the external solution it will tend to enter and displace the weaker acid HA (if this be carbonic it can readily escape): hence potassium may accumulate to a greater or less extent as KCl. Injury of the cell may produce a twofold effect, (1) increase of permeability, (2) lessened accumulation. The total amount of electrolyte taken up in a given time will be influenced by these factors and may be greater than normal in the injured cell or less, depending somewhat on the length of the interval of time chosen.  相似文献   

It is suggested that K enters chiefly as KOH, whose thermodynamic potential (proportional to the ionic activity product (a K) (a OH)) is greater outside than within. As this difference is maintained by the production of acid in the cell K continues to enter, and reaches a greater concentration inside than outside. KOH combines with a weak organic acid which is exchanged for HCl entering from the sea water (or its anion is exchanged for Cl-), so that KCl accumulates in the sap. Na enters more slowly and its internal concentration remains below that of K. The facts indicate that penetration is chiefly in molecular form. As the system is not in equilibrium the suggestion is not susceptible of thermodynamic proof but it is useful in predicting the behavior of K, Na, and NH4.  相似文献   

When 0.001 M NH4Cl is added to sea water containing Valonia macrophysa there seems to be a rapid penetration of undissociated NH3 (or NH4OH) which raises the pH value of the sap so that the thermodynamic potential of KOH becomes greater inside than outside and in consequence K leaves the cell: NaOH continues to go in because its thermodynamic potential is greater outside than inside. NH4Cl accumulates, reaching a much higher concentration inside than outside. This might be explained on the ground that NH3, after entering, combines with a weak organic acid produced in the cell whose anion is exchanged for the Cl- of the sea water, or (more probably) the organic acid is exchanged for HCl.  相似文献   

1. Analyses were made of the K and HCO3 content, the irritability, and weight change of isolated frog sartorius muscles after immersion for 5 hours in Ringer''s solutions modified as to pH and potassium content. 2. At each pH a concentration of potassium in the solution was found which was in diffusion equilibrium with the potassium in the muscle. In greater concentrations potassium moved into the muscle against the concentration gradient and vice versa. 3. The greater the alkalinity of the solution the smaller the concentration of the potassium at equilibrium so that the product of the concentrations of OH and K in the solution at equilibrium tends to remain approximately constant. 4. The pH inside the muscle is approximately equal to that outside when first dissected but it tends to change during immersion so as to follow the changes in the pH of the solution. This finding is in direct conflict with the theory according to which the high potassium concentration inside should be accompanied by an equally high hydrogen ion concentration in relation to that outside. 5. The diffusion of potassium into the muscle makes its contents more alkaline but the increase in alkalinity is not always, nor usually, equivalent to the amount of potassium which has diffused and conversely, the pH inside can change in either direction according to the pH outside without there being any diffusion of potassium. Hence potassium is not the only penetrating ion. 6. The irritability of the muscles is at a maximum in concentrations of potassium which are greater than that in normal Ringer''s solution, or about 20 mg. per cent potassium. This optimum does not seem to be a function of pH and is therefore not dependent upon the direction of movement of the potassium but probably on the ratio of potassium outside to that inside. 7. Swelling of the muscles occurs in solutions which injure the muscle so as to permit both cations and anions to enter without permitting the organic protein anions to escape. Anion impermeability is necessary to prevent this same osmotic swelling under normal conditions. 8. An increase in the CO2 tension in muscle and solution causes a greater increase in acidity in the solution than in the muscle and leads to a loss of potassium. One expects therefore a potassium shift from tissues to blood comparable to the chlorine shift from plasma to corpuscles.  相似文献   

When 0.005 M NH4Cl is added to sea water containing cells of Valonia macrophysa ammonia soon appears in the sap and may reach a concentration inside over 40 times as great as outside. It appears to enter as undissociated NH3 (or NH4OH) and tends to reach a pseudoequilibrium in which the activity of undissociated NH3 (or NH4OH) is the same inside and outside. When ammonia first enters, the pH value of the sap rapidly rises but it soon reaches a maximum and subsequently falls off. At the same time there is an increase of halide in the sap which, however, does not run a parallel course to the ammonia accumulation, but it comes to a new equilibrium value and remains constant. The increase in NH3 in the sap is accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of K. As NH3 enters the specific gravity of the sap decreases and the cells rise to the surface and continue to grow as floating organisms. The growth of the cells is increased.  相似文献   

Lowering the potassium in the sea water from 0.011 M to 0.006 M caused an exit of potassium from cells of Valonia macrophysa. Sodium continued to penetrate and the ratio K ÷ Na fell off. The cells ceased to grow but there was no evidence of injury. Increasing the external potassium brought about an increase of the internal concentration of potassium, of halide, of total cations, and of the ratio K ÷ Na inside. These phenomena are to be expected on theoretical grounds.  相似文献   

Analyses of the sap of Halicystis Osterhoutii and of Valonia macrophysa for iodide indicate accumulations of the order of 1000 to 10,000-fold in the first case, and 40 to 250-fold in the second case. The chemical potential of KI, NaI, HI, and CaI2 is greater inside than outside.  相似文献   

An organic potassium salt, KG, passes from an aqueous phase, A, through a non-aqueous layer, B, into a watery solution, C. In C it reacts with CO2 to form KHCO3. The ionic activity product (K) (G) in C is thus kept at such a low level that KG continues to diffuse into C after the concentration of potassium becomes greater in C than in A. Hence potassium accumulates in C, the osmotic pressure rises, and water goes in. A steady state is eventually reached in which potassium and water enter C in a constant ratio. The rate of entrance of potassium (with no water penetrating into C) may fall off in a manner approximately exponential. But water enters and may produce an exponential decrease in concentration. This suggests that the kinetics may be treated like that of two consecutive monomolecular reactions. Calculations made on this basis agree very well with the observed values. The rate of penetration appears to be proportional to the concentration gradient of KG in the non-aqueous layer and in consequence depends upon the partition coefficients which determine this gradient. Exchange of ions (passing as such through the non-aqueous layer) does not seem to play an important rôle in the entrance of potassium. The kinetics of the model may be similar to that of living cells.  相似文献   

When cells of Valonia macrophysa were placed in hypertonic sea water, the concentration of halide and of nitrate increased, and the sum of halide + nitrate became 0.05 M greater inside than outside, which is about the same difference as is found in cells in normal sea water. In ordinary sea water the ratio of halide to nitrate is 80,000 to 1. When this was changed by substituting nitrate for halide so that the concentration of halide was 1.75 times that of nitrate the rate of entrance of halide was 1.68 times that of nitrate in 276 hours and the ratio of halide to nitrate in the sap decreased from 38 to 18.5. No halide came out in exchange for entering nitrate. The retention of chloride may well be due to the fact that even when the halide concentration of the sea water is reduced as low as 0.4 M, there is still an inwardly directed activity gradient of sodium chloride.  相似文献   

When protoplasm dies it becomes completely and irreversibly permeable and this may be used as a criterion of death. On this basis we may say that when 0.2 M formaldehyde plus 0.001 M NaCl is applied to Nitella death arrives sooner at the inner protoplasmic surface than at the outer. If, however, we apply 0.17 M formaldehyde plus 0.01 M KCl death arrives sooner at the outer protoplasmic surface. The difference appears to be due largely to the conditions at the two surfaces. With 0.2 M formaldehyde plus 0.001 M NaCl the inner surface is subject to a greater electrical pressure than the outer and is in contact with a higher concentration of KCl. In the other case these conditions are more nearly equal so that the layer first reached by the reagent is the first to become permeable. The outer protoplasmic surface has the ability to distinguish electrically between K+ and Na+ (potassium effect). Under the influence of formaldehyde this ability is lost. This is chiefly due to a falling off in the partition coefficient of KCl in the outer protoplasmic surface. At about the same time the inner protoplasmic surface becomes completely permeable. But the outer protoplasmic surface retains its ability to distinguish electrically between different concentrations of the same salt, showing that it has not become completely permeable. After the potential has disappeared the turgidity (hydrostatic pressure inside the cell) persists for some time, probably because the outer protoplasmic surface has not become completely permeable.  相似文献   

1. A mechanism exists in Valonia which prevents certain substances (Na, Mg, Ca, SO4) from reaching as high a concentration inside the cell as in the sea water which surrounds it. 2. A trapping mechanism also exists which causes K to accumulate in the cell in a concentration far in excess of that found in sea water. Practically all the K in the cell exists in the form of KCl. 3. The concentration of Cl does not differ greatly within and without. 4. These facts are not in harmony with present theories regarding the accumulation of K in living cells.  相似文献   

The accumulation of ammonia takes place more rapidly in light than in darkness. The accumulation appears to go on until a steady state is attained. The steady state concentration of ammonia in the sap is about twice as great in light as in darkness. Both effects are possibly due to the fact that the external pH (and hence the concentration of undissociated ammonia) outside is raised by photosynthesis. Certain "permeability constants" have been calculated. These indicate that the rate is proportional to the concentration gradient across the protoplasm of NH4 X which is formed by the interaction of NH3 or NH4OH and HX, an acid elaborated in the protoplasm. The results are interpreted to mean that HX is produced only at the sap-protoplasm interface and that on the average its concentration there is about 7 times as great as at the sea water-protoplasm interface. This ratio of HX at the two surfaces also explains why the concentration of undissociated ammonia in the steady state is about 7 times as great in the sea water as in the sap. The permeability constant P'''''' appears to be greater in the dark. This is possibly associated with an increase in the concentration of HX at both interfaces, the ratio at the two surfaces, however, remaining about the same. The pH of sap has been determined by a new method which avoids the loss of gas (CO2), an important source of error. The results indicate that the pH rises during accumulation but the extent of this rise is smaller than has hitherto been supposed. As in previous experiments, the entering ammonia displaced a practically equivalent amount of potassium from the sap and the sodium concentration remained fairly constant. It seems probable that the pH increase is due to the entrance of small amounts of NH3 or NH4OH in excess of the potassium lost as a base.  相似文献   

1. A comparative study has been made of the diffusibility of calcium in solutions of crystalline egg albumin, serum globulin, and human blood serum. 2. In all three of these solutions, at pH 7.4, molal Ca concentrations within the membrane are greater than the calcium concentrations in the outside solutions, quite in accordance with the Donnan theory. 3. At pH 7.4, the ratio of See PDF for Structure varies directly with the protein concentration whether the solution be one of egg albumin, serum globulin, or blood serum. This is also in accordance with the Donnan theory. 4. On the acid side of the isoelectric point of the proteins, the concentration of Ca outside becomes greater than the concentration in the solution of blood serum or pure protein, as is demanded by the Donnan theory. 5. The magnitude of the Ca ratios on the alkaline and acid sides of the isoelectric points is probably the resultant of the Donnan equilibrium and the formation of complex Ca-protein ions. Northrop and Kunitz have shown the probability of the existence of such ions in the case of Zn++, K+, and Li+, where satisfactory electrodes have been developed for E.M.F. measurements.  相似文献   

Living cells of Nitella were placed in different concentrations of brilliant cresyl blue solutions at pH 6.9. It was found that the greater the concentration of the external dye solution, the greater was the speed of accumulation of the dye in the cell sap and higher was the concentration of dye found in the sap at equilibrium. Analysis of the time curves showed that the process may be regarded as a reversible pseudounimolecular reaction. When the concentration in the sap is plotted as ordinates and the concentration in the outside solution as abscissae the curve is convex toward the abscissae. There is reason to believe that secondary changes involving injury take place as the dye accumulates and that if these changes did not occur the curve would be concave toward the abscissae. The process may be explained as a chemical combination of the dye with a constituent of the cell. This harmonizes with the fact that the temperature coefficient is high (about 4.9). Various other possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

In animal cells, the resting potential is established by the concentration gradients of sodium and potassium ions and the different permeabilities of the cell membrane to them. The large concentration gradients of sodium and potassium ions are maintained by the Na+/K+ pump. Under physiological conditions, the pump transports three sodium ions out of and two potassium ions into the cell per ATP hydrolyzed. However, unlike other primary or secondary active transporters, the Na+/K+ pump does not work at the equilibrium state, so the pumping ratio is not a thermodynamic property of the pump. In this article, I propose a dipole-charging model of the Na+/K+ pump to prove that the three Na+ to two K+ pumping ratio of the Na+/K+ pump is determined by the ratio of the ionic mobilities of potassium to sodium ions, which is to ensure the time constant τ and the τ-dependent processes, such as the normal working state of the Na+/K+ pump and the propagation of an action potential. Further, the concentration ratios of potassium ions outside and inside the cell to sodium ions inside and outside the cell are 0.3027 and 0.9788, respectively, and the sum of the potassium and sodium equilibrium potentials is ?30.3 mV. A comparative study on these constants is made for some marine, freshwater and terrestrial animals. These findings suggest that the pumping ratio of the Na+/K+ pump and the ion concentration ratios play a role in the evolution of animal cells.  相似文献   

1. When a solution of a salt of gelatin or crystalline egg albumin is separated by a collodion membrane from a watery solution (free from protein) a potential difference is set up across the membrane in which the protein is positively charged in the case of protein-acid salts and in which the protein is negatively charged in the case of metal proteinates. The turning point is the isoelectric point of the protein. 2. Measurements of the pH of the (inside) protein solution and of the outside watery solution show that when equilibrium is established the value pH inside minus pH outside is positive in the case of protein-acid salts and negative in the case of metal proteinates. This is to be expected when the P.D. is caused by the establishment of a Donnan equilibrium, since in that case the pH should be lower outside than inside in the case of a protein-acid salt and should be higher outside than inside in the case of a metal proteinate. 3. At the isoelectric point where the electrical charge is zero the value of pH inside minus pH outside becomes also zero. 4. It is shown that a P.D. is established between suspended particles of powdered gelatin and the surrounding watery solution and that the sign of charge of the particles is positive when they contain gelatin-acid salts, while it is negative when the powdered particles contain metal gelatinate. At the isoelectric point the charge is zero. 5. Measurements of the pH inside the powdered particles and of the pH in the outside watery solution show that when equilibrium is established the value pH inside minus pH outside is positive when the powdered particles contain a gelatin-acid salt, while the value pH inside minus pH outside is negative when the powdered particles contain Na gelatinate. At the isoelectric point the value pH inside minus pH outside is zero. 6. The addition of neutral salts depresses the electrical charge of the powdered particles of protein-acid salts. It is shown that the addition of salts to a suspension of powdered particles of gelatin chloride also diminishes the value of pH inside minus pH outside. 7. The agreement between the values 58 (pH inside minus pH outside) and the P. D. observed by the Compton electrometer is not only qualitative but quantitative. This proves that the difference in the concentration of acid (or alkali, as the case may be) in the two phases is the only cause for the observed P.D. 8. The Donnan theory demands that the P.D. of a gelatin chloride solution should be 1½ times as great as the P.D. of a gelatin sulfate solution of the same pH and the same concentration (1 per cent) of originally isoelectric gelatin. This is found to be correct and it is also shown that the values of pH inside minus pH outside for the two solutions possess the ratio of 3:2. 9. All these measurements prove that the electrical charges of suspended particles of protein are determined exclusively by the Donnan equilibrium.  相似文献   

When 0.1 M NaI is added to the sea water surrounding Valonia iodide appears in the sap, presumably entering as NaI, KI, and HI. As the rate of entrance is not affected by changes in the external pH we conclude that the rate of entrance of HI is negligible in comparison with that of NaI, whose concentration is about 107 times that of HI (the entrance of KI may be neglected for reasons stated). This is in marked contrast with the behavior of sulfide which enters chiefly as H2S. It would seem that permeability to H2S is enormously greater than to Na2S. Similar considerations apply to CO2. In this respect the situation differs greatly from that found with iodide. NaI enters because its activity is greater outside than inside so that no energy need be supplied by the cell. The rate of entrance (i.e. the amount of iodide entering the sap in a given time) is proportional to the external concentration of iodide, or to the external product [N+]o [I-lo, after a certain external concentration of iodide has been reached. At lower concentrations the rate is relatively rapid. The reasons for this are discussed. The rate of passage of NaI through protoplasm is about a million times slower than through water. As the protoplasm is mostly water we may suppose that the delay is due chiefly to the non-aqueous protoplasmic surface layers. It would seem that these must be more than one molecule thick to bring this about. There is no great difference between the rate of entrance in the dark and in the light.  相似文献   

The potential difference across the protoplasm of impaled cells of two American species of Halicystis is compared. The mean value for H. Osterhoutii is 68.4 mv.; that for H. ovalis is 79.7 mv., the sea water being positive to the sap in both. The higher potential of H. ovalis is apparently due to the higher concentration of KCl (0.3 M) in its vacuolar sap. When the KCl content of H. Osterhoutii sap (normally 0.01 M or less) is experimentally raised to 0.3 M, the potential rises to values about equal to those in H. ovalis. The external application of solutions high in potassium temporarily lowers the potential of both, probably by the high mobility of K+ ions. But a large potential is soon regained, representing the characteristic potential of the protoplasm. This is about 20 mv. lower than in sea water. The accumulation of KCl in the sap of H. ovalis is apparently not due to the higher mobility of K+ ion in its protoplasm, since the electrical effects of potassium are practically identical in H. Osterhoutii, where KCl is not accumulated.  相似文献   

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