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In Vol. 27, No. 5, May 20, 1944, page 403, in the eighth line from the bottom of the page, the comma after "intensity" should be a semicolon. On page 413, in the second formula from the bottom of the page, for See PDF for Equation read See PDF for Equation On the same page, formula 2 should read See PDF for Equation On page 414, line 3, at the end of the line add "or" to read "of the level of I or of F." On page 422, in the first line below the figure legend, for "illuminate" read "illuminated." On page 430, line 22, for "lighteb dars" read "lighted bars."  相似文献   

On page 39, Vol. viii, No. 2, September 18, 1925, multiply the right-hand side of formula (2) by the factor See PDF for Equation. On page 44, immediately after formula (1) the text should be continued as follows: Let us suppose a membrane to be separated by two solutions of KCl of different concentrations K1 and K2 and these concentrations and the corresponding concentrations of K+ within the membrane, which are in equilibrium with the outside solutions, to be so high that the H+ ions may be neglected. When a small electric current flows across the system, practically the K+ ions alone are transferred and that in a reversible manner. Therefore the total P.D. is practically See PDF for Equation This P.D. is composed of two P.D.''s at the boundaries and the diffusion potential within the membrane. Suppose the immobility of the anions is not absolute but only relative as compared with the mobility of the cations, KCl would gradually penetrate into the membrane to equal concentration with the outside solution on either side and no boundary potential would be established. In this case the diffusion P.D. within the membrane is the only P.D., amounting to See PDF for Equation but, V being practically = 0, it would result that See PDF for Equation So the definitive result is the same as in the former case. Now cancel the printed text as far as page 48, line 13 from the top of the page, but retain Fig. 1. On page 50, line 19 from the top of the page, cancel the sentence beginning with the word But and ending with the words of the chain.  相似文献   

In the article entitled "The quantic and statistical bases of visual excitation" (J. Gen. Physiol., 1947–48, 31, 269), in footnote 1, at the bottom of page 274, read, The product k (k–1) ..., may be written See PDF for Equation. On page 284, in equation (1) add, t = mτ; m = 1,2,3.... I take this occasion to call attention to the fact that in 1944 van der Velden developed two equations, one of which described the variation of liminal energy with the flash time and the other this variation with the visual angle of the spot; both of them apply in the case of homogeneous populations of receptors (rods). These equations are very similar to mine, obtained in an entirely different manner and published nearly 4 years later. In fact, until very recently I was not aware of the equations of van der Velden, published in Physica, 1944, 11, 179, because the papers published in that journal, and particularly those which are written in Dutch, generally become known to French physiologists as abstracts which are often incomplete. Thus the priority of the theoretical basis of the empirical laws which are directly related to the two equations in question belongs entirely to van der Velden. ERNEST L. M. BAUMGARDT In Vol. 31, No. 3, January 20, 1948, page 261, in equation (1) for H 2 read H 1. On page 262, in equation (5) for H read H 2. On page 265, in the third line from the bottom of the page, for 4 c.mm. read 5.24 c.mm. On the same page, in the second line from the bottom of the page, for 5 c.mm. read 6.86 c.mm.  相似文献   

In Vol. 19, No. 4, March 20, 1936, page 603, in the eleventh line from the bottom of the page for "zj = 2, zjj = 1", read "zj = 1, zjj = 2". On the same page in the fourteenth line from the bottom of the page for "jj(HPO4-)" read "jj(HPO4--)".  相似文献   

On page 263, Vol. x, No. 2, November 20, 1926, under Curve A, in the legend for Fig. 3, Ordinate scale at the left should read Ordinate scale at the right. Under Curve B, Ordinate scale at the right should read Ordinate scale at the left.  相似文献   

The authors wish to correct an error in the paper "The behavior of the nucleic acids during the early development of the sea urchin egg (Arbacia)" (J. Gen. Physiol., 1947–48, 31, 203). Owing to an oversight, the figures for the amounts of various P fractions in a single Arbacia egg have been erroneously expressed in γ x 10–3 units (Tables I and II, page 205; the last two lines of page 206). The figures should have been expressed in γ x 10–5 units. Thus, the fertilized Arbacia egg contains an average of 20 γ x 10–5 ribonucleic acid P and 0.7 to 1 γ x 10–5 desoxyribonucleic acid P.  相似文献   

On page 536, in the heading of Table IV, after "with the standard deviations",insert "(σ1)".  相似文献   

On page 387, Vol. 13, No. 3, January 20, 1930, the numbers in the last column of Table 1 should be divided by 10 to give the true values of k''. In the next to the last line, under Table 1, for value of C = 0.337 read value of C = –0.337.  相似文献   

On page 54, right column, the final line of the text should read: Supported by the RSF grant no. 15-15-20008.  相似文献   

On page 236, left column, the final line of the text should read: Supported by the RSF grant no. 14-15-00730.  相似文献   

On page 189, left column, the final line of the text should read: Supported by the RSF grant no. 14-15-00413.  相似文献   

Eugene E. Harris and Jody Hey (1999). Human Demography in the Pleistocene: Do Mitochondrial and Nuclear Genes Tell the Same Story? Evol. Anthropol. 8: 81–86. On page 84 at the end of 1st paragraph of the 2nd column should read “. . .intergenetic variation Xq 13.3 to about 535,000 years,39. . .” On page 84 in the 2nd paragraph of the 3rd column should read “. . .and seem to indicate widespread or restricted gene flow among populations.”19,48,49 On page 85 in the 2nd paragraph of the 1st column should read “. . .united by gene flow at zones of overlap.”53  相似文献   

On page 297, left column, the final line of the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS should read: This research was supported by the grant of the Russian Scientific Foundation (project no. 1.53.392.2016).  相似文献   

The maximum per capita rate of population growth, r, is a central measure of population biology. However, researchers can only directly calculate r when adequate time series, life tables and similar datasets are available. We instead view r as an evolvable, synthetic life-history trait and use comparative phylogenetic approaches to predict r for poorly known species. Combining molecular phylogenies, life-history trait data and stochastic macroevolutionary models, we predicted r for mammals of the Caniformia and Cervidae. Cross-validation analyses demonstrated that, even with sparse life-history data, comparative methods estimated r well and outperformed models based on body mass. Values of r predicted via comparative methods were in strong rank agreement with observed values and reduced mean prediction errors by approximately 68 per cent compared with two null models. We demonstrate the utility of our method by estimating r for 102 extant species in these mammal groups with unknown life-history traits.  相似文献   

In Vol. 15, No. 6, July 20, 1932, page 620, in the first line under References, for J. Gen. Physiol., 1931–32, 15, 62, read J. Gen. Physiol., 1931–32, 15, 621.  相似文献   

The Pubishers wish to apologise for the inadvertent mis-spellingof Charles J. Wysocki and other errors in the above article,which should be corrected as follows. On Page 471, Table I, the first Number in the second columnshould read 2:6. On page 477, Table II, the results under d-limonene should readas below. On page 481, the NIH grant number to CJW is DC00298.  相似文献   

The solubility of 24 diets containing grain and 23 forages was measured in solutions of either cellulase, pepsin or amylase. Sequential incubations in pepsin and cellulase (from Aspergillus niger) yielded solubility values which were significantly correlated with the dry matter digestibility in vivo of the diets containing grain (r = 0.85) and the forages (r = 0.82). When cellulase from Trichoderma viride was used instead of the cellulase from Aspergillus niger, the correlation was lower for the feeds containing grain (r = 0.60) but not for the forages (r = 0.84). The former method was comparable in accuracy to the two-stage technique for measuring digestibility in vitro with rumen fluid and pepsin, for which correlation coefficients of 0.89 and 0.83 were observed for the diets containing grain and the forages, respectively.  相似文献   

Light-adapted sporangiophores of the fungus Phycomyces respond to sudden darkening by a temporary decrease in the rate of elongation, after a latent period of several minutes. The reaction time of this "dark growth" response is compound like that of the "light growth" response. It is, moreover, shorter the more intense the previous illumination. The rate of dark adaptation following adaptation to a very large range of light intensities is found to be proportional to the logarithm of the preceding light intensity. It is shown that a constant amount of dark adaptation takes place before the response occurs. On the assumption that changes in the rate of growth reflect changes in the concentration of a substance which at constant light intensity is in equilibrium with a light-sensitive material, possible equations for such a photostationary state are examined. The most reasonable formulation requires that the partial velocity of the "light" reaction be taken proportional to log I instead of to I directly.  相似文献   

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