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C Perreault 《CMAJ》1981,124(6):690-697
Human leukocyte antigens (HLA) are transmembrane bicatenar glycoproteins; their heavy chain is coded by chromosome 6 and carries allotypic determinants. These molecules are present in nearly every cell, tissue and biologic fluid. Their congenital absence from fibroblasts is associated with progeria, while their absence from lymphocytes is associated with immunodeficiency. HLA antigens are usually studied microlymphocytotoxicity tests. The numerous cross-reactions encountered make the interpretation of results quite difficult. To clearly understand these reactions a complex-complex model is mandatory. The antigen, the HLA molecule, is complex since it carries many antigenic determinants; some of them are private ("subtypic"), while others are public ("subtypic"). Anti-HLA antibodies are also complex since they are heterogeneous, reacting with variable affinity with different antigenic determinants. The in vitro cross-reactions represent a partial explanation for varying cross-immunogenicity in vivo.  相似文献   

C. A. Dedryver 《BioControl》1978,23(2):137-151
Résumé Plusieurs espèces d'Entomophthora participent à la régulation des populations d'Aphis fabae Scop. sur féverole dans l'Ouest de la France. Les r?les respectifs de chaque espèce ont été évalués en 1971 et de 1973 à 1975. Entomophthora fresenii Nowak. est l'espèce qui se dissémine le plus rapidement et le plus complètement dans les parcelles, et qui est la plus agressive au niveau des colonies. Ces deux caractères en font l'agent pathogène dominant d'A. fabae dans l'Ouest, 3 années d'observations sur 4.Entomophthora aphidis Hoffman, bien que présent tous les ans n'est le pathogène le plus efficace qu'en 1973.Entomophthora thaxteriana Petch etEntomophthora planchoniana Cornu n'apparaissent pas chaque année et, lorsqu'ils sont présents, n'interviennent que pour une faible part dans le développement des mycoses. Des facteurs inhérents à l'agent pathogène (spécificité, caractères du cycle) ainsi que des facteurs écologiques (climatiques) sont évoqués pour expliquer la prédominance d'E. fresenii.
Summary Several species ofEntomophthora take part in the natural control ofAphis fabae Scop. on field beans (Vicia faba) in the West of France. The respective importance of each species was assessed in 1971 and from 1973 to 1975. Entomophthora fresenii Nowak. is the species that most completely and quickly spreads in the fields, and the most efficient in the colonies. For both reasonsE. fresenii is the main pathogen ofA. fabae in the West of France 3 years over 4. AlthoughEntomophthora aphidis Hoffman occurs every year, this species was the most efficient pathogen in 1973 only.Entomophthora thaxteriana Petch just occurred in 1974 and 1975 and, these years, its contribution in the total sum of infected aphids was low.Entomophthora planchoniana Cornu appeared in 1975 only, very late in the season, which makes its pathogenicity difficult to assess. Factors inherent to the pathogen (specificity ofE. fresenii, nature of its cycle, dependence of the aggregation of aphids) and ecological factors such as response to climate variations, may at least to a great extent explain the predominance ofE. fresenii. All these factors must be studied for a good understanding of this species.

Les 2 premiers mémoires de cette étude ont été publiés dans Entomophaga respectivement parRobert et al. (18, 1973, 61–75) etRabasse & Robert (20, 1975, 49–63)  相似文献   

Change of hybrid dysgenesis potentials in P-M system of Drosophila melanogaster — In the P-M system of hybrid dysgenesis, three types of Drosophila melanogaster strains have been described in relation to hybrid gonadal sterility: P, Q and M. When M strain females were mated with P strain males, the P factors resulted in variable level of sterility in their progeny. The Q strain had no significant potential for sterility in any hybrid strain combination. To observe the dynamics of chromosomal contamination, due to the P transposable elements in different genetic context, mixed populations of these three types of strains were set up and monitored for their gonadal sterility potential during at least 30 generations.A first set of 16 experimental populations was set up; each of these was initiated with a mixture of 50% of individuals from the Harwich strain (a strong P strain) and 50% of individuals from a M or Q strain collected in natural populations. The M activity levels of these strains corresponded to a range from 100% to 0%. For all of these populations, the M activity potential disappeared during the five first generations. However, the P activity potential reached an equilibrium level positively correlated with the M activity potential level introduced at the beginning. It is proposed that the force of invasion of the P type by chromosomal contamination through the transposition of the P elements is dependent on the copy number of P sequences present on the chromosome of the M strain in competition.A second set of 18 experimental populations was set up with a mixture of P, M or Q strains collected in France between 1965 and 1982 (this period probably corresponds to the invasion of the P elements in France). After 30 generations, all of these populations (except one) had lost all dysgenic sterility potentiality and seemed to be of the Q type. Taking into account the results obtained from the two sets of experimental populations, the temporal and geographical distribution of P elements in the world could be explained by a progressive diffusion of autonomous P elements, from America with an accompanying decrease of their ability to transpose.

Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre de l'A.T.P. Biologie des populations et de l'UA 693 du C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

J. Rubtzov 《BioControl》1957,2(2):125-128
Summary The biological control in the U.S.S.R. is used against about 20 insect pests. The development of biological control realized in these lines:a) guarding and accumulation of useful entomophagous insects in nature;b) laboratory breeding, seasonal colonization and overflooding in breeding places of pests;c) introduction and acclimatization of the effective foreign entomophagous insects;d) inland distribution;e) use of indigenous entomophagous insects and raising of their effectivness by selection and hybridization.
Резюме Биологический метод боръбы в СССР исполъзуется примерн о против 20 видов вредних насекомых. Развитие биологического метода борщбы с вредителями идет в направлениях: а) охраны и “накопления” энтомофагов в природе; б) искусственного размножения энтомофагов в лаборатории и сезонной колонизации их в очагах размножения вредителей; в) интродукции и акклиматизации испытанных иноземных энтомофагов; г) внутриареeлъного расселения эффективных, но локалъно распространенных полезных видов энтомофалов; д) исполъэования местных, абориленных энтомофагов, путем повыщения их эффективности методами отбора и гибридизации.

Résumé L'action du chlorure de zinc, connue par les modifications morphogénétiques qu'elle entraîne chez des embryons de Vertébrés et d'Invertébrés, a été étudiée sur la différenciation sexuelle d'Eisenia foetida, hermaphrodite à gonades séparées.Il est apparu que le chlorure de zinc entraîne des inversions dans les testicules et les ovaires. Il favorise en outre le développement et le maintien d'une lignée germinale, en dehors des segments gonadiques normaux, tant dans le territoire présomptif mâle que dans le territoire présomptif femelle. La différenciation de cette lignée germinale supplémentaire a été étudiée. Les conclusions de ces recherches soulignent les difficultés d'application, au cas des Lombriciens, de la théorie de l'autodifférenciation de la lignée femelle.
Influence of zinc chloride on the inversion of sexes and the development and differentiation of additional germ elements inEisenia foetida Sav. (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae)
Summary We have studied the effect of zinc chloride, known for the morphogenetic changes it causes in embryos of Vertebrates and Invertebrates, on the sexual differentiation ofEisenia foetida, a hermaphrodite with separate gonads.There was evidence that zinc chloride causes inversions in the testes and ovaries. It also helps the development and survival of a germ line outside the normal gonadal segments, in the presumptive male territory as well as in the presumptive female one. We have studied the differentiation of this additional germ line.The conclusions drawn from this study emphasize the difficulties of applying the theory of self-differentiation of the female line to the case of earthworms.

After the dating, by means of planktonic Foraminifera, of post-metamorphic marine breccias, Upper Danian–Lower Selandian in age, associated to hemipelagites and unconformably overlying the Cretaceous tectogenic axis of the Pyrenees from Roussillon to Bigorre, was it possible to extend westwards the breccia-filled Palaeocene ‘trough’ as far as the ‘Zone des Chaı̂nons béarnais’? This later unit, which belonged to the North-Iberian palaeomargin during Lower Cretaceous, was previously considered by several authors as characterized by an important halokinesis generating, during Aptian/?Albian, collapses of the Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous carbonate cover above dissolved salt domes and spectacular accumulations of breccias. In fact, we have everywhere identified Palaeocene planktonic microfauna within the matrix of these breccias (and within the associated hemipelagites), particularly of the reference ‘diapiric’ breccias of Etchebar, Lauriolle, Layens and Bosmendiette/Beloscare. Deposited into intra- ‘trough’ sub-marine canyons, after karstification and erosion of intermediate mountains with a steep topography previously induced by Uppermost Cretaceous compressions, the herein studied Palaeocene marine breccias should not be hereafter regarded as linked to any Lower Cretaceous diapirism on the North-Iberian palaeomargin. To cite this article: B. Peybernès et al., C. R. Palevol 1 (2002) 3–10.  相似文献   

Résumé Chacun des stades de l'ovogenèse: prévitcllogenèse, vitellogenèse protéique, élaboration des glucides, maturité, se déroule en présence d'un taux hormonal déterminé. Pendant les stades de prévitellogenèse et de vitellogenèse protéique (taux hormonal élevé), le nucléole se compose de trois zones concentriques: un centre fibrillaire, une couronne intermédiaire fibrillaire et un cortex granulaire. Au cours du stade d'élaboration des glucides, qui survient après une diminution rapide du taux d'hormone, une nouvelle organisation nucléolaire apparaît. Le nucléole est alors constitué de plages fibrillaires dispersées dans un composant fibrillo-granulaire. Durant le stade de maturité (taux hormonal nul), le matériel nucléolaire se ségrège en deux hémisphères puis se fragmente.L'effet de la suppression expérimentale de l'action cérébrale a été envisagé. Dans les ovocytes en phase de vitellogenèse protéique, l'absence du facteur hormonal entraîne rapidement l'apparition d'une vacuole nucléolaire de grande taille. La vacuole se résorbe ensuite et le nucléole reprend un aspect compact. La fin de l'évolution expérimentale est marquée par la ségrégation des constituants f ibrillaire et fibrillo-granulaire du nucléole.L'étude chronologique des modifications survenant dans les différents sites cellulaires montre que les conséquences de la suppression de l'action endocrine du cerveau sont observées au niveau du nucléole bien avant d'être décelables dans le cytoplasme. Ces résultats sont discutés en fonction des données actuelles sur la régulation hormonale des synthèses d'ARN.
Relations between the evolution of the nucleolus and the brain hormone activity during oogenesis inNereis diversicolor O.F. Müller (Annelida, Polychaeta) under natural and experimental conditions
Summary Each stage of oogenesis: previtellogenesis, proteic yolk elaboration, carbohydrates synthesis, maturity, take place under a given hormonal rate. During the previtellogenesis and protein yolk elaboration stages (high hormonal rate), nucleolus is composed of three concentric zones: a fibrillar center, a fibrillar intermediate belt and a granular cortex. During the carbohydrates synthesis stage, which occurs after a rapid decrease of the hormonal rate, a new nucleolar organization appears. Nucleolus is then composed of fibrillar places scattered among a fibrillo-granular component. During the maturity stage (very low hormonal rate), the nucleolar material segregates into two hemispheres, then breaks up.The result of removal of cerebral activity was considered. In oocytes undergoing protein yolk elaboration, the absence of hormone rapidly produces the development of a large nucleolar vacuole. Then, vacuole decreases and nucleolus shows again a compact shape. The end of the experimental evolution is marked by the segregation of the nucleolar fibrillar and fibrillogranular components.Chronological study of the modifications occuring at the different cellular regions shows that the consequences of removal of hormonal activity are seen at the nucleolar level in advance of being detectable in cytoplasm. These results are discussed accordingly present notions about hormonal regulation of RNA synthesis.

Remerciements. Je remercie vivement Mr. A. Dhainaut pour les suggestions apportées au cours de ce travail, Mr G. Himpens pour le tracé des Figs 8 et 15 et Mr D. Lazarecki pour la réalisation des travaux de photographie.  相似文献   

André Perrin 《Planta》1970,93(1):71-81
Summary In Taraxacum officinale and Saxifraga aizoon particular aggregations found in plastids of epithem are considered to be phytoferritin. The diversity of plant ferritin arrangement within the plastids is studied. High magnification study of these inclusions indicates that they can be classified morphologically into three distinct groups: dense and amorphous aggregate (F1), crystalline inclusion (F2) and diffuse paracrystalline arrangement (F3). The crystalline (F2) and amorphous (F1) structures are both present in the plastids of Saxifraga aizoon; similarly, paracrystalline (F3) and amorphous inclusions (F1) are both present in the plastids of Taraxacum officinale. Because of their location and the nature of their organization, we think that the phytoferritin complexes under discussion may be important in phytoferritin synthesis or phytoferritin utilization within the living plant.  相似文献   

A histological study of the gonads and androgenic glands of Carcinus parasitized with Sacculina carcini showed no correlation between the degree of infestation of the gonads by the roots of the parasite and the progressive inhibition of the course of male and female gametogeneses. Also, no correlation could be observed between the degree of degeneration of the androgenic glands and that of the testes.

Modifications in parasitized crab testes essentially involve a degeneration of the mesoderm tissue of the germinative zone; primary gonia become pycnotic after an abnormal development; germ cells already engaged in spermatogenesis become blocked in prophase of meiosis; and ultimately, the testis becomes empty. Progressive degeneration of the androgenic glands, after an initial hypertrophy that starts as early as the internal Sacculina stage, seems related to the disorganization of the neurosecretory centers of the host.

Arrest of spermatogenesis at a more or less advanced stage is probably the result of an imbalance in neurohormonal controls acting directly on the germinative zone or indirectly via the androgenic glands. At the level of the ovaries, parasitic infestation leads to inhibition of the second phase of vitellogenesis possibly due to an abnormality in the organization of the vitellogenic follicles. Hormonal imbalances related to the presence of the parasite appear to be responsible for these phenomena.  相似文献   

Myrica gale, Alnus rugosa and Populus tremuloides leaves were incubated in situ in the oligotrophic acid waters of the Canadian Shield (James Bay, Quebec) in order to follow microorganic decomposition, respiration and chemical transformations.Respiratory activities in decomposing speckled alder and trembling aspen leaves were more important than that in sweet gale. In spite of low nutrient concentrations in the water, nitrogen concentration increased in the three species while phosphorus levels increased only in the speckled alder during decomposition.

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