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An experimental study has been made of the adsorption of gelatin from solution at 37°C. by collodion membranes. In the case of membranes of high permeability, very high concentrations of gelatin were required to produce maximum adsorption, and the maximum amounts adsorbed were independent of the pH values of the solutions over the range 3.8 to 4.8. With membranes of low permeability, maximum adsorption was reached at lower gelatin concentrations, and the maximum amounts adsorbed varied with the pH, being lower on either side of the isoelectric point, over the range 3.8 to 6.6. The addition of salt in such experiments raised the maximum amount adsorbed to a value equal to that obtained with solutions at the isoelectric point in the absence of salt. These experiments can be explained by, and seem to lend support to, the theory proposed by Loeb and further developed by Kunitz concerning the effects of pH and salt on the size of gelatin particles in solution.  相似文献   

Dry thin collodion membranes have been prepared which are permeable to water, ammonia, weak acids of low molecular weight, HCl gas, O2, CO2, and H2S, but are impermeable to strong electrolytes and substances of high molecular weight. The permeability to gases does not depend on the density, so that the gases do not pass through pores in the membrane.  相似文献   

The permeability of gelatin-coated collodion membranes, as measured by the flow of water or of dilute solutions through the membranes, has been found to vary with the pH of the solutions. The permeability is greatest near the isoelectric point of the protein; with increasing concentration of either acid or alkali it decreases, passes through a minimum, and then increases. These variations with pH are qualitatively in accord with the assumption that they are due to swelling of the gelatin in the pores of the membrane, the effects of pH being similar to those observed by Loeb on the swelling of gelatin granules. Indications have been found of a similar variable permeability in the case of membranes coated with egg albumin, edestin, serum euglobulin, and serum albumin.  相似文献   

By the application of Poiseuille''s law to the rate of flow of water through collodion membranes, it is calculated that the membranes used had pore radii of the order of 0.3 to 2 x 10–6 cm. On the same basis the number of pores per sq. cm. appears to vary from 270 x 1010 to 7 x 1010, decreasing with increase in pore size. Reasons are given for preferring these figures for the radii to figures, 100 times as large, which were calculated by others. Microscopic examination of the membranes, with dark-field illumination, indicates that they are made up of solid granules or filaments of collodion much less than 1 x 10–4 cm. in thickness.  相似文献   

1. The writer had previously published the observation that if a salt solution made up in an acid solution (e.g. HCl) of a definite pH (e.g. 3.0) is separated by a collodion membrane from pure water containing the same acid of the same pH, acid is at first driven from the salt solution into the water, so that the pH of the latter becomes at first lower than that of the solution. 2. It is shown in this paper that this paradoxical phenomenon is not due to any peculiarity of the membrane but is a consequence of the well known fact that the diffusion constant of an acid is increased by a salt.  相似文献   

1. Collodion membranes of high permeability were found to adsorb weighable amounts of gelatin and egg albumin from solution at 37°C. 2. The effect of protein concentration could be expressed fairly well by a hyperbolic equation proposed by Langmuir for the adsorption of gases by a plane surface, while the usual parabolic adsorption equation of Freundlich did not fit the results. 3. In comparing this effect with solutions of varying pH, it was found there was a decided maximum of adsorption in solutions of isoelectric protein. The effects of acids and salts on the amount of gelatin adsorbed were like those observed by Loeb on the viscosity of gelatin solutions, but opposite in direction. The effects of pH on the amount of adsorbed gelatin and on the fluidity of the gelatin solutions were nearly parallel. 4. Membranes made impermeable by long drying took up very little or no gelatin from solution. 5. In the case of membranes of varying permeability the maximum amount of adherent gelatin increased with the permeability and thickness of the membranes, and appeared to be, within limits, a linear function of the relative pore surface of the membranes as calculated from Poiseuille''s law. 6. The film of gelatin greatly decreased the permeability of the membranes, as measured by the flow of water through them. The relative cross-section of the pore openings, as calculated from the permeability measurements, was a linear function of the amount of adherent gelatin. These results led to the conclusion that the gelatin formed a film inside the pores.  相似文献   

1. 1 cc. of 0.001 M ferricyanide, tetrathionate, or p-chloromercuribenzoate is required to abolish the SH groups of 10 mg. of denatured egg albumin in guanidine hydrochloride or Duponol PC solution. Both the nitroprusside test and the ferricyanide reduction test are used to show that the SH groups have been abolished. 2. 1 cc. of 0.001 M ferrocyanide is formed when ferricyanide is added to 10 mg. of denatured egg albumin in neutral guanidine hydrochloride or urea solution. The amount of ferricyanide reduced to ferrocyanide by the SH groups of the denatured egg albumin is, within wide limits, independent of the ferricyanide concentration. 3. Ferricyanide and p-chloromercuribenzoate react more rapidly than tetrathionate with the SH groups of denatured egg albumin in both guanidine hydrochloride solution and in Duponol PC solution. 4. Cyanide inhibits the oxidation of the SH groups of denatured egg albumin by ferricyanide. 5. Some samples of guanidine hydrochloride contain impurities which bring about the abolition of SH groups of denatured egg albumin and so interfere with the SH titration and the nitroprusside test. This interference can be diminished by using especially purified guanidine hydrochloride, adding the titrating agent before the protein has been allowed to stand in guanidine hydrochloride solution, and carrying out the nitroprusside test in the presence of a small amount of cyanide. 6. The SH groups of egg albumin can be abolished by reaction of the native form of the protein with iodine. It is possible to oxidize all the SH groups with iodine without oxidizing many of the SH groups beyond the S-S stage and without converting many tyrosine groups into di-iodotyrosine groups. 7. p-chloromercuribenzoate combines with native egg albumin either not at all or much more loosely than it combines with the SH groups of denatured egg albumin or of cysteine. 8. The compound of mercuribenzoate and SH, like the compound of aldehyde and SH and like the SH in native egg albumin, does not give a nitroprusside test or reduce ferricyanide but does reduce iodine.  相似文献   

The rate of penetration and the solubility of H, O, N, NH3, H2O, HCl gas, CO2, formic, acetic, chloracetic, dichloracetic acid, glycerol, phenol and mercury bichloride in dry collodion membranes have been measured. The rate of penetration of H and CO2 is the same whether the membrane and gas are dry or whether the membrane is immersed in water. The solubility of CO2, acetic acid, phenol and water in collodion is completely reversible and is proportional to the concentration (or vapor pressure) in low concentrations and independent of the surface of the collodion. The size of the pores has been calculated from the vapor pressure of water in the collodion and from the rate of flow of water through the membrane. The results do not agree and are not consistent with the observed rates of penetration. The relative rates of penetration of the gases bear no relation to the density of the gas. When the results are corrected for the solubility of the substances in the collodion and expressed as the diffusion coefficient in collodion they show that the diffusion coefficient increases rapidly as the molecular weight decreases.  相似文献   

1. When pure water is separated by a collodion membrane from a watery solution of an electrolyte the rate of diffusion of water is influenced not only by the forces of gas pressure but also by electrical forces. 2. Water is in this case attracted by the solute as if the molecules of water were charged electrically, the sign of the charge of the water particles as well as the strength of the attractive force finding expression in the following two rules, (a) Solutions of neutral salts possessing a univalent or bivalent cation influence the rate of diffusion of water through a collodion membrane, as if the water particles were charged positively and were attracted by the anion and repelled by the cation of the electrolyte; the attractive and repulsive action increasing with the number of charges of the ion and diminishing inversely with a quantity which we will designate arbitrarily as the "radius" of the ion. The same rule applies to solutions of alkalies. (b) Solutions of neutral or acid salts possessing a trivalent or tetravalent cation influence the rate of diffusion of water through a collodion membrane as if the particles of water were charged negatively and were attracted by the cation and repelled by the anion of the electrolyte. Solutions of acids obey the same rule, the high electrostatic effect of the hydrogen ion being probably due to its small "ionic radius." 3. The correctness of the assumption made in these rules concerning the sign of the charge of the water particles is proved by experiments on electrical osmose. 4. A method is given by which the strength of the attractive electric force of electrolytes on the molecules of water can be roughly estimated and the results of these measurements are in agreement with the two rules. 5. The electric attraction of water caused by the electrolyte increases with an increase in the concentration of the electrolyte, but at low concentrations more rapidly than at high concentrations. A tentative explanation for this phenomenon is offered. 6. The rate of diffusion of an electrolyte from a solution to pure solvent through a collodion membrane seems to obey largely the kinetic theory inasmuch as the number of molecules of solute diffusing through the unit of area of the membrane in unit time is (as long as the concentration is not too low) approximately proportional to the concentration of the electrolyte and is the same for the same concentrations of LiCl, NaCl, MgCl2, and CaCl2.  相似文献   

1. Most of the products of the peptic hydrolysis of albumin, about 85 per cent of the total N, are primary in the sense that they arise directly from the protein molecule, and undergo no further hydrolysis. 2. A slow secondary hydrolysis, involving about 15 per cent of the total N, occurs in the proteose and simpler fractions primarily split off. 3. Acid metaprotein in peptic hydrolysis arises as a result of the action of acid. It is not an essential stage in the hydrolysis of undenatured albumin. 4. Acid metaprotein is hydrolyzed by pepsin more slowly under comparable conditions than undenatured albumin.  相似文献   

1. In three previous publications it had been shown that electrolytes influence the rate of diffusion of pure water through a collodion membrane into a solution in three different ways, which can be understood on the assumption of an electrification of the water or the watery phase at the boundary of the membrane; namely, (a) While the watery phase in contact with collodion is generally positively electrified, it happens that, when the membrane has received a treatment with a protein, the presence of hydrogen ions and of simple cations with a valency of three or above (beyond a certain concentration) causes the watery phase of the double layer at the boundary of membrane and solution to be negatively charged. (b) When pure water is separated from a solution by a collodion membrane, the initial rate of diffusion of water into a solution is accelerated by the ion with the opposite sign of charge and retarded by the ion with the same sign of charge as that of the water, both effects increasing with the valency of the ion and a second constitutional quantity of the ion which is still to be defined. (c) The relative influence of the oppositely charged ions, mentioned in (b), is not the same for all concentrations of electrolytes. For lower concentrations the influence of that ion usually prevails which has the opposite sign of charge from that of the watery phase of the double layer; while in higher concentrations the influence of that ion begins to prevail which has the same sign of charge as that of the watery phase of the double layer. For a number of solutions the turning point lies at a molecular concentration of about M/256 or M/512. In concentrations of M/8 or above the influence of the electrical charges of ions mentioned in (b) or (c) seems to become less noticeable or to disappear entirely. 2. It is shown in this paper that in electrical endosmose through a collodion membrane the influence of electrolytes on the rate of transport of liquids is the same as in free osmosis. Since the influence of electrolytes on the rate of transport in electrical endosmose must be ascribed to their influence on the quantity of electrical charge on the unit area of the membrane, we must conclude that the same explanation holds for the influence of electrolytes on the rate of transport of water into a solution through a collodion membrane in the case of free osmosis. 3. We may, therefore, conclude, that when pure water is separated from a solution of an electrolyte by a collodion membrane, the rate of diffusion of water into the solution by free osmosis is accelerated by the ion with the opposite sign of charge as that of the watery phase of the double layer, because this ion increases the quantity of charge on the unit area on the solution side of the membrane; and that the rate of diffusion of water is retarded by the ion with the same sign of charge as that of the watery phase for the reason that this ion diminishes the charge on the solution side of the membrane. When, therefore, the ions of an electrolyte raise the charge on the unit area of the membrane on the solution side above that on the side of pure water, a flow of the oppositely charged liquid must occur through the interstices of the membrane from the side of the water to the side of the solution (positive osmosis). When, however, the ions of an electrolyte lower the charge on the unit area of the solution side of the membrane below that on the pure water side of the membrane, liquid will diffuse from the solution into the pure water (negative osmosis). 4. We must, furthermore, conclude that in lower concentrations of many electrolytes the density of electrification of the double layer increases with an increase in concentration, while in higher concentrations of the same electrolytes it decreases with an increase in concentration. The turning point lies for a number of electrolytes at a molecular concentration of about M/512 or M/256. This explains why in lower concentrations of electrolytes the rate of diffusion of water through a collodion membrane from pure water into solution rises at first rapidly with an increase in concentration while beyond a certain concentration (which in a number of electrolytes is M/512 or M/256) the rate of diffusion of water diminishes with a further increase in concentration.  相似文献   

1. It had been shown in previous publications that when pure water is separated from a solution of an electrolyte by a collodion membrane the ion with the same sign of charge as the membrane increases and the ion with the opposite sign of charge as the membrane diminishes the rate of diffusion of water into the solution; but that the relative influence of the oppositely charged ions upon the rate of diffusion of water through the membrane is not the same for different concentrations. Beginning with the lowest concentrations of electrolytes the attractive influence of that ion which has the same sign of charge as the collodion membrane upon the oppositely charged water increases more rapidly with increasing concentration of the electrolyte than the repelling effect of the ion possessing the opposite sign of charge as the membrane. When the concentration exceeds a certain critical value the repelling influence of the latter ion upon the water increases more rapidly with a further increase in the concentration of the electrolyte than the attractive influence of the ion having the same sign of charge as the membrane. 2. It is shown in this paper that the influence of the concentration of electrolytes on the rate of transport of water through collodion membranes in electrical endosmose is similar to that in the case of free osmosis. 3. On the basis of the Helmholtz theory of electrical double layers this seems to indicate that the influence of an electrolyte on the rate of diffusion of water through a collodion membrane in the case of free osmosis is due to the fact that the ion possessing the same sign of charge as the membrane increases the density of charge of the latter while the ion with the opposite sign diminishes the density of charge of the membrane. The relative influence of the oppositely charged ions on the density of charge of the membrane is not the same in all concentrations. The influence of the ion with the same sign of charge increases in the lowest concentrations more rapidly with increasing concentration than the influence of the ion with the opposite sign of charge, while for somewhat higher concentrations the reverse is true.  相似文献   

Evidence is brought forward to show that at concentrations of urea high enough to split the egg albumin molecule the solubility changes produced by urea are profoundly modified. The degree of precipitation after dialysis is the net result of two changes produced by the urea: the first, normally spoken of as denaturation, which makes the protein insoluble in dilute solution and the second, a splitting of the molecule which makes it soluble. These two reactions may proceed independently and simultaneously or the second reaction may follow the first, taking place in the denatured molecule only. In view of the decrease in the opalescence with time, the latter process is more probable. Both of these reactions have positive temperature coefficients, but as the concentration of urea increases the second reaction is more affected by increase in temperature than the first, and consequently the resulting opalescence decreases rather than increases with temperature. This accounts for and explains reports of negative temperature coefficients of denaturation, when denaturation is measured by the amount of insoluble material found on dilution. The occurrence of these two reactions, one leading to an increase and the other to a decrease in the amount of insoluble protein, should be taken into account when denaturation changes in egg albumin with urea are studied.  相似文献   

The coagulation of isoelectric egg albumin solutions, on exposure to ultraviolet radiation, involves three distinct processes, (1) the light denaturation of the albumin molecule, (2) a reaction between the light denatured molecule and water which may be similar to heat denaturation but occurs at a lower temperature, and (3), the flocculation of the denatured molecules to form a coagulum. The light denaturation is unimolecular, independent of temperature, and occurs over a wide pH range. The reaction between the light denatured molecule and water has a temperature coefficient of 10+ and occurs rapidly at 40°C., a temperature at which heat denaturation is inappreciable.  相似文献   

1. Trivalent cations cause a collodion membrane covered with a protein film to be charged positively while they do not produce such an effect on collodion membranes not possessing a protein film. The same had been found for the reversal of the sign of charge of the membrane by acid. 2. This reversal in the sign of charge of the membrane by trivalent cations occurs on the alkaline side of the isoelectric point of the protein used; while the reversal by acid occurs on the acid side of the isoelectric point. 3. The reversal seems to be due to or to be accompanied in both cases by a chemical change in the protein. The chemical change which occurs when the hydrogen ions reverse the sign of charge of the protein film consists in the formation of a protein-acid salt whereby the H ion becomes part of a complex protein cation; while the chemical change which occurs when trivalent cations reverse the sign of charge of the protein film consists in the formation of an insoluble and therefore sparingly or non-ionizable metal proteinate.  相似文献   

The following facts have been established experimentally. 1. In the presence of the synthetic detergent, Duponol PC, there is a definite reaction between dilute ferricyanide and denatured egg albumin. 0.001 mM of ferrocyanide is formed by the oxidation of 10 mg. of denatured egg albumin despite considerable variation in the time, temperature, and pH of the reaction and in the concentration of ferricyanide. 2. If the concentration of ferricyanide is sufficiently high, then the reaction between ferricyanide and denatured egg albumin in Duponol solution is indefinite. More ferrocyanide is formed the longer the time of reaction, the higher the temperature, the more alkaline the solution, and the higher the concentration of ferricyanide. 3. Denatured egg albumin which has been treated with formaldehyde or iodoacetamide, both of which abolish the SH groups of cysteine, does not reduce dilute ferricyanide in Duponol PC solution. 4. Cysteine is the only amino acid which is known to have a definite reaction with ferricyanide or which is known to react with dilute ferricyanide at all. The cysteine-free proteins which have been tried do not reduce dilute ferricyanide in Duponol PC solution. 5. Concentrated ferricyanide oxidizes cystine, tyrosine, and tryptophane and proteins which contain these amino acids but not cysteine. The reactions are indefinite, more ferrocyanide being formed, the higher the temperature and the concentration of ferricyanide. 6. The amount of ferrocyanide formed from denatured egg albumin and a given amount of ferricyanide is less in the absence than in the presence of Duponol PC. 7. The amount of ferrocyanide formed when denatured egg albumin reacts with ferricyanide in the absence of Duponol PC depends on the temperature and ferricyanide concentration throughout the whole range of ferricyanide concentrations, even in the low range of ferricyanide concentrations in which ferricyanide does not react with amino adds other than cysteine. The foregoing results have led to the following conclusions which, however, have not been definitely proven. 1. The definite reaction between denatured egg albumin in Duponol PC solution and dilute ferricyanide is a reaction with SH groups whereas the indefinite reactions with concentrated ferricyanide involve other groups. 2. The SH groups of denatured egg albumin in the absence of Duponol PC react with iodoacetamide and concentrated ferricyanide but they do not all react rapidly with dilute ferricyanide. 3. Duponol PC lowers the ferricyanide concentration at which the SH groups of denatured egg albumin react with ferricyanide. The SH groups of denatured egg albumin, however, are free and accessible even in the absence of Duponol PC.  相似文献   

1. When a watery solution is separated from pure water by a collodion membrane, the initial rate of diffusion of water into the solution is influenced in an entirely different way by solutions of electrolytes and of non-electrolytes. Solutions of non-electrolytes, e.g. sugars, influence the initial rate of diffusion of water through the membrane approximately in direct proportion to their concentration, and this. influence begins to show itself under the conditions of our experiments when the concentration of the sugar solution is above M/64 or M/32. We call this effect of the concentration of the solute on the initial rate of diffusion of water into the solution the gas pressure effect. 2. Solutions of electrolytes show the gas pressure effect upon the initial rate of diffusion also, but it commences at a somewhat higher concentration than M/64; namely, at M/16 or more (according to the nature of the electrolyte). 3. Solutions of electrolytes of a lower concentration than M/16 or M/8 have a specific influence on the initial rate of diffusion of water through a collodion membrane from pure solvent into solution which is not found in the case of the solutions of non-electrolytes and which is due to the fact that the particles of water diffuse in this case through the membrane in an electrified condition, the sign of the charge depending upon the nature of the electrolyte in solution, according to two rules given in a preceding paper. 4. In these lower concentrations the curves representing the influence of the concentration of the electrolyte on the initial rate of diffusion of water into the solution rise at first steeply with an increase in the concentration, until a maximum is reached at a concentration of M/256 or above. A further increase in concentration causes a drop-in the curve and this drop increases with a further increase of concentration until that concentration of the solute is reached in which the gas pressure effect begins to prevail; i.e., above M/16. Within a range of concentrations between M/256 and M/16 or more (according to the nature of the electrolyte) we notice the reverse of what we should expect on the basis of van''t Hoff''s law; namely, that the attraction of a solution of an electrolyte for water diminishes with an increase in concentration. 5. We wish to make no definite assumption concerning the origin of the electrification of water and concerning the mechanism whereby ions influence the rate of diffusion of water particles through collodion membranes from pure solvent to solution. It will facilitate, however, the presentation of our results if it be permitted to present them in terms of attraction and repulsion of the charged particles of water by the ions. With this reservation we may say that in the lowest concentrations attraction of the electrified water particles by the ions with the opposite charge prevails over the repulsion of the electrified water particles by the ions with the same sign of charge as that of the water; while beyond a certain critical concentration the repelling action of the ion with the same sign of charge as that of the water particles upon the latter increases more rapidly with increasing concentration of the solute than the attractive action of the ion with the opposite charge. 6. It is shown that negative osmosis, i.e. the diminution of the volume of the solution of acids and of alkalies when separated by collodion membranes from pure water, occurs in the same range of concentrations in which the drop in the curves of neutral salts occurs, and that it is due to the same cause; namely, the repulsion of the electrified particles of water by the ion with the same sign of charge as that of the water. This conclusion is supported by the fact that negative osmosis becomes pronounced when the ion with the same sign of charge as that of the electrified particles of water carries more than one charge.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the relative rates at which various organic non-electrolytes diffuse through the dried collodion membrane. It was found that acetone and urea pass through the membrane many times more rapidly than glycerine and that glycerine in its turn diffuses much faster than glucose. It was also demonstrated that the rate of diffusion varies directly with the difference in concentration between the solutions on the two sides of the membrane. It was shown that the presence of glycerine on the two sides of the membrane did not appreciably affect the rate of diffusion of acetone. In a study of the changes going on during the establishment of the stationary diffusion gradient with glucose experiments were described which strongly suggested that many of the membrane channels may gradually become clogged up with glucose molecules so that the diffusion rate decreases from day to day until the stationary gradient is finally reached. In explaining the various experimental data the conception of the collodion membrane as a sieve with pores approximating in smallness the size of individual molecules was utilized. The large differences in the diffusion rates between different substances were then referred to differences in molecular size, the relatively large molecules of glycerine and glucose being unable to pass through many of the smaller pores available for urea and acetone. From the data available it was possible to estimate that 98 per cent of the pore area distributed among holes large enough for the diffusion of acetone was unavailable for the passage of glycerine and that only 0.3 per cent of the pore area available for acetone could be utilized by glucose. In trying to correlate the ratio between the diffusion rates of two different substances with the characteristic concentration potential (Co P) given by the same membrane it was found (1) that with the acetone-glycerine ratio there is no correspondence (2) that with the acetone-glucose ratio a suggestive relation exists and (3) that with the glycerine-glucose ratio a definite correspondence can be shown, the higher ratios being obtained only with membranes giving high CO P values. A rational explanation for these facts was proposed.  相似文献   

It is obvious that the factors considered in this paper render data obtained by ultrafiltration open to criticism unless they are checked by other methods and precautions are taken for the elimination of the vitiating effects which have been described. As regards the mechanism of ultrafiltration, the view of a sieve-like action as most experimental evidence indicates, is adequate, if all the factors are considered which might modify the effective pore size. The behaviors of collodion membranes which seem contrary to a mechanism of ultrafiltration based on the existence of a system of pores, can be explained on the basis of a variable layer of adsorbed fluid on the walls of the pores. It is, therefore, unsound to make any deductions about living tissues from the demonstration of changes produced in the behavior of collodion membranes. Thus, the increase in the rate of filtration of water through collodion by diuretics (29) or the change of permeability due to the presence of surface-active materials, gives us no information about their action in the living organism. The effect of these substances on a sieve-like membrane of the type of collodion would not necessarily bear any analogy to that exerted on the emulsion type of membrane of living cells. The mechanisms of the reactions necessary to produce the same effects in such widely differing systems may be entirely unrelated.  相似文献   

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