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Before the antibiotic’s era, the clinicians have shown the relation between epididymitis and Infertility. At the moment, venerial diseases are the principal cause of Epididymitis by the young man. The early diagnosis of the urethral infection (acute or not) associated with a suitable antibiotherapy will allow to protect the fertility.  相似文献   

M. Langlois  G. Robert  T. Nawar  C. Caron 《CMAJ》1978,118(9):1083-1086
Although glucose intolerance occurs as a consequence of chronic renal failure, improvement of a diabetic state by deterioration of renal function is a well known phenomenon. Recently occasional cases of spontaneous hypoglycemia in patients with chronic renal failure have been reported; two such cases and the results of metabolic studies are described in this paper. Pituitary, thyroid and adrenal function appeared to be normal. The results of an oral glucose tolerance test were normal; an appropriate insulin response was demonstrated in one patient, and a slightly elevated basal insulin value with a delayed insulin response to oral administration of glucose was demonstrated in the other. An insulin tolerance test did not support the hypothesis of increased insulin sensitivity as a factor, and the growth hormone response to hypoglycemia was normal. An intravenous glucagon test caused a subnormal increase in plasma glucose concentration, and the intravenous administration of tolbutamide produced hypoglycemia without an increase insulin sensitivity as a factor, and the growth hormone response to hypoglycemia was normal. An intravenous glucagon test caused a subnormal increase in plasma glucose concnetration, and the intravenous administration of tolbutamide produced hypoglycemia without an increase in insulin values. The plasma alanine concentration was low and the proinsulin/insulin ratio was increased. The origin of this hypoglycemia is not clear but is probably multifactorial. However, low hepatic glycogen stores and inadequate gluconeogenesis due to substrate deficiency seem to be involved.  相似文献   

C Perreault 《CMAJ》1981,124(6):690-697
Human leukocyte antigens (HLA) are transmembrane bicatenar glycoproteins; their heavy chain is coded by chromosome 6 and carries allotypic determinants. These molecules are present in nearly every cell, tissue and biologic fluid. Their congenital absence from fibroblasts is associated with progeria, while their absence from lymphocytes is associated with immunodeficiency. HLA antigens are usually studied microlymphocytotoxicity tests. The numerous cross-reactions encountered make the interpretation of results quite difficult. To clearly understand these reactions a complex-complex model is mandatory. The antigen, the HLA molecule, is complex since it carries many antigenic determinants; some of them are private ("subtypic"), while others are public ("subtypic"). Anti-HLA antibodies are also complex since they are heterogeneous, reacting with variable affinity with different antigenic determinants. The in vitro cross-reactions represent a partial explanation for varying cross-immunogenicity in vivo.  相似文献   

This work describes new species of ostracodes collected in the Middle and Upper Bathonian outcrops of the Grands-Causses, Southern France: Kirtonella vignesensis n. sp., Marslatourella bathonica n. sp., Micropneumatocythere montmejeaneansis n. sp., Praeschuleridea alzonensis n. sp., and illustrates the predominating species in the assemblages: Limnocythere larzacensis, Theriosynoecum aveyronensis et Fastigatocythere juglandiformis.Ostracode assemblages are characteristic of lacustrine to polyhaline and inner marine environments, and they vary according to changes in salinity, oxygen and trophic level.  相似文献   

At least two members of the herpesviridae family, the human cytomegaloviruses (HCMV) and the herpes simplex viruses (HSV) can be found in human semen; but the role of the germ cells in the sexual transmission of these viruses is not clear. In teenagers and the adult population, sexual contact is considered to be a common mode of HCMV acquisition. HCMV was isolated from semen specimens of 33 % of HIV infected homosexual men, 20 % of HIV uninfected homosexual men and only of 2,4 % of healthy heterosexual men. Virus particles could be demonstrated by electron microscopy examination inside the sperm head as well as in the seminal liquid but at present, there is no direct evidence either for HCMV transmission via fertilization or for induction of fetal anomalies by vertical transmission. Transmission via donor semen is undoubtedly possible although not yet described and it may be safer to employ HCMV seronegative donor for all recipients, regardless of the recipient’s serologic status. The development of serologic assays that differentiate the two serotypes of HSV demonstrated the worldwide distribution of genital HSV-2 which has been increasing in many developed countries throughout the last two decades. In several studies, HSV-2 has been recovered from the male reproductive tract, specifically the prostate, seminal vesicles, vasa and testes, in the absence of active lesions. In contrast, tissue cultures of semen sampled during lesion-free periods had been uniformly negative for HSV. However recently, one report documents transmission of HSV-2 via therapeutic donor insemination and illustres the fact that semen might be a vehicle of transmission of HSV. At present, it is adequate to recommend that men, with a history of a recurrent genital herpes or who have a sexual partner with such a history, are excluded as potential semen donors. Further, in the near future, with the increase of asymptomatic viral shedding from the genital tract, the presence of HSV-2 antibody could be added as an exclusion criterion.  相似文献   

The Mesolithic is a fascinating period, where ancient traditions are tilting towards a new paradigm. Many changes can be recognised without being able to establish a real split with the Palaeolithic. Far from being just a bridge towards the Neolithic, the Mesolithic is truly a new and stable metaphysical structure. In our article, we are interested in the structural mechanisms by which Palaeolithic metaphysics slides towards the Mesolithic, where the individual occupies a central role.  相似文献   

This study focuses on how allelopathic mechanisms may be involved in the floristic composition and dynamics of Cistus albidus shrubbery. Allelopathic potential of essential oils was measured for Lactuca sativa (toxicity for other species) and Cistus albidus (self-toxicity). These oils have little effect on germination but significantly increase, even in low quantities, the number of unviable seedlings and inhibit normal seedling growth. These results explain, at least partially, the existence of monospecific stands over several years and the lack of natural regeneration of the Cistus albidus populations. Bioassays performed using natural aerial leachates of Cistus albidus revealed no significant effects on the above-mentioned parameters. Leaching does not seem to be an important means of allelochemicals release. Nevertheless, essential oils have been quantified in litter and soil, indicating a possible occurrence of allelopathy in such ecosystems.  相似文献   

To establish a performing production strategy for the edible mushroom Stropharia rugoso-annulata, investigations on anatomy and physiological characteristics of the basidiomycete were carried out. Scanning electron microscopy analysis of Stropharia strains revealed no significant morphological differences. Spore germination was only obtained in the presence of growing mycelium. On the basis of the influence of temperature on the growth rate of Stropharia strains, three groups were defined without relation to phenotypic classification. Moreover, every strain exhibited a higher growth rate at 25 °C, and residual growth was observed above 35 °C The pH of the medium did not affect mycelium development. Regardless of the initial pH value, after 2 weeks of mycelium growth, the pH was established at a value close to 3.5. However, no acidic compounds were detected in this medium. A preliminary cultivation trial indicated that carpophore formation is strongly affected by spawn run time.  相似文献   

H. Audemard 《BioControl》1987,32(1):59-71
Résumé La lutte biologique contre les organismes nuisibles aux vergers évolue par étape vers une Protection intégrée. Dans cette optique, les recherches se développent en France sur les points suivants: effets indésirables des pesticides sur l'entomofaune auxiliaire, r?le d'abri-refuge pour l'entomofaune autochtone joué par l'environnement végétal des vergers, diversification des procédés de lutte, mise au point de méthodes plus sélectives, sélection de variétés résistantes ou moins sensibles aux attaques de plusieurs organismes nuisibles, amélioration des méthodes de surveillance des vergers pour la prévision des risques de dégats, lutte raisonnée contre les maladies cryptogamiques. La mise au point de programmes de lutte intégrée dépend essentiellement des possibilités de lutte disponibles contre les ennemis-clés. Dans les vergers de pommiers et de poiriers fran?ais, les ennemis-clés appartiennent à groupes d'arthropodes: Carpocapse (Cydia pomonella L.), Tordeuses de la pelure, Aphides, Psylle du poirier (Psylla pyri L.) Acariens phytophages et aussi à trois maladies fongiques: Tavelure du pommier (Venturia inaequalis Cke.) Wint., O?dium du pommier (Podosphaera leucotricha Ell. et Ev.), Tavelure du poirier (Venturia pirina (Bref.) Aderh. Les méthodes de lutte sélective sont passées en revue: régulateurs de croissance des insectes, lutte biologique par lachers de parasites et de prédateurs insecticide microbiologique, lutte par confusion avec les phéromones sexuelles. L'application de certaines d'entre elles dépend des possibilités de production industrielles d'agents biologique ou biotechnique. Les principaux éléments ayant contribué à une application pratique des programmes de lutte raisonnée et de lutte intégrée ont été: l'amélioration des connaissances biologiques et de la nuisibilité des organismes phytophages, ainsi que des méthodes de surveillance et de prévision permettant l'utilisation des seuils de tolérance économique l'aménagement de la lutte chimique contre le Carpocapse en vergers de pommiers, la démonstration de la bonne efficacité des prédateurs du Psylle du poirier, spécialement desAnthocoris. La lutte raisonnée, appliquée sur plusieurs milliers d'hectares de vergers de pommiers et de poiriers en France, a permis de réduire de plus de 50% le nombre de traitements avec un bon niveau économique de protection. Dans les vergers d'abricotiers, les maladies parasitaires, principalement l'Enroulement chlorotique causé par un mycoplasme, représentent les problèmes les plus importants. Des essais sont en cours pour parvenir à une lutte raisonnée contre la Petite mineuse (Anarsia lineatella Zell.) et le puceronHyalopterus pruni Geoffr. qui est l'agent de dissémination de la Sharka (maladie due à un virus de type I.L.A.R.).   相似文献   

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