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The invasion of the green crab Carcinus maenas in the northeastern U.S. and its competition with the native blue crab Callinectes sapidus and other native crustaceans has been well-documented and researched. Various reasons for the invader’s success against native crabs have been examined (juvenile predation, food source flexibility, etc.), but another possibility is a difference in the learning ability of invasive versus native crab species. In this study, the learning ability of C. maenas and C. sapidus was tested by their increased speed in locating hidden food over successive days. The data suggest that C. maenas possesses a learning ability significantly greater than that of C. sapidus, which may partially contribute to its success.  相似文献   


The European green crab (Carcinus maenas) is invasive on the West coast of North America, but the ecological consequences of this invasion remain poorly understood. Comparative functional response analysis has arisen as a method of elucidating ecological consequences of invasive species by comparing the impact of these species to native analogues. Through comparative functional response experiments of green crabs and native red rock crabs (Cancer productus) we found that green crab predation increased asymptotically (Type II functional response) when fed increasing densities of Pacific oysters (Magallana gigas), while red rock crab predation displayed a sigmoidal (Type III) response. At high oyster densities red rock crabs consume more Pacific oysters than green crabs do, due to their reduced handling time, though green crabs consume more Pacific oysters relative to their size than red rock crabs. However, compared to red rock crabs, green crabs consume more oysters at low prey densities, which implies that they have a larger, potentially destabilizing impact on low densities of Pacific oysters. As green crabs continue to spread across the West coast of North America, Pacific oysters will face increased predation pressure. Our results show the advantage of using functional response analysis to compare density dependent predation between an invasive species and a native species to predict the ecological consequences of invasions.


Over the last decade, the non-native, filter-feeding crab Petrolisthes armatus invaded oyster reefs of the South Atlantic Bight at densities of thousands m−2. Mesocosm and field experiments demonstrated that P. armatus at ∼10–75% of mean summer densities: (1) suppressed growth of small oysters, biomass of benthic microalgae, and recruitment of native mud crabs, (2) enhanced oyster, mussel, and total bivalve recruitment, macroalgal cover, and survivorship of predatory oyster drills, but (3) did not affect native taxonomic richness. Laboratory feeding assays, field tethering experiments, and population changes in field and mesocosm experiments suggest that P. armatus is a preferred prey for native mud crabs and other consumers, thus relieving predation on native species and enhancing recruitment or survival of bivalves and oyster drills. In contrast, the invasive crab can consume crustacean larvae and via this feeding may suppress recruitment of native mud crabs. Our findings should be conservative given the low densities of P. armatus seeded into experimental plots and our inability to run longer-term experiments due to controls rapidly being colonized by non-native crabs recruiting from the plankton. Invasive crabs commonly impact native communities via predation, but community impacts of this invasive crab may be as much due to its role as a preferred prey of native consumers as to its predation on native prey. Given that oysters are foundation species for shallow reefs in the South Atlantic Bight, the long-term effects of this invasion could be considerable.  相似文献   

Empirical estimates of selection gradients caused by predators are common, yet no one has quantified how these estimates vary with predator ontogeny. We used logistic regression to investigate how selection on gastropod shell thickness changed with predator size. Only small and medium purple shore crabs (Hemigrapsus nudus) exerted a linear selection gradient for increased shell‐thickness within a single population of the intertidal snail (Littorina subrotundata). The shape of the fitness function for shell thickness was confirmed to be linear for small and medium crabs but was humped for large male crabs, suggesting no directional selection. A second experiment using two prey species to amplify shell thickness differences established that the selection differential on adult snails decreased linearly as crab size increased. We observed differences in size distribution and sex ratios among three natural shore crab populations that may cause spatial and temporal variation in predator‐mediated selection on local snail populations.  相似文献   

Predator avoidance is a primary function of the flotillas of the marine insect Halobates robustus (Hemiptera: Gerridae). With fish predators whose approach is unseen by the insects, Halobates that live in groups acquire a double protection: a lower probability of attack, as a result of a simple dilution effect, and a higher probability of escape if attacked. With visible predators, such as surfacefeeding fish and birds, this protection is augmented by predator-induced avoidance behaviour, the nature of which is related to the size of the group. In large groups, the highly aroused individuals respond quickly during a predator's approach and do not disperse, but maintain a high level of confusion behaviour within the aggregation. In small groups, the individuals are not highly aroused and respond only when the predator approaches very closely, whereupon they rapidly and synchronously disperse. Predator avoidance behaviour is postulated to result from a balance between the advantages of suppressing conspicuous escape movements until the last possible moment (the small group strategy) and the advantages of early warning and conspicuous confusion behaviour (the large group strategy).  相似文献   

This study reviews the current distribution of the native Asian common walking catfish (Clarias batrachus) within Singapore, and compares the present distribution to its historical distribution in the last 90 years based on literature records and museum material. We record a severe decline in the distribution of C. batrachus in Singapore concomitant with a sharp increase in the distribution of the invasive African sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus). We review evidence suggesting that the introduction and the establishment of the African sharptooth catfish in Singapore have adversely affected the Asian common walking catfish. The potential displacement by the African sharptooth catfish of the Asian common walking catfish—itself a widespread invader in other parts of Asia and North America—is particularly interesting as an example of a notorious invasive species becoming threatened by an exotic within its own native range.  相似文献   

In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Tepolt et al. (2021) illustrate how the genetic architecture of adaptation and life history influence invasive success. A marvel of many invasive species is that they are incredibly successful despite evolutionary expectations that they will have low adaptive potential and suffer inbreeding depression due to initially small founding population sizes. Determining the combinations of ecoevolutionary factors that permit this apparent “genetic paradox of invasions” is an ongoing endeavour of invasive species research. Tepolt et al. (2021) study the European green crab in its invasive range on the North American west coast. Following a single introduction into California, this crab quickly spread across a wide latitude gradient, despite low diversity in the original founding population. Adaptation of this crab to clinal variation in temperature appeared largely driven by an inferred chromosomal inversion. This inversion exists as a balanced polymorphism in the European home range of green crabs and is associated with thermal tolerance. Tepolt et al. (2021) therefore demonstrate that adaptive evolution post introduction need not be impeded by bottlenecks if variation at key parts of the genome is available and can be maintained in introduced populations. Moreover, Tepolt et al. (2021) show how chromosomal inversions acting as large-effect loci might facilitate rapid responses to selection in introduced populations.  相似文献   

The paired organ of Bellonci protrudes from the optic lobe of the giant Antarctic isopod, Glyptonotus antarcticus. It is linked to the cortex by a broad peduncle. No connection to the cuticle or “sensory pore organ” was found. A cluster of sensory-like cells forms two outer ciliary segments branching into numerous microvilli with microtubules. The putative sensory somata are irregular in shape and contain a very high density of glycogen granules. The two outer segments sprout from two pits of the soma in different directions, forming a right angle. Glial cells wrap around the sensory cells and also delimit lacunae into which bundles of microvilli project. These lacunae contain electron-dense granules of small size and with species-specific patterns. Lacunae and dense granules show features typical of a degeneration process in the sensory cells. This general morphology corresponds to the unilobular type of organ of Bellonci, known in other isopods; it differs from the plurilobular type with onion bodies found in other Crustacea.  相似文献   

Gregarious huddling behavior where animals seek the close company of conspecifics is thought to have facilitated the evolutionary transition from sea to land in some species of isopods, the theory being that closely apposed bodies decrease surface area and reduce desiccation. In this study, specimens of the marine isopod Cirolana harfordi were investigated to determine whether they displayed gregarious aggregative behavior. Animals were placed in a 20‐cm‐diameter acrylic cylinder arena that contained two 5‐cm‐diameter circular acrylic shelters that were tinted red (to reduce light transmittance), one at either end of the arena. Specimens of C. harfordi chose one of the two identical shelters at random, and the majority of animals congregated under this winning shelter. When an arena with one shelter tinted red and one clear shelter was used, the majority of animals congregated under the red shelter. These data indicate that the aggregative behavior displayed by this marine isopod species is driven by gregarious, conspecific attraction as well as reactions to environmental heterogeneity and negative phototaxis. Gregarious behavior in this marine isopod may afford the species advantages other than avoiding desiccation.  相似文献   

Blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun), are an ecologically and commercially important species along the East coast of North America. Over the past century and a half, blue crabs have been exposed to an expanding set of exotic species, a few of which are potential competitors. To test for interactions with invasive crabs, juvenile C. sapidus males were placed in competition experiments for a food item with two common non-indigenous crabs, the green crab Carcinus maenas (L.) and the Japanese shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus (De Haan). Agonistic interactions were evaluated when they occurred. In addition, each species’ potential to resist predators was examined by testing carapace strength. Results showed that C. maenas was a superior competitor to both C. sapidus and H. sanguineus for obtaining food, while the latter two species were evenly matched against each other. Regarding agonism, C. sapidus, was the “loser” a disproportionate number of times. C. sapidus carapaces also had a significantly lower breaking strength. These experiments suggest that both as a competitor, and as potential prey, juvenile blue crabs have some disadvantages compared with these common sympatric exotic crab species, and in areas where these exotics are common, juvenile native blue crabs may be forced to expend more energy in conflict that could be spent foraging, and may be forced away from prime food items toward less optimum prey.  相似文献   

Growing attention in aquatic ecology is focusing on biogeographic patterns in microorganisms and whether these potential patterns can be explained within the framework of general ecology. The long-standing microbiologist''s credo ‘Everything is everywhere, but, the environment selects'' suggests that dispersal is not limiting for microbes, but that the environment is the primary determining factor in microbial community composition. Advances in molecular techniques have provided new evidence that biogeographic patterns exist in microbes and that dispersal limitation may actually have an important role, yet more recent study using extremely deep sequencing predicts that indeed everything is everywhere. Using a long-term field study of the ‘invasive'' marine haptophyte Prymnesium parvum, we characterize the environmental niche of P. parvum in a subtropical impoundment in the southern United States. Our analysis contributes to a growing body of evidence that indicates a primary role for environmental conditions, but not dispersal, in the lake-wide abundances and seasonal bloom patterns in this globally important microbe.  相似文献   

Biological Invasions - Oystershell scale (OSS; Lepidosaphes ulmi) is an emerging invasive insect that poses a serious threat to conservation of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) in the...  相似文献   

Aquatic Ecology - Potamon potamios populations have decreased significantly due to the degradation of its habitat caused by human activities, mainly the use of insecticides. Today, P. potamios is...  相似文献   

Nonindigenous species are increasingly recognized as altering marine and estuarine communities, causing significant changes in abundance and distribution of native species. Such effects are of particular concern to coastal fisheries. We experimentally determined the effect of the nonindigenous European green crab, Carcinus maenas, upon the stepped venerid clam, Katelysia scalarina, the basis for a fledgling clam fishery in Tasmania, Australia. First, we observed a trend of decreased juvenile (<13-mm shell length or SL) abundance of K. scalarina at sites with C. maenas relative to those without this invasive predator. Additionally, relative predation intensity on these juveniles was significantly higher in invaded areas. To better understand the dynamics of predation by this invader, we conducted a number of manipulative experiments. In cage experiments testing per capita predation rates, we found that: (1) of the various sizes of C. maenas, large C. maenas were the most significant predators; (2) the smallest size class of K. scalarina tested (6-12-mm SL) was preferred by C. maenas; (3) C. maenas had much higher predation rates than any native predator tested; and (4) while the native shore crab, Paragrapsus gaimardii, was found to have a constant predation rate over an eightfold range of densities of juvenile K. scalarina (16-128 individuals·m−2), C. maenas significantly increased its per capita predation with increasing prey density. Notably, in open field plots at a site where C. maenas was abundant, predation was constant over the range of tested prey densities. We predict, therefore, that the invasion of C. maenas will have significant negative consequences for the Tasmanian K. scalarina fishery.  相似文献   

Predators influence prey populations not only through predation itself, but also indirectly through prompting changes in prey behaviour. The behavioural adjustments of prey to predation risk may carry nutritional costs, but this has seldom been studied in the wild in large mammals. Here, we studied the effects of an ambush predator, the African lion (Panthera leo), on the diet quality of plains zebras (Equus quagga) in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. We combined information on movements of both prey and predators, using GPS data, and measurements of faecal crude protein, an index of diet quality in the prey. Zebras which had been in close proximity to lions had a lower quality diet, showing that adjustments in behaviour when lions are within short distance carry nutritional costs. The ultimate fitness cost will depend on the frequency of predator–prey encounters and on whether bottom-up or top-down forces are more important in the prey population. Our finding is the first attempt to our knowledge to assess nutritionally mediated risk effects in a large mammalian prey species under the threat of an ambush predator, and brings support to the hypothesis that the behavioural effects of predation induce important risk effects on prey populations.  相似文献   

Invasive insect species often may attain high fecundity in agricultural habitats, thereby contributing to their establishment in new geographic regions and their displacement of similar native species. Such may be true for predatory lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) that have been introduced to North America in recent decades, raising concerns of adverse impact on native lady beetles. In northern Utah, Coccinella septempunctata L. first appeared in 1991, and is now predominant among lady beetles especially in alfalfa fields. We assessed the suitability of alfalfa fields as breeding habitat for females of C. septempunctata and the native, similarly sized Coccinella transversoguttata richardsoni Brown. The timing and amount of egg production differed significantly between C. septempunctata and C. transversoguttata as populations of aphids increased through spring and early summer. Reproduction by both species conformed to the egg window hypothesis, with populations of the predators producing most eggs before aphid numbers peaked. But consistently among fields and years, females of C. septempunctata produced more eggs, and did so earlier in the spring, than C. transversoguttata females even at low prey density. Furthermore, C. septempunctata females were more successful than females of C. transversoguttata in approaching their maximum body weights and reproductive output as measured in the laboratory under ideal conditions. The strong reproductive success of C. septempunctata may contribute to its displacement of C. transversoguttata in irrigated alfalfa in the generally arid Intermountain West of North America and to its establishment as an abundant species in this region of North America.  相似文献   

High abundances of non-native species in the invaded range may be linked to changes in fitness related traits. However, few studies have compared differences in both life-history traits and abundances of introduced species between their native and invaded ranges. We determined differences in 12 morphological traits, an important fitness related trait (body size), and the abundance of the porcelain crab, Petrolisthes elongatus, in its native (New Zealand) and invasive (Tasmania, Australia) ranges. P. elongatus was more abundant in the introduced range; however, changes in abundance depended on tidal height, with higher abundances only at mid and low tidal zones. The biomass of male crabs was higher in the invaded range compared to the native range, but there was no difference in female biomass between ranges. Despite increases in male biomass, sex ratios between native and invasive populations did not differ. In addition, principal components analysis showed no differences in overall morphology between Tasmania and New Zealand. Our study indicates that increased abundance in the invaded range of P. elongatus may be linked to high values of an important trait (greater biomass) in the invaded range. Importantly, changes in biomass and abundance may be due to P. elongatus being able to utilise mid/low zones more in the invaded range. Furthermore, our findings indicate that understanding how sex specific changes in biomass interact with the recipient environment (biotic and abiotic) in the introduced range will be important for determining the mechanisms underpinning the establishment and spread of P. elongatus.  相似文献   

A sialic acid-binding lectin with high specificity for 9-O-acetyl- and 4-O-acetylsialic acids was purified from the hemolymph of the California coastal crab, Cancer antennarius, by affinity chromatography using bovine submaxillary mucin coupled to agarose. The binding specificity of the crab lectin distinguishes it from other known sialic acid-specific lectins from Limulus polyphemus and Limax flavus which show a broader range of specificity for sialic acids. The purified lectin is homogenous on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electropherograms with a subunit molecular weight of about 36 kDa. The specificity of the lectin for O-acetylsialic acids appears to account for the fact that it agglutinates mouse, rat, rabbit, and horse erythrocytes, which contain O-acetylsialic acids on cell surface glycoconjugates, but not human monkey, sheep, goat, and chicken erythrocytes which contain only NeuAc or N-glycolylneuraminic acid (NeuGc). This conclusion was supported by the potent inhibition of hemagglutination by bovine and equine submaxillary mucins which contain 9(7,8)-O-acetyl- and 4-O-acetylsialic acids, respectively, and also by free 9-O-acetyl-N-acetylneuraminic acid (9-O-Ac-NeuAc) and 4-O-Ac-NeuAc relative to NeuAc and NeuGc. Further support for the role of O-Ac-sialic acids in hemagglutination of erythrocytes was obtained by enzymatic modification of human erythrocytes. Sialidase-treated erythrocytes were resialylated with purified sialyltransferases and various CMP-sialic acid donor substrates to contain NeuAc or NeuGc or 9-O-Ac-NeuAc in the Sia alpha 2,3Gal or Sia alpha 2,6Gal linkages. Cells resialylated to contain NeuAc or NeuGc were not agglutinated, but cells resialylated to contain 9-O-Ac-NeuAc were agglutinated with high titer, comparable to that of mice or horse erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Climate change is a major threat to global biodiversity, and its impacts can act synergistically to heighten the severity of other threats. Most research on projecting species range shifts under climate change has not been translated to informing priority management strategies on the ground. We develop a prioritization framework to assess strategies for managing threats to biodiversity under climate change and apply it to the management of invasive animal species across one‐sixth of the Australian continent, the Lake Eyre Basin. We collected information from key stakeholders and experts on the impacts of invasive animals on 148 of the region's most threatened species and 11 potential strategies. Assisted by models of current distributions of threatened species and their projected distributions, experts estimated the cost, feasibility, and potential benefits of each strategy for improving the persistence of threatened species with and without climate change. We discover that the relative cost‐effectiveness of invasive animal control strategies is robust to climate change, with the management of feral pigs being the highest priority for conserving threatened species overall. Complementary sets of strategies to protect as many threatened species as possible under limited budgets change when climate change is considered, with additional strategies required to avoid impending extinctions from the region. Overall, we find that the ranking of strategies by cost‐effectiveness was relatively unaffected by including climate change into decision‐making, even though the benefits of the strategies were lower. Future climate conditions and impacts on range shifts become most important to consider when designing comprehensive management plans for the control of invasive animals under limited budgets to maximize the number of threatened species that can be protected.  相似文献   

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