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Analysis of the patterns of cell lineage observed during development of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, combined with selected cell ablation experiments, has revealed that while many cell fates are autonomously (intrinsically) determined, cell–cell interactions are required for a number of developmental decisions. Earlier genetic analysis of one key gene, lin-12, had shown that this gene controls a number of bi-potential fate decisions involving such cellular interactions. Molecular analysis of this gene is now providing clues to its mode of action in mediating these cell-fate decision.  相似文献   

The lin-12 locus specifies cell fates in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
We describe two classes of mutations in the lin-12 locus of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Ten semidominant mutations (lin-12[d]) appear to elevate the level of lin-12 activity. Thirty-two recessive alleles (lin-12[0]), including two amber mutations, appear to eliminate gene activity. The lin-12(d) and lin-12(0) mutations result in reciprocal homeotic transformations in the fates of defined cells in several different tissues. Gene dosage studies suggest that a high level of lin-12 activity specifies one cell fate and a low level specifies an alternative fate. Temperature-shift experiments indicate that lin-12 acts at the time cell fate is determined in wild type. We propose that lin-12 functions as a binary switch to control decisions between alternative cell fates during C. elegans development.  相似文献   

The heterochronic gene lin-28 of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans controls the relative timing of diverse developmental events during the animal's larval stages. lin-28 is stage-specifically regulated by two genetic circuits: negatively by the 22-nt RNA lin-4 and positively by the heterochronic gene lin-14. Here, we show that lin-28 is repressed during normal development by a mechanism that acts on its mRNA after translation initiation. We provide evidence that lin-14 inhibits a negative regulation that is independent of the lin-4 RNA and involves the gene daf-12, which encodes a nuclear hormone receptor. The lin-4-independent repression does not affect the initiation of translation on the lin-28 mRNA, and like the lin-4-mediated repression, acts through the gene's 3'-untranslated region. In addition, we find that lin-4 is not sufficient to cause repression of lin-28 if the lin-4-independent circuit is inhibited. Therefore, the lin-4-independent circuit likely contributes substantially to the down-regulation of lin-28 that occurs during normal development. The role of lin-4 may be to initiate or potentiate the lin-4-independent circuit. We speculate that a parallel lin-4-independent regulatory mechanism regulates the expression of lin-14.  相似文献   

Katic I  Greenwald I 《Genetics》2006,174(4):1907-1915
The sel-6 gene was previously identified in a screen for suppressors of the egg-laying defect associated with hypermorphic alleles of lin-12 (Tax et al. 1997). Here we show that sel-6 and two other previously defined genes, mal-2 and emb-4, are the same gene, now called "emb-4." We perform a genetic and molecular characterization of emb-4 and show that it functions cell autonomously as a positive regulator of lin-12 activity. Viable alleles identified as suppressors of lin-12 are partial loss-of-function mutations, whereas the null phenotype encompasses a range of lethal terminal phenotypes that apparently are not related to loss of lin-12/Notch signaling. emb-4 encodes a large nuclearly localized protein containing a predicted ATPase domain and has apparent orthologs in fission yeast, plants, and animals.  相似文献   

Fares H  Greenwald I 《Genetics》1999,153(4):1641-1654
Ligands present on neighboring cells activate receptors of the LIN-12/Notch family by inducing a proteolytic cleavage event that releases the intracellular domain. Mutations that appear to eliminate sel-5 activity are able to suppress constitutive activity of lin-12(d) mutations that are point mutations in the extracellular domain of LIN-12, but cannot suppress lin-12(intra), the untethered intracellular domain. These results suggest that sel-5 acts prior to or during ligand-dependent release of the intracellular domain. In addition, sel-5 suppression of lin-12(d) mutations is tissue specific: loss of sel-5 activity can suppress defects in the anchor cell/ventral uterine precursor cell fate decision and a sex myoblast/coelomocyte decision, but cannot suppress defects in two different ventral hypodermal cell fate decisions in hermaphrodites and males. sel-5 encodes at least two proteins, from alternatively spliced mRNAs, that share an amino-terminal region and differ in the carboxy-terminal region. The amino-terminal region contains the hallmarks of a serine/threonine kinase domain, which is most similar to mammalian GAK1 and yeast Pak1p.  相似文献   

Notch signaling regulates various cellular processes such as growth, proliferation and differentiation, and plays a key role in tissue patterning during animal development. In humans, defects in Notch signaling have been implicated in cancer, stroke, neurodegeneration, as well as learning and memory deficits. The genome of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans encodes two members of the Notch transmembrane receptor family, LIN-12 and GLP-1, which have both unique and shared developmental functions. LIN-12 affects diverse cell fate specification events at certain embryonic and larval stages, including the ABplp lineage (a neuronal precursor), intestinal primordium, gonadal anchor cell and secondary vulval precursor cells. In addition to developmental functions, it also operates in the adult nervous system to control locomotion, memory and chemosensory response. Although lin-12 expression was subjected to intense analysis, it was almost not demonstrable in neurons; occasional lin-12 expression was detected only in the two RIG interneurons of young larvae. Here we identify two cis-regulatory regions from lin-12, both of them are specified by the presence of a conserved EXD/HOX composite binding site. One of these regions is located in the first intron and required for driving transgene expression in vulval precursor cell lineages and specific gonadal cells. The other region is located in the second intron and can confer neuronal expression for lin-12 throughout life. The latter regulatory element is highly conserved in the paralogous glp-1 genomic environment, suggesting redundant developmental and physiological roles for the two Notch paralogs in the C. elegans nervous system.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans LIM homeobox gene lin-11 plays crucial roles in the morphogenesis of the reproductive system and differentiation of several neurons. The expression of lin-11 in different tissues is regulated by enhancer regions located upstream as well as within lin-11 introns. These regions are functionally separable suggesting that multiple regulatory inputs operate to control the spatiotemporal pattern of lin-11 expression. To further dissect apart the nature of lin-11 regulation we focused on three Caenorhabditis species C. briggsae, C. remanei, and C. brenneri that are substantially diverged from C. elegans but share almost identical vulval morphology. We show that, in these species, the 5′ region of lin-11 possesses conserved sequences to activate lin-11 expression in the reproductive system. Analysis of the in vivo role of these sequences in C. elegans has led to the identification of three functionally distinct enhancers for the vulva, VC neurons, and uterine π lineage cells. We found that the π enhancer is regulated by FOS homolog FOS-1 and LIN-12/Notch pathway effectors, LAG-1 (Su(H)/CBF1 family) and EGL-43 (EVI1 family). These results indicate that multiple factors cooperate to regulate π-specific expression of lin-11 and together with other findings suggest that the mechanism of lin-11 regulation by LIN-12/Notch signaling is evolutionarily conserved in Caenorhabditis species. Our work demonstrates that 4-way comparison is a powerful tool to study conserved mechanisms of gene regulation in C. elegans and other nematodes.  相似文献   

The lin-12/Notch signaling pathway is conserved from worms to humans and is a master regulator of metazoan development. Here, we demonstrate that lin-12/Notch gain-of-function (gf) animals display precocious alae at the L4 larval stage with a significant increase in let-7 expression levels. Furthermore, lin-12(gf) animals display a precocious and higher level of let-7 gfp transgene expression in seam cells at L3 stage. Interestingly, lin-12(gf) mutant rescued the lethal phenotype of let-7 mutants similar to other known heterochronic mutants. We propose that lin-12/Notch signaling pathway functions in late developmental timing, upstream of or in parallel to the let-7 heterochronic pathway. Importantly, the human microRNA let-7a was also upregulated in various human cell lines in response to Notch1 activation, suggesting an evolutionarily conserved cross-talk between let-7 and the canonical lin-12/Notch signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Reinhart BJ  Ruvkun G 《Genetics》2001,157(1):199-209
The Caenorhabditis elegans heterochronic gene lin-14 specifies the temporal sequence of postembryonic developmental events. lin-14, which encodes differentially spliced LIN-14A and LIN-14B1/B2 protein isoforms, acts at distinct times during the first larval stage to specify first and second larval stage-specific cell lineages. Proposed models for the molecular basis of these two lin-14 gene activities have included the production of functionally distinct isoforms and the generation of a temporal gradient of LIN-14 protein. We report here that loss of the LIN-14B1/B2 isoforms alone affects one of the two lin-14 temporal patterning functions, the specification of second larval stage lineages. A temporal expression difference between LIN-14A and LIN-14B1/B2 is not responsible for the stage-specific phenotype: protein levels of all LIN-14 isoforms are high in early first larval stage animals and decrease during the first larval stage. However, LIN-14A can partially substitute for LIN-14B1/B2 when expressed at a higher-than-normal level in the late L1 stage. These data indicate that LIN-14B1/B2 isoforms do not provide a distinct function of the lin-14 locus in developmental timing but rather may contribute to an overall level of LIN-14 protein that is the critical determinant of temporal cell fate.  相似文献   

The identification of a gene necessary for the asymmetry of cell division would be an important first step toward understanding how sister cells come to differ in their developmental fates. The lin-17 gene of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is an excellent candidate for being such a gene. lin-17 mutations cause several blast cells that normally generate sister cells of two distinct types to generate instead sister cells of the same type. Moreover, lin-17 mutations cause sister cells to be equal in size as well as equivalent in developmental fate, suggesting that lin-17 acts at or prior to the asymmetric cell division. The lin-17 gene product is involved in asymmetric cell divisions in a variety of tissues, indicating that lin-17 functions in a general mechanism for the establishment of cellular asymmetry in parent cells.  相似文献   

Katic I  Vallier LG  Greenwald I 《Genetics》2005,171(4):1605-1615
Screens for suppressors of lin-12 hypermorphic alleles in C. elegans have identified core components and modulators of the LIN-12/Notch signaling pathway. Here we describe the recovery of alleles of six new genes from a screen for suppressors of the egg-laying defect associated with elevated lin-12 activity. The molecular identification of one of the new suppressor genes revealed it as bre-5, which had previously been identified in screens for mutations that confer resistance to Bt toxin in C. elegans. bre-5 is the homolog of D. melanogaster brainiac. BRE-5/Brainiac catalyzes a step in the synthesis of glycosphingolipids, components of lipid rafts that are thought to act as platforms for association among certain kinds of membrane-bound proteins. Reducing the activity of several other genes involved in glycosphingolipid biosynthesis also suppresses the effects of constitutive lin-12 activity. Genetic analysis and cell ablation experiments suggest that bre-5 functions prior to ligand-induced ectodomain shedding that activates LIN-12 for signal transduction.  相似文献   

In animals, microRNAs (miRNAs), typically, pair to sites of partial complementarity in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′UTRs) of target genes. Regulation by miRNAs often results in down-regulation of target mRNA and protein expression by mechanisms that are yet to be fully elucidated. Additionally, changes in environmental conditions have been shown to influence miRNA function in some cell culture systems. Here, we report the effect of nutrient deprivation on regulation of an endogenous miRNA target in developing worms. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the lin-4 miRNA recognizes multiple sites in the lin-14 3′UTR and directs mRNA degradation and translational repression, but it is unclear how these processes are coupled. In this study, we demonstrate that nutrient deprivation results in loss of lin-14 mRNA, but not protein, repression. In worms removed from feeding conditions, lin-14 mRNA reaccumulates despite the continued expression of lin-4 miRNA. The relative increase in lin-14 mRNA levels during nutrient deprivation is less pronounced in genetic mutants lacking lin-4 miRNA or the lin-14 3′UTR target sites. In conclusion, regulation of lin-14 at the mRNA and protein levels can be uncoupled by changes in culture conditions, indicating that miRNA function can be modulated by environment in multicellular organisms. The awareness that endogenous miRNA pathways can be sensitive to environment is an important consideration for elucidating the mechanism used by miRNAs to regulate target mRNA and protein expression.  相似文献   

Chen J  Li X  Greenwald I 《Genetics》2004,166(1):151-160
Suppressor genetics in C. elegans has identified key components of the LIN-12/Notch signaling pathway. Here, we describe a genetic and molecular characterization of the suppressor gene sel-7. We show that reducing or eliminating sel-7 activity suppresses the effects of constitutive lin-12 activity, enhances the effects of partially reduced lin-12 activity, and causes a synthetic Lin-12(0) phenotype when combined with a null mutation in the sel-12 presenilin gene. These observations suggest that sel-7 is a positive regulator of lin-12 activity. We also show that SEL-7 encodes a novel nuclear protein. Through yeast two-hybrid screening, we identified an apparent interaction partner, K08E3.8, that also interacts with SEL-8, a known component of the nuclear complex that forms upon LIN-12 activation. Our data suggest potential roles for SEL-7 in the assembly or function of this nuclear complex.  相似文献   

The lin-4 gene encodes a small RNA that is required to translationally repress lin-14 toward the end of the first larval stage of Caenorhabditis elegans development. To determine if the timing of LIN-14 protein down-regulation depends on the temporal profile of lin-4 RNA level, we analyzed the stage-specificity of lin-4 RNA expression during wild-type development and examined the phenotypes of transgenic worms that overexpress lin-4 RNA during the first larval stage. We found that lin-4 RNA first becomes detectable at approximately 12 h of wild-type larval development and rapidly accumulates to nearly maximum levels by 16 h. This profile of lin-4 RNA accumulation corresponded to the timing of LIN-14 protein down-regulation. Transgenic strains that express elevated levels of lin-4 RNA prior to 12 h of development display reduced levels of LIN-14 protein and precocious phenotypes consistent with abnormally early loss of lin-14 activity. These results indicate that the temporal profile of lin-4 RNA accumulation specifies the timing of LIN-14 down-regulation and thereby controls the timing of postembryonic developmental events.  相似文献   

Summary A uniform system of genetic nomenclature for the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is described. Convenient ways are specified to designate genes, mutations and strains, and to attempt to avoid name duplications.  相似文献   

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