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Organisms sampled for population‐level research are typically assigned to species by morphological criteria. However, if those criteria are limited to one sex or life stage, or the organisms come from a complex of closely related forms, the species assignments may misdirect analyses. The impact of such sampling can be assessed from the correspondence of genetic clusters, identified only from patterns of genetic variation, to the species identified using only phenotypic criteria. We undertook this protocol with the rock‐dwelling mbuna cichlids of Lake Malawi, for which species within genera are usually identified using adult male coloration patterns. Given high local endemism of male colour patterns, and considerable allele sharing among species, there persists considerable taxonomic uncertainty in these fishes. Over 700 individuals from a single transect were photographed, genotyped and separately assigned: (a) to morphospecies using photographs; and (b) to genetic clusters using five widely used methods. Overall, the correspondence between clustering methods was strong for larger clusters, but methods varied widely in estimated number of clusters. The correspondence between morphospecies and genetic clusters was also strong for larger clusters, as well as some smaller clusters for some methods. These analyses generally affirm (a) adult male‐limited sampling and (b) the taxonomic status of Lake Malawi mbuna, as the species in our study largely appear to be well‐demarcated genetic entities. More generally, our analyses highlight the challenges for clustering methods when the number of populations is unknown, especially in cases of highly uneven sample sizes.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of parasite-mediated sexual selection in the divergence of two species of Lake Victoria cichlids. Pundamilia pundamilia and Pundamilia nyererei represent a common pattern of male nuptial colour divergence between haplochromine sister species: metallic grey–blue in P. pundamilia and bright yellow and red in P. nyererei . Female mating preferences for different male colours maintain the genetic and phenotypic differentiation of the two species in clear water. Previous work indicated that the red coloration of P. nyererei males, which is subject to directional sexual selection, may be a carotenoid-dependent signal of parasite infestation rate. In the present study, we find a parallel result for P. pundamilia : bright blue males are infected with fewer species of parasites. We also find that parasite infestation rates differ quantitatively between the two species in a way that is consistent with species differences in diet and microhabitat. We conclude that parasite-mediated sexual selection may have contributed to the divergence of female mating preferences between P. pundamilia and P. nyererei , and may currently strengthen reproductive isolation between these species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 94 , 53–60.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated strong population structuring over small distances in the rocky-shore mbuna cichlid fishes from Lake Malawi, suggesting the potential for allopatric speciation. However, many endemic Lake Malawi cichlids are neither mbuna, nor confined to rocky shores. Using microsatellites, we investigated the population structure in three species of the non-mbuna genus Protomelas. The rocky-shore P. taeniolatus showed high levels of population structure even over distances of less than 1 km, while the sandy-shore species P. similis showed no significant structure over distances up to 21 km. Protomelas fenestratus, which is generally found at the interface between rocks and sand, also showed low levels of population structure. Our results suggest that the model of allopatric speciation based on habitat fragmentation within the current lake basin may be equally applicable to rocky-shore non-mbuna as to mbuna, but that an alternative model is required to explain speciation among sandy-shore species as well as the deep-water and pelagic species.  相似文献   

It has been estimated that Lake Malawi, Africa, contains 500–650 endemic species of cichlid fishes, the largest number of vertebrate species endemic to any comparable sized area on the planet. As many of these putative species cannot be distinguished anatomically, these estimates of species richness depend to a great extent on the assumption that sympatrically occurring male colour morphs represent biological species. We have tested this assumption using a combination of behavioural observations of courtship and microsatellite DNA analysis for six putative species of the Pseudotropheus ( Tropheops ) complex and three of the Pseudotropheus ( Maylandia ) complex occurring sympatrically at Nkhata Bay. We were unable to demonstrate assortative courtship for the species pairs Pseudotropheus ( Maylandia ) zebra / P . 'gold zebra' or P. ( Tropheops ) 'band'/ P. ( T .) 'rust' because we were unable to distinguish between the females of these taxa. All other taxa showed clear assortative courtship, except for P. ( T .) 'deep', a deep-water species which was rarely observed. Fixation indices (θST for the infinite allele model, and R ST for the stepwise mutation model) calculated from six microsatellite DNA loci demonstrated significant deviations from panmixia in all pairwise comparisons of putative species, indicating little or no gene flow between populations. All taxa showed high levels of allelic diversity providing evidence that genetic bottlenecking may have been of limited importance in the speciation process. Assortative mating among taxa differing only in male colouration is supportive of theories that speciation in these fishes has been driven by sexual selection by female choice.  相似文献   

Evolution of a cichlid fish in a Lake Malawi satellite lake   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Allopatric divergence in peripheral habitats may lead to rapid evolution of populations with novel phenotypes. In this study we provide the first evidence that isolation in peripheral habitats may have played a critical role in generation of Lake Malawi's cichlid fish diversity. We show that Lake Chilingali, a satellite lake 11.5 km from the shore of Lake Malawi, contains a breeding population of Rhamphochromis, a predatory genus previously thought to be restricted to Lake Malawi and permanently connected water bodies. The Lake Chilingali population is the smallest known Rhamphochromis, has a unique male nuptial colour pattern and has significant differentiation in mitochondrial DNA from Lake Malawi species. In laboratory mate choice trials with a candidate sister population from Lake Malawi, females showed a strong tendency to mate assortatively indicating that they are incipient biological species. These data support the hypothesis that isolation and reconnection of peripheral habitats due to lake level changes have contributed to the generation of cichlid diversity within African lakes. Such cycles of habitat isolation and reconnection may also have been important in evolutionary diversification of numerous other abundant and wide-ranging aquatic organisms, such as marine fishes and invertebrates.  相似文献   

Twelve short tandem repeat markers were successfully isolated from a cichlid, Haplochromis chilotes, in Lake Victoria, and characterized in Haplochromis pyrrhocephalus. The microsatellite regions of these markers were found to have between two and 48 alleles with heterozygosity ranging from 0.07 to 0.97. No loci showed significant departures from the Hardy–Weinberg or linkage equilibrium after the Bonferroni correction (P > 0.05). Cross‐species amplification in other cichlids of Lake Victoria, Haplochromis laparogramma, Lithochromis rubripinnis, L. rufus and Haplochromis sp. ‘rockkribensis’, was successful.  相似文献   

Cichlids are one of the most diverse and colourful groups of freshwater fishes in the world. Despite much investigation, the factors that promote speciation in these fishes are still uncertain. However, previous studies suggest that sexual selection on male colour is one of the main drivers of speciation among these fishes. Metriaclima estherae is a polymorphic cichlid species from Lake Malawi, and thus provides an ideal model for the investigation of the importance of colour as a species recognition cue. M. callainos is a closely related and morphologically similar species, with male colour pattern very similar to that of M. estherae. We tested female choice by giving females of the two species a choice between conspecific and heterospecific males in the presence and absence of visual (colour) and chemical cues. The results show that females of M. callainos were able to reliably recognize conspecific males, even when colour was eliminated as a cue. However, females of M. estherae did not prefer conspecific males, although they were able to discriminate between red and blue conspecific colour morphs by using chemical cues. These results suggest that species recognition cues may differ even among closely related species of cichlid fish, and that female preferences for male coloration may be weak in certain species.  相似文献   

We examined interspecific female mating preferences in fourclosely related species of cichlid belonging to the Pseudotropheuszebra species complex of Lake Malawi. These species differin coloration but are similar in other respects, suggestingthat male color patterns may be important to female mate choicein species recognition. To test this hypothesis, we presented females from each species with a choice of four males, one ofher own species and three others that were each of a differentspecies. We also gave each female a choice between the threeheterospecific males only. In all four species, females showeda significant preference for conspecific males in the four-waychoice and chose the male with the most similar color patternto the conspecific male in the three-way choice. These resultsare discussed with reference to the theory of sexual selectionon color patterns as a means of sympatric speciation in cichlids.  相似文献   

Migration rates among nine populations of the endemic Lake Malawi cichlid Melanochromis auratus were estimated along a 42-km stretch of habitat in the southern end of the lake. Allele frequencies were surveyed at four simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci. The data suggest migration rates among populations are quite low. Exact tests indicate that statistically detectable allele frequency differences exist between many adjacent populations in the study. The FST value among all populations was estimated to be 0.151 (P < 0.0002). A biogeographic survey suggests that the highest levels of genetic differentiation exist between populations separated by stretches of deep water. Migration is more common between populations separated by shallower water or with shoreline dispersal routes. Reduced allelic diversity was observed at more recently created habitat patches, suggesting that either bottlenecks are associated with the colonization of new habitat patches or that these shallower sites were all founded by genetically depauperate ancestral populations. The extreme philopatry of M. auratus, coupled with the patchy distribution and transient nature of its preferred habitat, provides opportunities for both selection and genetic drift to produce genetic differentiation among populations. Both processes may be important to the evolution of taxonomic diversity in the East African cichlid species flocks.  相似文献   

Colour polymorphisms have fascinated evolutionary ecologists for a long time. Yet, knowledge on the mechanisms that allow their persistence is restricted to a handful of well‐studied cases. We studied two species of Lake Victoria cichlid fish, Neochromis omnicaeruleus and Neochromis greenwoodi, exhibiting very similar sex‐linked colour polymorphisms. The ecology and behaviour of one of these species is well studied, with colour‐based mating and aggression preferences. Here, we ask whether the selection potentially resulting from female and male mating preferences and aggression biases reduces gene flow between the colour morphs and permits differentiation in traits other than colour. Over the past 14 years, the frequencies of colour morphs have somewhat oscillated, but there is no evidence for directional change, suggesting the colour polymorphism is persistent on an ecological timescale. We find limited evidence of eco‐morphological differentiation between sympatric ancestral (plain) and derived (blotched) colour morphs. We also find significantly nonrandom genotypic assignment and an excess of linkage disequilibrium in the plain morph, which together with previous information on mating preferences suggests nonrandom mating between colour morphs. This, together with negative frequency‐dependent sexual selection, found in previous studies, may facilitate maintenance of these polymorphisms in sympatry.  相似文献   

Male nuptial colour hues are important for the maintenance of reproductive isolation among cichlid fish species, and environmental changes that lead to narrower light spectra can lead to hybridization. However, cichlid species can naturally co-occur in narrow light spectrum habitats, such as turbid shallow lakes and the deep benthic zones of African rift lakes. Closely related species from narrow light spectrum habitats tend to differ little in the palette of male nuptial colours, thus for these taxa differences in colour patterns may be more important than differences in colour hue for species recognition. To investigate this hypothesis we examined morphometric and genetic differentiation among males of four sympatric putative species within the deep-water genus Diplotaxodon. These taxa live in a narrow-light spectrum environment where only blue light is present, and males differ primarily in 'monochromatic' black, white and silver patterning of the body and fins. Significant genetic differentiation was present among taxa in both microsatellite DNA and mitochondrial DNA, including one pair with no significant morphometric differentiation. Thus, these taxa represent reproductively isolated biological species, a result consistent with male nuptial patterning being important for species recognition and assortative mating. As such, we suggest that narrow-light spectra need not always represent barriers to effective visually mediated mate recognition.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of sympatric speciation by sexual selection has been contentious. Several recent theoretical models of sympatric speciation by disruptive sexual selection were tailored to apply to African cichlids. Most of this work concludes that the genetic architecture of female preference and male trait is a key determinant of the likelihood of disruptive sexual selection to result in speciation. We investigated the genetic architecture controlling male nuptial colouration in a sympatric sibling species pair of cichlid fish from Lake Victoria, which differ conspicuously in male colouration and female mating preferences for these. We estimated that the difference between the species in male nuptial red colouration is controlled by a minimum number of two to four genes with significant epistasis and dominance effects. Yellow colouration appears to be controlled by one gene with complete dominance. The two colours appear to be epistatically linked. Knowledge on how male colouration segregates in hybrid generations and on the number of genes controlling differences between species can help us assess whether assumptions made in simulation models of sympatric speciation by sexual selection are realistic. In the particular case of the two sister species that we studied a small number of genes causing major differences in male colouration may have facilitated the divergence in male colouration associated with speciation.  相似文献   

Rapid speciation in Lake Victoria cichlid fish of the genus Pundamilia may be facilitated by sexual selection: female mate choice exerts sexual selection on male nuptial coloration within species and maintains reproductive isolation between species. However, declining water transparency coincides with increasingly dull coloration and increasing hybridization. In the present study, we investigated the mechanism underlying this pattern in Pundamilia nyererei, a species that interbreeds with a sister species in turbid but not in clear water. We compared measures of intraspecific sexual selection between two populations from locations that differ in water transparency. First, in laboratory mate‐choice experiments, conducted in clear water and under broad‐spectrum illumination, we found that females originating from turbid water have significantly weaker preferences for male coloration than females originating from clear water. Second, both the hue and body coverage of male coloration differ between populations, which is consistent with adaptation to different photic habitats. These findings suggest that the observed relationship between male coloration and water transparency is not mediated by environmental variation alone. Rather, female mating preferences are indicated to have changed in response to this variation, constituting the first evidence for intraspecific preference‐trait co‐evolution in cichlid fish. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 398–406.  相似文献   

Larvae and pupae of Chaoborus edulis may be the most important food resource of some deep-water demersal fish species in southern Lake Malawi. C. edulis feed on crustacean zooplankton, which in turn feed on phytoplankton. Hence, demersal fish production is supported directly by planktonic primary production, rather than through a detrital food chain.  相似文献   

Small but significant differences were found in allele frequencies among five populations (overall F ST estimate (θ)=0·004, P=0·006; overall R ST estimate (RHO)=0·019, P <0·00001) of the demersal cichlid Copadichromis sp.'virginalis kajose', collected from five locations in Lake Malawi. Pairwise F ST estimates revealed significant differences between the most southerly population (Cape Maclear), and the three most northerly populations (Mbamba Bay, Metangula and Chilola). Pairwise R ST estimates also revealed significant differences between some populations, but no geographical pattern was discernible. There was no evidence of isolation by distance using either the shortest straight-line distance between samples, or the distance around the shoreline following a 50 m depth contour. F ST estimates were considerably lower than found in previous studies on the mbuna (rock-dwelling species), but higher than those found in a study of three pelagic cichlid species from Lake Malawi. Substructuring in C. sp.'virginalis kajose' appears to be on a similar scale to the Atlantic cod.  相似文献   

Aim Free‐ranging benthopelagic fishes often have large population sizes and high rates of dispersal. These traits can act to homogenize population structure across the distributional range of a species and to reduce the likelihood of allopatric speciation. The apparent absence of any barriers to gene flow among populations, together with prior molecular evidence for panmixia across the ranges of three species, has resulted in Diplotaxodon, a genus of benthopelagic cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi, being proposed as a candidate case of sympatric speciation. Our aim was to further investigate this possibility by testing for intraspecific genetic subdivision among breeding populations, and intraspecific differences in breeding habitat. Location Lake Malawi, central‐east Africa. Methods We analysed eight microsatellite DNA loci to test for spatial genetic differences among populations on breeding grounds of eight Diplotaxodon species. We also tested for temporal population genetic differences within breeding grounds of three species. Records of ripe Diplotaxodon encountered during sampling were analysed to test if spatial variation in assemblage structure was linked to nearshore water depth and geographic proximity of sampling sites. Results Consistent with previous molecular evidence, within four of the eight species tested we found no evidence of spatial genetic structuring among breeding populations. However, within the other four species we found slight yet significant spatial genetic differences, indicating restricted gene flow among breeding grounds. There was no evidence of temporal genetic differences within sites. Analyses of the distributions of ripe Diplotaxodon revealed differences in assemblage structure linked to nearshore water depth. Main conclusions Together, these results demonstrate both the evolution of fidelity to deep‐water breeding locations in some Diplotaxodon species, and differences in breeding habitat among species. These findings are consistent with a role for divergence of breeding habitat in speciation of these cichlids, possibly promoted by dispersal limitation among geographically segregated spawning aggregations.  相似文献   

  • Genetic differences among freshwater fish populations are dependent on life‐history characteristics of the species, including the range of adult dispersal and the extent of homing to natal breeding grounds. However, the effects of variation in such characteristics on population genetic connectivity are rarely studied comparatively among closely related species.
  • We studied population genetic structure within three congeneric cyprinid species from the Lake Malawi catchment that differ substantially in life‐history traits and conservation status, using a combination of microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers. Mpasa (Opsaridium microlepis) is a large (70 cm total length) migratory species that spawns in rivers, but as an adult is exclusively known from the main lake body. Sanjika (Opsaridium microcephalum), is a medium size (30 cm total length) species that exists in lake breeding, river‐lake migratory and apparently landlocked populations. Dwarf sanjika (Opsaridium tweddleorum) is a small non‐migratory species (15 cm total length) that persists in small tributaries surrounding the main lake and adjoining rivers.
  • The results revealed striking differences among the three species in spatial genetic structuring. The river‐lake migratory mpasa showed only weak yet significant population genetic structure within the main Lake Malawi catchment, suggesting that there is no strong natal homing. The habitat‐generalist sanjika showed only weak spatial genetic differentiation at microsatellite loci within the Lake Malawi catchment, but moderate structure in mitochondrial DNA, potentially reflecting male‐biased dispersal. The river‐restricted dwarf sanjika showed strong genetic structure in both microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA, suggesting strictly limited dispersal at both adult and juvenile stages.
  • We conclude that contrasting migration life histories have resulted in dramatically different patterns of population genetic structure among these congeneric species. The observed patterns demonstrate how divergent life‐history evolution may strongly influence broader patterns of population genetic connectivity in freshwater fish, with consequences for management and conservation. Specifically the results suggesting gene flow among Lake Malawi populations of mpasa, an IUCN red‐listed ‘Endangered’ species endemic to the lake catchment, imply that conservation initiatives operating at both local and catchment scales are needed to reverse local population decline.

Genetic structure among continental and island populations of gyrfalcons   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Little is known about the possible influence that past glacial events have had on the phylogeography and population structure of avian predators in the Arctic and sub-Arctic. In this study, we use microsatellite and mitochondrial control region DNA variation to investigate the population genetic structure of gyrfalcons (Falco rusticolus) throughout a large portion of their circumpolar distribution. In most locations sampled, the mtDNA data revealed little geographic structure; however, five out of eight mtDNA haplotypes were unique to a particular geographic area (Greenland, Iceland, or Alaska) and the Iceland population differed from others based on haplotype frequency differences (F(ST)). With the microsatellite results, significant population structure (F(ST), principal components analysis, and cluster analysis) was observed identifying Greenland and Iceland as separate populations, while Norway, Alaska and Canada were identified as a single population consistent with contemporary gene flow across Russia. Within Greenland, differing levels of gene flow between western and eastern sampling locations was indicated with apparent asymmetric dispersal in western Greenland from north to south. This dispersal bias is in agreement with the distribution of plumage colour variants with white gyrfalcons in much higher proportion in northern Greenland. Lastly, because the mtDNA control region sequence differed by only one to four nucleotides from a common haplotype among all gyrfalcons, we infer that the observed microsatellite population genetic structure has developed since the last glacial maximum. This conclusion is further supported by our finding that a closely related species, the saker falcon (Falco cherrug), has greater genetic heterogeneity, including mtDNA haplotypes differing by 1-16 nucleotide substitutions from a common gyrfalcon haplotype. This is consistent with gyrfalcons having expanded rapidly from a single glacial-age refugium to their current circumpolar distribution. Additional sampling of gyrfalcons from Fennoscandia and Russia throughout Siberia is necessary to test putative gene flow between Norway and Alaska and Canada as suggested by this study.  相似文献   

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries -  相似文献   

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