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A heterologous double antibody radioimmunoassay was developed to measure changes in serum luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations in estrous and anestrous queens (female domestic cats), following a single injection of varying doses (0--25 microgram) of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH). No increase in serum LH was detected in any of the estrous or anestrous queens following a single saline injection. Treatment with LH-RH resulted in a sharp increase in serum LH concentration in both estrous and anestrous queens. Ovulations as observed by the presence of corpora lutea at laparoscopy occurred in none of four, one of four, two of four and four of four estrous queens receiving 0, 5, 10 or 25 microgram of LH-RH, respectively. Mean serum LH concentration of the ovulating queens was maintained at a higher level and did not return to basal level at the same time as that of nonovulating queens. The data show that: LH-RH can cause release of LH in both estrous and anestrous queens and induce ovulation in the estrous cat; the magnitude of LH response is influenced by the stage of the reproductive cycle; and the duration during which LH is maintained above basal level may play a significant role in ovulation induction in this coitus-induced ovulatory species.  相似文献   

Plasma melatonin concentrations were measured every 1-2 h over 24 h and plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations every 15 min over 12 h in domestic gilts reared under artificial light regimens that had previously been used to demonstrate photoperiodic effects on puberty. In Expt 1, the light regimens both commenced at 12 h light: 12 h dark (12L:12D) and either increased (long-day) or decreased (short-day) by 15 min/week until the long-day gilts were receiving 16L:8D and the short-day gilts 8L:16D at sampling. In Expt 2, both light regimens commenced at 12L:12D and either increased (long-day) or decreased (short-day) by 10 or 15 min/week to a maximum of 14.5L:9.5D or a minimum of 9.5L:14.5D before being reversed. Sampling took place when daylength had returned to 14L:10D (long-day) or 10L:14D (short-day). In immature gilts housed at 12L:12D (Expt 1) and in postpubertal (Expt 1) and prepubertal (Expt 2) gilts reared under long-day or short-day light regimens, mean plasma melatonin concentrations were basal (3.6 pg/ml) when the lights were on and increased to peak concentrations greater than 15 pg/ml within 1-2 h after dark, before declining gradually to basal concentrations at or near the end of the dark phase. In prepubertal gilts bearing subcutaneous melatonin implants and reared under long-days (Expt 2), mean plasma melatonin concentration in the 6 h before dark was 91.9 +/- 5.26 pg/ml and 125.0 +/- 6.66 pg/ml 1 h after dark, but this increase was not statistically significant. In Expt 2, the short-day gilts had fewer LH pulses (2.6 +/- 0.25 vs. 4.6 +/- 0.24; P less than 0.01) in the 12-h sampling period than the long-day gilts, but the amplitude of the pulses (2.28 +/- 0.23 vs. 1.26 +/- 0.16 ng/ml; P less than 0.01) and the area under the LH curve (78.8 +/- 5.60 vs. 47.3 +/- 6.16; P less than 0.01) was greater in the short-day gilts. In the short-day, but not in the long-day, gilts LH pulses were more frequent (2.0 +/- 0.0 vs. 0.6 +/- 0.25; P less than 0.01), but had a smaller area (61.9 +/- 7.2 vs. 120.2 +/- 23.6; P less than 0.05) in the 6 h of dark than in the 6 h of light, which together made up the 12-h sampling period.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Acyclic mare given oestradiol for 3 days to simulate the preovulatory plasma oestradiol surge showed a non-significant 37% decrease in plasma LH during treatment. When GnRH analogue injections were given with oestradiol on Days 1--3, oestradiol had no effect on each GnRH-induced LH increase, but LH increases were more prolonged following subsequent GnRH injections on Days 4--7 when oestradiol was no longer being given. A much greater prolongation of LH release occurred when the course of GnRH injections was commenced after oestradiol treatment ceased; the LH response was almost identical to the prolonged periovulatory LH surge of the normal cycle. Therefore, it appears that the timing of the oestradiol surge, in relation to other hormonal events, is critical in inducing the uniquely prolonged periovulatory LH surge of the mare.  相似文献   

Divergent selection has resulted in two lines of lambs (high and low) that have a 5-fold difference in their ability to release luteinizing hormone (LH) in response to 5 micrograms of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Baseline gonadotrophin concentrations, the gonadotrophin responses to a GnRH challenge and the concentrations of testosterone and oestradiol were compared in lambs which were castrated at birth and intact lambs from both selection lines at 2, 6, 10 and 20 weeks of age. The pattern of LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion was similar in the two lines, but differed between the intact and the castrated lambs. Basal LH and FSH secretion were significantly higher in the castrates than in the intact lambs from both selection lines. The high-line lambs had significantly higher basal FSH concentrations at all ages tested and significantly higher basal LH concentrations during the early postnatal period. The magnitude of the gonadotrophin responses to GnRH differed significantly between the intact and the castrated lambs within each line, the amount of gonadotrophins secreted by the castrated lambs being significantly greater. The removal of gonadal negative feedback by castration did not alter the between-line difference in either LH or the FSH response to the GnRH challenge. Throughout the experimental period, the concentration of testosterone in the intact lambs was significantly greater than in the castrated lambs in both selection lines, but no significant difference was seen in the concentrations of oestradiol. No significant between-line differences were found in the peripheral concentrations of testosterone or oestradiol in the intact lambs from the two selection lines. Therefore, despite similar amounts of gonadal negative feedback in the selection lines, there were significant between-line differences in basal gonadotrophin concentrations, at 2 and 6 weeks of age, and in the LH and FSH responses to an exogenous GnRH challenge, at all ages tested. Removal of gonadal negative feedback did not affect the magnitude of the between-line difference in the response of the lines to GnRH stimulation. The results indicate that the effects of selection on gonadotrophin secretion are primarily at the level of the hypothalamo-pituitary complex.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to assess the influence of prostaglandins (viz. PGE1, PGE2 and PGF) on plasma concentrations of FSH and LH in the female rhesus monkey. Monkeys were ovariectomized and treated with estradiol benzoate to suppress endogenous gonadotropin levels prior to these experiments. Femoral venous blood was taken at intervals following a single carotid arterial injection of the PG in anesthetized monkeys. FSH and LH concentrations, determined by radioimmunoassay, were not significantly altered in 4 control animals receiving saline (2) or ethanol-saline (2), the vehicles for PGF and for the E series PGs, respectively. PGE1 (5mg) effected dramatic elevations of LH within 5 min in 3 animals and the high plasma concentrations were maintained at least for 60 min. Similarly, 5.0 mg of PGE2 effected rapid elevation of LH concentrations, from 2- to 7-fold pre-injection levels in 3 animals. In contrast, FSH levels were not so markedly altered by PGE1 and PGE2, but in general, appeared to be somewhat decreased by these treatments. PGF had no effect on plasma FSH and LH concentrations. These data demonstrate the ability of PGs of the E series to elevate plasma LH concentrations in the rhesus monkey and support studies in other species suggesting a modulating role for PGs on gonadotropin secretion or release.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to investigate hypophyseal and follicular competency at two distinct stages of the hen's egg laying sequence: 1) 14 h prior to the first (C1) ovulation of a sequence (27 h following the previous ovulation); and 2) 14 h prior to the second (C2) ovulation of a sequence (13 h following the previous ovulation). When a single dose of mammalian luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (mLHRH) or chicken luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (cLHRH) was injected 14 h prior to a C1 ovulation, premature ovulation was induced in 19 of 20 hens. In contrast, ovulation was premature in only 1 of 20 hens when mLHRH or cLHRH was injected 14 h prior to a C2 ovulation. There was no difference between the two stages of the sequence in the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) released for up to 60 min following a single i.v. injection of 20 micrograms mLHRH. However, only prior to a C1 ovulation did LH levels further increase to reach preovulatory concentrations. By contrast, progesterone (P4) concentrations were increased within the first 60 min to a lesser extent in hens injected prior to a C2 ovulation compared to a C1 ovulation. In C2-injected birds, P4 fell to levels that were not different from vehicle-injected controls by 45 to 60 min following injection, whereas P4 secretion was maintained in hens injected prior to a C1 ovulation. We suggest that the lack of sustained LH secretion following treatment with either species of LHRH 14 h prior to a C2 ovulation is related to follicular immaturity with respect to ability to produce and secrete P4. At the dosage administered, there was no difference in the ability of mLHRH compared to cLHRH to release LH at either stage of the sequence. Finally, two successive injections of mLHRH at 14 and 13 h prior to a C2 ovulation induced premature ovulation in 6 of 11 hens. It is suggested that LH, and possibly P4, exerts a priming effect on the largest preovulatory follicle to initiate fully potentiated P4 production and secretion.  相似文献   

Gifujidori hens were allowed to repeat a breeding cycle in one season. In the first breeding cycle the duration of the brooding (raising chicks) stage was limited to 3 weeks, whereas in the second breeding cycle it was limited to 1 week by removing all chicks from mother hens. In the first breeding cycle, plasma prolactin (PRL) was high during the incubation period, but rapidly decreased on the day of hatching and reached minimum values about 1 week after hatching. In contrast, plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations were low during the incubation period, but after hatching they gradually increased and reached peak values immediately after removal of chicks. Concentrations of oestradiol in plasma were low in the incubation and brooding stages but increased significantly immediately after removal of chicks. In the second breeding cycle, changes in PRL and LH concentrations were similar to those observed in the first breeding cycle except that even greater increases in plasma LH and oestradiol concentrations were observed one week after hatching when the chicks were removed. These results suggest that coexistence of newly hatched chicks may suppress LH secretion from the pituitary of the hen in the natural breeding cycle.  相似文献   

During the breeding season, five groups of three ewes were implanted at ovariectomy with 0.36, 0.5, 1.0 and 6.0 cm oestradiol implants or implants containing no steroid. Eleven days after receiving implants, blood samples were taken every 10 min for 6 h; implants were then removed. Treatments were repeated three times during each of two consecutive breeding seasons and four times during the intervening anoestrus. In ovariectomized ewes without steroid treatment, luteinizing hormone (LH) pulse frequency increased from early to mid-breeding season, decreased to a minimum at mid-anoestrus and increased to reach a maximum at the mid-point of the second breeding season, subsequently declining. LH pulse amplitude was inversely related to frequency. Basal serum LH concentrations decreased gradually from the first breeding season to reach a minimum at mid-anoestrus and gradually increased to reach a maximum at the end of the second breeding season. Mean serum LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations were higher at the end of the second breeding season compared with the beginning of the first breeding season. All parameters of gonadotrophin secretion were decreased much more by oestradiol during the anoestrus than during the breeding season. LH pulse frequency was decreased during anoestrus and at high oestradiol concentrations during the first breeding season. Apart from LH pulse amplitude, the decreases in all parameters of gonadotrophin secretion were less during the second compared with the first breeding season. The minimum effective dose of oestradiol required to decrease mean and basal serum concentrations of LH during anoestrus was lower than in the breeding season. The minimum effective dose of oestradiol required to decrease mean serum concentrations of FSH was lower in the first compared with the second breeding season. Oestradiol depression of LH pulse amplitude and mean serum concentrations of LH and FSH showed a dose dependency during the breeding season. During anoestrus dose dependency was seen for basal concentrations of LH and mean serum concentrations of LH and FSH. We conclude that significant chronic changes in gonadotrophin secretion occur in the ewe with time after ovariectomy. Sensitivity to oestradiol also changes, and the effects of oestradiol are not always dose dependent. We suggest that the circannual pattern of LH pulse frequency and basal LH secretion are directly linked to the circannual cycle of photoperiod.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

To investigate endocrine mechanisms associated with the occasional occurrence of fertile oestrus during lactation in the high prolific Chinese Meishan (MS) breed, the incidence of oestrus and changes in plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) levels before and after oestradiol benzoate (OB, 15 micrograms/kg body weight) administration on day 22 was compared in 4 MS and 6 Large White (LW) sows. All sows exhibited oestrus in response to OB. Only 1 sow (MS) ovulated in response to OB, became pregnant and farrowed. Mean plasma LH levels before OB were low (MS: 0.38 +/- 0.06 ng LH/ml, LW: 0.29 +/- 0.04 ng LH/ml, ns). LH levels above 2 ng/ml (surge) occurred in 2/4 MS and 2/6 LW sows at 60 +/- 5 h after OB. The MS sow that ovulated had an LH surge level of 4.5 ng/ml plasma at 40 h after OB. These results indicate minor breed differences in the control of LH secretion during lactational anoestrus.  相似文献   

Divergent selection in 10-week-old Finn-Dorset ram lambs was based on the luteinizing hormone (LH) response to a pharmacological dose of GnRH (5 micrograms). After eight generations of selection, the LH responses of the two lines (low and high) to GnRH differed by a factor of five. This study investigates the pituitary sensitivity of the two lines to exogenous GnRH. Initially, two pilot studies were performed: one to determine the range of doses of GnRH which would stimulate LH pulses of similar amplitude to those seen endogenously, and the other to confirm that sodium pentobarbitone prevents pulsatile LH secretion in prepubertal ram lambs. The results indicated that barbiturate anaesthesia suppressed pulsatile LH secretion in castrated and intact ram lambs. A model system was therefore constructed in 18 10-week-old intact ram lambs (high n = 7, low n = 11), whereby endogenous pulsatile LH secretion was prevented by sodium pentobarbitone anaesthesia and the amplitudes of LH pulses produced in response to different doses of exogenous GnRH could be measured. The GnRH dose-response curves demonstrated that there was a five-fold difference in the sensitivity of the pituitary glands of the two lines to stimulation with GnRH. The projected minimum concentration of GnRH required to produce a measurable pulse of LH was 4.75 ng for the high-line animals and 26.6 ng for the low-line animals. The results indicated that the low-line animals required five times more GnRH than the high-line lambs to stimulate LH pulses of similar amplitude (high line 43.67 ng; low line 206.55 ng). These results demonstrate that selection has produced two lines of sheep which differ in the control of LH secretion at the level of the hypothalamus-pituitary gland.  相似文献   

Ring doves with increased plasma prolactin and low plasma LH (Group A) or with low plasma prolactin and low plasma LH (Group B) which had been incubating sterile eggs for 12 or 18 days, respectively, had their nests and eggs removed for 3 days. Upon nest return, observations were made on the birds' readiness to renest and on changes in plasma prolactin and LH. Birds from Group A demonstrated a far greater tendency to resume incubation than birds from Group B. Nest deprivation resulted in a sharp fall in the concentration of plasma prolactin in birds which were deprived of their nests after 12 days of incubation (Group A). Following resumption of incubation no subsequent increase in the prolactin levels was observed in Group A or B. The concentration of plasma LH rose sharply after nest deprivation in both sexes of both groups and declined after return of the nests. Birds in Groups A and B which returned to their nests laid a new clutch of eggs while continuing to incubate. The total length of uninterrupted sitting following nest return was 20.9 +/- 0.48 days (n = 8). These results suggest that (1) once the mechanism responsible for the increase in plasma prolactin during incubation is disrupted, it cannot be reactivated unless the whole reproductive cycle is repeated. (2) The inhibition of LH secretion during incubation involves neural mechanisms which do not necessarily involve the anti-gonadotrophic action of prolactin.  相似文献   

An oestrous synchronisation protocol was developed for use in lactating dairy cows using PGF(2alpha), GnRH, and oestradiol cypionate (ECP). In experiment 1, lactating dairy cows received two injections of PGF(2alpha) (on days 0 and 11) (PP; n=10) or two injections of PGF(2alpha) (days 0 and 11) and 100 microg of GnRH on day 3 (PGP; n=10). In experiment 2, cows were treated with PGP (n=7), or PGP and 1 mg of ECP at the same time (PGPE(0); n=7) or 1 day after the second PGF(2alpha) injection (PGPE(1); n=7). In experiment 3, 101 lactating dairy cows in a commercial herd were assigned to one of three treatments; PP, PGP, or PGPE(1). Follicular growth was measured by ultrasound in experiments 1 and 2. Every cow (experiments 1, 2, and 3) was blood sampled at selected intervals for progesterone and oestradiol assays and inseminated at oestrus. In experiment 1, a higher percentage of GnRH-treated cows ovulated after the first PGF(2alpha) injection (90% versus 50%; P<0.05). The GnRH-treated cows tended to have a larger dominant follicle present at the time of the second PGF(2alpha) injection (16.5+/-0.5 mm versus 15.0+/-0.7 mm; P<0.10). The percentage of cows that ovulated after the second PGF(2alpha) injection was similar (60%). In experiment 2, cows treated with ECP had higher peak preovulatory concentrations of oestradiol in plasma (6.99+/-0.63 versus 3.63+/-0.63; P<0.01) following the second PGF(2alpha) injection and a higher percentage ovulated (86% versus 43%; P<0.05). A higher percentage of PGPE(1)-treated cows in experiment 3 were observed in standing oestrus and ovulated after the second PGF(2alpha) injection (standing oestrus, 26.4, 34.3, and 62.6%, P<0.01; ovulated, 56, 63, and 78%, P<0.05; PP, PGP, and PGPE(1), respectively). In conclusion, the PGP protocol increased the number of cows that ovulated after the first PGF(2alpha) injection and produced a more mature dominant follicle at the time of the second PGF(2alpha) injection. Adding ECP to PGP (PGPE(1)) enhanced the expression of oestrus and increased ovulation percentage. The combination of PGP and ECP is potentially a new method to routinely synchronise oestrus and ovulation in dairy cows.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether the decline in oestradiol inhibition of circulating luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) during the peripubertal period of heifers is associated with a change in opioid modulation of LH and FSH secretion. Opioid inhibition of LH secretion was determined by response to administration of the opioid antagonist naloxone. Prepubertal heifers (403 days old) were left as intact controls, ovariectomized or ovariectomized and chronically administered oestradiol. Control heifers were used to determine time of puberty. Three weeks after ovariectomy, four doses of naloxone (0.13-0.75 mg kg-1 body weight) or saline were administered to heifers in the treatment groups in a latin square design (one dose per day). Blood samples were collected at intervals of 10 min for 2 h before and 2 h after administration of naloxone. This procedure was repeated four times at intervals of 3 weeks during the time intact control heifers were attaining puberty. All doses of naloxone induced a similar increase in concentration of serum LH within a bleeding period. During the initial bleeding period (before puberty in control heifers), administration of naloxone induced an increase in LH concentration, but the response was greater for heifers in the ovariectomized and oestradiol treated than in the ovariectomized group. At the end of the study when control heifers had attained puberty (high concentrations of progesterone indicated corpus luteum function), only heifers in the ovariectomized and oestradiol treated group responded to naloxone. Opioid inhibition of LH appeared to decline in heifers during the time control heifers were attaining puberty. Heifers in the ovariectomized group responded to naloxone at the time of administration with an increase in FSH, but FSH did not respond to naloxone at any other time. Administration of naloxone did not alter secretion of FSH in ovariectomized heifers. These results suggest that opioid neuropeptides and oestradiol are involved in regulating circulating concentrations of LH and possibly FSH during the peripubertal period. Opioid inhibition of gonadotrophin secretion appeared to decline during the peripubertal period but was still present in ovariectomized heifers treated with oestradiol after the time when age-matched control heifers had attained puberty. We conclude that opioid inhibition is important in regulating LH and FSH in circulation in heifers during the peripubertal period. However, opioids continue to be involved in regulation of circulating concentrations of LH after puberty.  相似文献   

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