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In Europe, the genus Dactylorhiza comprises a bewildering variety of forms that are difficult to sort into discrete species. Most Dactylorhiza species are diploid or tetraploid and contrasting hypotheses have been proposed to explain the complex variation within this group. Using PCR-RFLP analysis in eight putative species, we could identify four highly differentiated chloroplast DNA lineages. The first lineage (clade A) included the unique haplotype found in D. sambucina. Clade B grouped four haplotypes belonging mostly to D. incarnata. Clades C and D included 27 haplotypes detected in diploid D. fuchsii and in all tetraploid species investigated. Eighty percent of the chloroplast variation were consistent with currently accepted species boundaries. The imperfect agreement between chloroplast variation and species boundaries may be ascribed to incomplete lineage sorting and/or reticulation. Our cpDNA results provide strong evidence that the allotetrapolyploids have been formed through asymmetric hybridization with a member of the D. fuchsii / maculata group as the maternal parent.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus is recognised as containing somewhat more than 450 species, but this number could reasonably be either decreased or increased considerably by slight variations of species concept. Recognition of taxa, at least in the wild, is less difficult than supposed but their ranking depends on degree and nature of discontinuities or steepened gradients of correlated variation, in this group of diploid sexual outbreeding trees of the dominant stratum. Some 8–10 rather distinct lines marked by different character constellations are discernible inEucalyptus s. lat. (incl.Angophora), and it is clear that the floral operculum is of diverse nature and multiple origin. The advisability of recognising several distinct genera depends on the wideness of polyphylesis in relation to other Myrtaceous genera, and (unfortunately) on practical convenience.Presented at the symposium Speciation and the Species Concept during the XIIth International Botanical Congress, Leningrad, July 8, 1975.  相似文献   

We have extended to about 75 the number of genes mapped on the Chlamydomonas moewusii and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast DNAs (cpDNAs) by partial sequencing of the very closely related C. eugametos and C. moewusii cpDNAs and by hybridizations with Chlamydomonas chloroplast gene-specific sequences. Only four of these genes (tscA and three reading frames) have not been identified in any other algal cpDNAs and thus may be specific to Chlamydomonas. Although the C. moewusii and C. reinhardtii cpDNAs differ by complex sequence rearrangements, 38 genes scattered throughout the genome define 12 conserved clusters of closely linked loci. Aside from the rRNA operon, four of these gene clusters share similarity to evolutionarily primitive operons found in other cpDNAs, representing in fact remnants of these operons. Our results thus indicate that most of the ancestral bacterial operons that characterize the chloroplast genome organization of land plants and early-diverging photosynthetic eukaryotes have been disrupted before the emergence of the polyphyletic genus Chlamydomonas. All gene rearrangements between the C. moewusii and C. reinhardtii cpDNAs, with the exception of those accounting for the relocations of atpA, psbI and rbcL, occurred within corresponding regions of the genome. One of these rearrangements seems to have led to disruption of the ancestral region containing rpl23, rpl2, rps19, rpl16, rpl14, rpl5, rps8 and the psaA exon 1. This gene cluster, which bears striking similarity to the Escherichia coli S10 and spc operons, spans a continuous DNA segment in C. reinhardtii, while it maps to two separate fragments in C. moewusii.  相似文献   

Detailed chloroplast DNA restriction site maps for two species in the genusAdonis (Ranunculaceae),A. annua andA. vernalis, were constructed using single and double digests and the sizes of these genomes are 151.3 and 156.5 kilobases, respectively. Three inversions were found inAdonis, relative to the gene order in the majority of land plants. These rearrangements represent two different gene orders and mark an ancient split in the evolutionary history of this genus. Gene probes were used in order to map the endpoints of the inversions and the inverted repeat regions. The inverted repeat is approximately 400 base pairs shorter inA. annua than inA. vernalis. Two inversions, 39 kilobases and 24 kilobases in size, occur inA. annua and one inversion, 42 kilobases in size, is present in the remaining investigated species ofAdonis. The generps16 is absent from the chloroplast genome inAdonis annua. Restriction sites for eleven restriction endonucleases were mapped forA. annua, A. vernalis and four additional species ofAdonis and two species ofTrollius. Eighty-six phylogenetically informative sites were analysed cladistically in order to evaluate the main clades withinAdonis.  相似文献   

C. M. Bowman 《Planta》1986,167(2):264-274
The possibility of estimating the proportion of chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) and nuclear DNA (nDNA) in nucleic-acid extracts by selective digestion with the methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme PstI, was tested using leaf extracts from Spinacia oleracea and Triticum aestivum. Values of ctDNA as percentage nDNA were estimated to be 14.58%±0.56 (SE) in S. oleracea leaves and 4.97%±0.36 (SE) in T. aestivum leaves. These estimates agree well with those already reported for the same type of leaf material. Selective digestion and quantitative dot-blot hybridisation were used to determine ctDNA as percentage nDNA in expanded leaf tissue from species of Triticum and Aegilops representing three levels of nuclear ploidy and six types of cytoplasm. No significant differences in leaf ctDNA content were detected: in the diploids the leaf ctDNA percentage ranged between 3.8% and 5.1%, and in the polyploids between 3.5% and 4.9%. Consequently, nuclear ploidy and nDNA amount were proportional to ctDNA amount (r(19)=0.935, P>0.01) and hence to ctDNA copy number in the mature mesophyll cells of these species. There was a slight increase in ctDNA copy numbers per chloroplast at higher ploidy levels. The balance between numbers of nuclear and chloroplast genomes is discussed in relation to polyploidisation and to the nuclear control of ctDNA replication.Abbreviations ctDNA chloroplast DNA - nDNA nuclear DNA - RuBPCase ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase - DAPI 4,6-diamidine-2-phenylindole  相似文献   

Seventy-eight polymorphic cpDNA (chloroplast DNA) characters were found in 13 closely related taxa from Eucalyptus series Amygdalinae (subgenus Monocalyptus) and seven potential outgroup taxa. The strict consensus of six cladograms generated from cpDNA data confirmed monophyly of Monocalyptus. However, cpDNA phylogeny within Monocalyptus was incongruent with taxonomic classification, being more related to geography, even when accessions were from divergent series. Monocalyptus cpDNA formed two major clades. On the island of Tasmania cpDNA was restricted to a single clade, exhibited very little variation, and was phylogenetically related to cpDNA found in central and western Victoria. In contrast, cpDNA of mainland monocalypt taxa was more variable, even within the Amygdalinae. Four out of six Tasmanian Amygdalinae species were polymorphic. The difference between cpDNA of replicates was often greater than differences between species from different series. The low level of cpDNA variation and extensive morphological intergradation between the Tasmanian endemics suggest recent speciation. However, the transfer of cpDNA through hybridization between lineages is the most likely explanation for the observed sharing of cpDNA across series. This study highlights that the geographical pattern to cpDNA variation in Eucalyptus may be an important source of information on past plant distributions in Australia.  相似文献   

Studies were made on the chromosome complements and chloroplast genomes ofMedicago lupulina andM. secundiflora, which comprise sectionLupularia ofMedicago. Both types of analyses indicated more substantial differences between these species than suggested by external morphology.Medicago lupulina has a relatively asymmetrical karyotype in terms of centromeric position and relative length. The karyotype ofM. secundiflora is comparatively more asymmetrical in centromeric position and reduced in absolute size but exhibits greater symmetry in relative length. The restriction endonuclease fragmentation patterns of the chloropiast DNA of these two species (with Bam HI, Eco RI, Bgl II, and Xho I) show little similarity, with only 17% of the fragments matching in size. The lack of interspecific congruence among data of morphology, karyology and cpDNA inLupularia is contrary to consistency exhibited among these data inMedicago subsect.Intertextae.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of four intergenic spacer regions of chloroplast DNA, atpB-rbcL, trnS-trnG, rps11-rpl36, and rps3-rpl16, were analyzed in the genus Glycine. Phylogenetic analysis based on the sequence data using Neonotonia wightii as the outgroup generated trees supporting the classification of two subgenera, Soja and Glycine, and three plastome groups in the subgenus Glycine. The results were consistent with the presence of diversified chloroplast genomes within tetraploid plants of G. tabacina and G. tomentella, as well as with a close relationship between G. tomentella and G. dolichocarpa that had been suggested based on morphological analyses. Little sequence variation was found in the subgenus Soja, suggesting that G. soja rapidly expanded its distribution in East Asia. The analysis also showed that the differentiation into three plastome groups in the subgenus Glycine occurred in the early stages of its evolution, after the two subgenera diverged.  相似文献   

In the early stages of ontogeny, the corolline parts of theEudesmia eucalypts develop as compound structures directly comparable to the early stages of the petals ofAngophora and the bloodwood eucalypts, but with the onset of androecial formation a marked difference takes place. Rather than forming on the floral apex, the stamen primordia arise on the basal adaxial components of the young corolline parts; this basal component develops into the staminophore of the mature flower. The operculum consists only of the dorsal components of the corolline parts, the homologues of the dorsal keels of theAngophora petals. If the corolline parts remain more or less free in their early developmental stages, corresponding groups of stamens are produced. Early corolline continuity leads to a continuous ring of stamens. The staminophore is not an organ sui generis, but a derivative of the corolla. The bundles of stamens in some species are best referred to as epipetalous groups, not antepetalous fascicles.  相似文献   

We have used polymorphic chloroplast simple sequence repeats (cpSSRs) to analyse levels of diversity and relationships within the genusZea. Between two and nine alleles were found at 15 polymorphic loci and combining the data from these loci gave 32 haplotypes in the 37 accessions studied. Genetic differentiation between the two sections within the genus was calculated using theST statistic which showed that 70% of the total variation was found to exist between the sections. A phylogenetic analysis based on the 2 distance metric showed a large split between the two sections and suggested multiple origins of modern cultivated maizeZea mays subsp.mays. The agreement of the phylogenetic tree with other molecular, morphological and karyological studies suggests that cpSSRs may have value in phylogenetic studies in plants.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity of 57 Achillea accessions belonging to five species, A. millefolium, A. filipendulina, A. tenuifolia, A. santolina and A. biebersteinii. Nine AFLP primer combinations were used, which produced 301 polymorphic bands. In most species, a high level of genetic variation was detected among the genotypes. The Jaccard's similarity indices (J), based on AFLP profiles, were subjected to UPGMA cluster analysis. Application of Mantel's test for cophenetic correlation to the cluster analysis indicated the high fitness of the accessions to a group (r = 0.918). The dendrogram generated revealed five major groups corresponding to five species. The principle coordinate analysis (PCoA) data confirmed the results of the clustering. Among the species, A. teunifolia and A. santolina showed the greatest and the least genetic diversity, respectively. A. filipendulina accessions were acquired primarily from the same ecological regions of western Iran. Accessions belonging to A. biebersteinii originated from the Isfahan province and were separated from other species at the root of the dendrogram. The results of the clustering method, based on AFLP markers, corresponded closely with the geographical origins of the genotypes. The results of the present study could contribute to a better understanding and management of conservation and exploitation of the Achillea germplasm.  相似文献   

Flowers ofEucalyptus clöeziana have two clearly distinct perianth whorls. The small free parts of the outer (calycine) whorl cease growth early and are lost from the flower; the parts of the inner (corolline) whorl become continuous laterally by confluence of growth centres and form an operculum in the mature flower. The stamens are inserted on a circumfloral buttress (staminophore) that is homologous to the adaxial corolline component inAngophora and the bloodwood andEudesmia eucalypts. Flowers ofMonocalyptus have only one perianth whorl, which is opercular. The stamens are similarly inserted on a circumfloral buttress. Developmental study does not provide conclusive evidence for either a calycine or corolline determination of theMonocalyptus operculum, but comparison with other eucalypt groups, includingE. clöeziana (the sister taxon), predicts an essentially corolline composition.  相似文献   

Restriction site mutations in the chloroplast (cpDNA) and ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were examined in 41 populations representing five of the seven recognized species of the genusRobinsonia, which is endemic to the Juan Fernandez Islands. No intraspecific variation was detected for cpDNA but one population of one of the species (R. evenia) had a restriction site mutation in rDNA not detected elsewhere. No restriction site mutations were unique to all species ofRobinsonia relative to the species ofSenecio used as outgroups. All 13 mutations (eight from cpDNA and five from rDNA) are restricted to single species, and thus provide no cladistically useful information within the genus. The distribution of mutations is concordant with the hypothesis of a rapid adaptive radiation ofRobinsonia subsequent to the dispersal of its ancestor to Masatierra.  相似文献   

飘带兜兰(Paphiopedilum parishii)分布范围狭窄,仅在中国、缅甸、泰国以及老挝有少量分布。近年来,因生境破坏和人为滥采而导致飘带兜兰野生种群极度缩减。为开发种内多态性的分子标记用于保护生物学研究,该研究对飘带兜兰4个野生个体经测序、组装、注释获得的叶绿体基因组序列,与已公布的飘带兜兰2个个体的叶绿体全基因组序列进行比对,分析飘带兜兰叶绿体基因组的种内差异。结果表明:(1)飘带兜兰叶绿体基因组具有典型被子植物叶绿体基因组环状四分体结构,基因组长度为154 403~154 809 bp,共编码129个基因,包括78个蛋白质编码基因、39个tRNA基因、8个rRNA基因,以及4个假基因。(2)在飘带兜兰6个个体叶绿体基因组中检测到103~107个SSRs(simple sequence repeats)位点,其中21个SSR位点具有多态性。此外,在6个个体叶绿体基因组中还检测到60个长序列重复,包括17~21个正向重复、18~29个反向重复、9~16个回文重复、4~9个互补重复。(3)通过比较6个个体叶绿体基因组序列的核苷酸多样性,共发现70处变异,包括10个SNPs(single nucleotide polymorphism)、60个插入缺失(InDels)。其中,有3个SNP位点发生了非同义替换,导致编码功能基因的氨基酸发生改变; 19个插入缺失多态性较高,具有开发为分子标记的潜力。(4)通过计算核苷酸多样性值(Pi)共发现8个有变异的区域,Pi值为0~0.006 32,其中变异度较大的是rps3-rpl22、trnL-UAC-rpl32、rpoB-trnC-GCA以及ycf4,这些高变区可开发为分子标记用于评估飘带兜兰遗传多样性。(5)系统发生分析结果表明,飘带兜兰6个个体叶绿体基因组序列聚在一起,与长瓣兜兰互为姐妹群。综上表明,飘带兜兰叶绿体基因组的SSRs、长序列重复、SNPs、InDels以及核苷酸序列呈现了足够的种内多样性,可开发成分子标记用于该种的系统演化及保护生物学研究。  相似文献   

为了深入发掘日本厚朴、厚朴、凹叶厚朴叶绿体基因组差异,筛选厚朴优良性状候选基因,开展三种厚朴的分子遗传研究,该文利用Illumina HiSeq高通量测序平台首次对日本厚朴叶绿体进行测序、组装,并与已有的厚朴、凹叶厚朴叶绿体基因组共同注释,获得三个物种叶绿体基因图谱,筛选出三个基因组中的差异基因,又与同科中11个亲缘物种进行叶绿体基因组比对,构建NJ遗传树。结果表明:(1)日本厚朴叶绿体基因组的Clean Reads为19 791 019,Q30为91.33%,组装后基因组全长160 051 bp, GC含量为39.2%,含tRNA 37个,rRNA 8个。(2)比对分析发现三种厚朴具有相似的IR、LSC和SSC结构,以及GC含量和tRNA数量,但编码基因种类和数量、内含子和外显子的数量和结构等存在差异。(3)日本厚朴的功能基因数目较厚朴、凹叶厚朴分别多6个和4个,主要分布于LSC区和IR区,涉及核糖体大亚基、核糖体小亚基和未知功能基因类群。(4)系统发育分析结果进一步显示日本厚朴与凹叶厚朴亲缘关系较近,其次是厚朴。该研究表明日本厚朴具有更丰富的叶绿体基因组结构、组成和变异特征,是其适...  相似文献   

Individual flowers ofMoraea inclinata are nectariferous and last about six hours. They appear to be pollinated largely by bees in the familyHalictidae (Lasioglossum spp.,Nomia spp.,Zonalictus) and to a lesser extent by bees in the familyAnthophoridae (Amegilla). The mechanism of bee-pollination inM. inclinata is the Iris type; i.e., each flower consists of three pollination units (an outer tepal, a partly exserted anther, and the opposed style branch which terminates in a pair of petal-like crests). Bees rarely visit more than one pollination unit per flower. Transferral of pollen to the bee is passive and nototribic although all bees collected on the flowers were female and 55% of the bees carried pollen loads with 2–5 pollen taxa in their scopae.Moraea brevistyla flowers are nectariferous but lack scent and last two days. They are visited infrequently by bees and only one femaleLasioglossum spec. carried the pollen ofM. brevistyla. Unlike flowers ofM. inclinata those ofM. brevistyla deposit pollen only on the head and thorax. Bee-mediated autogamy in both species is avoided due to the erratic foraging patterns of the bees and the flexibility of each stigma lobe as the bee backs out of the flower. Approximately 2–4 flowers in the inflorescences of both species (6–8 flowers/infloresence) develop into capsules.  相似文献   

 The sequencing of 831 clones from an enriched microsatellite library of Melaleuca alternifolia (Myrtaceae) yielded 715 inserts containing repeat motifs. The majority of these (98%) were dinucleotide repeats or trinucleotide repeats averaging 22 and 8 repeat motifs respectively. The AG/GA motif was the most common, accounting for 43% of all microsatellites. From a total of 139 primer pairs designed, 102 produced markers within the expected size range. The majority of these (93) were polymorphic. Primer pairs were tested on five selected M. alternifolia genotypes. Loci based on dinucleotide repeats detected on average a greater number of alleles (4.2) than those based on trinucleotide repeats (2.9). The loci described will provide a large pool of polymorphisms useful for population studies, genetic mapping, and possibly application in other Myrtaceae. Received: 28 July 1998 / Accepted: 8 October 1998  相似文献   

Studies of the level and the structure of the genetic diversity of local varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris are of fundamental importance, both for the management of genetic resources and to improve our understanding of the pathways of dissemination and the evolution of this species in Europe. We have here characterized 73 local bean populations from Sardinia (Italy) using seed traits and molecular markers (phaseolins, nuSSRs and cpSSRs). American landraces and commercial varieties were also included for comparison. We see that: (a) the Sardinian material is distinct from the commercial varieties considered; (b) the variation in the seed traits is high and it mostly occurs among populations (95%); (c) compared to the American sample and the commercial varieties, the Sardinian collection has a low level of diversity; (d) the majority (>95%) of the Sardinian individuals belong to the Andean gene pool; (e) the Sardinian material shows a strong genetic structure, both for cpSSRs and nuSSRs; (f) the nuSSRs and cpSSRs concur in differentiating between gene pools, but a lack of congruence between nuclear and chloroplast has been observed within gene pools; and (g) there are three putative hybrids between the Andean and Mesoamerican gene pools. Despite the relatively low level of diversity, which is probably due to a strong founder effect, the Sardinian landraces are worth being conserved and studied further because of their distinctiveness and because hybridization within and between the gene pools could generate variation that will be useful for breeding. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Estimates of the phylogenetic relationships among cultivated and wildAllium species would benefit from identification of molecular characters. Restriction enzyme analysis of the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of the bulb onion (Allium cepa), Japanese bunching onion (A. fistulosum), wildAllium species in sect.Cepa andPhyllodolon, and the outgroupsA. ampeloprasum andA. tuberosum detected 39 polymorphisms.Allium cepa andA. vavilovii were identical for all characters. Cladistic analysis generated three most-parsimoniousWagner trees of 44 steps differing only in a zero-length branch.Allium fistulosum andA. altaicum (sect.Phyllodolon) comprised a monophyletic lineage separated from theA. cepa andA. vavilovii of sect.Cepa. The unresolved node was composed ofA. galanthum, A. roylei, and the lineage containingA. cepa, A. vavilovii, A. fistulosum, andA. altaicum. The clade containingA. altaicum, A. cepa, A. fistulosum, A. galanthum, A. roylei, andA. vavilovii remained resolved for strict consensus ofWagner trees of 48 steps or less.Allium pskemense andA. oschaninii were increasingly distant.Allium oschaninii has been proposed as the progenitor of the bulb onion, but was more closely related to the common progenitor of all species in sect.Cepa andPhyllodolon. Phylogenies estimated from cpDNA characters usingDollo parsimony resulted in a single most-parsimonious tree of 46 steps and agreed with phylogenies based onWagner parsimony. Polymorphic restriction enzyme sites in the 45s ribosomal DNA were not used to estimate phylogenies because of uncertain homologies, but are useful for identifying interspecific hybrids. The maternal phylogenies estimated in this study help to distinguish wildAllium species closely related to the bulb onion. Although not in agreement with classifications based on morphology, the phylogenies closely reflected crossability among species in sect.Cepa andPhyllodolon.  相似文献   

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