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Introduction of exotic maize (Zea mays L.) into adapted tropical germplasm may enhance genetic variability and lead to greater progress from selection. The first objective of this study was to determine if yellow endosperm lines derived from adapted × exotic backcrosses contain exotic alleles that are superior to the recurrent adapted parental line for yield and other agronomic traits in tropical environments. Thirteen exotic yellow maize inbred lines were crossed to an adapted orange line (KUSR) and the F1s were backcrossed to KUSR to generate the first backcrosses. Fifty BC1F4 lines derived from these backcrosses and the recurrent parent were crossed to a common inbred tester (L4001) to form testcrosses, which were evaluated at eight environments in Nigeria. Testcrosses of the BC-derived lines differed significantly for grain yield and other agronomic traits. Only two testcrosses yielded significantly less than L4001 × KUSR, with the best 15 testcrosses producing between 289 and 1,056 kg/ha more grain yield than L4001 × KUSR. The best testcrosses were similar to or better than L4001 × KUSR for other agronomic traits. The second objective of this study was to assess the extent of genetic diversity present among the BC-derived lines. We genotyped 46 BC-derived lines including KUSR and L4001 with 10 AFLP primer pairs and found 491 polymorphic fragments. The average allelic diversity of the lines was 0.30 ± 0.01. The genetic distance of each BC-derived line from KUSR ranged between 0.49 and 0.91. The average genetic distance for all pairs of the BC-derived lines was 0.68 ± 0.004, varying from 0.34 to 0.92. The increased grain yield and genetic diversity observed in these studies provide evidence that exotic germplasm can contribute new alleles to expand the genetic base of tropical maize and develop high-yielding hybrids.  相似文献   

The fine structure of Manduca sexta and Sesamia nonagrioides chorion was investigated by scanning electron microscopy and freeze-fracturing. In both species the mature chorion exhibits a complex ultrastructure on its outer surface, with a large number of aeropyles forming polygonal arrays. The micropyle is surrounded by a rosette of approximately 80 follicular cell imprints. Scanning electron microscopy of vertically ripped sections reveals that both chorions consist of two main layers: a trabecular layer closest to the oocyte and a lamellar layer. The technique of freeze-fracturing, utilizing single-sided and rotary shadowing, clearly shows that fibrils, approximately 3-4 nm in diameter, constitute chorionic lamellae in both species. The fibrils appear to have a 'beaded' structure, with a 2-3 nm axial periodicity. Freeze-fracturing also provides a direct visualization of the helicoidal arrangement of these fibrils for the formation of chorion supramolecular architecture.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial properties of the cyclic -sheet peptide gramicidin S are attributed to its destabilizing effect on lipid membranes. Here we present the membrane-bound structure and alignment of a derivative of this peptide, based on angular and distance constraints. Solid-state 19F-NMR was used to study a 19F-labelled gramicidin S analogue in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers at a lipid:peptide ratio of 80:1 and above. Two equivalent leucine side chains were replaced by the non-natural amino acid 4F-phenylglycine, which serves as a highly sensitive reporter on the structure and dynamics of the peptide backbone. Using a modified CPMG multipulse sequence, the distance between the two 19F-labels was measured from their homonuclear dipolar coupling as 6 Å, in good agreement with the known backbone structure of natural gramicidin S in solution. By analyzing the anisotropic chemical shift of the 19F-labels in macroscopically oriented membrane samples, we determined the alignment of the peptide in the bilayer and described its temperature-dependent mobility. In the gel phase, the 19F-labelled gramicidin S is aligned symmetrically with respect to the membrane normal, i.e., with its cyclic -sheet backbone lying flat in the plane of the bilayer, which is fully consistent with its amphiphilic character. Upon raising the temperature to the liquid crystalline state, a considerable narrowing of the 19F-NMR chemical shift dispersion is observed, which is attributed the onset of global rotation of the peptide and further wobbling motions. This study demonstrates the potential of the 19F nucleus to describe suitably labelled polypeptides in membranes, requiring only little material and short NMR acquisition times.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and Conservation - Mammillaria hernandezii, M. dixanthocentron and M. lanata are endemic and threatened cactus species that inhabit the Tehuacán Valley, an arid zone in southern...  相似文献   

Sequences of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) atpB–rbcL intergenic spacers of individuals of a tree fern species, Alsophila spinulosa, collected from ten relict populations distributed in the Hainan and Guangdong provinces, and the Guangxi Zhuang region in southern China, were determined. Sequence length varied from 724 bp to 731 bp, showing length polymorphism, and base composition was with high A+T content between 63.17% and 63.95%. Sequences were neutral in terms of evolution (Tajimas criterion D=–1.01899, P>0.10 and Fu and Lis test D*=–1.39008, P>0.10; F*=–1.49775, P>0.10). A total of 19 haplotypes were identified based on nucleotide variation. High levels of haplotype diversity (h=0.744) and nucleotide diversity (Dij=0.01130) were detected in A. spinulosa, probably associated with its long evolutionary history, which has allowed the accumulation of genetic variation within lineages. Both the minimum spanning network and neighbor-joining trees generated for haplotypes demonstrated that current populations of A. spinulosa existing in Hainan, Guangdong, and Guangxi were subdivided into two geographical groups. An analysis of molecular variance indicated that most of the genetic variation (93.49%, P<0.001) was partitioned among regions. Wrights isolation by distance model was not supported across extant populations. Reduced gene flow by the Qiongzhou Strait and inbreeding may result in the geographical subdivision between the Hainan and Guangdong + Guangxi populations (FST=0.95, Nm=0.03). Within each region, the star-like pattern of phylogeography of haplotypes implied a population expansion process during evolutionary history. Gene genealogies together with coalescent theory provided significant information for uncovering phylogeography of A. spinulosa.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and Conservation - In the European Union, all bat species are strictly protected and member states must ensure their conservation. However, if populations are genetically structured,...  相似文献   

Larval stages of Plagiorchis spp. are both ubiquitous and ecologically important parasites in snail populations of freshwater ecosystems in Europe. However, difficulties in distinguishing the morphologically similar cercariae used for species identification, may lead to underestimation of species diversity. In this study, 38 isolates of Plagiorchis spp. infecting two lymnaeid snails, Lymnaea stagnalis (L.) and Radix auricularia (L.), in five central European freshwater ecosystems were subjected to morphological and molecular assessment. Five morphologically homogeneous and genetically distinct lineages of Plagiorchis spp. were identified via matching molecular data for the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) gene with detailed morphological and morphometric data of the cercariae. Comparative sequence analysis using partial 28S rDNA and ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences revealed that three distinct cox1 lineages are conspecific with Plagiorchis elegans (Rudolphi, 1802), P. maculosus (Rudolphi, 1802) and P. koreanus Ogata, 1938, respectively, whereas the lineage identified based on cercarial morphology as P. neomidis Brendow, 1970 plus a single isolate that could not be assigned to a described species, did not match any of the available sequences for Plagiorchis spp. A key to the cercariae of Plagiorchis spp. parasitising lymnaeid populations in central Europe is provided to facilitate identification.  相似文献   

Because the genetic basis of current upland cotton cultivars is narrow, exploring new germplasm resources and discovering novel alleles relevant to important agronomic traits have become two of the most important themes in the field of cotton research. In this study, G. darwinii Watt, a wild cotton species, was crossed with four upland cotton cultivars with desirable traits. A total of 105 introgression lines (ILs) were successfully obtained. By using 310 mapped SSRs evenly distributed across the interspecific linkage map of G. hirsutum?×?G. barbadense, these 105 ILs and their corresponding parents were analyzed. A total of 278 polymorphic loci were detected among the 105 ILs, and the average length of introgression segments accumulated to 333.5?cM, accounting for 6.7?% of the whole genome. These lines included many variations. However, high similarity coefficients existed between lines, even between those derived from different parents. Finally, all the ILs and their upland cotton parents were used for association mapping of fiber quality in three environments. A total of 40 SSRs were found to be associated with five fiber quality indexes (P?相似文献   

Summary Nearly complete backbone 1H, 15N and 13C signal assignments are reported for -hydroxydecanoyl thiol ester dehydrase, a 39-kDa homodimer containing 342 amino acids. Although 15N relaxation data show that the protein has a rotational correlation time of 18 ns, assignments were derived from triple-resonance experiments recorded at 500 MHz and pH 6.8, without deuteration. The Chemical Shift Index, CSI, identified two long helices and numerous -strands in dehydrase. The CSI predictions are in close agreement with the secondary structure identified in the recently derived crystal structure, particularly when one takes account of the numerous bulges in the -strands. The assignment of dehydrase and a large deuterated protein [Yamazaki et al. (1994) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116, 11655–11666] suggest that assignment of 40–60 kDa proteins is feasible. Hence, further progress in understanding the chemical shift/structure relationship could open the way to determine the structures of such large proteins. Supplementary Material is available on request, comprising Table S1 listing the spectral parameters; Table S2 listing the assignments; Fig. S1 showing the 2D 1H–15N HSQC spectrum; Fig. S2 showing sequential NOEs, secondary shifts, H-exchange and 3JHN data; and Fig. S3 showing plots of the H, C, CO and C Chemical Shift Indexes.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

Gibberellins (GAs) are diterpenoid hormones, control various physiological developments in plants. The role of gibberellins on morphology and secondary metabolite production was examined in Artemisia annua, a medicinal plant that has been acknowledged as a source of artemisinin, an antimalarial compound. Subsequently, the GA20ox gene from Torenia fournieri (TfGA20ox2) was transferred to A. annua by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Compared with wild type plants, all nine transgenic plants showed significantly higher plant heights and artemisinin contents. The highest artemisinin content and yield in TfGA20ox2-overexpressing plants was around two-fold higher than wild type. Moreover, transgenic plants had higher numbers of branches (52.4%) and greater branch lengths (60–203%), but smaller leaf size (77.6%). Interestingly, relative to wild type the number and size of glandular trichomes in transgenic leaves was about 30 and 35% higher, respectively. From GC–MS analysis, the proportion of diterpenes in transgenic plant extracts was 1.5-fold lower than those noticed in wild type, while the proportion of sesquiterpenes was increased about 1.6 times when compared to wild type. However, the content proportion of monoterpenes showed a slightly increase, whereas the level of triterpenes showed no variation. In addition, two monoterpenes (eucalyptol and borneol), four sesquiterpenes (α-caryophyllene, β-guaiene, δ-cadinene and β-cubebene) and one triterpenes (isomultiflorenone) were detected only in transgenic extract, whereas d-α-tocopherol, a diterpenoid compound was found only in wild type but not transgenic plant. These results suggested that gibberellins play a significant role in regards to morphology, trichome formation and terpenoid metabolite production in A. annua.  相似文献   

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