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As a consequence of habitat loss, breeding in man-made habitats has become increasingly common for many coastal breeding bird species. While artificial sites provide valuable substitutes, they may also be more attractive, and importantly, differ in quality from natural sites. Therefore, information on habitat specific breeding success and their potential for supporting stable populations are needed. We compared little tern (Sternula albifrons) breeding success (nest and hatching success) between natural habitat (sandy beaches) and artificial port habitat at Bothnian Bay, Finland from 2006 to 2011. We further reviewed published estimates on pre-fledging and adult survival for little terns and least terns (Sternula antillarum), and used these ranges to estimate plausible parameter spaces for population growth rates given our estimates of breeding success. Nest success was among the highest reported for little terns in the artificial habitat (82 %) while being lower in the natural habitat (58 %). This difference may have resulted from differences in colony sizes and levels of disturbance. Hatching success did not differ significantly, but the percentage of successful nests containing unhatched eggs was twice as high in the natural habitat. The parameter spaces for population growth rates indicated that the artificial habitat has good potential to sustain stable populations (66 % positive growth rate) while for the natural habitat this potential was lower (37 % positive growth rate). While our results suggest that artificial habitats can be very productive breeding sites for habitat deprived tern populations, management should concentrate on improving both habitats with emphasis on natural sites.  相似文献   

Over 2000 coastal wetland complexes have been identified in the Laurentian Great Lakes watershed, each providing critical habitat for numerous aquatic and terrestrial species. Research has shown there is a direct link between anthropogenic activities (urbanization and agricultural development) and deterioration in wetland health in terms of water quality and biotic integrity. In this study, we evaluate coastal marshes throughout the Great Lakes basin using a suite of published ecological indices developed specifically for coastal wetlands of the Great Lakes (Water Quality Index (WQI), Wetland Macrophyte Index (WMI), and the Wetland Fish Index (WFIBasin)). We surveyed 181 wetlands, including 19 in Lake Superior (11%), 11 in Lake Michigan (6%), 13 in Lake Huron (7%), 92 in Georgian Bay and the North Channel (51%), 18 in Lake Erie (10%), and 28 in Lake Ontario (15%), over a 13 year period (1995–2008). Water quality parameters were measured at every site, while paired fyke nets were used to assess the fish community (132 sites) and macrophytes were surveyed and identified to species (174 sites); all of this information was used to calculate the associated index scores. One-way ANOVA results showed that there were significant differences in wetland quality among lakes. According to the WQI, we found that over 50% of marshes in Lakes Michigan, Erie, and Ontario were in degraded condition, while over 70% of marshes in Lakes Superior, Huron, and Georgian Bay were minimally impacted. Georgian Bay had the highest proportion of wetlands in very good and excellent condition and least number of wetlands in a degraded state. The WMI and WFI showed similar results. This is the largest bi-national database of coastal wetlands and the first study to provide a snapshot of the quality of coastal habitats within the Great Lakes basin. We recommend this information be used to guide conservation and restoration efforts within the Laurentian Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Remote sensing is a valuable tool for wetland habitat quantification, monitoring and assessment. Here we show that habitat assessment via aerial image inspection is useful in predicting wetland site occupancy by black terns (Chlidonias niger), an imperiled and declining species throughout much of North America. We used Google Earth® images and National Wetlands Inventory maps to rank 390 candidate wetlands throughout Wisconsin (USA) according to their apparent suitability as nesting habitat for black terns and quantified habitat features associated with the suitability rankings. We then conducted ground-based suitability assessments and point counts of terns at most wetlands from May to July 2010. Pre-survey assessment resulted in 123 wetlands classified as suitable, 81 as marginal, and 186 as unsuitable. Wetlands ranked as suitable were more likely to be in the hemi-marsh stage, part of a wetland complex and relatively undisturbed. Black terns were present at 47 % of the wetlands considered suitable but only 11 % of the sites considered marginal or unsuitable. Of the 42 sites where nesting was confirmed, 79 % were at wetlands classified as suitable; no nesting was recorded in any wetlands deemed unsuitable. We found strong concordance in wetland suitability rankings between the two assessment methods (remote sensing, site surveys). We propose that remote sensing is an efficient and inexpensive way to predict site occupancy by wetland birds, such as black terns, that prefer a specific kind of habitat discernible from aerial imagery. This method may be particularly useful in areas, such as the Prairie Pothole region of North America, where ground surveys of all wetlands are not feasible.  相似文献   

Aquatic macrophytes provide essential spawning and nursery habitat for fish, valuable food source for waterfowl, migratory birds and mammals, and contribute greatly to overall biodiversity of coastal marshes of the Laurentian Great Lakes. Two approaches have been used to survey the plant community in coastal wetlands, and these include the grid (GR) and transect (TR) methods. These methods have been used to identify the average species richness at different sites, but their suitability for determining total species richness of a site has not been tested. In this paper, we compare the performance of these two established methods with that of the Stratified method (ST), which uses the sampler’s judgment to guide them to different habitat zones within the wetland. We used the three protocols to compare species richness of six coastal wetlands of the Great Lakes, three pristine marshes in eastern Georgian Bay (Lake Huron) and three degraded wetlands in Lake Ontario, Canada. The greatest species richness was associated with the ST method, irrespective of wetland quality. The ST method was also more efficient (fewer quadrats sampled), and revealed the most number of unique (those found with only one method) and uncommon species (those found in <5% of the quadrats). Despite these statistical differences, we found that sampling method did not significantly affect the performance of a recently developed index of wetland quality, the Wetland Macrophyte Index. These results have important implications for designing macrophyte surveys to track changes in biodiversity and wetland quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Beaver (Castor canadensis) activity creates wetland habitats with varying hydroperiods important in maintaining habitat diversity for pond-breeding amphibians with significantly different breeding habitat requirements. We documented pond-breeding amphibian assemblages in 71 freshwater wetlands in Acadia National Park, Maine, USA. Using 15 variables describing local pond conditions and wetland landscape characteristics, we developed a priori models to predict sites with high amphibian species richness and used model selection with Akaike's Information Criterion to judge the strength of evidence supporting each model. We developed single-species models to predict wood frog (Rana sylvatica), bullfrog (R. catesbeiana), and pickerel frog (R. palustris) breeding site selection. Sites with high species richness were best predicted by 1) connectivity of wetlands in the landscape through stream corridors and 2) wetland modification by beaver. Wood frog breeding habitat was best predicted by temporary hydroperiod, lack of fish, and absence of current beaver activity. Wood frog breeding was present in abandoned beaver wetlands nearly as often as in nonbeaver wetlands. Bullfrog breeding was limited to active beaver wetlands with fish and permanent water. Pickerel frog breeding sites were best predicted by connectivity through stream corridors within the landscape. As beavers have recolonized areas of their former range in North America, they have increased the number and diversity of available breeding sites in the landscape for pond-breeding amphibians. The resulting mosaic of active and abandoned beaver wetlands both supports rich amphibian assemblages and provides suitable breeding habitat for species with differing habitat requirements. Land managers should consider the potential benefits of minimal management of beavers in promoting and conserving amphibian and wetland diversity at a landscape scale.  相似文献   

Antarctic terns have to co‐exist in a limited space with their major nest predator, the skuas. We conducted artificial nest experiments to evaluate the roles of parental activity, nest location and nest and egg crypsis in this simple predator–prey system. Predation on artificial (inactive) nests was higher in traditional nesting sites than in sites previously not occupied by terns, which suggests that skuas memorized past tern breeding sites. Predation on artificial nests in inactive colonies was higher than in active (defended) colonies. Parental defense reduced predation in colonies to the level observed in artificial nests placed away from colonies. This suggests that communal defense can balance the costs of attracting predators to active colonies. Within colonies, predation was marginally higher on experimental eggs put in real nests than on bare ground. Although it seems that the presence of a nest is costly in terms of increased predation, reductions in nest size might be constrained by the need for protective nest structures and/or balanced by opposing selection on nest size. Predation did not differ markedly between artificial (quail) and real tern eggs. A simultaneous prey choice experiment showed that the observed predation rates reflected egg/nest detectability, rather than discrimination of egg types. In summary, nesting terns probably cannot avoid being detected, and they cannot defend their nest by attending them. Yet, by temporarily leaving the nest, they can defend it through communal predator mobbing, and at the same time, they can benefit from crypsis of unattended nest and eggs.  相似文献   

The Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia) is a globally distributed seabird that breeds throughout North America, generally in low numbers. Many colonies are threatened by habitat loss and pollution. Additionally, adult terns compete directly with salmonid stocking programs on the west coast, where a large proportion of the fish they feed their young are stocked salmon smolts. North America colonies have been classified into five ‘breeding groups’ based on banding data and geography. To help delineate effective management units, we characterized variation in mitochondrial DNA (488 base pair fragment of cytochrome b) and five microsatellite loci among 111 terns from six sites representing three of the North American breeding areas. We found significant range-wide population differentiation (cytochrome b: global ΦST = 0.12, P < 0.01; microsatellites: global FST = 0.094, P < 0.001). Pacific Coast sites differed genetically from sites east of the Rocky Mountains, and sites in Central Canada differed from those in the Great Lakes region. Gene flow among these three regions appears to be restricted. Thus, our results indicate that at least three of the breeding regions delineated using banding data and geography should be treated as separate management units.  相似文献   

1.  Invasive zebra ( Dreissena polymorpha ) and quagga mussels ( Dreissena bugensis ) have become widespread throughout the Great Lakes basin. However, some types of Great Lakes coastal wetlands may be unsuitable for Dreissena invasion.
2.  To test this observation, artificial substrata were placed in wetlands (with emergent vegetation) and in adjacent open water (without emergent vegetation) habitats in two types of Great Lakes coastal ecosystems: drowned river mouth (DRM) and coastal fringing systems. Wetlands in DRM systems generally have deep organic sediment and limited water movement, whereas coastal fringing wetlands generally have low to moderate amounts of organic sediment and intense wind and wave action.
3.  We did not find a significant difference in Dreissena colonisation between wetlands and adjacent open water habitat in fringing systems. However, Dreissena colonisation was significantly lower in DRM wetlands than in the adjacent open water. We also found significantly lower survival in DRM wetlands than adjacent open water habitats, whereas survival did not differ significantly in coastal fringing wetlands and the adjacent open water.
4.  Our results suggest that vulnerability to Dreissena invasion varied among wetland types with DRM wetlands being less suitable than fringing wetlands. We suggest that colonisation and survival of Dreissena is lower in wetlands with deep organic sediment and less turbulent water.  相似文献   

The loss and degradation of natural habitats in coastal areas worldwide has adversely affected many waterbird species, changing their breeding distribution and reducing their productivity. Anthropogenic habitats such as saltpans can provide alternative or complementary habitats for waterbirds and mitigate the increasing human impact on natural coastal habitats. Unvegetated linear paths between salt ponds are used by ground‐nesting waterbird species to breed but their linear structure may facilitate the detection of nests by predators. This negative effect may, however, be counterbalanced by the advantages of breeding in mixed colonies. To evaluate the importance and the risks of breeding in saltpans we used the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus breeding in coastal saltpans of southern Portugal as a model species. Specifically, we assessed the role of nest‐site characteristics, predation and nesting proximity to species with aggressive antipredator behaviour (black‐winged stilt Himantopus himantopus) on their breeding success. Kentish plovers selected nest‐sites on the edges of paths, with about 20% of water around the nest, and a mean visibility of more than 72%; however nest‐site characteristics were not correlated with nesting success. Predation was the main cause of nest loss in saltpans (42%); carrion crows Corvus corone were responsible for most daylight nest predation (58%) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes; 73%) for night predation. An 8‐yr monitoring plan of a Kentish plover population showed a linear increase in their breeding success as their breeding season increasingly overlapped with that of the black‐winged stilt. An experiment with artificial nests showed a significant increase in the number of exposure days (7 to 12) when these nests were within close distance of black‐winged stilt nests. Overall, our results showed that saltpans are an important alternative breeding habitat for the Kentish plover, especially for the maintenance of mixed species colonies.  相似文献   

We examined how geographic distribution of birds and their affinities to three geomorphic wetland types would affect the scale at which we developed indicators based on breeding bird communities for Great Lakes coastal wetlands. We completed 385 breeding bird surveys on 222 wetlands in the US portion of the basin in 2002 and 2003. Analyses showed that wetlands within two ecoprovinces (Laurentian Mixed Forest and Eastern Broadleaf Forest) had different bird communities. Bird communities were also significantly different among five lakes (Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario) and among three wetland types (lacustrine, riverine, barrier-protected). Indicator values illustrated bird species with high affinities for each group (ecoprovince, lake, wetland type). Species with restricted geographic ranges, such as Alder and Willow Flycatchers (Empidonax alnorum and E. traillii), had significant affinities for ecoprovince. Ten bird species had significant affinities for lacustrine wetlands. Analyses on avian guild metrics showed that Lake Ontario wetlands had fewer long-distant migrants and warblers than other lakes. Numbers of short-distant migrants and total individuals in wetlands were higher in the Eastern Broadleaf Forest ecoprovince. Number of flycatchers and wetland obligate birds were not different among provinces, lakes, or wetland type. One potential indicator for wetland condition in Great Lakes wetlands, proportion of obligate wetland birds, responded negatively to proportion of developed land within 1 km of the wetland. We conclude that, although a guild approach to indicator development ameliorates species-specific geographic differences in distribution, individual species responses to disturbance scale will need to be considered in future indicator development with this approach.  相似文献   

Abstract: Common reed (Phragmites australis) forms dense stands with deep layers of residual organic matter that negatively affects plant diversity and possibly habitat use by wetland birds. We sought to determine whether seasonal relative abundance and species richness of birds varied among 3 habitat types in Great Lakes coastal wetland complexes recently invaded by common reed. We used fixed-distance point counts to determine species relative abundances and species richness in edge and interior locales within common reed, cattail (Typha spp.), and meadow marsh habitats of various sizes during 2 summers (2001 and 2002) and 1 autumn (2001) at Long Point, Lake Erie, Ontario, Canada. We found that total relative abundance and species richness of birds were greater in common reed habitat compared to cattail or meadow marsh habitats. However, we also found that relative abundance of marsh-nesting birds was greater in meadow marsh habitat than in cattail and common reed during summer. Lastly, we found that, irrespective of habitat type, habitat edges had higher total relative abundance and species richness of birds than did habitat interiors. Our results show that common reed provides suitable habitat for a diversity of landbirds during summer and autumn but only limited habitat for many marsh-nesting birds during summer. Based on these results, we recommend restoration of meadow marsh habitat through reduction of common reed in Great Lakes wetlands where providing habitat for breeding marsh-nesting birds is an objective. Managers also might consider reducing the size of nonnative common reed stands to increase edge effect and use by birds, possibly including wetland birds.  相似文献   

Great Lakes coastal wetlands are important habitats for turtles but few studies have looked at factors driving community structure in these systems. We evaluated the effects of wetland type, vegetation, and abiotic conditions on turtle communities for 56 wetlands in Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior with data collected during the summers of 2000–2008. Overall, 1,366 turtles representing seven species were captured using fyke nets. For the majority of species, catches were highest in drowned river mouth wetlands In addition, turtles tended to be more abundant in water lilies, submersed aquatic vegetation, and cattails compared to bulrush. We also found positive correlations between catches of four of the species as well as total turtle catch and turtle species richness with a human disturbance gradient. These correlations suggest that turtles may be able to utilize coastal wetland areas that are inhospitable to fish because of hypoxic conditions. Our results show the importance Great Lakes coastal wetlands to turtles, and stress the need for managers to take into account turtle populations when preparing conservation and restoration strategies.  相似文献   

Many of the UK’s seabird species have displayed high variation in breeding success since the 1980s, largely due to changes in the availability of Lesser Sandeels Ammodytes marinus, their main prey. During this time, Arctic Skuas Stercorarius parasiticus experienced a rapid decline in the UK and the species has subsequently been placed on the Red List of birds of conservation concern. Although shortage of Lesser Sandeels is likely to be an influential factor, the Arctic Skua’s breeding range overlaps with that of the Great Skua Stercorarius skua, a larger bird with a more varied diet, and interspecific interactions for nesting habitat may exert an additional pressure on Arctic Skua breeding populations. Results from four censuses, spanning 21 years, were used to model habitat use and analyse distributional change in nesting Arctic Skuas at a major colony located on Fetlar, Shetland, Scotland. The decline in Arctic Skuas was not uniform across the island and competition with Great Skuas for nest‐sites appears to have influenced localized breeding distribution. By 2006, Arctic Skuas had been almost entirely excluded from shrub heath, blanket bog and coastal heath habitats, which were identified as preferred habitat in 1986. In 2006, Arctic Skua breeding territories were mainly restricted to one core area of preferred habitat where over 90% nested in high density as this habitat became increasingly occupied by Great Skuas. The more generalist foraging habit of the Great Skua allowed the population to grow rapidly as numbers of the more specialist Arctic Skua decreased during times of low sandeel availability. Our model suggests that both interspecific competition for territories with Great Skuas and food limitation have played important roles in the decline of Arctic Skuas on Fetlar.  相似文献   

Increasing human populations and urban development have led to losses of estuarine habitats for fish and wildlife. Where resource managers are restoring coastal wetlands, in addition to meeting goals related to hydrologic connectivity, biodiversity, and recreational opportunities, efforts are being made to provide habitat that is suitable for juvenile sportfish. An 18‐month study was conducted to compare juvenile sportfish use of natural, restored, and impacted sites along Tampa Bay, Florida, shorelines. Juvenile sportfish densities at restored sites were broadly comparable to natural sites and greater than at impacted sites. However, site‐specific differences in sportfish use did occur within site types. For example, one restored site had significantly higher densities of red drum Sciaenops ocellatus than any other site, while black drum Pogonias cromis were found exclusively at another restored site. To evaluate whether the restored sites are providing suitable habitat for juvenile fish, we assessed growth (estimated from counts of daily rings on otoliths) and condition (determined by lipid analyses) of juvenile common snook Centropomus undecimalis, an archetypal coastal wetland‐dependent species. Growth (0.43–0.56 mm SL/day) and condition (4.6–6.1% lipid of dry weight) exhibited only site‐specific differences and did not vary among natural, restored, and impacted site types. Although mortality rates of juvenile sportfish were not determined, use of a 40‐m seine found that densities of potential piscine predators in these coastal wetlands were relatively low compared to published studies of open estuarine shorelines. The restoration and creation of coastal wetlands in Tampa Bay provides improved habitat for juvenile sportfish.  相似文献   

Restoration of an abandoned 16-ha Nike missile base site located on a former wetland in the lower Detroit River (Michigan, U.S.A.) was investigated with an emphasis on wetland restoration. The site included a 2.7-ha abandoned missile base, a 1.3-ha lake, 10.4 ha of emergent and submersed wetlands, and 1.8 ha of uplands. Aquatic beds in the shallow bay connected to the river supported floating leaved and submersed aquatics including Nymphaea tiiberosa, Vallisneria antericana, Elodea canadensis, and Heteranthera dubia, with mats of green, filamentous algae. A 10-ha diked wetland adjacent to the site was dominated by Typha spp., Salix spp., Nymphaea tuberosa, Myriophyllum spicatum, Elodea canadensis, Chara sp., and Juncus effusus. Restoration objectives included a nature preserve, an outdoor recreation area, an experimental wetland complex, and an environmental education center. Ten alternative designs were suggested, including four with wetlands open to the bay, three with diked wetlands, and the rest involving island construction, a reconstructed upland site, or a wetland research facility. Alternatives were evaluated for their contribution to local ecology, research, education and wildlife, ease of maintenance, and probability of success. Construction of a wetland resembling conditions before construction of the base was recommended for its low maintenance and opportunity for research on non diked wetland design and construction in protected bays in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Recreational and educational opportunities were also recommended as part of the site restoration.  相似文献   

Abstract: Wetlands in the Playa Lakes Region (PLR) provide important habitats for wintering waterfowl, cranes, and both migrant and breeding shorebirds. Playa Lakes Region wetlands experience naturally fluctuating hydroperiods but are exposed to anthropogenic stresses, which are exacerbated during summer and may influence PLR wetland occupancy and selection by breeding shorebirds. We examined wetland-scale habitat use and nest-site selection of the 4 dominant shorebirds (American avocets [Recurvirostra americana], black-necked stilts [Himantopus mexicanus], killdeer [Charadrius vociferus], snowy plovers [C. alexandrinus]) nesting in playas, saline lakes, and in both created and riparian wetlands in the PLR of Texas, USA. All 4 species nested in saline lakes. Only avocets and killdeer nested in playas, and snowy plovers nested in riparian wetlands. No nests were found in created wetlands. Wetland habitat changed (P < 0.001) during the breeding season, while water habitats generally decreased. Used (i.e., shorebirds found nesting) wetlands had more (P < 0.05) mudflats than non-used (i.e., shorebirds not found nesting) wetlands, which had more (P < 0.05) dry habitats. Used and non-used wetlands had similar (P > 0.05) amounts of water habitats. Nests were located close to vegetation on bare dry ground and dry ground with vegetation. Because water is ephemeral in PLR wetlands, shorebirds must select—in a somewhat predictive manner upon arrival—wetlands with suitable nest-site and brood-rearing habitat. Although surface water is necessary for nesting, its presence is not adequate for delineating suitable PLR wetland habitat for breeding shorebirds. Our findings that created wetlands cannot compensate for regional wetland losses in habitat or function highlights the need for conservation of natural PLR wetlands  相似文献   

European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) are responsible for high rates of egg predation at one of the main colonies of the endangered roseate tern (Sterna dougallii) in the Azores archipelago. Control taste aversion has been effective in controlling raven predation in a colony of California least tern (Sterna antillarum browni), but there is little quantitative information about its efficacy on other species of predators taking eggs. We conducted a control taste aversion experiment on yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) and European starlings eating eggs of terns in a mixed colony of common (Sterna hirundo) and roseate terns in the Azores. We treated quail (Coturnix coturnix) eggs with methiocarb and deployed them in artificial nests in the tern colony. On the first experiment, conducted before the terns laid eggs, predation rates on quail eggs by yellow-legged gulls showed significant and rapid decrease after deployment of treated eggs. During the second experiment, after the terns had started laying, results were mixed. Although predation rates by European starlings on treated quail eggs decreased, predation rates on tern eggs did not. We conclude that control taste aversion using methiocarb-treated eggs is likely to reduce depredation by gulls but not starlings because of the need to pre-train the birds and the tendency of starlings to be attracted by the movement of adults, not the presence of nests.  相似文献   

Minimizing the risk of nest predation has led some bird species to exploit the nest defense behavior of other species. At Nasaruvaalik Island, Nunavut, Canada, some common eiders (Somateria mollissima borealis) nest within the boundaries of Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) colonies, while others nest elsewhere on the island, away from the terns. We tested the effects of location (within vs. outside the tern colonies), density of common eider nests, and annual variation on the nesting parameters of common eiders. Our results suggest that nesting in association with Arctic terns does not confer an obvious benefit to eiders. Such associative nesting of eiders and terns may be the result of overlapping habitat preferences between the two species, or a general scarcity of suitable nesting habitat for ground-nesting species in the high Arctic. However, eiders nesting in higher densities with other eiders had greater nest success and lower total clutch predation, indicating a positive correlation between nest density and success.  相似文献   

Surveys of colonial‐nesting waterbirds are needed to assess population trends and gain insight into the health of wetland ecosystems. Use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for such surveys has increased over the past decade, but possible sources of bias in surveys conducted with UAS have not been examined. We examined possible visibility biases associated with using a UAS to survey waterbird colonies in cypress‐tupelo watersheds and coastal island habitats in Texas in 2016. We used known numbers of four waterbird decoy types, including Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger), terns, and white‐ and dark‐plumaged herons, to estimate their detectability in each habitat. Six observers independently counted decoys from aerial imagery mosaics taken with a consumer‐grade, off‐the‐shelf quadcopter drone. We used generalized linear mixed‐effects models to estimate detection probabilities of each decoy type. Black Skimmers at the coastal island had a detection probability of just 53%. Detectability of both white‐ and dark‐plumaged herons was lower in the canopied cypress‐tupelo habitat than the coastal island. In addition, cloud cover > 50% further reduced detectability of white heron decoys in cypress‐tupelo habitat. Use of the double‐count method yielded biased‐low abundance estimates for white‐ and dark‐plumaged herons in canopied sites, suggesting that habitat differences were a greater source of bias than observer error. Black Skimmers were the only decoy type to be imperfectly detected at the coastal island, a surprising result given the stark contrast of their plumage with their sand and shell nesting substrate. Our results indicate that UAS‐derived photographic surveys are prone to low detection probabilities at sites where vegetation occludes nests. In habitats without canopy, however, UAS surveys show promise for obtaining accurate counts of terns, white herons, and dark herons.  相似文献   

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