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The release of protons from intact cells of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata after either 4μs flashes or during brief periods of continuous illumination has been measured with the indicator, cresol red. The half-time for H+-release after a flash was 35 ms and the extent, 1H+ per 134 bacteriochlorophyll. Myxothiazol completely inhibited the flash-induced H+-release and antimycin A reduced it by 37%. The proton-releasing reaction is discussed with reference to the protonmotive Q-cycle. During continuous illumination the rapid phase of H+ release is followed by a lag and then by another period of acidification, suggesting that other protolytic reactions may be in operation. 相似文献
Inhibitors in the functional dissection of the photosynthetic electron transport system 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
Trebst A 《Photosynthesis research》2007,92(2):217-224
The significance of inhibitors and artificial electron acceptor and donor systems as experimental tools for studying the photosynthetic system is described by reviewing early classical articles. The historical development in unravelling the role and sequence of electron carriers and energy conserving sites in the electron transport chain is acknowledged. Emphasis is given to inhibitors of the acceptor side of photosystem II and of the plastoquinol oxidation site in the cytochrome b6/f complex. Their role in regulatory processes under redox control is introduced. 相似文献
Chlorella cells were examined in a modulated oxygen polarograph under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. At light intensities below about 600 ergs · cm?2 · s?1 of 650 nm light, the oxygen yield and phase lag are lower under anaerobic conditions. Addition of 25 mM sodium nitrite increases both these parameters to values close to those found in the presence of oxygen. It is proposed that nitrite is reduced by Photosystem I thus diverting electrons from the cyclic electron transport pathway. The intersystem electron transport chain becomes more oxidized and this suppresses a backflow of electrons to the oxidizing side of Photosystem II, hence increasing the oxygen yield and the phase lag. The removal of oxygen from the bathing medium also alters the response of dark adapted Chlorella to a series of saturating light flashes. In terms of the Kok model of Photosystem II (Kok, B., Forbush, B. and McGloin, M. (1970) Photochem. Photobiol. 11, 457–475) there is a large increase in the parameter α. Addition of nitrite reverses this change and virtually restores the response seen in the presence of oxygen. The deactivation of the S2 state is greatly speeded up in the absence of oxygen but the addition of nitrite again reverses this. 相似文献
In vivo temperature dependence of cyclic and pseudocyclic electron transport in barley 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
The effect of temperature on the rate of electron transfer through photosystems I and II (PSI and PSII) was investigated
in leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Measurements of PSI and PSII photochemistry were made in 21% O2 and in 2% O2, to limit electron transport to O2 in the Mehler reaction. Measurements were made in the presence of saturating CO2 concentrations to suppress photorespiration. It was observed that the O2 dependency of PSII electron transport is highly temperature dependent. At 10 °C, the quantum yield of PSII (ΦPSII) was insensitive
to O2 concentration, indicating that there was no Mehler reaction operating. At high temperatures (>25 °C) a substantial reduction
in ΦPSII was observed when the O2 concentration was reduced. However, under the same conditions, there was no effect of O2 concentration on the ΔpH-dependent process of non-photochemical quenching. The rate of electron transport through PSI was
also found to be independent of O2 concentration across the temperature range. We conclude that the Mehler reaction is not important in maintaining a thylakoid
proton gradient that is capable of controlling PSII activity, and present evidence that cyclic electron transport around PSI
acts to maintain membrane energisation at low temperature.
Received: 6 July 2000 / Accepted: 3 August 2000 相似文献
The temperature response of the uncoupled whole-chain electron transport rate (ETR) in thylakoid membranes differs depending on the growth temperature. However, the steps that limit whole-chain ETR are still unclear and the question of whether the temperature dependence of whole-chain ETR reflects that of the photosynthetic rate remains unresolved. Here, we determined the whole-chain, PSI and PSII ETR in thylakoid membranes isolated from spinach leaves grown at 30 degrees C [high temperature (HT)] and 15 degrees C [low temperature (LT)]. We measured temperature dependencies of the light-saturated photosynthetic rate at 360 microl l(-1) CO2 (A360) in HT and LT leaves. Both of the temperature dependences of whole-chain ETR and of A360 were different depending on the growth temperature. Whole-chain ETR was less than the rates of PSI ETR and PSII ETR in the broad temperature range, indicating that the process was limited by diffusion processes between the PSI and PSII. However, at high temperatures, whole-chain ETR appeared to be limited by not only the diffusion processes but also PSII ETR. The C3 photosynthesis model was used to evaluate the limitations of A360 by whole-chain ETR (Pr) and ribulose bisphosphate carboxylation (Pc). In HT leaves, A360 was co-limited by Pc and Pr at low temperatures, whereas at high temperatures, A360 was limited by Pc. On the other hand, in LT leaves, A360 was solely limited by Pc over the entire temperature range. The optimum temperature for A360 was determined by Pc in both HT and LT leaves. Thus, this study showed that, at low temperatures, the limiting step of A360 was different depending on the growth temperature, but was limited by Pc at high temperatures regardless of the growth temperatures. 相似文献
The I-D dip, an early transient of the fluorescence induction, was examined as a means to monitor redox changes of plastoquinone in cells of a cyanobacterium, Synechococcus sp. That the occurrence of the dip depends upon the reduced state of the plastoquinone pool was indicated by observations that 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone and 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea did not affect the initial rise to I but abolished the subsequent decline from I to D and that illumination of the cells with light 1, prior to fluorescence measurements, eliminated the transient. The I-D dip was prominent in freshly harvested cells containing abundant endogenous substrates, disappeared slowly as the cells were starved by aeration but reappeared on addition of fructose to the starved cells in the dark. The dip that had been induced by a brief illumination of the starved cells with light 2 was rapidly diminished in the dark and KCN inhibited the dark decay of the transient. The results indicate that plastoquinone is reduced with endogenous as well as exogenous substrates and oxidized by a KCN-sensitive oxidase in the dark, thus providing strong support for the view that plastoquinone of photosynthetic electron transport also functions in respiration. In addition, the occurrence of a cyclic pathway of electrons from Photosystem I to plastoquinone, possibly via ferredoxin or NADP, was suggested. Several lines of evidence indicate that, under a strong light 2, Photosystem I-dependent oxidation of plastoquinone predominates over Photosystem II-dependent reduction of the quinone in the cyanobacterium which contains Photosystem I more abundantly than Photosystem II. 相似文献
The effects of 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB) on the reduction kinetics of flash-oxidized P-700 and cytochrome c-553 were studied in the thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. (1) The reduction kinetics of P-700 showed two exponential phases with half-times of 0.2 and 2 ms at the recording time used (Nanba, M. and Katoh, S. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 725, 272–279). DBMIB strongly slowed down the 2 ms reduction phase but not the 0.2 ms phase. (2) The content of an electron donor which transfers its electrons to P-700 with the half time of 0.2 ms was estimated to be comparable to that of cytochrome f. (3) The magnitudes of the 0.2 ms reduction phase and cytochrome c-553 oxidation decreased as the flash interval was shortened below 2 s in the poisoned cells. Assuming a rapid equilibrium of electrons in the electron donor pool of Photosystem I, the midpoint potential of the 0.2 ms donor was estimated as 280 mV by comparing its percent reduction with that of cytochrome c-553 at three different flash intervals. (4) A similar value was obtained for the midpoint potential of the 0.2 ms donor in the cells in which the plastoquinone pool had been oxidized by dark starvation. It is concluded that the 0.2 ms reduction phase of P-700 is due to the electron donation from the Rieske iron-sulfur center and that DBMIB inhibits strongly but incompletely the reduction of the iron-sulfur center with electrons from the plastoquinone pool, whereas the inhibitor has no effect on the midpoint potential and Photosystem-I-dependent oxidation of the iron-sulfur center. 相似文献
Robert T. Furbank 《Planta》1988,176(4):433-440
The relationship between the redox state of the primary electron acceptor of photosystem II (QA) and the rate of O2 evolution in isolated mesophyll chloroplasts from Zea mays L. is examined using pulse-modulated chlorophyll a fluorescence techniques. A linear relationship between photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (qQ) and the rate of O2 evolution is evident under most conditions with either glycerate 3-phosphate or oxaloacetate as substrates. There appears to be no effect of the transthylakoid pH gradient on the rate of electron transfer from photosystem II into QA in these chloroplasts. However, the proportion of electron transport occurring through cyclic-pseudocyclic pathways relative to the non-cyclic pathway appears to be regulated by metabolic demand for ATP. The majority of non-photochemical quenching in these chloroplasts at moderate irradiances appeared to be energy-dependent quenching.Abbreviations and symbols PSII
photosystem II
- Fm
maximum fluorescence obtained on application of a saturating light pulse
- Fo
basal fluorescence recorded in the absence of actinic light (i.e. all PSII traps are open)
- Fv
- qQ
photochemical quenching
- qNP
non-photochemical quenching
- qE
energy-dependent quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence 相似文献
Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (EC activity increased markedly (greater than 10-fold) upon illumination of wheat leaves. Darkening caused a relatively slow but complete reversal of light activation. The effects of O2 and CO2 concentration and light intensity on fructose-bisphosphatase activation were measured. In ratelimiting light, 2% O2 stimulated enzyme activity, whereas varying the CO2 concentration had little effect. In saturating light, lowering the oxygen tension had no effect, but CO2 at near-saturating concentrations for photosynthesis inhibited enzyme activity. Dark inactivation of the enzyme was completely prevented by incubation of leaves in N2, but was facilitated by O2, indicating that O2 is the major oxidant in darkened leaves. It is argued that while fructose bisphosphatase is redox-regulated in leaves, modulation of enzyme activity by this mechanism is unlikely to contribute to the regulation of CO2 fixation in leaves. 相似文献
Analytical electron microscopical investigations on the apoplastic pathways of lanthanum transport in barley roots 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
In transmission electron microscopy studies, lanthanum ions have been used as electron-opaque tracers to delineate the apoplastic
pathways for ion transport in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) roots. To localize La3+ on the subcellular level, e.g. in cell walls and on the surface of membranes, electron-energy-loss spectroscopy and electron-spectroscopic
imaging were used. Seminal and nodal roots were exposed for 30 min to 1 mM LaCl3 and 10 mM LaCl3, respectively. In seminal roots, possessing no exodermis, La3+ diffusion through the apoplast was stopped by the Casparian bands of the endodermis. In nodal roots with an exodermis, however,
La3+ diffusion through the cortical apoplast had already stopped at the tight junctions of the exodermal cell walls resembling
the Casparian bands of the endodermis. Therefore, we conclude that in some specialized roots such as the nodal roots of barley,
the physiological role of the endodermis is largely performed by the exodermis.
Received: 28 July 1999 / Accepted: 24 February 2000 相似文献
An empirical model was developed to simulate photosynthetic responses of leaves to highly fluctuating light, with a special
focus on the functional role of photosynthetic induction and capacity. Based on diurnal courses of light as input data, which
were recorded at natural plant sites, we applied this model to simulate the corresponding course of net photosynthesis (output
data) for leaves of two neotropical tree species. All six model input parameters (leaf-specific) were obtained via measurements
of leaf gas exchange. The model was tested for leaves in their natural environments, characterized by frequent light-flecks.
We compared measured carbon gains with computed ones, using a standard steady-state and our induction model. Simulation runs
with the steady-state model can result in an immense overestimation of the true situation, by 13.4% at open sites [pioneer
species Heliocarpus appendiculatus (Turczaninow)] and by 86.5% at low light environments of the understorey [mid to late successional species Billia colombiana (Planchon and Lindley)]. These significant overestimations, particularly in the understorey, are mainly the consequence of
neglecting a dynamic photosynthetic induction under fluctuating light conditions. The model presented here resulted in clearly
improved predictions; in open and understorey sites the true carbon gain of leaves was computed with a mean error of less
than 7%. As most leaves at natural plant sites are exposed to light environments allowing for dynamic rather than steady-state
CO2 assimilation, the significance of such induction models is evident and is discussed in relation to scaling-up from leaf to
canopy and to the whole plant indicating a large potential for errors.
Received: 3 May 1999 / Accepted: 9 July 1999 相似文献
The 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA)-binding protein is a putative negative regulator of polar auxin transport that has been shown to block auxin efflux from both whole plant tissues and microsomal membrane vesicles. We previously showed that NPA is hydrolyzed by plasma-membrane amidohydrolases that co-localize with tyrosine, proline, and tryptophan-specific aminopeptidases (APs) in the cotyledonary node, hypocotyl-root transition zone and root distal elongation zone of Arabidopsisthaliana (L.) Heynh. seedlings. Moreover, amino acyl-β-naphthylamide (aa-NA) conjugates resembling NPA in structure have NPA-like inhibitory activity on growth, suggesting a possible role of APs in NPA action. Here we report that the same aa-NA conjugates and the AP inhibitor bestatin also block auxin efflux from seedling tissue. Bestatin and, to a lesser extent, some aa-NA conjugates were more effective inhibitors of low-affinity specific [3H]NPA-binding than were the flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol but had no effect on high-affinity binding. Since the APs are inhibited by flavonoids, we compared the localization of endogenous flavonoids and APs in seedling tissue. A correlation between AP and flavonoid localization was found in 5- to 6-d-old seedlings. Evidence that these flavonoids regulate auxin accumulation in vivo was obtained using the flavonoid-deficient mutant, tt4. In whole-seedling [14C]indole-3-acetic acid transport studies, the pattern of auxin distribution in the tt4 mutant was shown to be altered. The defect appeared to be in auxin accumulation, as a considerable amount of auxin escaped from the roots. Treatment of the tt4 mutant with the missing intermediate naringenin restored normal auxin distribution and accumulation by the root. These results implicate APs and endogenous flavonoids in the regulation of auxin efflux. Received: 2 December 1999 / Accepted: 16 January 2000 相似文献
Jajoo A Sahay A Singh P Mathur S Zharmukhamedov SK Klimov VV Allakhverdiev SI Bharti S 《Photosynthesis research》2008,97(2):177-184
The effects of oxalate on PS II and PS I photochemistry were studied. The results suggested that in chloride-deficient thylakoid membranes, oxalate inhibited activity of PS II as well as PS I. To our knowledge, this is the only anion so far known which inhibits both the photosystems. Measurements of fluorescence induction kinetics, YZ* decay, and S2 state multiline EPR signal suggested that oxalate inhibited PS II at the donor side most likely on the oxygen evolving complex. Measurements of re-reduction of P700+ signal in isolated PS I particles in oxalate-treated samples suggested a binding site of oxalate on the donor, as well as the acceptor side of PS I. 相似文献
Time-resolved electron spin echo (ESE) studies were carried out at room temperature on chloroplast preparations and whole cells of photosynthetic algae. The signals observed exhibit the unexpected special ESE signal which we have proposed to be the result of transient interactions between P+-700 and an early electron acceptor of Photosystem I (Thurnauer, M.C. and Norris, J.R. (1980) Chem. Phys. Lett. 76, 557–561). The intensity of the special ESE signal decreases with the chemical reduction of the Center A-Center B complex. The results suggest that in the untreated photosynthetic systems we are initially observing P+-700 as it interacts with the reduced acceptor which precedes the Center A-Center B complex. Then the decay of the special ESE signal (approx. 170 ns) gives the lifetime of this reduced acceptor as it participates in forward electron transport. 相似文献
Photosynthetic oxygen exchange has been measured using 18O2 and the mass-spectrometric technique in two mutant strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii deficient in electron transport. In the F15 mutant, deficient in PS I, O2 was evolved in the light at a constant rate of about 145 nmol O2/min per mg chlorophyll. At the same time, O2 uptake was increased in the light by about 28%. O2 evolution and the light-stimulation of O2 uptake were inhibited by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. Antimycin A and salicylhydroxamic acid, both inhibitors of mitochondrial respiration, when added together, inhibited dark respiration and also the light-dependent O2 evolution by about 80%. Similar properties were observed in a mutant strain of Chlamydomonas (F18) lacking the cytochrome b6-f complex. We conclude from these results that in the absence of active Photosystem I, a permanent electron flow can occur in the light from Photosystem II to molecular O2. This electron transfer pathway would involve the plastoquinone pool and the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Because O2 evolution measured in the F15 mutant was severely inhibited by the uncoupler cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, we propose that an energy-dependent reverse electron transfer similar to that of Rhodospirillaceae might occur in the chloroplast of Chlamydomonas. 相似文献
Oscillations of photosynthesis induced in leaves of Vicia faba L. were accompanied by oscillations not only in the pH of the chloroplast stroma, but also by pH oscillations in the cytosol and in the vacuole of leaf mesophyll cells. Cytosolic pH oscillations were in phase with stromal oscillations, but antiparallel to vacuolar pH oscillations. During maxima of photosynthesis, the cytosolic pH exhibited maxima and the vacuolar pH minima. Vacuolar acidification is interpreted to be the result of energized proton transport from the cytosol into the vacuole. Since the ratio of dihydroxyacetone phosphate to phosphoglycerate is maximal during the peaks of photosynthesis (Stitt et al., 1988, J. Plant Physiol. 133, 133–143; Laisk et al., 1991, Planta 185, 554–562), while the activity of NADP-malic dehydrogenase is highest during minima of photosynthesis (Scheibe and Stitt, 1988, Plant Physiol. Biochem. 26, 473–481), the present data indicate in agreement with earlier observations (Yin et al., 1991, Planta 184, 30–34) that light-dependent cytosolic energization is brought about by the oxidation of dihydroxyacetone phosphate rather than of malate. They also indicate that the over-reduction of the electrontransport chain observed during minima of photosynthesis is relieved not predominantly by oxaloacetate reduction and export of the resulting malate from the chloroplasts but by another reaction, presumably oxygen reduction.Abbreviations CDCF
5-(and 6-)carboxy-2,7-dichlorofluorescein 相似文献
Measurement of the light response of photosynthetic CO2 uptake is often used as an implement in ecophysiological studies. A method is described to calculate photosynthetic parameters, such as the maximum rate of whole electron transport and dissimilative respiration in the light, from the light response of CO2 uptake. Examples of the light-response curves of flag leaves and ears of wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. ARKAS) are shown.Abbreviations and symbols A
net photosynthesis rate
rate of dissimilative respiration occurring in the light
loss factor
incident PPFD
effective absorbed PPFD
rate of whole electron transport
maximum rate of whole electron transport
intercellular CO2 partial pressure
photosynthetic photon flux density
effectivity factor for the use of light (electrons/quanta)
absorption coefficient
CO2 compensation point in the absence of dissimilative respiration (bar)
conversion factor for calculation of CO2 uptake from the rate of whole electron transport
convexity factor
Gas-exchange rates relate to the projective area and are given in mol·m-2·s-1. Electron-transport rates are given in mol electrons·m-2·s-1; PPFD is given in mol quanta·m-2·s-1. 相似文献
Electron transport of normal and photobleachedAnabaena cylindrica was studied using spectral and kinetic analyses of absorbance transients induced by single turnover flashes. Between 500 and 600 nm two positive bands (540 and 566 nm) and two negative bands (515 and 554 nm) were found. Absorbance changes at 515 and 540 nm were partly characterized. None of these absorbance changes represent an electrochromic shift. Absorbance changes at 554 and 566 nm correspond to the oxidation of cytochromef and the reduction of cytochromeb
563, respectively. We found a very slight 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea (DCMU) sensitivity of cytochromef in normal cells, while DCMU was completely ineffective for cytochromef reduction in photobleached cells. The absorbance change of cytochromeb
563 increased, while the absorbance change of cytochromef was smaller than in normal cells. The increased O2 evolution in photobleached cells and the negligible electron transport via cytochromef suggest the participation of other electron acceptor(s) in the electron-transport chain of photobleachedAnabaena cylindrica. 相似文献
The effect of 2-(n-heptyl)-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide (HQNO) on the kinetics of cytochrome b-563 and cytochrome c2 turnovers following single-turnover flashes was measured in isolated heterocysts. Low concentrations of HQNO (below 3 μM) blocked reoxidation of cytochrome b-563, whereas higher concentrations (above 5 μM) resulted in additional inhibition of cytochrome b-563 oxidation and also inhibited reduction of cytochrome b-563 and cytochrome c. Similar effects on cytochrome b-563 reduction and reoxidation were obtained with a combination of 5 μM HQNO and 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (1–7 μM). In HQNO-inhibited heterocysts, cytochrome c reduction following a flash occurred in three phases with half-times of 0.5, 2.8 and 45 ms. The second phase nearly equalled the cytochrome b-563 reduction in half-time and magnitude. In the presence of HQNO, the reoxidation of cytochrome b-563 following two closely spaced actinic flashes displayed biphasic kinetics. The two phases correspond to reoxidation of cytochrome b-563 in which one or both of the cytochrome b-563 hemes in the cytochrome b–f complex are reduced. These results are interpreted in terms of a Q-loop in which HQNO, at low concentrations, blocks the site of rapid cytochrome b-563 reoxidation and at higher concentrations, also inhibits the site of electron donation by plastoquinol to the cytochrome b-f complex. 相似文献
The interactions of four nytroxyl spin labels with photosynthetic membranes (thylakoids and liposomes) have been investigated by the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance technique (EPR). The obtained data (shapes of EPR spectra and kinetics of light induced reactions) allow us to localize the interactions between the markers and photosynthetic membranes. The pH influence on the reaction kinetics has also been investigated. On the basis of these experimental data, a theoretical model of the interaction between spin labels and the photosynthetic electron transport chain is proposed. 相似文献