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Recent suggestions concerning the age and origin of the flock of haplochromine cichlid fishes in Lake Victoria (East Africa) are considered. These accept as proven the suggestion that Lake Victoria dried out completely in the Late Pleistocene, was dry for several thousand years, and refilled ca. 12400 years ago. Apart from the fact that other geophysical evidence contradicts this claim, its biological implications, which do likewise, have never been considered by those who have accepted it. Like those of all previous authors who have seized on the presence of the haplochromine flock of perhaps more than 600 species as evidence of extremely rapid evolution since the lake allegedly refilled, the account completely overlooks the fact that any such desiccation must have eliminated not only the haplochromine cichlids but the entire biota of the lake. Nevertheless, its present fauna not only includes the haplochromines but many other endemic organisms that would not be expected, and whose presence and history demand an explanation if the lake did indeed dry out. No such explanation has been offered, nor does such seem possible. The recent interpretation of events is questioned and rejected.  相似文献   

The origin and age of haplochromine fishes in Lake Victoria, east Africa   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
According to a widely held view, the more than 300 species of haplochromine cichlid fishes in Lake Victoria (LV), East Africa, originated from a single founder species in less than 12,000 years. This view, however, does not follow from the published geological and molecular evidence. The former does indeed suggest that the LV basin dried out less than 15,000 years ago, but it does not provide any information about the species that re-colonized the new lake or that remained in the rivers draining the area. The molecular evidence is inconclusive with respect to the origin of the LV haplochromines because cichlids from critical regions around LV were not adequately sampled; and as far as the age of the LV haplochromines is concerned, it in fact led to an estimate of 250,000-750,000 years old. In the present study, mitochondrial DNA (control region) variation was determined by heteroduplex and sequencing analyses of more than 670 specimens collected at widely distributed East African riverine and lacustrine localities. The analyses revealed the existence of seven haplogroups (I-VII) distinguishable by characteristic substitutions. All endemic LV samples tested fell into one of these haplogroups (V) which, however, was also found to be present at various other localities, both riverine and lacustrine, outside LV. Within this haplogroup, four subgroups (VA through VD) could be distinguished, two of which (VB and VC) were represented in LV and at other localities. The great majority of the LV haplochromine species could be classified as belonging to the VC subgroup, which was found only in LV and in the rivers draining into it. Hence, while the endemic haplochromine species of LV could not have originated from a single founding population, the lake does harbour a large species flock which probably arose in situ.  相似文献   



The adaptive radiations of cichlid fishes in East Africa are well known for their spectacular diversity and their astonishingly fast rates of speciation. About 80% of all 2,500 cichlid species in East Africa, and virtually all cichlid species from Lakes Victoria (~500 species) and Malawi (~1,000 species) are haplochromines. Here, we present the most extensive phylogenetic and phylogeographic analysis so far that includes about 100 species and is based on about 2,000 bp of the mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   



The exceptionally diverse species flocks of cichlid fishes in East Africa are prime examples of parallel adaptive radiations. About 80% of East Africa's more than 1 800 endemic cichlid species, and all species of the flocks of Lakes Victoria and Malawi, belong to a particularly rapidly evolving lineage, the haplochromines. One characteristic feature of the haplochromines is their possession of egg-dummies on the males' anal fins. These egg-spots mimic real eggs and play an important role in the mating system of these maternal mouthbrooding fish.  相似文献   

Astatotilapia burtoni is a member of the “modern haplochromines,” the most species‐rich lineage within the family of cichlid fishes. Although the species has been in use as research model in various fields of research since almost seven decades, including developmental biology, neurobiology, genetics and genomics, and behavioral biology, little is known about its spatial distribution and phylogeography. Here, we examine the population structure and phylogeographic history of A. burtoni throughout its entire distribution range in the Lake Tanganyika basin. In addition, we include several A. burtoni laboratory strains to trace back their origin from wild populations. To this end, we reconstruct phylogenetic relationships based on sequences of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (d‐loop) as well as thousands of genomewide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) derived from restriction‐associated DNA sequencing. Our analyses reveal high population structure and deep divergence among several lineages, however, with discordant nuclear and mtDNA phylogenetic inferences. Whereas the SNP‐based phylogenetic hypothesis uncovers an unexpectedly deep split in A. burtoni, separating the populations in the southern part of the Lake Tanganyika basin from those in the northern part, analyses of the mtDNA control region suggest deep divergence between populations from the southwestern shoreline and populations from the northern and southeastern shorelines of Lake Tanganyika. This phylogeographic pattern and mitochondrial haplotype sharing between populations from the very North and the very South of Lake Tanganyika can only partly be explained by introgression linked to lake‐level fluctuations leading to past contact zones between otherwise isolated populations and large‐scale migration events.  相似文献   

Lake Victoria is famous for its in evolutionary terms young but species‐rich assemblage of cichlid fishes. This ‘superflock’ also includes additional species from adjacent water systems. Lake Victoria is surrounded by several smaller lakes that are connected to the main water body of Lake Victoria only through swampy areas. Lake Kanyaboli is one such lake, harbouring a much poorer species diversity, mostly comprised of Lake Victoria endemics, some of which are now considered extirpated from the main lake. The focus of this study was on the modern haplochromine component of the cichlid fauna, represented by Lipochromis maxillaris, Astatotilapia nubila, Xystichromis phytophagus and Astatotilapia sp. ‘Bigeye’, as well as a number of morphologically distinct haplochromine specimens that could not be assigned to any of the recognized species. We used five microsatellite markers to distinguish these five taxa. Genetically, L. maxillaris was clearly differentiated from all other taxa, and A. sp. ‘Bigeye’ was moderately differentiated from the remaining three. Astatotilapia nubila, X. phytophagus and the unidentified specimens constituted a partially overlapping cluster. As each of the clusters had several (5–14) private alleles, extremely recent divergence is suggested. As all taxa except for A. spBigeye’ and the unidentified specimens also occur or at least occurred in Lake Victoria, it is likely that they evolved as part of the Lake Victoria superflock, while A. spBigeye’ and the unidentified specimens may have currently evolved in situ. The observation of slightly distinct albeit overlapping body shapes and the extremely close genetic relationship between three of the five taxa are fully compatible and in support of the hybrid swarm theory of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

A series of Astatotilapia burtoni photographs were used to investigate the ontogenetic development of male egg-spots, a putative evolutionary key innovation of haplochromine cichlids. Four stages of egg-spot development were defined and all males had developed true egg-spots (stage 4) before reaching a standard length of 25 mm. Raising condition only slightly influenced the timing of the first appearance of true egg-spots.  相似文献   

The growth rates, lengths at maturity, fecundity and natural mortality of several cichlids of importance in trawl catches in Lake Malawi are described. Growth rates were determined by analysis of length frequency data from trawl catches. The breeding season for each species was determined by monthly examination of the gonads, and fecundity determined by egg counts from ripe ovaries. Lengths at maturity were calculated from the proportion of mature fish during breeding seasons. Natural mortality rates were determined from length frequency data from an unfished area of the lake. Values of the growth constant K ranged from 0.487 to 0.671. The ratio of length at maturity to asymptotic length varied from 0.56 to 0.82. Growth parameters are compared with those of other cichlids. Most species mature in their third year. Fecundity was proportional to the square of the length in four of the five species. The species studied appeared to produce only one batch of eggs per breeding season. Instantaneous natural mortality rates ranged from 0.92 to 1.69.  相似文献   

A BAC library was constructed from Astatotilapia burtoni, a haplochromine cichlid that is found in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa, and its surrounding rivers. The library was generated from genomic DNA of blood cells and comprises 96,768 individual clones. Its median insert size is 150 kb and the coverage is expected to represent about 14 genome equivalents. The coverage evaluation was based on genome size estimates that were obtained by flow cytometry. In addition, hybridization screens with five probes largely corroborate the above coverage estimate, although the number of clones ranged from 5 to 22 authenticated clones per single copy probe. The BAC library described here is expected to be useful to the scientific community interested in cichlid genomics as an important resource to gain new insights into the rapid evolution of the great species diversity of haplochromine cichlid fishes.  相似文献   

Of the three cichlid species flocks in eastern Africa, Lake Tanganyika harbors the oldest species assemblage, which is also the most diverse morphologically and behaviorally. For 12 species (20 individuals) of 12 genera of the tribe Ectodini, 852 bp from two segments (cytochrome b and control region) of the mitochondrial genome were sequenced. In addition, orthologous sequences were obtained from eight species (11 individuals) representing other mouthbrooding lineages from Lake Tanganyika. Comparisons of sequence divergences revealed that the single Tanganyikan tribe Ectodini appears to be approximately five times older than the whole Lake Malawi cichlid species flock, suggesting that the radiation of the Tanganyikan mouthbrooding lineages took place long before the species flocks of Lakes Malawi and Victoria evolved. Seven of nine surveyed tribes of Tanganyikan cichlids appear to be approximately equally divergent, and this seems to corroborate the hypothesis of a rapid simultaneous formation of lineages at an early stage in the history of the Lake Tanganyika species flock. The close genetic relationship between the endemic Tropheus lineage and a nonendemic "Haplochromine," Astatotilapia burtoni, indicates that members of the tribe Tropheini may be the sister group of the cichlid flocks of Lakes Malawi and Victoria. The phylogenetic analyses demonstrate the monophyly of the Ectodini and identify the Cyprichromini as their sister group among the Tanganyikan cichlids. Within the tribe Ectodini the molecular data suggest both a branching pattern different than that previously proposed and a subdivision of the Ectodini into four clades, instead of the two originally described. The previously postulated model of morphological transformations believed to be responsible for the drastically different types of ecological specialization found among the Ectodini might therefore be in need of reinterpretation. Characters immediately related to foraging and nutrition seem to be particularly prone to homoplasy, even among members of a single lineage of cichlid fishes.   相似文献   

Lake Tanganyika, the oldest of the East African Great Lakes, harbors the ecologically, morphologically, and behaviorally most complex of all assemblages of cichlid fishes, consisting of about 200 described species. The evolutionary old age of the cichlid assemblage, its extreme degree of morphological differentiation, the lack of species with intermediate morphologies, and the rapidity of lineage formation have made evolutionary reconstruction difficult. The number and origin of seeding lineages, particularly the possible contribution of riverine haplochromine cichlids to endemic lacustrine lineages, remains unclear. Our phylogenetic analyses, based on mitochondrial DNA sequences of three gene segments of 49 species (25% of all described species, up to 2,400 bp each), yield robust phylogenies that provide new insights into the Lake Tanganyika adaptive radiation as well as into the origin of the Central- and East-African haplochromine faunas. Our data suggest that eight ancient African lineages may have seeded the Tanganyikan cichlid radiation. One of these seeding lineages, probably comprising substrate spawning Lamprologus-like species, diversified into six lineages that evolved mouthbrooding during the initial stage of the radiation. All analyzed haplochromines from surrounding rivers and lakes seem to have evolved within the radiating Tanganyikan lineages. Thus, our findings contradict the current hypothesis that ancestral riverine haplochromines colonized Lake Tanganyika to give rise to at least part of its spectacular endemic cichlid species assemblage. Instead, the early phases of the Tanganyikan radiation affected Central and East African rivers and lakes. The haplochromines may have evolved in the Tanganyikan basin before the lake became a hydrologically and ecologically closed system and then secondarily colonized surrounding rivers. Apparently, therefore, the current diversity of Central and East African haplochromines represents a relatively young and polyphyletic fauna that evolved from or in parallel to lineages now endemic to Lake Tanganyika.  相似文献   

Masanori  Kohda  Michio  Hori 《Journal of Zoology》1993,229(3):447-455
A population of the piscivorous Tanganyikan cichlid, Lepidiolamprologus profundicola contains individually distinct pale and dark colour morphs: a dichromatism not related to age or sex. The 'dark form' frequently targets prey from the shaded space under rocks, while the 'plae form' targets prey in well-iluminated open water. This hunting site specialization is not ascribable to the differences of microhabitat that the predators of each form encounter. The main function of the dichromatism is apparently cryptic, as a camouflage for hunting. Interspecific comparisons among 19 species of carnivorous Tanganyikan cichlid fishes reveal that dichromatic taxa generally chase an active prey: fishes, scales of fishes or highly mobile free-swimming crustacea. In contrast, cichlid species foraging on a sessile or sluggish prey are monochromatic. This finding strongly supports the hypothesis that a pale-dark dichromatism serves to optimize foraging efficiency in predatory cichlids hunting an active prey.  相似文献   

The diverse cichlid species flocks of the East African lakes provide a classical example of adaptive radiation. Territorial aggression is thought to influence the evolution of phenotypic diversity in this system. Most vertebrates mount hormonal (androgen, glucocorticoid) responses to a territorial challenge. These hormones, in turn, influence behavior and multiple aspects of physiology and morphology. Examining variation in competition-induced hormone secretion patterns is thus fundamental to an understanding of the mechanisms of phenotypic diversification. We test here the hypothesis that diversification in male aggression has been accompanied by differentiation in steroid hormone levels. We studied two pairs of sibling species from Lake Victoria belonging to the genera Pundamilia and Mbipia. The two genera are ecologically differentiated, while sibling species pairs differ mainly in male color patterns. We found that aggression directed toward conspecific males varied between species and across genera: Pundamilia nyererei males were more aggressive than Pundamilia pundamilia males, and Mbipia mbipi males were more aggressive than Mbipia lutea males. Males of both genera exhibited comparable attack rates during acute exposure to a novel conspecific intruder, while Mbipia males were more aggressive than Pundamilia males during continuous exposure to a conspecific rival, consistent with the genus difference in feeding ecology. Variation in aggressiveness between genera, but not between sibling species, was reflected in androgen levels. We further found that M. mbipi displayed lower levels of cortisol than M. lutea. Our results suggest that concerted divergence in hormones and behavior might play an important role in the rapid speciation of cichlid fishes.  相似文献   

The haplochromine cichlid fishes of Lake Victoria (LV), East Africa, are a textbook example of adaptive radiation-a rapid divergence of multiple morphologically distinguishable forms from a few founding lineages. The forms are generally believed to constitute a "flock" of several hundred reproductively isolated species in a dozen or so genera. This belief has, until now, not been subjected to a test, however. Here, we compare genetic variation at 11 loci in 10 haplochromine populations of 6 different species. Although the genetic diversity in the populations is quite high, using a variety of statistical tests, we find no evidence of genetic differentiation among the populations of LV haplochromines. On genetic distance trees, populations of the same species intermingle with those of different species. At the molecular level, the species are indistinguishable from one another. Genetic comparisons with closely related species in 2 crater lakes indicate that the species within LV continue exchanging genes. These observations have important implications for phylogenetic reconstruction. The approach used in this study is applicable to other instances of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

Parental recognition of young in cichlid fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Sounds were produced by the males of two species of cichlid fishes while courting females. Each courtship sound consisted of a series of distinct pulses occurring in rapid succession. Courtship sounds produced by Tramitichromis cf. intermedius and Copadichromis conophorus were significantly different in pulse rate and individual pulse durations. For C. conophorus calls (n=127) the mean ± sd number of pulses per call was 10 ± 3 and call duration was 181 ± 59 ms. There was a significant positive linear relationship between call duration and the number of pulses (r2=0.912, p < 0.001). The dominant frequency of the pulses in calls was 471 ± 50 (range 372–594) Hz (n=40 calls). T. cf. intermedius also produced a pulsed courtship call; data (mean ± sd) from two male T. cf. intermedius: 9 ± 2 pulses per call and duration 199 ± 44 ms (n=20 calls). The linear regression between call duration and number of pulses was positive (r2=0.463, p=0.001). Pulse rate within calls of T. cf. intermedius compared to C. conophorus were significantly different (p=0.018). Individual pulse durations were also significantly different (p=0.043) between species. However, interpulse intervals were not significantly different (p=0.177). These cichlids produced courtship sounds that were distinct by individual pulse durations and by pulse repition rate in a call.  相似文献   



Color vision plays a critical role in visual behavior. An animal's capacity for color vision rests on the presence of differentially sensitive cone photoreceptors. Spectral sensitivity is a measure of the visual responsiveness of these cones at different light wavelengths. Four classes of cone pigments have been identified in vertebrates, but in teleost fishes, opsin genes have undergone gene duplication events and thus can produce a larger number of spectrally distinct cone pigments. In this study, we examine the question of large-scale variation in color vision with respect to individual, sex and species that may result from differential expression of cone pigments. Cichlid fishes are an excellent model system for examining variation in spectral sensitivity because they have seven distinct cone opsin genes that are differentially expressed.  相似文献   

Ecomorphological diversification and convergence in fluvial cichlid fishes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Synopsis We compared ecological and morphological patterns among cichlid faunas from three different biotic regions: the Río Tortuguero/Rio Sarapiquf in Costa Rica, the Río Apure drainage in Venezuela, and the Upper Zambezi drainage in Zambia. Cichlids comprise 19 percent of the fish fauna in the Tortuguero and Upper Zambezi drainages and 6.5 percent in the Apure drainage. Cichlid faunas exhibited similar patterns of habitat and food resource utilization, although vegetation-dwelling is more common and detritivory and herbivory are rarer in the Apure fauna. We hypothesize that South American ostariophysan fishes were more preadapted than cichlids to exploit detritivore and herbivore niches. The Zambezi cichlid fauna shows less ecomorphological diversification than the other two faunas, even though the degree of dietary diversification is similar among faunas. Chaetobranchus flavescens from the Venezuelan fauna is the only species that specializes on zooplankton as an adult, and algae grazing (Neetroplus nematopus) and specialized fruit feeding (Cichlasoma tuba) were represented only in the Costa Rican fauna. Based on the most recent hypothesized phylogeny for the family Cichlidae, we identified numerous interfaunal ecomorphological and feeding niche convergences. Patterns of ecomorphological divergence in relation to cladogenesis indicate a faster rate of evolutionary niche diversification in Central American cichlids compared with the two other faunas.  相似文献   

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