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Summary Incubation of bean hook plasma membrane vesicles in the presence of L-[14C]ascorbate (ASC) resulted in a specific recovery of significant levels of the ligand with the vesicles. The strong decrease in radioactive ASC detected after hypotonic disruption of the vesicles or after an assay at 4 °C indicated that ASC was probably transported from the medium into the lumen of the membrane vesicles. The concentration kinetics of this presumptive transport process revealed a saturation curve which best fitted a biphasic model. Each phase in this model showed Michaelis-Menten type kinetics. The kinetic parameters for the different phases were calculated to be 14 and 79 M (K m1 andK m2) and 26 and 53 pmol/min · mg protein (V max1 andV max2). High concentrations of iso-ascorbate, dehydroascorbate (DHA) or non-labelled ASC significantly reduced the uptake of the radioactive vitamin. It was demonstrated that sugar or amino acid carriers are not involved in the ASC transport reaction. Generation of transmembrane cation gradients (H+, K+, Ca2+, Na+) or addition of sulfhydryl reagents (pCMBS or NEM) did not affect the ASC uptake in any way. It is suggested that ASC is taken up by a facilitated diffusion mechanism.Abbreviations ASC ascorbate - DHA dehydroascorbate - FCCP carbonyl cyanidep-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - pCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Summary The plasma membrane (PM) of higher plants contains a major ascorbate-reducible, high-potentialb-type cytochrome, named cytochromeb 561 (cytb 561). In this paper a rapid purification protocol for the cytb 561 of bean hypocotyls PM is described. An almost 200-fold increase of cytb 561 specific concentration was achieved with respect to the PM fraction, which contained about 0.2 nmol of ascorbate-reducible heme per mg protein. The procedure can be performed in one day starting from purified PMs obtained by the phase-partitioning procedure. However, cytb 561 proved to be unstable during chromatographic purification and the amount of protein finally recovered was low. Purified cytb 561 eluted as a 130,000 Da protein-detergent complex from gel-filtration columns. It was completely reduced by ascorbate and reduced-minus-oxidized spectra showed -, - and -bands at 561, 530, and 429 nm respectively, not unlike the spectra of whole PMs. This work represents an initial approach to the biochemical characterization of the cytb 561 of higher plants, formerly suggested to be related to cytb 561 of animal chromaffin granules.Abbreviations cytb 561 cytochromeb 561 - PM plasma membrane - UPV upper-phase vesicles - GSII glucan synthase II - CCR NADH-dependent cytochromec reductase - CCO cytochromec oxidase - TX-100R reduced Triton X-100  相似文献   

Summary During the past twenty years evidence has accumulated on the presence of a specific high-potential, ascorbate-reducibleb-type cytochrome in the plasma membrane (PM) of higher plants. This cytochrome is named cytochromeb 561 (cytb 561) according to the wavelength maximum of its -band in the reduced form. More recent evidence suggests that this protein is homologous to ab-type cytochrome present in chromaffin granules of animal cells. The plant and animal cytochromes share a number of strikingly similar features, including the high redox potential, the ascorbate reducibility, and most importantly the capacity to transport electrons across the membrane they are located in. The PM cytb 561 is found in all plant species and in a variety of tissues tested so far. It thus appears to be a ubiquitous electron transport component of the PM. The cytochromesb 561 probably constitute a novel class of transmembrane electron transport proteins present in a large variety of eukaryotic cells. Of particular interest is the recent discovery of a number of plant genes that show striking homologies to the genes coding for the mammalian cytochromesb 561. A number of highly relevant structural features, including hydrophobic domains, heme ligation sites, and possible ascorbate and monodehydroascorbate binding sites are almost perfectly conserved in all these proteins. At the same time the plant gene products show interesting differences related to their specific location at the PM, such as potentially N-linked glycosylation sites. It is also clear that at least in several plants cytb 561 is represented by a multigene family. The current paper presents the first overview focusing exclusively on the plant PM cytb 561, compares it to the animal cytb 561, and discusses the possible physiological function of these proteins in plants.Abbreviations Asc ascorbate - cyt cytochrome - DHA dehydroascorbate - E0 standard redox potential - EST expressed sequence tag - His histidine - MDA monodehydroascorbate - Met methionine - PM plasma membrane  相似文献   

A. Bérczi  S. Lüthje  H. Asard 《Protoplasma》2001,217(1-3):50-55
Summary The plasma membrane of higher plants contains more than one kind ofb-type cytochromes. One of these has a high redox potential and can be fully reduced by ascorbate. This component, the cytochromeb 561 (cytb 561), has its characteristic -band absorbance close to 561 nm wavelength at room temperature. Cytb 561 was first isolated from etiolated bean hook plasma membranes by two consecutive anion exchange chromatography steps. During the first step performed at pH 8, cytb 561 did not bind to the anion exchange column, but otherb-type cytochromes did. In the second step performed at pH 9.9, cytb 561 was bound to the column and was eluted from the column at an ionic strength of about 100 mM KCl. However, when the same protocol was applied to the solubilized plasma membrane proteins fromArabidopsis thaliana leaves and maize roots, the ascorbate-reducible cytb 561 bound already to the first anion exchange column at pH 8 and was eluted also at an ionic strength of about 100 mM KCl. Otherb-type cytochromes than the ascorbate-reducible cytb 561 from the plasma membranes of Arabidopsis leaves and maize roots showed similar Chromatographic characteristics to that of bean hypocotyls. These results demonstrate particular differences in the Chromatographic behavior of cytb 561 from different sources.Abbreviations cyt b 561 cytochromeb 561 - PM plasma membrane - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Summary The amino acid sequences of the protonmotive cytochromeb from seven representative and phylogenetically diverse species have been compared to identify protein regions or segments that are conserved during evolution. The sequences analyzed included both prokaryotic and eukaryotic examples as well as mitochondrial cytochromeb and chloroplastb 6 proteins. The principal conclusion from these analyses is that there are five protein regions-each comprising about 20 amino acid residues—that are consistently conserved during evolution. These domains are evident despite the low density of invariant residues. The two most highly conserved regions, spanning approximately consensus residues 130–150 and 270–290, are located in extramembrane loops and are hypothesized to constitute part of the Qo reaction center. The intramembrane, hydrophobic protein regions containing the heme-ligating histidines are also conserved during evolution. It was found, however, that the conservation of the protein segments extramembrane to the histidine residues ligating the low potential b566 heme group showed a higher degree of sequence conservation. The location of these conserved regions suggests that these extramembrane segments are also involved in forming the Qo reaction center. A protein segment putatively constituting a portion of the Qi reaction center, located approximately in the region spanned by consensus residues 20–40, is conserved in species as divergent as mouse andRhodobacter. This region of the protein shows substantially less sequence conservation in the chloroplast cytochromeb 6. The catalytic role of these conserved regions is strongly supported by locations of residues that are altered in mutants resistant to inhibitors of cytochromeb electron transport.  相似文献   

The effects of oxygen on ascorbic acid concentration and transport were studied in chick embryo (Gallus gallus domesticus). During normoxic incubations, plasma ascorbic acid concentration peaked on fetal day 12 and then fell, before increasing again on day 20 when pulmonary respiration began. In contrast, cerebral ascorbic acid concentration rose after day 6, was maintained at a relatively high level during days 8–18, and then fell significantly by day 20. Exposure of day 16 embryos for 48 h to 42% ambient O2 concentration decreased ascorbic acid concentration by four-fifths in plasma and by one-half in brain, compared to values in normoxic (21% O2) or hypoxic (15% O2) controls. Hyperoxic preincubation of embryos also inhibited ascorbic acid transport, as evidenced by decreased initial rates of saturable and Na+-dependent [14C]ascorbic acid uptake into isolated brain cells. It may be concluded that changes in ascorbic acid concentration occur in response to oxidative stress, consistent with a role for the vitamin in the detoxification of oxygen radicals in fetal tissues. However, changing O2 levels have less effect on ascorbic acid concentration in brain than in plasma, indicating regulation of the vitamin by brain cells. Furthermore, the effect of hyperoxia on cerebral vitamin C may result, in part, from inhibition of cellular ascorbic acid transport.  相似文献   

A modification of the procedure of extraction of cell wall solution for enzymatic determination of ascorbic acid and its reduction level in the apoplast of leaf cells is proposed. The modification consists in infiltration of leaves with citric acid/sodium phosphate buffer, pH 3, instead of customarily used neutral solutions. In acidic media autooxidation of ascorbic acid is effectively suppressed, so that infiltration could be performed at laboratory temperatures. Using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and infiltration solutions of pH down to 1.5 it is shown, that at pH 3 the extracted fluid is not contaminated with intracellular substances if appropriate vacuum and centrifugation forces are used. The modification is shown to be more effective for leaves ofPhaseolus than for those ofSpinacia. In cell walls of mature leaves of these species the concentration of ascorbic acid was found to be around 1 mM, with reduction level up to 0.90. The role of ascorbic acid in cell walls as ozone scavenger is discussed This work has been supported by grant No. 287 from the Estonian Science Foundation. We are grateful to Martin Gibbs from the American Society of Plant Physiologists for his kind gift of AA, AAO and DTT. We are also indebted to Vello Jaaska from the Institute of Zoology and Botany of the Estonian Academy of Sciences for performing PAGE analyses.  相似文献   

Summary The cytochemical localization of ATPase activity has been investigated in maize root cells using both lead and cerium-based capture methods. With both methods, staining at the plasma membrane was observed in all cells of the root, although the precipitate obtained with cerium was more uniform and granular than that with lead. Controls using no substrate or no magnesium, -glycerophosphate to replace ATP, vanadate or boiled tissue generally showed little or no staining. However, biochemical studies on purified plasma membrane fractions showed that ATPase activity was markedly inhibited by fixation, particularly by glutaraldehyde, and also by lead and cerium ions. Non-enzymic hydrolysis of ATP by cerium was greater than that by lead. The value and limitations of these procedures for the localization of plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity are summarized in relation to previous criticisms of these methods.Abbreviations DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid - GP B-glycerophosphate - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzene sulphonic acid - PMSF phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride  相似文献   

Summary Cytochromeb 561 (cytb 561) is a trans-membrane cytochrome probably ubiquitous in plant cells. In vitro, it is readily reduced by ascorbate or by juglonol, which in plasma membrane (PM) preparations from plant tissues is efficiently produced by a PM-associated NAD(P)Hquinone reductase activity. In bean hypocotyl PM, juglonol-reduced cytb 561 was not oxidized by hydrogen peroxide alone, but hydrogen peroxide led to complete oxidation of the cytochrome in the presence of a peroxidase found in apoplastic extracts of bean hypocotyls. This peroxidase active on cytb 561 was purified from the apoplastic extract and identified as an ascorbate peroxidase of the cytosolic type. The identification was based on several grounds, including the ascorbate peroxidase activity (albeit labile), the apparent molecular mass of the subunit of 27 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the dimeric native structure, the typical spectral properties of a heme-containing peroxidase, and an N-terminal sequence strongly conserved with cytosolic ascorbate peroxidases of plants. Cytb 561 used in the experiments was purified from bean hypocotyl PM and juglonol was enzymatically produced by recombinant NAD(P)H:quinone reductase. It is shown that NADPH, NAD(P)H:quinone reductase, juglone, cytb 561, the peroxidase interacting with cytb 561, and H2O2, in this order, constitute an artificial electron transfer chain in which cytb 561 is indirectly reduced by NADPH and indirectly oxidized by H2O2.Abbreviations APX ascorbate peroxidase - b 561PX cytochrome 6561 peroxidase - CPX coniferol peroxidase - cyt cytochrome - GPX guaia-col peroxidase - IWF intercellular washing fluid - MDHA monodehydroascorbate - PM plasma membrane  相似文献   

The histochemical localization of ascorbic acid and RNA was studied during developmental stages ofDatura anthers. The concentration of ascorbic acid and RNA was high in primary parietal and primary sporogenous layers, sporogenous cells and pollen grains. The connective of young anther showed remarkably high concentration of ascorbic acid. The high peaks of ascorbic acid and RNA concentration correlated with the growth phases of anther. The connective and anther wall layers act as reservoirs of energy needed for developing sporogenous cells.  相似文献   

Legume nodules have specialized transport functions for the exchange of carbon and nitrogen compounds between bacteroids and root cells. Plasma membrane-type (vanadate-sensitive) H+-ATPase energizes secondary active transporters in plant cells and it could drive exchanges across peribacteroidal and plasmatic membranes. A nodule cDNA corresponding to a major isoform of Phaseolus vulgaris H+-ATPase (designated BHA1) has been cloned. BHA1 is a functional proton pump because after removal of its inhibitory domain and can complement a yeast mutant unable to synthesize a H+-ATPase. BHA1 is not nodule-specific, since it is also expressed in roots of uninfected plants. It belongs to the subfamily of plasma membrane H+-ATPases defined by the Arabidopsis AHA1, AHA2 and AHA3 genes and the tobacco PMA4 and corn MHA2 genes. In situ hybridization in nodule sections indicates high expression of BHA1 limited to uninfected cells. These results were confirmed by immunocytochemistry. The relatively low expression of plasma membrane-type H+-ATPase in Rhizobium-infected cells put a note of caution on the origin of the vanadate-sensitive ATPase described in preparations of peribacteroidal membranes. Also, our results indicate that active transport in symbiotic nodules is most intense at the plasma membrane of uninfected cells and support a specialized role of uninfected tissue for nitrogen transport.  相似文献   

Eduard Hurt  Günter Hauska   《BBA》1982,682(3):466-473
(1) Oxidant-induced reduction of cytochrome b6 is completely dependent on a reduced component within the isolated cytochrome b6-f complex. This component can be reduced by dithionite or by NADH/N-methylphenazonium methosulfate. It is a 2H+/2e carrier with a midpoint potential of 100 mV at pH 7.0, which is very similar to the midpoint potential of the plastoquinone pool in chloroplasts. (2) Oxidant-induced reduction of cytochrome b6 is stimulated by plastoquinol-1 as well as by plastoquinol-9. The midpoint potential of the transient reduction of cytochrome b6, however, was not shifted by added plastoquinol. (3) Quinone analysis of the purified cytochrome b6-f complex revealed about one plastoquinone per cytochrome f. The endogenous quinone is heterogeneous, a form more polar than plastoquinone-A, probably plastoquinone-C, dominating, This is different from the thylakoid membrane where plastoquinone-A is the main quinone. (4) The endogenous quinone can be extracted from the lyophilized cytochrome b6-f complex by acetone, but not by hydrocarbon solvents. Oxidant-induced reduction of cytochrome b6 was observed in the lyophilized and hexane-extracted complex, but was lost in the acetone-extracted complex. Reconstitution was achieved either with plastoquinol-1 or plastoquinol-9, suggesting that a plastoquinol molecule is involved in oxidant-induced reduction of cytochrome b6.  相似文献   

Basal and Na+-K+ stimulated ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, E.C. are both present in isolated preparations of purified cell wall and plasma membrane from cotyledon tissue of Phaseolus vulgaris. A comparison of the enzymes in the two fractions has revealed that the specific activities of basal and cation-sensitive ATPase are markedly higher in isolated cell wall than in the plasma membrane fraction. In addition, enrichments of both enzymes calculated on a protein basis relative to corresponding homogenates were considerably higher for cell wall than for plasma membrane. Thus, while part of the ATP-hydrolyzing activity of the wall may be attributable to the enzymatic properties of imbedded plasma membrane, there must also be additional non-membranous ATPase in the protein complement of the wall itself.  相似文献   

The transport of radiolabeled indoleacetic acid (IAA), and some of its conjugates, was investigated in nodal stem segments of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Donor agar blocks containing either [2-acetyl-14C]-IAA; [2-acetyl-14C]-indole-3-acetyl-L-aspartate (IAAsp); [2-acetyl-14C]-indole-3-acetyl-L-glycine (IAGly); or [2-acetyl-14C]-indole-3-acetyl-L-alanine (IAAla) were placed on either the apical or basal cut surface of stem segments each bearing an axillary bud at the midline. In some experiments, a receiver block was placed on the end opposite to the donor. After transport was terminated, the segments were divided into five equal sections plus the bud, and the radioactivity of donors, receivers and each part of the stem segment was counted.For all four substances tested, the amount of 14C transported to the axillary bud from the base was the same or greater than that from the apical end. After basipetal transport, the distribution of 14C in the segment declined sharply from apex to base. The inverse was true for acropetal transport. Transport for the three IAA conjugates did not differ substantially from each other.The IAA transport inhibitor, N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), inhibited basipetal 14C-IAA transport to the base of the stem segment but did not alter substantially the amount of 14C-IAA recovered from the bud. Transport of 14C-IAA from the apical end to all parts of the stem segment declined when the base of the section was treated with nonradioactive IAA. Taken together with data presented in the accompanying article [Tamas et al. (1989) Plant Growth Regul 8: 165–183], these results suggest that the transport of IAA plays a role in axillary bud growth regulation, but its effect does not depend on the accumulation of IAA in the axillary bud itself.  相似文献   

R. R. Dubreuil  G. B. Bouck 《Protoplasma》1988,143(2-3):150-164
Summary Surface isolates or membrane skeletons from surface isolates can maintain the cell and surface form characteristic of euglenoids. We now report that the plasma membrane alone obtained by trypsin or urea digestion of surface isolates can also maintain surface form, but the membrane skeleton is able to produce striking changes in membrane organization. Trypsin digests microtubules, the membrane skeleton and partially digests the major integral membrane protein from surface isolates but does not alter the paracrystalline plasma membrane interior. Extraction of surface isolates with 4M urea leaves an insoluble plasma membrane and a subset of proteins arranged perpendicularly to the membrane surface. To resolve further the relationship between the plasma membrane and the membrane skeleton we have perturbed membrane organization by extraction of surface isolates with NaOH and find that readdition of the extract followed by neutralization restored important features of the membrane skeleton and caused patching of the membrane interior. Biochemically, the reassembled membrane skeleton consisted of 80 and 86 kD polypeptides and other less abundant proteins, and structurally the reassembled membrane skeleton was about the same thickness as the native membrane skeleton. Reassembly of the membrane skeleton appeared to be saturatable in that addition of an excess of extract had no effect on the thickness of the membrane skeletal layer. When the 80 kD protein was depleted from the reassembly mixture by affinity chromatography using Sepharose-bound monoclonal antibodies, the amount of 86 kD protein bound was significantly reduced, suggesting a dependance of 86 kD protein on 80 kD binding. A urea soluble fraction enriched in the 80 and 86 kD proteins was added to alkali-stripped membranes and 170 Å filaments were formed perpendicularly to the membrane surface. From the sum of these experiments we suggest that a) the native amorphous membrane skeleton ofEuglena may consist of a framework of 80 and 86 kD filaments arranged in a brush-like layer, b) the framework can direct plasma membrane organization, but once determined, membrane form remains stable to urea and trypsin but not to alkali, and c) new surface growth can in theory occur as an expansion of the brush-like layer by direct intercalation of filaments enriched in or consisting wholly of 80 and 86 kD proteins.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbant assay - EF ectoplasmic fracture face - IMPs intramembrane particles - PF protoplasmic fracture face This work was supported by a University of Illinois Fellowship to RRD and NSF grant DCB-8602793 to GBB.  相似文献   

The comparison of primary structures is extended to 22 cytochromesb orb 6, 12 cytochromesc 1 orf, and 8 Rieske FeS proteins. Conclusions are drawn as to their phylogenetic relationship as well as on conserved, functionally important amino acids and secondary structures. The results are in favor of two independent quinone binding sites at opposite surfaces of the membrane, topping one of the two hemes of cytochromeb each.  相似文献   

Summary Photoautotrophically growing cultures of the fresh water cyanobacteriumAnacystis nidulans adapted to the presence of 0.4–0.5 M NaCl (about sea water level) with a lag phase of two days after which time the growth rate reassumed 80–90% of the control. Plasma and thylakoid membranes were separated from cell-free extracts of French pressure cell treatedAnacystis nidulans by discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation and purified by repeated recentrifugation on fresh gradients. Identity of the plasma and thylakoid membrane fractions was confirmed by labeling of intact cells with impermeant protein markers prior to breakage and membrane isolation. Electron microscopy revealed that each type of membrane was obtained in the form of closed and perfectly spherical vesicles. Major changes in structure and function of the plasma membranes (and, to a much lesser extent, of the thylakoid membranes) were found to accompany the adaptation process. On the average, diameters of plasma membrane vesicles from salt adapted cells were only one-third of the diameters of corresponding vesicles from control cells. By contrast, the diameters of thylakoid membrane vesicles were the same in both cases.Freeze-etching the cells and counting the number of membrane-intercalating particles on both protoplasmic and exoplasmic fracture faces of plasma and thylakoid membranes indicated a roughly 50% increase of the particle density in plasma membranes during the adaptation process while that in thylakoid membranes was unaffected. Comparison between particle densities on isolated membranes and those on corresponding whole cell membranes permitted an estimate as to the percentage of inside-out and right-side-out vesicles. Stereometric measurement of particle sizes suggested that two distinct sub-populations of the particles in the plasma membranes increased during the adaptation process, tentatively correlated to the cytochrome oxidase and sodium-proton antiporter, respectively. The effects of salt adaptation described in this paper were fully reversed upon withdrawal of the additional NaCl from the growth medium (deadaptation). Moreover, they were not observed when the NaCl was replaced by KCl.Abbreviations CM cytoplasmic or plasma membrane - ICM intracytoplasmic or thylakoid membrane - EF exoplasmic fracture face - PF protoplasmic fracture face - DABS diazobenzosulfonate; Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane-sulfonate - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride Dedicated to the memory of Professor Oswald Kiermayer  相似文献   

K. Laporte  M. Rossignol  J. A. Traas 《Planta》1993,191(3):413-416
Using monoclonal antibodies we have studied the interaction of tubulin with the plasma membrane of leaves of Nicotiana sylvestris (Speg. et Comes) and tobacco suspension-culture cells. The results show that isolated plasma membranes contain tightly bound -tubulins. Their association with the plasma membrane is resistent to non-ionic detergent and to low and high ionic strength. Only extraction with sodium dodecyl sulfate is capable of dissociating these cytoskeletal proteins. It is unlikely that this membrane-bound tubulin is present in its polymeric form because electron-microscopical analysis does not reveal the presence of filaments, whereas treatment of membranes with oryzalin (which has been shown to destabilize microtubules in vitro) does not remove the tubulins from isolated plasma membrane. When living cells are treated with oryzalin, the amount of membrane-associated tubulin is drastically reduced, which could mean that its presence is related to in-vivo microtubule dynamics.Abbreviations Mes 2 (N-morpholino) ethane sulfonic acid - NP40 Nonidet P40  相似文献   

The role of plasma membrane redox activity in light effects in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stimulations by light of electron transport at the plasma membrane make it possible that redox activity is involved in light-induced signal transduction chains. This is especially true in cases where component(s) of the chain are also located at the plasma membrane. Photosynthetic reactions stimulate transplasma membrane redox activity of mesophyll cells. Activity is measured as a reduction of the nonpermeating redox probe, ferricyanide. The stimulation is due to production of a cytosolic electron donor from a substance(s) transported from the chloroplast. It is unknown whether the stimulation of redox activity is a requirement for other photosynthetically stimulated processes at the plasma membrane, but a reduced intermediate may regulate proton excretion by guard cells. Blue light induces an absorbance change (LIAC) at the plasma membrane whose difference spectrum resembles certainb-type cytochromes. This transport of electrons may be due to absorption of light by a flavoprotein. The LIAC has been implicated as an early step in certain blue light-mediated morphogenic events. Unrelated to photosynthesis, blue light also stimulates electron transport at the plasma membrane to ferricyanide. The relationship between LIAC and transmembrane electron flow has not yet been determined, but blue light-regulated proton excretion and/or growth may depend on this electron flow. No conclusions can be drawn regarding any role for phytochrome because of a paucity of information concerning the effects of red light on redox activity at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

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