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夜鹭繁殖习性与生长发育研究   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24  
1994~1998年对夜鹭繁殖习性与生长发育进行了研究。夜鹭于4月中下旬迁到浙江,9月下旬、10月初迁离,居留期165天。巢距地高8.51m。平均窝卵3.49枚,孵卵期22~26天,育雏期30~35天。年繁殖力3.50只。雏鸟体重生长模型为:Wt=5601+e^-0.231(t-12)(R^2=0.99);体长、体重关系式为:W=0.000246L^2.5029。雏鸟体温发育分为3个时期:  相似文献   

昼夜温差对小麦光合特性的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在严格控制光照和空气相对湿度的人工气候室内,模拟不同昼夜温差(25℃/10℃,昼/夜和25℃/25℃,昼夜),对两个原在不同环境条件下栽培的青海高原338和上海沪麦5号小麦品种的光合特性进行了进行了比较研究。结果表明,在有15℃昼夜温差处理条件下生长的小麦,其叶面积较大,叶片寿命较长,呼吸作用较低。不同的昼夜温差条件下小麦的光合作用响应曲线没有明显的差异;但在夜温为10℃下生长小麦,其光合作用的最  相似文献   

虎斑夜鳽分布与亚群态势研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本世纪以来对虎斑夜鳽分布地点的新发现,表明该种从滨海到内陆漫布于中国长江以南广大地区,并向北渗透直逼东洋界北限秦岭-淮河一线;作者据此将各地的虎斑夜鳽初划为11个亚群,提出目前该种存有3个相对健康而稳定的亚群,即黄山-天目山亚群、南岭亚群和广西亚群,且每个亚群的分布范围均至少不会小于5000km2,其中以黄山-天目山亚群的记录由历史至现今相对最为长久而完整,进而提出今后在上述诸亚群范围之外还会有新的发现.文中指出,尽管近期对虎斑夜鳽分布状况有了新认识,目前仍可视该种的受胁等级为濒危.  相似文献   

Karr , E. J. (Ohio State U., Columbus), A. J. Linck , and C. A. Swanson . The effect of short periods of high temperature during day and night periods on pea yields. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(2) : 91-93. Illus. 1959.—The effect of high temperatures during periods of relatively short duration (3-4 days) at various stages following anthesis at the first bloom node was studied in relation to yield of peas at this node. Except for the periods of differential temperature treatments, the plants were maintained in a standard environment room (24°C., light, 12 hr.; 15°C., darkness, 12 hr.). Three different temperature regimes during the treatment periods were studied: high day temperature—standard night temperature (32°—15°C.) ; standard day temperature—high night temperature (24°—30°C.) ; and high day and night temperatures combined (32°—30°C.). The data reveal the existence of a relatively well-defined thermal-sensitive period, with maximal sensitivity to high day temperatures occurring at about 9-11 days from full bloom, and maximal sensitivity to high night temperatures occurring about 6-9 days from full bloom. High night temperatures proved more critical, resulting in a maximal reduction of 25% in yield, as opposed to about 8% for high day temperatures. The effect of high day and night temperatures combined tended to be roughly additive.  相似文献   

The effects of three day/night temperatures (18/12 C, 24/18 C, and 30/24 C), and two types of containers (clay and plastic) on the seedling growth of three F1 hybrid annuals were determined after 14 days of controlled-environment treatment. A day/night temperature of 18/12 C was severely limiting to the early seedling growth of ‘Blue Blazer’ ageratum (Ageratum houstonianum Mill.), ‘Pink Cascade’ petunia (Petunia hybrida Vilm.), and ‘Double Eagle’ marigold (Tagetes erecta L.). Raising the day/night temperature to 24/18 C resulted in striking increases in growth in both clay and plastic pots. Fresh and dry weights of tops for all three species were increased four- to fivefold, and leaf areas of ageratum and petunia were increased more than fivefold irrespective of container. Height and node number were also increased significantly but to a much lesser degree. A day/night temperature of 30/24 C appeared to be optimum for early seedling growth of F1 hybrid annuals the optimum being based on dry matter accumulation, stem elongation, node development, and leaf area production. Growth of lateral shoots was greatly stimulated at 30/24 C, especially in marigold. There were no appreciable differences in fresh or dry weight of tops or in leaf area between plants in clay and plastic containers at any of the three day/night temperatures.  相似文献   

Siegfried, W. R., Frost, P. G. H., Ball, I. J., & Mckinney, D. F. 1977. Evening gatherings and night roosting of African Black Ducks. Ostrich 48: 5–16.

Black Ducks Anas sparsa were observed to move at dusk from rivers to gather at a large irrigation dam in the Eerste River Valley near Stellenbosch, South Africa. Many spent the night there, returning to rivers during early morning. For two years, starting April 1973, observers visited the dam at least twice a week, and they counted the Black Ducks present during the hour before time of local sunset and thereafter until it became too dark to see. The Black Ducks visiting the dam included single adults and juveniles of both sexes as well as pairs, some of the latter being territory-holders on rivers. Certain individuals were observed fairly regularly, especially in summer and autumn when the greatest numbers of birds were recorded roosting at the dam. Young Black Ducks fledged in 1973 and 1974 were first observed at the dam during December each year. Some of these juveniles of both sexes were not older than 11 weeks. Most early arrivals at the dam tended to loaf until about time of local sunset. Thereafter, and for 30 minutes or so preceding darkness, most birds engaged in social interactions in small groups (usually 2–4 birds). The groups were composed of males, females, or both sexes and all age classes. Rival males occasionally engaged in bouts of overt fighting. Females also fought violently with each other. Aerial pursuits occurred. Data on the seasonal incidence of these and other behavioural activities are presented. With the onset of darkness the number of interactions declined, as the birds separated as pairs and singletons to spend the night resting on the beaches of the dam. The evening gatherings, and the social interactions of Black Ducks at the dam appeared important for working out personal relationships between individual Black Ducks.  相似文献   

陈欣  杨岚 《动物学研究》1990,11(3):229-236
本文报道分布于昆明地区的黄臀鹎Pycnonotus xanthorrhous在禁食和四季夜间能量物质——脂肪、蛋白质和糖的消耗情况。结果表明,在人为禁食条件下黄臀鹎的存活时间仅19小时,死亡时躯脂降低79%,去脂飞翔肌干重降低46%,肝糖降低96%。在夜间黄臀鹎消耗大量的储存脂肪,并以冬季的消耗量最大。肝糖提供的能量极少。在繁殖期和换羽期,储存的飞翔肌蛋白质在夜间大量分解以提供鸟体的需要。  相似文献   

Night counts of hares and other animals were made on a disused airstrip in the Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda and on the road between Magadi and Nairobi in Kenya. Lepus crawshayi is the only species of hare which occurs in the Queen Elizabeth Park but L. capensis is also found in Kenya. No regular seasonal fluctuations were found in the number of hares recorded due probably to the continuous breeding of these equatorial species. The number of waterbuck seen in Uganda on moonlit nights was significantly greater than that counted on dark nights. This is not thought to be due to better viewing conditions under a full moon since the phenomenon was not found with other species. The number of hares recorded varied inversely with the number of other mammals present but bore no relationship with the number of birds. It is concluded that night counts can be useful in revealing population trends but not for assessing total numbers or for comparing densities in different areas.  相似文献   

夜鹭幼鸟繁殖的生态研究   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
引言 自1923年Groos对夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)的成鸟幼鸟进行系统测定以来,鸟类学家都以该鸟的羽色作为区分成幼鸟的形态标志的典型(郑作新,1973)。关于夜鹭成鸟繁殖生态学研究,几十年来不断有所报道,如Teal(1965)和Raymond(1982)研究夜鹭繁殖习性和繁殖率后,指出风暴和兽类干扰,是夜鹭繁殖失败的主要因素,Hafner(1980)还对夜鹭繁殖期的领域性和生态位作了讨论,但是,有关夜鹭幼鸟繁殖记录极少。1942年Noble和Wurm成功地观察到在人工监察环境中该种幼鸟的繁殖史,引起人们的兴趣和注意。1982年Thomas等人在美国Hope岛及Rhoole岛观察到夜  相似文献   

解兰昌  章海军 《生理学报》1991,43(6):530-536
本文利用激光散斑屈光测试系统详细探讨了夜近视(night myopia)的产生机制。夜近视在环境亮度降低到产生暗视觉时出现,并随亮度继续降低而增大,平均值为1.35D。实验证明眼睛球差和色差不是造成夜近视的主要因素。夜近视数值在暗适应过程中呈增大的趋势。在暗视觉时,由于视野中缺少适宜的刺激,眼睛处于暗焦(dark focus)休止状态,这是造成夜近视的主要原因。  相似文献   

J. L. F. Parslow 《Ibis》1969,111(1):48-79
An account is given of the migration of British summer resident small passerine night migrants across the English Channel in spring and autumn, as detected by radar.
The main times of passage of each species have been determined from the trapping records of Dungeness Bird Observatory.
The tracks of the migrants are consistent with the view that they always head about NNW in spring and SSE in autumn but may be drifted by a cross-wind.
The wind-direction and speed had a paramount influence on the volume of migration in both spring and autumn. Temperature had no effect in autumn, and though there was more migration with warmer than cold weather in spring, this need not have been due to the influence of temperature as such.
Small reversed movements occurred, with southerly winds in autumn or, more doubtfully, with northerly winds in spring.  相似文献   

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