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Fifty years ago, a medical breakthrough in the prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders was made with the introduction of amniocentesis. Until recently, there was little hope that diseases diagnosed in utero could be treated before birth. Today, prenatal gene therapy is emerging as a new concept for treating pre- and postnatal manifestations of genetic diseases and developmental disorders. Research studies have generated a degree of optimism by demonstrating the feasibility of fetal gene transfer. Nevertheless, enthusiasm is tempered by the considerable technical and ethical issues raised by such studies. Undoubtedly, the future of prenatal gene transfer as a therapeutic approach for birth defects mostly depends on addressing and overcoming these concerns.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy has revealed that cell death in tumors undergoing therapy may follow either from auto-oxidative cellular injury (ACI) or from programmed cell death (apoptosis), depending on the particular form of treatment employed and on its intensity. This short review argues not only in favor of ACI as the preferred mode of cell death, but also for a better understanding of the relationship between the nature of the changes stressed cells undergo and patterns of drug resistance accompanying survival if therapy is to become more successful.  相似文献   

The best opportunities at present for improving the results in the treatment of patients with cancer of the lung are by way of (a) utilizing the information obtained on routine x-ray examination of the chest, (b) decreasing the delay between the time of the first symptoms and the time the patient consults a physician, and (c) decreasing the delay between the time the patient first consults a physician and the time the cancer is surgically removed. The medical profession must increase its index of suspicion of cancer of the lung and persist in efforts to make a diagnosis when lung cancer is suspected. Exploratory thoracotomy should be used in suspicious cases when the diagnosis cannot be established by other methods.  相似文献   

The damaging effects of UVB light have been described previously and include a number of changes to multiple cell types. At previous meetings of this society, we have shown that Langerhans' cells are the most susceptible to UVB induced damage which can be shown as ultrastructural changes in dendrites, nucleus and cytoplasm by transmission electron microscopy. We have also shown that their patterns of migration from skin to regional lymph node and their ability to present antigens to autologous T cells have been profoundly altered by UVB irradiation. The aim of this work was to establish if it was possible to reverse any of the damage done to Langerhans' cells by UVB exposure by topical application of a DNA repair enzyme such as T4N5 endonuclease. These experiments were undertaken in a sheep model that allowed collection of cells as they migrate from the skin. This allowed for a direct examination of the migration characteristics and ultrastructural features of all Langerhans' cells before, during, and for 2 weeks after exposure to a single dose of UVB. Results obtained from this project indicate that treatment by topical application of DNA repair enzyme immediately after UVB irradiation may restore a number of normal immune parameters associated with the structure and function of migrating Langerhans' cells. It appears that there is a dose related correction of the increased tempo of cell migration and some improvements in the number of ultrastructurally damaged Langerhans' cells have also been associated with application of higher doses of DNA repair enzyme. These preliminary findings indicate that some potential therapeutic benefits are associated with the use of such agents in reversing the immunological damage caused by exposure to erythemal doses of UVB light.  相似文献   


The damaging effects of UVB light have been described previously and include a number of changes to multiple cell types. At previous meetings of this society, we have shown that Langerhans' cells are the most susceptible to UVB induced damage which can be shown as ultrastructural changes in dendrites, nucleus and cytoplasm by transmission electron microscopy. We have also shown that their patterns of migration from skin to regional lymph node and their ability to present antigens to autologous T cells have been profoundly altered by UVB irradiation.

The aim of this work was to establish if it was possible to reverse any of the damage done to Langerhans' cells by UVB exposure by topical application of a DNA repair enzyme such as T4N5 endonuclease. These experiments were undertaken in a sheep model that allowed collection of cells as they migrate from the skin. This allowed for a direct examination of the migration characteristics and ultrastructural features of all Langerhans' cells before, during, and for 2 weeks after exposure to a single dose of UVB.

Results obtained from this project indicate that treatment by topical application of DNA repair enzyme immediately after UVB irradiation may restore a number of normal immune parameters associated with the structure and function of migrating Langerhans' cells. It appears that there is a dose related correction of the increased tempo of cell migration and some improvements in the number of ultrastructurally damaged Langerhans' cells have also been associated with application of higher doses of DNA repair enzyme. These preliminary findings indicate that some potential therapeutic benefits are associated with the use of such agents in reversing the immunological damage caused by exposure to erythemal doses of UVB light.  相似文献   

Indica rice anther culture: can the impasse be surpassed?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the past two decades numerous papers have been published on anther culture of rice. These studies clearly indicate that while anther culture is a technique that can be adopted for breeding japonica rice, it being a useful adjunct in indica rice breeding is still some way away. The main reasons why anther culture cannot be utilized for indica rice breeding is analyzed, and aspects that may be manipulated to achieve progress are presented in this review. The two stages of rice anther culture, callus induction and green plant regeneration, are genetically determined traits that show quantitative inheritance. Indica rice is known to have a recalcitrant genetic background that supports these traits poorly. While improvement of the genetic background through recombination or gene transfer remains possible, manipulation of culture media, particularly the nitrogen and carbon sources, has brought about substantial improvements in indica rice anther culture. Adjustments to pre- and post-culture conditions, that include application of various stresses on anthers before and after culture, also have had beneficial effects. The importance of reducing the tissue culture phase to achieve direct embryogenesis is discussed with special reference to improving green plant regeneration potential. The necessity to understand the processes involved in microspore embryogenesis is highlighted in order to support empirical knowledge and achieve a breakthrough in technology. In this regard, rice genome sequence information may be leveraged to elucidate functions of genes involved in microspore embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Large discrepancies have been found in dates of evolutionary events obtained using the molecular clock. Twofold differences have been reported between the dates estimated from molecular data and those from the fossil record; furthermore, different molecular methods can give dates that differ 20-fold. New software attempts to incorporate appropriate allowances for this uncertainty into the calculation of the accuracy of date estimates. Here, we propose that these innovations represent welcome progress towards obtaining reliable dates from the molecular clock, but warn that they are currently unproven, given that the causes and pattern of the discrepancies are the subject of ongoing research. This research implies that many previous studies, even some of those using recently developed methods, might have placed too much confidence in their date estimates, and their conclusions might need to be revised.  相似文献   

Summary We evaluated three methods for the analysis of functional response data by asking whether a given method could discriminate among functional responses and whether it could accurately identify regions of positive density-dependent predation. We evaluated comparative curve fitting with foraging models, linear least-squares analysis using the angular transformation, and logit analysis. Using data from nature and simulations, we found that the analyses of predation rates with the angular transformation and logit analysis were best at consistently determining the true functional response, i.e. the model used to generate simulated data. These methods also produced the most accurate estimates of the true regions of density dependence. Of these two methods, functional response data best fulfill the assumptions of logit analysis. Angularly transformed predation rates only approximate the assumptions of linear leastsquares analysis for predation rates between 0.1 and 0.9. Lack-of-fit statistics can reveal inadequate fit of a model to a data set where simple regression statistics might erroneously suggest a good match.  相似文献   

The challenge hypothesis, conceived for testosterone and vertebrates, has recently been applied to juvenile hormone (JH) and insects. Scott [Scott, M.P., 2006a. Resource defense and juvenile hormone: the "challenge hypothesis" extended to insects. Horm. Behav. 49, 276-281] found that JH in the burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis increased in response to a social challenge in the presence of a breeding resource, while there was no such JH response in the purported brood parasite Nicrophorus pustulatus. Two important implications of the challenge hypothesis that need to be tested are whether JH affects dominance and why there are interspecific differences in the JH response to a social challenge. The effect of JH on dominance in burying beetles was examined by topical application of JH III to one of two competing females at 24 h and again at 1 h prior to presentation of a breeding resource (mouse carcass). JH supplementation had no effect on dominance in intraspecific interactions in N. orbicollis, as measured by possession of the carcass on Day 1, 3 or 7. Similarly, JH did not alter carcass ownership during competition between N. orbicollis and N. pustulatus nor did it affect reproductive success. Irrespective of JH supplementation, N. pustulatus became increasingly dominant as the trials progressed, rarely occupying the carcass on Day 1, but excluding N. orbicollis in nearly half the trials by Day 7. These findings, and a brief review of the burying beetle literature, suggest that the challenge hypothesis, as applied to testosterone and vertebrates, does not yet have an analogous model for JH and insects.  相似文献   

Gene therapy: can neural stem cells deliver?   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Neural stem cells are a self-renewing population that generates the neurons and glia of the developing brain. They can be isolated, proliferated, genetically manipulated and differentiated in vitro and reintroduced into a developing, adult or pathologically altered CNS. Neural stem cells have been considered for use in cell replacement therapies in various neurodegenerative diseases, and an unexpected and potentially valuable characteristic of these cells has recently been revealed--they are highly migratory and seem to be attracted to areas of brain pathology such as ischaemic and neoplastic lesions. Here, we speculate on the ways in which neural stem cells might be exploited as delivery vehicles for gene therapy in the CNS.  相似文献   

The interstrand crosslink (ICL) presents a challenge to both the cell and the scientist. From a clinical standpoint, these lesions are particularly intriguing: ICL-inducing agents are powerful tools in cancer chemotherapy, and spontaneous ICLs have recently been linked with accelerated aging phenotypes. Nevertheless, the ICL repair process has proven difficult to elucidate. Here we discuss recent additions to the current model and argue that the endonuclease xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group F-excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency complementation group 1 (XPF-ERCC1) has been heretofore misplaced. During nucleotide excision repair, XPF-ERCC1 makes a single-strand nick adjacent to the lesion. XPF-ERCC1 has been thought to play an analogous role in ICL repair. However, recent data has implicated XPF-ERCC1 in homologous recombination. We suggest that this role, rather than its function in nucleotide excision repair, defines its importance to ICL repair.  相似文献   

There are continued claims of attempts to clone humans using nuclear transfer, despite the serious problems that have been encountered in cloning other mammals. It is known that epigenetic and genetic mechanisms are involved in clone failure, but we still do not know exactly how. Human reproductive cloning is unethical, but the production of cells from cloned embryos could offer many potential benefits. So, can human cloning be made safe?  相似文献   

Marine microbial diversity: can it be determined?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Estimates of the order of magnitude for the total number of microbial species on Earth range from 10(3) to 10(9). Despite global dispersal of microorganisms, this number is probably rather large. The total biodiversity of an ecosystem is composed of two elements: first, a set of abundant taxa that carry out most ecosystem functions, grow actively and suffer intense losses through predation and viral lysis. These taxa are retrievable with molecular techniques but are difficult to grow in culture. Second, there is a seed bank of many rare taxa that are not growing or grow extremely slowly, do not experience viral lysis and predation is reduced. Such taxa are seldom retrieved by molecular techniques but many can be grown in culture, which explains the dictum 'everything is everywhere'.  相似文献   

The most significant discovery of the second half of the XXth century in the field of prostate cancer therapy is probably the observation that the human prostate, as well as many other peripheral human tissues, synthesize locally an important amount of androgens from the inactive steroid precursors dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfate DHEA-S. In parallel with these observations, two important discoveries also made by our group are applied in the clinic worldwide, namely the use of LHRH (luteininizing hormone-releasing hormone) agonists to completely block testicular androgens, while, simultaneously, the androgens made locally in the prostate from DHEA are blocked in their access to the androgen receptor by a pure antiandrogen of the class of flutamide. This treatment, called combined androgen blockade, has been the first treatment demonstrated to prolong life in prostate cancer. While the first studies were performed in patients with advanced and metastatic disease, our recent data indicate a remarkable level of efficacy of the same treatment applied to localized prostate cancer, namely a 90% possibility of cure. However, in order to be able to treat localized prostate cancer, early diagnosis must be achieved. In the first large-scale randomized study of prostate cancer screening, we have demonstrated that 99% of prostate cancers can be diagnosed at the localized or potentially curable stage, using simple annual measurement of PSA (prostatic specific antigen). Today's data show that with the simple application of the available diagnostic and therapeutic tools, death from prostate cancer should be an exception.  相似文献   

Lu  Ligong  Zhang  Hui  Zhan  Meixiao  Jiang  Jun  Yin  Hua  Dauphars  Danielle J.  Li  Shi-You  Li  Yong  He  You-Wen 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2020,63(12):1833-1849
Science China Life Sciences - The newly emerged severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has infected millions of people and caused tremendous morbidity and mortality worldwide....  相似文献   

Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is caused by a BCR-ABL chromosome translocation in a primitive hematopoietic stem cell. The number of hematopoietic stem cells in the body is thus a major factor in CML risk. Evidence suggests that the number of hematopoietic stem cells in the body is only loosely regulated, having a broad "dead-band" of physiologically acceptable values. The existence of a dead-band is important, because it would imply that low levels of hematopoietic stem cell killing can be permanent; i.e., it would imply that low doses of ionizing radiation can cause permanent reductions in the total number of CML target cells and thus permanent reductions in the subsequent risk of spontaneous CML. Such reductions in risk could be substantial if hematopoietic stem cells are also hypersensitive to radiation killing at low dose. Our calculations indicate that, due to dead-band hematopoietic stem cell control, if hematopoietic stem cells are as hypersensitive to killing at low doses as epithelial cells, reductions in the spontaneous CML risk could exceed the low-dose risks of induced CML; i.e., the net lifetime CML risk could have a U-shaped dose-response curve.  相似文献   

Diminishing fossil fuel resources as well as growing environmental and energy security concerns, in parallel with growing demands on raw materials and energy, have intensified global efforts to utilize wood biopolymers as a renewable resource to produce biofuels and biomaterials. Wood is one of the most abundant biopolymer composites on earth that can be converted into biofuels as well as used as a platform to produce bio-based materials. The major biopolymers in wood are cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin which account for >90% of dry weight. These polymers are generally associated with each other in wood cell walls resulting in an intricate and dynamic cell wall structure. This mini-review provides an overview of major wood biopolymers, their structure, and recent developments in their utilization to develop biofuels. Advances in genetic modifications to overcome the recalcitrance of woody biomass for biofuels are discussed and point to a promising future.  相似文献   

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