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The genetic structure and demography of local populations is tightly linked to the rate and scale of dispersal. Dispersal parameters are notoriously difficult to determine in the field, and remain often completely unknown for smaller organisms. In this study, we investigate spatial and temporal genetic structure in relation to dispersal patterns among local populations of the probably most abundant European mammals, the common vole (Microtus arvalis). Voles were studied in six natural populations at distances of 0.4-2.5 km in three different seasons (fall, spring, summer) corresponding to different life-history stages. Field observations provided no direct evidence for movements of individuals between populations. The analysis of 10 microsatellite markers revealed a persistent overall genetic structure among populations of 2.9%, 2.5% and 3% FST in the respective season. Pairwise comparisons showed that even the closest populations were significantly differentiated from each other in each season, but there was no evidence for temporal differentiation within populations or isolation by distance among populations. Despite significant genetic structure, assignment analyses identified a relatively high proportion of individuals as being immigrants for the population where they were captured. The immigration rate was not significantly lower for females than for males. We suggest that a generally low and sex-dependent effective dispersal rate as the consequence of only few immigrants reproducing successfully in the new populations together with the social structure within populations may explain the maintenance of genetic differentiation among populations despite migration.  相似文献   

Two long repeats, MS3 and MS4, are predominantly located in sex-chromosomal heterochromatin in common vole species. Their tandem arrangement was revealed by means of the PCR analysis of genomic DNAs of four Microtus species and by restriction mapping of clones selected from a M. rossiaemeridionalis genomic library. Several mobile elements proved incorporated in a monomeric unit of each repeat and amplified together with its other components. In addition, LINE inserts were found in MS4 tandem arrays. The copy number of both repeats per haploid genome was estimated at 100-300 for euchromatin and 20,000-40,000 for the M. rossiaemeridionalis genome. The repeats were assumed to be the major component of sex-chromosomal heterochromatin DNA.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic analysis was carried out on the synaptonemal complexes of 10 male common voles (Microtus arvalis) caught in 1990 in Belorussia. In the early pachytene stage of spermatocytes of four males, a heteromorphic bivalent has been found in one of five large autosomes. In the central region of the bivalent one of the lateral elements is in the form of a D-loop, characteristic of insertion/deletion heterozygotes. However, high-resolution G-band staining of mitotic chromosomes from fibroblasts shows no significant differences in the G-band pattern between homologs.  相似文献   

Some aspects of interspecific interactions between sibling species of common vole were studied at the Chernogolovka Scientific Research Station (severtsov Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences) from 1992 to 2001. In the marking plot and indoors, East European vole demonstrated high tolerance to the anthropogenic stress considering that it was the most abundant species in the studied area transformed by human economic activity and that it used buildings as temporary shelters. When cohabiting the marking plot, common and East European voles demonstrated different territorial distribution and circadian activity, which can be considered as an adaptation to avoiding competitive interactions of ecologically similar species.  相似文献   

The possibility of the atypical course of tularemia with the prolonged persistence of Francisella tularensis in common voles (M. arvalis), the twin species of East European voles (M. rossiaemeridionalis), was studied. Experiments were made on 33 animals grown in the laboratory. F. tularensis strain 165 was used. The animals were infected by feeding them according to the previously developed scheme. 7 out of 33 voles showed the atypical course of tularemia: in 3 voles the disease took a prolonged course with bacteriuria and death on days 25-34; 3 other voles with bacteriuria registered before days 33, 66 and 172 (the term of observation) survived. The surviving animals were killed on day 183, and the presence of bacteria in their organs and seroconversion were established. One vole excreted no bacteria with urine and had no bacteria in its organs (the animal was examined on day 156), but in its blood specific antibodies were detected. To determine bacteriuria, the immunofluorescence test was used together with biological assays. Thus, M. arvalis, like M. rossiaemeridionalis studied earlier, can harbor F. tularensis at the period between epizootics. When voles of the former species penetrate stacks of straw and hayricks, conditions appear for the transfer of the infection to the latter species, M. rossiaemeridionalis. Therefore, in the foci of the meadow-field type each of these two species of voles may be not only of epizootic, but also of epidemic importance.  相似文献   

多位点DNA指纹技术在保加利亚普通田鼠中的应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈炜  陈宏 《兽类学报》2007,27(1):101-104
DNA指纹是一种重要的现代分子遗传学标记技术(Jeffreys et al.,1985),它所揭示的是生物体大量的、无遗传编码信息的、具有高度多态性的卫星DNA(Chen,1996)。这些DNA序列往往占据了生物体基因组总量的80%以上,由于它不编码蛋白基因,在系统发育过程中,通常不被自然选择和人工选择,使得生物变异积累形成个体基因组间的巨大差异。因此,DNA指纹受到生物学家的青睐,以用于生物个体和群体的基因组分析(Burke and Bruford,1987;Buitmap et al.,1991;Weising et al.,1995)。  相似文献   

The colonisation history and genetic structure of the common vole ( Microtus arvalis ) was investigated in the region of the Alps by analysing the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (mtDNA) and 19 microsatellite loci (nucDNA) for 137 voles from 52 localities. mtDNA data provided a much refined distribution of three highly divergent evolutionary lineages in the region compared to previous studies. Although high mountain ranges are widely accepted to be barriers for colonisation processes for many organisms and especially small terrestrial mammals, our phylogeographic analyses showed clear evidence of four transalpine colonisation events by the common vole. Individual-based phylogenetic analyses of nucDNA and two alternative Bayesian-clustering approaches revealed a deep genetic structure analogous to mtDNA. Incongruence between nucDNA and mtDNA at the individual level was restricted to the regions of contact between the lineages. mtDNA patterns and strong female philopatry in M. arvalis suggest that the crossings of the Alps occurred during the colonisation of the region when it was free from ice after the last glaciation. nucDNA patterns suggest that some of the transalpine elements of this phylogeographic pattern were subsequently eroded by male-biased gene flow. We conclude that the combination of phylogeography and landscape genetics at the individual level can provide very detailed insights into colonisation events and may even allow differentiation between historical and more recent processes.  相似文献   

Rodent outbreaks cause significant crop damages in agricultural areas worldwide, but routinely monitoring large areas at low cost remains a challenge. The common vole Microtus arvalis has recently colonized the agricultural plains of the northern Iberian Plateau, an area where it has started to produce population outbreaks with important impacts in agriculture, the environment and human health. Vole monitoring has become of prime importance to implement preventive management measures to control populations. In order to find a simple and reliable vole monitoring method to be applied in large areas, we compared abundance estimates derived from three methods: capture–mark–recapture (CMR), single capture events (SCE) and presence/absence of vole activity signs (VAS) during three seasons and on the main agricultural habitats in the study area. We show that an activity index based on the presence of fresh droppings and/or clippings had a similar performance to SCE in a large sample of plots (n = 222) across habitats and seasons. Data obtained with both methods (SCE, VAS) were also well correlated with those obtained with CMR, despite a limited sample size (n = 23 CMR plots). We suggest that the VAS method, which is a cheaper and easier alternative to trapping methods, provides a promising tool for scientists and managers to implement large scale monitoring of common vole in agricultural areas.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized 14 dinucleotide microsatellite loci in the common vole Microtus arvalis (Palas). Two multiplex panels both comprising seven loci were developed. Application to a set of 21 individuals allowed clear and easy characterization of allele sizes except for two loci which were then withdrawn from further analyses. The number of alleles ranged from four to 19 per locus with the observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.55 to 0.95. These sets of microsatellite loci provide high throughput capacity for population genetic studies at a minimum cost.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of fluctuating and cyclic rodent populations can be impacted by particular weather parameters. In temperate areas there are interrelations between different weather parameters, which make identification difficult. However, this is necessary because small rodents are relevant for both the food web and crop damage especially in the face of climate change. We used both, boosted regression tree and classification and regression tree methods to identify weather conditions correlating with the active burrow index (ABI) of common voles (Microtus arvalis) from 1974 to 1998 in the high outbreak risk area of Central Germany. Highest ABI occurred in perennial crops in fall with a maximum of more than 2000 active burrows per 1000 m2. Boosted regression tree analysis showed that between 12 and 20 weather parameters could have a relative influence on vole ABIs ranging from 2% to 19%. Classification and regression tree analysis highlighted that the number of days with snow cover in December and March, rainfall amount in spring and maximum temperature in October seem to be key indicators for ABIs in the following year in spring. Monthly maximum temperatures of February to June and the amount of precipitation in April and July were correlated to ABIs in fall. Quantitative validation showed an agreement of ABI distribution on regional scale >85%. This represents the first study to identify complex weather conditions including single parameter thresholds correlated with common vole abundance in a temperate area. The results have the potential to aid the development of predictive models for small rodent dynamics and they inspire further detailed search for regulative mechanisms of small mammal dynamics.  相似文献   

After intraperitoneal inoculation ofE. crescens to nine species of wild small mammals, six species of rodents (Apodemus flavicollis, A. sylvaticus, Clethrionomys glareolus, Microtus agrestis, M. arvalis, Mus musculus) developed generalized adiaspiromycosis. The course of experimental infection corresponded to the infections of laboratory animals provoked in the same manner of inoculation. The authors studied the affliction of individual organs, the dynamics of growth of adiaspores in the organs of the abdominal cavity and in the lungs and followed up morphological changes in the adiaspores. In fresh cover glass preparations, the presence of manifestations was demonstrated justifying considerations on the capacity of multiplication of the adiaspiromycosis agent in the host organism.  相似文献   

Individual differences in behaviour, referred to as animal personality, are consistent across time and contexts. Nevertheless, personality traits show behavioural plasticity, much like many other phenotypic traits. In the present study, we examined the relationship between personality traits and behavioural plasticity in the common vole (Microtus arvalis) under stable, long-lasting laboratory conditions. A total of 94 voles were tested in the classic open field test, designed to measure seven behavioural parameters (distance moved, grooming, immobility, rearing, running, scanning and walking duration) during a three-minute test. A total of 60 voles formed the experimental group and were tested at four different time points over their lifetime (1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th month); 34 voles formed the control group and were tested only once at the 7th month. All voles were of the same age. Based on principal component analysis (PCA), two ordination axes were determined: “exploration” and “activity.” For further analyses, “distance moved” and “scanning duration” were selected from the first axis and “walking duration” from the second. Using linear mixed-effect models (LMMs), we found highly significant random intercepts (i.e. personality traits) in all three behavioural parameters. However, evidence for behavioural plasticity was only found in the distance moved parameter, as determined from the random slope, and correlations between personality trait (intercept) and plasticity (slope) were not significant for any trait. During the experiment, variances of random effects were high and remained essentially the same, whilst the rank order of many individuals changed. Based on fixed effect slopes and a comparison with the control group, habituation was only significant for “walking duration.” The observed low behavioural plasticity could mirror stable (laboratory) conditions that result in the manifestation of original trait settings (genetic, early postnatal) or their gradual overcoming. These findings provide a starting point for further tests on free-living voles.  相似文献   

The broad autosomal polymorphism in form obscurus of common voles Microtus arvalis from the Transcaucasian region that is associated with the variation of subtelocentric chromosome pair 5, as well as the mechanism and evolutionary significance of this polymorphism, are discussed. Based on the morphological analysis of heterozygotes for chromosome pair 5 after differential G-, C-, and Ag-NOR-banding and on the measurements of homologues, the following conclusion has been made. The occurrence of the acrocentric chromosome 5 is the result of a double chromosomal rearrangement: a pericentric inversion and a duplication of the chromosomal material. The mutation has been found throughout the entire territory of Armenia. In spite of such a wide distribution, the mutation frequency in populations is extremely low. Neither a definite pattern of geographic distribution nor a clinal variation was found for this mutation. This mutation is likely to occur independently in different M. arvalis populations and is apparently neutral. Homozygotes for chromosome pair 5 are described for the first time.  相似文献   

The genetic structure and dynamics of hybrid zones provide crucial information for understanding the processes and mechanisms of evolutionary divergence and speciation. In general, higher levels of evolutionary divergence between taxa are more likely to be associated with reproductive isolation and may result in suppressed or strongly restricted hybridization. In this study, we examined two secondary contact zones between three deep evolutionary lineages in the common vole (Microtus arvalis). Differences in divergence times between the lineages can shed light on different stages of reproductive isolation and thus provide information on the ongoing speciation process in M. arvalis. We examined more than 800 individuals for mitochondrial (mtDNA), Y‐chromosome and autosomal markers and used assignment and cline analysis methods to characterize the extent and direction of gene flow in the contact zones. Introgression of both autosomal and mtDNA markers in a relatively broad area of admixture indicates selectively neutral hybridization between the least‐divergent lineages (Central and Eastern) without evidence for partial reproductive isolation. In contrast, a very narrow area of hybridization, shifts in marker clines and the quasi‐absence of Y‐chromosome introgression support a moving hybrid zone and unidirectional selection against male hybrids between the lineages with older divergence (Central and Western). Data from a replicate transect further support non‐neutral processes in this hybrid zone and also suggest a role for landscape history in the movement and shaping of geneflow profiles.  相似文献   

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