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Flower buds of Pharbitis nil cut from plants growing in thefield open rapidly when subjected to darkness (20–25°C)or low temperature (20°C) in light. Petals of the buds arethe sites of photo- and thermo-perception; flower-opening iscaused mainly by the epinasty of petal midribs. 1Dedicated to Professor Dr. Erwin Bunning on the occasion ofhis 75th birthday. (Received October 23, 1980; Accepted December 15, 1980)  相似文献   

Effects of abscisic acid on flowering in Pharbitis nil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Under continuous light, flowering of Pharbitis seedlings wasnot induced by abscisic acid (ABA) treatment. Under short daytreatment, flowering was slightly enhanced by ABA at 0.2 and0.4 mg/liter. Stem elongation was considerably inhibited by25 and 50 mg/liter of ABA irrespective of day length. (Received October 21, 1972; )  相似文献   

The light requirements for induction of flowering by a long dark period were investigated in dark-grown seedlings of Pharbitis nil Chois, cv. Violet. The cotyledons bcame photoperiodically sensitive to a 24 h dark period by two 1 min red irradiations (6.3 μmol m−2 S−1) separated by a 24 h dark period. The reversibility of the effect of brief red irradiations, and the effectiveness of low energies of red irradiation suggest the involvement of phytochrome in the induction of photoperiodic sensitivity. Partial de-etiolation occurred after these brief periods of red irradiation but the seedlings were not capable of net CO2 uptakeeven 7 h after the start of the main light period that followed the critical dark period. A changing response to the duration of the priod of darkness given between the two short red irradiations showed the the correct phasing of an endogenous photoperiodic rhythm is needed for the attainment of photoperiodic snsitivity.  相似文献   

The effects of shoot inversion on stem structure over 72 hr were investigated in Pharbitis nil by analyzing cell number, cell length, and the cross sectional areas of cells, tissues, and regions. An increase in stem diameter can be attributed to an increase in both cell number and cross sectional area of pith (primarily) and vascular tissue (secondarily). Qualitative observations of cell wall thickness in the light microscope did not reveal any significant effects of shoot inversion on this parameter. The inhibition of shoot elongation was accompanied by a significant decrease in cell length in the pith. The results are generally consistent with an ethylene effect on cell dimensions, especially in the pith.  相似文献   

Since labelling of ureides from adenine-8-14C is higher in dark than in light, the influence of light on the deamination and the oxidation of adenylic compounds by cotyledon discs of Pharbitis nit was investigated. Among the three possible adenylic precursors for the deaminative step, adenine was found to be the best compound for the study of the deaminative rate, adenosine being easily hydrolyzed into adenine, and AMP undergoing an apparent complete hydrolysis before entering the cells. By analysis of adenine-8-14C metabolism for brief periods, it was determined that the rate of deamination of adenylic compounds was faster in light than in dark. In contrast, the activity of xanthine dehydrogenase was much higher in the dark than in light. The level of the activity of uricase was the same in both light and dark.  相似文献   

For dark-grown seedlings of Pharbitis nil capacity to flower in response to a single inductive dark period was established by 24 h white, far-red (FR) or ruby-red (BCJ) light and by a skeleton photoperiod of 10 min red (R)-24 h dark-10 min R. FR alone was ineffective without a brief terminal (R) irradiation, confirming that the form of phytochrome immediately prior to darkness is a crucial factor for flowering in Pharbitis. The magnitude of the flowering response was significantly greater after 24 h FR or white light (WL) (at 18° C and 27° C) than after two brief skeleton R irradiations, but the increased flowering response was not attributable to photosynthetic CO2 uptake because this could not be detected in seedlings exposed to 24 h WL at 18° C. Photophosphorylation could have contributed to the increased flowering response as photosystem I fluorescence was detectable in plants exposed to FR, BCJ, or WL, but there were large differences between flowering response and photosystem I capacity as indicated by fluorescence. We conclude that phytochrome plays a major role in photoresponses regulating flowering. There was no simple correlation between developmental changes, such as cotyledon expansion and chlorophyll formation during the 24-h irradiation period, and the capacity to flower in response to a following inductive dark period. Changes in plastid ultrastructure were considerable in light from fluorescent lamps and there was complete breakdown of the prolamellar body with or without lamellar stacking at 27 or 18° C, respectively, but plastid reorganization was minimal in FR-irradiated seedlings.Abbreviations BCJ irradiation from photographic ruby-red lamps - FR far-red light - Pfr far-red-absorbing from of phytochrome - P total phytochrome content - R red light - WL white light from fluorescent lamps  相似文献   

Aminooxyacetic acid (AOA) inhibited photoperiodically inducedflowering in Pharbitis nil. The application of AOA to the plumulejust after an inductive period was the most effective in inhibitingflowering. A correlation between inhibition of flowering andinhibition of glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase activity wasobserved with fifteen aminooxy derivatives. (Received April 18, 1992; Accepted June 25, 1992)  相似文献   

Rhythmicity of Flowering in Pharbitis nil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When young seedlings of Pharbitis nil are grown under continuous light, except for a single inductive dark period, they flower to a varying degree, depending on when this dark period is given. Plants become sensitive to this induction approximately three days after the seedlings emerge from the soil. The expression of flowering varies in a rhythmic fashion for three or more cycles, when an inductive dark period is given at progressively later times. The time between maximum expression of flowering is 24 hours or somewhat longer. It appears necessary that the inductive dark period be of sufficient duration, to only partially induce the plants to flower for this rhythm to be expressed. Under the conditions employed in this study, this duration is 12 hours. If this rhythm is endogenous, it exists at least from when the plants emerged from the soil since no environmental cues are given after that time, and it raises questions of the interpretations of data from previous studies with this organism.  相似文献   

Two new gibberellins, gibberellins A26 and A27 were isolated from immature seeds of Japanese morning-glory (Pharbitis nil) and their structures were elucidated as I and IX.  相似文献   

Calcium and photoperiodic flower induction in Pharbitis nil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relationship between phytochrome-mediated induction of flowering, Ca2+ transport and metabolism in Pharbitis nil Chois cv. Violet seedlings has been investigated. Ethyleneglycol-bis-(β-aminoethylether)-N,N,N', N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA), a specific Ca+ chelator, caused a 30–40% inhibition of flowering in Pharbitis subjected to complete photoperiodic induction. It was most effective when applied during the light period preceding along inductive dark period. The agonist of calcium channels. Bay K-8644, did not affect flowering, while Nifedipine, Verapamil and La3+ (antagonists of calcium channels) only slightly inhibited this process. A similar small effect has been found when the plants were treated with Li+ (inhibitor of the membrane phospholipids pathway), and with chlorpromazine (a camodulin inhibitor). Except for EGTA, the effect of the other substances did not depend on the timing of their application. The results of the present study suggest that the effect of all the substances applied was not specific, and flowering is not directly dependent on transport and intracellular metabolism of Ca2+.  相似文献   

Pharbitis nil, strain Violet which had been exposed to high-intensitylight (18,000 lux at 23?C) for 7 days followed by a low-temperaturetreatment (13–14?C) for 7 days initiated flower buds evenunder continuous light, but plants given these treatments inreverse order failed to bud. Three days of high-intensity lightat 23?C was most effective in promoting the flower-inducingeffect of the subsequent low-temperature period. Six days oflow temperature following the 3-day high-intensity light periodinduced near-maximum flowering response. DCMU (5?10–6M) given during the high-intensity light period inhibited flowering,but when given during or after the low-temperature period itwas ineffective. DCMU at the same concentration given before,during or after an inductive 16-hr dark period at 26?C did notinhibit flowering. Sucrose, ATP, NADPH and some other reducingagents tested did not nullify the DCMU effect nor substitutefor the effect of high-intensity light. But, the high-intensitylight effect could be substituted, at least partly, by 5-chlorosalicylicacid, 3,4-dichlorobenzoic acid and some other benzoic acid derivatives,which are highly effective in inducing long-day flowering inthe short-day plant, Lemna paucicostata. (Received October 20, 1981; Accepted February 3, 1982)  相似文献   

Carbon Dioxide and Flowering in Pharbitis nil Choisy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of photoperiod on floral and vegetative development of Pharbitis nil were modified by atmospheric CO2 concentrations maintained during plant growth. Short day (SD) photoperiods caused rapid flowering in Pharbitis plants growing in 0.03 or 0.1% CO2, while plants in long day (LD) conditions remained vegetative. At 1 or 5% CO2, however, flower buds were developed under both the SD and LD photoperiods. Flowering was earliest in the plants exposed to SD at low CO2 concentrations which formed floral buds at stem node 3 or 4. At high CO2 concentrations, floral buds did not form until stem node 6 or 7. Both high CO2 concentrations and LD photoperiods tended to enhance stem elongation and leaf formation.  相似文献   

A protein, identifiable as calmodulin (CaM), has been isolated from the seedling tissue of Pharbitis nil. The method has been developed to isolate a high quality protein from plant tissue containing the high content of polyphenols. This protein was relatively heat-stable and bound to hydrophobic resin in calcium-dependent manner. It was recognized by the antibody against pea and carrot, but did not bind to antibody against Dictyostelium discoideum. This protein had Mr of 15 kDa and 18.5 kDa in the presence and absence of Ca2+, respectively, and was able to stimulate calmodulin-deficient cAMP phosphodiesterase. Based on its migration on SDS-PAGE gels, Mr and binding to anti-CaM antibodies it was deduced that calmodulin from P. nil is essentially identical to calmodulin isolated from other plants.  相似文献   

牵牛全草的化学成分研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从牵牛全草(Pharbitis nilChoisy)乙酸乙酯提取物中分离得到十个化合物。据理化性质和光谱分析鉴定其结构为:顺式阿魏酸酰对羟基苯乙胺(1),对羟基桂皮酸酰对羟基苯乙胺(2),阿魏酸酰对羟基苯乙胺(3),顺式对羟基桂皮酸酰对羟基苯乙胺(4),桂皮酸酰对羟基苯乙胺(5),对羟基苯乙胺(6),7-羟基香豆素(7),6-甲氧基-7-羟基香豆素(8),尿嘧啶(9),β-谷甾醇葡萄糖苷(10)。化合物1~9均为首次从该植物中得到。  相似文献   

A new gibberellin, gibberellin A20 (GA20), was isolated from immature seeds of morning-glory (Pharbitis nil). Its structure was established as 4aα, 7α-dihydroxy-1β-methyl-8-methylenegibbane-1α, 10β-dicarboxylic acid-1→4a lactone (I) on the basis of its physicochemical analysis as well as chemical evidences. GA20 shows marked growth promoting activities on dwarf maize d2 and d5 but weak activities on d1, rice seedling and dwarf pea.  相似文献   

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