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Ultrastructure of oogenesis in the bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ovarian ultrastructure of the Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) was investigated during the reproductive season with the aim of improving our understanding of the reproductive biology in this species. The bluefin, like the other tunas, has an asynchronous mode of ovarian development; therefore, all developmental stages of the oocyte can be found in mature ovaries. The process of oocyte development can be divided into five distinct stages (formation of oocytes from oogonia, primary growth, lipid stage, vitellogenesis, and maturation). Although histological and ultrastructural features of most these stages are similar among all studied teleosts, the transitional period between primary growth and vitellogenesis exhibits interspecific morphological differences that depend on the egg physiology. Although the most remarkable feature of this stage in many teleosts is the occurrence of cortical alveoli, in the bluefin tuna, as is common in marine fishes, the predominant cytoplasmic inclusions are lipid droplets. Nests of early meiotic oocytes derive from the germinal epithelium that borders the ovarian lumen. Each oocyte in the nest becomes surrounded by extensions of prefollicle cells derived from somatic epithelial cells and these form the follicle that is located in the stromal tissue. The primary growth stage is characterized by intense RNA synthesis and the differentiation of the vitelline envelope. Secondary growth commences with the accumulation of lipid droplets in the oocyte cytoplasm (lipid stage), which is then followed by massive uptake and processing of proteins into yolk platelets (vitellogenic stage). During the maturation stage the lipid inclusions coalesce into a single oil droplet, and hydrolysis of the yolk platelets leads to the formation of a homogeneous mass of fluid yolk in mature eggs.  相似文献   

Feeding intensity, diet composition, selectivity, energy ingestion and dietary niche breadth of larval Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus were studied on the eastern (Mediterranean) spawning grounds of the species. Larval T. thynnus were collected in the Balearic Archipelago (north-west Mediterranean Sea) during 2004 and 2005 using surveys specific for larval scombrids. Larvae between 2·6 and 8·7 mm standard length (L(S) ) are diurnal feeders, and 94% of the guts collected during daylight hours were full. The mean ±s.d. number of prey per gut was 7·1 ± 5·7, with mean ±s.d. ranging from 3·0 ± 1·6 in the smallest T. thynnus larvae to 11·1 ± 5·8 in 5·0-6·0 mm L(S) larvae. Up to 21 prey were found in a single larval gut (5·0-6·0 mm L(S) ) at the end of the day. Larvae progressively selected larger prey and exhibited increased carbon content concurrent with preflexion development of feeding and locomotory structures. Larvae of 5·0-6·0 mm L(S) exhibited positive selection of cladocerans over other prey (Chesson's index), whereas copepod nauplii dominated the diets of earlier stages. The dietary niche breadth measured increased initially but decreased at c. 5·5 mm L(S) . Appendicularians were found in the diet of larger larval sizes, but no piscivory was observed. Results are discussed in light of the sparse existing data for larval T. thynnus and other larval tuna species.  相似文献   

The ears of five large bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus were examined by light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The gross structure of the ear is similar to that in other fishes. The ears, however, appear to be held more rigidly in place than in other species through the presence of an extensive connective tissue between the membranous ear and the surrounding bone. Moreover, unlike other fishes, the semicircular canals and otolithic end organs have thick cartilaginous walls and there is a dense matrix surrounding the otoliths rather than a more watery fluid found in other species. SEM revealed that the saccular epithelium has a 'standard' hair cell orientation pattern. The hair cell orientation patterns in the lagena and utricle resemble those found in most other fishes. Ciliary bundle density and length vary in different epithelial regions and each ear had >2 × 106 sensory cells. The morphological results support the hypothesis that bluefin tuna probably do not detect sounds to much over 1000 Hz (if that high) and that only very loud anthropogenic sounds have the potential to affect hearing in this species.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the first complete mapping of the pituitary in a tuna species. The various different adenohypophysis cell types of the bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus L. have been identified and located using different antisera against mammalian and piscine hormones and various histochemical techniques: PAS, Alcian Blue pH 2.5 and lectins -ConA and WGA(Neutral and Acidic Glycoproteins); Bromophenol Blue (Proteins) and Tioglycollate-Ferric-Ferricianide-FeIII (-S-S- groups). Prolactin (PRL) and adrenocorticotrophic (ACTH) cells were located in the rostral pars distalis (RPD) of the pituitary, while the proximal pars distalis (PPD) displayed gonadotrophic (GTH), thyrotrophic (TSH), somatotrophic (GH) and also a few PRL cells. Moreover, somatolactin (SL) and melanotrophic (MSH) cells were identified inside the pars intermedia (PI). Interestingly, some SL-immunoreactive fibers were also detected in the neurohypophysis. Some GTH cells were also located on the exterior surface of the PI. Glycoproteins containing mannose (Man) and/or glucose (Glc); N-acetyl-glucosamine (GlcNAc) and/or sialic acid sugar residues, as well as -S-S- groups, were observed in GTH, TSH and SL cells. The Bromophenol Blue technique stained amphiphilic SL, acidophilic GH cells and weakly ACTH cells. GH and ACTH cells were unreactive to PAS, Alcian Blue, Tioglycollate-Ferric-Ferricianide-FeIII and lectin (Con A and WGA) techniques. Finally, PAS reaction was positive in amphiphilic SL cells, which were PbH unreactive, while MSH and ACTH cells were stained with PbH technique.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was surveyed at nine microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial control region (868 bp) to test for the presence of genetic stock structure in young-of-the-year Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus thynnus) from the Mediterranean Sea. Bluefin tuna were sampled over a period of 5 years from the Balearic and Tyrrhenian seas in the western basin of the Mediterranean Sea, and from the southern Ionian Sea in the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea. Analyses of multilocus microsatellite genotypes and mitochondrial control region sequences revealed no significant heterogeneity among collections taken from the same location in different years; however, significant spatial genetic heterogeneity was observed across all samples for both microsatellite markers and mitochondrial control region sequences (FST=0.0023, P=0.038 and PhiST=0.0233, P=0.000, respectively). Significant genetic differentiation between the Tyrrhenian and Ionian collections was found for both microsatellite and mitochondrial markers (FST=0.0087, P=0.015 and PhiST=0.0367, P=0.030, respectively). These results suggest the possibility of a genetically discrete population in the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

Microsatellite‐enriched genomic libraries were obtained from the Atlantic northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus thynnus and seven tetranucleotide markers were successfully isolated and characterized from this library. These markers were found to have between 1 and 17 alleles in Atlantic northern bluefin tuna and heterozygosity ranged from 0 to 0.85. No deviations from the expectation of Hardy‐Weinburg equilibrium were found for any marker. Several of these markers amplify reliably in other tuna species.  相似文献   

Sustained swimming of bluefin tuna was analysed from video recordings made of a captive patrolling fish school [lengths (L) 1.7–3.3 m, body mass (M) 54–433 kg]. Speeds ranged from 0.6 to 1.2 L s−1 (86–260 km day−1) while stride length during steady speed swimming varied between 0.54 and 0.93 L. Maximum swimming speed was estimated by measuring twitch contraction of the anaerobic swimming muscle in pithed fish 5 min after death. Muscle contraction time increased from the shortest just behind the head (30–50 ms at 20% L) to the longest at the tail peduncle (80–90 ms at 80% L) (all at 28°C). A fish (L = 2.26 m) with a muscle contraction time of 50 ms at 25% L can have a maximum tail beat frequency of 10 Hz and maximum swimming speed of 15m s−1 (54km h−1) with a stride length of 0.65L. With a stride length of 1 L a speed of 22.6 m s−1 (81.4 km h−1) is possible. Power used at maximum speed was estimated for this fish at between 10 and 40 kW, with corresponding values for the drag coefficient at a Reynolds number of 4.43 × 107 of 0.0007 and 0.0027.  相似文献   

Some fish are warm-bodied, e.g. the bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), which has a muscle temperature 12-17 degrees C higher than its environment. This endothermy is achieved by aerobic metabolism and conserved by means of a heat-exchanger system. The hemoglobins of bluefin tuna are adapted to these conditions by their endothermic oxygenation, thus contributing to the preservation of the body energy. This is a new and so far unique property of tuna hemoglobin. The primary structure of the alpha and beta chains of bluefin tuna hemoglobins is presented. The sequence was determined after enzymatic and chemical cleavages of the chains and sequencing of the peptides in gas- and liquid-phase sequencers. The alpha chains consists of 143 residues and are N-terminally acetylated. The beta chains have 146 amino acids and show two ambiguities at positions 140 and 142. The alpha chains differ from the human alpha chains in 65 amino-acid residues, the beta chains in 76. The hemoglobins of bluefin tuna, carp and man are compared and their different physiological properties are discussed in relation to the sequence data. From the primary structure of tuna hemoglobins, it is possible to propose a molecular basis for their peculiar endothermic transition from the T to the R structure.  相似文献   

The numbers of different types of ovarian follicles (developing, degenerating and postovulatory follicles) were estimated in bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus using two stereological procedures: the model‐based method of Weibel & Gomez, which has become a tool of broad application in the quantification of oocytes in fishes, and the assumption‐free ‘disector’ (sic) method of Sterio. The estimates of developing follicles (follicles containing lipid‐stage, vitellogenic and migratory‐nucleus oocytes) made by the model‐based method tended to be lower than those obtained with the disector, though significant differences were not observed except for vitellogenic follicles. Counts of atretic follicles by the model‐based method were higher than those made using the disector, the differences being remarkable between both techniques, particularly in the case of β‐atresia, where the statistical analysis indicated significantly unequal estimations with the two methods. In contrast, the amount of postovulatory follicles estimated by the disector, which would stand for the realized batch fecundity, was somewhat larger than that calculated with the model‐based method.  相似文献   

The present study was focused on the morphology of the diencephalic nuclei (likely involved in reproductive functions) as well as on the distribution of GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) in the rhinencephalon, telencephalon and the diencephalon of the brain of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) by means of immunohistochemistry. Bluefin tuna has an encephalization quotient (QE) similar to that of other large pelagic fish. Its brain exhibits well-developed optic tecta and corpus cerebelli. The diencephalic neuron cell bodies involved in reproductive functions are grouped in two main nuclei: the nucleus preopticus-periventricularis and the nucleus lateralis tuberis. The nucleus preopticus-periventricularis consists of the nucleus periventricularis and the nucleus preopticus consisting of a few sparse multipolar neurons in the rostral part and numerous cells closely packed and arranged in several layers in its aboral part. The nucleus lateralis tuberis is located in the ventral-lateral area of the diencephalon and is made up of a number of large multipolar neurones. Four different polyclonal primary antibodies against salmon (s)GnRH, chicken (c)GnRH-II (cGnRH-II 675, cGnRH-II 6) and sea bream (sb)GnRH were employed in the immunohistochemical experiments. No immunoreactive structures were found with anti sbGnRH serum. sGnRH and cGnRH-II antisera revealed immunoreactivity in the perikarya of the olfactory bulbs, preopticus-periventricular nucleus, oculomotor nucleus and midbrain tegmentum. The nucleus lateralis tuberis showed immunostaining only with anti-sGnRH serum. Nerve fibres immunoreactive to cGnRH and sGnRH sera were found in the olfactory bulbs, olfactory nerve and neurohypophysis. The significance of the distribution of the GnRH-immunoreactive neuronal structures is discussed.  相似文献   

Muscle temperature was measured by telemetry in giant Atlantic bluefin tuna whilst the tuna were free-swimming in large pounds. Muscle temperature tended to remain steady at about 24°C; water temperature ranged from 9 to 17°C. Muscle temperature was much less variable than stomach temperature in these fish. Muscle temperature varied less than 3°C whereas stomach temperature varied by as much as 14°C.  相似文献   

Histology and histochemistry are useful tools to study reproductive mechanisms in fish and they have been applied in this study. In the bluefin tuna, Thunnus thymus L., oocyte development can be divided into 4 principal phases based on the morphological features of developing oocytes and follicles. The primary growth phase includes oogonia and basophilic or previtellogenic oocytes classified as chromatin-nucleolus and perinucleolus stages. The secondary growth phase is represented by vitellogenic oocytes at early (lipid globule and yolk granule 1), mid (yolk granule 2) and late (yolk granule 3) vitellogenesis stages. The maturation phase involves postvitellogenic oocytes undergoing maturation process. During the spawning period, both postovulatory follicles, which indicate spawning, and atretic follicles can be distinguished in the ovary. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and specially those rich in tyrosine, tryptophan, cystine, arginine, lysine and cysteine, as well phospholipids and/or glycolipids and neutral glycoproteins were detected in yolk granules. Moreover, affinity for different lectins (ConA, WGA, DBA and UEA) was detected in vitellogenic oocytes (yolk granules, cortical alveoli, follicular layer and zona radiata), indicating the presence of glycoconjugates with different sugar residues (Mannose- Man- and/or Glucose -Glc-; N-acetyl-D-glucosamine- GlcNAc- and/or sialic acid- NANA-; N-acetyl-D-galactosamine- GalNAc-; L-Fucose -Fuc-). Histochemical techniques also demonstrated the presence of neutral lipids in globules (vacuoles in paraffin sections) and neutral and carboxylated mucosubstances in cortical alveoli. By using anti-vitellogenin (VTG) serum, immunohistochemical positive results were demonstrated in yolk granules, granular cytoplasm and follicular cells of vitellogenic oocytes. Calcium was also detected in yolk granules and weakly in follicular envelope. In females, the gonadosomatic index (GSI) increased progressively from May, during early vitellogenesis, until June during mid and late vitellogenesis, where the highest values were reached. Subsequently, throughout the maturation-spawning phases (July), GSI decreased progressively reaching the minimal values during recovering-resting period (October).  相似文献   

1. The heart ventricle myoglobin of Atlantic bluefin tuna has been purified and its amino acid composition has been determined. 2. The perturbing effect of guanidine hydrochloride on the molecular structure of tuna ferrimyoglobin and its corresponding apoprotein has been investigated by Soret absorbance and ultraviolet fluorescence. 3. The conformation-free energy of unfolding delta G0 has been calculated by thermodynamic treatments of the data concerning guanidine unfolding. 4. The results have been compared with other known myoglobins, particularly those of yellowfin tuna.  相似文献   

Geometric morphometric methods were used to explore body shape morphology in 260 Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, collected in Sardinia (Western Mediterranean) during the breeding phase and in the Bay of Biscay (North Eastern Atlantic) during the feeding phase. The shape of each specimen was captured by high resolution digital images and recording the 2‐D coordinates of seven morphological landmarks. A general procruste analysis (GPA) was applied in order to eliminate any morphological variations resulting from size, position or orientation of specimens. A thin plate‐spline (TPS) method was then used to provide a graphical representation of the shape conformation between two sets of data. Results of the regression model between the direct and indirect measurements accounted for a R2 = 0.98. The Principal Components Analysis shows differences linked to the two sampling areas, accounting for 37% and 19.97% of the body shape variation in the first (PC1) and second (PC2) principal component, respectively. Specifically, the deformation grid projection highlights the major differences regarding the anterior‐ventral part of the body (landmark 5‐6‐7). These differences might not necessarily be linked to an actual population substructure. Instead, it was hypothesized that such body shape differences were due to the diverse life phases during which specimens were collected, since the reproductive specimens show a ‘pot‐bellied’ shape, which was larger than for the feeding specimens that showed a ‘slimmer’ shape. Analyses of likely sexual dimorphism conducted on Sardinian specimens did not reveal any significant differences; whereas body shape differences related to the pre‐ and post‐reproductive sizes were detected.  相似文献   

Eight farmed Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus were tagged with temperature and depth transmitters inserted in chub mackerels Scomber colias to characterize their digestive activity, feeding physiology and behaviour in captivity. Results obtained in the experiment can be used to optimize daily T. thynnus feeding strategy in farms, reducing the early regurgitation of food and thus the environmental effects of inappropriate feeding practices.  相似文献   

Twenty‐five microsatellites from Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus thynnus) were characterized. All 25 microsatellites were polymorphic; the number of alleles among up to 56 individuals surveyed ranged from two to 23. Atlantic bluefin tuna are highly exploited and major questions remain as to stock structure and abundance in the eastern and western North Atlantic. The microsatellites will be useful in testing stock‐structure hypotheses and in generating estimates of effective population size. The polymerase chain reaction primer sets developed also amplified identifiable alleles in three other species of genus Thunnus: T. albacares (yellowfin tuna), T. alalunga (albacore tuna) and T. obesus (bigeye tuna).  相似文献   

R. Zupa    A. Corriero    M. Deflorio    N. Santamaria    D. Spedicato    C. Marano    M. Losurdo    C. R. Bridges    G. De Metrio   《Journal of fish biology》2009,75(6):1221-1229
The presence of non-reproductive Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus females in the Mediterranean Sea was investigated through histological analysis of the gonads. Three hundred and twenty-six ovary samples were collected from adults captured at different locations in the Mediterranean Sea during the reproductive seasons between 1998 and 2008. Only three specimens were considered to be in a non-reproductive state: two of them were in a reabsorbing state showing ovaries with early vitellogenic oocytes and extensive α and β atresia of vitellogenic follicles; the third showed gonads with perinucleolar oocytes and was considered to be in a resting state. The low occurrence of non-reproductive individuals found in this study makes it unlikely that non-reproductive individuals aggregate with reproductive ones during their migration towards spawning grounds. Further research is suggested in order to investigate the potential presence of non-reproductive individuals on non-spawning grounds during the reproductive season.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to describe the biometry of Mediterranean bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, the biology of which is not yet well understood. A total of 504 specimens was collected from 1998 to 2005 in the central part of the Mediterranean basin. They were sexed and measured; fork lengths (FL) ranged from 51.0 to 255.0 cm while body weights (W) ranged from 2.6 to 247.0 kg. The first spiniform ray (spine) of the first dorsal fin was removed and cross‐sectioned near the condyle base in order to count annuli for age estimation. The regression coefficient (b) of the female FL–W relationship was significantly higher than that of the male, and both sexes displayed a negatively allometric growth (b < 3); male regression equation: ln W = ?2.942 + 2.730 ln FL; female regression equation: ln W = ?3.660 + 2.878 ln FL. Based on counts of the translucent zones in the sections of the first ray of the first dorsal fin, estimated ages ranged from 1 to 15 years for males and 1 to 14 years for females. The correlation between the spine ray (R) and FL fit the allometric model best; the R–FL regression equations of the two sexes did not differ significantly and the overall equation was: ln FL = 3.721 + 0.851 ln R. Due to the R–FL allometric correlation, estimates of fork lengths at previous ages, FLi, were back‐calculated with a body proportional hypothesis. Von Bertalanffy growth equations were derived from both observed and back‐calculated FLs‐at‐age, which did not differ significantly. Moreover, no significant difference was found between the growth equations of the two sexes; the overall equation was FLt = 373.08 [1?e?0.07(t + 1.76)]. Weight‐at‐age values were derived from the von Bertalanffy predicted FLs‐at‐age by the FL–W correlation equations for males and females. The paper represents the first comprehensive study on the biometry, including age and growth, of bluefin tuna captured in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

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