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The surface of the zygotes of Schizosaccharomyces pombe was studied by observing fluorescence following primulin treatment. Conjugation occurred only at the poles. Competence to fuse was independent of actual pole growth and pole ontogeny (old or new pole). The cells were competent to fuse throughout the first three-quarters of the cell cycle. Morphological criteria indicate that cell pairs are not synchronized at the moment of fusion. The length of the G1 phases of individual conjugating cells apparently ranges from 0.1 to 0.7 of the cell cycle duration.  相似文献   

M A Ibrahim  A Coddington 《Heredity》1976,37(2):179-191
Cycloheximide-resistant mutants of Schizosaccharomyces pombe were isolated either as spontaneous mutants or after mutagenic treatment with nitrous acid, UV and N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). Twenty-three spontaneous mutants and 64 induced mutants were analysed genetically. Crosses revealed that at least four loci, designated cyh1, cyh2, cyh3 and cyh4 are responsible for resistance. Alleles of cyh1 show good growth on either high (100 mug/ml) or low (40 mug/ml) concentrations of cycloheximide whereas alleles at the cyh2, cyh3 and cyh4 loci gorw well on 40 mug/ml but poorly on 100 mug/ml. Some alleles at the cyh2 and cyh3 loci are also temperature sensitive (ts), the ts phenotype being conferred by the same gene as the resistance. In diploids, cyh1 and cyh4 are re-essive to wild type whereas cyh2 and cyh3 are semi-dominant. There was no intragenic complementation between three cyh1 alleles. Cross-resistance to trichodermin and anisomycin was shown by cyh2, cyh3 and cyh4 but not cyh1. Most cyh1 alleles, of spontaneous and UV origin only, were cold sensitive (cs) at 14 degrees and some of these were also cycloheximide dependent at the same temperature. It is suggested that the cyh1 and cyh4 genes are involved in ribosome formation or function and the other loci probably affect the uptake of cycloheximide by the cells.  相似文献   

Streiblová, Eva (Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechoslovakia), I. Málek, and K. Beran. Structural changes in the cell wall of Schizosaccharomyces pombe during cell division. J. Bacteriol. 91:428-435. 1966.-Individual stages of growing and dividing cells of Schizosaccharomyces pombe were studied by means of fluorescence and electron microscopy with the use of metal-shadowed isolated walls, replicas, and ultrathin sections. Vegetative cells were found to contain division scars (six at the most); their formation and structure are described. More data on the growth of arthrospores were obtained. New structural observations were made on the architecture of the cell wall (original wall ring, polar cell wall, plug wall band, additional wall ring). Structural changes of cell surfaces and lateral walls during fission are represented schematically to the fourth generation. The question of origin of the septum is discussed, and on this basis the entire structure of the cell wall is interpreted.  相似文献   

Summary Schizosaccharomyces pombe has been grown in parasynchronous culture to study the synthesis of cell wall material. After a lag period of 2.5h following inoculation the cells began to grow, as measured by optical density, dry weight and cell size. The cell number remained constant until 4.5h after inoculation when approximately 70% of the population divided synchronously. Immunofluorescence studies of the growing cells have shown that new wall material is inserted at the cell apices from 2.5 h after inoculation; this result is supported by radio-isotope labelling data which indicated that synthesis of new cell wall material also commenced 2.5 h after inoculation. The incorporation experiments also demonstrated an interruption in cell wall synthesis during the cell separation stage. The composition of the cell wall material varied during the growth cycle, with maximum nitrogen levels at inoculation and following cell division. No serological differences could be detected in the cell walls during the growth cycle.  相似文献   

A Schizosaccharomyces pombe cps8 mutant, of which the gene encodes a mutant actin with an amino acid substitution of Asp for Gly(273) [J. Ishiguro and W. Kobayashi (1996) FEBS Lett. 392, 237-241], was used to determine the role of the actin cytoskeleton in cell wall formation. In the cps8 mutant cells, atomic force microscopic and scanning electron microscopic images showed abnormal depolarized and branched morphology. Fibrous material covered a part of the surface of growing cps8 cells. Transmission electron microscopic images showed variable thickness of the cell wall due to multilayering of cell wall materials, and aberrant multisepta due to diagonal growth of the primary septum, whereas the normal primary septum grows at a right angle from the cortex. This abnormal septum formation may induce abnormality of the cell with multinuclei and/or multisepta, caused by non-separation of daughter cells. These results indicate that actin plays an important role in cell wall and septum formation.  相似文献   

Effect of 2-deoxyglucose on Schizosaccharomyces pombe   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Megnet, Roland (Institut für Allgemeine Mikrobiologie der Universit?t, Bern, Switzerland). Effect of 2-deoxyglucose on Schizosaccharomyces pombe. J. Bacteriol. 90:1032-1035. 1965.-Cultivation of Schizosaccaromyces pombe in a medium containing 2-deoxyglucose (100 mug/ml) results in the death of the cells after an initial period of apparently normal growth. At higher deoxyglucose concentration (400 mug/ml), the cells die immediately after inoculation. Only growing cells are killed, and microscopic inspection of the cultures reveals cell-wall fragments of lysed cells. A mutant resistant to 2-deoxyglucose, which cannot use glucose as a carbon source, was found to be partially deficient in hexokinase. The data constitute evidence for the inhibition of some reaction(s) in the synthesis of cell-wall polysaccharides by metabolites of 2-deoxyglucose in this organism.  相似文献   

Phosphotyrosyl turnover is an essential regulatory mechanism for many biological processes, and the balance between tyrosine kinases and phosphatases plays a major role in the control of cell proliferation. Phenylarsine oxide (PAO), a potent inhibitor of tyrosine phosphatases (PTPase), was used to investigate the involvement of PTPase in the growth and control of the cell cycle of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Cell proliferation was arrested by treatment with PAO, which was found to inhibit cdc25 PTPase in vitro but appeared not to act in vivo on this mitosis inducer. The PAO-treated cells displayed a mono- or binucleated phenotype and a DNA content that was either 2C or 4C, indicating a cell cycle arrest with a failure to complete cytokinesis. Entry into the cell division cycle from the G0 quiescent stage was also delayed by treatment with PAO. These results suggest that a number of key events in the mitotic cell cycle are regulated by as yet unidentified PTPases.  相似文献   

We reconstituted a protein translocation-transport system composed of permeabilized spheroplasts (P-cells) of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and the precursor of alpha sex pheromone, prepro-alpha-factor of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that P-cells prepared from the spheroplasts formed in 0.7M KCl as an osmotic stabilizer had the activity to transport pro-alpha-factor to the Golgi apparatus. Electron microscopic observations showed that membranes were preserved more intact in the P-cells prepared from the spheroplasts formed in 0.7M KCl than in 0.7M sorbitol. A glycoprotein of S. pombe contains galactose residues, and we detected incorporation of radiolabeled galactose residues into the anti-prepro-alpha-factor immunoprecipitable fractions in this S. pombe system, but not in the S. cerevisiae system. This paper reports that a heterologous system of in vitro protein transport was performed, and prepro-alpha-factor has the signals necessary for early steps of the transport in S. pombe.  相似文献   

J C Ribas  M Diaz  A Duran    P Perez 《Journal of bacteriology》1991,173(11):3456-3462
Schizosaccharomyces pombe thermosensitive mutants requiring the presence of an osmotic stabilizer to survive and grow at a nonpermissive temperature were isolated. The mutants were genetically and biochemically characterized. In all of them, the phenotype segregated in Mendelian fashion as a single gene which coded for a recessive character. Fourteen loci were defined by complementation analysis. Studies of cell wall composition showed a reduction in the amount of cell wall beta-glucan in three strains (JCR1, JCR5, and JCR10) when growing at 37 degrees C. Galactomannan was diminished in two others. Strains JCR1 and JCR5, with mutant alleles cwg1-1 and cwg2-1, respectively, were further studied. The cwg1 locus was mapped on the right arm of chromosome III, 18.06 centimorgans (cM) to the left of the ade5 marker; cwg2 was located on the left arm of chromosome I, 34.6 cM away from the aro5 marker. (1-3)beta-D-Glucan synthase activities from cwg1-1 and cwg2-1 mutant strains grown at 37 degrees C were diminished, as measured in vitro, compared with the wild-type strain; however, Km values and activation by GTP were similar to the wild-type values. Mutant synthases behaved like the wild-type enzyme in terms of thermostability. Analyses of round shape, lytic behavior, and low (1-3)beta-D-glucan synthase activity in cultures derived from ascospores of the same tetrad showed cosegregation of all these characters. Detergent dissociation of (1-3)beta-D-glucan synthase into soluble and particulate fractions and subsequent reconstitution demonstrated that the cwg1-1 mutant was affected in the particulate fraction of the enzymatic activity while cwg2-1 was affected in the soluble component. The antifungal agents Papulacandin B and Aculeacin A had similar effects on the enzymatic activities of the wild type and the cwg2-1 mutant strain, whereas the cwg1-1 mutant, when growing at 37 degrees C, had a more inhibitor-resistant (1,3)beta-D-glucan synthase. It is concluded that the cwg1+ and cwg2+ genes are related to (1,3)beta-D-glucan biosynthesis.  相似文献   

By using the intact cells of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the activity of acid phosphatase (EC was compared through the cell cycle with the growth in cell length as a measure of cell growth. The cells of a growing asynchronous culture increased exponentially in number and in total enzyme activity, but remained constant in average length and in specific activity, In a synchronous culture prepared by selection or by induction, the specific activity was periodic in parallel with the increase in average cell length. When hydroxyurea was added to an asynchronous or a synchronous culture by selection, both specific and total activity followed the same continuous pattern as the growth in cell length after the stoppage of cell division. When oversized cells produced by a hydroxyurea pulse treatment to the culture previously syndronized by selection were transferred to a poor medium, they divided synchronously but could hardly grow in the total cell length. In this experimental situation, the total enzyme activity also scarcely increased through three division cycles. These results suggested that the increase in acid phosphatase in dependent on cell elongation.  相似文献   

A fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces japonicus can sporulateabundantly under conditions of vegetative growth. Prior to sporulation,strong flocculation was observed. When the culture medium containeda sufficient amount of yeast extract, sporulation was completelyinhibited. When the medium was cultured under light, flocculationoccurred, but not zygote formation. Neither flocculation norzygote formation was observed in the culture under completedarkness. The effect of light occurred even with short-periodillumination at the early to mid logarithmic growth phase. Thepresence of a definite amount of yeast extract was essentialfor the phenomenon in question. (Received July 20, 1976; )  相似文献   

About 15% of the conjugating cells of Schizosaccharomyces pombe were observed to lyse spontaneously during the conjugation process. Lysis occurred at the site of union.  相似文献   

The Rho family of GTPases is present in all eukaryotic cells from yeast to mammals; they are regulators in signaling pathways that control actin organization and morphogenetic processes. In yeast, Rho GTPases are implicated in cell polarity processes and cell wall biosynthesis. It is known that Rho1 and Rho2 are key proteins in the construction of the cell wall, an essential structure that in Schizosaccharomyces pombe is composed of beta-glucan, alpha-glucan, and mannoproteins. Rho1 regulates the synthesis of 1,3-beta-D-glucan by activation of the 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase, and Rho2 regulates the synthesis of alpha-glucan by the 1,3-alpha-D-glucan synthase Mok1. Here we describe the characterization of another Rho GTPase in fission yeast, Rho4. rho4Delta cells are viable but display cell separation defects at high temperature. In agreement with this observation, Rho4 localizes to the septum. Overexpression of rho4(+) causes lysis and morphological defects. Several lines of evidence indicate that both rho4(+) deletion or rho4(+) overexpression result in a defective cell wall, suggesting an additional role for Rho4 in cell wall integrity. Rho4Delta cells also accumulate secretory vesicles around the septum and are defective in actin polarization. We propose that Rho4 could be involved in the regulation of the septum degradation during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutant ehs1-1 mutant was isolated on the basis of its hypersensitivity to Echinocandin and Calcofluor White, which inhibit cell wall synthesis. The mutant shows a thermosensitive growth phenotype that is suppressed in the presence of an osmotic stabiliser. The mutant also showed other cell wall-associated phenotypes, such as enhanced sensitivity to enzymatic cell wall degradation and an imbalance in polysaccharide synthesis. The ehs1 + gene encodes a predicted integral membrane protein that is 30% identical to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mid1p, a protein that has been proposed to form part of a calcium channel. As expected for such a function, we found that ehs1+ is involved in intracellular Ca2+ accumulation. High external Ca2+ concentrations suppressed all phenotypes associated with the ehs1 null mutation, suggesting that the cell integrity defects of ehs1 mutants result from inadequate levels of calcium in the cell. We observed a genetic relationship between ehs1+ and the protein kinase C homologue pck2+. pck2+ suppressed all phenotypes of ehs1-1 mutant cells. Overproduction of pck2p is deleterious to wild-type cells, increasing 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase activity and promoting accumulation of extremely high levels of Ca2+. The lethality associated with pck2p, the increase in 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase production and the strong Ca2+ accumulation are all dependent on the presence of ehs1p. Our results suggest that in fission yeast ehs1p forms part of a calcium channel that is involved in the cell wall integrity pathway that includes the kinase pck2p.  相似文献   

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