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植物根孔在土壤生态系统中的功能   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:31  
王大力  尹澄清 《生态学报》2000,20(5):869-874
综合论述了植物根孔的概念,在土壤中的形成、分布以及生态功能。指出植物根孔是土壤大孔隙研究中的重要部分,是一个由植物根系、土壤、土壤微生物、水、空气等组成的“多介质界面”,众多的土壤生物过程在此发生,它在土壤水分、溶质传输以及环境污染物的迁移和转化等过程中具有重要意义。特别是在湿地生态系统中,发达的地下根孔系统为利用人工湿地系统净化污水、处理污泥等工程提供良好的污染物吸附转化界面以及“微生物消化池”  相似文献   

Wang JF  Wu N  Li J 《生理科学进展》2008,39(3):243-246
水通道蛋白4 (aquaporin 4,AQP4) 是中枢神经系统内重要的水通道蛋白之一,除了在海马、视上核和室旁核等部位的少数神经元上有分布外,主要表达在星形胶质细胞和室管膜上皮细胞中.近期的研究发现,AQP4除了参与脑脊液(cerebrospinal fluid,CSF)分泌、吸收等中枢神经系统内水代谢平衡的调节外,还有许多令人感兴趣的功能表现.AQP4能够影响星形胶质细胞的迁移和胶质疤痕的愈合;影响神经信号的传导;还能够调节星形胶质细胞对K 和谷氨酸的重摄取;改变神经元神经递质的释放;参与突触以及细胞间隙连接的形成等.上述发现表明AQP4不仅是影响中枢神经系统内水和电解质平衡的关键因素,而且是决定星形胶质细胞结构功能的重要分子基础之一.因此AQP4为众多脑疾病的治疗提供具有重要价值的潜在药物作用靶点,调控AQP4的表达与功能将成为治疗许多神经系统疾病的新策略.  相似文献   

Orexin/hypocretin has been well demonstrated to excite the serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN). We studied the morphological relationships between orexin-containing axon terminals and serotonin- as well as orexin-receptor-containing neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus. Using immunohistochemical techniques at the light microscopic level, orexin A (OXA)-like immunoreactive neuronal fibers in the DRN were found to make close contact with serotonergic neurons, while some of the serotonergic neurons also expressed the orexin 1 receptor (OX1R). At the electron microscopic level, double-immunostaining experiments showed that the orexin A-like immunoreactive fibers were present mostly as axon terminals that made synapses on the serotonin- and orexin 1-receptor-containing neurons. While only axodendritic synapses between orexin A-containing axon terminals and serotonergic neurons were detected, the synapses made by orexin A-containing axon terminals on the orexin 1-receptor-containing neurons were both axodendritic and axosomatic. The present study suggests that excitation effect of orexin A on dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons is via synaptic communication through orexin 1 receptor.  相似文献   

Xie L  Sun HY  Gao J  Liao H 《生理科学进展》2006,37(4):335-338
脱氢表雄酮(DHEA)是人体性激素的前体物质,能够在大脑神经元以及星形胶质细胞中从头合成,属于神经甾体。动物实验与临床实验均显示,DHEA对神经系统具有营养、保护以及调节高级功能等作用,可能具有防治神经退行性疾病、缺血性脑病、外伤、某些精神疾病等应用前景。研究发现,DHEA的作用机制存在基因与非基因两条通路,具体表现在抗氧化应激、抗兴奋性毒性、抗细胞凋亡等多个方面。近来,在细胞与分子水平对DHEA的神经保护作用研究较多,本文就此予以综述。  相似文献   

Octopamine biosynthesis requires tyrosine decarboxylase to convert tyrosine into tyramine and tyramine beta-hydroxylase to convert tyramine into octopamine. We identified and characterized a Caenorhabditis elegans tyrosine decarboxylase gene, tdc-1, and a tyramine beta-hydroxylase gene, tbh-1. The TBH-1 protein is expressed in a subset of TDC-1-expressing cells, indicating that C. elegans has tyraminergic cells that are distinct from its octopaminergic cells. tdc-1 mutants have behavioral defects not shared by tbh-1 mutants. We show that tyramine plays a specific role in the inhibition of egg laying, the modulation of reversal behavior, and the suppression of head oscillations in response to anterior touch. We propose a model for the neural circuit that coordinates locomotion and head oscillations in response to anterior touch. Our findings establish tyramine as a neurotransmitter in C. elegans, and we suggest that tyramine is a genuine neurotransmitter in other invertebrates and possibly in vertebrates as well.  相似文献   

Functions of Nogo proteins and their receptors in the nervous system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The membrane protein Nogo-A was initially characterized as a CNS-specific inhibitor of axonal regeneration. Recent studies have uncovered regulatory roles of Nogo proteins and their receptors--in precursor migration, neurite growth and branching in the developing nervous system--as well as a growth-restricting function during CNS maturation. The function of Nogo in the adult CNS is now understood to be that of a negative regulator of neuronal growth, leading to stabilization of the CNS wiring at the expense of extensive plastic rearrangements and regeneration after injury. In addition, Nogo proteins interact with various intracellular components and may have roles in the regulation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) structure, processing of amyloid precursor protein and cell survival.  相似文献   

The contractile system of nonmuscle cells consists of interconnected actomyosin networks and bundles anchored to focal adhesions. The initiation of the contractile system assembly is poorly understood structurally and mechanistically, whereas system's maturation heavily depends on nonmuscle myosin II (NMII). Using platinum replica electron microscopy in combination with fluorescence microscopy, we characterized the structural mechanisms of the contractile system assembly and roles of NMII at early stages of this process. We show that inhibition of NMII by a specific inhibitor, blebbistatin, in addition to known effects, such as disassembly of stress fibers and mature focal adhesions, also causes transformation of lamellipodia into unattached ruffles, loss of immature focal complexes, loss of cytoskeleton-associated NMII filaments and peripheral accumulation of activated, but unpolymerized NMII. After blebbistatin washout, assembly of the contractile system begins with quick and coordinated recovery of lamellipodia and focal complexes that occurs before reappearance of NMII bipolar filaments. The initial formation of focal complexes and subsequent assembly of NMII filaments preferentially occurred in association with filopodial bundles and concave actin bundles formed by filopodial roots at the lamellipodial base. Over time, accumulating NMII filaments help to transform the precursor structures, focal complexes and associated thin bundles, into stress fibers and mature focal adhesions. However, semi-sarcomeric organization of stress fibers develops at much slower rate. Together, our data suggest that activation of NMII motor activity by light chain phosphorylation occurs at the cell edge and is uncoupled from NMII assembly into bipolar filaments. We propose that activated, but unpolymerized NMII initiates focal complexes, thus providing traction for lamellipodial protrusion. Subsequently, the mechanical resistance of focal complexes activates a load-dependent mechanism of NMII polymerization in association with attached bundles, leading to assembly of stress fibers and maturation of focal adhesions.  相似文献   

【目的】层出镰刀菌是引起苜蓿根腐病的主要病原菌之一,探究层出镰刀菌中乌头酸酶家族蛋白的功能特性,为深入认识层出镰刀菌基础生理代谢的分子机制提供依据。【方法】利用hmmsearch工具,对真菌中含有乌头酸酶结构域的蛋白进行检索,并进行系统进化分析;通过实时荧光定量PCR及SWISS MODEL建模技术分别分析FpACO基因的表达模式与蛋白结构;利用同源重组双交换方法构建层出镰刀菌乌头酸酶基因敲除突变体;分析ΔFpACO3、ΔFpACO4-1、ΔFpACO4-2敲除突变体的生长、产孢、孢子形态、环境胁迫响应及致病力等表型变化;进一步测定敲除突变体中线粒体代谢相关生理生化指标的变化情况。【结果】FpACO4-1与FpACO4-2在产孢及孢子形态发生中发挥作用;FpACO3、FpACO4-1、FpACO4-2参与调控层出镰刀菌对细胞壁胁迫及金属离子胁迫的敏感性;FpACO3、FpACO4-1、FpACO4-2影响线粒体代谢,包括总乌头酸酶活性、ATP含量、过氧化氢含量及三羧酸循环关键基因表达等。【结论】乌头酸酶家族参与调控层出镰刀菌产孢、孢子形态分化、细胞壁胁迫及金属离子胁迫响应和线粒体代谢等过程。  相似文献   

核孔复合体(Nuclear pore complexes, NPCs)镶嵌在核膜上,是细胞核与细胞质之间的唯一通道。冷冻电子X射线断层扫描将环状NPCs分为三个环,分别称为胞质环、内环和核质环,胞质环上附有胞质纤丝,核质环上附有核篮。由于物种不同,NPCs由30~50多种不同的核孔蛋白(nucleoporins, Nups)组成,但结构和功能高度保守。根据其结构、氨基酸序列,NPCs定位和功能,Nups被分为跨膜Nups、屏障Nups、骨架Nups、胞质纤丝Nups和核篮Nups。相互间作用稳定、紧密连接的数个Nups可组成亚复合体。为了应对不同生理需要,NPCs处于高度动态变化中,间期和有丝分裂期均可通过组装和去组装改变核孔数量和功能。NPCs的主要功能是调控核质转运,小分子物质可自由扩散,大分子物质则需在核转位信号和转运载体的介导下以主动运输的方式进行转运。除了核质转运这一主要功能外,Nups还能以一个独立于转运的方式影响基因组功能。通过影响染色质结构和影响转录调控元件对靶基因的访问,Nups促进或抑制转录。在酵母,Nups介导的基因调控主要由位于NPCs中的Nups执行;在多细胞生物,不仅NPCs中的Nups,核质内游离的Nups也具有基因调控功能。此外,Nups还能通过参与形成染色质边界和形成转录记忆对基因进行调控。在增殖细胞, Nups通过与DNA修复机器相互作用,参与DNA损伤修复,保护基因组完整性。有丝分裂时,Nups协助核膜解体和中心体迁移,并通过作用于着丝粒来控制有丝分裂组件的空间定位与活性,稳定它们与微管之间的相互作用,保证纺锤体正常组装和染色体准确分离。总之,NPCs与生物分子的核质转运、基因表达和细胞周期密切相关,它的结构和功能的稳定是真核细胞生长、增殖、分化等生命活动的基本保证。  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids (GC) have several known effects on the function of the nervous system, and GC receptors have been identified in regions responding to hormonal action. In the spinal cord, GC receptors have been characterized in vitro, which share several biochemical properties in common with receptors in better studied areas such as the hippocampus. Moreover, enzymes which are induced by GC in the hippocampus, such as glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase and ornithine decarboxylase, are also under specific GC control in the spinal cord. Yet GC receptors in the latter tissue divert from those in hippocampus during some in vivo as well as in vitro studies. In vivo, uptake of [3H]corticosterone by purified cell nuclei was 5-8-fold higher in the hippocampus as compared to the cord. In vitro, a higher percentage of GC receptors previously transformed by heating, showed affinity towards DNA-cellulose in the spinal cord than in the hippocampus. The enzyme RNAse A effectively increased receptor binding to DNA-cellulose in hippocampus, whereas the cord was insensitive to its action. These results suggest that there is a "receptor dysfunction" in the spinal cord, the significance of which is poorly understood in terms of the accepted model of steroid hormone action.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica uses two functionally distinct type III secretion systems encoded on the pathogenicity islands SPI-1 and SPI-2 to transfer effector proteins into host cells. A major function of the SPI-1 secretion system is to enable bacterial invasion of epithelial cells and the principal role of SPI-2 is to facilitate the replication of intracellular bacteria within membrane-bound Salmonella-containing vacuoles (SCVs). Studies of mutant bacteria defective for SPI-2-dependent secretion have revealed a variety of functions that can be attributed to this secretion system. These include an inhibition of various aspects of endocytic trafficking, an avoidance of NADPH oxidase-dependent killing, the induction of a delayed apoptosis-like host cell death, the control of SCV membrane dynamics, the assembly of a meshwork of F-actin around the SCV, an accumulation of cholesterol around the SCV and interference with the localization of inducible nitric oxide synthase to the SCV. Several effector proteins that are translocated across the vacuolar membrane in a SPI-2-dependent manner have now been identified. These are encoded both within and outside SPI-2. The characteristics of these effectors, and their relationship to the physiological functions listed above, are the subject of this review. The emerging picture is of a multifunctional system, whose activities are explained in part by effectors that control interactions between the SCV and intracellular membrane compartments.  相似文献   

为研究南海柳珊瑚共附生草酸青霉SCSGAF0023的聚酮合酶(PKS)生物学功能,采用农杆菌介导法构建草酸青霉SCSGAF0023的Pks敲除株ΔPks,比较野生菌株及ΔPks的生长发育及环境适应性差异。以草酸青霉SCSGAF0023分生孢子为受体,p0380-hygB为双元载体,成功实现草酸青霉SCSGAF0023的遗传转化。结果表明:农杆菌浓度为OD600=0.5,在200μmol/L 乙酰丁香酮(AS)诱导下与107个/ml草酸青霉SCSGAF0023孢子于25℃共孵育时转化效率最高。基于上述转化体系,成功获得Pks敲除株ΔPks,并首次证实Pks正向调控草酸青霉SCSGAF0023产孢,但不影响其对环境的适应性。这为进一步系统研究真菌PKSs及聚酮化合物对真菌生长发育与环境适应性的影响提供素材。  相似文献   

为研究南海柳珊瑚共附生草酸青霉SCSGAF0023的聚酮合酶(PKS)生物学功能,采用农杆菌介导法构建草酸青霉SCSGAF0023的Pks敲除株ΔPks,比较野生菌株及ΔPks的生长发育及环境适应性差异。以草酸青霉SCSGAF0023分生孢子为受体,p0380-hygB为双元载体,成功实现草酸青霉SCSGAF0023的遗传转化。结果表明:农杆菌浓度为OD600=0.5,在200μmol/L 乙酰丁香酮(AS)诱导下与107个/ml草酸青霉SCSGAF0023孢子于25℃共孵育时转化效率最高。基于上述转化体系,成功获得Pks敲除株ΔPks,并首次证实Pks正向调控草酸青霉SCSGAF0023产孢,但不影响其对环境的适应性。这为进一步系统研究真菌PKSs及聚酮化合物对真菌生长发育与环境适应性的影响提供素材。  相似文献   

生长素响应因子(auxin response factors,ARFs)是生长素响应机制中的重要元件,其中,ARF5/MONOPTEROS(MP)参与调控许多生长发育过程。该文对近年来国内外有关ARF5/MP的研究进展,以及由ARF5/MP介导的生长素应答通路在拟南芥的胚根原特化、维管组织发育、茎尖发育等过程中的作用以及鉴于ARFs成员之间在结构和功能上的保守性等研究进展进行综述,为阐明植物体对生长素响应的分子机理提供参考。  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone Hsp90 is an essential protein in eukaryotic organisms and is highly conserved throughout all kingdoms of life. It serves as a platform for the folding and maturation of many client proteins including protein kinases and steroid hormone receptors. To fulfill this task Hsp90 performs conformational changes driven by the hydrolysis of ATP. Further, it can resort to a broad set of co-chaperones, which fit the Hsp90 machinery to the needs of specific client proteins. During the last years the number of identified co-chaperones has been consistently rising, implying that the client spectrum of Hsp90 may be much more diverse and larger than currently known. Many cofactors contain a TPR-domain for interactions at the C-terminus of Hsp90 and in many cases their functions and client sets remain to be uncovered. Hsp90 is also a putative target to interfere with cancerous and infectious diseases. Thus the knowledge on more of its cellular functions would provide also more therapeutic options for the future. In this review we compile the current knowledge on the Hsp90 ATPase mechanism, cofactor regulation and prospects of Hsp90 inhibition.  相似文献   

朱俊子  黎萍  邱泽澜  李晓刚  钟杰 《微生物学报》2022,62(10):3801-3812
【目的】蛋白-O-岩藻糖基转移酶1 (protein O-fucosyltransferase 1,POFUT1)是催化蛋白质O-岩藻糖基化的关键酶,在动物和人体内被证明调控一系列的生理病理过程,然而POFUT1基因在果生炭疽菌乃至真菌中还未见报道。本研究旨在克隆果生炭疽菌中CfPOFUT1基因,并分析其生物学功能。【方法】利用RT-PCR技术扩增CfPOFUT1的基因并进行生物信息学分析,构建了CfPOFUT1基因的沉默和过表达载体,通过PEG介导法将载体导入原生质体中获得CfPOFUT1基因的沉默和过表达突变体。测定了野生型菌株、CfPOFUT1沉默菌株和过表达菌株在PDA上的菌丝生长、分生孢子产生、萌发与附着胞形成、胁迫应答和致病力、杀菌剂敏感性等生物学表型。【结果】与野生型菌株相比,基因过表达突变体产孢量显著增加,致病力增强,对嘧菌酯敏感性降低,但对多菌灵和咪鲜胺敏感性增强。基因沉默突变体产孢量减少,细胞壁完整性、内质网应激敏感性提高,致病力减弱,对嘧菌酯敏感性提高,但对多菌灵和咪鲜胺敏感性降低。【结论】CfPOFUT1基因参与调控果生炭疽菌分生孢子产量,细胞壁完整性、内质网对应激和药剂敏感性,并对其致病性也具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

Functions of RANKL/RANK/OPG in bone modeling and remodeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The discovery of the RANKL/RANK/OPG system in the mid 1990s for the regulation of bone resorption has led to major advances in our understanding of how bone modeling and remodeling are regulated. It had been known for many years before this discovery that osteoblastic stromal cells regulated osteoclast formation, but it had not been anticipated that they would do this through expression of members of the TNF superfamily: receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG), or that these cytokines and signaling through receptor activator of NF-κB (RANK) would have extensive functions beyond regulation of bone remodeling. RANKL/RANK signaling regulates osteoclast formation, activation and survival in normal bone modeling and remodeling and in a variety of pathologic conditions characterized by increased bone turnover. OPG protects bone from excessive resorption by binding to RANKL and preventing it from binding to RANK. Thus, the relative concentration of RANKL and OPG in bone is a major determinant of bone mass and strength. Here, we review our current understanding of the role of the RANKL/RANK/OPG system in bone modeling and remodeling.  相似文献   

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