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A model is presented which considers the effects of inter-generational competition (IC) for breeding status on selection for helping behaviour. The model shows that for species with both high inter-generational overlap and high frequency of breeding opportunities within the individual's lifespan, helping behaviour is selected if the relatives raised by the helper through helping (i.e. present indirect fitness gains) do not decrease the helper's future direct fitness as a breeder. This effect is dependent on the value of α, the coefficient of IC. The occurrence of high α values can explain those cases in which a non-breeding member of a social group does not help. The effect of α can be reduced by means of establishing an age-based queueing system to attain breeding status. The breeders' acceptance of a non-helping individual within their territory may be explained as extended parental care or parental facilitation.  相似文献   

2015年,世界卫生组织对肺癌的分类提出了气道播散(spread through air spaces,STAS)的概念,作为肺腺癌侵袭的新模式。STAS指的是肺癌细胞在肺实质内经气道播散到肿瘤主灶边缘以外。近年来,随着对STAS研究的深入,研究结果表明STAS作为一种侵袭方式与其他侵袭行为和转移有关。STAS与肺癌的预后存在密切联系,并且与复发的风险独立相关。而选择的手术方式不同,STAS阳性患者的预后大不相同。在影像学方面,STAS有着其特殊的影像学特征,这些影像学特征可以作为STAS可能性估计的工具。因此能否通过影像学等方法判断出是否有STAS存在对选择手术方式和改善患者预后有重要指导意义。这篇综述将重点阐述近年来STAS在与不同类型肺癌的联系、影像学、基因突变等方面的研究概况。  相似文献   

The origins, early history, captive populations, spread and habitat preferences of Reeves' Muntjac in Britain are reviewed. It is suggested that much of the published information on the history of Muntjac in Britain is based on misconceptions, and that each subsequent report has continued to promulgate a false impression on the origins, time-scale and pattern of spread of the species in Britain. Indian and Reeves' Muntjac were introduced to Woburn Park in Bedfordshire within a year of each other, and it appears that the Indian Muntjac did not thrive, at least in the decade following their introduction. How long they survived as a free-living species in Britain is unclear, but it was probably only a few years. However, there is some evidence to suggest that they might have persisted within the Park at Woburn until 1930. Following the first releases from Woburn in 1901, the numbers of free-living Reeves' Muntjac in Britain remained low until the 1920s, when populations were largely confined to the woods around Woburn, and possibly also around Tring in Hertfordshire. However, in the 1930s and 1940s there were further deliberate introductions in selected areas some distance from Woburn. As a consequence, the subsequent spread of Reeves' Muntjac was from several main foci, i.e. from the vicinity of Woburn, the Norfolk/Suffolk border, three sites in Northamptonshire, two sites in Oxfordshire and two in Warwickshire. The spread in the second half of this century has been aided by further deliberate and accidental releases, and by these means new populations continue to be established outside the main range. Thus the natural spread has been much less impressive than previously assumed; even in areas with established populations it takes a long time for Muntjac to colonize all the available habitat. Data from a number of areas in Britain suggest that the natural rate of spread is about 1 km a year, which is comparable to other species of deer in Britain. The many introductions have complicated an analysis of the habitat preferences of Reeves' Muntjac, and no clear trends could be found. It would appear that Reeves' Muntjac are less dependent on specific types of habitat than previously believed. Examination of the land-class preferences using resource selection indices showed that arable land classes were predominantly selected for, and that marginal upland land classes tended to be avoided. Subsequent logistic regression models based on the land classes selected (and to a lesser extent avoided) by Muntjac were able to predict accurately the current distribution of Reeves' Muntjac in Britain, and one of these, together with our knowledge of their history and spread, was used to infer those areas most likely to be colonized by Muntjac in the near future. The greatest potential for range expansion is in Kent and Sussex, and to a lesser extent north into Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and south Yorkshire, and west into Cheshire and north Shropshire. However, long-established populations in areas such as Betws-y-Coed in Wales show that Muntjac may persist in low numbers in atypical habitats. Future habitat changes, such as the planting of new woodlands, and continued deliberate and accidental releases, are likely to lead to population changes in addition to those predicted by the logistic regression model.  相似文献   

Dispersal increases local transmission of avian malarial parasites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relationships between dispersal and local transmission rate of parasites are essential to understanding host–parasite coevolution and the emergence and spread of novel disease threats. Here we show that year‐round transmission, as opposed to summer transmission, has repeatedly evolved in malarial parasites (genera Plasmodium and Haemoproteus) of a migratory bird. Year‐round transmission allows parasites to spread in sympatric host's wintering areas, and hence to colonize distantly located host's breeding areas connected by host‐migration movements. Widespread parasites had higher local prevalence, revealing increased transmission, than geographically restricted parasites. Our results show a positive relationship between dispersal and local transmission of malarial parasites that is apparently mediated by frequent evolutionary changes in parasite transmission dynamics, which has important implications for the ecology and evolution of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

We examined the extent to which parental investment, as measured by brood defence, is determined by selection via life history in a short-lived bird, the great tit (Parus major). Great tit parents tending 1st and 2nd broods of the season were used to test five predictions of a cost/benefit model of brood defence based on the species average demography. The benefit was envisaged as the brood's contribution to a parent's fitness, and the cost as the potential loss if the defender dies in the act of defence; this loss was mirrored by Residual Reproductive Value plus a fraction of the brood dying as a consequence of the defender's death. Univariate and multivariate procedures were applied to six measures of defence response in 221 experimentally naive great tit pairs with nestlings. Stimuli consisted of a live raptor and a multi-species taped mobbing chorus (both of which triggered strong alarm), the latter alone, and a novel, visual stimulus inhibiting nest visits for some time. As predicted by the model, response strength and associated risk increased with (1) advancing time in the breeding season, (2) the age of young, and (3) the number of young in 2nd broods. The last finding, being non-trivial, is the strongest and the only unequivocal support for the notion that life-history has moulded parental investment also in a short-lived species; findings (1) and (2) could be alternatively accounted for by simply assuming that parents tailor their defence to environmental conditions permitting a new breeding episode. The model failed to predict the change of defence behaviour between 1st and 2nd broods. Instead, proximate factors coupled to the precise breeding area proved to be of prime importance in determining defence level, thereby falsifying the idea of a rigidly preprogrammed change of response level based on population parameter means. Instead, parents might gauge their defence to quality of young, as also allowed for in the model, or they may sometimes be constrained to display the full defence. As a by-product, the experiments permit us to narrow down the range of selective agents producing the male parent's stronger defence. The sex difference, being prevalent in 1st broods and abating in 2nd broods, indicates that the male, by its defence behaviour, not only invests in its offspring but also in its home range and/or its mate. The latter interpretation is supported most directly by the male's defence behaviour in 1st broods.  相似文献   

Cope's rule, wherein a lineage increases in body size through time, was originally motivated by macroevolutionary patterns observed in the fossil record. More recently, some authors have argued that evidence exists for generally positive selection on individual body size in contemporary populations, providing a microevolutionary mechanism for Cope's rule. If larger body size confers individual fitness advantages as the selection estimates suggest, thereby explaining Cope's rule, then body size should increase over microevolutionary time scales. We test this corollary by assembling a large database of studies reporting changes in phenotypic body size through time in contemporary populations, as well as studies reporting average breeding values for body size through time. Trends in body size were quite variable with an absence of any general trend, and many populations trended toward smaller body sizes. Although selection estimates can be interpreted to support Cope's rule, our results suggest that actual rates of phenotypic change for body size cannot. We discuss potential reasons for this discrepancy and its implications for the understanding of Cope's rule.  相似文献   

Winters have become warmer under the impact of climate change, which has modified the phenology as well as the distribution ranges of birds. The African Long‐legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus cirtensis has recently colonized Europe via the Strait of Gibraltar. We aim to explain the native distribution of this species and to predict favourable areas in newly colonized parts of Europe using geospatial modelling to identify the most influential factors in this process. We applied the favourability function, a generalized linear model describing environmental favourability, for the presence/absence of breeding areas in northern Morocco and the southern Iberian Peninsula, according to a set of variables describing climate, topography, human activity, vegetation and purely spatial trends. A model was built using some known breeding sites in northern Morocco, and was used to forecast future suitable breeding areas in Europe. A second model was built with the available data for northern Morocco and Europe to explain the current distribution of breeding sites. Both models were assessed according to discrimination, calibration and parsimony criteria, and the influence of each factor was analysed using variation partitioning. We conclude that the Iberian Peninsula could provide new suitable areas for the species and facilitate its northward expansion. This result, together with the increasing number of records available, suggests that this species could soon spread throughout Europe. Steady temperatures and abundant but seasonally distributed precipitation showed the strongest predictive power in the models. This indicates a close relationship between the species’ distribution and climate in the study area, and suggests that this species finds its most favourable environments in the Mediterranean biome. Topography and vegetation, specifically cliffs and woods near hunting zones, point to a fine‐scale habitat selection for breeding. As the case of the African Long‐legged Buzzard is not a unique event, our results may be useful to determine whether a northward expansion of the Mediterranean biome could be followed by distribution shifts of bird species that have so far been restricted to Africa.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans is frequently used as a model species for the study of bacterial virulence and innate immunity. In recent years, diverse mechanisms contributing to the nematode''s immune response to bacterial infection have been discovered. Yet despite growing interest in the biochemical and molecular basis of nematode-bacterium associations, many questions remain about their ecology. Although recent studies have demonstrated that free-living nematodes could act as vectors of opportunistic pathogens in soil, the extent to which worms may contribute to the persistence and spread of these bacteria has not been quantified. We conducted a series of experiments to test whether colonization of and transmission between C. elegans nematodes could enable two opportunistic pathogens (Salmonella enterica and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) to spread on agar plates occupied by Escherichia coli. We monitored the transmission of S. enterica and P. aeruginosa from single infected nematodes to their progeny and measured bacterial loads both within worms and on the plates. In particular, we analyzed three factors affecting the dynamics of bacteria: (i) initial source of the bacteria, (ii) bacterial species, and (iii) feeding behavior of the host. Results demonstrate that worms increased the spread of bacteria through shedding and transmission. Furthermore, we found that despite P. aeruginosa''s relatively high transmission rate among worms, its pathogenic effects reduced the overall number of worms colonized. This study opens new avenues to understand the role of nematodes in the epidemiology and evolution of pathogenic bacteria in the environment.  相似文献   

Abstract: Exposure to environmental features early in life potentially can influence the kinds of places animals select to live later in life. We examined whether there is evidence that Cooper's hawks (Accipiter cooperii) hatched in an urban environment choose sites with features similar to their natal areas when they nest for the first time. The features we examined were the nest tree species and the level of development surrounding the nest tree. We banded nestling and fledgling Cooper's hawks in Tucson, Arizona, USA, from 1994 to 2004. We then monitored nests in Tucson to identify hawks that had been hatched in the city and eventually secured a breeding site. Percent cover of buildings around first breeding nests was not related to percent cover of buildings around natal nests for either sex. There was some evidence that being hatched in a particular tree species influenced choice of tree species at first breeding sites for males, but the influence was weak. In contrast, tree species in which first-time breeders built their nests, and the sites where the trees were located relative to development, were proportional to what was available in the Tucson metropolitan area. Our data suggest that natal experience played a limited role in nest-site selection by Cooper's hawks in Tucson for the features we examined. If learning occurred, it could have been for the general structure of natal sites. Thus, any small grove of large trees planted in Tucson could be used as a nest site by Cooper's hawks regardless of the level of development surrounding the nest.  相似文献   

Bayesian (via Gibbs sampling) and empirical BLUP (EBLUP) estimation of fixed effects and breeding values were compared by simulation. Combinations of two simulation models (with or without effect of contemporary group (CG)), three selection schemes (random, phenotypic and BLUP selection), two levels of heritability (0.20 and 0.50) and two levels of pedigree information (0% and 15% randomly missing) were considered. Populations consisted of 450 animals spread over six discrete generations. An infinitesimal additive genetic animal model was assumed while simulating data. EBLUP and Bayesian estimates of CG effects and breeding values were, in all situations, essentially the same with respect to Spearman''s rank correlation between true and estimated values. Bias and mean square error (MSE) of EBLUP and Bayesian estimates of CG effects and breeding values showed the same pattern over the range of simulated scenarios. Methods were not biased by phenotypic and BLUP selection when pedigree information was complete, albeit MSE of estimated breeding values increased for situations where CG effects were present. Estimation of breeding values by Bayesian and EBLUP was similarly affected by joint effect of phenotypic or BLUP selection and randomly missing pedigree information. For both methods, bias and MSE of estimated breeding values and CG effects substantially increased across generations.  相似文献   

Extreme temperatures impose energy costs on endotherms through thermoregulation and different adaptations help individuals to cope with these conditions. In social species, communal roosting and huddling are thought to decrease the energetic requirement of thermoregulation under low temperatures. This is likely to represent an important mechanism by which individuals save energy during the coldest parts of the year and hence to represent a non‐breeding benefit of sociality. Here, we investigate the potential thermoregulatory benefits of group living in roosting groups of sociable weavers Philetairus socius, a colonial cooperatively breeding passerine that builds communally a massive nest structure with several independent chambers wherein individuals breed and roost throughout the year. To investigate the benefits of sociality during the non‐breeding season, we studied the thermal environment during roosting in relation to group size. In addition, to understand the link between non‐breeding and breeding sociality in this species we studied group size stability between the pre‐breeding and breeding periods. As expected, we found that the nest chamber's night‐time temperature is strongly related to the number of birds roosting together, especially during cold nights. Specifically, birds in larger groups spent less time below the critical thermal minimum temperature (i.e. the temperature below which energy expenditure increases substantially). They were less exposed to external temperature variations. We also found a positive relationship between the number of birds roosting during winter and the breeding group size, indicating breeding group size predictability. In cooperative breeders such as the sociable weaver, the costs and benefits of sociality are usually studied during the breeding period. This study shows that a better understanding of non‐breeding benefits of group membership and group dynamics between the non‐breeding and breeding periods are necessary for a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of sociality.  相似文献   


In the present investigation, it is observed that there are at least six endogamous Mala populations namely, the Tangala, the Maladasari, the Pakanati, the Rampala, the Murikinati, and the Bommanati inhabiting the two taluks of Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. From the projected distribution of these populations, it is evident that the populations show a regionality in their distribution, without any overlapping even when two different populations inhabit the same village. It can also be inferred that the six Mala populations satisfy Wright's island model of breeding structure. These populations show low mean marriage distances. Within each there is some degree of breeding isolation by distance, and there is an approach to the neighborhood or, more aptly, the stepping stone model.  相似文献   

Ross's Gull Rhodostethia rosea is one of the world's least known seabirds; < 1% of the estimated global population can be accounted for at known breeding sites, and its wintering range has never been determined. Anecdotal reports over the last two centuries have prompted extensive speculation as to possible wintering areas used by this species in the north Pacific/Bering Sea region, but none has ever been confirmed. Using satellite and geolocator telemetry, we show that some Ross's Gulls from a colony in the Canadian Arctic winter in a restricted area of the northern Labrador Sea. Our discovery of a wintering area in the northwest Atlantic indicates that Ross's Gulls breeding in the Nearctic may be part of a disjunct population, or that birds breeding in the Palaearctic may winter off the east coast of North America.  相似文献   

Inclusive fitness theory provides the conceptual framework for our current understanding of social evolution, and empirical studies suggest that kin selection is a critical process in the evolution of animal sociality. A key prediction of inclusive fitness theory is that altruistic behaviour evolves when the costs incurred by an altruist (c) are outweighed by the benefit to the recipient (b), weighted by the relatedness of altruist to recipient (r), i.e. Hamilton''s rule rb > c. Despite its central importance in social evolution theory, there have been relatively few empirical tests of Hamilton''s rule, and hardly any among cooperatively breeding vertebrates, leading some authors to question its utility. Here, we use data from a long-term study of cooperatively breeding long-tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus to examine whether helping behaviour satisfies Hamilton''s condition for the evolution of altruism. We show that helpers are altruistic because they incur survival costs through the provision of alloparental care for offspring. However, they also accrue substantial benefits through increased survival of related breeders and offspring, and despite the low average relatedness of helpers to recipients, these benefits of helping outweigh the costs incurred. We conclude that Hamilton''s rule for the evolution of altruistic helping behaviour is satisfied in this species.  相似文献   

To better understand evolutionary pathways leading to eusociality, interspecific comparisons are needed, which would use a common axis, such as that of reproductive skew, to array species. African mole‐rats (Bathyergidae, Rodentia) provide an outstanding model of social evolution because of a wide range of social organizations within a single family; however, their reproductive skew is difficult to estimate, due to their cryptic lifestyle. A maximum skew could theoretically be reached in groups where reproduction is monopolized by a stable breeding pair, but the value could be decreased by breeding‐male and breeding‐female turnover, shared reproduction and extra‐group mating. The frequency of such events should be higher in species or populations inhabiting mesic environments with relaxed ecological constraints on dispersal. To test this prediction, we studied patterns of parentage and relatedness within 16 groups of Ansell's mole‐rat (Fukomys anselli) in mesic miombo woodland. Contrary to expectation, there was no shared reproduction (more than one breeder of a particular sex) within the studied groups, and proportion of immigrants and offspring not assigned to current breeding males was low. The within‐group parentage and relatedness patterns observed resemble arid populations of ‘eusocial’ Fukomys damarensis, rather than a mesic population of ‘social’ Cryptomys hottentotus. As a possible explanation, we propose that the extent ecological conditions affect reproductive skew may be markedly affected by life history and natural history traits of the particular species and genera.  相似文献   

Global climate warming is predicted to hasten the onset of spring breeding by anuran amphibians in seasonal environments. Previous data had indicated that the breeding phenology of a population of Fowler's Toads (Anaxyrus fowleri) at their northern range limit had been progressively later in spring, contrary to generally observed trends in other species. Although these animals are known to respond to environmental temperature and the lunar cycle to commence breeding, the timing of breeding should also be influenced by the onset of overwintering animals’ prior upward movement through the soil column from beneath the frost line as winter becomes spring. I used recorded weather data to identify four factors of temperature, rainfall and snowfall in late winter and early spring that correlated with the toads’ eventual date of emergence aboveground. Estimated dates of spring emergence of the toads calculated using a predictive model based on these factors, as well as the illumination of the moon, were highly correlated with observed dates of emergence over 24 consecutive years. Using the model to estimate of past dates of spring breeding (i.e. retrodiction) indicated that even three decades of data were insufficient to discern any appreciable phenological trend in these toads. However, by employing weather data dating back to 1876, I detected a significant trend over 140 years towards earlier spring emergence by the toads by less than half a day/decade, while, over the same period of time, average annual air temperature and annual precipitation had both increased. Changes in the springtime breeding phenology for late‐breeding species, such as Fowler's Toads, therefore may conform to expectations of earlier breeding under global warming. Improved understanding of the environmental cues that bring organisms out of winter dormancy will enable better interpretation of long‐term phenological trends.  相似文献   

The virulence of a pathogen can vary strongly through time. While cyclical variation in virulence is regularly observed, directional shifts in virulence are less commonly observed and are typically associated with decreasing virulence of biological control agents through coevolution. It is increasingly appreciated, however, that spatial effects can lead to evolutionary trajectories that differ from standard expectations. One such possibility is that, as a pathogen spreads through a naive host population, its virulence increases on the invasion front. In Central America, there is compelling evidence for the recent spread of pathogenic Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) and for its strong impact on amphibian populations. Here, we re-examine data on Bd prevalence and amphibian population decline across 13 sites from southern Mexico through Central America, and show that, in the initial phases of the Bd invasion, amphibian population decline lagged approximately 9 years behind the arrival of the pathogen, but that this lag diminished markedly over time. In total, our analysis suggests an increase in Bd virulence as it spread southwards, a pattern consistent with rapid evolution of increased virulence on Bd''s invading front. The impact of Bd on amphibians might therefore be driven by rapid evolution in addition to more proximate environmental drivers.  相似文献   

Broadening the genetic base of crops is crucial for developing varieties to respond to global agricultural challenges such as climate change. Here, we analysed a diverse panel of 371 domesticated lines of the model crop barley to explore the genetics of crop adaptation. We first collected exome sequence data and phenotypes of key life history traits from contrasting multi‐environment common garden trials. Then we applied refined statistical methods, including some based on exomic haplotype states, for genotype‐by‐environment (G×E) modelling. Sub‐populations defined from exomic profiles were coincident with barley's biology, geography and history, and explained a high proportion of trial phenotypic variance. Clear G×E interactions indicated adaptation profiles that varied for landraces and cultivars. Exploration of circadian clock‐related genes, associated with the environmentally adaptive days to heading trait (crucial for the crop's spread from the Fertile Crescent), illustrated complexities in G×E effect directions, and the importance of latitudinally based genic context in the expression of large‐effect alleles. Our analysis supports a gene‐level scientific understanding of crop adaption and leads to practical opportunities for crop improvement, allowing the prioritisation of genomic regions and particular sets of lines for breeding efforts seeking to cope with climate change and other stresses.  相似文献   

YASUO EZAKI 《Ibis》1988,130(4):427-437
Male Great Reed Warblers usually take part in the care of offspring as nest defenders and by feeding young, but at the end of the breeding season they desert their mates with eggs or nestlings. Deserted females continue offspring care. Desertion does not depend on the male's mated status (polygynous or monogamous) nor on his past breeding success. Deserted females compensate for the loss of their partners by increasing the frequency of food-bringing, resulting in a reduction in the amount of time the nestlings are brooded. Although desertion may lead to increased rates of offspring mortality through predation, breeding success of deserted females was high, especially if the male assisted during the early stages. Deserters pay costs by giving up the chance of additional matings and by lowering the reproductive success of existing mates. Male warblers reduce the former cost by choosing the season of desertion and the latter is lowered by the female's high parental ability. A deserter was found to start moulting while his mate was still feeding his nestlings, and an earlier start to the moult may be the primary benefit that he gains. Male Great Reed Warblers usually take part in the care of offspring as nest defenders and by feeding young, but at the end of the breeding season they desert their mates with eggs or nestlings. Deserted females continue offspring care. Desertion does not depend on the male's mated status (polygynous or monogamous) nor on his past breeding success. Deserted females compensate for the loss of their partners by increasing the frequency of food-bringing, resulting in a reduction in the amount of time the nestlings are brooded. Although desertion may lead to increased rates of offspring mortality through predation, breeding success of deserted females was high, especially if the male assisted during the early stages. Deserters pay costs by giving up the chance of additional matings and by lowering the reproductive success of existing mates. Male warblers reduce the former cost by choosing the season of desertion and the latter is lowered by the female's high parental ability. A deserter was found to start moulting while his mate was still feeding his nestlings, and an earlier start to the moult may be the primary benefit that he gains. Male Great Reed Warblers usually take part in the care of offspring as nest defenders and by feeding young, but at the end of the breeding season they desert their mates with eggs or nestlings. Deserted females continue offspring care. Desertion does not depend on the male's mated status (polygynous or monogamous) nor on his past breeding success. Deserted females compensate for the loss of their partners by increasing the frequency of food-bringing, resulting in a reduction in the amount of time the nestlings are brooded. Although desertion may lead to increased rates of offspring mortality through predation, breeding success of deserted females was high, especially if the male assisted during the early stages. Deserters pay costs by giving up the chance of additional matings and by lowering the reproductive success of existing mates. Male warblers reduce the former cost by choosing the season of desertion and the latter is lowered by the female's high parental ability. A deserter was found to start moulting while his mate was still feeding his nestlings, and an earlier start to the moult may be the primary benefit that he gains. Male Great Reed Warblers usually take part in the care of offspring as nest defenders and by feeding young, but at the end of the breeding season they desert their mates with eggs or nestlings. Deserted females continue offspring care. Desertion does not depend on the male's mated status (polygynous or monogamous) nor on his past breeding success. Deserted females compensate for the loss of their partners by increasing the frequency of food-bringing, resulting in a reduction in the amount of time the nestlings are brooded. Although desertion may lead to increased rates of offspring mortality through predation, breeding success of deserted females was high, especially if the male assisted during the early stages. Deserters pay costs by giving up the chance of additional matings and by lowering the reproductive success of existing mates. Male warblers reduce the former cost by choosing the season of desertion and the latter is lowered by the female's high parental ability. A deserter was found to start moulting while his mate was still feeding his nestlings, and an earlier start to the moult may be the primary benefit that he gains. Male Great Reed Warblers usually take part in the care of offspring as nest defenders and by feeding young, but at the end of the breeding season they desert their mates with eggs or nestlings. Deserted females continue offspring care. Desertion does not depend on the male's mated status (polygynous or monogamous) nor on his past breeding success. Deserted females compensate for the loss of their partners by increasing the frequency of food-bringing, resulting in a reduction in the amount of time the nestlings are brooded. Although desertion may lead to increased rates of offspring mortality through predation, breeding success of deserted females was high, especially if the male assisted during the early stages. Deserters pay costs by giving up the chance of additional matings and by lowering the reproductive success of existing mates. Male warblers reduce the former cost by choosing the season of desertion and the latter is lowered by the female's high parental ability. A deserter was found to start moulting while his mate was still feeding his nestlings, and an earlier start to the moult may be the primary benefit that he gains.  相似文献   

The paper describes the selective breeding experiment which took place in the Bible Communist Oneida Community in New York State. The Community was founded in 1848 by John Humphrey Noyes and grew to some three hundred members. It disbanded in 1880 and became a joint stock company, Oneida Ltd., which today is a multinational cutlery manufacturer. Between 1869 and 1880 there was a selective breeding programme (“stirpiculture”) with parents chosen for intellectual, physical and spiritual characteristics. Fifty‐eight children were born. The programme was inspired by Noyes' theology of Perfectionism, Plato's Republic, agricultural selective breeding and concerns about human heredity. It was later justified by Noyes with the writings of Darwin and Galton. The children were followed up and deemed to be superior in physique, intellect, health and other characteristics.

Though it attracted attention in its day, the experiment had little influence on the later eugenic movements in the USA and the UK. It is argued that this was because the Community's system of “complex marriage” and the arranged matings were an unacceptably radical challenge to the conventional notions of love and marriage which dominated these later eugenics movements. The first generation of descendants' attempts to bury aspects of the history of the Community also contributed a lack of knowledge of the experiment and its outcome.  相似文献   

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