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A compartment model to estimate the different phosphorus metabolicrates in Daphnia galeata is presented. The model has three compartments:gut, metabolic pool and structural pool. Existing two-compartmentmodels used for carbon and phosphorus turnover in Daphnia donot allow estimation of ingestion and egestion rates. We extendedexisting two-compartment models with one more compartment, thegut, which allowed us to estimate both the ingestion and theegestion rates. Parameters of the model are estimated from asingle experiment of feeding unlabelled Daphnia with 32P-labelledScenedesmus obliquus. Separate experiments with juvenile andadult daphnids were carried out in order to compare their metabolisms.This model permits a reliable estimation of the different metabolicrates of Daphrna in a single experiment and discriminates clearlybetween animals of different sizes.  相似文献   

We investigated the adaptive significance of a sexually monomorphicornament in the black swan Cygnus atratus. Both sexes grow curledfeathers on their wings (range 7–22 curled feathers perwing), which are displayed prominently in a range of socialinteractions. The number of curled feathers increased untilthe birds reached sexual maturity (at 2 years of age) but didnot vary with age thereafter. We found evidence for both sexualand social functions of the ornament. Paired, mature individualsof both sexes had higher numbers of curled feathers than unpaired,mature birds, and individuals paired assortatively with respectto curled feather number, suggesting the feathers may be involvedin mutual sexual selection. More ornamented individuals weredominant in agonistic interactions with birds of the same sexand pairing status. Highly ornamented pairs were also more likelyto maintain extended tenancy of preferred cygnet feeding areas,which resulted in improved offspring survival. The curled feathersthus appear to function as a signal of social dominance, whichis highly correlated with reproductive success and is thereforea reliable signal of parental quality in mate choice.  相似文献   

Gravity-defying Behaviors: Identifying Models for Protoaves   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Most current phylogenetic hypotheses based upon cladistic methodologyassert that birds are the direct descendants of derived maniraptorantheropod dinosaurs, and that the origin of avian flight necessarilydeveloped within a terrestrial context (i.e., from the "groundup"). Most theoretical aerodynamic and energetic models or chronologicallyappropriate fossil data do not support these hypotheses forthe evolution of powered flight. The more traditional modelfor the origin of flight derives birds from among small arborealearly Mesozoic archosaurs ("thecodonts"). According to thismodel, protoavian ancestors developed flight in the trees viaa series of intermediate stages, such as leaping, parachuting,gliding, and flapping. This model benefits from the assemblageof living and extinct arboreal vertebrates that engage in analogousnon-powered aerial activities using elevation as a source ofgravitational energy. Recent reports of "feathered theropods"notwithstanding, the evolution of birds from any known groupof maniraptoran theropods remains equivocal.  相似文献   

Feathers of today's birds are constructed of beta (β)-keratins, structural proteins of the epidermis that are found solely in reptiles and birds. Discoveries of "feathered dinosaurs" continue to stimulate interest in the evolutionary origin of feathers, but few studies have attempted to link the molecular evolution of their major structural proteins (β-keratins) to the appearance of feathers in the fossil record. Using molecular dating methods, we show that before the appearance of Anchiornis (~155 Million years ago (Ma)) the basal β-keratins of birds began diverging from their archosaurian ancestor ~216?Ma. However, the subfamily of feather β-keratins, as found in living birds, did not begin diverging until ~143?Ma. Thus, the pennaceous feathers on Anchiornis, while being constructed of avian β-keratins, most likely did not contain the feather β-keratins found in the feathers of modern birds. Our results demonstrate that the evolutionary origin of feathers does not coincide with the molecular evolution of the feather β-keratins found in modern birds. More likely, during the Late Jurassic, the epidermal structures that appeared on organisms in the lineage leading to birds, including early forms of feathers, were constructed of avian β-keratins other than those found in the feathers of modern birds. Recent biophysical studies of the β-keratins in feathers support the view that the appearance of the subfamily of feather β-keratins altered the biophysical nature of the feather establishing its role in powered flight.  相似文献   

The integuments of extant vertebrates display a variety of epidermalappendages whose patterns, morphology and terminal differentiation(epidermal keratins) depend upon interactions between ectodermal(epidermis) and mesodermal (dermis) tissues. In reptiles andbirds, appendage morphogenesis precedes terminal differentiation.Studies have demonstrated that appendage morphogenesis influencesthe expression of the appendage specific keratin genes. However,little is known about the nature of the structural genes expressedby the epidermal appendages of reptiles. How pattern formationand/or appendage morphogenesis influence terminal differentiationof reptilian appendages is not known. The epidermal appendages of reptiles and birds are characterizedby the presence of both alpha () and beta (ß) typekeratin proteins. Studies have focused on the genes of avianß keratins because they are the major structural proteinsof feathers. The occurrence of ß keratin proteinsin the scales and claws of both birds and reptiles and theirimmunological cross-reactivity suggest that the genes for reptilianß keratins may be homologous with those of birds.In bird appendages, the ß keratins are the productsof a large family of homologous genes. Specific members of thisgene family are expressed during the development of each appendage.Recent sequence analyses of feather ß keratins, fromdifferent orders of birds, demonstrate that there is more diversityat the DNA level than was implied by earlier protein sequencingstudies. Immunological techniques show that the same antibodies thatreact with the epidermal ß keratins of the chicken(Gallus domesticus) react with the epidermal ß keratinsof American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). Furthermore,a peptide sequence (20 amino acids) from an alligator claw ßkeratin is similar to a highly conserved region of avian claw,scale, feather, and feather-like ß keratins. Theseobservations suggest that the ß keratin genes of avianepidermal appendages have homologues in the American alligator.Understanding the origin and evolution of the ß keratingene families in reptiles and birds will undoubtedly add toour understanding of the evolution of skin appendages such asscales and feathers.  相似文献   


1. 1. For cylinders or spheres smaller than a critical size, a layer of insulation may increase, rather than decrease, the rate of heat exchange.

2. 2. It has been suggested that the critical size for animals insulated with fur or feathers is about 4–7 g body mass, and therefore may explain why many small mammals and birds are born naked. We suggest that this is unlikely.

3. 3. We found that downy feathers on hatchlings as small as 1.6 g body mass retard rates of heat loss. Also, hatchling birds smaller than 4–7 g are not always, or even often, born naked.

4. 4. If a critical size exists at all, it is likely to occur at body masses of 0.6 g or smaller.

Author Keywords: Altriciality, body size; critical radius; heat exchange; insulation  相似文献   

Recent palaeontological data and novel physiological hypotheses now allow a timescaled reconstruction of the evolution of endothermy in birds and mammals. A three‐phase iterative model describing how endothermy evolved from Permian ectothermic ancestors is presented. In Phase One I propose that the elevation of endothermy – increased metabolism and body temperature (Tb) – complemented large‐body‐size homeothermy during the Permian and Triassic in response to the fitness benefits of enhanced embryo development (parental care) and the activity demands of conquering dry land. I propose that Phase Two commenced in the Late Triassic and Jurassic and was marked by extreme body‐size miniaturization, the evolution of enhanced body insulation (fur and feathers), increased brain size, thermoregulatory control, and increased ecomorphological diversity. I suggest that Phase Three occurred during the Cretaceous and Cenozoic and involved endothermic pulses associated with the evolution of muscle‐powered flapping flight in birds, terrestrial cursoriality in mammals, and climate adaptation in response to Late Cenozoic cooling in both birds and mammals. Although the triphasic model argues for an iterative evolution of endothermy in pulses throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, it is also argued that endothermy was potentially abandoned at any time that a bird or mammal did not rely upon its thermal benefits for parental care or breeding success. The abandonment would have taken the form of either hibernation or daily torpor as observed in extant endotherms. Thus torpor and hibernation are argued to be as ancient as the origins of endothermy itself, a plesiomorphic characteristic observed today in many small birds and mammals.  相似文献   

Domesticated birds exhibit a greater diversity in the morphology of their integument and its appendages than their wild ancestors. Many of these variations affect the appearance of a bird significantly and have been bred selectively by poultry and pigeon fanciers and aviculturists for the sake of visual appeal. Variations in feather distribution (e.g., feathering of legs and feet, featherless areas in normally feather-bearing skin) are widespread in chickens and pigeons. Variations in the number of feathers (e.g., increased number of tail feathers, lack of tail feathers) occur in certain pigeon and poultry breeds. Variations in feather length can affect certain body regions or the entire plumage. Variations in feather structure (e.g., silkiness, frilled feathering) can be found in exhibition poultry as well as in pet birds. Variations in feather arrangement (e.g., feather crests and vortices) occur in many domesticated bird species as a results of mutation and intense selective breeding. The causes of variations in the structure, distribution, length and arrangement of feathers is often unknown and opens a wide field for scientific research under various points of view (e.g., morphogenesis, pathogenesis, ethology, etc.). To that extent, variations in the morphology, distribution and arrangement of feathers in domesticated birds require also a concern for animal welfare because certain alleles responsible for integumentary variations in domesticated birds have pleiotropic effects, which often affect normal behaviour and viability.  相似文献   

Energetic bottlenecks and other design constraints in avian annual cycles   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The flexible phenotypes of birds and mammals often appear torepresent adjustments to alleviate some energetic bottleneckor another. By increasing the size of the organs involved indigestion and assimilation of nutrients (gut and liver), anindividual bird can increase its ability to process nutrients,for example to quickly store fuel for onward flight. Similarly,an increase in the exercise organs (pectoral muscles and heart)enables a bird to increase its metabolic power for sustainedflight or for thermoregulation. Reflecting the stationary costof organ maintenance, changes in the size of any part of the"metabolic machinery" will be reflected in Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR) unless changes in metabolic intensity also occur. Energeticbottlenecks appear to be set by the marginal value of organsize increases relative to particular peak requirements (includingsafety factors). These points are elaborated using the studieson long-distance migrating shorebirds, especially red knotsCalidris canutus. Red knots encounter energy expenditure levelssimilar to experimentally determined ceiling levels of ca. 5times BMR in other birds and mammals, both during the breedingseason on High Arctic tundra (probably mainly a function ofcosts of thermoregulation) and during winter in temperate coastalwetlands (a function of the high costs of processing mollusks,prey poor in nutrients but rich in shell material and salt water).During migration, red knots phenotypically alternate betweena "fueling [life-cycle] stage" and a "flight stage." Fuelingred knots in tropical areas may encounter heat load problemswhilst still on the ground, but high flight altitudes duringmigratory flights seem to take care of overheating and unacceptablyhigh rates of evaporative water loss. The allocation principlesfor the flexible phenotypes of red knots and other birds, thecosts of their organ flexibility and the ways in which they"organize" all the fast phenotypic changes, are yet to be discovered.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Costs of a sexual ornament in its early evolutionary form and the relationship between these costs and individual condition may be an important influence in the likelihood of possible evolutionary mechanisms involved in the evolution of this ornament. We reconstructed the tail shape in hypothetical ancestors of recent hirundines (Aves: Hirundinidae), from which the elongation of tail feathers under sexual selection might have begun. By elongating the tail in sand martins ( Riparia riparia , Hirundinidae), we simulated the early evolution of a long forked tail–the typical ornament of male hirundines. Birds with initial ornament captured smaller insects than controls, which suggests that this ornament imposed a cost in terms of impaired foraging. Furthermore, birds with naturally longer tails were better able to cope with initial ornament than naturally short-tailed birds. If length of tail in sand martins indicates the quality of individuals, our results suggest higher costs of this initial ornament for poorer than for higher quality individuals. We discuss the potential role of the handicap principle and other mechanisms in early evolution of a tail ornament.  相似文献   

Several animal species have been shown to use phenotypic traitsto assess the competitive ability of opponents and adjust theiraggressiveness depending on the likelihood to win the contest.In birds, these phenotypic traits usually involve patches ofcolored feathers. The benefit to harbor honest signals of malequality is the avoidance of wasteful aggressive interactions.Recent work has shown that ultraviolet (UV) plumage reflectanceis an important signal used by females during mate choice. Surprisingly,however, the role of UV signaling on intrasexual selection hasbeen neglected. In the present study, we aimed to test whetherUV reflectance of crown feathers was used as a signal of malecompetitive ability during male-male interactions. Breedingmale blue tits (Parus caeruleus ultramarinus) were exposed duringthe female egg-laying period to blue tit taxidermic mounts witheither control or reduced UV reflectance of crown feathers.In agreement with the prediction that UV reflectance advertisesmale quality, we found that breeding blue tits behaved lessaggressively toward the UV-reduced decoy. To our knowledge,this is the first experimental evidence suggesting a role forUV signaling on intrasexual selection.  相似文献   

Homoeothermy has formed in birds and mammals independently and in different geological ages. However, in both groups it originated as a side effect of selection for aerobic metabolism improvement that provided a higher level of activity. Advantages of having high and stable body temperature, which are inevitably related with metabolism intensification, led to development of thermoregulatory adaptations such as fur and feathers. This made it possible to retain the metabolically generated heat and reduce heat absorption in hot environments. Emergence of homoeothermy with aerobic supply of motion activity, possibilities to regulate the level of metabolism and thermolysis, has opened a lot of opportunities for homoeothermic animals. Achieving such a level of energy utilization allowed them to maintain activity for a longer time, while its sensory support led to complication and diversification of birds' behavioral repertoire (as well as that of mammals) facilitating the conquest of almost entire part of the biosphere that is suitable for living. This process was favoured by the development of nurturing and passing on the information, collected throughout the life, to new generations. Formation of high levels of aerobic metabolism in birds and mammals was proceeding in parallel among different groups of reptilian ancestors. The level of homoeothermy, at which aerobic metabolism is able to maintain prolonged activity, developed in birds and mammals in different ways: they have got dissimilar partitioning of venous and arterial networks, erythrocytes with or without a cell nucleus, different lungs design--but, at that, similar minimum metabolic power and rather close body temperatures which correspond well to the environmental conditions on the Earth. Natural selection allowed animals with high energetic metabolism to increase their diversity and abundance, but only when homoeothermic animals could satisfy their demands for food resources, that have risen manifold. That happened in the middle of Cretaceous, in time with the appearance of angiosperms and expansion of related fauna of invertebrates.  相似文献   

Adaptive scenarios in evolutionary biology have always beenbased on incremental improvements through a series of adaptivestages. But they have often been justified by appeal to assumptionsof how natural selection must work or by appeal to optimalityarguments or notions of evolutionary process. Cladistic methodology,though it cannot logically falsify hypotheses of process, provideshypotheses of evolutionary pattern independent of other considerationsand so provides a useful test of consilience with genealogy.I illustrate the cross-test of hypotheses of the evolution ofseveral functions and adaptations related to the origin of birdflight with independently derived phylogenetic analysis. Consiliencedoes not support ideas that the close ancestors of birds werearboreal or evolved flight from the trees, nor that they werephysiologically intermediate between typical reptiles and livingbirds, nor that feathers evolved for flight. Rather, the ancestorsof birds were terrestrial, they were fast-growing, active animals,and the original functions of feathers were in insulation andcoloration.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) reflectance has been implicated in mate selection.Yet, in some bird species the plumage of young varies in UVreflectance already in the nest and long before mate choiceand sexual selection come into play. Most birds molt the juvenilebody plumage before reaching sexual maturity, and thus, someconspicuous traits of the juvenile body plumage may rather haveevolved by natural selection, possibly via predation or parentalpreference. This second hypothesis is largely untested and predictsa differential allocation of food between fledging and totalindependence, which is a time period of 2–3 weeks whereoffspring mortality is also highest. Here, we test the predictionthat parents use the individual variation in UV reflectanceamong fledglings for differential food allocation. We manipulatedUV reflectance of the plumage of fledgling great tits Parusmajor by treating chest and cheek feathers with a lotion thateither did or did not contain UV blockers and then recordedfood allocation by parents in an outdoor design simulating postfledgingconditions. The visible spectrum was minimally affected by thistreatment. Females were found to feed UV-reflecting offspringpreferentially, whereas males had no preference. It is the firstevidence showing that the UV reflectance of the feathers ofyoung birds has a signaling function in parent–offspringcommunication and suggests that the UV traits evolved via parentalpreference.  相似文献   



The trade-off between current and residual reproductive values is central to life history theory, although the possible mechanisms underlying this trade-off are largely unknown. The ‘molt constraint’ hypothesis suggests that molt and plumage functionality are compromised by the preceding breeding event, yet this candidate mechanism remains insufficiently explored.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The seasonal change in photoperiod was manipulated to accelerate the molt rate. This treatment simulates the case of naturally late-breeding birds. House sparrows Passer domesticus experiencing accelerated molt developed shorter flight feathers with more fault bars and body feathers with supposedly lower insulation capacity (i.e. shorter, smaller, with a higher barbule density and fewer plumulaceous barbs). However, the wing, tail and primary feather lengths were shorter in fast-molting birds if they had an inferior body condition, which has been largely overlooked in previous studies. The rachis width of flight feathers was not affected by the treatment, but it was still condition-dependent.


This study shows that sedentary birds might face evolutionary costs because of the molt rate–feather quality conflict. This is the first study to experimentally demonstrate that (1) molt rate affects several aspects of body feathers as well as flight feathers and (2) the costly effects of rapid molt are condition-specific. We conclude that molt rate and its association with feather quality might be a major mediator of life history trade-offs. Our findings also suggest a novel advantage of early breeding, i.e. the facilitation of slower molt and the condition-dependent regulation of feather growth.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis is a valuable technique to infer animal movement between isotopically distinct landscapes. For birds in terrestrial systems, it is usually only applied at continental scales, often relying on global isotopic patterns. In contrast, we used this technique to investigate movement patterns of Ludwig's bustard (Neotis ludwigii) at a regional scale, where such information is needed to improve the conservation status of this species. We analysed carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of feathers from bustards across two biomes of the semi‐arid rangelands of the Karoo, South Africa, to investigate movement and explore sex and age movement strategy differences. We used a linear discriminant function analysis based on growing feathers to classify fully grown feathers to a Succulent or Nama Karoo biome origin. Six of 12 birds for which all primary feathers were analysed had at least one feather classified as having grown in the Succulent Karoo, supporting the theory that these birds are partial migrants. Feathers from two satellite‐tracked bustards broadly supported the conclusions of the analysis, although food base differences resulting from local rainfall variation probably obscured geographic signals at finer scales. There was no apparent difference in movement strategies between the sexes, but juvenile feathers were almost exclusively assigned to the Nama Karoo, suggesting that most breeding occurs in this biome. Adult and juvenile feathers also had significantly different isotope ratios, which could relate to diet or to differing metabolic processes. This study demonstrates that with a good understanding of the system, carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes can be useful to infer general movement patterns of birds at a regional level.  相似文献   

Some populations of the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicusare parasitized by the phonotactic fly Ormia ochracea. Flieslocate crickets by their song and deposit larvae onto them.The larvae develop inside the cricket for 1 week before killingthe host upon emergence. The reproductive compensation hypothesispredicts that parasitized crickets should increase their reproductiveeffort during the initial stages of infestation to offset theloss of fitness resulting from their shortened life span. An alternative hypothesis predicts that parasitized crickets willdecrease reproduction, either because they are unable to reproduceor because selection acting on the parasitoid favors decreasedhost reproduction. In laboratory experiments, parasitized malecrickets had reduced reproductive effort (spermatophore production,calling, mating activity, and mass allocated to reproductivetissue) compared to unparasitized males. Parasitized males fedad libitum showed no evidence of allocating a greater proportionof their resources to reproduction. Parasitized and healthymales did not differ significantly in resting or maximal metabolicrates, although this may have been due to the substantial contributionof larval respiration to the metabolic rate of the host—parasitoidcomplex. These results are consistent with previous studiesand suggest that T. oceanicus males parasitized by O. ochraceado not increase their reproductive effort. We discuss potentialreasons that crickets do not increase reproductive effort inresponse to fly larvae and address difficulties in demonstratingaltered life-history patterns in response to parasitism.  相似文献   

Birds often lose feathers during predation attempts, and thisability has evolved as a means of escape. Because predatorsare more likely to grab feathers on the rump and the back thanon the ventral side of an escaping bird, we predicted that theformer feathers would have evolved to be relatively looselyattached as an antipredator strategy in species that frequentlydie from predation. We estimated the force required to removefeathers from the rump, back, and breast by pulling featherswith a spring balance from a range of European bird speciesin an attempt to investigate ecological factors associated withease of feather loss during predation attempts. The force requiredto loosen a feather from the rump was less than that requiredto loosen a feather from back, which in turn was less than thatrequired to loosen a feather from the breast. The relative forceneeded to loosen rump feathers compared with feathers from theback and the breast was smaller for prey species preferred bythe most common predator of small passerine birds, the sparrowhawkAccipiter nisus. Likewise, the relative force was also smallerin species with a high frequency of complete tail loss amongfree-living birds, which we used as an index of the frequencyof failed predation attempts. The relative force required toremove feathers from the rump was smaller in species with ahigh frequency of fear screams, another measure of the relativeimportance of predation as a cause of death. Feather loss requiredparticularly little force among solitarily breeding bird speciesthat suffer the highest degree of predation. Antipredator defensein terms of force required to remove feathers from the rumpwas larger in species with a strong antiparasite defense interms of T-cell–mediated immune response. These findingsare consistent with the hypothesis that different defenses areantagonistic and that they are traded off against each other.  相似文献   

It is assumed that there is a trade-off between the costs allocated to mounting an immune defence and those allocated to costly functions such as breeding and moulting. The physiological basis for this is that mounting an immune response to pathogen challenge has energetic and/or nutrient costs which may interfere with metabolic processes of the challenged individual. If the energetic costs of mounting an immune response are not too high, animals may face such costs by increasing their acquisition of food energy, suggesting that limited nutrients may be responsible for the costs of immune defence. We assessed the energetic and developmental costs of mounting an immune response in an experiment in captivity with first-year greenfinches (Carduelis chloris) challenged with sheep red blood cells and Brucella abortus. Antibody production against both antigens increased the daily energy expenditure (4.7%) of immune-challenged birds relative to control birds, although the difference was non-significant. We estimated that the maximum effect size supported by the data would be 9.9% higher in immune-challenged birds relative to control birds. We plucked the two outermost rectrices of each bird to assess the effects of the immune challenge on growth of the regenerated feathers. The immune challenge had no significant effect on the length of the regenerated rectrices. However, these feathers were more asymmetric in length in immune-challenged birds than in control birds. Although first-year male greenfinches paid a relatively low energetic cost when mounting an immune response, we suggest that immune-challenged individuals may have paid some costs over the long term based on the increased fluctuating asymmetry in the developing feathers.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the responses of 16 individually caged laying hens to the presentation of feathers plucked from dead birds of the same genetic line. In the first experiment, hens known from a previous experiment to be either feather 'peckers' or 'non-peckers' (8 of each) were tested for their propensity to eat feathers in four 10min trials, in which they were offered fresh semiplumes measuring 4-6cm (length), one at a time, in front of their cage. Wide variation between birds was observed in numbers of feathers eaten, pecked, picked-up and manipulated. Fourteen out of 16 birds readily ate presented feathers on one or more occasion and both birds that ate no feathers were non-peckers. Peckers ate, picked-up and manipulated feathers significantly more often than did non-peckers (P<0.05, P<0.01 and P<0.01, respectively). A second experiment investigated the possibility that presence of preen (uropygial) oil might contribute to the attractiveness of feathers to eat. The same group of 16 pecker and non-pecker hens were offered a choice between 20 washed and 20 unwashed semiplumes, presented simultaneously in separate containers, in two 10min trials. Unwashed feathers were eaten, pecked and picked-up in preference to washed feathers by both peckers and non-peckers (P<0.05, P<0.01, and P<0.01, respectively), indicating an attraction towards unwashed feathers, or an avoidance of washed feathers for some reason. Peckers and non-peckers did not differ significantly in their preferences. These results provide evidence of a relationship between feather eating and feather pecking at an individual level. The finding that hens could distinguish between normal feathers and those treated in such a way as to alter their olfactory (but not visual) properties suggests olfactory cues may be of importance in determining the attractiveness of conspecific feathers.  相似文献   

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