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Summary The classical syntaxonomical treatment of the European Spartina communities as published in the series Prodrome of the the European plant communities, is compared with the results of a numerical treatment, based on largely the same set of relevés. 576 relevés, selected from the total salt marsh data set were subjected to agglomerative clustering with relocation with the similarity ratio as similarity measure. The resulting numerical system was compared with the syntaxonomical hierarchy. The correlation between both systems is close. The numerical units are slightly more heterogeneous because no purification occurred, which implies relevés to be left out of consideration. One new syntaxon, Spartinetum townsendii asteretosum tripolii, could be suggested from the results of the numerical treatment. Perspectives for the development of a numerical syntaxonomy are stressed.Communication number 40.  相似文献   

O. crenata on the alga Halimeda tuna were sampled every 2 wk for a year off Tossa de Mar, northeastern Spain. The hydroids were most abundant from November to April when three cohorts, identified by size frequency, were present. From April to October the population consisted of two cohorts, except in June and July when the population density was low and only one cohort, of young hydroids, was identifiable. The paucity of O. crenata in summer was attributed to the high rate of turnover of host thalli, interspecifuc competition with other epiphytes, and a possible shortage of suitable planktonic prey. Recruitment was predominantly asexual, by stolons, and occurred throughout the year. Gonozoids were found only from late October to early December when recruitment by planula larvae also occurred. In winter, when the cohorts lived for the maximum of ≈6 wk, colony sizes quintuplicated and triplicated in successive 15-day periods. Although colonies (ramets) of O. cretana on H. tuna have a short life span reproduction and dispersal to other thalli by stolons means that the genets can survive beyond the life of a host, and perhaps indefinitely.  相似文献   

L. Mucino 《Plant Ecology》1982,48(3):267-275
The ruderal communities of the orders Sisymbrietalia and Onopordetalia from the western part of Slovakia have been subjected to numerical classification and ordination. The ordination techniques proved to be a useful tool in the elucidation of the cluster pattern as well as in the detection of the main environmental variation underlying the floristic variation within the data. Results obtained with numerical techniques and traditional syntaxonomical classification have been compared. The similarity between these results is low at the level of the orders. This incompatability is explained by the differences in the weighting of the species in the course of the classification process and by the addition of non-floristical criteria that often occurs in syntaxonomical classification according to Braun-Blanquet. The highest value has been observed at the 3-clusters level (both orders and the Malvion neglectae). High similarity among the results of the numerical techniques have been observed, particularly in the group of space-dilating clusterings (Ward's method, Complete linkage clustering and MeQuitty's similarity analysis). Average linkage clustering produces the most diverse result. The Malvion neglectae appeared as a separate group in all numerical techniques adopted. This suggests the upranking of its syntaxonomical position. The Bromo-Hordeion murini turned out to be a very heterotoneous syntaxon.  相似文献   

In this data paper, a dataset of passerine bird communities is described in Sierra Nevada, a Mediterranean high mountain located in southern Spain. The dataset includes occurrence data from bird surveys conducted in four representative ecosystem types of Sierra Nevada from 2008 to 2015. For each visit, bird species numbers as well as distance to the transect line were recorded. A total of 27847 occurrence records were compiled with accompanying measurements on distance to the transect and animal counts. All records are of species in the order Passeriformes. Records of 16 different families and 44 genera were collected. Some of the taxa in the dataset are included in the European Red List. This dataset belongs to the Sierra Nevada Global-Change Observatory (OBSNEV), a long-term research project designed to compile socio-ecological information on the major ecosystem types in order to identify the impacts of global change in this area.  相似文献   

Puigserver  M.  Ramon  G.  Moyà  G.  Martínez-Taberner  A. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):493-504
Two Mediterranean littoral systems of Mallorca Island have been studied using planktonic chlorophyll a (total concentration and seasonal variations) as trophic indicator. The studied systems are quite different in geomorphology, physicochemical trends and anthropic incidence. S'Albufera-Alcudia Bay is the drainage outlet of a coastal marsh, with a salt wedge estuarine regime. Andratx Harbour is a narrow bay affected by a high anthropic incidence due to the presence of a small fishing port and mainly a large leisure harbour. Both systems are affected by a typical Mediterranean climate and a negligible tide incidence. The present work is based on several year monitoring of physical, chemical and biological water parameters. In S'Albufera-Alcudia Bay, Chl a concentration ranged from 0.01 to 17.10 mg m–3, the values dropping from the inland site to the sea. The phytoplankton biomass gradient takes its origin in physical and chemical differences. The variance is mainly related to the inland-sea water axis. Nitrogen and silica enriched inland waters are the main source of eutrophication, hence their relation with Chl a. These nutrients entering the Albufera are mainly derived from leaching from farmed soils. The transition from an inland eutrophic system to an oligotrophic marine one show the filter character of these coastal marshes. In Andratx Harbour, Chl a ranged from a non detectable concentration to 6.36 mg m–3. The ultraplankton (<5 m) was the most important contributor to total concentration. The ultraplankton in this system is related to influence of more oligotrophic open seawater. A greater proportion of microplankton (>20 m) is related both to higher nutrient concentrations and a higher water column stability. In Andratx Harbour, the enclosure state seems very important for development of phytoplankton blooms.  相似文献   

This paper reports a phytosociological study on managed hay meadow communities in the main mountains of the Spanish Central Range. Multivariate techniques (Cluster analysis and CA-ordination) were applied in the classification of the relevés and ordination of vegetation units and species. Clusters were related to the following associations: Agrostio castellanae–Arrhenatheretum bulbosi, Festuco amplae–Cynosuretum cristati, and F. amplae–Agrostietum castellanae. The scattergram suggested that the dynamic patterns between communities are associated with soil nutrient content and moisture. We propose a new subassociation: F. amplae–A. castellanae gaudinietosum fragilis that includes Salmantincensean Agrostis castellana communities growing in regions with lower supramediterranean thermotype.  相似文献   

High density commercial farming of carrageenophyte Kappaphycus alvarezii is often plagued with “ice-ice” disease and epiphyte infection, which eventually leads to reduced production and in some cases collapse of crop. Epiphyte outbreak has been occurring regularly in major carrageenophyte farms in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Tanzania. Infected materials from these countries were studied to establish baseline information on the epiphyte’s identity, density, symptoms and secondary infection on the host seaweed. The causative organism was identified as Neosiphonia apiculata (Hollenberg) Masuda et Kogame, based on its morphological features. Epiphyte density on host seaweed materials decreased in the following order: the Philippines (88.5 epi cm−2), Tanzania (69.0 epi cm−2), Indonesia (56.5 epi cm−2) and Malaysia (42.0 epi cm−2). Initial symptoms were the presence of tiny black spots, indicating the embedded tetrasporeling in seaweed cortex layer. Vegetative form emerged after 2 weeks measuring less than 0.5 mm in length with a density of less than 25.0 epi cm−2. Upon maturation, infected seaweed takes on a “hairy” appearance with “goose-bumps” like cortical swellings. The epiphyte appears as a solitary plant with multiple secondary rhizoids or as multiple epiphytes appearing from a single cortical opening. At the end of infection, the epiphytes left dark pits on the cortical swelling, and the carrageenophytes are infected by opportunistic bacteria. Bacterial enumeration of healthy and infected seaweed materials showed an increase of more than 300% in total bacterial count on infected materials dominated by Alteromonas sp., Flavobacterium sp. and Vibrio sp.  相似文献   

Diversity was studied in 10 communities, including the understory of native oak woodland, planted woodlands (pine and eucalypt), and shrublands in the strict sense (heathlands, broom shrublands, gorse shrublands).In each community, species richness, diversity, dominance and evenness were analysed. Differences were observed among communities with regard to species composition, richness in annual herbs, perennial herbs and shrubs, dominant plant families (Ericaceae, Papilionaceae) and diversification of shrub species.The possible relations between environmental stress and/or human influences on differences in diversity are discussed.  相似文献   

Yeast communities associated with four species of the Drosophila fasciola subgroup (repleta group) in tropical rain forests were surveyed in an abandoned orchard, and rain forest sites of Rio de Janeiro and Ilha Grande, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Adult flies of Drosophila carolinae, Drosophila coroica, Drosophila fascioloides and Drosophila onca frequently carried Candida colliculosa, Geotrichum sp, Kloeckera apiculata and a Pichia membranaefaciens-like species. The most frequent yeasts in the crop of flies included Candida collicullosa, C. krusei, Pichia kluyveri and a P. membranaefaciens-like species. The physiological abilities and species composition of these yeast communities differed from those of other forest-inhabiting Drosophila. The narrow feeding niches of the fasciola subgroup suggested the use of only part of the substrates available to the flies as food in the forest environment, as noted previously for cactophilic Drosophila serido (mulleri subgroup of the repleta group) in a sand dune ecosystem. The cactophilic yeasts that were isolated have not been previously found in forests. The fasciola subgroup probably used epiphytic cactus substrates as breeding and feeding sites in the forest. The physiological profile of yeasts associated with the fasciola flies was broader than that of yeasts associated with the cactophilic Drosophila serido, suggesting that the fasciola subgroup represents an older lineage from which the South American repleta species evolved.  相似文献   


Areas that currently may be potentially occupied by deciduous forests represent approximately 5.5% of the Castile and Leon area. These forests include plant communities mainly dominated by Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Libl. and Betula pubescens Ehrh. subsp. celtiberica (Roth. & Vasc.) Rivas-Martínez. Taking into account the observed trends in annual mean temperature and precipitation in this region over a 37 years period (1961?–?1997), three climatic variation scenarios (for 2025, 2050 and 2075) have been proposed to determine the potential consequences of climatic change on the distribution patterns of the most representative deciduous forests. According to these scenarios, a more oceanic climate can be expected, leading to an increase in territories having a temperate climate. In this situation, deciduous forests could increase their distribution limits, thus replacing some semi-deciduous and evergreen ones. The paper also emphasizes the relevance of using bioclimatic models to anticipate possible changes in the natural vegetation of a territory. Thus, better knowledge of the seasonal distribution of temperature and rainfall under a climate change is necessary for forecasting effects on the forest distribution of a given region.  相似文献   

Daphnia (C.) hispanica n. sp. has thoracic limbs of A D. (C.) atkinsoni type and is very similar toD. chevreuxi Richard, 1896. With this speciesD. (C.) hispanica shares the presence of a soft accessory seta on the outer side of the trunk of the first thoracic limb, apparently unique among the genusDaphnia. Although other morphological characteristics are very similar in this two species, a detailed comparison reveals that they can easily be separated as different species. The most useful features in differentiating both species are:D. (C.) hispanica has a dorsal crest in the head, its rostrum is longer, its accesory seta of the first thoracic limb is more developed, the juveniles are not helmeted and its male postabdomen lacks individual denticles on the anal and preanal margin.The new species is, up to now, restricted to Spain and inhabits the temporary and low mineralized waters of the steppe regions.  相似文献   

Some species of Planarians, new to Spain, are recorded. Dugesia polychroa, D. sicula, D. iberica and D. gonocephala s. 1. have been investigated karyologically. The former possesses a diploid complement characteristic of the biotype A (2n = 8); the second is diploid with 2n = 18; diploidy and triploidy were found in sexual populations of D. iberica with n = 8. Triploidy occurred in all the asexual strains of the D. gonocephala group with a basic number of either 8 or 9. In this latter case B-chromosomes were occasionally found.  相似文献   

P. Giordani 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):628-637

Epiphytic lichens are one of the taxonomic groups most sensitive to forest management. Nevertheless, they have not yet been exhaustively included in the assessment of Sustainable Forest Management. This work aimed at evaluating the effects of forest management on epiphytic lichens in coppiced forests, exploring the spatial patterns of diversity and the composition of communities. Moreover, the goal was to compare the performance of four potential indicators for monitoring the effects of forest management on epiphytic lichens: total lichen diversity, species associated with intensive management, species associated with aged coppiced woodlands and Indicator Species Ratio (ISR). In humid Mediterranean Liguria, 50 sampling units were chosen in Castanea sativa and deciduous Quercus spp. forests subjected to different forest management practices: intensively managed coppice and aged coppice/high forest. The effect of forest management was evident in terms of species composition, since it was possible to find significantly associated species for each of the two management types. At each sampling site, the four indicators were calculated using Indicator Value Analysis and compared through correspondence analysis. The ISR was shown to be a more effective indicator, being independent of floristic composition and the occurrence of rare species.  相似文献   

The anatomy of an insufficiently described species of heteronemertine, Cerebratulus hepaticus, is redescribed. The species is characterized by, inter alia, a cephalic lacuna with strands of longitudinal muscle fibres, a proboscis with three muscle layers, neurochord cells in the brain, a dermis in the foregut region with no or few longitudinal muscle fibres which is separated from the outer longitudinal muscle layer by connective tissue. The taxon is compared with two other Cerebratulus species, C. fuscus and C. marginatus. The material was collected at Banyuls-sur-Mer (France) in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Gherardi  M.  Giangrande  A.  Corriero  G. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,443(1-3):87-101
Polychaete assemblages associated to the sponge Geodia cydonium were investigated at two sampling sites in the Mediterranean Sea: Porto Cesareo Basin (Apulia) and Marsala Lagoon (Sicily), both characterized by sheltered hydrodynamic conditions. Samples were seasonally performed during 1997, in order to compare the assemblages coming from the two localities studied, considering separately the internal and external tissues of the sponge, and with the aim of evaluating the influence of sponge size on polychaete colonization. The examined sponge is characterized by a peculiar stratification of its tissues: an external thick and hard layer, the cortex, and an internal softer one, the choanosome. Statistical analysis showed that this was the main factor controlling polychaete assemblage, with the internal tissue, less rich and diversified, appearing impoverished with respect to the external layer. A similarity in species composition was observed between sites, even though some differences were evidenced in the abundance of some species, mainly reflecting differences in local environmental conditions. Species richness and density increased with the increasing sponge size. Such a situation is particularly evident at Porto Cesareo, where sponges are covered by an algal layer which is particularly rich on the largest specimens, thus suggesting that most of the species of polychaetes were linked more to the neighbouring environment than to the sponge itself.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in several tick species was studied over a 2 year period in two ecologically different areas in Spain. One area was an endemic area for Lyme disease, with a number of autochthonous human cases and supported large populations of Ixodes ricinus on cattle and birds; the second area was characterized by the absence of I. ricinus together with the presence of foxes and their associated tick species. While I. ricinus was the main vector of B. burgdoreri in the endemic area (with a mean prevalence of 14% in adults and 51% in nymphs), adults of both Ixodes canisuga and Ixodes hexagonus had high rates of B. burgdorferi prevalence (30 and 28%, respectively) in the zone where I. ricinus was absent. Immatures of Ixodes frontalis were found to be carriers of the spirochete only in those zones where I. ricinus is present, suggesting evidence for reservoir competence in a tick-bird cycle.  相似文献   

Suillus fungal specimens of pine forests from a Mediterranean area of central Spain (Madrid region) were studied based on molecular and physiological analysis of sporocarps to obtain fungal native inocula to produce mycorrhizal Pinus halepensis Miller in nursery. Variation within the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal RNA genes of Suillus was examined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction products. Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) spacers were amplified from pure cultures obtained from fruit bodies of a range of Suillus species: Suillus bellinii (Inzenga) Watling, Suillus bovinus (Pers.) Kuntze, Suillus collinitus (Fr.) Kuntze, Suillus granulatus (L.) Snell, Suillus mediterraneensis (Jacquet. & Blum) Redeuil, Suillus luteus L. (Gray), and Suillus variegatus (Sw.) Kuntze. Interspecific variation in the length and number of restriction sites of the amplified ITS region was observed. This variation was confirmed by sequencing, which allowed us to identify some isolates. This is the first time that the ITS sequence of S. mediterraneensis is completely described. No intraspecific rDNA variation was observed within isolates of S. collinitus, S. mediterraneensis, and S. luteus. The phylogenetic analysis established the close relationship among these Mediterranean fungal species. As a further step to characterize the different isolates and to understand the relation between genetic and functional diversity, some physiological variables were evaluated. Intraspecific variation in axenic fungal growth and in mycorrhizal capacities was detected, especially within S. collinitus isolates. The fungal isolates stimulated the growth of P. halepensis in different rates. These studies indicated that ITS analysis, in conjunction with mycorrhizal tests, provides suitable combined tools for the analysis of Suillus spp. in a small geographic area for selecting isolates with final afforestation purposes.  相似文献   

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