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SYNOPSIS. Pair formation is a prerequisite for reproductionin California condors and exploring the process has been centralto the captive breeding program for this endangered species.Observations show that once birds reach sexual maturity theycan form pairs within a matter of months; even birds who havelost or been separated from their mates will successfully bondwith others. However, some adults who are housed together showlittle indication of pairing. When such birds are placed withother potential mates they frequently successfully pair andproduce young, suggesting that individual differences play arole in pair formation. We recommend that adults who have notbonded within two years be housed with different potential mates. Condors raised together may or may not form pair bonds uponreaching sexual maturity; unfamiliar condors introduced at fouryears of age or older will form pair bonds. In the four caseswhere pairings have been successful the male initiates moreintrapair interactions with aggressive behavior than does thefemale. Unpaired condors housed in groups do show courtshipand the most dominant birds, usually males, are the most activein giving wings-out/head-down displays. Displays may be directedto males or females and may signal dominance and/or interest.Displays may be followed by mounts and one female may crowdin front of the bird to whom a male is displaying, increasingthe chances that she will receive the display and be mounted.Displaying and the response to displaying birds may be mechanismswhich influence mate selection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The scientific evidence that California condors (Gymnogyps californianus) are frequently sickened and killed by lead poisoning from spent ammunition supports the conclusion that current levels of lead exposure are too high to allow reintroduced condors to develop self-sustaining populations in the wild in Arizona and, by inference, in California. The evidence for lead poisoning and its source comes from the following sorts of data: 1) 18 clinical necropsies revealing high levels of lead in body tissues and (or) presence of lead shotgun pellets and bullet fragments in digestive tracts; 2) moribund condors showing crop paralysis and impending starvation with toxic levels of lead in their blood; 3) widespread lead exposure among free-flying condors, many with clinically exposed or acute levels; 4) temporal and spatial correlations between big game hunting seasons and elevated lead levels in condors; and 5) lead isotope ratios from exposed condors showing close similarity to isotope ratios of ammunition lead but isotope ratios in less exposed condors being similar to environmental background sources, which are different from ammunition lead. Simple population models reveal harmful demographic impacts of unnatural mortality from lead on population trajectories of reintroduced condors. Recent innovations in the manufacture of nonlead shotgun pellets and bullets with superior ballistics now provide for a simple solution to the problem of lead ingestion by condors, many other species of wildlife, and human beings: substitute nontoxic forms of ammunition for traditional lead-based ammunition. The substitution of nontoxic ammunition would be highly efficacious for hunting, economically feasible, and the right thing to do.  相似文献   

We document causes of death in free-ranging California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus) from the inception of the reintroduction program in 1992 through December 2009 to identify current and historic mortality factors that might interfere with establishment of self-sustaining populations in the wild. A total of 135 deaths occurred from October 1992 (the first post-release death) through December 2009, from a maximum population-at-risk of 352 birds, for a cumulative crude mortality rate of 38%. A definitive cause of death was determined for 76 of the 98 submitted cases, 70% (53/76) of which were attributed to anthropogenic causes. Trash ingestion was the most important mortality factor in nestlings (proportional mortality rate [PMR] 73%; 8/11), while lead toxicosis was the most important factor in juveniles (PMR 26%; 13/50) and adults (PMR 67%; 10/15). These results demonstrate that the leading causes of death at all California Condor release sites are anthropogenic. The mortality factors thought to be important in the decline of the historic California Condor population, particularly lead poisoning, remain the most important documented mortality factors today. Without effective mitigation, these factors can be expected to have the same effects on the sustainability of the wild populations as they have in the past.  相似文献   

Microtubule-organizing centres: a re-evaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The number, length, distribution and polarity of microtubules are largely controlled by microtubule-organizing centres, which nucleate and anchor microtubule minus ends in a process that requires gamma-tubulin. Here we discuss recent evidence indicating that gamma-tubulin-dependent formation of new microtubules is not restricted to conventional microtubule-organizing centres. These findings suggest that the spatio-temporal control of microtubule nucleation is more complex than previously thought, leading us to a re-evaluation of the concept of the microtubule-organizing center.  相似文献   

Somatic mutations and aging: a re-evaluation   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Vijg J 《Mutation research》2000,447(1):117-135
Aging has been explained in terms of an accumulation of mutations in the genome of somatic cells, leading to tissue atrophy and neoplasms, as well as increased loss of function. Recent advances in transgenic mouse modeling and genomics technology have created, for the first time, the opportunity to begin testing this theory. In this paper the existing evidence for a possible role of somatic mutation accumulation in aging will be re-evaluated on the basis of the evolutionary logic of aging and recent insights in genome structure and function. New strategies for investigating the relationship between genome instability, mutation accumulation and aging will be discussed.  相似文献   

It has been reported that nuclei from HeLa cells are responsible for approximately 10%-15% of total cellular protein synthesis. We show here that isolated Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and HeLa cell nuclei are essentially inactive for translation, and that the earlier results were most likely due to cytoplasmic contamination. Moreover, we suggest that the nascent polypeptides observed in nuclei of permeabilized cells may have been due to "overpermeabilization" and consequent damage to the cells. Based on this information, we conclude that nuclear protein synthesis, if it exists, is limited to less than 1% of that in cells.  相似文献   

The redox chemistry of Pyrococcus furiosus rubredoxin and ferredoxin has been studied as a function of temperature in direct voltammetry and in EPR monitored bulk titrations. The Ems of both proteins, measured with direct voltammetry, have a normal (linear) temperature dependence and show no pH dependence. EPR monitoring is not a reliable method to determine the temperature dependence of the Em: upon rapid freezing the proteins take their conformation corresponding to the freezing point of the solution.  相似文献   

California condors (Gymnogyps californianus) released into the wild in Arizona ranged widely in Arizona and Utah. Previous studies have shown that the blood lead concentrations of many of the birds rise because of ingestion of spent lead ammunition. Condors were routinely recaptured and treated to reduce their lead levels as necessary but, even so, several died from lead poisoning. We used tracking data from VHF and satellite tags, together with the results of routine testing of blood lead concentrations, to estimate daily changes in blood lead level in relation to the location of each bird. The mean daily increment in blood lead concentration depended upon both the location of the bird and the time of year. Birds that spent time during the deer hunting season in two areas in which deer were shot with lead ammunition (Kaibab Plateau (Arizona) and Zion (Utah)) were especially likely to have high blood lead levels. The influence upon blood lead level of presence in a particular area declined with time elapsed since the bird was last there. We estimated the daily blood lead level for each bird and its influence upon daily mortality rate from lead poisoning. Condors with high blood lead over a protracted period were much more likely to die than birds with low blood lead or short-term elevation. We simulated the effect of ending the existing lead exposure reduction measures at Kaibab Plateau, which encourage the voluntary use of non-lead ammunition and removal of gut piles of deer and elk killed using lead ammunition. The estimated mortality rate due to lead in the absence of this program was sufficiently high that the condor population would be expected to decline rapidly. The extension of the existing lead reduction program to cover Zion (Utah), as well as the Kaibab plateau, would be expected to reduce mortality caused by lead substantially and allow the condor population to increase.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   The breeding behavior of Andean Condors ( Vultur gryphus ) is known primarily from observations of captive pairs. This species is the only sexually dimorphic one in its family (Cathartidae), permitting comparison of the parental care provided by each sex. We examined the breeding behavior of a pair of condors over a period of 28 mo at a nest in Patagonia, Argentina. We first observed the pair near the nest site in January 2005. Courtship displays began in April and continued until October, when incubation started. The nestling hatched in early December 2005 and fledged in June 2006. The young condor first left the nest area 10 mo after hatching and was observed at the nest site for the last time 15 mo after hatching. Both adults incubated the egg and provisioned the nestling after hatching, and at least one adult was always present at the nest site for 2 mo post hatching. During the nesting period, the male visited the nest site more often, stayed for longer periods, interacted with the chick, and brought food more frequently than the female. Additional studies of the breeding biology of wild Andean Condors are needed to improve our understanding of their population ecology and demographics and to enhance conservation efforts.  相似文献   

DDT residues (DDT, DDD, and DDE, or DDTR) occur in detectable concentrations in soils from southern California over 20 years after a ban (1973) on the widespread use of the pesticide in the U.S. A comparison of DDT residues found in soils from western Riverside/San Bernardino Counties to a much larger statewide database of Mischke et al. (1985) suggests that a systematic regional variation in relative abundances of DDTR exists in California soils. It is suggested that factors such as physical/chemical properties of DDT residues, local/regional soil‐forming processes, soil management practices, and climatological regimes may help to explain the observed relative abundances of DDT‐related species in California soils. Knowledge of regional trends in the concentrations and composition of soil DDTR may be useful in formulating more rational risk‐based soil management strategies where soil DDTR concentrations are at or above regulatory levels.  相似文献   


Translocation is an increasingly important tool for managing endangered species, but factors influencing the survival of translocated individuals are not well understood. Here we examine intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of survival for critically endangered California condors (Gymnogyps californianus) whose wild population recovery is reliant upon releases of captively bred stock. We used known fate models and information-theoretic methods to compare the ability of hypothesized covariates, most of which serve as proxies for lead exposure risk, to predict survival rates of condors in California. Our best supported model included the following predictors of survival: age of the recovery program, precipitation, proportion of days observed feeding on proffered carcasses, maximum blood lead concentration over the preceding 18 months, and time since release. We found that as flocks have increased in size and age, condors are increasingly likely to range more widely and less likely to be observed feeding on proffered food, and these “wilder” behaviors were associated with lower survival. After accounting for these behaviors, we found a positive survival trend, which we attribute to ongoing improvements in management. Our findings illustrate that the survival of translocated animals, such as highly social California condors, is influenced by behaviors that change through time.


An objective and quantitative method has been developed for measuring the hyper-reactivity of septum-lesioned rats. Twenty drugs belonging to various classes have been investigated as to their influence on this hyper-reactivity. Seventeen compounds inhibited septal hyperreactivity. One drug (methylphenidate) augmented it, while metamphetamine and physostigmine were ineffective. It has been concluded that the use of septal rats in pharmacological investigations does not fulfil expectations. The model cannot differentiate between depressants of various kinds, antidepressants, narcotics or central cholinolytics any more than do the much more simple procedures routinely used in pharmacological laboratories.  相似文献   

Michael Banton's paper provides fascinating insights into his long-running intellectual disagreements with John Rex, the other major post-war figure in the sociology of ‘race relations’. Published work and personal recollections are supplemented by a series of communications by letter to flesh out the precise nature of these debates. They reveal differing views on the ontological status of ‘race’, race relations and racism, as well as a number of criticisms of Rex's work. He argues that Rex was wrong to put so much faith in the ability of classical sociology to address these concerns, and that there was a disjuncture between theory, methods and substance in his empirical work. There is also a suggestion that Rex played down the significance of racism. The greatest difference between them, however, lay in their divergent views on the role of sociology and the sociologist.  相似文献   

Mean trophic level (MTL) of landings and primary production required (PPR) by fisheries are increasingly used in the assessment of sustainability in fisheries. However, in their present form, MTL and PPR are prone to misinterpretation. We show that it is important to account for actual catch data, define an appropriate historical and spatial domain, and carefully consider the effects of fisheries management, based on results from a case study of Swedish fisheries during the past century.  相似文献   

Andean Condors (Vultur gryphus) are a Near Threatened species that was formerly distributed along the entire length of the Andes from western Venezuela to Tierra del Fuego. Populations have been severely reduced north of Peru, but several thousand Andean Condors still exist in the southern portion of their range in Argentina and Chile. Little is known, however, about the size of the Andean Condor population in the central part of their range in Peru and Bolivia. From June to September 2012, we used feeding stations to attract Andean Condors and estimate the size and structure of the population in the eastern Andes of central and southern Bolivia. We estimated a minimum population of 253 condors, an adult male‐to‐female ratio of 1:0.6, an immature male‐to‐female ratio of 1:0.9, and an adult‐to‐immature ratio of 1:1.1. At our five survey areas, estimated abundance ranged from 15 to 100 condors per area. Males outnumbered females in three areas and the opposite was true in two areas. Our estimated adult‐to‐immature ratio, overall and in each area, suggests that the populations could be reproducing at a high rate. As previously observed in other Andean Condor populations, skewed sex ratios could be associated with differences between sexes and age classes in habitat selection. Although our results suggest that Bolivian populations of Andean Condors are still reasonably large, population monitoring is urgently needed, including use of feeding stations throughout the entire Bolivian range of the species and intensive searches for roosting and nesting sites.  相似文献   

Microdomains such as rafts are considered as scaffolds for phosphatidylinositol (4,5) bisphosphate (PIP2) signaling, enabling PIP2 to selectively regulate different processes in the cell. Enrichment of PIP2 in microdomains was based on cholesterol-depletion and detergent-extraction studies. Here we show that two distinct phospholipase C-coupled receptors (those for neurokinin A and endothelin) share the same, homogeneously distributed PIP2 pool at the plasma membrane, even though the neurokinin A receptor is localized to microdomains and is cholesterol dependent in its PIP2 signaling whereas the endothelin receptor is not. Our experiments further indicate that detergent treatment causes PIP2 clustering and that cholesterol depletion interferes with basal, ligand-independent recycling of the neurokinin A receptor, thereby providing alternative explanations for the enrichment of PIP2 in detergent-insoluble membrane fractions and for the cholesterol dependency of PIP2 breakdown, respectively.  相似文献   

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