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Association mapping is a powerful approach for exploring the molecular basis of phenotypic variations in plants. A peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) mini-core collection in China comprising 298 accessions was genotyped using lo9 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, which identified 554 SSR alleles and phenotyped for 15 agronomic traits in three different environments, exhibiting abundant genetic and phenotypic diversity within the panel. A model-based structure analysis assigned all accessions to three groups. Most of the accessions had the relative kinship of less than o.05, indicating that there were no or weak relationships between accessions of the mini- core collection. For 15 agronomic traits in the peanut panel, generally the Q + K model exhibited the best performance to eliminate the false associated positives compared to the Q model and the general linear model-simple model. In total, 89 SSR alleles were identified to be associated with 15 agronomic traits of three environments by the Q+K model-based association analysis. Of these, eight alleles were repeatedly detected in two or three environments, and 15 alleles were commonly detected to be associated with multiple agronomic traits. Simple sequence repeat allelic effects confirmed significant differences between different genotypes of these repeatedly detected markers. Our results demonstrate the great potential of integrating the association analysis and marker-assisted breeding by utilizing the peanut mini-core collection.  相似文献   


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Nineteen tuber quality traits in potato were phenotyped in 205 cultivars and 299 breeder clones. Association analysis using 3364 AFLP loci and 653 SSR-alleles identified QTL for these traits.


Two association mapping panels were analysed for marker–trait associations to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL). The first panel comprised 205 historical and contemporary tetraploid potato cultivars that were phenotyped in field trials at two locations with two replicates (the academic panel). The second panel consisted of 299 potato cultivars and included recent breeds obtained from five Dutch potato breeding companies and reference cultivars (the industrial panel). Phenotypic data for the second panel were collected during subsequent clonal selection generations at the individual breeding companies. QTL were identified for 19 agro-morphological and quality traits. Two association mapping models were used: a baseline model without, and a more advanced model with correction for population structure and genetic relatedness. Correction for population structure and genetic relatedness was performed with a kinship matrix estimated from marker information. The detected QTL partly not only confirmed previous studies, e.g. for tuber shape and frying colour, but also new QTL were found like for after baking darkening and enzymatic browning. Pleiotropic effects could be discerned for several QTL.  相似文献   

Molecular Breeding - Improvement of grain protein content (GPC), loaf volume, and resistance to rusts was achieved in 11 Indian wheat cultivars that are widely grown in four different agro-climatic...  相似文献   

Grain yield and associated agronomic traits are important factors in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) improvement. Knowledge regarding the number, genomic location, and effect of quantitative trait loci (QTL) would facilitate marker-assisted selection and the development of cultivars with desirable characteristics. Our objectives were to identify QTLs directly and indirectly affecting grain yield expression. A population of 132 F12 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was derived by single-seed descent from a cross between the Chinese facultative wheat Ning7840 and the US soft red winter wheat Clark. Phenotypic data were collected for 15 yield and other agronomic traits in the RILs and parental lines from three locations in Oklahoma from 2001 to 2003. Twenty-nine linkage groups, consisting of 363 AFLP and 47 SSR markers, were identified. Using composite interval mapping (CIM) analysis, 10, 16, 30, and 14 QTLs were detected for yield, yield components, plant adaptation (shattering and lodging resistance, heading date, and plant height), and spike morphology traits, respectively. The QTL effects ranged from 7 to 23%. Marker alleles from Clark were associated with a positive effect for the majority of QTLs for yield and yield components, but gene dispersion was the rule rather than the exception for this RIL population. Often, QTLs were detected in proximal positions for different traits. Consistent, co-localized QTLs were identified in linkage groups 1AL, 1B, 4B, 5A, 6A, and 7A, and less consistent but unique QTLs were identified on 2BL, 2BS, 2DL, and 6B. Results of this study provide a benchmark for future efforts on QTL identification for yield traits.  相似文献   


Key message

Development of a high-density SNP map and evaluation of QTL shed light on domestication events in tetraploid wheat and the potential utility of cultivated emmer wheat for durum wheat improvement.


Cultivated emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum) is tetraploid and considered as one of the eight founder crops that spawned the Agricultural Revolution about 10,000 years ago. Cultivated emmer has non-free-threshing seed and a somewhat fragile rachis, but mutations in genes governing these and other agronomic traits occurred that led to the formation of today’s fully domesticated durum wheat (T. turgidum ssp. durum). Here, we evaluated a population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between a cultivated emmer accession and a durum wheat variety. A high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based genetic linkage map consisting of 2,593 markers was developed for the identification of quantitative trait loci. The major domestication gene Q had profound effects on spike length and compactness, rachis fragility, and threshability as expected. The cultivated emmer parent contributed increased spikelets per spike, and the durum parent contributed higher kernel weight, which led to the identification of some RILs that had significantly higher grain weight per spike than either parent. Threshability was governed not only by the Q locus, but other loci as well including Tg-B1 on chromosome 2B and a putative Tg-A1 locus on chromosome 2A indicating that mutations in the Tg loci occurred during the transition of cultivated emmer to the fully domesticated tetraploid. These results not only shed light on the events that shaped wheat domestication, but also demonstrate that cultivated emmer is a useful source of genetic variation for the enhancement of durum varieties.  相似文献   

Pork quality is an economically important trait and one of the main selection criteria for breeding in the swine industry. In this genome-wide association study (GWAS), 455 pigs from a porcine Large White × Minzhu intercross population were genotyped using the Illumina PorcineSNP60K Beadchip, and phenotyped for intramuscular fat content (IMF), marbling, moisture, color L*, color a*, color b* and color score in the longissimus muscle (LM). Association tests between each trait and the SNPs were performed via the Genome Wide Rapid Association using the Mixed Model and Regression-Genomic Control (GRAMMAR-GC) approach. From the Ensembl porcine database, SNP annotation was implemented using Sus scrofa Build 9. A total of 45 SNPs showed significant association with one or multiple meat quality traits. Of the 45 SNPs, 36 were located on SSC12. These significantly associated SNPs aligned to or were in close approximation to previously reported quantitative trait loci (QTL) and some were located within introns of previously reported candidate genes. Two haplotype blocks ASGA0100525-ASGA0055225-ALGA0067099-MARC0004712-DIAS0000861, and ASGA0085522-H3GA0056170 were detected in the significant region. The first block contained the genes MYH1, MYH2 and MYH4. A SNP (ASGA0094812) within an intron of the USP43 gene was significantly associated with five meat quality traits. The present results effectively narrowed down the associated regions compared to previous QTL studies and revealed haplotypes and candidate genes on SSC12 for meat quality traits in pigs.  相似文献   

The rising global epidemic of diabetic nephropathy (DN) will likely lead to increase in the prevalence of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality posing a serious burden for public health care. Despite greater understanding of the etiology of diabetes and the development of novel treatment strategies to control blood glucose levels, the prevalence and incidence rate of DN is increasing especially in minority populations including Mexican–Americans. Mexican–Americans with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) are three times more likely to develop microalbuminuria, and four times more likely to develop clinical proteinuria compared to non-Hispanic whites. Furthermore, Mexican–Americans have a sixfold increased risk of developing renal failure secondary to T2DM compared to Caucasians. Prevention and better treatment of DN should be a high priority for both health-care organizations and society at large. Pathogenesis of DN is multi-factorial. Familial clustering of DN-related traits in MAs show that DN and related traits are heritable and that genes play a susceptibility role. While, there has been some progress in identifying genes which when mutated influence an individual’s risk, major gene(s) responsible for DN are yet to be identified. Knowledge of the genetic causes of DN is essential for elucidation of its mechanisms, and for adequate classification, prognosis, and treatment. Self-identification and collaboration among researchers with suitable genomic and clinical data for meta-analyses in Mexican–Americans is critical for progress in replicating/identifying DN risk genes in this population. This paper reviews the approaches and recent efforts made to identify genetic variants contributing to risk for DN and related phenotypes in the Mexican–American population.  相似文献   

Marker–trait associations based on populations from controlled crosses have been established in peach using markers mapped on the peach consensus map. In this study, we explored the utility of unstructured populations for association mapping to determine useful marker–trait associations in peach/nectarine cultivars. We used 94 peach cultivars representing local Spanish and modern cultivars from international breeding programs that are maintained at the Experimental Station of Aula Dei, Spain. This collection was characterized for pomological traits and was screened with 40 SSR markers that span the peach genome. Population structure analysis using STRUCTURE software identified two subpopulations, the local and modern cultivars, with admixture within both groups. The local Spanish cultivars were somewhat less diverse than modern cultivars. Marker–trait associations were determined in TASSEL with and without modelling coefficient of membership (Q) values as covariates. The results showed significant associations with pomological traits. We chose three markers on LG4 because of their proximity to the endoPG locus (freestone–melting flesh) that strongly affects pomological traits. Two genotypes of BPPCT015 marker showed significant associations with harvest date, flavonoids and sorbitol. Also, two genotypes of CPPCT028 showed associations with harvest date, total phenolics, RAC, and total sugars. Finally, two genotypes of endoPG1 showed associations with flesh firmness and total sugars. The analysis of linkage disequilibrium (LD) revealed a high level of LD up to 20 cM, and decay at farther distances. Therefore, association mapping could be a powerful tool for identifying marker–trait associations and would be useful for marker-assisted selection in peach breeding.  相似文献   

Rhopalosiphum padi, Schizaphis graminum, and Sitobion avenae are three of the most destructive aphid species of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). They can significantly reduce wheat yields directly by feeding and indirectly by transmitting viruses. This study aimed to search for resistance to these aphid species among lines derived from different rye (Secale cereale) origins and from Aegilops speltoides, all in the genetic background of the wheat cultivar Pavon F76. Resistance was quantified as aphid weight (R. padi, S. avenae, and S. graminum) and the number of aphids and percentage of infested leaf area exhibiting chlorosis (S. graminum). The most resistant genotypes reduced R. padi and S. avenae weight by 24.2 and 34.3 %, respectively, at the seedling stage, compared with Pavon F76 control plants. Strong S. graminum resistance was found only in A. speltoides-derived lines, the most resistant of which (7A.7S-L5) sustained just 3 % chlorosis and reduced S. graminum colony weight by 67.7 %. One line carrying the 1AL.1RSam wheat–rye translocation from Amigo wheat (originally from Insave rye) reduced S. avenae weight by 23.2 and 21.8 % in seedling and adult plants, respectively. Single genotypes carrying the complete 1R chromosome or the 1RS chromosome arm derived from E12165 wheat and Presto triticale proved to be resistant to both R. padi and S. avenae at the seedling stage. Further research should be conducted to unravel the genetic basis of resistance to these aphids in 1RS genotypes. The sources of resistance identified here may be useful for incorporating multiple aphid species resistance in wheat breeding programs, particularly for R. padi and S. avenae, to which no resistant wheats have been bred.  相似文献   

Kernel hardness or texture, used to classify wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) into soft and hard classes, is a major determinant of milling and baking quality. Wheat genotypes in the soft class that are termed ‘extra-soft’ (with kernel hardness in the lower end of the spectrum) have been associated with superior end-use quality. In order to better understand the relationship between kernel hardness, milling yield, and various agronomic traits, we performed quantitative trait mapping using a recombinant inbred line population derived from a cross between a common soft wheat line and a genotype classified as an ‘extra-soft’ line. A total of 47 significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) (LOD ≥ 3.0) were identified for nine traits with the number of QTL affecting each trait ranging from three to nine. The percentage of phenotypic variance explained by these QTL ranged from 3.7 to 50.3%. Six QTL associated with kernel hardness and break flour yield were detected on chromosomes 1BS, 4BS, 5BS, 2DS, 4DS, and 5DL. The two most important QTL were mapped onto orthologous regions on chromosomes 4DS (Xbarc1118Rht-D1) and 4BS (Xwmc617Rht-B1). These results indicated that the ‘extra-soft’ characteristic was not controlled by the Hardness (Ha) locus on chromosome 5DS. QTL for eight agronomic traits occupied two genomic regions near semi-dwarf genes Rht-D1 on chromosome 4DS and Rht-B1 on chromosome 4BS. The clustering of these QTL is either due to the pleiotropic effects of single genes or tight linkage of genes controlling these various traits.  相似文献   

Wheat curl mite (WCM, Aceria tosichella Keifer) and WCM-transmitted wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV, genus Tritimovirus) are devastating production constraints for wheat in the US Great Plains. Breeding wheat cultivars with genetic resistance to WCM and WSMV is a viable and economically feasible way to reduce yield loss. The objectives of this study were to (a) identify tightly linked markers for WCM resistance in the wheat cultivar TAM 112 (PI 643143) using linkage and association analysis with the 90K Infinium iSelect SNP array and genotyping-by-sequencing, respectively and (b) develop and test kompetitive allele specific PCR (KASP) single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for marker-assisted selection (MAS) of WCM resistance. We tested 124 F5:7 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross of TAM 112 and the WCM-susceptible cultivar TAM 111 (PI 631352). All lines were infested with a Texas WCM collection 2 (TWCMC2) that is virulent to resistance found on the wheat-rye 1AL.1RS translocation at the two-leaf stage and were rated for symptoms on the first and second week after infestation. Linkage maps were constructed with 4890 markers, including SNPs, simple sequence repeats (SSRs), and sequence-tagged site (STS) markers covering 21 chromosomes. A WCM resistance gene present in TAM 112 (CmcTAM112) was mapped onto chromosome arm 6DS. A genome-wide association study of wheat streak mosaic (WSM) symptoms from a separate experiment in Colorado showed significant marker-trait associations at the target regions on 6DS where CmcTAM112 was located, which demonstrated the effectiveness of this gene to reduce symptom severity. Four SNPs flanking CmcTAM112 were mapped within 3.6 cM in the biparental mapping population. We developed two KASP markers that are within 1.3 cM distal to CmcTAM112 and tested in diverse germplasm. These two markers can be used in MAS for improving WCM resistance in some wheat genetic backgrounds.  相似文献   

We made an update of the intervarietal molecular marker linkage map of the wheat genome developed using a doubled-haploid (DH) population derived from the cross between the cultivars "Courtot" and "Chinese Spring". This map was constructed using 187 DH lines and 659 markers. The genome was well covered (more than 95%) except for chromosomes from homoeologous group 4 and chromosomes 5D and 7D, which had gaps slightly larger than 50 cM. A core-map based on a set of 200 anchor loci (one marker each 18.4 cM) was developed. The total length of this map was 3,685 cM which is similar to the size of the international reference map of the ITMI population (3,551 cM). Map coverage was identical for the three genomes (A, B and D) and for the number of anchor loci, as well as for the size of the map. Using this map, QTLs for several agronomic traits were detected on phenotypic data from the population grown in Clermont-Ferrand (France) under natural field conditions over 6 years, and in Norwich (UK) in controlled conditions and under natural field conditions in 1 year. Almost all of the 21 chromosomes were involved in at least one trait. However, several regions seemed to contain gene clusters either for grain traits (and thus bread-making quality) or plant development traits.  相似文献   

Freezing is a major environmental limitation to crop productivity for a number of species including legumes. We investigated the genetic determinism of freezing tolerance in the model legume Medicago truncatula Gaertn (M. truncatula). After having observed a large variation for freezing tolerance among 15 M. truncatula accessions, the progeny of a F6 recombinant inbred line population, derived from a cross between two accessions, was acclimated to low above-freezing temperatures and assessed for: (a) number of leaves (NOL), leaf area (LA), chlorophyll content index (CCI), shoot and root dry weights (SDW and RDW) at the end of the acclimation period and (b) visual freezing damage (FD) during the freezing treatment and 2 weeks after regrowth and foliar electrolyte leakage (EL) 2 weeks after regrowth. Consistent QTL positions with additive effects for FD were found on LG1, LG4 and LG6, the latter being the most explanatory (R 2 ≈ 40 %). QTL for NOL, QTL for EL, NOL and RDW, and QTL for EL and CCI colocalized with FD QTL on LG1, LG4 and LG6, respectively. Favorable alleles for these additive effects were brought by the same parent suggesting that this accession contributes to superior freezing tolerance by affecting plants’ capacity to maintain growth at low above-freezing temperatures. No epistatic effects were found between FD QTL, but for each of the studied traits, 3–6 epistatic effects were detected between loci not detected directly as QTL. These results open the way to the assessment of syntenic relationships between QTL for frost tolerance in M. truncatula and cultivated legume species.  相似文献   

Many economic losses occur in the poultry industry due to leg fragility. Knowing the genomic regions that influence traits associated with the growth and composition of the leg’s bone can help to improve the selection process leading to increased leg resistance to fracture. The present study aimed to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for mineral composition and morphometric traits of the tibia in 478 animals from an F2 broiler × layer cross. The measurement of weight, length and width of Tibia was carried out at 42 days of age. Ash, dry matter, levels of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), Zinc (Zn) and Calcium:Phosphorus (Ca:P) ratio were also recorded. The population was genotyped for 128 microsatellite markers and one single nucleotide polymorphism, covering 2630 cM of the chicken genome. A likelihood ratio test was performed to find QTLs. Additive and dominance effects of the QTLs were included in the model. In the chromosomes 2 (GGA2), 6 (GGA6), 8 (GGA8), 24 (GGA24) and 26 (GGA26) some suggestive QTLs (P<0.00276) were mapped for tibia weight (GGA2 and GGA26), ash percentage (GGA2 and GGA6), dry matter percentage (GGA2), Ca (GGA8 and GGA24) and Ca:P ratio (GGA8), many of which are close to genes already identified as good candidates for those traits. The suggestive QTL on GGA2 has a pleiotropic effect on ash percentage, dry matter and bone weight, whereas in the GGA8 there seems to be two QTLs, one for Ca and another for Ca:P ratio. Thus, this study identified at least five genomic regions, in different chromosomes, that can be targeted for further research to identify potential mutations influencing the development and composition of leg bones in Gallus gallus.  相似文献   

Alterations in robustness- and health-related traits lead to physiological changes, such as changes in the serum clinical chemical parameters in individuals. Therefore, clinical–chemical traits can be used as biomarkers to examine the health status of chickens. The aim of the present study was to detect the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) influencing eight clinical–chemical traits (glucose, total protein, creatinine, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, total cholesterol, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, glutamic pyruvic transaminase, and α-amylase) in an F1 nuclear families comprising 83 F0 founders and 585 F1 progeny of Korean native chickens. Genotypic data on 135 DNA markers representing 26 autosomes have been generated for this resource pedigree. The total length of the map was 2729.4 cM. We used a multipoint variance component linkage approach to identify QTLs for the traits. A significant QTL affecting serum α-amylase levels was identified on chicken chromosome (GGA) 7 [logarithm of odds (LOD) = 3.02, P value = 1.92 × 10?4]. Additionally, we detected several suggestive linkage signals for the levels of total cholesterol, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, glutamic pyruvic transaminase, and creatinine on GGA 4, 12, 13, and 15. In this study, serum α-amylase levels related significant QTL was mapped on GGA7 and cholesterol, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, glutamic pyruvic transaminase, and creatinine traits related suggestive QTLs were detected on GGA4, 12, 13 and 15, respectively. Further verification and fine mapping of these identified QTLs can provide valuable information for understanding the variations of clinical chemical trait in chickens.  相似文献   

Globally, Eucalyptus plantations occupy 22 million ha area and is one of the preferred hardwood species due to their short rotation, rapid growth, adaptability and wood properties. In this study, we present results of GWAS in parents and 100 hybrids of Eucalyptus tereticornis × E. grandis using 762 genes presumably involved in wood formation. Comparative analysis between parents predicted 32,202 polymorphic SNPs with high average read depth of 269-562× per individual per nucleotide. Seventeen wood related traits were phenotyped across three diverse environments and GWAS was conducted using 13,610 SNPs. A total of 45 SNP-trait associations were predicted across two locations. Seven large effect markers were identified which explained more than 80% of phenotypic variation for fibre area. This study has provided an array of candidate genes which may govern fibre morphology in this genus and has predicted potential SNPs which can guide future breeding programs in tropical Eucalyptus.  相似文献   

Inhibition of wheat β-amylase (WBA) by glucose and maltose was studied by kinetics and thermodynamics. The inhibitory effects of fructose, difructose, sucrose, trehalose, cellobiose, acarbose, and 1-deoxynojirimycin on WBA were also evaluated. The half maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50) of acarbose, maltose and glucose were 0.06 ± 0.01 M, 0.22 ± 0.09 M, and 1.41 ± 0.17 M, respectively. The inhibitor constant (Ki) and the thermodynamic parameters such as changes in Gibbs energy (ΔG), enthalpy (ΔH), and entropy (ΔS) of the dissociation reactions of the WBA-glucose and WBA-maltose complexes were temperature and pH-dependent. The dissociation reactions were endothermic and enthalpy-driven. Both glucose and maltose behaved as competitive inhibitors at pH 3.0 and 5.4 at a temperature of 25 °C with respective Ki values of 0.33 ± 0.02 M and 0.12 ± 0.03 M. In contrast, both sugars exhibited uncompetitive inhibition at pH 9 at a temperature of 25 °C with Ki values of 0.21 ± 0.03 M for glucose and 0.11 ± 0.04 M for maltose. The pH-dependence of the inhibition type and Ki values indicate that the ionizing groups of WBA influence drastically the interaction with these carbohydrates. This evidence enables us to consider temperature and pH in the WBA-catalyzed hydrolysis to manipulate the inhibition by end-product, maltose, and even by glucose.  相似文献   

Durum wheat is the second-most widely grown wheat species, and is primarily used in the production of pasta and couscous. The grain utilization of durum wheat is partly related to its very hard kernel texture because of the lack of the D genome and consequentially the Puroindoline genes. Our previous study reported the transformation of durum wheat with the Puroindoline a (Pina) gene. Here, we characterized the transgenic durum wheat lines expressing the Pina gene, and studied the effects of PINA on grain texture and other kernel characteristics. SDS-PAGE and Western blotting results demonstrated that starch-bound PINA levels of Pina-overexpressing lines were lower than that of Pina-positive control, common wheat cv. Chinese Spring, suggesting a weak association of PINA protein with starch granules in the absence of Pinb. Grain hardness analysis and flour milling tests indicated that the overexpression of PINA resulted in decreased grain hardness and increased flour yield in transgenic durum wheat lines. The agronomic performance of the transgenic and control lines was also examined and it was found that no significant differences in measured traits were observed between Pina-overexpressing and control lines in the 2-year field trials. Since grain hardness strongly affects milling and end-use qualities, the development of medium–hard-textured durum wheat lines is not only of significance for our knowledge of grain hardness and Puroindolines, but also has practical implications for plant breeders and food technologists for the expansion of utilization of durum wheat.  相似文献   

LoinMAX (LM) is a quantitative trait locus (QTL), which was found to be segregated in Australian Poll Dorset sheep, and maps to the distal end of sheep chromosome 18. LM-QTL was reported to increase Musculus longissimus dorsi area and weight by 11% and 8%, respectively. The aim of this study was to comprehensively evaluate the direct effects of LM-QTL in a genetic background typical of the stratified structure of the UK sheep industry, before it can be recommended for use in the United Kingdom. Crossbred lambs, either non-carriers or carrying a single copy of LM-QTL, were produced out of Scottish Mule ewes (Bluefaced Leicester × Scottish Blackface) artificially inseminated with semen from two Poll Dorset rams that were heterozygous for LM-QTL. Unexpectedly, one of these rams was also heterozygous for a QTL that affects the overall carcass muscling (MyoMAX™). This was accounted for by nesting MyoMAX™ status (carrier or non-carrier) within sire in the statistical analysis. Lambs were weighed and scanned by using X-ray computed tomography (CT) at an average age of 113 days. Ultrasound scan measurements, along with lamb weights, were taken at an average age of 140 days and lambs were then slaughtered. Carcasses were weighed and classified for fat cover and conformation scores, based on the Meat and Livestock Commission (MLC) carcass classification scheme, and then scanned by using a video image analysis (VIA) system. M. longissimus lumborum (MLL) width, as measured by CT scanning, was greater (P < 0.05) in lambs heterozygous for LM-QTL compared with non-carriers. MLL in LM-QTL carrier lambs was also significantly deeper, as measured by both ultrasound muscle depth at the third lumbar vertebrae (+3.7%; P < 0.05) and CT scanning at the fifth lumbar vertebrae (+3.4%; P < 0.01). Consequently, MLL area, was measured by using CT scanning, was significantly higher (+4.5%; P < 0.01) in lambs carrying a single copy of LM-QTL compared with non-carriers. Additional traits measured by CT, such as leg muscle dimensions, average muscle density and tissue proportions, were not significantly affected by LM-QTL. LM-QTL did not significantly affect total carcass lean or fat weights or MLC conformation and fat score classifications. Using previously derived algorithms, VIA could detect a significant effect of the LM-QTL on the predicted weight of saleable meat yield in the loin primal cut (+2.2%; P < 0.05), but not in the other primal cuts, or the total carcass.  相似文献   

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