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SEN virus (SENV) is a circular, single stranded DNA virus that has been first characterized in the serum of a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected patient. Eight genotypes of SENV (A-H) have been identified and further recognized as variants of TT virus (TTV) in the family Circoviridae. Here we describe the first genomic characterization of a SENV isolate (5-A) from South America. Using 'universal' primers, able to amplify most, if not all, TTV/SENV genotypes, a segment of > 3 kb was amplified by polymerase chain reaction from the serum of an HIV-1 infected patient. The amplicon was cloned and a 3087-nucleotide sequence was determined, that showed a high (85%) homology with the sequence of the Italian isolate SENV-F. Proteins encoded by open reading frames (ORFs) 1 to 4 consisted of 758, 129, 276, and 267 amino acids, respectively. By phylogenetic analysis, isolate 5-A was classified into TTV genotype 19 (phylogenetic group 3), together with SENV-F and TTV isolate SAa-38.  相似文献   

To understand astrovirus biology, it is essential to understand factors associated with its evolution. The current study reports the genomic sequences of nine novel turkey astrovirus (TAstV) type 2-like clinical isolates. This represents, to our knowledge, the largest genomic-length data set available for any one astrovirus type. The comparison of these TAstV sequences suggests that the TAstV species contains multiple subtypes and that recombination events have occurred across the astrovirus genome. In addition, the analysis of the capsid gene demonstrated evidence for both site-specific positive selection and purifying selection.  相似文献   

Efforts to detect loci under selection in plants have mostly focussed on single species. However, assuming that intraspecific divergence may lead to speciation, comparisons of genetic variation within and among recently diverged taxa can help to locate such genes. In this study, coalescent and outlier detection methods were used to assess nucleotide polymorphism and divergence at 79 nuclear gene fragments (1212 SNPs) in 16 populations (153 individuals) of the closely related, but phenotypically and ecologically distinct, pine taxa Pinus mugo, P. uliginosa and P. uncinata across their European distributions. Simultaneously, mitochondrial DNA markers, which are maternally inherited in pines and distributed by seeds at short geographic distance, were used to assess genetic relationships of the focal populations and taxa. The majority of nuclear loci showed homogenous patterns of variation between the taxa due to a high number of shared SNPs and haplotypes, similar levels of polymorphism, and low net divergence. However, against this common genetic background and an overall low population structure within taxa at mitochondrial markers, we identified several genes showing signatures of selection, accompanied by significant intra- and interspecific divergence. Our results indicate that loci involved in species divergence may be involved in intraspecific local adaptation.  相似文献   

Identifying the factors that cause reproductive isolation and their relative importance in species divergence is crucial to our understanding of speciation processes. In most species, natural selection is commonly considered to play a large role in driving speciation. Based on whole genome re-sequencing data from 27 Populus alba and 28 Populus adenopoda individuals, we explored the factors related to reproductive isolation of these two closely related species. The results showed that the two species diverged ~5–10 million years ago (Ma), when the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau reached a certain height and the inland climate of the Asian continent became arid. In highly differentiated genomic regions, the relative divergence (FST) and absolute divergence (dxy) were significantly higher than the genomic background, θπ and shared polymorphisms decreased whereas fixed differences increased, which indicated that natural selection played a key role in the reproductive isolation of the two species. In addition, we found several genes that were related to reproduction that may be involved in explaining the reproductive isolation. Using phylogenetic trees resolved from haplotype data of Populus tomentosa and P. adenopoda, the maternal origin of P. tomentosa from P. adenopoda was likely to be located in Hubei and Chongqing Provinces.  相似文献   

Smukowski CS  Noor MA 《Heredity》2011,107(6):496-508
Despite their importance to successful meiosis and various evolutionary processes, meiotic recombination rates sometimes vary within species or between closely related species. For example, humans and chimpanzees share virtually no recombination hotspot locations in the surveyed portion of the genomes. However, conservation of recombination rates between closely related species has also been documented, raising an apparent contradiction. Here, we evaluate how and why conflicting patterns of recombination rate conservation and divergence may be observed, with particular emphasis on features that affect recombination, and the scale and method with which recombination is surveyed. Additionally, we review recent studies identifying features influencing fine-scale and broad-scale recombination patterns and informing how quickly recombination rates evolve, how changes in recombination impact selection and evolution in natural populations, and more broadly, which forces influence genome evolution.  相似文献   

Chaparral shrubs in California experience cool, wet winters and hot, dry summers characteristic of mediterranean-type climates; by contrast, morphologically similar close relatives in central Mexico experience summer rainfall. A comparison of closely related species pairs was conducted to examine whether evolutionary divergences in plant hydraulic conductivity were associated with contrasting seasonality of precipitation. Six species pairs in Santa Barbara, California and Tehuacan, Mexico were chosen to test for repeated directional divergences across the habitat contrast. Additionally, evolutionary correlations were examined using phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs) among a suite of hydraulic traits, including stem- and leaf-specific conductivity, resistance to embolism, wood density, inverse Huber value, and minimum seasonal water potential. Leaf-specific conductivity was generally higher in California, but for most hydraulic traits the species pairs exhibited varied evolutionary trajectories across the climate contrast. A significant correlation was found between divergences in xylem resistance to embolism and minimum seasonal water potential, but no evolutionary trade-off was found between resistance and stem conductivity. Higher leaf-specific conductivity may be adaptive in California, where soil and atmospheric droughts coincide during summer months. This response is consistent with a hydraulic strategy of high leaf water supply under high evaporative demand to prevent excessive drops in water potential.  相似文献   

The kinetics of reassociation of the DNA of three groups of closely related organisms were examined. The laboratory mouse was compared to an Asiatic mouse, whose chromosome number is the same but whose chromosome organization is different. Chinese hamster (2N=22) was compared to Syrian hamster (2N=44), and Haplopappus gracilis (2N=4) was compared to H. ravenit (2N=8). It was found that the most highly repeated DNA fractions of the three comparative sets of organisms differ in their reaction rates. However, these fractions of the related hamsters, haplopappi, and probably the mice, do not differ in the amount of DNA composing the fractions. The intermediately fast reassociating DNA and the unique DNA do not differ between members of related pairs of organisms. The implication of these results is that a short sequence of DNA may be highly copied in one organism, while in a related organism a longer DNA sequence is repeated a fewer number of times, and the total amount of repeated DNA may be the same in both related organisms.  相似文献   

Nigeria continues to experience ever increasing annual outbreaks of Lassa fever (LF). The World Health Organization has recently declared Lassa virus (LASV) as a priority pathogen for accelerated research leading to a renewed international effort to develop relevant animal models of disease and effective countermeasures to reduce LF morbidity and mortality in endemic West African countries. A limiting factor in evaluating medical countermeasures against LF is a lack of well characterized animal models outside of those based on infection with LASV strain Josiah originating form Sierra Leone, circa 1976. Here we genetically characterize five recent LASV isolates collected from the 2018 outbreak in Nigeria. Three isolates were further evaluated in vivo and despite being closely related and from the same spatial / geographic region of Nigeria, only one of the three isolates proved lethal in strain 13 guinea pigs and non-human primates (NHP). Additionally, this isolate exhibited atypical pathogenesis characteristics in the NHP model, most notably respiratory failure, not commonly described in hemorrhagic cases of LF. These results suggest that there is considerable phenotypic heterogeneity in LASV infections in Nigeria, which leads to a multitude of pathogenesis characteristics that could account for differences between subclinical and lethal LF infections. Most importantly, the development of disease models using currently circulating LASV strains in West Africa are critical for the evaluation of potential vaccines and medical countermeasures.  相似文献   

Using DNA microarrays to study gene expression in closely related species   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
MOTIVATION: Comparisons of gene expression levels within and between species have become a central tool in the study of the genetic basis for phenotypic variation, as well as in the study of the evolution of gene regulation. DNA microarrays are a key technology that enables these studies. Currently, however, microarrays are only available for a small number of species. Thus, in order to study gene expression levels in species for which microarrays are not available, researchers face three sets of choices: (i) use a microarray designed for another species, but only compare gene expression levels within species, (ii) construct a new microarray for every species whose gene expression profiles will be compared or (iii) build a multi-species microarray with probes from each species of interest. Here, we use data collected using a multi-primate cDNA array to evaluate the reliability of each approach. RESULTS: We find that, for inter-species comparisons, estimates of expression differences based on multi-species microarrays are more accurate than those based on multiple species-specific arrays. We also demonstrate that within-species expression differences can be estimated using a microarray for a closely related species, without discernible loss of information. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

Mountain regions contain extraordinary biodiversity. The environmental heterogeneity and glacial cycles often accelerate speciation and adaptation of montane species, but how these processes influence the genomic differentiation of these species is largely unknown. Using a novel chromosome-level genome and population genomic comparisons, we study allopatric divergence and selection in an iconic bird living in a tropical mountain region in New Guinea, Archbold''s bowerbird (Amblyornis papuensis). Our results show that the two populations inhabiting the eastern and western Central Range became isolated ca 11 800 years ago, probably because the suitable habitats for this cold-tolerating bird decreased when the climate got warmer. Our genomic scans detect that genes in highly divergent genomic regions are over-represented in developmental processes, which is probably associated with the observed differences in body size between the populations. Overall, our results suggest that environmental differences between the eastern and western Central Range probably drive adaptive divergence between them.  相似文献   



Multilocus phylogenies can be used to infer the species tree of a group of closely related species. In species trees, the nodes represent the actual separation between species, thus providing essential information about their evolutionary history. In addition, multilocus phylogenies can help in analyses of species delimitation, gene flow and genetic differentiation within species. However, few adequate markers are available for such studies.  相似文献   

Chen H  Green RE  Pääbo S  Slatkin M 《Genetics》2007,177(1):387-398
We develop the theory for computing the joint frequency spectra of alleles in two closely related species. We allow for arbitrary population growth in both species after they had a common ancestor. We focus on the case in which a single chromosome is sequenced from one of the species. We use classical diffusion theory to show that, if the ancestral species was at equilibrium under mutation and drift and a chromosome from one of the descendant species carries the derived allele, the frequency spectrum in the other species is uniform, independently of the demographic history of both species. We also predict the expected densities of segregating and fixed sites when the chromosome from the other species carries the ancestral allele. We compare the predictions of our model with the site-frequency spectra of SNPs in the four HapMap populations of humans when the nucleotide present in the Neanderthal DNA sequence is ancestral or derived, using the chimp genome as the outgroup.  相似文献   

Using in vitro drug sensitivity data coupled with Affymetrix microarray data, we developed gene expression signatures that predict sensitivity to individual chemotherapeutic drugs. Each signature was validated with response data from an independent set of cell line studies. We further show that many of these signatures can accurately predict clinical response in individuals treated with these drugs. Notably, signatures developed to predict response to individual agents, when combined, could also predict response to multidrug regimens. Finally, we integrated the chemotherapy response signatures with signatures of oncogenic pathway deregulation to identify new therapeutic strategies that make use of all available drugs. The development of gene expression profiles that can predict response to commonly used cytotoxic agents provides opportunities to better use these drugs, including using them in combination with existing targeted therapies.  相似文献   

Inversions in evolution of man and closely related species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By the comparative study of the karyotypes of many Primates, 35 inversions (25 peri- and 10 paracentric) having accumulated during evolution of species related to man were reconstructed. Some of them originated human chromosomes from more ancestral chromosomes still present in other primate species. Their detection in man would indicate the occurrence of reverse mutations. Other inversions occurred in ancestral chromosomes identical to those of man, and originated chromosomes of other Primates species. Their detection in man would indicate the occurrence of a convergent mutation. It is shown that such reverse and convergent mutations do occur. They are too frequently observed than by mere chance among patients ascertained in human cytogenetic laboratories. Their excess is still larger among radiation induced inversions in human cells. This demonstrates the nonrandom occurrence of inversions. In addition, it is concluded that inversions which have accumulated during evolution are more representative of mutagenesis than those detected in human cytogenetic laboratories.  相似文献   



Retrotransposons are commonly occurring eukaryotic transposable elements (TEs). Among these, long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons are the most abundant TEs and can comprise 50–90% of the genome in higher plants. By comparing the orthologous chromosomal regions of closely related species, the effects of TEs on the evolution of plant genomes can be studied in detail.  相似文献   

Models of coexistence often assume that competitive exclusion takes place at fine scale, but that disturbances (non-equilibrium models) or heterogeneity (spatial models) are necessary for long-term coexistence. As an alternative, very slow exclusion among competitively equivalent species has been proposed, but questioned on the ground that in the long run even the smallest difference in competitive ability will express itself in the loss of species. In this paper we demonstrate long-term coexistence among closely-related mire plant species (notablySphagnum mosses). In any bog in the boreal region, most species that can tolerate the nutrient-poor, acidic and partly anaerobic conditions are present. Thus, the ratio between the actual and regional species pool is 1 (or very close to 1), and selection of species from the regional pool seems hardly affected by interspecific competition or dispersal limitation.  相似文献   

The main finding of this study was that measuring maximum heart rate during incremental warming was an effective tool to estimate upper thermal limits in three small cyprinid Danio species, which differed significantly. Arrhenius breakpoint temperature for maximum heart rate, purportedly an index of optimum temperature, was 21·2 ± 0·4, 20·1 ± 0·4 and 18·9 ± 0·8° C (mean ± s.e .) for zebrafish Danio rerio, pearl danio Danio albolineatus and glowlight danio Danio choprae, respectively. The temperature where cardiac arrhythmias were first induced during warming (Tarr) was 36·6 ± 0·7, 36·9 ± 0·8 and 33·2 ± 0·8° C (mean ± s.e .) and critical thermal maximum (TCm) was 39·9 ± 0·1, 38·9 ± 0·1 and 37·2 ± 0·1° C (mean ± s.e .) for D. rerio, D. albolineatus and D. choprae, respectively. The finding that Tarr was consistently 3–4° C lower than TCm suggests that collapse of the cardiac life support system may be a critical trigger for upper temperature tolerance. The upper thermal limits established here, which correlate well with a broad natural environmental temperature range for D. rerio and a narrow one for D. choprae, suggest that upper thermal tolerance may be a genetic trait even among closely related species acclimated to common temperatures.  相似文献   

 The acridid grasshoppers Chorthippus biguttulus and Ch. mollis, which are closely related and often sympatric species, were compared intra- and interspecifically with regard to the spectra of their calling and courtship songs and of the sound-induced vibrations of the tympanal membrane, as well as the threshold curves of the tympanal nerve. In the low-frequency range but not in the ultrasound region, the maxima of these various curves fall at distinctly different frequencies in the two species. It is shown that the low-frequency sensitivity of the auditory system in both species, especially in females, is well matched to the conspecific song spectra but not to those of the heterospecific songs. Whether these characteristics actually contribute to species discrimination remains to be determined by behavioural tests. Accepted: 23 August 1996  相似文献   

Global comparisons of gene expression profiles between species provide significant insight into gene regulation, evolutionary processes and disease mechanisms. In this work, we describe a flexible and intuitive approach for global expression profiling of closely related species, using high-density exon arrays designed for a single reference genome. The high-density probe coverage of exon arrays allows us to select identical sets of perfect-match probes to measure expression levels of orthologous genes. This eliminates a serious confounding factor in probe affinity effects of species-specific microarray probes, and enables direct comparisons of estimated expression indexes across species. Using a newly designed Affymetrix exon array, with eight probes per exon for approximately 315 000 exons in the human genome, we conducted expression profiling in corresponding tissues from humans, chimpanzees and rhesus macaques. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of differentially expressed candidate genes is highly concordant with microarray data, yielding a validation rate of 21/22 for human versus chimpanzee differences, and 11/11 for human versus rhesus differences. This method has the potential to greatly facilitate biomedical and evolutionary studies of gene expression in nonhuman primates and can be easily extended to expression array design and comparative analysis of other animals and plants.  相似文献   

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