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The eucalypt‐feeding psyllid Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hom.: Psyllidae), an Australian insect, is reported for the first time in Europe. It was initially detected in Portugal and Spain, in September 2007, on Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. At present, G. brimblecombei has only been found associated with E. camaldulensis and E. tereticornis Smith, being apparently absent from E. globulus Labill., the main eucalypt species planted on the Iberian Peninsula. Generalist predators, such as ants, spiders and ladybeetles, were observed in trees attacked by G. brimblecombei, but no psyllid parasitoids were detected.  相似文献   

Abstract The presence of the aggressive, colony-forming honeyeater, Manorina melanophrys (bell miner), in the canopies of unhealthy eucalypts has been well reported. There is, however, some debate as to the actual mechanisms producing these unhealthy trees. To investigate further some of the processes that may be contributing to this form of canopy dieback, two field trials were carried out in Olney State Forest, near Wyong, New South Wales. The study site contained Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney blue gum) with canopy dieback and was occupied by a large colony of bell miners. Close examination of the foliage revealed a large and diverse suite of phytophagous insects, including at least 16 species of psyllid (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). In the first trial, the use of bird exclusion cages over selected branches significantly improved leaf survival compared to leaves exposed to a relatively high density of bell miners. It is proposed that colonization by bell miners may interfere with the efficacy of both other insectivorous birds (through aggressive interspecific territoriality) and the invertebrate predators and parasitoids. Interference with such regulatory factors may enable some phytophagous insect populations to rise to sustained damaging levels. In the second trial, an insecticide application combined with reduced competition from the dense understorey and neighbouring trees was required to significantly improve trunk diameter and crown condition scores. After 12 months, neither treatment, by itself, significantly improved both growth measures. Possibly both treatments were required because the E. saligna trees were suffering from another source of stress (e.g. drought) in addition to the relatively high level of insect attack.  相似文献   

亚洲柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama作为柑橘产业重要病害柑橘黄龙病的主要传播媒介,已经成为重点防治对象。该害虫与黄龙病之间的互作一直是相关研究的热点,本文就近年来该领域的研究进展做了一个总结,从亚洲柑橘木虱的获菌与传病机制、病原菌与柑橘木虱之间的互作以及病原菌感染寄主植物后对木虱的影响等方面进行了综述。期望为深入开展黄龙病相关研究、寻找防控新途径提供依据。  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama) is a key pest of Citrus sp. worldwide, as it acts as a vector for Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, the bacterial pathogen that causes citrus Huanglongbing. Diaphorina citri has been reported in Kenya, Tanzania, and more recently in Ethiopia. This study assessed the genetic diversity and phylogeographic structure of the pest to gain insights into the potential sources of its introduction into Africa. Population structure and differentiation of D. citri populations from China, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and the USA were assessed using 10 microsatellite loci. Additionally, five new complete mitogenomes of D. citri collected in China, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and the USA were analyzed in the context of publicly available sequences. Genotype data grouped the D. citri populations from Kenya and Tanzania in one cluster, and those from Ethiopia formed a separate cluster. The two genetic clusters inferred from genotype data were congruent with mitochondrial sequence data. The mitogenomes from Kenya/Tanzania/China had 99.0% similarity, and the Ethiopia/USA had 99.9% similarity. In conclusion, D. citri populations in eastern Africa have different sources, as the Kenyan and Tanzanian populations probably originated from southeastern Asia, while the Ethiopian population most probably originated from the Americas.  相似文献   

Morphology of male internal reproductive organs, spermatozoa, and spermiogenesis of the blow‐flies Lucilia cuprina, Lucilia eximia, and Lucilia peruviana is first described here, using light and transmission electron microscopy. Spermiogenesis follows the characteristics described for others insect species. The spermatozoa of L. cuprina are similar to those described for other Brachycera. However, in L. eximia and L. peruviana, some differences were found. In L. cuprina and L. eximia species, the spermatozoa are long and thin, measuring about 211 μm and 146 μm in length, of which the head region measures approximately 19 μm and 17 μm, respectively. A polymorphism was observed in L. cuprina and L. eximia spermatozoa. In all three species, the head includes a monolayered acrosome with electron‐lucent material. The shape of the nucleus, in cross sections, varies from circular to oval with completely condensed chromatin. Implantation of the axoneme was observed in the middle region of the nucleus, known as the “peg” region. In the next region, the beginning of two mitochondrial derivatives of similar diameter and different lengths in L. cuprina and only one in L. eximia and L. peruviana was observed. In the overlap region, the following structures were observed: nucleus, centriolar adjunct, mitochondrial derivatives, and axoneme. The axoneme is of a conventional insectan type with a 9 + 9 + 2 microtubular arrangement. The male internal reproductive tract consists of testis, deferent ducts, a strongly developed seminal vesicle, accessory glands, and ejaculatory duct. These features are consistent with the structural diversity of the dipteran reproductive tract and spermatozoa, comprising an essential tool for understanding the complex variations found in the Diptera. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study suggests that lack of suitable overwintering sites will not be a limiting factor to the establishment of Aphalara itadori, a classical biological control agent of Fallopia japonica, since it was able to overwinter on a common conifer species as well as non-conifers hosts.  相似文献   

Three new species of Acizzia are described from Australian mistletoe (Loranthaceae: Amyema spp.). These are: A. loranthacae sp. n., A. amyemae sp. n. and A. pendulae sp. n. They are characterised by: male proctiger with prominent posterior lobe; antenna 1.9–2.9 times width of head; forewing with costal break and pterostigma, with pattern in A. amyemae and A. pendulae but not in A. loranthacae ; and female proctiger simple in A. amyemae and A. pendulae but with prominent dorso-apical process in A. loranthacae . The Loranthaceae is a new host family record for Acizzia . Given the probable radiation of Acizzia on mimosaceous hosts, its occurrence on eucalypt-inhabiting mistletoe, yet its apparent absence from mistletoes on Acacia, is discussed.  相似文献   

2018年5月,在云南省昆明市金殿森林公园种植的蓝桉树苗上采集到了一种密集发生的木虱,其成虫和若虫均严重危害桉树叶片。经鉴定为桉梳木虱,该种木虱原产于澳大利亚,此前已入侵欧洲、非洲、北美洲、南美洲和亚洲的一些国家,危害桉树。本文提供了桉梳木虱的危害情况和形态鉴别特征,提出了防范扩散危害的措施建议。  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper records seven species of wasps in the genus Psyllaephagus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from New Zealand. All of these species are primary parasitoids of psylloids (Hemiptera: Psylloidea). Two are species previously described from New Zealand: P. acaciae Noyes and P. pilosus Noyes. Two are described Australian species which have established recently: P. bliteus Riek and P. gemitus Riek. Three new species are described here, from New Zealand: P. breviramus sp. nov., P. cornwallensis sp. nov. and P. richardhenryi sp. nov. All species are probably Australian in origin. A key to all seven Psyllaephagus species known from New Zealand is provided. An earlier first record of the Australian psyllid hyperparasitoid Coccidoctonus psyllae Riek (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), previously first recorded from New Zealand in 2006, is noted.  相似文献   

Here, we examine the genetic diversity in the agricultural pest Nezara viridula (Linnaeus, 1758 ) from populations of Argentina using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences. The DNA sequence comparisons of 718 base pairs of the COI gene revealed seven haplotypes. The observed total haplotype diversity (Hd) value was of 0.138, and the nucleotide diversity was of 0.00039 and 0.00135 according to π and θW, respectively. Eight out of the 10 populations analysed, mostly from soya bean crops, only presented the more frequent haplotype, while 2 haplotypes were found in a mixed culture and 6 haplotypes in a peanut culture. Factors such as differential insecticide applications, as well as the surrounding habitat, and the host plant preference could be related to the genetic diversity differences observed among samples of N. viridula. The analysis of genetic diversity in samples collected in crops treated and non‐treated with insecticides, as well as in samples collected from different seasons, could help to clarify the role of the factors that led to the pattern of genetic diversity detected in this study. The result of a comparative analysis of COI gene sequences among populations from South America, Africa, Asia and Europe was consistent with the hypothesis of an African origin of N. viridula. On the other hand, the haplotypes of Europe were clustered with haplotypes from South America. In addition, specimens from Madeira (west of Europe) shared ancestry with South America and Europe. It has been suggested that a probable route of colonization of America could have been from Western Europe towards the eastern coasts of South America.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in three species of cicadas representing one cicadettine (Monomatapa matoposa Boulard) and two cicadines (Diceroprocta biconica [Walker] and Kongota punctigera [Walker]) was investigated by light and electron microscopy. Although spermiogenesis was occurring in the testis of adult males of all species, earlier spermiogenic stages were observed in D. biconica only. While spermiogenesis was similar to that described for other insects, some differences were noted. For example granular material did not assemble around the centriole to form a centriolar adjunct but did accumulate in the cytoplasm of early spermatids adjacent to a region of the nuclear membrane where nuclear pores were aggregated. In late spermatids this material accumulated anterior to the mitochondrial derivatives in a developing postero‐lateral nuclear groove. While this material has been named the ‘centriolar adjunct’ by previous authors, its formation away from the centriole raises questions about its true identity. Second, during acrosome maturation an ante‐acrosomal region of cytoplasm develops. Although present in later spermatids, this region is lost in spermatozoa. Interspecific variations in chromatin condensation patterns and the number of microtubule layers encircling the spermatid nucleus during spermiogenesis were noted.  相似文献   

Although Cacopsylla pyri Forster and Cacopsylla pyricola Linnaeus have long been considered as more significant pests of pear trees around the world, Cacopsylla permixta Burckhardt and Hodkinson is the most significant pest in some parts of Iran, especially in pear gardens of Karaj. Current control strategies against this pest in Iran generally involve five or six insecticide treatments each year, despite unsatisfactory results are reported at many localities. So, it is crucial to know the most susceptible generation of the pest to apply a good strategy for its control. The aim of this study was to explore the seasonal variation in susceptibility of C. permixta to four commonly used insecticides. The results showed that winter forms (February) were 2.71‐fold, 4.58‐fold, 3.26 fold and 3.38‐fold more tolerant to diazinon, imidacloprid, acetamiprid and abamectin, respectively, compared with summer forms. Also, Esterase, GST and P450 monooxygenase activity was highest during February. Moreover, the content of lipid, carbohydrate, glycogen and protein was significantly higher in February compared with other months. Based on these results, the best period for insecticide treatment for efficient control is treatment against the first generation, at the time when eggs are laid by females as well as during the egg hatching and the larvae appearance. At this time of year, psylla are more susceptible, which would likely lead to better results and the reduction in damage during the next summer. However, further studies are needed to test this in farm settings, and to whether this holds true for other psylla species.  相似文献   

人类对地球上多数物种及其这些物种分布的认识是明显不足的。在生物多样性热点区分布的物种,它们一般罕见于其分布区内,加速了它们灭绝的可能性。本研究运用生态位模型对斑红蝽属四种红蝽的潜在分布和生态空间进行了模拟,其中浑斑红蝽 Physopelta robusta 和显斑红蝽 Physopelta slanbuschii 全部分布于 Indo-Myanmar 和 South Central China 热点区,小斑红蝽 Physopelta cincticollis 和四斑红蝽 Physopelta quadriguttata 局部分布于 Indo-Myanmar 和 South Central China 热点区。研究显示该4种红蝽均可能分布于它们已知的分布区外,这些发现可为将来的采集调查提供参考。4种红蝽的生态空间显示具有重叠,其中显斑红蝽P. slanbuschii 和浑斑红蝽P. robusta 表现出对温度具有较大的耐受性,显斑红蝽 P. slanbuschii 和四斑红蝽 P. quadriguttata 对湿度具有较大的耐受性。本研究强调了生态学的思路在分类学研究中生物多样性保护中的应用,特别是对一些鲜为人知的地区特有物种。  相似文献   

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