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景观生态学原理在城市土地利用分类中的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
根据城市相同土地利用类型具有相似景观格局特征的原理,探讨了融合景观格局特征指数和遥感技术的城市土地利用信息提取的新方法。以北京市五环内建城区为例,研究表明,在斑块类型水平和景观水平上,居住用地和非居住用地内景观斑块的大小、形状、边缘特征、空间连接度、核心区面积特征、多样性、均匀性等特征都有极显著的差异。进一步融合TM遥感影像和这些景观格局特征指数,提取了居民用地和非居民用地类型,总分类精度是79.7%,Kappa系数达到59.8%。研究揭示,景观生态学原理的引入,为传统的遥感技术应用提供了新的思路,在格局复杂的城市土地利用信息提取中有很大的应用发展潜力。 相似文献
Assessing fragmentation and disturbance of west Kenyan rainforests by means of remotely sensed time series data and landscape metrics 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Biodiversity in tropical rainforests is heavily influenced by land use/cover change (LUCC), but so far there have been few LUCC studies conducted in Africa. We present several methods that make use of remotely sensed data and landscape metrics and allow for assessment of the development of land cover and thus forest fragmentation and disturbance over a substantial period of time. The study covers Kakamega Forest and its associated forest areas in western Kenya, over the last 30 years. The accuracy of a supervised multispectral classification of Landsat time series data encompassing seven time steps between 1972 and 2001 is numerically assessed using ground truth reference data considering the 2001 time step. Here, buffering the forest areas by 1 km, highest user's accuracies for the forest classes ‘near natural + old secondary forest’ (87.50%), ‘secondary forest’ (80.00%) and ‘bushland/shrubs’ (81.08%) are revealed. Images of a spatially distributed fragmentation index derived from the land cover time series by applying a three by 3 pixel‐sized moving window to determine forest pixels’ adjacency, highlight trends in forest fragmentation, e.g. the splitting into two separate forests along the Yala/Ikuywa corridor. Calculations of mean fragmentation indices for the Biodiversity Monitoring Transect Analysis in Eastern Africa (BIOTA‐East Africa) focus research areas are used to evaluate the fragmentation index and to demonstrate its potential to extrapolate (e.g. biological) field findings in space and time. Here we argue for a correlation of the fragmentation indices results not only with forest management regimes, but with population distribution and accessibility (e.g. by roads). A cluster analysis applying the isodata‐algorithm on the classification results of all seven times steps allows for a rapid visual assessment of the distinct pattern of typical land cover development trends since 1972. This reveals that parts of Kakamega Forest have experienced severe forest loss while others, especially in the north‐east, show signs of succession. 相似文献
Topographic conditions play an important role in controlling land cover dynamic processes.In this study,remotely sensed data and the geographic information system were applied to analyze the changes in land cover along topographic gradients from 1978 to 2001 in Beijing,a rapidly urbanized mega city in China.The study was based on five periods of land cover maps derived from remotely sensed data:Landsat MSS for 1978,Landsat TM for 1984,"1992,1996 and 2001,and the digital elevation model (DEM) derived from 1:250,000 topographic map.The whole area was divided into ten land cover types:conifer forest,broadleaf forest,mixed forest,shrub,brushwood,meadow,farmland,built-up,water body and bare land.The results are summarized as follows.(1) Shrub,forest,farmland and builtup consist of the main land cover types of the Beijing area.The most significant land cover change from 1978 to 2001 was the decrease of the farmland and expansion of the builtup area.Farmland decreased from 6354 to 3813 km2 in the 23 years,while the built-up area increased from 421 to 2642 km2.Meanwhile,the coverage of forest increased from 17.2% to 24.7% of the total area.The conversion matrix analysis indicated that the transformation of farmland to the built-up area was the most significant process and afforestation was the primary cause of the replacement of shrub to forest.(2) Topographic conditions are of great importance to the distribution of land cover types and the process of land cover changes.Elevation has an intensive impact on the distribution of land cover types.The area below 100 m mostly consists of farmland and built-up areas,while the area above 100 m is mainly covered by shrub and forest.Shrub has the maximum frequency in areas between 100 and 1000 m,while forest has dominance in areas above 800 m.According to the analysis of land cover changes in different ranges of elevation,the greatest change below 100 m was the process of urbanization.The process of the main land cover change occurred above 100 m was the transformation from shrub to forest.This result was consistent with the vertical change of natural vegetation distribution in Beijing.(3) Slope has a great influence on the distribution of land cover.Farmland and built-up areas are mostly distributed in fiat areas,while shrub and forest occupy steeper areas compared with other land cover types.Forest frequency increased with the increasing slope.Land cover changes differed from the slope gradients.In the plain area,the land cover change occurred as the result of urbanization.With the increasing of the slope gradient,afforestation,which converts shrub to forest,was the process of the primary land cover change. 相似文献
Topographic conditions play an important role in controlling land cover dynamic processes. In this study, remotely sensed
data and the geographic information system were applied to analyze the changes in land cover along topographic gradients from
1978 to 2001 in Beijing, a rapidly urbanized mega city in China. The study was based on five periods of land cover maps derived
from remotely sensed data: Landsat MSS for 1978, Landsat TM for 1984, 1992, 1996 and 2001, and the digital elevation model
(DEM) derived from 1:250,000 topographic map. The whole area was divided into ten land cover types: conifer forest, broadleaf
forest, mixed forest, shrub, brushwood, meadow, farmland, built-up, water body and bare land. The results are summarized as
follows. (1) Shrub, forest, farmland and builtup consist of the main land cover types of the Beijing area. The most significant
land cover change from 1978 to 2001 was the decrease of the farmland and expansion of the builtup area. Farmland decreased
from 6354 to 3813 km2 in the 23 years, while the built-up area increased from 421 to 2642 km2. Meanwhile, the coverage of
forest increased from 17.2% to 24.7% of the total area. The conversion matrix analysis indicated that the transformation of
farmland to the built-up area was the most significant process and afforestation was the primary cause of the replacement
of shrub to forest. (2) Topographic conditions are of great importance to the distribution of land cover types and the process
of land cover changes. Elevation has an intensive impact on the distribution of land cover types. The area below 100 m mostly
consists of farmland and built-up areas, while the area above 100 m is mainly covered by shrub and forest. Shrub has the maximum
frequency in areas between 100 and 1000 m, while forest has dominance in areas above 800 m. According to the analysis of land
cover changes in different ranges of elevation, the greatest change below 100 m was the process of urbanization. The process
of the main land cover change occurred above 100 m was the transformation from shrub to forest. This result was consistent
with the vertical change of natural vegetation distribution in Beijing. (3) Slope has a great influence on the distribution
of land cover. Farmland and built-up areas are mostly distributed in flat areas, while shrub and forest occupy steeper areas
compared with other land cover types. Forest frequency increased with the increasing slope. Land cover changes differed from
the slope gradients. In the plain area, the land cover change occurred as the result of urbanization. With the increasing
of the slope gradient, afforestation, which converts shrub to forest, was the process of the primary land cover change.
Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology, 2006, 30(2): 239–251 [译自: 植物生态学报] 相似文献
1964-2015年海南省八门湾红树林湿地及其周边土地景观动态分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以海南省文昌市八门港红树林湿地及其周边土地为研究对象,采用6期遥感影像为主要的数据来源,建立起研究区域内1964、1972、1988、2000、2009、2015年50年的景观数据库,利用土地转移矩阵和表征景观破碎化过程的景观指数系统阐述了八门湾红树林湿地及其周边土地的土地利用/覆被变化以及景观破碎化的过程,探讨八门湾红树林湿地及其周边土地土地利用/覆被变化与景观破碎化过程之间的相互关系。结果表明:(1)1964-2015年间,研究区域内建筑用地、养殖水面面积持续增长面积比重分别上升了7.72%、12.55%,耕地、林地、红树林面积所占比重分别下降了7.01%、9.16%、9.74%。(2)1964-2015年间,研究区域内斑块数量增加了685个,平均斑块面积缩减了39.12%,聚合度下降了3.5%,最大斑块面积缩减了28.38%,蔓延度下降了9.26%,斑块平均形状破碎化指数和面积加权平均形状破碎化指数分别上升了0.0148、0.0207,斑块密度从1964年的0.0653个/hm2上升到2015年的0.1073个/hm2。(3)八门湾红树林湿地及其周边土地的土地利用/覆被变化与景观破碎化过程的相关关系主要体现在养殖水面、建筑用地面积变化对研究区域景观破碎化指数的影响上。养殖水面、建筑用地面积变化对研究区域景观破碎化过程的影响主要体现在聚合度、斑块数量、蔓延度的作用上。其中,养殖水面面积变化对研究区域景观破碎化过程的影响主要体现在其对红树林面积的侵占,使得红树林面积占研究区域总面积的比例由15%下降到5.25%,红树林由大面积连续集中分布趋向于小面积孤立分散分布。建筑用地面积变化对研究区域景观破碎化过程的影响主要体现在城市的快速发展、交通设施大量的建设。50年来,八门湾红树林湿地各地类之间的转化主要表现为红树林面积转化成养殖水面,林地和耕地面积转化为建筑用地,由此可见,人类活动能力的增强以及影响范围的不断扩大是引发八门湾红树林湿地景观破碎化的主要原因。 相似文献
千岛湖生态保护与建设对景观格局的影响研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
生态保护和生态建设过程对景观格局产生影响并使之发生变化,这种变化又会影响景观的生态过程。应用3s技术和景观指数分析了39年(1964-2003年)内千岛湖库区土地利用和土地覆盖格局的变化。结果显示,斑块总数和景观破碎度基本保持不变,但是各斑块类型的斑块数量、面积和优势度变化非常显著。最优势斑块类型由荒山(占陆地面积的47.44%)演变为马尾松( Pinus massoniana)林(占陆地面积的52.8l%),研究区域内森林植被覆盖率增加。研究还发现景观多样性指数略微下降。景观多样性是对土地利用和覆盖类型丰富度和均匀度的概要度量,并不一定总是和景观功能呈正相关关系。上述变化归因于多项生态保护措施的实施使得自然演替得以实现。景观格局的优化使生态系统的生态功能得到提高,包括生境恢复、生物多样性增加、水土流失减少。森林植被恢复以后,马尾松林斑块的单一化趋势应在今后的生物多样性保护、生态规划和可持续发展中得到重视。 相似文献
南方红壤水土流失区土地利用动态变化——以长汀河田盆地区为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
福建省长汀县曾是我国南方红壤地区水土流失最严重的县份之一,经过20多年的艰辛努力,长汀已成为中国水土流失治理的典范.采用遥感技术和景观格局分析技术,基于1988、1998、2004、2009和2011年的遥感影像,对长汀县水土流失最为严重的河田盆地区进行土地利用动态变化检测与景观格局变化分析.结果表明,研究区在这23a间的土地利用发生了很大变化,其中最主要的特征就是以针叶林为主的林地面积的快速增长和地表裸土面积的大幅下降.景观分析表明,水土流失治理新增的小块林地正逐渐形成连片分布,而裸土面积在大幅减少的同时,其斑块也趋于破碎.总的看来,这23a间的水土流失治理已使得研究区的生态明显趋于好转. 相似文献
京津冀地区景观稳定性评价 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
景观稳定性是景观生态学中的一个复杂又重要的论题,其在景观生态学的不同研究中,研究与表征方法各异,但京津冀地区景观稳定性的研究相对较少。以京津冀地区为研究范围,以斑块密度(PD)、总边缘对比度指数(TECI)、香农多样性指数(SHDI)等6项景观指数,通过Arc GIS 10.2和Fragstats软件处理遥感影像解译数据;计算其1980、2000和2010年份的景观稳定性,并对不同年份的计算结果进行分析、评价与对比。研究表明,从1980年至2010年,京津冀地区水域湿地、耕地及林草的总面积在波动,但显然这30年间其分布呈破碎化趋势;景观极稳定及极不稳定的区域面积在不断扩大;河北南部、西北部和东北部景观极不稳定区域和北京、天津、河北西南及河北东部的极稳定区域面积在增加;北京、天津、唐山等城市景观稳定性逐步增强,而涿鹿县、文安县、宣化县等城市景观稳定性逐步降低。对景观稳定性的表征方式、分析与对比的方法做了探索,以期为今后大尺度景观稳定性的定量分析与时空对比提供参考。 相似文献
黄河三角洲滨海湿地土地覆被和景观格局的变化 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
根据1986、1996和2001年土地覆被数据,运用ARC/INFO软件和景观生态学方法,研究了渤海海岸线缓冲带的土地利用和景观格局变化,分析了渤海的影响程度与范围。结果表明,在空间上,1986和2001年各缓冲带土地利用程度综合指数随着距海岸线距离的增大而升高,两者呈直线关系。在1996年,随着缓冲距离的增大,土地利用程度综合指数未有明显的空间分异;在时间上,各缓冲带土地利用程度综合指数逐年增加。渤海对近代黄河三角洲土地利用的影响范围超过3km。除了优势度外,所研究的其他景观格局指标与距海岸线的距离没有显著关系。 相似文献
R. S. Defries M. C. Hansen J. R. G. Townshend † A. C. Janetos‡ T. R. Loveland§ 《Global Change Biology》2000,6(2):247-254
Accurate assessment of the spatial extent of forest cover is a crucial requirement for quantifying the sources and sinks of carbon from the terrestrial biosphere. In the more immediate context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, implementation of the Kyoto Protocol calls for estimates of carbon stocks for a baseline year as well as for subsequent years. Data sources from country level statistics and other ground‐based information are based on varying definitions of ‘forest’ and are consequently problematic for obtaining spatially and temporally consistent carbon stock estimates. By combining two datasets previously derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) at 1 km spatial resolution, we have generated a prototype global map depicting percentage tree cover and associated proportions of trees with different leaf longevity (evergreen and deciduous) and leaf type (broadleaf and needleleaf). The product is intended for use in terrestrial carbon cycle models, in conjunction with other spatial datasets such as climate and soil type, to obtain more consistent and reliable estimates of carbon stocks. The percentage tree cover dataset is available through the Global Land Cover Facility at the University of Maryland at http://glcf.umiacs.umd.edu . 相似文献
Impact of ENSO on East African ecosystems: a multivariate analysis based on climate and remote sensing data 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
1 The El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is an important driver of inter‐annual variations in climate and ecosystem productivity in tropical regions. Most previous studies have analysed ENSO‐induced changes in climate based on a single variable, such as rainfall. Also, it is generally assumed that the ENSO impact in East Africa is geographically uniform. 2 The objective of this study is to improve understanding of the impact of ENSO on East African ecosystems, by measuring teleconnections between an ENSO index and a number of ecosystem variables in a spatially explicit way and for different time lags. We analysed the spatial patterns of teleconnections in the region by combining time series of climate variables measured for meteorological stations with time series of a vegetation index and surface temperature data measured by remote sensing. 3 Our results confirm the ENSO impact on the climatic and ecological variability in East Africa. However, the pattern of teleconnections is much more complex than generally assumed, both in terms of spatial distribution and impact on different ecosystem variables. Not all climate and land surface variables are teleconnected to ENSO in the same way, which leads to a complex impact of ENSO on the ecosystem. Moreover, the ENSO impact is highly differentiated in space, as the direction, magnitude and timing of this impact are controlled by the local climate system, the presence of large lakes, proximity to the coast and, possibly, local topography and land cover. 相似文献
草原区矿产开发对景观格局和初级生产力的影响——以黑岱沟露天煤矿为例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
煤炭是我国的主要能源,大型露天煤矿的开发推动了地区经济与社会的发展,但同时也引发了区域生态环境问题。因此,探讨矿产开发对区域景观格局的影响,并阐明景观格局动态与生态系统初级生产力的关系,对生态环境的保护具有重要意义。以内蒙古草原区的黑岱沟露天煤矿为例,利用3S(RS、GIS和GPS)技术,在野外实地调查的基础上,分析了1987年以来矿产开发导致的土地利用/覆盖变化、景观格局动态及其与生态系统初级生产力之间的关系,主要结果如下:(1)提出了界定最适研究区范围的方法,认为沿矿区边界向外建立10 km的缓冲区是该研究最适研究区域的大小;(2)草地和耕地是研究区主要的土地利用/覆盖类型,但是在过去20多年间其面积在逐渐减少,而工矿仓储用地及住宅用地面积在急剧增加;(3)矿产开发导致景观格局发生变化,并且在两种不同的空间尺度(研究区和矿区)上表现出总体变化趋势的一致性,但在后期有较大差异;(4)初级生产力变化呈现下降趋势,并且矿区的降低更为突出;(5)以生长季降水量为控制因子的偏相关分析表明,景观配置(平均斑块周长面积比、景观形状指数)与初级生产力呈正相关关系,在研究区尺度上尤其显著,但在矿区尺度上,景观结构组成(斑块密度、均匀度指数和多样性指数)更为重要,与初级生产力呈显著负相关;(6)受复垦规模和演替进程的影响,局限在矿区排土场上的植被重建尚不能改变研究区尺度景观-生态系统初级生产力之间的关系。可见,景观格局的变化以及景观格局与生态系统初级生产力之间的关系均存在尺度依赖性。 相似文献
Temporal Heterogeneity in the Study of African Land Use 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Jane I. Guyer Eric F. Lambin Lisa Cliggett Peter Walker Kojo Amanor Thomas Bassett Elizabeth Colson Rod Hay Katherine Homewood Olga Linares Opoku Pabi Pauline Peters Thayer Scudder Matthew Turner John Unruh 《Human ecology: an interdisciplinary journal》2007,35(1):3-17
This paper introduces a set of four collaborative papers exploring temporal heterogeneity in the analysis of African land
use over a decadal time period, from 10 to 50 years, in the second half of the twentieth century. The four cases were chosen
amongst the seven teams of anthropologists, human geographers and remote sensing specialists who had carried out long-term
research and who met to discuss their findings at a workshop in 2003. All seven teams’ work and the collective discussion—on
Casamance (Senegal), Brong Ahafo (Ghana), Southern Niger/Northern Cote d’Ivoire, Oyo State (Nigeria), Maasai Mara (Kenya and
Tanzania), Gwembe (Zambia), and Malawi—inform this introduction. We identify several temporal processes in all the cases,
each operating on its own temporal frame: population growth and, above all, mobility; livelihood change through crop and occupational
change; tenure ambiguity; powerful though “punctuated” interventions by state policy; and climate change. Conceptual and methodological
implications are disussed.
John UnruhEmail: |
以黄河流域的2个典型流域为研究对象,借助GIS和Fragstats平台与长系列水沙数据,分析流域景观格局和水沙变化特征,并探讨景观指数与径流输沙的关系。结果表明:(1)两个流域优势景观类型为草地,1985—2010年间变化最大的景观类型分别为未利用土地(25a变幅为453.94 km~2)和耕地(25a变幅为52.85 km~2);(2)秃尾河流域景观均向规则、高连通和高度聚集的方向发展。孤山川控制流域内景观多样性和聚集度逐渐增加,整体向好。秃尾河流域景观稳定性指数高于孤山川流域,两流域草地和未利用土地地稳定性均呈增加趋势,而城乡工矿用地则相反。(3)流域年径流量和泥沙量均呈现逐年同步减小的趋势。秃尾河年径流量明显高于孤山川,但孤山川流域泥沙量与秃尾河流域相近。两流域径流泥沙相关关系显著,秃尾河流域相关系数(0.48)明显低于孤山川流域(0.85)。(4)景观指数与径流量、泥沙量呈显著线性相关,其中景观多样性相关的指数SHDI、SIDI、SHEI和SIEI均与径流呈极显著正相关,而泥沙仅与CONTAG、COHESION呈显著负相关。 相似文献
The importance of agricultural land for maintaining indigenous biodiversity is an important contemporary issue. A large agricultural estate in Swaziland, which is a mosaic of citrus orchards, exotic tree windbreaks, indigenous riparian vegetation and savanna was investigated. The distribution of larval and adult coccinellids within the habitat types, and the relative influences of temperature, relative humidity, ground insolation and prey presence was assessed over a 2-year period. The highest coccinellid densities and species richness occurred within the orchards. Riparian habitats on the boundaries of the estate were closer to the orchard habitat in species composition than was the natural savanna. Not surprisingly, the presence/absence of prey was the most important variable which determined coccinellid distribution and density in the agricultural landscape. Relative humidity, temperature and ground insolation had no significant effect on coccinellid densities. Some species, such as the exotic Cheilomenes lunata, and the indigenous Scynmus sp. and Nephus sp. were widely dispersed and occurred in all habitats, while the economically important but exotic species, Rodolia cardinalis was only within the citrus orchards. Overall, the coccinellid assemblage was not a good indicator of habitat type. Nevertheless, a variety of habitat types (i.e. a heterogenous landscape) appear to be essential for the survival of most coccinellids. Indeed, the heterogeneous agricultural and natural land mosaic provides maximum plant diversity and hence coccinellid diversity, thus increasing the potential for natural control of pest prey species in the orchards, while at the same time maximizing survival of indigenous coccinellids. 相似文献
Landscape analysis of Aboriginal fire management in Central Arnhem Land, north Australia 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Aim To describe the spatial and temporal pattern of landscape burning with increasing distance from Aboriginal settlements. Location Central Arnhem Land, a stronghold of traditional Aboriginal culture, in the Australian monsoon tropics. Methods Geographical information system and global positioning system technologies were used to measure spatial and temporal changes in fire patterns over a one decade period in a 100 × 80 km area that included a cluster of Aboriginal settlements and a large uninhabited area. The major vegetation types were mapped and fire activity was assessed by systematic visual interpretation of sequences of cloud‐free Landsat satellite images acquired in the first (May to July) and second (August to October) halves of the 7‐month dry season. Fire activity in the middle and end of one dry season near an Aboriginal settlement was mapped along a 90‐km field traverse. Canopy scorch height was determined by sampling burnt areas beside vehicle tracks. Results Satellite fire mapping was 90% accurate if the satellite pass followed shortly after a fire event, but the reliability decayed dramatically with increasing time since the fire. Thus the satellite mapping provided a conservative index of fire activity that was unable to provide reliable estimates of the spatial extent of individual fires. There was little landscape fire activity in the first half of the dry season, that was mostly restricted to areas immediately surrounding Aboriginal settlements, with burning of both inhabited and uninhabited landscapes concentrated in the second half of the dry season. The mean decadal fire indices for the three dominant vegetation types in the study area were three in the plateau savanna, two in the sandstone and five in the wet savanna. The spatial and temporal variability of Aboriginal burning apparent in the satellite analyses were verified by field traverse surrounding a single settlement. Fires set by Aborigines had low scorch height of tree crowns reflecting low intensity, despite generally occurring late in the dry season. Conclusions Our findings support the idea that Aboriginal burning created a fine‐scale mosaic of burnt and unburnt areas but do not support the widely held view that Aboriginal burning was focused primarily in the first half of the dry season (before July). The frequency and scale of burning by Aborigines appears to be lower compared with European fire regimes characterized by fires of annual or biennial frequencies that burn large areas. The European fire regime appears to have triggered a positive feedback cycle between fire frequency and flammable grass fuels. The widely advocated management objective of burning in the first half of the dry season burning provides one of the few options to control fires once heavy grass fuel loads have become established, however we suggest it is erroneous to characterize such a regime as reflecting traditional Aboriginal burning practices. The preservation of Aboriginal fire management regimes should be a high management priority given the difficulty in breaking the grass‐fire cycle once it has been initiated. 相似文献
中国土地利用格局及其影响因子分析 总被引:43,自引:1,他引:43
在遥感技术与 GIS技术的支持下 ,对中国土地利用空间格局及其影响因子进行了分析。首先通过 1∶1 0万中国土地利用数据库经过分层提取 ,生成中国土地利用类型空间分布格局数据库 ,在此基础上对中国土地利用空间格局进行了分析 ;而后在引入景观多样性指数、优势度指数、均匀度指数、破碎度指数的基础上 ,对中国土地利用景观格局进行了定量分析。研究结果表明 :中国土地利用景观多样性指数、优势度指数、均匀度指数、破碎度指数空间分布上具有明显的规律性 :随着人类活动的逐渐增强 ,景观的多样性指数逐渐增加 ,优势度指数逐渐减少 ,破碎度指数逐渐增加 ;而当人类已经彻底改变自然景观 ,多样性指数则逐渐减少 ,优势度指数增加 ,而破碎度指数逐渐减少。同时 ,针对中国土地利用景观格局及其生态背景的特点 ,选择北纬 40°、2 8°和 2 4°三条样带 ,东经 1 0 8°和 1 1 4°两条样带 ,对中国土地利用格局的影响因子进行了分析。 相似文献
土地利用/覆被变化与景观服务:评估、制图与模拟 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
从景观尺度上探讨生态系统服务功能的研究越来越引起国内外学者的重视.相比生态系统尺度,景观尺度是探索人类活动对土地利用/覆被变化影响、探究可持续景观演变机理和过程的最佳尺度.基于对当前国际学界对景观服务研究进展的系统梳理与分析,本文探讨了景观服务的内涵与分类,并对景观服务价值评估、制图与模拟等研究方法进行归纳与分析,并对景观服务的未来研究趋势进行展望.景观服务研究的未来方向应进一步明确景观服务的内涵及其分类体系,不断完善和发展景观服务评估、制图与模型模拟方法,重点开展景观格局-过程-服务-尺度长期综合研究,继续加强景观生态学及景观经济学等理论与方法在景观服务研究领域中的应用. 相似文献