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Winged seeds, or samaras, are believed to promote the long‐distance dispersal and invasive potential of wind‐dispersed trees, but the full dispersive potential of these seeds has not been well characterised. Previous research on the ecology of winged seeds has largely focussed on the initial abscission and primary dispersal of the samara, despite it being known that the primary wind dispersal of samaras is often over short distances, with only rare escapes to longer distance dispersal. Secondary dispersal, or the movement of the seeds from the initial dispersal area to the site of germination, has been largely ignored despite offering a likely important mechanism for the dispersal of samaras to microhabitats suitable for establishment. Herein, we synthesise what is known on the predation and secondary dispersal of winged seeds by multiple dispersive vectors, highlighting gaps in knowledge and offering suggestions for future research. Both hydrochory and zoochory offer the chance for samaroid seeds to disperse over longer distances than anemochory alone, but the effects of the wing structure on these dispersal mechanisms have not been well characterised. Furthermore, although some studies have investigated secondary dispersal in samaroid species, such studies are scarce and only rarely track seeds from source to seedling. Future research must be directed to studying the secondary dispersal of samaras by various vectors, in order to elucidate fully the invasive and colonisation potential of samaroid trees.  相似文献   

In order to determine if red maple dispersal potential or seed size change during secondary succession, samaras were collected from five populations located in early successional environments and five populations located in late successional environments. Wing loading ratios (samara mass—mg/samara area—cm2), which are inversely proportional to dispersal ability, were computed for all samaras, and seeds were excised from each samara and weighed. Samaras from the early successional red maples showed slightly but significantly lower wing loading ratios than those from the late successional environments. This result corresponds with the conclusions reached by several theoretical investigations of seed dispersal evolution that predict that recently founded populations will show greater dispersal abilities than more established populations. The earlier successional populations had slightly heavier seeds than the later successional populations, which suggests that the changes in community composition and dynamics that occur during this successional sequence do not select for heavier seeds in older red maple populations. Coefficients of variation for wing loading and seed size showed no consistent trends with successional stage, which indicates that variation in these characters does not decrease as succession proceeds.  相似文献   

Abstract The fate of seeds during secondary dispersal is largely unknown for most species in most ecosystems. This paper deals with sources of seed output of Prosopis flexuosa D.C. (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae) from the surface soil seed‐bank. Prosopis flexuosa is the main tree species in the central Monte Desert, Argentina. In spite of occasional high fruit production, P. flexuosa seeds are not usually found in the soil, suggesting that this species does not form a persistent soil seed‐bank. The magnitude of removal by animals and germination of P. flexuosa seeds was experimentally analysed during the first stage of secondary dispersal (early autumn). The proportion of seeds removed by granivores was assessed by offering different types of diaspores: free seeds, seeds inside intact endocarps, pod segments consisting of 2–3 seeds, and seeds from faeces of one herbivorous hystricognath rodent, the mara (Dolichotis patagonum). The proportion of seeds lost through germination was measured for seeds inside intact endocarps, seeds inside artificially broken endocarps, and free seeds. Removal by ants and mammals is the main factor limiting the formation of a persistent soil seed‐bank of P. flexuosa: >90% of the offered seeds were removed within 24 h of exposure to granivores in three of four treatments. Seeds from the faeces of maras, on the other hand, were less vulnerable to granivory than were other types of diaspores. These results suggest that herbivory might be an indirect mechanism promoting seed longevity in the soil (and likely germination) by discouraging granivore attack. On the other hand, germination did not seem to have an important postdispersal impact on the persistence of P. flexuosa seeds in the soil. Both direct and indirect interactions between vertebrate herbivores and plants may foster P. flexuosa's seed germination in some South American arid zones.  相似文献   

Abstract Measuring the fate of seeds between seed production and seedling establishment is critical in understanding mechanisms of recruitment limitation of plants. We examined seed fates to better understand the recruitment dynamics of four resprouting shrubs from two families (Fabaceae and Epacridaceae) in temperate grassy woodlands. We tested whether: (i) pre‐dispersal seed predation affected seed rain; (ii) post‐dispersal seed predation limited seed bank accumulation; (iii) the size of the seed bank was related to seed size; and (iv) viable seeds accumulated in the soil after seed rain. There was a distinct difference in seed production per plant between plant families with the legumes producing significantly more seeds per individual than the epacrids. Seed viability ranged from 43% to 81% and all viable had seed or fruit coat dormancy broken by heat or scarification. Pre‐dispersal predation by Lepidopteran larvae removed a large proportion of seed from the legume seed rain but not the epacrids. Four species of ants (Notoncus ectatomoides, Pheidole sp., Rhytidoponera tasmaniensis and Iridomyrmex purpureus) were major post‐dispersal seed removers. Overall, a greater percentage of Hardenbergia (38%) and Pultenaea (59%) seeds were removed than the fleshy fruits of Lissanthe (14%) or Melichrus (0%). Seed bank sizes were small (<15 seeds m?2) relative to the seed rain and no significant accumulation of seed in the soil was detected. Lack of accumulation was attributed to seed predation as seed decay was considered unlikely and no seed germination was observed in our study sites. Our study suggests that seed predation is a key factor contributing to seed‐limited recruitment in grassy woodland shrubs by reducing the number of seeds stored in the soil.  相似文献   

翅果能够依靠风力进行传播, 可能是被子植物快速散布和物种分化的一个重要因素。狭义的翅果是指果皮延伸成翅且不开裂的干果; 广义的翅果则包括果皮、花被片或苞片形成果翅的所有果实。根据果翅形态及其生长方式的不同, 广义的翅果可分为单侧翅果、周位翅果(圆翅果与蝶翅果)、棱翅果、披针翅果、翼状萼翅果、叶状苞翅果6种类型, 其空中运动方式有自旋式(单侧翅果、翼状萼翅果)、波浪式(周位翅果、叶状苞翅果)、翻滚自旋式(周位翅果)、直升机式(披针翅果、翼状萼翅果)和滚筒式(棱翅果)。棱翅果与圆翅果在被子植物基部类群樟目就有发生, 并同时出现在单子叶植物和双子叶植物中, 可能是最早出现的翅果类型。翅果的演化过程呈现出果翅数量增加、果翅偏向单侧和果翅负荷(果实质量与果翅面积之比)降低的趋势, 以利于适应较小的风并增加传播距离。果翅除了促进果实与种子的风力传播外, 还具有物理防御、调节种子萌发和促进二次传播等作用。泛热带分布的金虎尾科有着极其丰富的翅果类型, 与其多次跨洋长距离扩散密切相关, 可以作为研究翅果适应与演化的一个模式类群。结合生态和演化-发育生物学方法, 研究不同类型翅果在适应风力传播方面的差异、萼片或苞片发育成翅的分子与遗传机制、翅果不同类型的演化历史及其对被子植物物种多样性的影响等是今后值得探讨的重要问题。  相似文献   

Large frugivores play an important role as seed dispersers and their extinction may affect plant regeneration. The consequences of such extinctions depend on the likelihood of other species being functionally redundant and on how post‐dispersal events are affected. We assess the functional redundancy of two seed dispersers of the Atlantic Forest, the muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) and the tapir (Tapirus terrestris) through the comparison of their seed dispersal quality, taking into account post‐dispersal events. We compare tapirs and muriquis for: (1) the dung beetle community associated with their feces; (2) the seed burial probability and burial depth by dung beetles; and (3) the seed mortality due to predators or other causes according to burial depth. We determine how seed burial affects seed dispersal effectiveness (SDE) and compare the dispersal quality of four plant species dispersed by these frugivores. Muriqui feces attract 16‐fold more dung beetles per gram of fecal matter and seeds experience 10.5‐fold more burial than seeds in tapir feces. In both feces types, seed mortality due to predation decreases with burial depth but seed mortality due to other causes increases. Total seed mortality differ within plant species according to the primary disperser. Therefore, the effect of seed burial on SDE varies according to the plant species, burial depth, and primary disperser. As tapirs and muriquis differently affect the seed fate, they are not functionally redundant. Since the effect of the primary disperser persists into the post‐dispersal events, we should consider the cascading effects of these processes when assessing functional redundancy.  相似文献   

翅果能够依靠风力进行传播, 可能是被子植物快速散布和物种分化的一个重要因素。狭义的翅果是指果皮延伸成翅且不开裂的干果; 广义的翅果则包括果皮、花被片或苞片形成果翅的所有果实。根据果翅形态及其生长方式的不同, 广义的翅果可分为单侧翅果、周位翅果(圆翅果与蝶翅果)、棱翅果、披针翅果、翼状萼翅果、叶状苞翅果6种类型, 其空中运动方式有自旋式(单侧翅果、翼状萼翅果)、波浪式(周位翅果、叶状苞翅果)、翻滚自旋式(周位翅果)、直升机式(披针翅果、翼状萼翅果)和滚筒式(棱翅果)。棱翅果与圆翅果在被子植物基部类群樟目就有发生, 并同时出现在单子叶植物和双子叶植物中, 可能是最早出现的翅果类型。翅果的演化过程呈现出果翅数量增加、果翅偏向单侧和果翅负荷(果实质量与果翅面积之比)降低的趋势, 以利于适应较小的风并增加传播距离。果翅除了促进果实与种子的风力传播外, 还具有物理防御、调节种子萌发和促进二次传播等作用。泛热带分布的金虎尾科有着极其丰富的翅果类型, 与其多次跨洋长距离扩散密切相关, 可以作为研究翅果适应与演化的一个模式类群。结合生态和演化-发育生物学方法, 研究不同类型翅果在适应风力传播方面的差异、萼片或苞片发育成翅的分子与遗传机制、翅果不同类型的演化历史及其对被子植物物种多样性的影响等是今后值得探讨的重要问题。  相似文献   

The effects of dispersal pattern (seeds in small clumps vs. seeds scattered in pairs) and distance to the nearest Carapa procera (Meliaceae; a tree that produces seeds preferred by terrestrial vertebrates) on survival of seeds and seedlings were examined for the animal–dispersed tree species Virola michelii (Myristicaceae) in a mature forest‘at Paracou, French Guiana, in 1992 and 1993. We assessed the putative role of ground–dwelling mammalian herbivores, rodents, and ungulates that filter the seed shadow, acting either as dispersers or predators and thus modifying the original pattern of seed dispersal made by frugivores. We measured the effects of simulated seed burial by rodents using marked seeds and quantified the effect of protecting seeds and seedlings from ground–dwelling vertebrates on seedling germination and survival with fence exclosures in 1992. Dispersal pattern had short–term but no long–term effects on the proportion of V. michelii seeds that survived one year later as seedlings. In the short term, within six weeks, clumped seeds survived better than scattered seeds in both years. Marked seeds that were removed from their site of dispersal were eaten; rodents only rarely buried seeds of V. michelii, and seed burial reduced seed and seedling survivorship. The combined effect of the factors year and Carapa proximity significantly affected seed survival within six weeks. Although six–week seed survival was greater in 1993 than in 1992, seedling establishment was lower in 1993 than in 1992 following a lower rainfall regime during the key period of seed germination (February). One–year seed and seedling survivorship was similar between treatments and years. Seed survival and seedling establishment in V. michelii was dependent on vertebrates in the short term and on climate in the long term. Overall, seed and seedling survivorship depended on a combination of these factors.  相似文献   

Variation in seed traits is a well‐known phenomenon affecting plant ecology and evolution. Here we describe, for the first time, a bimodal colour pattern of individual seeds, proposing an adaptive explanation, using Pinus halepensis as a model. Pinus halepensis disperses its seeds either by wind on hot dry days, from regular cones, or after fires, mainly from serotinous cones. Post‐dispersal seeds are exposed to strong predation by passerine birds, making crypsis important for seed survival. Individual seeds from non‐serotinous cones have a bimodal colour pattern: one side is light brown and the other black, exposing only one colour when lying on the ground. Serotinous cones from most trees have seeds with similar bimodal colour patterns, whereas seeds from serotinous cones of some trees are light brown on both sides. The dark side provides the seed with better crypsis on dark soils, whereas the light‐brown side is better adapted to light‐coloured soils, and mainly to light‐grey ash‐covered soil, which is the natural post‐fire regeneration niche of P. halepensis. The relative reflection curves of the black and brown seed colours differ, and their calculated relative chromatic distance is 5: meaning that seed‐predating passerine birds see them differently, and probably prefer seeds that present a higher contrast against the soil background. We propose that such a bimodal colour pattern of individual seeds is probably an overlooked general phenomenon mainly linked to seed dispersal in post‐fire and other heterogeneous environments. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 271–278.  相似文献   

Seed predation by rodents presents a significant barrier to native plant recruitment and can impede restoration seeding efforts. In nature, some plants contain secondary defense compounds that deter seed predators. If these natural defense compounds can be applied to unprotected seeds to inhibit rodent granivores, this approach could improve restoration seeding. Capsaicin is the active ingredient in chili pepper (Capsicum spp.) seeds that creates the burning sensation associated with human consumption of hot peppers. This compound has a similar effect on other mammals and is believed to have evolved as a deterrent to rodent seed predators. We used seed‐coating techniques to attach powder ground from Bhut Jolokia (Capsicum chinense) peppers to native plant seeds and evaluated the efficacy of these seed coatings for deterring rodent seed predation and enhancing native plant recruitment using laboratory and field experiments. Laboratory feeding trials demonstrated that native deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) consumed far fewer pepper‐coated seeds compared to untreated control seeds. Field seed‐addition experiments consistently demonstrated that rodent seed predation reduced native plant recruitment over the 4‐year study. Coating techniques used in the first 3 years were not persistent enough to reduce rodent seed predation effects on plant recruitment. However, a more persistent coating applied in conjunction with late‐winter sowing negated rodent seed predation effects on recruitment in year 4. Our results demonstrate that coating seeds with natural plant defense compounds may provide an effective, economical way to improve the efficacy of plant restoration by deterring seed predation by ubiquitous rodent granivores.  相似文献   

Latitude, seed predation and seed mass   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Aim We set out to test the hypothesis that rates of pre‐ and post‐dispersal seed predation would be higher towards the tropics, across a broad range of species from around the world. We also aimed to quantify the slope and predictive power of the relationship between seed mass and latitude both within and across species. Methods Seed mass, pre‐dispersal seed predation and post‐dispersal seed removal data were compiled from the literature. Wherever possible, these data were combined with information regarding the latitude at which the data were collected. Analyses were performed using both cross‐species and phylogenetic regressions. Results Contrary to expectations, we found no significant relationship between seed predation and latitude (log10 proportion of seeds surviving predispersal seed predation vs. latitude, P = 0.63; R2 = 0.02; n = 122 species: log10 proportion of seeds remaining after postdispersal seed removal vs. latitude, P = 0.54; R2 = 0.02; n = 205 species). These relationships remained non‐significant after variation because of seed mass was accounted for. We also found a very substantial (R2 = 0.21) relationship between seed mass and latitude across 2706 species, with seed mass being significantly higher towards the tropics. Within‐species seed mass decline with latitude was significant, but only about two‐sevenths, as rapid as the cross‐species decline with latitude. Results of phylogenetic analyses were very similar to cross‐species analyses. We also demonstrated a positive relationship between seed mass and development time across ten species from dry sclerophyll woodland in Sydney (P < 0.001; R2 = 0.77; Standardized Major Axis slope = 0.14). These data lend support to the hypothesis that growing period might affect the maximum attainable seed mass in a given environment. Main conclusions There was no evidence that seed predation is higher towards the tropics. The strong relationship between seed mass and latitude shown here had been observed in previous studies, but had not previously been quantified at a global scale. There was a tenfold reduction in mean seed mass for every c. 23° moved towards the poles, despite a wide range of seed mass within each latitude.  相似文献   

In Neotropical forests, mammals act as seed dispersers and predators. To prevent seed predation and promote dispersal, seeds exhibit physical or chemical defenses. Collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu) cannot eat some hard seeds, but can digest chemically defended seeds. Central American agoutis (Dasyprocta punctata) gnaw through hard‐walled seeds, but cannot consume chemically defended seeds. The objectives of this study were to determine relative peccary and agouti abundances within a lowland forest in Costa Rica and to assess how these two mammals affect the survival of large seeds that have no defenses (Iriartea deltoidea, Socratea exorrhiza), physical defenses (Astrocaryum alatum, Dipteryx panamensis), or chemical defenses (Mucuna holtonii) against seed predators. Mammal abundances were determined over 3 yrs from open‐access motion‐detecting camera trap photos. Using semi‐permeable mammal exclosures and thread‐marked seeds, predation and dispersal by mammals for each seed species were quantified. Abundances of peccaries were up to six times higher than those of agoutis over 3 yrs, but neither peccary nor agouti abundances differed across years. Seeds of A. alatum were predominantly dispersed by peccaries, which did not eat A. alatum seeds, whereas non‐defended and chemically defended seeds suffered high levels of predation, mostly by peccaries. Agoutis did not eat M. holtonii seeds. Peccaries and agoutis did not differ in the distances they dispersed seeds. This study shows that seed fates are contingent upon many factors such as seed defenses, frugivore–granivore abundances, and seed‐handling capabilities. Mammal–seed interactions are complex; the outcomes of these interactions depend on the inherent characteristics of seeds and their potential dispersers.  相似文献   

High seed cost and low rates of establishment make tallgrass prairie restorations challenging and expensive endeavors. Typical seedling emergence rates in prairie restorations are approximately 10% and the causes of seed mortality are poorly understood. In this study, we examined the impact of small vertebrate granivores on prairie restoration by comparison of seedling emergence in open (sham) versus closed exclosures at three newly restored sites. To assess other causes of seed loss, we also tracked seed fates at one prairie restoration site. We coated seeds of four prairie species with fluorescent dye, placed them under closed exclosures, and monitored their fate (emerging seedling, partially germinated, nongerminated/viable, and nongerminated/nonviable) over a 5‐month period. On average, 9.6 more seedlings/m2 emerged in the closed than the opened exclosures, suggesting that small vertebrate granivores reduce seedling emergence in prairie restoration. Granivores influenced the composition of the emerging community but did not preferentially consume large‐seeded species. In the seed‐tracking experiment, we found that greater than 70% of seeds were lost within 30 days of sowing, that seed recovery and viability both decreased with time in soil, and that seed fates differed between species. Collectively, our results indicate that small vertebrate granivores are an important cause of seed loss in prairie restoration, but unidentified belowground (e.g. fungal decomposition, invertebrate predation) and environmental (wind, rain) factors account for a greater proportion of total seed loss. Until these causes of seed loss are better understood, high seed costs will persist and continue to impede prairie restoration.  相似文献   

Schinus molle (Peruvian pepper tree) was introduced to South Africa more than 150 years ago and was widely planted, mainly along roads. Only in the last two decades has the species become naturalized and invasive in some parts of its new range, notably in semi‐arid savannas. Research is being undertaken to predict its potential for further invasion in South Africa. We studied production, dispersal and predation of seeds, seed banks, and seedling establishment in relation to land uses at three sites, namely ungrazed savanna once used as a military training ground; a savanna grazed by native game; and an ungrazed mine dump. We found that seed production and seed rain density of S. molle varied greatly between study sites, but was high at all sites (384 864–1 233 690 seeds per tree per year; 3877–9477 seeds per square metre per year). We found seeds dispersed to distances of up to 320 m from female trees, and most seeds were deposited within 50 m of putative source trees. Annual seed rain density below canopies of Acacia tortillis, the dominant native tree at all sites, was significantly lower in grazed savanna. The quality of seed rain was much reduced by endophagous predators. Seed survival in the soil was low, with no survival recorded beyond 1 year. Propagule pressure to drive the rate of recruitment: densities of seedlings and sapling densities were higher in ungrazed savanna and the ungrazed mine dump than in grazed savanna, as reflected by large numbers of young individuals, but adult : seedling ratios did not differ between savanna sites. Frequent and abundant seed production, together with effective dispersal of viable S. molle seed by birds to suitable establishment sites below trees of other species to overcome predation effects, facilitates invasion. Disturbance enhances invasion, probably by reducing competition from native plants.  相似文献   

Several methods of seed exposure are used in seed predation studies, but how these methods influence the results remains poorly studied. In this article, two commonly used methods of seed exposure – seed cards and plasticine trays – were compared in the field and in the laboratory using three species of weed seeds. In the field, cards or trays with seeds were exposed either with or without cages to keep vertebrates out and either with or without impermeable roofs to provide protection from the weather. The overall seed retrieval from the control stands varied significantly between the methods of seed exposure, roof treatment and the species of seeds, and the scatter in the seed retrieval increased or decreased monotonically with the temperature or precipitation for some species of seeds. This indicates that the controls were more or less relevant depending on the weather conditions and species. The seed removal from cards varied between the species of seeds. The effect of exclosure cages indicated that invertebrates were the dominant seed predators of Capsella bursa‐pastoris, while in Poa annua and Stellaria media both vertebrates and invertebrates were important. Higher seed removal from plasticine trays compared to seed cards was found for all three species of seeds, and placing roofs over the seeds affected seed removal in C. bursa‐pastoris and P. annua. In the laboratory, seed consumption varied with the method of exposure in 10 out of 12 combinations of seed species and predator (two species of carabids and two species of isopods). The overall tendency was the opposite of the field observations: seed consumption was higher for seeds on filter paper and cards compared to seeds on tin trays. We conclude that seed cards are more convenient for short term studies in the field, while tin trays are useful in laboratory multi‐choice experiments. To measure the realistic consumption of invertebrate predators in the laboratory, filter paper seems to be the best option as it does not present an obstacle to predators eating the seed. Using roofs introduced further bias regarding the estimates of seed removal in the field and thus should be avoided.  相似文献   

Myrmecochory commonly complements the advantages of ballistic dispersal in diplochorous species. We studied the role of the elaiosome in two populations of the two diplochorous Mediterranean spurges Euphorbia boetica and E. nicaeensis, which share an efficient ballistic dispersal mechanism followed by secondary removal by ants. They differ in elaiosome persistence, as most E. boetica seeds lose the elaiosome during explosive dispersal. Self-assessed dietary preferences with seeds with and without elaiosomes of each species showed differences in behaviour among and within ant species. In general, the absence of elaiosome entailed a decrease in the number of disperser ant species interacting with the seeds, whereas the number of predatory ants remains invariable. However, in one population of E. nicaeensis, experimental elimination of the elaiosome did not affect seed removal by mutualistic ants. On the other hand, analysis of refuse piles of the granivorous Messor marocanus and M. bouvieri suggests that they act as seed predators in E. boetica, whereas unintentional dispersal can be important in E. nicaeensis. We suggest, therefore, that the presence of the elaiosome in the seeds of the studied spurges increases the interaction with disperser ant species, but the possible dispersal advantage is not apparent and is spatially variable.  相似文献   

Summary The seeds of the halophyte Spergularia marina differ both within and between individuals in that they either possess or lack a membranaceous border. This paper presents a morphological study of the length, weight and area of the seed types, and their dispersal characteristics under experimental conditions of wind and water dispersal. The winged seeds are shown to be larger both by length and by weight. Their rate of descent increases with wing loading. If the wing is lacking, however, the rate of descent increases with weight only. The distance of dispersal is equal for both seed types except at low wind speeds, when the winged seeds disperse farther. If the seed wing is removed, the excised seeds have shorter dispersal distances. When dispersed by water, a difference in the distance seeds are dispersed can only be detected in the presence of vegetation. The winged seeds are more frequently trapped in the vegetation as compared to the unwinged seeds. The hypothesis that the seed dimorphism is an adaptation for differential dispersal distances is discussed.  相似文献   

Experimental approaches to study seed dispersal of the Brazil nut tree have hitherto relied on exposed seeds deposited on the forest floor. Here we use a new method to study the natural dispersal by large rodents such as agoutis; tracking experimentally manipulated and tagged fruits containing individually marked seeds. Fruit manipulation did not deter agoutis from handling fruits. We found that agoutis usually moved intact fruits away from their original location below the parent tree before either hiding them or gnawing through the pericarp to access the seeds inside. Most fruits were moved to distances of 15–30 m from their original position, but some fruits could be taken as far as 60 m. A large number of seeds extracted from manipulated fruits appeared to be eaten immediately. Only 27 out of 1740 experimental seeds were found buried in shallow caches, generally within 5 m of the opened fruit. Fruit removal distance accounted for a disproportionate amount of total seed movement and seeds in the current study were dispersed significantly farther than in a previous experiment using exposed seeds, suggesting that classic dispersal experiments of this character may severely underestimate seed dispersal distances. We therefore conclude that the new method provides a more realistic and accurate approach to investigate natural seed dispersal of Brazil nuts and that the removal of fruits from underneath parent trees before being opened is the key to the significantly increased distances at which seeds are dispersed. Abstract in Portuguese is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

One of the key measures of the effectiveness of primary seed dispersal by animals is the quality of seed dispersal (Schupp: Plant Ecol 107/108 [1993] 15–29). We present data on quality of seed dispersal by two groups of white‐faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) in Costa Rica to test the hypothesis that capuchin seed handling results in effective primary dispersal for some fruit species they consume. We examined seed handling for 27 plant species, and germination rates of 18 species consumed by capuchins. For five of the most commonly swallowed seed species, we determined germination rates and average time to germination (latency) for seeds ingested and defecated by capuchins and compared these to seeds removed directly from fruit and planted. For the same five species, we compared germination rates and latency for passed seeds planted in capuchin feces to those cleaned of feces and planted in soil. For three of five species, differences in proportion of germinated seeds were significantly higher for gut passed seeds than for controls. For four of five species, germination latency was significantly faster for gut passed seeds than for controls. Feces had either no effect on seed germination rate or precluded germination. Data presented here support the hypothesis that white‐faced capuchins are effective primary dispersers. Am J Phys Anthropol 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Understanding the mutualistic services provided by species is critical when considering both the consequences of their loss or the benefits of their reintroduction. Like many other Pacific islands, New Zealand seed dispersal networks have been changed by both significant losses of large frugivorous birds and the introduction of invasive mammals. These changes are particularly concerning when important dispersers remain unidentified. We tested the impact of frugivore declines and invasive seed predators on seed dispersal for an endemic tree, hinau Elaeocarpus dentatus, by comparing seed dispersal and predation rates on the mainland of New Zealand with offshore sanctuary islands with higher bird and lower mammal numbers. We used cameras and seed traps to measure predation and dispersal from the ground and canopy, respectively. We found that canopy fruit handling rates (an index of dispersal quantity) were poor even on island sanctuaries (only 14% of seeds captured below parent trees on islands had passed through a bird), which suggests that hinau may be adapted for ground‐based dispersal by flightless birds. Ground‐based dispersal of hinau was low on the New Zealand mainland compared to sanctuary islands (4% of seeds dispersed on the mainland vs. 76% dispersed on islands), due to low frugivore numbers. A flightless endemic rail (Gallirallus australis) conducted the majority of ground‐based fruit removal on islands. Despite being threatened, this rail is controversial in restoration projects because of its predatory impacts on native fauna. Our study demonstrates the importance of testing which species perform important mutualistic services, rather than simply relying on logical assumptions.  相似文献   

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