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Increasing fragmentation of forests worldwide by timber and industrial development makes it important to understand the edge effects of common anthropogenic disturbances on forest fauna. We collected ground-active spiders along transects across the edge of logging clearcuts, gravel roads and gas pipelines in the boreal forest of Alberta, sampling on the disturbance (10?m from forest edge), and 10, 45, and 200?m into the forest. We asked whether the three disturbances were associated with edge effects on spider communities, and whether the extent of their associated edge effects were equivalent. The spider community at the edges of clearcuts was distinct from interior and on-disturbance communities 10?m into the forest from the clearcut edge, showing an edge effect of between 10 and 45?m from clearcut edges, while no edge effects were apparent at road and pipeline edges. Edge effects therefore differ at linear and non-linear openings in the boreal forest, which suggests that small linear openings may be associated with minimal edge effects compared to large polygonal forest openings. This result has important consequences for forest management, where clearcuts and other non-linear openings are likely to cause edge effects on spider communities that are between 10 and 45?m in their extent. The small size of clearcuts as practiced in the public forests of Canada, and their dense and broad application across the landscape, makes this edge effect of broad spatial significance in protecting biodiversity in managed landscapes.  相似文献   

Argyrodes antipodianus is a small kleptobiotic spider that steals prey from webs of the large orb-weaving spider Nephila plumipes, and sometimes removes the web itself. We used experiments in a greenhouse to test how the presence of the kleptobiont, differences in food availability, and web damage affected fitness of the web owner. After 49 days, N. plumipes with four A. antipodianus on their webs gained 55% less weight and relocated their webs 4.5 times as often as spiders with no kleptobionts. Increased web relocation and decreased weight gain may have resulted from reduced prey levels or from web damage by A. antipodianus. A second experiment demonstrated that hosts gained weight at the feeding rate used in the first experiment, but not at lower rates. Web relocation rate also varied with feeding rate, but in a non-linear manner. Web loss was evaluated in a separate experiment, by manually removing one-quarter of the web every 5 days for 30 days; however, neither weight gain nor rate of web relocation were affected. We conclude that A. antipodianus is a true kleptoparasite that can reduce the growth rate of its host N. plumipes, but that neither food theft nor web damage alone explain increased web relocation rates. Received: 28 November 1996 / Accepted: 3 April 1997  相似文献   


From 1994 to 1997 investigations have been carried out on fields of the "Ökohof Seeben" in Halle (Saale), refering to long-term effects of ecological agriculture on fauna, flora and soil. For the sampling of the epigeic fauna, pitfall traps were used. The purpose was to examine the effect of the changes in management on spiders for example. The influence of field size, edge-structures and different crops on species- and individual-numbers was studied. The question was, whether ecological agriculture results in an increasing biodiversity overviewed over years. In 4 years, on 6 fields, 190 species of spiders (82,202 adults spiders) could be proved, among them 32 species endangered in Sachsen-Anhalt and 28 species endangered according to the Red-Data-Books of Germany. The species numbers in the edge-biotops were nearly twice the numbers in the fields. The activity density of pioneer species (for example Oedothorax apicatus ) decreased rapidly on all fields. As a whole species numbers, and also the number of seldom species, were higher on the small fields than on the large fields lying in a poor structured environment. On the large fields some species, especially some Gnaphosidae and Lycosidae were missing in the first two years, but could be proved in the later years. Increasing numbers of species bigger in size and also more balanced dominance structures could be observed in the later years of investigation. In the fields the Linyphiidae species O. apicatus, E. atra, E. dentipalpis, M. rurestris, L. tenuis, P. microphthalmum, A. humilis and the Lycosidae P. agrestis and P. prativaga were dominant. Other species, like D. concolor, B. gracilis, H. signifer, P. juncea, T. ruricola, D. pusillus, X. kochi, O. claveata, P. degeeri, P. palustris, R. lividus prefered the adjacent boundaries, but were represented in the field as well. Several species, such as A. cuneata, A. pulverulenta, T. terricola, X. miniata, X. nemoralis, A. albimana, P. mirabilis, Ch. campestre, X. acerbus, Z. spinimana, P. festivus, D. praeficus and D. lutetianus could be proved only in the adjacent boundaries. Altogether positive effects on the dominance structure of spiders could be shown. An increasing biodiversity may be expected.  相似文献   

Levymanus gershomigen. n. et sp. n., is described from southern Israel. The eye arrangement and structure of the male palp indicate that this genus belongs to Chediminae Simon, 1893. Levymanus gen. n. differs from other chedimine genera by its unusually long and slender legs, an elongate body, a unique shape of the bipartite thoracic fovea, reduced leg scopulae, smaller spinnerets, and other characters, which are presumably apomorphic. We propose two taxonomic changes: 1) based on widely spaced lateral eyes the Western African genus Badia Roewer, 1961 is transferred from Chediminae to Palpimaninae, and 2) Fernandezina gyirongensis Hu & Li, 1987 from China, based on palpal morphology, is transferred to the Asian genus Steriphopus Simon, 1887 for a new combination Steriphopus gyirongensis (Hu & Li, 1987) comb. n.  相似文献   

This article deals with the formation of symbiotic communities in a waterbody of the Ptich’ya Gavan nature park (Omsk) at the end of May 2010. The samples were collected by plankton nets, fixed in formalin, and examined with the use of optical microscope. The symbiotic communities consist of ciliates Ophrydium versatile and 35 other species and forms of algae and cyanobacteria inhabiting the pelagic zone of the waterbody. It is found that the species composition of producers in these communities is formed as a result of the higher adaptation of some species to specific conditions regardless of their abundance. The species with high tolerance to abiotic environmental factors (cosmopolitan species), inhabitants of polluted zones, and species with high tolerance to the concentrations of organic matter in water are most abundant.  相似文献   

Spiders show a wide range of sensory capabilities as evidenced by behavioural observations. Accordingly, spiders possess diverse sensory structures like mechano-, hygro-, thermo- or chemoreceptive sensilla. As to chemoreceptive structures, only trichoid tip-pore sensilla were found so far that were tested for gustation. That spiders are also able to receive airborne signals is corroborated by numerous behavioural experiments but the responsible structures have not been determined yet. Here, we provide sensilla distribution maps of pedipalps and walking legs of both sexes of the wasp spider Argiope bruennichi whose biology and mating system is well explored. By means of scanning electron microscopy, we scrutinized whether there is in fact only one type of trichoid pore sensillum and if so, if there are deviations in the outer structure of the tip-pore sensilla depending on their position on the body. We also describe the external structure and distribution of slit sense organs, trichobothria and tarsal organs. Our study shows that all four sensillum types occur on pedipalps and walking legs of both sexes. As to chemosensory organs, only tip-pore sensilla were found, suggesting that this sensillum type is used for both gustation and olfaction. The highest numbers of tip-pore sensilla were observed on metatarsi and tarsi of the first two walking legs. Mechanosensitive slit sense organs occur as single slit sensilla in rows along all podomers or as lyriform organs next to the joints. The mechanosensitive trichobothria occur on the basal part of tibiae and metatarsi. Tarsal organs occur on the dorsal side of all tarsi and the male cymbium. The distribution maps of the sensilla are the starting point for further exploration of internal, morphological differences of the sensilla from different regions on the body. Cryptic anatomical differences might be linked to functional differences that can be explored in combination with electrophysiological analyses. Consequently, the maps will help to elucidate the sensory world of spiders.  相似文献   

Eight species of Haplodrassus are recorded from Crimea: Haplodrassus bohemicus Miller & Buchar, 1977; Haplodrassus dalmatensis (L. Koch, 1866); Haplodrassus isaevi Ponomarev & Tsvetkov, 2006; Haplodrassus minor (O. P.-Cambridge, 1879); Haplodrassus kulczynskii Lohmander, 1942; Haplodrassus pseudosignifer Marusik, Hippa & Koponen, 1996; Haplodrassus signifer (C.L. Koch, 1839) and Haplodrassus umbratilis (L. Koch, 1866). The occurrence of Haplodrassus cognatus (Westring, 1861) in Crimea has not been confirmed. Haplodrassus bohemicus is a new species record for the Crimean fauna. Haplodrassus pseudosignifer is a new species record for Crimea and Ukraine as a whole, with Crimea as the westernmost point of its distribution range. Haplodrassus invalidus is recorded for the first time for the fauna of Azerbaijan, Caucasus and the former Soviet Union. Azerbaijan is the easternmost point of its known distribution range. All Crimean Haplodrassus species have only one peak of activity of adult specimens during the year. In Crimea we found syntopically two closely related species Haplodrassus dalmatensis and Haplodrassus isaevi in two localities (Sudak Distr., 10 km W Sudak, Mezhdurechie Vill., steppe; and Feodosiya Distr., Karadag Nature Reserve, steppes). These species differ in their phenology. The reproductive period of Haplodrassus dalmatensis isin May-July, and that of Haplodrassus isaevi occurs is in October-December. These phenological differences probably represent an additional mechanism of reproductive isolation between the two species. Diagnostic drawings are provided for all mentioned species as well as for Haplodrassus deserticola Schmidt & Krause, 1996 and Haplodrassus pugnans (Simon, 1880).  相似文献   

This is the first genus‐level phylogeny of the subfamily Mynogleninae. It is based on 190 morphological characters scored for 44 taxa: 37 mynoglenine taxa (ingroup) representing 15 of the 17 known genera and seven outgroup taxa representing the subfamilies Stemonyphantinae, Linyphiinae (Linyphiini and Micronetini), and Erigoninae, and a representative of the family Pimoidae, the sister‐group to Linyphiidae. No fewer than 147 of the morphological characters used in this study are new and defined for this study, and come mainly from male and female genitalia. Parsimony analysis with equal weights resulted in three most parsimonious trees of length 871. The monophyly of the subfamily Mynogleninae and the genera Novafroneta, Parafroneta, Laminafroneta, Afroneta, Promynoglenes, Metamynoglenes, and Haplinis are supported, whereas Pseudafroneta is paraphyletic. The remaining seven mynoglenine genera are either monotypic or represented by only one taxon. Diagnoses are given for all genera included in the analysis. The evolution of morphological traits is discussed and we summarize the diversity and distribution patterns of the 124 known species of mynoglenines. The preferred topology suggests a single origin of mynoglenines in New Zealand with two dispersal events to Africa, and does not support Gondwana origin.  相似文献   

Both airborne acoustic signals and substrate-borne vibrations are prevalent modes of animal communication, particularly in arthropods. While a wide variety of animals utilize one or both of these modalities, the connection between them is still ambiguous in many species. Spiders as a group are not known for using, or even perceiving, acoustic signals, despite being well-adapted for vibratory communication. Males of the “purring” wolf spider Gladicosa gulosa are reported to produce audible signals during courtship, although the literature on this species is largely anecdotal. Using a laser Doppler vibrometer and an omnidirectional microphone in controlled conditions, we recorded and characterized the visual and mechanical (both substrate-borne and airborne) signals of this species in an attempt to provide a qualitative and quantitative overview of its signal properties. We found that the vibratory signal is composed of two primary repeating and alternating elements, consisting of pulses of stridulation and percussive strikes, as well as a less common, but repeatable, third element. We also characterized a measurable airborne component to the signal that is significantly correlated with the amplitude of the vibratory signal, which we suggest is a by-product of the strong vibration. Neither modality correlated significantly with male body size or condition. Although the exact role of the acoustic component is unclear, we speculate that the unique properties of signalling in this species may have value in answering new questions about animal communication.  相似文献   

A survey of aphids was carried out during the period 2008-2011 in different regions of Algeria by collecting and identifying aphids and their host plants. Aphids were collected from 46 host plants. Forty-six species were reported including thirty-six species which were recorded for the first time in this country and thirty species which were recorded for the first time in the Maghreb (North Africa). This study extends the number of known Algerian aphid to 156 species.  相似文献   

During 1970s and 1980s, a large area of mountains in the Czech Republic was influenced by long-term industrial air pollution. Among the most degraded areas were the peaks of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts, where vast clearings resulted from emissions and subsequent forest destruction. This study is aimed at determining the degree of deforestation that is necessary to cause changes in structure and species diversity of small mammal communities that were observed previously. Communities of rodents and insectivores were monitored for a minimum of 3 years at two mountain ranges of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts (Czech Republic) by standard mouse snap-traps. The localities (Smrk and Kněhyně) differ by the degree of human disturbance. Clearings on Smrk Mt are very large (> 30 ha) with no remaining original forest growth as a result of intensive air pollution, unlike the same habitat type at Kněhyně Mt, where the clearings are minor (< 3 ha) and contain living solitary trees. Structure and diversity of small mammal communities in clearings were compared with those from original forests and other mountain habitats. Communities of small mammals at clearings in Smrk Mt (with dominatingMicrotus agrestis) are structurally very different from all other habitats, while structure of communities at Kněhyně clearings are very similar to those of original mountain forest (Complete linkage clustering based on Renkonen index). The community of the original mountain spruce forest at Kněhyně had the highest species diversity (according to Shannon-Weaver, Brillouin, and Simpson indices, Shannon evenness, and rarefaction), while species diversity at clearings of Smrk was the lowest. Shannon diversity of community at Kněhyně primeval forest is similar to that of Kněhyně clearings, while at Smrk Mt the forest diversity is higher than that of clearings. The species diversity of mountain forest and clearings at Kněhyně Mt was significantly higher than that in the same habitats at Smrk Mt. Our results obtained in disturbed habitats at Kněhyně and Smrk Mts suggest that the degree of deforestation may influence the presence and/or the degree of community changes. If the forest destruction is relatively small (clearings < 3 ha), the structure and diversity of small mammal communities do not differ from those of original forest.  相似文献   

Summary Following the demise of the stromatoporoid-coral reef community in Late Frasnian time, Lower Carboniferous carbonate shelf profiles possessed a ramp geometry, with major organic buildups represented by mud-rich mounds. Microfacies petrography of the exceptionally well-preserved Upper Viséan (Lower Carboniferous) carbonate ramp of the Béchar Basin, Algerian Sahara, may well contribute significantly to our understanding of the paleoecological zonation of Carboniferous non-rimmed platforms, and of the still enigmatic mounds commonly referred to as Waulsortian banks or mounds. Facies are grouped into two broad groups: (a) a mound facies group which comprises sponge wackestone-bafflestone, sponge-fenestellid bafflestone-wackestone, crinoid wackestone-packstone, and bedded flanks of intraclastic wackestone-packstone, all four facies composing the actual mud-rich mounds, and (b) a supramound facies group composed of coral-microbial framestone, crinoid packstone-grainstone, algal-foraminiferal grainstone and oolite grainstone. Calcareous algae are important bathymetric indicators and are used to delineate three bathymetric zones based on light penetration: the aphotic zone, which contains no calcareous algae; the dysphotic zone, where there is little ambient light, and which is characterized by the presence of red algae (Fasciella, Ungdarella, Stacheia, Epistacheoides) and absence of green algae; and the euphotic zone, which receives the full spectrum of sunlight, and is characterized by the occurrence of both green algae (Koninckopora, Kamaenella, Kamaena, Palaeoberesella, Calcisphaera, Anthracoporellopsis, Issinella, Exvotarisella) and red algae. Integration of algal zonation, distribution of the other biota, and recurrence of distinct assemblages, enable recognition of seven depth-related benthic assemblages. Together with the physical properties of the facies, the benthic assemblages were used to define seven bathymetric zones, from upper to lower ramp: (1) algal assemblage (upper ramp); (2) crinoid-ramose bryozoan assemblage (mid-ramp); and (3) productid brachiopod assemblage, (4) colonial rugose coral-microbial encruster assemblage, (5) crinoid-fenestellid assemblage, (6) sponge-fenestellid, and (7) sponge assemblage (lower ramp). The vertical zonation of the mud-rich mounds and associated facies differ from that reported from the classical Upper Tournaisian-Lower Viséan Waulsortian mound-bearing successions.  相似文献   

From autumn 2005 to spring 2008, a study focusing on the collection of Trichoptera larvae was conducted in the catchment of the Guadiamar River (SW Spain). The distribution of caddisfly species in relation with environmental factors was examined. Four groups of species were recognised according to the environmental gradient. A direct ordination analysis (CCA) used to describe assemblage changes among sites corroborated that conductivity, land-use, geomorphological gradient, and temporality were the variables that best explain the Trichoptera distribution, but to establish the relative influence of the land-use variables was difficult. On the other hand, mining pollution appeared to be the main factor explaining Trichoptera community structure. In April 1998 this river system underwent an accidental release of a large mass of toxic mine waste, which exterminated macroinvertebrates in the middle and lower parts and floodplain. Several years later, caddisfly communities in these areas were different from those of unaffected upper reaches. The species assemblage was especially poor in lower river reaches that underwent the permanent, diffuse urban and agricultural pollution. These conditions were tolerated only by Hydropsyche exocellata Duföur.  相似文献   

Cofre de Perote National Park (CPNP) in Veracruz, Mexico is part of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt, and its Pinus hartwegii forests reflect a balance between the various natural factors that represent the region's climatology and hydrology. Like many other areas in this region, the historical fire regimes of these forests and their relationship with climate are unknown, but are needed for sustainable management plans. The main objectives of this study were to reconstruct the historical fire regime in a Pinus hartwegii forest and decipher the influenced of climate. Our investigation focused in two study areas, Valle la Teta (VT) and Barranca Honda (BH). The VT study area was divided into three sites based on humidity and elevation: 1) Humid (VTH), 2) Dry Low (VTDL) and 3) Dry High (VTDH). The approximated area for each site was ​​30, 30, 35 and 50 ha, for VTH, VTDL, VTDH and BH, respectively. We collected 162 fire scarred samples to reconstruct the fire history for the last 550 years (1461−2013). The fire scarred samples contained 1240 fire scars, with most fires occurring in spring (95 %) or summer (5%). Prior to 1973, these sites were characterized by a frequent surface fire regime. In all four sites, the mean fire intervals ranged from 5 to 6 years (for fires that scarred ≥ 10 % of the samples) and 13–23 years (for fires that scarred ≥ 25 % of the samples). Extensive fires (≥ 10 %) coincided with significantly dry conditions based on the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), influenced by El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation Index (PDO). We also found a significant relationship between fire occurrence and ENSO, both in its warm phase, El Niño (21 fires ≥ 10 %) and in its cold phase, La Niña (32 fires ≥ 10 %). Synchronization of the cold phase of ENSO (La Niña) with the cold phase of the PDO (negative), facilitated severe drought conditions, resulting in fires with the greatest spatial extent. Since 1973, extensive fires have been absent from the study area most likely due to anthropogenic activities including active fire suppression. These results show a strong climate-fire relationship in these high elevation forests. The lack of fire in the last four decades is concerning and could potentially lead to unnatural stand-replacing fires, unless the historical fire regime is restored to maintain natural processes and increase forest resilience.  相似文献   

Several aspects of community organization wereanalyzed comparatively in a small side-arm of theParaná River (Correntoso) and a shallowfloodplain lake (El Tigre) (31° 41 S and60° 42 W), in relation to the hydrology of thesystem. Taxonomic and morphological composition inthe river differed from that in the lake: the riverhad lower species richness (151 vs 218),different contributions of some Classes to totalspecies number (higher Cyano-, Zygo- andDiatomophyceae vs higher Chlorophyceae), anddiffent proportions of nannoplanktonic algae (67.5%vs 80.7%) and netplanktonic filamentousspecies (18.2% vs 4.2%). Phytoplanktonbiomass, higher in the lake than in the river due tothe retention time, was mostly dominated bynannoplankton and netplankton. Loticphytoplankton was dominated by typical fluvialspecies of Diatomophyceae (R-strategists). Riverconditions seem to maintain a subclimacticcommunity, which was little impacted by the flushingof populations from floodplain lakes. Water levelwas the main factor controlling phytoplanktonbiomass, species diversity (H), evenness (E) andcommunity change rate () in the river. Inthe lake, phytoplankton had an autogenicsuccessional sequence during the isolation phase (C-to S-strategists) and other responses todisturbance, mainly during the flood(R-strategists). Frequent changes in phytoplanktoncomposition, biomass, H, E and , revealed aenvironmental instability in the lake, which may beexplained by interactions of external factors(hydrology and climatology) and those of internalorigin, such as nutrients and grazing.  相似文献   

Game theory models predict that individuals in contests adjust their strategy appropriately to the current value of the contested resource and the resource holding potential (RHP) of their opponent. In the current investigation, I examined interactively operating, multiple contest asymmetries on dyadic disputes for precopulatory guarding positions in the crab spider Misumenoides formosipes. In contests between equally sized adult males with no previous contest experience, residents had clear advantages in fighting success over intruders. Asymmetries in experience predicted outcome when tested against residency status, and experience operating in concert with residency status predicted resolution when tested against size asymmetries. Data from this investigation suggest that crab spiders learn strategies through experience rather than rely solely on the assessment of their opponent's RHP before determining contest effort.  相似文献   

Biological homogenization is defined as a process that occurs when native species are replaced by common and dominant exotic species or due to depletion and expansion of native species, reducing the beta diversity between areas or habitats. Islands are particularly vulnerable to plant invasion, and as a consequence, homogenization is a process that can become faster and more intense in islands than in continental areas. We recorded vascular plant species composition in roadside communities along a strong altitudinal gradient using plots beside the road and at two distances from the road (0–50 and 50–100 m). We analyzed the results separately for each group of plots with a Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) including and excluding exotic species. The results revealed that where exotic species were most abundant, i.e., at the road edge, they can create an effect of floristic homogenization where three similar roads are compared. At a distance of >50 m from the road, where exotic species are less frequent, this effect has already disappeared, indicating that it is a local phenomenon, closely related to the highly disturbed roadside environment. Furthermore, floristic homogenization seems to be more important at higher altitudes (>1000 m), probably related to higher diversity in native plant communities and lower levels of human disturbances. Roads allow humans to reach relatively remote and sometimes well-conserved areas, and, at the same time, facilitate the spread of exotic plants and the most common native species which can locally create floristic homogenization in roadside communities on this oceanic island. A deeper understanding of the effects of these anthropogenic corridors at the local and regional scales is therefore required to integrate road planning and management with the aim of conserving the value of the natural areas.  相似文献   


Understanding the factors that help shape the association between corals and their algal symbionts, zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium), is necessary to better understand the functional diversity and acclimatization potential of the coral host. However, most studies focus on tropical zooxanthellate corals and their obligate algal symbionts, thus limiting our full comprehension of coral–algal symbiont associations. Here, we examine algal associations in a facultative zooxanthellate coral. We survey the Symbiodinium communities associated with Oculina corals in the western North Atlantic and the Mediterranean using one clade-level marker (psbA coding region) and three fine-scale markers (cp23SrDNA, b7sym15 flanking region, and b2sym17). We ask whether Oculina spp. harbor geographically different Symbiodinium communities across their geographic range and, if so, whether the host’s genetics or habitat differences are correlated with this geographical variation. We found that Oculina corals harbor different Symbiodinium communities across their geographical range. Of the habitat differences (including chlorophyll a concentration and depth), sea surface temperature is better correlated with this geographical variation than the host’s genetics, a pattern most evident in the Mediterranean. Our results suggest that although facultative zooxanthellate corals may be less dependent on their algal partners compared to obligate zooxanthellate corals, the Symbiodinium communities that they harbor may nevertheless reflect acclimatization to environmental variation among habitats.


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