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Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology - Bacterial toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems play important roles in diverse cellular regulatory processes. Here, we characterize three...  相似文献   

Toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems are small genetic modules usually consisting of two elements—a toxin and an antitoxin. The abundance of TA systems among various bacterial strains may indicate an important evolutionary role. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which can be found in a variety of niches in nature, is an opportunistic pathogen for various hosts. While P. aeruginosa strains are very versatile and diverse, only a few TA systems were characterized in this species. Here, we describe a newly characterized TA system in P. aeruginosa that is encoded within the filamentous Pf4 prophage. This system, named PfiT/PfiA, is a homologue of the ParE/YefM TA system. It is a type II TA system, in which the antitoxin is a protein that binds the toxic protein and eliminates the toxic effect. PfiT/PfiA carries several typical type II characteristics. Specifically, it constitutes two small genes expressed in a single operon, PfiT inhibits growth and PfiA eliminates this effect, PfiA binds PfiT, and PfiT expression results in elongated cells. Finally, we assigned a novel function to this TA system, where an imbalance between PfiT and PfiA, favouring the toxin, resulted in cell elongation and an increase in virion production.  相似文献   

Type I toxin–antitoxin loci consist of two genes: a small, hydrophobic, potentially toxic protein, and a small RNA (sRNA) antitoxin. The sRNA represses toxin gene expression by base pairing to the toxin mRNA. A previous bioinformatics search predicted a duplicated type I locus within Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EHEC), which we have named the gene pairs zorO-orzO and zorP-orzP. We show that overproduction of the zorO gene is toxic to E. coli; co-expression of the sRNA OrzO can neutralize this toxicity, confirming that the zorO-orzO pair is a true type I toxin–antitoxin locus. However, OrzO is unable to repress zorO in a strain deleted for RNase III, indicating that repression requires cleavage of the target mRNA. Sequence analysis and mutagenesis studies have elucidated a nucleotide sequence region (V1) that allows differential recognition of the zorO mRNA by OrzO and not OrzP, and a specific single nucleotide within the V1 of OrzO that is critical for repression of zorO. Although there are 18 nt of complementarity between the OrzO sRNA and the zorO mRNA, not all base pairing interactions are needed for repression; however, the amount needed is dependent on whether there is continuous or discontinuous complementarity to the target mRNA.  相似文献   

Toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems are prevalent in bacteria and archaea. However, related studies in the ecologically and bioelectrochemically important strain Shewanella oneidensis are limited. Here, we show that SO_3166, a member of the higher eukaryotes and prokaryotes nucleotide-binding (HEPN) superfamily, strongly inhibited cell growth in S. oneidensis and Escherichia coli. SO_3165, a putative minimal nucleotidyltransferase (MNT), neutralized the toxicity of SO_3166. Gene SO_3165 lies upstream of SO_3166, and they are co-transcribed. Moreover, the SO_3165 and SO_3166 proteins interact with each other directly in vivo, and antitoxin SO_3165 bound to the promoter of the TA operon and repressed its activity. Finally, the conserved Rx4-6H domain in HEPN family was identified in SO_3166. Mutating either the R or H abolished SO_3166 toxicity, confirming that Rx4-6H domain is critical for SO_3166 activity. Taken together, these results demonstrate that SO_3166 and SO_3165 in S. oneidensis form a typical type II TA pair. This TA pair plays a critical role in regulating bacterial functions because its disruption led to impaired cell motility in S. oneidensis. Thus, we demonstrated for the first time that HEPN-MNT can function as a TA system, thereby providing important insights into the understanding of the function and regulation of HEPNs and MNTs in prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Small, hydrophobic proteins whose synthesis is repressed by small RNAs (sRNAs), denoted type I toxin–antitoxin modules, were first discovered on plasmids where they regulate plasmid stability, but were subsequently found on a few bacterial chromosomes. We used exhaustive PSI-BLAST and TBLASTN searches across 774 bacterial genomes to identify homologs of known type I toxins. These searches substantially expanded the collection of predicted type I toxins, revealed homology of the Ldr and Fst toxins, and suggested that type I toxin–antitoxin loci are not spread by horizontal gene transfer. To discover novel type I toxin–antitoxin systems, we developed a set of search parameters based on characteristics of known loci including the presence of tandem repeats and clusters of charged and bulky amino acids at the C-termini of short proteins containing predicted transmembrane regions. We detected sRNAs for three predicted toxins from enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis, and showed that two of the respective proteins indeed are toxic when overexpressed. We also demonstrated that the local free-energy minima of RNA folding can be used to detect the positions of the sRNA genes. Our results suggest that type I toxin–antitoxin modules are much more widely distributed among bacteria than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Toxin–antitoxin systems are genetic modules usually consisting of two genes encoding a stable toxin and labile antidote (antitoxin). These systems are localized on plasmids, phages, and chromosomes and are widespread in bacteria and archaea. The review summarizes recent data regarding the classifications of toxin–antitoxin systems, their mechanisms of action and toxin targets, as well as their functional significance for bacterial cells and possibility of use.  相似文献   

Toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems are commonly found on bacterial plasmids. The antitoxin inhibits toxin activity unless the system is lost from the cell. Then the shorter lived antitoxin degrades and the cell becomes susceptible to the toxin. Selection for plasmid-encoded TA systems was initially thought to result from their reducing the number of plasmid-free cells arising during growth in monoculture. However, modelling and experiments have shown that this mechanism can only explain the success of plasmid TA systems under a restricted set of conditions. Previously, we have proposed and tested an alternative model explaining the success of plasmid TA systems as a consequence of competition occurring between plasmids during co-infection of bacterial hosts. Here, we test a further prediction of this model, that competition between plasmids will lead to the biased accumulation of TA systems on plasmids relative to chromosomes. Transposon-encoded TA systems were added to populations of plasmid-containing cells, such that TA systems could insert into either plasmids or chromosomes. These populations were enriched for transposon-containing cells and then incubated in environments that did, or did not, allow effective within-host plasmid competition to occur. Changes in the ratio of plasmid- to chromosome-encoded TA systems were monitored. In agreement with our model, we found that plasmid-encoded TA systems had a competitive advantage, but only when host cells were sensitive to the effect of TA systems. This result demonstrates that within-host competition between plasmids can select for TA systems.  相似文献   

Type I toxin–antitoxin systems encoded on bacterial chromosomes became the focus of research during the past years. However, little is known in terms of structural requirements, kinetics of interaction with their targets and regulatory mechanisms of the antitoxin RNAs. Here, we present a combined in vitro and in vivo analysis of the bsrG/SR4 type I toxin–antitoxin system from Bacillus subtilis. The secondary structures of SR4 and bsrG mRNA and of the SR4/bsrG RNA complex were determined, apparent binding rate constants calculated and functional segments required for complex formation narrowed down. The initial contact between SR4 and its target was shown to involve the SR4 terminator loop and loop 3 of bsrG mRNA. Additionally, a contribution of the stem of SR4 stem-loop 3 to target binding was found. On SR4/bsrG complex formation, a 4 bp double-stranded region sequestering the bsrG Shine Dalgarno (SD) sequence was extended to 8 bp. Experimental evidence was obtained that this extended region caused translation inhibition of bsrG mRNA. Therefore, we conclude that SR4 does not only promote degradation of the toxin mRNA but also additionally inhibit its translation. This is the first case of a dual-acting antitoxin RNA.  相似文献   

Genes encoding toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems are near ubiquitous in bacterial genomes and they play key roles in important aspects of bacterial physiology, including genomic stability, formation of persister cells under antibiotic stress, and resistance to phage infection. The CptIN locus from Eubacterium rectale is a member of the recently-discovered Type III class of TA systems, defined by a protein toxin suppressed by direct interaction with a structured RNA antitoxin. Here, we present the crystal structure of the CptIN protein–RNA complex to 2.2 Å resolution. The structure reveals a new heterotetrameric quaternary organization for the Type III TA class, and the RNA antitoxin bears a novel structural feature of an extended A-twist motif within the pseudoknot fold. The retention of a conserved ribonuclease active site as well as traits normally associated with TA systems, such as plasmid maintenance, implicates a wider functional role for Type III TA systems. We present evidence for the co-variation of the Type III component pair, highlighting a distinctive evolutionary process in which an enzyme and its substrate co-evolve.  相似文献   

Extremophiles - There are 12 putative toxin–antitoxin (TA) loci in the Thermus thermophilus HB27 genome, including four VapBC and three HicBA families. Expression of these seven putative...  相似文献   

A model for toxin–antibody interaction and toxin trafficking towards the endoplasmic-reticulum is presented. Antibody and toxin (ricin) initially are delivered outside the cell. The model involves: the pinocytotic (cellular drinking) and receptor-mediated toxin internalization modes from the extracellular into the intracellular domain, its exocytotic excretion from the cytosol back to the extracellular medium, the intact toxin retrograde transport to the endoplasmic reticulum, the anterograde toxin movement outward from the cell across the plasma membrane, the lysosomal toxin degradation, and the toxin clearance (removal from the system) flux. The model consists of a set of coupled PDEs. Using an averaging procedure, the model is reduced to a system of coupled ODEs. Both PDEs and ODEs systems are solved numerically. Numerical results are illustrated by figures and discussed.  相似文献   

A refined and simplified method has been developed for the simultaneous analysis of urinary sugar and sugar alcohols after urease treatment by using capillary gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Since carbohydrate metabolism during pregnancy is considered to be diabetogenic, our interest has been concentrated on understanding the mechanism of the metabolic deviation by assessing the glucose excursion and glucose fluxes. The present study suggests that changes of the levels of glucose, sorbitol, fructose, myo-inositol, and 1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol (1,5-AG) may reflect a mild alteration in carbohydrate metabolism that goes undetected by conventional diabetic indicators.  相似文献   

Src homology 3 (SH3) domains are involved in the regulation of important cellular pathways, such as cell proliferation, migration and cytoskeletal modifications. Recognition of polyproline and a number of noncanonical sequences by SH3 domains has been extensively studied by crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance and other methods. High-affinity peptides that bind SH3 domains are used in drug development as candidates for anticancer treatment. This review summarizes the latest achievements in deciphering structural determinants of SH3 function.  相似文献   

Extremophiles - Toxin–antitoxin (TA) system is bacterial or archaeal genetic module consisting of toxin and antitoxin gene that be organized as a bicistronic operon. TA system could elicit...  相似文献   

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