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Bedi  S. J. 《Economic botany》1978,32(3):278-284
Economic Botany - This paper deals with the plants used by aboriginal tribes of Ratan Mahal and surrounding hills. Some of the important food and medicinal plants restricted to these tribes or this...  相似文献   

Genetic markers and malaria. Observations in Gujarat, India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
189 healthy controls and 175 patients suffering from malaria vivax have been investigated with regard to associations between this disease and 22 genetic polymorphisms of the blood (ABO, MN, Ss, Rh, Kell, P, Lutheran, Kidd, Duffy, Diego, Xg; ABH-Secretor; Hp, Gc, Gm, Km; aP, AK, PGM1, 6-PGD, EsD; Hb variants) Significant associations could be demonstrated only for P and Hp systems, though in accordance with other investigations it cannot be excluded that the ABO system plays also a role in this connection.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out in Indo-European speaking tribal population groups of southern Gujarat (India) to elucidate the allelic and haplotypic content of β-globin system in individuals with HbAA genotypes. 6 neutral restriction sites of the β-globin system were analysed and various statistical parameters were estimated to draw meaningful interpretations. All the 6 sites were found to be polymorphic and most were in Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium in the studied group. Haplotypes were constructed using two different combinations of the 6 restriction sites analysed. Analysis of the 5 sites revealed a set of three predominant haplotypes, ‘+−−−−’, ‘−++−+’ and ‘−+−++’; and haplotypes ‘+−−’, ‘++−’ and ‘+++’ were found to be the most frequent when the 3 sites were used to construct the haplotypes. Haplotypic heterozygosity levels (> 83%) observed in the present study group were comparable to those observed in African and Afro-American populations and greater than other world populations. All the ancestral haplotypes, +−−−−−, −++−+, −+−++ and −−−−+ were found in the study group. The distribution pattern of various haplotypes was consistent with the global pattern. The paucity of comparable data from other Indian populations restricted one from making interpretations about the study group's relationships with other Indian populations but the results were indicative of older population histories or experience of gene flow by the study group and their affinities with populations of southern India.  相似文献   

This article explores the material practices through which lower-caste and poor villagers engage with bureaucracy in contemporary India. We take documents and paperwork – such as ration cards and community certificates – as a ‘lens’ through which to explore how paper materiality is infused with the politics of power, patronage, and identity. The article brings ethnography from rural Tamil Nadu, South India, in conversation with two bodies of literature: one on the materiality of bureaucracy and one on the nature of political mediation in contemporary India. We demonstrate how everyday engagements with paperwork as well as processes of applying, form filling, and securing recommendations are constitutive of social and political relationships and, ultimately, of citizenship itself. Political mediation around paperwork and bureaucracy generates a hierarchy of citizens rather than equal citizenship for all, yet ordinary villagers transpire as anything but passive. Drawing on patronage networks, engaging in affective performances, and navigating a politics of identity, they actively negotiate access to the state in an attempt to claim their rights as citizens.  相似文献   

Actinobacteria is a dominant phylum in saline soil and play important roles in the process of organic matter decomposition and biogeochemical cycling. In this study, we investigated the diversity and phylogeny of the haloalkaliphilic actinobacteria that inhabited the saline soil of Coastal Gujarat (India) using conventional and molecular approaches. The actinobacteria were diversified on the basis of their growth patterns, morphology, spore color and sugar utilization. The cultivated actinobacteria were genetically diverse, with the ability to grow at high salt concentrations. The salt resistance feature was widely distributed among the isolates and not confined to any particular phylogenetic cluster. The PCR -DGGE approach was used to assess molecular diversity and to mitigate the limitation of the 16S rRNA sequence approach. Reproducible band profiles confirmed that the PCR-DGGE provided an excellent tool for the 16S rDNA heterogeneity analysis. The migration behavior of the 16S rRNA genes on the DGGE gel suggested lack of correlation between the band numbers and α-diversity. The findings highlighted the trends associated with the microbial community and signify the role of the DGGE in distinguishing a group of species that exhibit 16S rRNA based phylogenetic relatedness with distinct phenotypic characters. Based on the 16S rRNA genes, the actinobacteria were identified as belong to Nocardiopsis, Brachybacterium, Streptomyces and Prauseria. Nocardiopsis was the most predominant actinobacterial genera. The study indicated that a combination of the conventional and molecular approaches could be highly significant in analyzing the diversity of the actinobacteria from the saline habitat.  相似文献   

The adaptive value of epigenetic inheritance systems is investigated in a simple mathematical framework. These systems enable the environmentally induced phenotypes to be transmitted between generations. The frequencies of the different epigenetic variants are determined by the plasticity and the efficiency of transmission (called memory). Plasticity and memory are genetically determined. This paper studies the evolution of a quantitative character, its plasticity and memory, on the adaptive landscape. Due to the dual inheritance of the character, selection acts on two levels: on the phenotypes of the same genotype, and on the different genotypes. Plasticity generates the raw material, and memory increases the strength of phenotypic selection. If the character is far from the peak of the landscape, then dual inheritance of the character can be advantageous for the genotype. Near the peak it is more favourable to suppress phenotypic variation. This would lead to genetic assimilation.  相似文献   

许学工  颜磊  许诺安 《生态学报》2008,28(12):5862-5870
自然遗产是人类的共同财富。在5.12汶川大地震的灾后重建过程中,不能忽视对自然遗产的保护和恢复。以都江堰市的灾后重建为例,探讨自然遗产的保护和恢复问题。首先,通过实地调查,了解都江堰市域的自然遗产受损状况,进行自然遗产地的地质灾害和生态脆弱性空间格局分析;在此基础上,针对自然遗产地的不同特点,提出了灾后重建的规划框架和可行措施。  相似文献   

The Kutch region of western India (Gujarat State) is today arid to semiarid and characterised by mostly ephemeral streams which carry water during the monsoon. The uneven distribution of rainfall and disturbed topography are the result of climate change during the Cenozoic period. Two fossil woods, namely Bauhinium palaeomalabaricum Prakash and Prasad (Fabaceae) and Ebenoxylon indicum Ghosh and Kazmi (Ebenaceae), are described from Kutch in order to provide insights into the palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate. Because the modern representatives of the present and previously described taxa from the same horizon are thermophilic in nature and grow in evergreen to deciduous forests, a warm and humid climate is interpreted. Furthermore, the finding of some mangrove taxa in the assemblage indicates the lagoonal to intertidal environment at the time of deposition.  相似文献   

This article identifies the conditions under which the interplay of past and present enables or constrains political action in the Polish public sphere. Using data from the Polish quality broadsheet Gazeta Wyborcza, I account for the puzzles in the Jewish, German and Ukrainian minorities' memory work. The study reveals that history empowers ethnic groups differently, in the function of the certification by external allies, diverse salience of the arguments raised and the state's distinct memory projects. Namely, the high resonance of the Jews' claims that seize on the Holocaust narrative and official acknowledgement of their past allow the group to escape the limits of their narrow organizational capacities. In contrast, the state's rejection of the Germans' and Ukrainians' interpretations of the past has the effect of channelling minority claims towards the fight for acknowledgement.  相似文献   

We characterized the diet of the Indian fox (Vulpes bengalensis) during the breeding season in a semi-desert region of Western India. Diet was estimated using scat analysis. We used Index of Relative Importance (IRI) to determine the contribution of prey items in the diet of the Indian fox.Indian foxes were observed to feed on a wide variety of prey items. Arthropods were the most frequently occurring prey in their diet. IRI scores were highest for the group Coleoptera and Orthoptera followed by rodents, termites, Ziziphus fruits and spiny tailed lizards (Uromastyx hardwickii). IRI scores for rodents were higher for pups, differing significantly from proportions present in adult diet, thus indicating that they are crucial food items for the young ones. Prey proportions in the fox diet differed between the two habitats in the study area (grassland and scrubland).Our data suggest that the Indian fox is essentially an omnivore showing similar diet (in terms of high incidence of arthropods) to foxes inhabiting arid and semi-arid regions. The opportunistic and generalist strategy has probably helped the species to survive in varied habitats across the Indian subcontinent.  相似文献   

This article focuses on recent reconstructions of Igbo ‘memory’ by the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign state of Biafra (MASSOB). MASSOB is a second-generation Igbo separatist movement that draws on a collection of ‘memory repertoires’ to agitate for the self-determination and exit of the Igbo ethnic group from the Nigerian state into an alternative political and administrative arrangement known as the Republic of Biafra. The core issues relate to dual narratives generated by the Nigerian–Biafran War. While the state shapes the official history, memories and narratives of the war to suit its own vision, interests and politics, MASSOB contests these official views as the sole legitimate framework for remembering and interpreting the war, but still connects to the war as a war of Igbo national liberation. These contestations provide the context for the enactment of memory claims and counterclaims, and their association with political violence in contemporary Nigeria.  相似文献   

We present the plant macroremains from the site of Vadnagar, an important centre of Buddhist learning in western India spanned between first century BCE and fourth century CE. The cultural relics and AMS dates of the recovered carbonized seeds from the cultural horizon also confirm the archaeological context. The study indicate that the likely staples were cereals (Oryza sativa, Hordeum vulgare, Triticum aestivum), leguminous crops (Vigna unguiculata, Vigna radiata, Vigna mungo, and Macrotyloma uniflorum), and oil and fibre-yielding (Linum usitatissimum and Gossypium sp.) crops. In addition, there is an evidence that fruits such as Tamarindus indica and Ziziphus sp. may have been consumed by the settlers. Few weeds and wild taxa (Paspalum scrobiculatum, Vicia sp., and Ipomoea sp.), which turned up as an admixture with the above economically important seeds/grains have also been encountered. Abundance of Oryza sativa (rice) grains and spikelet bases indicate crop-processing at the site and played significant role in the subsistence economy. Moreover, the overall assemblage of summer and winter crops suggests the prevalence of multi-cropping system attributed to conducive environmental conditions during ~100 BCE–400 CE.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in the Banni region of the Gujarat State, India, which is located in the western-most end of the country. The main objective was to investigate the local perceptions of grassland change, regeneration potentiality, socio-economic status and factors that cause degradation of the vegetation resources in Banni. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) was employed to generate the socio-economic profile of interviewed villages or hamlets. Information on vegetation deterioration and changes in species composition significant for sustainable management of grassland was obtained through interviews with 51 elderly maldharies (pastoralists) and local inhabitants living in 31 villages in Banni. Local people had observed a change in the local surrounding habitats from grassland to woodland (dominated by Prosopis juliflora, locally called Gando Bavar) during their lifetime and considered it primarily a result of frequent intensive drought, constructed dams on flooding rivers in Banni, and declining rainfall. The socio-economic survey showed that the Banni communities are highly dependent on the natural grassland for various purposes. In particular, nine woody species were useful for construction of the traditional house called Bhunga, four for medicine and 22 for livestock fodder. Highly preferred and declining species were characteristically large wild thorny trees with edible fruits, viz. Acacia nilotica subsp. indica (Bavar), Prosopis cineraria (Kandho), and Salvadora persica (Kharijar). Some of the locally highly preferred grass species were also considered to be declining in the local environs; they included Dichanthium annulatum (Jinjvo), Cenchrus ciliaris (Dhaman), Sporobolus fertilis (Khevai) and Chloris barbata (Siyarpuchha). The study furthermore identified a close coincidence between the interest in conserving tree species diversity nearby the natural water resources and priorities of local inhabitants, which included protection of plenty of large trees (including many fruit tress, viz. Mangifera indicia (Ambo), Cordia dichotoma (Gunda)and Pithecellobium dulce (Gorasamli)), improvement of woody fodder tree and grass species regeneration, and reduction of overgrazing pressure on grasslands. Focusing management strategies on increasing the populations of such declining and highly preferred tree and grass species, by active restoration and grazing policies, would enhance the natural resource value and biodiversity wealth considerably and thereby the quality of life for the local inhabitants. The implications of the results are discussed and recommendations are suggested for conservation, management, and sustainable utilization of the fragile grassland ecosystem of the Banni region.  相似文献   

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