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Prioritizing livestock breeds for conservation needs to incorporate both genetic and non-genetic aspects important for the survival of the breeds. Here, we apply a maximum-utility-strategy to prioritize 14 traditional Ethiopian sheep breeds based on their threat status, contributions to farmer livelihoods (current breed merits) and contributions to genetic diversity. Contributions of the breeds to genetic diversity were quantified using Eding''s marker-estimated kinship approaches. Non-genetic aspects included threats (e.g. low population size, low preferences by farmers) and current merits (economic, ecological and cultural merits). Threat analysis identified eight of the 14 breeds as threatened. Analysis of current merits showed that sub-alpine and arid-lowland breeds contribute most to farmer livelihoods in comparison to other breeds. The highest contribution to the genetic diversity conserved was from the Simien breed. Simien showed high between-breed (low between-breed kinship = 0.04) as well as high within-breed diversity (low within-breed kinship = 0.09 and high HE = 0.73 and allelic richness = 6.83). We combined the results on threat status, current breed merits and contributions to genetic diversity to produce a ranking of the 14 breeds for conservation purposes. Our results balance the trade-offs between conserving breeds as insurance against future uncertainties and current sustainable utilization. The ranking of breeds provides a basis for conservation strategies for Ethiopian sheep and contributes to a regional or global conservation plan.  相似文献   

Nuclear genetic diversity and differentiation of 341 sheep belonging to 12 sheep breeds from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were examined. The aim of the study was to provide the understanding of the genetic structure and variability of the analysed pramenka sheep populations, and to give indications for conservation strategies based on the population diversity and structure information. The genetic variation of the sheep populations, examined at the nuclear level using 27 microsatellite loci, revealed considerable levels of genetic diversity, similar to the diversity found in other European indigenous low-production sheep breeds. Population-specific alleles were detected at most loci and in breeds analysed. The observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.643 (in Lika pramenka) to 0.743 (in Vlasic pramenka), and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.646 (in Lika pramenka) to 0.756 (in Dalmatian pramenka). Significant inbreeding coefficients were found for half of the populations studied and ranged from 0.040 (Pag island sheep) to 0.091 (Kupres pramenka). Moderate genetic differentiation was found between the studied sheep populations. The total genetic variability observed between different populations was 5.29%, whereas 94.71% of the variation was found within populations. Cres island sheep, Lika pramenka and Istrian sheep were identified as the most distinct populations, which was confirmed by the factorial analysis of correspondence and supported through a bootstrapping adjustment to correct for the difference in the sample sizes. The population structure analysis distinguished 12 clusters for the 12 sheep breeds analysed. However, the cluster differentiation was low for Dalmatian, Vlasic, Stolac and Krk pramenka. This systematic study identified Lika pramenka and Rab island sheep as those with the lowest diversity, whereas Istrian sheep and Pag island sheep had the highest. Conservation actions are proposed for Istrian, Rab and Cres island sheep, Lika and Kupres pramenka because of high estimated coefficients of inbreeding.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity of climate and different agro-ecological conditions in Iran have resulted in development of 27 indigenous sheep breeds. Wild Asiatic mouflon (Ovis orientalis) is believed to be the ancestor of Iranian sheep. Evaluation of genetic diversity and population structure within and among domestic breeds has important implications for animal breeding programs and genetic resources management. Based on 50K SNP genotype data, we studied the genetic diversity of five indigenous Iranian sheep breeds: Afshari (n = 37), Moghani (n = 34), Qezel (n = 35), Zel (n = 46) and Lori-Bakhtiari (n = 46), and Asiatic mouflon (n = 8) sampled from Iran. Furthermore, genetic diversity and the breed admixture of Iranian sheep were assessed on a larger geographic scale using a reference panel comprising: three indigenous Afghan breeds – Arabi (n = 15), Balouchi (n = 15) and Gadik (n = 15); three indigenous breeds from Turkey and Cyprus – Cyprus Fat Tail (n = 30), Karakas (n = 18) and Norduz (n = 20); and three commercial European breeds – Suffolk (n = 19), Comisana (n = 24) and Engadine Red Sheep (n = 24). The results revealed that the investigated breeds are divided into five genetically distinct clusters according to their geographic origin. Afshari was closest to the local mouflon population and showed signs of mouflon admixture. Qezel was identified as a hybrid sheep breed. Much evidence supported the Afghan breeds being identical. Inbreeding values, which were estimated based on ROHs, were highest for Suffolk (FROH = 0.0544) and lowest for Balouchi (FROH = 0.0078). In conclusion, analysis of selected breeds from neighboring countries along with Asiatic mouflon gave a deeper insight into the evolutionary history and origin of Iranian sheep with important implications for future breed management.  相似文献   

Genomic prediction utilizes single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) chip data to predict animal genetic merit. It has the advantage of potentially capturing the effects of the majority of loci that contribute to genetic variation in a trait, even when the effects of the individual loci are very small. To implement genomic prediction, marker effects are estimated with a training set, including individuals with marker genotypes and trait phenotypes; subsequently, genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) for any genotyped individual in the population can be calculated using the estimated marker effects. In this study, we aimed to: (i) evaluate the potential of genomic prediction to predict GEBV for nematode resistance traits and BW in sheep, within and across populations; (ii) evaluate the accuracy of these predictions through within-population cross-validation; and (iii) explore the impact of population structure on the accuracy of prediction. Four data sets comprising 752 lambs from a Scottish Blackface population, 2371 from a Sarda×Lacaune backcross population, 1000 from a Martinik Black-Belly×Romane backcross population and 64 from a British Texel population were used in this study. Traits available for the analysis were faecal egg count for Nematodirus and Strongyles and BW at different ages or as average effect, depending on the population. Moreover, immunoglobulin A was also available for the Scottish Blackface population. Results show that GEBV had moderate to good within-population predictive accuracy, whereas across-population predictions had accuracies close to zero. This can be explained by our finding that in most cases the accuracy estimates were mostly because of additive genetic relatedness between animals, rather than linkage disequilibrium between SNP and quantitative trait loci. Therefore, our results suggest that genomic prediction for nematode resistance and BW may be of value in closely related animals, but that with the current SNP chip genomic predictions are unlikely to work across breeds.  相似文献   

Knowledge about genetic diversity and population structure is useful for designing effective strategies to improve the production, management and conservation of farm animal genetic resources. Here, we present a comprehensive genome-wide analysis of genetic diversity, population structure and admixture based on 244 animals sampled from 10 cattle populations in Asia and Africa and genotyped for 69 903 autosomal single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) mainly derived from the indicine breed. Principal component analysis, STRUCTURE and distance analysis from high-density SNP data clearly revealed that the largest genetic difference occurred between the two domestic lineages (taurine and indicine), whereas Ethiopian cattle populations represent a mosaic of the humped zebu and taurine. Estimation of the genetic influence of zebu and taurine revealed that Ethiopian cattle were characterized by considerable levels of introgression from South Asian zebu, whereas Bangladeshi populations shared very low taurine ancestry. The relationships among Ethiopian cattle populations reflect their history of origin and admixture rather than phenotype-based distinctions. The high within-individual genetic variability observed in Ethiopian cattle represents an untapped opportunity for adaptation to changing environments and for implementation of within-breed genetic improvement schemes. Our results provide a basis for future applications of genome-wide SNP data to exploit the unique genetic makeup of indigenous cattle breeds and to facilitate their improvement and conservation.  相似文献   

The breeding season was 157, 154, <126, 210 and 217 days for Rambouillet, Columbia, Suffolk, Rambouillet x Finnish Landrace and Columbia x Finnish Landrace ewes respectively. Treatment of cyclic ewes with pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) (500 IU), following a 12-day treatment with progestin-containing intravaginal sponges, did not affect fertility, but did decrease the time from sponge removal to estrus, (control 48.0 +/- 3.1 hr; PMSG 39.4 +/- 1.8 hr) to the preovulatory surge of LH (control 52.7 +/- 2.8 hr; PMSG 39.0 +/- 1.7 hr) and FSH (control 52.3 +/- 2.9 hr; PMSG 42.8 +/- 1.6 hr) and caused an elevation of serum LH levels prior to the preovulatory surge (control 1.25 +/- 0.18 ng/ml; PMSG 2.31 +/- 0.22 ng/ml). Exposure of the purebred ewes to 18 hours of daylight in January, decreasing by 30 minutes a week subsequently, counteracted the seasonal reduction in the number of ewes lambing following induced breeding under natural daylight in May. Prolificacy was greatest in crossbred ewes and their fertility was not affected by season. Gestation period was longer for fall-bred ewes and varied with breed.  相似文献   

赵永欣  李孟华  赵要风 《遗传》2017,39(11):958-973
中国地方绵羊品种资源丰富,部分品种具有繁殖力高、毛皮品质好、多角、多乳头、大尾脂、抗逆性强等独特性状,这些遗传资源引起了学者们对其进行深入研究的兴趣,但目前仍然存在绵羊起源问题的争议,缺乏对我国绵羊的遗传多样性进行全面系统研究等问题。本文综述了绵羊起源、品种分化等方面的研究进展,并从父系、母系、常染色体分子标记等不同层面介绍了中国绵羊遗传多样性的研究概况,为中国绵羊遗传资源的保护和利用、绵羊新品种(系)的培育以及我国绵羊产业良性发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Finnsheep, Romanov, Oxford Down and three local breeds from Finland or northwestern Russia were assessed at 15 microsatellite and 7 protein loci. A novel albumin allele was identified. Diversity patterns were mostly concordant between marker types, but discrepancies appeared for the local Viena and Vepsia sheep, both demonstrating frequent linkage disequilibria for both marker types and excess of homozygotes for microsatellites, and in the case of Vepsia also for proteins as signs of breed fragmentation. On the basis of microsatellite data, the neighbour-joining tree and two-dimensional map constructed from DA distances suggested that difference in longitude of breed origin would relate to breed relationship, whereas on the basis of protein data latitude would have this quality. These different impressions resulted because genetic distances involving Vepsia sheep were relatively low for protein variation compared with microsatellites. Microsatellite variation correlated positively with protein variation, but for the local Viena sheep protein variation was comparatively low. Populations had significant differences in allelic richness, but not in genetic diversity. Analysis implied that at least 30 polymorphic loci were needed to detect a difference in diversity between populations using a paired t-test, if the true mean diversity difference was 0.2. In the total sample, proteins demonstrated larger theta-values, but this was reversed for Finnsheep, for which model-based clustering of microsatellite genotypes revealed a structure associated with coat colour. Imported and rare sheep exhibited lowered allelic variability and increased frequency of pairwise disequilibria between unlinked markers. Our results emphasize that more loci are required for studying fragmented breeds.  相似文献   

Microsatellites, also called simple sequence repeats (SSRs), are markers of choice to estimate relevant parameters for conservation genetics, such as migration rates, effective population size and kinship. Cross‐amplification of SSRs is the simplest way to obtain sets of markers, and highly conserved SSRs have recently been developed from expressed sequence tags (EST) to improve SSR cross‐species utility. As EST‐SSRs are located in coding regions, the higher stability of their flanking regions reduces the frequency of null alleles and improves cross‐species amplification. However, EST‐SSRs have generally less allelic variability than genomic SSRs, potentially leading to differences in estimates of population genetic parameters such as genetic differentiation. To assess the potential of EST‐SSRs in studies of within‐species genetic diversity, we compared the relative performance of EST‐ and genomic SSRs following a multispecies approach on passerine birds. We tested whether patterns and levels of genetic diversity within and between populations assessed from EST‐ and from genomic SSRs are congruent, and we investigated how the relative efficiency of EST‐ and genomic SSRs is influenced by levels of differentiation. EST‐ and genomic SSRs ensured comparable inferences of population genetic structure in cases of strong genetic differentiation, and genomic SSRs performed slightly better than EST‐SSRs when differentiation is moderate. However and interestingly, EST‐SSRs had a higher power to detect weak genetic structure compared to genomic SSRs. Our study attests that EST‐SSRs may be valuable molecular markers for conservation genetic studies in taxa such as birds, where the development of genomic SSRs is impeded by their low frequency.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and population structure of 113 chicken populations from Africa, Asia and Europe were studied using 29 microsatellite markers. Among these, three populations of wild chickens and nine commercial purebreds were used as reference populations for comparison. Compared to commercial lines and chickens sampled from the European region, high mean numbers of alleles and a high degree of heterozygosity were found in Asian and African chickens as well as in Red Junglefowl. Population differentiation (FST) was higher among European breeds and commercial lines than among African, Asian and Red Junglefowl populations. Neighbour‐Net genetic clustering and structure analysis revealed two main groups of Asian and north‐west European breeds, whereas African populations overlap with other breeds from Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean region. Broilers and brown egg layers were situated between the Asian and north‐west European clusters. structure analysis confirmed a lower degree of population stratification in African and Asian chickens than in European breeds. High genetic differentiation and low genetic contributions to global diversity have been observed for single European breeds. Populations with low genetic variability have also shown a low genetic contribution to a core set of diversity in attaining maximum genetic variation present from the total populations. This may indicate that conservation measures in Europe should pay special attention to preserving as many single chicken breeds as possible to maintain maximum genetic diversity given that higher genetic variations come from differentiation between breeds.  相似文献   

Very little research into genetic diversity of Italian native dog breeds has been carried out so far. In this study we aimed to estimate and compare the genetic diversity of four native Italian shepherd dog breeds: the Maremma, Bergamasco, Lupino del Gigante and Oropa shepherds. Therefore, some cosmopolitan dog breeds, which have been widely raised in Italy for a long time past, have also been considered to check possible influence of these dog populations on the Italian autochthonous breeds considered here. A total of 212 individuals, belonging to 10 different dog breeds, were sampled and genotyped using 18 autosomal microsatellite loci. We analyzed the genetic diversity of these breeds, within breed diversity, breed relationship and population structure. The 10 breeds considered in this study were clearly genetically differentiated from each other, regardless of current population sizes and the onset of separate breeding history. The level of genetic diversity explained 20% of the total genetic variation. The level of HE found here is in agreement with that found by other studies. The native Italian breeds showed generally higher genetic diversity compared with the long established, well-defined cosmopolitan dog breeds. As the Border Collie seems closer to the Italian breeds than the other cosmopolitan shepherd dogs considered here, a possible utilization of this breed to improve working performance in Italian traditional working shepherd dogs cannot be ignored. The data and information found here can be utilized in the organization of conservation programs planned to reduce inbreeding and to minimize loss of genetic variability.  相似文献   

Abstract. A group of thirty-two Merino sheep infested with itch mites (Psorergates ovis) and fed a maintenance diet which imposed moderate nutritional stress had a significantly higher mite population, significantly more skin scurf, and significantly more fleece damage or derangement (P < 0.05) than a second group of thirty-two infested sheep fed a diet designed for unrestricted body weight gain and wool growth. Histologically there were no significant differences between the groups in the numbers of mast cells, neutrophils or eosinophils observed in skin sections, but sheep that had high mite counts (>10 per 200 cm2 of skin area) in both groups, had more dermal mast cells than sheep with fewer mites irrespective of the plane of nutrition. Skin thickness and greasy fleece weight in die group maintained on the low plane of nutrition were significantly less (P < 0.05) than in die well-nourished group, reflecting the difference in protein and energy content of the two diets. Within the nutritionally stressed group, the sheep with low mite counts had a significantly lower (P < 0.05) greasy fleece weight and a shorter mean staple length than the sheep with high mite counts. There was no significant difference in greasy fleece weight between sheep with low or high mite counts in the group fed on the high plane of nutrition.  相似文献   

Sensory quality of pork is a complex phenotype determined by interactions between genetic and environmental factors. This study aimed at describing the respective influences of breed and production system on the development of pork quality. Plasma stress indicators and Longissimus muscle (LM) composition, physicochemical and sensory quality traits were determined in two contrasted breeds – the conventional Large White (LW, n=40) and the French local Basque (B, n=60). Pigs were reared in either a conventional (C; n=20 per breed), alternative (A; sawdust bedding and outdoor area, n=20 per breed) or extensive system (E; free-range, n=20 B). All the pigs from A and C systems were slaughtered at the same slaughterhouse, whereas B pigs from the E system were slaughtered at a local commercial abattoir. Major breed differences were found for almost all traits under study. LM from B pigs exhibited higher lipid, lower water and collagen concentrations, as well as lower collagen thermal solubility (P<0.001). Although plasma stress indicators at slaughter did not differ between breeds, except lower (P<0.05) lactate levels in B pigs, they exhibited higher LM pH1 and pHu values, and lower meat lightness, hue angle, water (drip, thawing and cooking) losses, glycolytic potential and shear force. Sensory analyses highlighted higher redness, marbling, tenderness, juiciness and flavour scores (P<0.01) of meat from B compared with LW pigs. Within both LW and B breeds, compared with C, the A system did not (P>0.05) influence plasma stress indicators, LM chemical composition and physicochemical or sensory traits of pork. In contrast, within the B pigs, the E system affected the meat quality more. Lower plasma cortisol levels (P<0.05), but higher plasma lactate, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase activities, and more skin lesions (P<0.05), indicating higher muscular activity during pre-slaughter handling, were found in pigs produced in the E compared with the C system. E pigs exhibited higher meat pH1 and pHu values and shear force (P<0.01) and exhibited lower lightness, hue angle and drip and thawing losses (P<0.01) compared with the C pigs, whereas LM lipid, protein or collagen concentrations were not affected. Regarding sensory traits, the E system produced redder meat, but did not impact the eating quality of pork. Altogether, this study demonstrates that differences in meat quality between B and LW breeds can be modulated by extensive pig production system.  相似文献   

Insights into the genetic characteristics of a species provide important information for wildlife conservation programs. Here, we used the OvineSNP50 BeadChip developed for domestic sheep to examine population structure and evaluate genetic diversity of snow sheep (Ovis nivicola) inhabiting Verkhoyansk Range and Momsky Ridge. A total of 1,121 polymorphic SNPs were used to test 80 specimens representing five populations, including four populations of the Verkhoyansk Mountain chain: Kharaulakh Ridge–Tiksi Bay (TIK,= 22), Orulgan Ridge (ORU,= 22), the central part of Verkhoyansk Range (VER,= 15), Suntar‐Khayata Ridge (SKH,= 13), and Momsky Ridge (MOM,= 8). We showed that the studied populations were genetically structured according to a geographic pattern. Pairwise FST values ranged from 0.044 to 0.205. Admixture analysis identified = 2 as the most likely number of ancestral populations. A Neighbor‐Net tree showed that TIK was an isolated group related to the main network through ORU. TreeMix analysis revealed that TIK and MOM originated from two different ancestral populations and detected gene flow from MOM to ORU. This was supported by the f3 statistic, which showed that ORU is an admixed population with TIK and MOM/SKH heritage. Genetic diversity in the studied groups was increasing southward. Minimum values of observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosity and allelic richness (Ar) were observed in the most northern population—TIK, and maximum values were observed in the most southern population—SKH. Thus, our results revealed clear genetic structure in the studied populations of snow sheep and showed that TIK has a different origin from MOM, SKH, and VER even though they are conventionally considered a single subspecies known as Yakut snow sheep (Ovis nivicola lydekkeri). Most likely, TIK was an isolated group during the Late Pleistocene glaciations of Verkhoyansk Range.  相似文献   

Domestication in the near eastern region had a major impact on the gene pool of humpless taurine cattle (Bos taurus). As a result of subsequent natural and artificial selection, hundreds of different breeds have evolved, displaying a broad range of phenotypic traits. Here, 10 Eurasian B. taurus breeds from different biogeographic and production conditions, which exhibit different demographic histories and have been under artificial selection at various intensities, were investigated using the Illumina BovineSNP50 panel to understand their genetic diversity and population structure. In addition, we scanned genomes from eight breeds for signatures of diversifying selection. Our population structure analysis indicated six distinct breed groups, the most divergent being the Yakutian cattle from Siberia. Selection signals were shared (experimental P‐value < 0.01) with more than four breeds on chromosomes 6, 7, 13, 16 and 22. The strongest selection signals in the Yakutian cattle were found on chromosomes 7 and 21, where a miRNA gene and genes related to immune system processes are respectively located. In general, genomic regions indicating selection overlapped with known QTL associated with milk production (e.g. on chromosome 19), reproduction (e.g. on chromosome 24) and meat quality (e.g. on chromosome 7). The selection map created in this study shows that native cattle breeds and their genetic resources represent unique material for future breeding.  相似文献   

Identifying the relative importance of intrinsic factors and extrinsic environmental variations on population or ecosystem dynamics is important for ecological conservation research. Here, we use a systematic method proposed by De Menezes and Barabási [2004. Separating internal and external dynamics of complex systems. Physical Review Letters, 93, 068701] to reanalyse the long-term monitoring data of Soay sheep population fluctuations and climate variations on Hirta Island, UK. Our results indicate that the climate conditions have a higher impact than internal factors on the fluctuations of sheep population. The sheep population dynamics are internally self-regulating. The scaling relationships between sheep population and external and internal standard deviations are similar. The threshold of the sheep population on this island as determined by our study is around 1197, which is consistent with previous studies by other methods. Our study indicates that this systematic method may help to understand some of the complicated aspects of population dynamics about which detailed knowledge is limited.  相似文献   

The objectives of this work were to assess the mtDNA diversity of Bolivian South American camelid (SAC) populations and to shed light on the evolutionary relationships between the Bolivian camelids and other populations of SACs. We have analysed two different mtDNA regions: the complete coding region of the MT‐CYB gene and 513 bp of the D‐loop region. The populations sampled included Bolivian llamas, alpacas and vicunas, and Chilean guanacos. High levels of genetic diversity were observed in the studied populations. In general, MT‐CYB was more variable than D‐loop. On a species level, the vicunas showed the lowest genetic variability, followed by the guanacos, alpacas and llamas. Phylogenetic analyses performed by including additional available mtDNA sequences from the studied species confirmed the existence of the two monophyletic clades previously described by other authors for guanacos (G) and vicunas (V). Significant levels of mtDNA hybridization were found in the domestic species. Our sequence analyses revealed significant sequence divergence within clade G, and some of the Bolivian llamas grouped with the majority of the southern guanacos. This finding supports the existence of more than the one llama domestication centre in South America previously suggested on the basis of archaeozoological evidence. Additionally, analysis of D‐loop sequences revealed two new matrilineal lineages that are distinct from the previously reported G and V clades. The results presented here represent the first report on the population structure and genetic variability of Bolivian camelids and may help to elucidate the complex and dynamic domestication process of SAC populations.  相似文献   

Declining populations of less than 250 mature individuals are symptomatic of many Critically Endangered cycads, which, globally, comprise the most threatened group of organisms as a result of collecting and habitat loss. Survival plans focus on law enforcement, reintroduction, and augmentation programmes using plants from the wild and botanical gardens. Augmentation is one of the few remaining options for cycad populations, although the assumed benefits remain untested and there is a possibility that augmentation from different sources could compromise the genetic integrity of existing populations, especially when garden plants have no provenance data. We studied Encephalartos latifrons, a South African endemic, which is a typical Critically Endangered cycad. We studied the extent and structure of genetic diversity in wild and ex situ populations to assess the potential benefits and risks associated with augmentation programmes. We examined 86 plants using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). The 417 AFLP markers thus generated yielded a unique DNA ‘fingerprint’ for each plant. Wild populations retain high levels of genetic diversity and this is reflected among the ex situ holdings at the Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden. No population differentiation is evident, indicating a single panmictic population, consistent with moderately high levels of gene flow between subpopulations and a sexual mode of reproduction. Bayesian clustering identified four genotype groups in the wild, as well as a genotype group only found in ex situ collections. Our results indicate that E. latifrons would benefit from augmentation programmes, including the use of undocumented collections, and careful management of breeding plants would increase the heterogeneity of propagules. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 293–308.  相似文献   

The main molecular techniques which can be used to generate genetic markers, and the applications of these markers to studies of fish populations are outlined. Published and ongoing studies, in the authors' laboratories, on brown trout and Atlantic salmon are used to compare the resolution and applicability of allozyme, mitochondrial DNA and minisatellite (variable number of tandem repeats) markers for studies on population structuring, genetic variation within populations, and the impact of the accidental and deliberate introduction of non-native salmonids on the genetic make-up of natural populations.  相似文献   

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