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We characterized the bacterioplankton community and its seasonal dynamics in two neighbouring hypertrophic lakes by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of short (193 bp) 16S ribosomal DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products obtained with primers specific for the domain Bacteria. Lake Blankaart is turbid and has a high phytoplankton biomass and episodic cyanobacterial blooms, whereas biomanipulated Lake Visvijver is characterized by clearwater conditions and the establishment of a dense charophyte vegetation. Both lakes were dominated by bacterial groups commonly found in freshwater habitats (e.g. ACK4 cluster of Actinomycetes; ACK stands for clones isolated from the Adirondack mountain lakes) . Yet, cluster analysis and principal components analysis (PCA) revealed that taxon composition of the bacterioplankton community of the two lakes differs substantially and consistently throughout the season. During the study year (1998), the bacterioplankton community of both lakes showed a distinct seasonal pattern. Lake Blankaart showed a clear differentiation between winter, spring, summer and autumn. In Lake Visvijver, summer samples differed greatly from spring, autumn and winter samples. We hypothesize that the contrasting bacterioplankton in the two neighbouring shallow lakes is determined largely by the presence or absence of macrophytes.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton plays a central role in the microbial functioning of lacustrine ecosystems; however, factors that constrain its structural variation are still poorly understood. Here we evaluated the driving forces exerted by a large set of environmental and biological parameters on the temporal and spatial dynamics of free-living bacterial community structures (BCS) in two neighboring perialpine lakes, Lake Bourget and Lake Annecy, which differ in trophic status. We analyzed monthly data from a 1-year sampling period at two depths situated in the epi- and hypolimnia for each lake. Overall, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) revealed significant differences in the BCS in the two lakes, characterized by a higher number of bands in the oligotrophic ecosystem (i.e., Lake Annecy). The temporal dynamics of BCS differed greatly between depths and lakes, with temporal scale patterns being much longer in the mesotrophic Lake Bourget. Direct-gradient multivariate ordination analyses showed that a complex array of biogeochemical parameters was the driving force behind BCS shifts in both lakes. Our results indicated that 60 to 80% of the variance was explained only by the bottom-up factors in both lakes, indicating the importance of nutrients and organic matter from autotrophic origin in controlling the BCS. Top-down regulation by flagellates together with ciliates or viruses was found only in the hypolimnion and not in the epilimnion for both lakes and explained less than 18% of the bacterial community changes during the year. Our study suggests that the temporal dynamics of the free-living bacterial community structure in deep perialpine lakes are dependent mainly on bottom-up factors and to a lesser extent on top-down factors, whatever the specific environmental conditions of these lakes.  相似文献   

The methane cycle in constructed wetlands without plants and withPhragmites australis (reed) and Scirpus lacustris (bulrush) wasinvestigated. Variations in CH4production largely determined variations in CH4 emission among the systems, rather than variations inCH4 storage and oxidation. Twofoldlower CH4 production rates in theScirpus system (5.6–13 mmol m-2 d-1) relative to the control (16.7–17.6 mmolm-2 d-1) were accompanied by a lower contribution ofmethanogenesis to organic carbon metabolism (20% for Scirpus vs.80% for control). Sedimentary iron(II) reservoirs were smallerin the Scirpus than control sediment (300 vs. 485 mmol.m-2) and a shuttle role for iron asan intermediate between root O2release and carbon oxidation, attenuating the availability of substrate formethanogens, is suggested. Differences in CH4 production among the Phragmites and Scirpus systemswere controlled by the interspecific variation in sediment oxidationcapacities of both plant species. Comparatively, in the Phragmites sediment,dissolved iron reservoirs were larger (340 mmol.m-2) and methanogenesis was a more importantpathway (80%). Methane transport was mainly plant mediated inthe Phragmites and Scirpus systems, but ebullition dominated in thenon-vegetated control systems as well as in the vegetated systems when plantbiomass was low.  相似文献   

Microcystin concentrations in two Dutch lakes with an important Planktothrix component were related to the dynamics of cyanobacterial genotypes and biovolumes. Genotype composition was analysed by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiling of the intergenic transcribed spacer region of the rrn operon (rRNA-ITS), and biovolumes were measured by using microscopy. In Lake Tjeukemeer, microcystins were present throughout summer (maximum concentration 30 microg l(-1)) while cyanobacterial diversity was low and very constant. The dominant phototroph was Planktothrix agardhii. In contrast, Lake Klinckenberg showed a high microcystin peak (up to 140 microg l(-1)) of short duration. In this lake, cyanobacterial diversity was higher and very dynamic with apparent genotype successions. Several genotypes derived from DGGE field profiles matched with genotypes from cultures isolated from field samples. The microcystin peak measured in Lake Klinckenberg could be confidently linked to a bloom of Planktothrix rubescens, as microscopic and genotypic analysis showed identity of bloom samples and a toxin-producing P. rubescens culture. Toxin-producing genotypes were detected in the microbial community before they reached densities at which they were detected by using microscopy. Cyanobacterial biovolumes provided additional insights in bloom dynamics. In both lakes, the microcystin content per cell was highest at the onset of the blooms. Our results suggest that while genotypic characterization of a lake can be valuable for detection of toxic organisms, for some lakes a monitoring of algal biomass has sufficient predictive value for an assessment of toxin production.  相似文献   

Multiple forces structure natural microbial communities, but the relative roles and interactions of these drivers are poorly understood. Gradients of physical and chemical parameters can be especially influential. In traditional ecological theory, variability in environmental conditions across space and time represents habitat heterogeneity, which may shape communities. Here we used aquatic microbial communities as a model to investigate the relationship between habitat heterogeneity and community composition and dynamics. We defined spatial habitat heterogeneity as vertical temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO) gradients in the water column, and temporal habitat heterogeneity as variation throughout the open-water season in these environmental parameters. Seasonal lake mixing events contribute to temporal habitat heterogeneity by destroying and re-creating these gradients. Because of this, we selected three lakes along a range of annual mixing frequency (polymictic, dimictic, meromictic) for our study. We found that bacterial community composition (BCC) was distinct between the epilimnion and hypolimnion within stratified lakes, and also more variable within the epilimnia through time. We found stark differences in patterns of epilimnion and hypolimnion dynamics over time and across lakes, suggesting that specific drivers have distinct relative importance for each community.  相似文献   

The impact of temperature on bacterial activity and community composition was investigated in arctic lakes and streams in northern Alaska. Aquatic bacterial communities incubated at different temperatures had different rates of production, as measured by 14C‐leucine uptake, indicating that populations within the communities had different temperature optima. Samples from Toolik Lake inlet and outlet were collected at water temperatures of 14.2°C and 15.9°C, respectively, and subsamples incubated at temperatures ranging from 6°C to 20°C. After 5 days, productivity rates varied from 0.5 to ~13.7 µg C l?1 day?1 and two distinct activity optima appeared at 12°C and 20°C. At these optima, activity was 2‐ to 11‐fold higher than at other incubation temperatures. The presence of two temperature optima indicates psychrophilic and psychrotolerant bacteria dominate under different conditions. Community fingerprinting via denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rRNA genes showed strong shifts in the composition of communities driven more by temperature than by differences in dissolved organic matter source; e.g. four and seven unique operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were found only at 2°C and 25°C, respectively, and not found at other incubation temperatures after 5 days. The impact of temperature on bacteria is complex, influencing both bacterial productivity and community composition. Path analysis of measurements of 24 streams and lakes sampled across a catchment 12 times in 4 years indicates variable timing and strength of correlation between temperature and bacterial production, possibly due to bacterial community differences between sites. As indicated by both field and laboratory experiments, shifts in dominant community members can occur on ecologically relevant time scales (days), and have important implications for understanding the relationship of bacterial diversity and function.  相似文献   

Microbial biotransformations have a major impact on contamination by toxic elements, which threatens public health in developing and industrial countries. Finding a means of preserving natural environments—including ground and surface waters—from arsenic constitutes a major challenge facing modern society. Although this metalloid is ubiquitous on Earth, thus far no bacterium thriving in arsenic-contaminated environments has been fully characterized. In-depth exploration of the genome of the β-proteobacterium Herminiimonas arsenicoxydans with regard to physiology, genetics, and proteomics, revealed that it possesses heretofore unsuspected mechanisms for coping with arsenic. Aside from multiple biochemical processes such as arsenic oxidation, reduction, and efflux, H. arsenicoxydans also exhibits positive chemotaxis and motility towards arsenic and metalloid scavenging by exopolysaccharides. These observations demonstrate the existence of a novel strategy to efficiently colonize arsenic-rich environments, which extends beyond oxidoreduction reactions. Such a microbial mechanism of detoxification, which is possibly exploitable for bioremediation applications of contaminated sites, may have played a crucial role in the occupation of ancient ecological niches on earth.  相似文献   

Epiphytic diatoms in two freshwater maritime Antarctic lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 An ecological study of two small maritime Antarctic lakes on Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, was undertaken from January 1986 to March 1987. Analysis of diatom counts from the lakes provided examples of oligotrophic and mesotrophic ecosystems.
  • 2 A diverse community of 104 epiphytic taxa was identified. Twenty-eight taxa had a percentage abundance greater than 1% in both lakes. Distinctive dominant taxa were identified from each lake.
  • 3 A variety of ordination techniques was performed on the abundance data and a principal components analysis demonstrated differences in the diatom assemblages between the two lakes. Clear separations of sites and species were evident between the lakes, and accounted for the greatest percentage variance.
  • 4 Species composition varied with depth within each lake and was also important in influencing changes in assemblage composition between sites.
  • 5 A redundancy analysis indicated that species composition was correlated to concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus but the total variance accounted for by the four physical and chemical factors measured was low (24%).

Bacterial dynamics in two high-arctic lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The heterotrophic planktonic bacteria in two high-arctic lakes were studied by direct microscope count and the enzymatic uptake of 14C labelled glucose which generally conformed to Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Bacterial numbers and activity in oligo-trophic Char Lake ranged from 0.1 to 2.0×10?3 bacteria/l and a maximum uptake velocity (Vmax) of 1.8 × 10?3μg glucose l? h?1. Nearby Meretta Lake received waste water from the Department of Transport Base at Resolute and this eutrophication was reflected in higher bacterial numbers of 2-80 × 108/1 and Kmax of 0.1 × 10?1-7.5 × 10?1 fig glucose l?1 h?1 The Kmax per cell in Char Lake was 3 × 10?11μg glucose l?1 h?1 and changed little between the period of solid ice cover in May and ice-free conditions in August. Bacterial cycles could not be related to phytoplankton cycles in either lake. Comparison of kinetic data from several lakes suggests a relationship between the bacterial uptake rate of glucose and phytoplankton production. Both bacterial numbers and activity in Char Lake may be very close to the minima to be expected in undisturbed freshwater environments.  相似文献   

Shigella and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) are among the top four enteric pathogens that cause diarrheal illness in young children in developing countries and are major etiologic agents of travellers' diarrhoea. A single vaccine that could target both of these pathogens would have significant public health impact. In this review, we highlight the many pivotal contributions of Phillippe Sansonetti to the identification of molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis of Shigella that paved the way for the development of rationally designed, novel vaccines candidates. The CVD developed a series of live attenuated Shigella vaccine strains based on the most prevalent serotypes associated with disease. Shigella vaccine strains were engineered to express critical ETEC antigens to form a broadly protective Shigella‐ETEC multivalent vaccine.  相似文献   

Factors controlling bacterial production in marine and freshwater sediments   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
We collected benthic bacterial production data measured by 3H thymidine incorporation (TTI) (25 studies), frequency of dividing cells (FDC) (3 studies), dark-C02 assimilation (1 study) and 3H-adenine uptake (2 studies) from the literature, which included 18 marine, 6 river, and 2 lake studies. In all of the studies that used the TTI method, 3H-DNA was isolated and incubations were carried out at in situ temperatures. Most of the researchers also determined 3H-DNA extraction efficiencies and isotope dilution, thus interpretable estimates of bacterial production were used in the analysis. In marine sediments, bacterial production rates were linked to bacterial biomass, bacterial abundance, sediment organic matter, temperature, and sediment chlorophyll a, with these variables explaining between 40% and 68% of the variation in production rates. Simple relationships between production and bacterial biomass or bacterial abundance, or between production and sediment organic matter, were improved by also including temperature in the analysis of marine sediments. Sediment organic matter explained an appreciable fraction (58%) of the observed production in freshwater sediments. Temperature was the most powerful predictor of the observed variability in specific growth rates (r 2 = 0.48 and r 2 = 0.58) in marine and freshwater sediments, respectively. Thus, bacterial production and specific growth rates are most closely linked to substrate supply and temperature in marine and freshwater sediments. Offprint requests to: B. C. Sander.  相似文献   

To explore whether trophic status is involved in identifying the denitrifier communities in shallow freshwater lakes, comparative studies regarding the variation of nirS-denitrifier communities were performed in water columns of six shallow freshwater lakes, ranging from mesotrophic to hypereutrophic status, in Jiangsu province of China. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and cloning, followed by sequence analysis of selected samples were performed to examine the nirS-denitrifier communities. Results showed that a same predominant nirS unique operational taxonomic unit (OTU) appeared in mesotrophic, light eutrophic and middle eutrophic lakes, while a different nirS OTU appeared in the hypereutrophic lake. The nirS dendrogram could be divided into four clusters, and suggested a habitat-specific observation. The nirS libraries from lakes having mesotrophic and light eutrophic statuses grouped together, while those from lakes having middle eutrophic and hypereutrophic statuses diverged. The hypereutrophic lake had the lowest richness and evenness of nirS. Thus, the observed variation of nirS distribution and diversity was mainly affected by the trophic status, via some environmental factors such as pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrite, nitrate and chlorophyll-a concentrations.  相似文献   

应用DGGE法对青海相邻两盐湖中细菌多样性的快速检测   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
分别对青海相邻两盐湖柯柯盐湖、茶卡盐湖土样、泥样进行富集培养后,从中提取的DNA用两套不同的细菌通用引物进行扩增,分别得到包含V8和V9高变区的16SrDNA片断。经变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)分析,结果显示这两个盐湖富集样品中细菌多样性具有较大的差异,而且同一盐湖不同性质样品中的细菌多样性差异也较大,两湖的泥样富集样品中均表现出了稍丰富的多样性。  相似文献   

Long distance atmospheric transport of bacterial cells is often implied as a driver of the apparent cosmopolitan distribution of bacterial taxa. Surprisingly, efforts to measure immigration in bacterial communities are rare. An 8-week time series of within-lake bacterial community composition and atmospheric deposition rates and composition were used to estimate the influence of immigration on bacterial community dynamics in two north temperate lakes. Characterization of bacterial community dynamics using automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis suggested moderate overlap in composition between the lakes and atmospherically deposited cells. However, taxa that appeared to be delivered by atmospheric deposition had a relatively minor influence on lake bacterial community dynamics. The weak influence of immigrating bacterial taxa suggests that a species-sorting concept best describes aquatic bacterial metacommunity dynamics.  相似文献   

Both Bacteria and Archaea might be involved in various biogeochemical processes in lacustrine sediment ecosystems. However, the factors governing the intra-lake distribution of sediment bacterial and archaeal communities in various freshwater lakes remain unclear. The present study investigated the sediment bacterial and archaeal communities in 13 freshwater lakes on the Yunnan Plateau. Quantitative PCR assay showed a large variation in bacterial and archaeal abundances. Illumina MiSeq sequencing illustrated high bacterial and archaeal diversities. Bacterial abundance was regulated by sediment total organic carbon and total nitrogen, and water depth, while nitrate nitrogen was an important determinant of bacterial diversity. Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chlorobi, Chloroflexi, Cyanobacteria, Firmicutes, Gemmatimonadetes, Nitrospirae, Planctomycetes, and Verrucomicrobia were the major components of sediment bacterial communities. Proteobacteria was the largest phylum, but its major classes and their proportions varied greatly among different lakes, affected by sediment nitrate nitrogen. In addition, both Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota were important members in sediment archaeal communities, while unclassified Archaea usually showed the dominance.  相似文献   

Koivo  L.  Oravainen  R. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):155-160
The distribution of zinc in Lake Vanajavesi and Lake Mallasvesi, South Finland, was determined on the basis of water and sediment studies. Lake Vanajavesi is one of the most polluted of large inland lakes, in Finland. The zinc load comes mainly from industrial sources. Lake Mallasvesi, situated near Vanajavesi, is in almost natural condition. The water samples were taken by a Ruttner sampler. In collecting sediment samples, a freezing technique was used. The results of zinc analyses indicate that, during several winters, zinc has spread with waste water to different parts of L. Vanaja against the main course of flow. A close correlation between sedimentation of zinc and waste discharge from a textile factory was found in the present study.  相似文献   

Jason D. Stockwell  Jonathan P. Doubek  Rita Adrian  Orlane Anneville  Cayelan C. Carey  Laurence Carvalho  Lisette N. De Senerpont Domis  Gaël Dur  Marieke A. Frassl  Hans‐Peter Grossart  Bas W. Ibelings  Marc J. Lajeunesse  Aleksandra M. Lewandowska  María E. Llames  Shin‐Ichiro S. Matsuzaki  Emily R. Nodine  Peeter Nges  Vijay P. Patil  Francesco Pomati  Karsten Rinke  Lars G. Rudstam  James A. Rusak  Nico Salmaso  Christian T. Seltmann  Dietmar Straile  Stephen J. Thackeray  Wim Thiery  Pablo Urrutia‐Cordero  Patrick Venail  Piet Verburg  R. Iestyn Woolway  Tamar Zohary  Mikkel R. Andersen  Ruchi Bhattacharya  Josef Hejzlar  Nasime Janatian  Alfred T. N. K. Kpodonu  Tanner J. Williamson  Harriet L. Wilson 《Global Change Biology》2020,26(5):2756-2784
In many regions across the globe, extreme weather events such as storms have increased in frequency, intensity, and duration due to climate change. Ecological theory predicts that such extreme events should have large impacts on ecosystem structure and function. High winds and precipitation associated with storms can affect lakes via short‐term runoff events from watersheds and physical mixing of the water column. In addition, lakes connected to rivers and streams will also experience flushing due to high flow rates. Although we have a well‐developed understanding of how wind and precipitation events can alter lake physical processes and some aspects of biogeochemical cycling, our mechanistic understanding of the emergent responses of phytoplankton communities is poor. Here we provide a comprehensive synthesis that identifies how storms interact with lake and watershed attributes and their antecedent conditions to generate changes in lake physical and chemical environments. Such changes can restructure phytoplankton communities and their dynamics, as well as result in altered ecological function (e.g., carbon, nutrient and energy cycling) in the short‐ and long‐term. We summarize the current understanding of storm‐induced phytoplankton dynamics, identify knowledge gaps with a systematic review of the literature, and suggest future research directions across a gradient of lake types and environmental conditions.  相似文献   



Plants and their heterotrophic bacterial biofilm communities possibly strongly interact, especially in aquatic systems. We aimed to ascertain whether different macrophytes or their habitats determine bacterial community composition. We compared the composition of epiphytic bacteria on two common aquatic macrophytes, the macroalga Chara aspera Willd. and the angiosperm Myriophyllum spicatum L., in two habitats, freshwater (Lake Constance) and brackish water (Schaproder Bodden), using fluorescence in situ hybridization. The bacterial community composition was analysed based on habitat, plant species, and plant part.  相似文献   

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